Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1816 Countdown to Collapse: The Farthest Distance (Part 2)

4:39 am

On the originally peaceful land of the barrier area, large amounts of dust and sand were rising. A convoy was approaching the northern guard station. Many members of Section 3 who were still near the temporary shacks became alert, and many members of the barrier who were still having dinner together. The people in the district looked over, and many people knew that Agata was coming.

Dozens of cars and motorcycles moved towards this direction, but the marching team stopped one kilometer away from the northern guard station.

On the convoy headed by it, there is a flag fluttering in the breeze, with a red tide pattern surging on the white background. This armed force named Crimson Tide is currently the largest armed force in the barrier area, and its number has exceeded There are thousands of people, managing many places in the north, and their stronghold is near the Alatan Ula Mountains.

"Everyone get out of the car and collect your supplies."

Following Agata's order, the people on the cars and motorcycles all got off, and a group of people started walking away talking and laughing. Agata smiled and glanced at the shimmering city directly opposite. Her gaze only stayed for a second before she jumped down.

All Red Tide people have a red armband on their arms. Red Tide people don't cause trouble on weekdays. They are very quiet every time they receive food. They are also good to the people who manage the area, and they are more like a local security management organization.

Most of the criminals living in the barrier area have basically accepted their fate. Agata is walking among the crowd, with a few of his close men following Agata. Everyone is talking and laughing, and few people will raise their heads to look. The city in front of me is dimly lit.

Soon Agata walked to a messy table and sat down. Many people nearby took the initiative to get out of the way. Agata comfortably grabbed the leftover food leftovers on a plate and stuffed it in. He kept his mouth shut until he finished eating the food scraps on the plate, then handed the plate to his subordinates.

"Hurry up and get me some food and wine. You bastards are such a waste."

Agata said as she looked around at the people chatting, laughing, eating and drinking. Most of them were talking about where they were going in the next few days, how to repair the dilapidated houses, etc. Few people would Pay attention to the Brilliant City next to it.

"If you take the initiative to admit your crimes, you can go back to the city!"

A team leader from Section 3 looked at the new group of people and started shouting in the crowd again. Many people just smiled, some lowered their heads habitually, some still had panic on their faces, but no one Anyone willing to admit their guilt.

"We are just piles of useless trash in society. Even if we go back, we will still be trash. Stop shouting, brother, and go to rest early."

Agata said, and many people around laughed. The team leader of Section 3 looked at the people around him with disdain.

"You ungrateful bastard criminals, this is an opportunity. If you don't know how to seize it, you will have to live in this dark frozen land for the rest of your life. We are only giving it to you for free out of humanitarianism. Hand out food, you guys.”

"Okay, okay, there's no point in arguing with these scum."

Several team captains came over and persuaded him, and Agata burst out laughing.

"Yes, we are scum, scum who like to eat leftovers!"

There was laughter all around again. Agata took a look and stood at the northern guard station on the edge of Montenegro. The main entrance was only a few hundred meters away. It only takes 1 kilometer to enter the city through the northern guard station. There is a road outside. Lively streets.

Agata watched a little absentmindedly, but soon followed the aroma of the food, she put out the cigarette butt, turned around and picked up the wine handed over by her subordinates, took a big sip, and a hot feeling instantly came over her. It burned from the throat to the stomach. The low-quality wine provided by this kind of business was made with alcohol and water. It had a high alcohol content and a very strong taste. It would definitely give you a splitting headache the next day.

It's just that Agata has gotten used to it, and everything no longer matters. Most people living in the barrier zone have already made their choice. This choice is helpless and powerless, because everyone knows that they can never go back. That land under the sun is already another distant and unreachable world to the people in the barrier area.

The rumble of the engine sounded, and a large truck drove slowly towards this side. There were several small dilapidated cars around. Soon several members of Section 3 went over to stop the truck. It stopped a few hundred meters away from this temporary camp.

Soon the people on the truck got off. These dilapidated vehicles and motorcycles were all discarded in the barrier area under the city management system in the past. Because most cars require costs to dismantle and recycle materials. Most cars The manufacturing company will charge the car owner a disposal fee and throw the car directly into the barrier zone as garbage.

Many of the cars used by people in the barrier area are modified and spliced ​​together, and they look strange. In particular, the roofs of many cars have been removed, because it does not rain here, and there is no need for sunshade. The removed roofs It is a good windproof material.

This small convoy looked like a small armed force, with less than 30 people. Agata squinted at the group of guys walking by. Agata immediately saw that these guys were mutants.

The leader, a burly man whose face was covered tightly with a veil, was limping along. Many people around him were talking and laughing.

"Get me some food and wine first."

The man's voice was rich, and his men quickly followed suit. At this time, the man took off his veil, and Agata was a little surprised.

"Boss Potter, I didn't expect you to come to the barrier area."

As soon as Agata finished speaking, the two groups looked at each other. Porter looked at the one-armed woman who was drinking and seemed to be reminiscing, because she did look familiar.


Porter looked at the woman in front of him with some surprise. The two were already old acquaintances. When Porter was still hanging out at the bottom, this Agata was famous for her vicious methods. Porter limped over.

"What's wrong with you, Boss Potter."

Potter smiled and shook his head.

"It's hard to describe in words."

Agata took the initiative to hand over the wine in her hand. Porter took it over and took a sip, looking helplessly at the Brilliant City opposite.

Agata was wanted for a serious violent homicide in the past, and it was Porter who provided her with asylum.

The two started chatting, and Potter also bluntly said that he was sent to a secret research base under the Black Mountain in prison. When he was about to become a living experimental subject, a riot happened in the city, and a guy saved them, so And they escaped.

"Have you reached this point? Xingke!"

Agata smiled and took out a cigarette and handed one to Porter. Soon Porter's men also brought food and drink, and the two started drinking together.

"The city can never go back. I plan to go to the south. Judging from your appearance, you should have already built up your own power."

Agata laughed.

"Would you like to come to our Crimson Tide, Boss Potter."

Potter shook his head.

"No need, I have my own plan! If you want to live a stable life in this place, you can only use force to establish order. It seems that you have been quite successful."

Porter said as he glanced at Agata's empty left arm. Agata was pressing her sleeve with one hand.

"I must get it back one day."

Agata said, and Porter asked with a serious expression.

"How to ask for it?"

"You can come to our place as a guest when you have time. We can talk about Boss Potter in detail."

Agata said, and Porter nodded after thinking for a while.

"That's all for today."

Agata's expression showed sadness, and she pinched her sleeves, as if she had remembered something bad.

"Let's have a nice drink today!"

Porter said and picked up the wine bottle. Agata came back to her senses. The two bottles of wine touched each other. Several of his subordinates brought over some more wine. Looking at Agata in front of him, Porter said: At this moment, Potter looked back at Brilliant City. It was very clear to Porter that although he still had the slightest illusion, he could sneak back into the city from his back.

Porter also has a top-secret small vault in the city. He can still survive by relying on the black gold he caught in the past, but the moment he saw Agata, the last hope in Porter's heart was shattered.

In the past few months in the barrier zone, Porter has gone from being uncomfortable at the beginning to being completely adapted now. Even Porter is very surprised that he can actually eat other people's leftovers and can continue to do so. I didn't take a shower for half a year, and even ate, drank, and defecated in the same room.

While escaping, Porter's leg was broken directly by Jean. With the lack of medical conditions in the barrier area, Porter endured for two months before finally setting off to the guard station to collect food and receive medical treatment. However, due to the delay in treatment, Porter will be disabled for the rest of his life, unless he goes to the city to receive better corrective surgery, but this requires Porter to admit all his crimes. Porter knows very well that he cannot go back, and he will die if he goes back.

The people who escaped from the research base under the Black Mountain in the north were all prisoners in prison. They already knew the secrets of Congress and had no future.

"It's been very uncomfortable, Mr. Potter, these past few months."

Agata said with a smile and Potter nodded.

"I have never experienced such a life in my life, eating what others have left, using what others have left, and having to beg from others."

"Just get used to it, Mr. Potter."

It was already close to 5 o'clock in the morning, and people were coming one after another. Porter looked at the people coming out near the medical room. Many people seemed to be very happy and came out with medicines. Agata smiled.

"It's really a cheap charity."

Porter glanced at the food on the table, which only contained peanuts to go with the wine, and some mashed potatoes, including a bowl of vegetable soup. He nodded.

"Just take it one step at a time."

As Porter spoke, he would hit Agata's men nearby from time to time. They all looked very capable, probably the result of long-term training, so Porter decided to go to Agata's territory after eating and drinking. .

The reason why Agata wanted to invite Porter to his territory was because when he was working at the bottom, Porter was the most intelligent leader Agata knew. If the crime was investigated, Porter would not be arrested, and before being arrested, Porter had already left a way out for himself, and Agata knew this.

Because some people who escaped to the barrier area also heard some things in the prison, and Potter's story had also been heard to some extent.

"It's just that I want to remind you Agata! The Acting Department is very powerful."

Agata just took a sip, put down the bottle and nodded with a smile.

"Of course I know about Boss Potter. I have seen him in this land, but one day, I will make them pay with blood!"

The early morning light began to spread from the east of the city toward the rest of the city at 6 a.m.

Hangover people can be seen in the streets and alleys, supporting each other in twos and threes. Some people enter the small shops that were opened in the morning, ready to eat something and then go home to sleep and continue the party tomorrow night.

At the entrance of Lu Qi Orphanage in the early morning, Lu Qi was waiting anxiously. The children had eaten and drank enough, and played until 4 o'clock in the morning before going to bed. Lu Qi also added some sleeping ingredients to the children's food. .

There is nothing that can be done about it. Lu Qi does not want any of the children in the orphanage to be exposed to the business he is doing privately. But now that he can support nearly 100 children, Lu Qi is very happy.

In order to deceive others, Lu Qi still went around begging every day, and no one cared about the current situation of the orphanage. More than six months ago, people from the business department came to review and were a little surprised because the number of children in the orphanage had increased. .

Some people in the business department also donated a little money, and Lu Qi was very grateful to them. Finally, in the distant neighborhood, some men wearing black clothes appeared, carrying large and small bags of things.

Lu Qi immediately looked around with vigilance. There were more than ten people coming, and they entered the orphanage very quickly.

Lu Qi hurriedly closed the door. A man wearing a ghost mask took out a stack of money from his pocket. There were as many as 30,000 yuan. After Lu Qi took it, he took the key from his neck and walked to the orphan. Going upstairs from the hospital hall, I picked up the carpet, inserted the key into the keyhole, and turned it. With a creaking sound, the upper and lower sides of the stairs opened, revealing the entrance to the basement.

More than a dozen people silently moved their belongings into the basement. The lights in the large basement came on. In just one or two years, there were 20 more machines here, all used for the production of weapons.

"Starting this month, we need your help with deliveries."

Lu Qi was shocked, but he still nodded with difficulty. The reason why the children here are able to eat and clothe themselves is because of these weapons. When these people came here before, some children saw it, even the age The older children were asking Lu Qi what they were here for.

Lu Qi has always insisted that they are business people, because the children he saw could not see clearly, and the people who came were all wearing black clothes, so every time these people came to deliver goods, Lu Qi would be there Add a little sleep-inducing ingredient to your children's food to help them sleep soundly.

Lu Qi didn't want any child to see this dirty and dirty thing, and Lu Qi felt more and more dangerous because more than 10,000 weapons were produced here.

"It's nothing, Mr. Luqi, you don't have to worry, you just need to send some grenades to the people we designate."

Lu Qi swallowed. Although Lu Qi didn't know how powerful the grenades placed on the table next to him were, judging from the chemical ratio and the production of the grenades, the lethality should be very high.

"You don't need to ask anything, Mr. Ruzzi."

The ghost-faced man in the lead could see what Lu Qi was worried about and reminded him. Lu Qi nodded. Then these people began to arrange the raw materials in mechanical order, while Lu Qi was comparing the types of materials on the light and shadow screen. and quantity.

"Okay, Mr. Luqi, you have to work hard."

Lu Qi hummed.

"The most I can do is 8 hours a day."

"Don't you have an unemployed brother?"

The ghost-faced man said something, and Lu Qi was shocked. They knew everything, even many things about his past. Lu Qi was very puzzled as to who these people were, but Lu Qi did not go into details.

"I see."

After sending these people away, the moment Lu Qi turned around, his back began to feel cold. He saw a child lying on the window of the corridor on the second floor, watching all this with blank eyes. Qi immediately ran up, closed the entrance to the basement, and used the key to open the iron door going up. As soon as he arrived at the corridor on the second floor, Lu Qi saw Yincai standing on a chair, looking numbly. Own.

"Yincai come here!"

Yincai got down from the chair cautiously with some fear.

"I'm doing business with them, Yincai, can you understand!"

Yincai nodded. This thin 7-year-old girl was usually taciturn and rarely played with other children. Her favorite thing was music. She looked at the 7-year-old girl hanging around Yincai's neck who came here with her. The broken music pendant, Lu Qi said with a smile.

"Can you promise me one thing? Don't tell other friends what you saw. I'll buy you a new one in a few days."

Yincai shook her head numbly.

"Dean, will you drive me away?"

Yincai looked at Lu Qi cautiously, her young eyes filled with fear.

"What are you thinking about? Yincai, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said this, but if I don't do business with them, everyone will be hungry."

Yin Cai nodded understandingly and said with a smile.

"I know Dean and I won't tell anyone else."

Lu Qi nodded with peace of mind. After watching Yin Cai return to his room, Lu Qi subconsciously felt uneasy in his heart. For just a moment, Lu Qi really wanted to send Yin Cai away because this matter was absolutely inevitable. It cannot be exposed. Lu Qi doesn't know what's wrong with him. The only thing he knows is that Lu Qi's mind is always filled with many negative thoughts and his mood is often irritable. He is no longer as gentle as before.

Some of the younger children in the orphanage were a little afraid of Lu Qi. Lu Qi had previously punished a few naughty older children and even beat them.

Lu Qi pressed his head in annoyance and sat on the ground. He was very tired, very tired every day. He could not tell anyone about this pain, not to the children, nor to his brother Luneng. Lu Qi felt His heart was getting colder day by day, and he even had the idea of ​​leaving here in his mind.

Because that kind of thing happened in the city before, fewer and fewer people come to adopt children in orphanages now, because many voices in society are prejudiced against such people who want to adopt children, and they act in a scientific way. The review of the qualifications of those who adopt children has been tightened, all of which has led to the fact that no one is willing to adopt orphans.

The businessmen involved in that incident in the past have lost their families, and those businessmen will never be able to get out of prison for the rest of their lives.

Another group of orphans will be sent here soon. Lu Qi has already agreed to the request of the director of the orphanage opposite. Orphanages everywhere are overwhelmed because of the previous Tianhen case.

Some orphans who have some strength will be sent by the orphanage to work in some private workshops day and night. The administrative department does not care about such incidents because there is no way to control them. Once it is controlled, it will be a disaster for these orphans. sexual.

Lu Qi didn't know what was going on in this world. Many problems were originally the responsibility of the Congress, but in the end they were infinitely marginalized. In the end, no one knew or cared about them.

What made Lu Qi even more angry was what Section 3 did. They would rather provide materials and medical treatment to the scum in the barrier area. In order to stabilize them, they were not willing to provide a little food and water to orphanages everywhere.

"What happened!"

Lu Qi's throat was choked and he kept shaking his head. Then Lu Qi stood up. He planned to continue working and prepare breakfast for the children when he worked until 10 o'clock.

6:18 am

The sun's rays were a bit dazzling, and Jewel staggered out of a hotel. There were many red spots on his neck. He felt that he had no strength at all, his stomach was very hungry, and his legs were limp.

"Oh, Jewell, you are really good. Can you handle three of them in one night?"

The owner of the hotel smiled and yawned. Jewel came over and the boss handed him a cigarette. Jewel paid the room fee directly and gave the boss some money to give to the people in the room above later. Three women delivered the food.

"You're really serious. You can make a woman fall in love with you. If you still fall in love with her, I really don't know you."

Jewell picked up the boss's tea, took a big sip, poured it on his hair, then casually combed his long golden hair and tied it up.

"Don't be ridiculous, it was me who asked them out, I'm not a pretty girl."

Jewell said and started to walk away. He looked at the light screen with a smile. His friend contact list was full of women. Jewell began to reply. Many women had been looking for Jewell last night. Late at night, he could only turn off his phone temporarily.

Nowadays, Jewell is very popular in the modeling industry. He is invited to dinner every day and entertained every night. However, Jewell does not go to banquets most of the time. Instead, he dates different women.

In a daze, Jewell saw a woman across the street, was she Wu Qian? But soon Jewell shook his head, pressed his chest, and laughed. Although Niya took her to find Wu Qian before, Wu Qian had already moved away and left without looking back. Well, Jewel received a wedding invitation from Wu Qian a while ago. After Jewel directly sent Wu Qian a red envelope of 8888, he never contacted Wu Qian again.

Now Jewell just wants to have fun every day. He just needs to be able to sleep with someone in his arms every night. He doesn't care who the other person is, how old he is, what kind of birth he was born in, what he does, as long as he is pleasing to his eyes. .


A horn sounded, and a car slowly drove up to Jewel. After the car was put down, Jewel saw Wu Qian who looked like she had just woken up. He looked at Wu Qian in shock.


Wu Qian smiled and shook her head.

"If you continue like this, your health will break down, Jewel. I'm sorry, I."

"Nothing to do with you!"

Jewell said that his chest felt sore for a moment, and he turned around and walked quickly. Wu Qian was about to open the car door and chase after her, but in the end she held back. She had been here all night. A friend told her , Jewel often comes to stay in the hotel on this street.

Wu Qian is not married, and she has been very happy getting along with Jewel for a long time. But Wu Qian also knows that she is almost 50 years older than Jewel, and she is thinking more about Jewel's future. So Wu Qian finally chose to let go. Wu Qian knew that if she continued, one day she would grow old while Jewel would still be young.

"That's good!"

"That's good!"

Jewell started running quickly with a smile. On the other side of the street, several men suddenly flew out of a shop, smashing the glass window and flying out.

Jewell was startled. As soon as he looked in, he saw a beautiful woman in a black skirt, glaring outside with an angry look on her face, but Jewell felt that she looked familiar.

"Isn't this Qin Xiaoxuan?"

Soon Jewell saw another beautiful woman, Ling Hong, sitting at the table wearing a red jacket.

Six men fell on the street and had passed out. People from the business department soon arrived. A team leader recognized Qin Xiaoxuan and Ling Hong as soon as they entered the store.

"Two adults, are they?"

"They insulted the dead Secretary Gill and arrested them for defamation of reputation."

Qin Xiaoxuan said, and the people in Section 5 hurriedly followed the instructions. Alpha withdrew the order and allowed the 11 directors who resigned from Section 5 to take indefinite leave, but their wages were only welfare benefits.

Qin Xiaoxuan looked at the men on the ground angrily, and Ling Hong dragged her away.

"How many times has this happened? If you keep doing this, you're going to kill someone."

Qin Xiaoxuan shook her head and jumped directly to the roof, overlooking the sun in the distance. She sat on the roof with a sad expression, and Ling Hong stood beside her.

"No matter where you look, it's the same. After all, you're still alive!"

Qin Xiaoxuan laughed.

At this moment, Jewell, who was standing in the crowd, swallowed. For a moment, Jewell saw the same expression on Qin Xiaoxuan's face as his mother's. It was very painful, as if there was a sense of distance that could never be bridged. generally.

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