Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1845 Tears of the Times 2 (Part 2)

"Please stay away immediately!"

A team of reporters from a media company stared blankly at the 3rd Section members who were surrounded by guns and ammunition. The female reporter in the lead almost cried. They approached from the north where some trees were planted near the family area. At the end of First Avenue, First Avenue seems to be packed with people.

But the next second, a large number of members of Section 3 appeared. Everyone in the reporter team was shocked, because the family area is currently blocked, and many roads that can enter the family area have been blocked. According to the Co's statement is that there is currently a suspected sabotage operation targeting the family, and the danger is being gradually investigated.

Soon these reporters were taken over and searched one by one, and then escorted away by people from Section 3. As soon as they arrived on the street, several reporters were handcuffed and taken directly to the security management vehicle of Section 5. The charge is to violate the Public Security Management Law and illegally enter a closed area.

Su Li glanced at the time. It was just 8:03. She got up after only three hours of sleep. Just after breakfast, Su Li and the bodyguards came to First Avenue. Many family members were also watching at this time. Looking at the Hillman Manor, where there is no chance to see any complete building, there are a large number of people in the field who are conducting a comprehensive investigation of the Hillman family, especially those underground facilities.

On a complete lawn, the mutilated corpses of the Hillman family members are being processed. In some corpses, the mechanical parts of the body can be seen. From bottom to top, many people in the Hillman family have accepted it. Mechanical modifications.

One heinous crime after another was exposed to the sun. Everyone was waiting for the 9 o'clock TV speech. This was extremely important for the entire city. Su Li looked at the news and saw the news in many places. The news is disturbing.

Some people have realized that there is a big problem with the Hillman family, because today was originally a very important day for the Hillman family, and it was also the day when the Hillman family officially ascended to the top of Brilliant City, but Hillman The Mann family did not wait for this day.

There was a disgusting smell of blood in the air, and uneasiness had begun to spread throughout the city. Su Li walked next to Chen Qiao.

"What do you see in your eyes!"

Chen Qiaomu shook his head.

"Nothing at all!"

The patriarchs of several major families are here. Everyone just wants to wait for more things to be announced. There are a lot of things that can be seen at the scene.

The impact of the Angus collapse will come soon and will have a very large impact on all walks of life. For some people, it will even be catastrophic.

Now most of the family members already know that the Angus family has cleared all past data and burned a large amount of Angus Financial banknotes.

There has been chaos on the Golden Street. Some of the businessmen who were waiting to settle with Angus Financial today could no longer sit still and began to make a fuss. They were asking for an explanation at the gate of the headquarters of Section 7. However, Section 7 has not issued any statement yet. remarks.

Su Li walked leisurely to the cordon in the center of the street, and quietly looked at the corpses being thrown into the incinerator. The billowing smoke kept rising. For such a huge family to decline in an instant, Most of the family patriarchs felt sad in their hearts at this time, and since they had surrendered their immunity last night, fear and worry had begun to spread.

"It's about to begin!"

Su Li muttered and looked at the horizon in the distance, where a helicopter was passing by.


A large number of shouts of protest rang out, and clanking sounds continued.

"Please be quiet."

A regional officer from Section 11 shouted, while the prisoners were still banging on the iron gate, booing and protesting.

At 6 o'clock this morning, some prisoners who were originally going to be granted parole leave were asked to return to their cells after breakfast. Many prisoners were already dissatisfied.

After most of the prisoners had breakfast, they were asked to return to their cells. According to the explanation from Section 11, there was an infectious disease outbreak in the city, so the prisoners were allowed to stay in the prison temporarily, but most of the prisoners were very I was confused because some relatives and friends of the prisoners came to visit a few days ago, but they never mentioned anything about infectious diseases.

The prisoners all knew that the people in Section 11 were lying, and many prisoners were still banging. The same was true in prisons No. 3 and 4, where most of the serious prisoners were held. All prisoners were asked to return to their cells. Some wanted to The prisoners enjoying the sunshine were extremely dissatisfied, but some prisoners were happy because they did not need to work in the newly built prison tower.

Most of the prisoners discovered that the people in charge today were armed and asked the prisoners to stay in their cells and not to make any noise, but now the situation is out of control.

In a network control room located in the middle section of Prison No. 1, more than 50 network technicians from Section 10 were moving on some light and shadow screens with solemn faces.

The identification signal of the collar worn by the prisoner has been tampered with. This is premeditated tampering. Moreover, the system in Section 10 Prison has been destroyed, and many devices are out of control. If you want to restore it, you have to re-program it, and you have to re-program it. It is necessary to be able to correspond to the tampered instruction codes in these systems, and these tampered abnormal instruction codes have a very large amount of information and are extremely complex. Even using AI to calculate and crack them is a protracted task.

The most critical thing is that the source code that tampered with these system data cannot be cracked. No one knows when it started. The AI ​​of the Hillman family has tampered with a lot of things and cannot be recovered at all. If you want the entire prison to be affected Partial recovery of network control is almost impossible. Now we either need to replace the electronic components in the equipment that have been tampered with, or we must quickly find a way to restore the signal identification code built into the prisoners' collars.

Song Man looked at the technicians in Section 10 with a heavy expression. Several classmates were already two years old at this time. More than 8,000 people from Section 11 had all entered the prison. In Prisons No. 3 and 4, Song Man had already More than 6,000 section staff assistants have been assigned, and many section staff are still waiting for Section 3 to send weapons.

Many weapons can only be produced temporarily. Some family factories have obtained weapons production authorization at 3 a.m., and a steady stream of weapons are manufactured and then delivered to members of the various branches.

Most weapons use Mimic Material

At present, the prisoners do not know that the collars around their necks have failed, and the officers cannot recognize the signals to trigger the mechanisms in the collars, shock them with electric current, or directly kill them.

After searching the entire prison, we found a lot of metal signal transmitters, which were hidden in some extremely secret places. The number was very large.

According to what Noah said, the Hillman family's AI is more advanced than the city's AI, so it can do a lot of things.

The situation in the entire city was not stable, and the situation had reached an extremely bad moment. Song Man scratched her head irritably. As a witness to the prison riots in the past, she knew very well that if there was a riot in the prison, with the current number of people, it would be It is simply difficult to suppress the riot.

Now that most of the troops from the Business Division have been deployed throughout the city, the subsequent chain reaction of what Alpha did will soon come.

There are currently 13,958 mutants in prison, a total of more than 50,000 prisoners, of which 60% are light criminals and 40% are serious criminals.

The cruelty in prisons over the years is unimaginable to people in the outside world, and once the prisoners break out, things will be difficult to deal with.

"Are you looking for death?"

In the No. 4 Severe Offender Prison, in a crowded cell with 20 people, a man held a collar with only one hand. Others advised him not to be impulsive. Some prisoners had already guessed that there might be a problem with the collar system. This man Swallowing, he wanted to try to see if he could take off the collar, but everyone else was watching. The man's forehead was covered with sweat, and he finally gave up.

At this time, several people in the room winked at each other and looked at Quasimodo, who was sitting cross-legged like a hill by the iron window. This was the only place where he could enjoy the sunshine and where Quasimodo slept. place.

The vacated Quasimodo's bed became a place for prisoners in this cell to place personal belongings or have fun. No one dared to mess with this monster because everyone had heard about it. , and I have also seen the power of this monster. With just one finger, this monster can destroy everything.

The people in Section 11 also tried their best to warn some prisoners not to mess with Quasimodo. Quasimodo was also the most special existence in the heavy-duty prison. He never talked to others and just stayed alone quietly.

"Quasimodo, why don't you give it a try!"

One prisoner said cautiously, but everyone stopped looking at him after seeing Quasimodo open his eyes.

The attitude of Section 11 this morning made many prisoners suspicious, because when many Section 11 officers asked the prisoners to return to their cells, they showed some fear in their demeanor, especially when dealing with serious prisoners. Attitudes are full of threats.

Located in the heavy prison prison, a criminal wearing glasses smiled slightly. He put his hands on the window and looked at the prisoners in the room who were still discussing the issue of collars. He couldn't help laughing. This matter is already obvious, but no one dares to try. The man was imprisoned for serious robbery planning crimes in the past. He is a highly intelligent criminal and has successfully planned many robberies and kidnappings.

It's just that the horse made a mistake. The man ended up leaving evidence due to a slight negligence and was eventually arrested.

The man knew very well that the collar around his neck no longer posed any threat, but he did not want to reveal it for the time being, because if chaos broke out in the prison, the situation would only get worse. Men are very rational.

After all, if a big riot really breaks out, the administrative department will definitely not show mercy. The man doesn't want to die. He will be released from prison in more than ten years.

Prisoners who have such thoughts are not only this man with a high IQ who committed crimes, but there are also many people who have understood it and are waiting silently, and even some more powerful mutants.

A large number of prisoners were still knocking on the iron door and throwing things outside. However, there were no people from Section 11 in the corridor at this time. They could only shout at intervals to calm the prisoners down.

At this time, in the management room on one floor, 30 officers responsible for the management of prisoners on this floor were checking the weapons in their hands. The only place where the prison can go down is the elevator and an emergency escape staircase, which is in the management room. Next to them, they were ordered to shoot the prisoners directly if they dared to come out.

"Boss, how about we suggest to our superiors that we withdraw outside the prison?"

Immediately the team leader of this department laughed.

"It may not be useful to retreat outside. If a large number of prisoners gather together, the situation will be very bad."

Most of the staff in the department were surrounded by an unusually solemn atmosphere. Many people even wanted to leave, but if they did not follow the order, they would be fired directly. Section Chief Latis had already issued a death order.

In a single cell near the top of Petty Offender No. 1, Hydera was sitting in front of the table, reading a book with a leisurely and natural expression. There was a cup of fragrant coffee in front of him. He took a sip from the cup and closed the book with a smile.

"Just one point is enough!"

Hydera looked at the collar next to the table that had been removed by himself. There was already a very obvious dent on his neck due to wearing the collar all the time. He looked at the surveillance camera. It was certain that all the people in the prison were now. The system failed.

"This era is ending!"

Hydra said, looking at the golden fields outside. People could still be seen working in the distance, but the prisoners could only stay in the prison.

Although Hydera didn't know what big problem was going on, it was certain that something big had happened in the city.

8:23 am

"Please don't come any closer or we're going to open fire."

A serious shout came from the loudspeaker equipment. On the bridge outside the eastern guard station, many criminals in the barrier area were getting closer and closer to the gate.

"We were waiting here last night. When will the food be distributed?"

Many criminals started shouting. Most of the criminals came last night and were waiting for Section 3 to distribute food. However, this year’s festival is not like the past. Not only will free materials be distributed, but there will also be a free meal. Eat, including some medications.

Many people have been hungry for several days. Many people can no longer hold on and want the business department to distribute food quickly.

However, at this time, there are only less than 1,000 military assistants in the eastern guard station. All areas of the city are in emergency, and there is simply no one to distribute food to the people in these barrier areas. And the most critical thing is that the guard station last night The system crashed, and people in Section 10 are still trying to figure out how to solve the problem.

Some large-scale defensive heavy firepower weapons cannot be used directly. Most soldiers have been equipped with heavy firepower weapons and are on standby in the combat readiness room that can accurately hit bridges.

There were more than 10,000 people outside the Eastern Guard Station, and most of them stared angrily at the Eastern Guard Station opposite in the sunshine.

At a place 3 kilometers away from the Eastern Guard Station, a large number of assembled vehicles were parked here. More than 2,000 criminals were holding weapons and ammunition, and Agata stood on top of the vehicles.

"Success or failure depends on this. What do we need? Once smoke appears in the city, it will be the signal for our attack. Everyone, please rest, do you hear me clearly!"

For a while, many people raised their weapons and cheered. Agata stared at the Eastern Guard Station with cold eyes. She smiled maniacally. She didn't want to live in the city or occupy anything. They just wanted to enter and rob. It's just something. While the city is in chaos, no matter what you do, the most important thing is that behind that bridge, those people living in the sun are their enemies.

Today, the business department suddenly did not distribute supplies. A large number of takeoffs and landings continued to take off from the guard station. Agata had already felt that there was obviously a big problem in the city. Looking at the closed door of the eastern guard station, Agata I feel like the time has come.

"We have only one purpose, to destroy and kill, so that the vested interests in the city can take a good look at the anger of us bugs living in the barrier area, hahahaha!"

Although some of the subordinates still felt scared, most of them were in high spirits because they only went in once and then came out.

For the city in front of her, Agata had nothing but hatred in her heart. She was already desperate, even before she committed the crime.


With a loud noise, the glass of a restaurant was smashed, and a menacing mutant stared at the owner and some people in the restaurant.

"I worked so hard to transport things to you, and you have to pay."

"Sir, please understand, I have refunded these goods, but the network was not working before. We were busy refunding meal orders with customers and forgot."

The boss said, took out 10 yuan from his pocket and walked over.

This mountain worker looked angrily at his boss, with a whole box of goods next to him.

Several people from the business department came over immediately. The mutant took the 10 yuan from the boss angrily and left without looking back. The goods were placed directly on the spot, and the boss looked on with misery.

A lot of things have happened on the streets. Most people are angry at this time. Except for mobile phone calls, the network has been completely disconnected. Congress has not issued any statement yet. The most important thing is that now in the streets and alleys, you can see The members of the administrative department who were trying to resolve some disputes received a lot of advice, and many people were asking what happened.

But the members of these administrative departments only said that this was an order from above, and they did not know what happened.

At this time, the middle and upper classes were still relatively stable, but riots had broken out on many streets at the bottom. Many families at the bottom had deposited their money into Hillman Financial. Because there was interest on the deposits, the interest would be based on the total amount of the deposits. degree, giving some coupons for nearby shopping malls, designated product discount coupons and the like, a large number of people at the bottom gathered at the door of the regional science institute in Section 7, although the people in Section 7 repeatedly explained that this was Hillman There is a problem with the family's financial system, so everyone should not make trouble for the time being.

Some people say that they don’t have a penny at home and are in a hurry to withdraw money. Since it is a problem with Hillman Financial, the business department can help temporarily and give them the corresponding money first, and then go to Hillman Financial to get the money back. Part of the money is enough, but the people in Section 7 can only say that they have already reported it to the senior management, and let everyone wait quietly for the results.

The atmosphere in the city had already become violent at 8:30. Most shops had to close their doors, and some people who didn't have half a dime in their pockets had already taken to the streets.

At this time, the outside of Hillman Financial has been completely blocked. It is surrounded by people. People from the business department have formed a human wall. Many people are waiting for the results because they don’t know what the big problem is with Hillman Financial. , the people in the business department are also trying their best to comfort him.

More and more people gathered around, wanting to know immediately what went wrong with Hillman Financial.

At this time, many residents in the district found that water could no longer be squeezed out of their faucets, and they called the water plant one after another. The staff of the water plant just kept saying that there were some problems with the internal system due to network problems. Small problem, it will be fixed in a few hours.

Noah stood quietly in a water plant in District 46, looking at some records in the water plant. There was nothing left. All the data in the system had been deleted. This is the reason why the water supply is now unavailable. .

When cities were managed by integrating a large number of AI systems, water plants were also included in the scope. After the reform, everything is controlled by the system. But now without the user's login information, the system will not provide water to users.

"what should I do?"

Noah scratched his head. Several members of Section 10 were still thinking of a solution. The best way was to directly open the water valve manually, but there was no data record in doing so. Giving water to users for free would only This leads to more serious problems, and the water valves are underground. Many water valves connected to households have to dig into the ground if they want to forcefully open them. This is unrealistic. Moreover, if the main water valve of the water supply system is opened, The water pressure will burst the water supply pipes.


With a crashing sound, two cars on the street collided with each other. Many people screamed and gathered around. The front of one car was half dented, and the driver died on the spot.

It is not just a network problem. As more and more vehicles are started, many people find that the AI ​​indicator signal fails and the vehicles can only be driven manually. The 5th Section has temporarily issued some bans to ask residents not to drive for the time being. Choose to take the subway.

The city began to become more and more chaotic. No one knew what was happening, but the chaos had just begun.

The subway station was crowded with people. The subways kept whizzing by and then came to a standstill. The only system that did not have problems was the Angus family's system because it used a quantum transmission network.

After people opened the subway, they quickly got in, and a subway started to speed again, rushing directly into the darkness.

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