Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1843 Tears of the Times 1 (Part 2)

"Sir, if you want to renege on your debt, you're welcome."

The owner of the tavern said, and several clerks came over. The men who were preparing to check out and leave suddenly became angry.

"If you want to default on your debt, why don't you keep the accounts first? We don't have enough cash."

The boss was also a little helpless, because the Internet was indeed blocked, and a few men only had less than 100 yuan in cash. They spent 300 yuan here, and the boss was also in trouble.

"Sir, if the Internet is not available, the phone can be connected. If there are friends nearby, ask them to help, or you can always withdraw some cash from a nearby automatic teller machine."

"Just wait a moment."

The man who invited his friends to dinner ran out and soon saw a Hillman Financial self-service teller machine on the roadside. Soon the man entered his identity information on the panel, but the next second the man was dumbfounded. The system prompted This information does not exist.

In an instant, the man tried again, and at this time, several men with eager faces came over the street. They all wanted to withdraw money, but soon after everyone tried, they found that their identity information did not exist.

Either enter or identify, and you can withdraw money immediately as long as your identity information is verified.

But now it is difficult to withdraw the money. Many people have called directly to report the crime, but Section 5 told them to wait until tomorrow morning and go directly to the company to have a look. Because of the network fluctuations in the city, there may be some system errors.

"What on earth is going on?"

A woman roared on the street. Her AI network has not been connected since last night. The AI ​​network is obviously an independent network and a higher-quality encrypted network, but now the AI ​​network is still not connected.

You can see people withdrawing money at automatic teller machines everywhere on the street, but at this time someone took out money at the ATM in Section 7. The news spread quickly. It turned out to be the network of Hillman Financial. There was a problem, but the cash machine in Section 7 was completely fine.

People everywhere are calling friends and relatives for help. More and more people are unable to check out, and some stores can only wait patiently. For some regular customers, the store owners are reasonable and let them go back to rest first.

In a young man's house, a man took some cash from the boss's hand with a smile.

"Thank you boss, I want to go have some fun."

"Just don't be tired."

The man walked out of the store, and there was a woman waiting outside who was dressed up in a very sexy way.

"Boss, are you ready?"

The man nodded, hugged the woman and ran towards the hotel opposite. He handed the 100 yuan directly to the woman, who happily stuffed the money into her purse.

Gradually, more and more people were walking on the street. Some of the Aoyue revelers went to the ATM in Section 7 to withdraw money directly. Many people wanted to have a bowl of hot breakfast.

But tonight is a little strange, because the Internet is not open yet, and no one knows what is going on.

At this time, in the Hillman Financial Building on the middle floor, a large number of administrative departments had already moved in. At the door of a vault underground, there was a violent explosion, but the door did not move at all. In desperation, many staff just Be able to hold the cutting utensil and start cutting the door.

Jin Mn and Vivian looked at the treasury door solemnly, both of them praying that there would be neat banknotes placed behind the treasury door.

Only Eddie has the authority to open the door of this vault. On weekdays, only a little money is left in the Hillman Financial ATM each month, and the money of other users is stored in it.

"Be careful."

A director shouted, and gradually the door of the treasury was cut open. The door was very thick, with a thickness of 1 meter. Under the high-temperature cutting laser, a place large enough to accommodate people was cut open. , a director directly used telekinesis to move out the huge evil metal block. However, the next second, everyone looked at the vault door in horror. It was empty, with nothing left.

Jin Mian and Vivian ran in first. There should have been a huge amount of banknotes in the entire underground vault, but these banknotes were missing.

Each room was empty, with only some banknotes scattered on the ground. There was no clear record of the whereabouts of the banknotes in the criminal record. A large number of Section 7 personnel began to check with detection equipment. Sure enough, a few hours ago, there were moves. There are traces of transportation, and it is not manual transportation, but mechanical transportation.

Soon, moving equipment hidden under the metal floor was found in the vault, and an underground passage was found in a room.

"You bastard! You won't let us live in peace even if you die?"

Jin Mian looked angrily at the scorched black things below. They were burned banknotes. Such a large amount of banknotes were burned, and they were connected to the sewage treatment outlet. In other words, most of the money in the city was deposited in Hillman. Financial money was burned.

Soon, with the help of the technicians from Section 10, we found the surveillance video. At exactly 11:59, these banknotes were pushed into the channel in large quantities and burned directly. All the banknotes were burned at Hillman. All the information in the financial database has been deleted and cannot be restored, and no backup can be found.

Some underground Hillman Financial servers were also damaged to varying degrees due to overloaded sudden work and self-destruction bombs that had been installed without any warning. At the moment of Eddie's death, Prometheus deleted everything.

Vivian looked at the empty vault in front of her with a heavy expression. With such a large amount of banknotes, even if Congress wants to print them out, it will take many days. The most important thing is that everyone's information has been deleted. The stock market will start at dawn. Crash, it would all be over, and nearly half of the people in the city who had deposited money into Hillman Financial would have their money wiped out.

Although Section 6 gets information records from Hillman Financial every month, even some of the information within Section 6 has been destroyed, and some handwritten records about Hillman Finance have been directly placed in Section 6. Hillman family members replaced.

All this is fatal to the city.

No one knows what to do. They can only wait and see the reaction of the citizens, and then find ways to appease the citizens as much as possible and eliminate all this crisis.

Now everyone knows why no matter how hard they try, there are still a lot of problems. All of this is the Hillman family's plan to constantly create some problems for them, disrupt the normal operation of the entire city, and then hope The Mann family profited from the end of the already designed line.

"We didn't even have time to say goodbye to the president. What on earth is this thing like!"

Jin Mian was still holding the phone, and had already asked several directors from Section 7 to print banknotes. This was the only way at present to directly distribute the relief funds.

However, there are various issues such as the criteria for disbursing relief funds, which classes should be distributed, and what should those business operators do. Some of them have invested all their savings in Hillman Financial. Even if you look at their past financial statements, , it would also take a lot of time to calculate how much money they have deposited.

"Don't think about anything, Vivian!"

Jin Mn said and looked at Vivian.

"The president is no longer here. We can no longer rely on him in the future. We must achieve everything we envisioned in the past."

5:38 am


A man was hanging in the air, his hands were tied, his mouth was full of blood, he was smiling slightly maniacally, and his words were a little garbled.

"I don't know what you are talking about, Master Keying!"

The surrounding directors were still looking for data, but all in vain. The handwritten documents that Vic was responsible for were taken out one by one. Many of them had been tampered with, but the specific tampering was Where, no one knows, because the data in the virtual database has also been tampered with by this man.

"Do not you know?"

Keying angrily grabbed Vic's hair and punched him in the face again. Vic whimpered and blood continued to flow from his nose and mouth.

"Zhuo Yue, have you been found?"

Keying asked, and Zhuo Yue, the secretary of Section 6, shook his head.

"I don't know what crime I committed, Keying."

bang bang

Keying angrily slapped Vic several times, and several of Vic's teeth were knocked out.

"Your master, Eddie Hillman, is dead. All the members of the Hillman family are dead. Only you, a bastard, is left."

Keying punched her emotionally, but was immediately pulled away by Zhuo Yue and several other council officers.

"Alpha ruined his life for you scum, for you bastards, for you, you"

Big tears fell on the desk. At this time, Vic seemed to have accepted his fate. A video of him secretly changing records and a video of his contact with the ghost face of the Hillman family were enough to explain everything. Vic Shrugging his head.

"I didn't do it voluntarily. There was a bomb installed in my head. Master Keying, I didn't do it voluntarily."

Vic roared.

Keying angrily rushed over again, but was still tightly held by Zhuo Yue.

"Even if you kill him now, it won't help, Keying."

Zhuoyue said, Keying looked at Vic.

"You have countless opportunities. As long as you go to a place where the Internet cannot be connected and there is no surveillance, you can tell everything, you bastard."

Vic shook his head and gradually laughed.

"This is just your drama, it's impossible for our Hillman family."

One of the trustees directly opened a light and shadow screen, which was full of broken limbs. In the Hillman family's manor, Vic's eyes widened.

"How is it possible, how is it possible?"

Vic struggled excitedly.

"I advise you to tell me what you know about the operation. What data did you tamper with? If you don't want to tell me, just go to 2 Core and spend a long life until you are willing to tell it!"

At the same time, inside Hillman Grain Industry, the outside was surrounded by people from Section 3, and several directors from Section 3 were discussing how to attack the enemy.

Many mutated people with guns and ammunition lurking and armed are ready. However, the remaining bodyguards of the Hillman family below seem to be still preparing for this resistance. They have checked a large number of rooms on the upper floors and found a large number of hope. Mann family lab, and a lot of stuff on criminal records.

Everyone is angry, waiting for the directors to designate a strategic call, and then directly attack the underground facility of the Hillman family. The structure of this underground facility is somewhat complicated, and according to some descriptions in the criminal record, there are... There are a large number of defensive weapons, and King Xue is also present. He has already put on protective equipment and will soon invade with the mutated people from Section 3.

All this is to rescue Billy as soon as possible, and everyone is still waiting for someone to come back. As long as Ling Hong is used as the assault point, their actions will be much easier.

5:49 am

A helicopter landed on the eastern guard station, and Ling Hong was already waiting. At this time, Ling Hong's expression was shocked, because she never imagined that such a major problem would occur in the city overnight.

The most critical issue was Alpha's problem. Ling Hong quickly entered the landing gear. She immediately received an order report, and now she needed to go to Hillman Grain Industry to lead the offensive.

Ling Hong pressed her head tiredly, having already waited here for 20 minutes, she roughly knew what happened last night.

"Why are you so stupid, Alpha? Why!"

Ling Hong pressed her forehead, lit a cigarette, and the helicopter began to take off.

Flying rapidly into the distance, Ling Hong opened the light and shadow panel and looked at it carefully. However, one shocking thing after another happened just last night.


Ling Hong recalled that time she accidentally saw Niya on the street. Niya brought a group of people and wanted Ling Hong to teach them, but Ling Hong refused.

“It would be nice if I could spend some time teaching those guys.”

Everything started with the kidnapping case, and now the matter has become a foregone conclusion. Ling Hong changed the destination of the flight.

"Sorry, give me half an hour. I want to see Alpha first."

Ling Hong held up the phone, and Zi Juan was on the other side of the phone.

"I understand, I only give you half an hour."

"Is Osman okay?"

Ling Hong asked.

Zijuan hummed, her voice sounding a little dull. Ling Hong knew very well that Osman's current situation must be very bad.

"It's okay, it will get better."

Ling Hong comforted her.

"I can't change anything even if I'm there!"

Ling Hong said, Zijuan hung up the phone, Ling Hong smiled bitterly, and what happened to Jill was what surprised Ling Hong the most, but it had already happened, and Alpha helped Jill take revenge.

Ling Hong closed her eyes silently. Recently, she had finally made up her mind to lead the special inspection team in the barrier area, but now such a serious problem has occurred in the city.

Looking at the city below, the lights have been extinguished in many places, and it will be dawn soon. However, when the artificial sun rises, everything may change drastically.

Ling Hong was very unwilling and was not at the scene last night. Although she knew that Zi could not change anything at the scene, maybe Osman would not be so seriously injured. Ling Hong had already heard a classmate from Section 3 say, Osman's condition is very dangerous. His internal organs have been extremely severely damaged. Even if he recovers in the future, he may need to rely on drugs to maintain his life.

Ling Hong clenched her fists. She didn't know why Alpha would hit him so hard. Sad and angry thoughts were intertwined in Ling Hong's head. Ling Hong pressed her forehead. At this time, a huge one appeared on the horizon. Fireball, Ling Hong's lift has already leapt to the upper level and will soon arrive at Angus' house.

6 o'clock

The city began to be covered in red light. On the horizon, a huge fireball visible to the naked eye was condensing and burning. Gradually, the fireball began to grow larger and larger, and the light began to extend from the east towards the center of the city. , opened a little bit, the first morning of 2226 came.

Latis walked slowly to the door. At this time, a helicopter had stopped at the door. Alpha would be transferred directly to the prison. Latis walked in, and Jean was using telekinesis. The hospital bed is lifted together.

Slowly moving out, Latis looked at Alpha with a sad expression, and Jean nodded.

"It's okay. I hope you will keep a good eye on her from now on. If there is anything unusual, please contact me as soon as possible and I will arrive as soon as possible."

Latis nodded and watched as Jean moved Latis to the landing gear and closed his eyes. Huashen also followed. The Angus couple standing at the door cried and watched the hatch close little by little. , the helicopter slowly flew up.

Everything was over. In everyone's eyes, Latis took out a cigarette and looked at her empty right arm. A smile appeared on her lips. She didn't blame Alpha, and she wouldn't in the future.

Gene faced the sun and drove the helicopter slowly. He wanted to go slower, slower still, at least so that Alpha could bathe in the sunshine for a while longer.

Huashen sat next to Alpha. He was still praying in his heart that there would be no changes after Alpha woke up. Although the hope was slim, if Alpha woke up and there were changes, Jean would directly take her. Being brought to the barrier area instantly will keep you away from the city. In this case, even if Alpha goes berserk again, there may be a way to solve it, but it will be impossible like this time.

6:09 am

Many people were lining up anxiously on the street, and many people with deposit accounts in Section 7 were waiting to withdraw money, because Hillman's mobile payment no longer works, and Hillman Financial had a big problem.

Many people have begun to complain because the network is still not open. Some people directly called the Xingxing Department to ask about the network situation, but the reply given by the Xingxing Department was always the same. The network was faulty and was being repaired. upgrade.

Locke looked at the situation on the streets of the city, still waiting for the investigation and deployment of the various departments of the General Affairs Department, because once the network is opened, the General Affairs Department will start to issue a statement, and this statement can only be based on the real situation Explain that most of the facts about the Hillman family's crimes have been uploaded to the congressional network. Those are crimes for which evidence has been found. They have been uploaded and will be announced after Locke delivers a televised speech.

Locke has thought very clearly. After announcing the truth this time, no matter what happens, he will stabilize everything. Now there is no way out in Congress. Members of the eight major factions have gathered and are meeting in the General Affairs Section. Everyone is We want to stabilize the mood of the urban people as soon as the truth is announced and there is an impact.

It is not easy to do all this. The city can reach this point. It is a miracle that the city has not collapsed due to such a meticulous criminal plan of the Hillman family.

"What's wrong, are you uneasy?"

Yu Wanrou looked at Locke Jiahui and asked, Locke shook his head.

"It's not uneasiness, it's just a feeling that I can't put into words."

Yu Wanrou hummed, walked over, gently hugged her husband's shoulders, and leaned her forehead gently against him.

"It's okay. You can do it. There have been countless problems in the city before, and each time they were more serious. It's just that this time the problem is a bit more special. It's okay."

Locke nodded. He understood what his wife was saying. Then Locke stood up. A large number of media reporters had come to the General Affairs Department. An hour ago, the reporters had received a notice of the televised speech. Almost all reporters in the city were coming.

Soon Locke came to the lobby of the General Affairs Department, where all the people in the General Affairs Department were waiting.

"Today, major changes will occur in the city. I just hope that everyone here will work hard to help the city survive this crisis."

The staff began to disperse. Only the director and the secretary in the general affairs department knew what happened. Most of the staff did not know yet. They only knew that some major changes seemed to be happening in the city today.

More and more reporters came to the square of the General Affairs Section. Locke stared at the reporters quietly, and soon the reporters gathered.

"I called everyone here today to announce something very important. A very serious incident occurred in the city last night, and we will announce it today."

Some reporters asked questions, and Locke shook his head with a smile.

"The announcement will begin at 9 o'clock. Now please enter the canteen of the General Affairs Department. We have prepared a sumptuous breakfast for you!"

The reporters no longer asked any questions and entered the hall and cafeteria of the General Affairs Department. Locke glanced at the sun in the distance and exhaled a long breath.

6:13 am

A helicopter landed on the lawn of the Angus family. Ling Hong ran out in a panic, but did not see Afa. She looked blankly at the Angus couple sitting at the door and the people standing there. On the lawn, Latis with an empty arm.


Ling Hong looked at her blankly.

"Alpha is gone."

Ling Hong hummed and sat on the lawn.

"I'm late, sorry!"

Ling Hong said and looked at Latis' arm.

"It's okay, it's just an arm. We all owe Alpha a lot."

Ling Hong nodded, and she also understood that if Alpha had not adhered to the rules according to the things he believed in in the past, the city would have fallen to the bottom under the Hillman family's plan.

"Even if the truth is announced today, nothing will happen, because everything Alpha has done has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people!"

The two looked at the sun in the eastern sky and fell into deep thought.

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