Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1815 Countdown to Collapse: The Farthest Distance (Part 2)

"Things have come to this!"

Brandon looked quietly at the light and shadow screen in front of him, which contained a lot of past business information from 9 subjects. He looked at the glass of wine by the table, picked it up and took a sip with a serious expression.

"President should not be so"

Before secretary He Lei, who was still sitting on the sofa opposite, finished speaking, Brandon shook his head with a smile.

"Forget about Alpha! Call all your classmates over."

He Lei nodded and sent a message directly to all the directors of Section 9. Both of them had extremely heavy expressions at this time. It was just 1 o'clock in the morning.

"Do you think a person with power can do nothing and remain as upright as ever?"

He Lei shook his head.

"Unlike the president, we have lived a privileged life since we were young and were born into a big family like Angus. Although this is not an explanation, we did go a little too far."

Brandon laughed. Different from his usual gentle and dull image, Brandon was a very smart person in private, and over the years, many of the things he planned with his own hands eventually benefited most of his classmates. .

"Originally, I thought that as long as everyone consolidated their position, managing the city was just a small problem, but now it seems that I have thought too much. Alpha will take action soon."

He Lei nodded and looked at Brandon opposite. At this time, there were footsteps outside the room. Some of the directors had already arrived, but they usually waited in the conference room next door.

"Fat Brother just called me and asked me to deal with it."

He Lei looked at Brandon with some surprise.

"Sure enough, Fat Brother knows everything, but he never says anything."

Brandon hummed. Over the years, through the rights of the chief of the business section, they have been able to know a lot of market trends in advance. By giving some businessmen important information, they have obtained a large amount of money and a part of the company's shares. Everyone is here. Over the years, he has rapidly accumulated his own personal wealth. He is usually very low-key and not public. However, the matter has been exposed a long time ago. I originally thought that Alpha would remain silent, but now it seems unlikely.

Their 9th subject should be the first subject to be reviewed by Alpha. Looking at some behind-the-scenes transaction documents filling the screen, the gods all know these things, but the gods never say anything, because the gods only need the stability of the city. .

But tonight, through the inauguration speech of the Secretary of Section 5, Alpha has revealed her attitude from the side, and the reason why she directly stated it is that everyone knows that this is the last chance given to them by Alpha, so that they can have time to deal with some issues. thing.

Brandon knows very well that what the guy named Tamai said is true. Over the years, the style of the business department has become almost the same as that of the past management. Relying on relationships and money to get to the top is the current problem within the business department. , non-members of the executive department of the School of God can only reach level 3 officials at most, and it is impossible to reach level 4 director officers.

This is the unwritten rule that everyone has defaulted to over the years, but now Alpha has indeed broken this rule.

"Come on, everyone is here."

A female director came in and shouted. Brandon drank the last sip of wine, sighed, got up and walked over, and He Lei quickly followed.

Soon in the conference room next door, the section chiefs and secretaries of Section 9, as well as 40 council officers gathered together. Everyone was silent because many people did not expect Alpha to be so heartless.

"I don't know what the president is thinking! Why is he so heartless?"

A male director said angrily, and the female director next to him laughed.

"If we were really ruthless, we would have investigated it directly instead of making it public. We are about to launch a comprehensive rectification of the business department."

Everyone started talking for a moment, and Brandon coughed.

"Okay, everyone, be quiet. From now on, we all have to work overtime to finish some things quickly."

Everyone in the room nodded, and everyone turned on the light and shadow screens, intending to directly start processing some internal documents, which would be extremely troublesome, in order to avoid the subsequent review led by Alpha.

1:19 am

"Any questions!"

Alpha exhaled a puff of smoke and looked at Tamai and the 11 directors in front of him. Everyone's face was livid, because no one expected that the task given to them by Alpha was so strict.

"Lord Alpha, would it be inappropriate to do this?"

A female council officer spoke, and Alpha glanced at her.

"What exactly is wrong?"

Everyone was silent, because Alpha asked 11 of them plus Tamai to set up a special investigation team within the executive branch. These 11 people all came from the 11th section, but Tamai was from the 5th section at the beginning, and they were in Alpha had previously transferred them to Section 5. In just one year, Alpha had noticed the excellent performance of the 11 of them at work.

If you want to know what problems are inside each department, you can only ask those who have worked in the department from the grassroots to investigate.

Alpha could tell that the 11 of them were a little scared, because they had to face their former bosses and the intricate relationships within the department. If they were not careful, they would get burned.

"You don't need to show me all the investigation reports. Even the internal problems of Section 5 are your responsibility, Tamai. Do you understand?"

Tamai hummed, and when everyone was confused, Alpha opened a light and shadow screen. On it was a transaction processing document for Section 13. It was drafted by Gene, the chief of Section 13, and required a temporary internal affairs department. The investigation team is here to solve the current internal problems of the administrative department, and the acting leader is Jean, the chief of the 13th department.

"You only need to report everything to Section Chief Jean. You don't need to report it to any section chief, or even the General Affairs Section."

Everyone looked at the investigation document in surprise, Tamai swallowed, and Alpha explained.

"The 13th Department has been a miscellaneous department since its establishment. But when the 13th Department was established, there was a permission signed by the gods. It is not subject to any institutional constraints in the city. Even the gods cannot dictate the affairs of the 13th Department."

The 12 people in front of Alpha were all stunned. Alpha stood up with a smile, walked in front of the 12 people, and patted their arms one by one.

"So everything you investigate needs to be handed over to Jean. Because this is a special task within the authority of Section 13, no one has the right to ask you to stop the investigation or to prevent interference with your investigation. It is up to you to decide who will be responsible for the investigation, and the investigation does not need to be submitted to the General Affairs Department, you understand!"

Alpha said as he walked to the door, picked up the uniform and hat hanging on the wall, put them on and opened the section chief's office.

"What about the 5 subjects, Alpha-sama!"

Ares asked and Alpha smiled and lit a cigarette.

"Are you afraid that I can't handle it?"

Everyone turned around quickly and bowed slightly.

"I only say this once, don't go astray!"

Then Alpha put away his serious expression and showed a relaxed smile.

"Today is the official day for all of you to take office. I'll buy you a drink. Let's go!"

Didi didi

Alpha had just taken a few steps when a number 0000 was called.

"What on earth do you want Alpha!"

"That's what happened, Brother Fat. I have submitted the relevant documents regarding the establishment of the special investigation team within the administrative department."

Locke said with a sigh.

"Can't everyone sit down and have a drink?"

"I'll definitely give it a chance! Sorry, fat brother, you'd better ask Gene for specific details. I'm not sure what he wants to do, or how to do it. I just want to get into work as soon as possible."

Alpha said and hung up the phone.

"What did Alpha say!"

Locke looked at the phone blankly. Behind him, his wife Yu Wanrou had just taken a shower and was still wiping her wet hair. She had just come out of the swimming pool. Locke just shook his head silently, his expression looking very painful.

"Look what you've gained over the years!"

Yu Wanrou walked over in a lecturing manner, Locke Jiahui stretched out his hands and took his wife into his arms, and laughed helplessly.

"You don't want the house they give you, you don't want the car they give you, you don't want anything they give you!"

Yu Wanrou sighed and looked at the cabinet opposite, which contained some cigarettes and alcohol. These were the gifts Locke had received over the years, and part of his salary was still owed.

"It's enough. I just want to live a normal life. I just want to be happy every day. Wanrou, what should I do?"

dong dong dong

There was a knock on the door of the room. Just as Yu Wanrou was about to get up, the door was pushed open.

"Sorry Wanrou, you should go change clothes first."

Yu Wanrou, who was wrapped in a bath towel, was a little surprised, while Locke looked sad and lost, looking at Jean who walked in.

"Sorry, Fatty."

After Gene walked in, he turned around and took out some wine from the wine cabinet and put it on the table.

"This is your first time coming in through the front door, you bastard."

Locke sat down angrily, and Gene nodded.

"I've asked the chef to prepare some dishes to go with the wine. Let's have a drink tonight!"

Locke pressed his forehead in annoyance. He didn't know what to do. There was already an extremely serious problem in the entire business department.

"It's all my fault Gene. I shouldn't have let a lot of things go. I'm sorry. I just want stability. I often turn a blind eye."

Gene shook his head, handed Locke a bottle of wine, opened one himself, and took a big sip.

"This is no one's fault. You don't need to blame yourself, Fatty. I drafted the document for the internal investigation of the business department."

Jean stood up and walked slowly to the window.

"Recently, I often think about what else I can do as a teacher! There is only one answer, which is to pull back the straying students. This is the last thing I can do for the students. This is my responsibility."

Locke immediately shook his head.

"But now everyone thinks it's Alpha."

"I will tell them one by one, no matter what they have done privately over the years, no matter what they are doing!"

Jean's eyes became sharp as he spoke.

"Let's start with subject 4."

Locke swallowed.

"What exactly are you going to do?"

"There will always be a solution, you don't have to worry, little fat guy."

Gene smiled happily. He knew exactly what he was going to do and what would happen next in the city. Gene raised a finger and pointed to the sky.

"I only give them one day to be chubby. In the next day, do your best to do whatever you can. I will review it with very strict standards."

"If. I mean if, you find that everyone has done something wrong behind the scenes, or even committed a crime, what will you do?"

Gene scratched his head.

"It depends on the situation! I will handle the worst outcome personally."

Locke felt a chill go down his spine. In the past, everyone knew that Jean was the most strict person in school. If he did not do well, he would be punished. But at the same time, Jean was also the gentlest. When everyone had something to worry about, they would take the initiative to talk to Ji En. Well, let’s talk.

"Why so many years"

"I can't stand Xiaopang anymore! He can't even do his own job well. He is just planning and arranging his life for decades after retirement. I don't remember that I have ever taught you this."

Locke sighed. It is true that the efficiency of the department is getting lower and lower, which is inseparable from the management at the head. Locke has seen these students on Qinglong Street more than once for some necessary entertainment.

Just like what Alpha explained in Congress last year, it’s about the same idea, just click it until you feel it’s acceptable, and even get together as soon as you get off work and start having fun. Of course, this has a lot to do with the high-intensity work of the administrative department, because the daily work of the administrative department There are indeed many things.

But gradually, most people have developed laziness and only deal with some work during working hours. Even in the process of handling work, the progress is slow and they are not willing to sacrifice time after get off work to complete the work, but start to procrastinate. .

In the past three years, senior management of the business department have attended many banquets very frequently. Obviously many banquets have no effect on them at all, but most people will go after receiving invitations.

There are many issues that no one wants to consider anymore. As long as the city can remain stable as always, just like what Jean said, many people have already prepared their retirement needs in advance. Everyone needs their own personal life. This is originally It's a normal need, but in the business department, such needs have become a bit extravagant.

"Since it is difficult for everyone to do their jobs well now, I can only allow all students to complete their work normally. If not, let these guys who don't want to work leave the business department early."

Locke Jiahui swallowed a mouthful. At this time, there was a knock on the door of the room, and a smell floated in. Yin Xianglin pushed the dining cart in with a smile. Locke Jiahui immediately swallowed a mouthful. On weekdays, Yu Wanrou strictly controlled Locke Jiahui's diet. The same is true for the Chinese New Year.

"Forget it tonight."

At this time, Yu Wanrou came out after changing her clothes and dressed up carefully. She walked over with a smile and took Jean's arm.

"Principal, let's have a drink tonight."

Jean smiled and nodded, but when he saw Yu Wanrou's unnatural expression when she turned around, and her evasive eyes, Jean probably knew what Yu Wanrou had done, and Locke also knew what his wife had done.

2 o'clock in the morning

"What are you doing!"

Jin Mian looked at the group of classmates angrily, but at this time Vivian put down the work at hand and sighed.

"Wanrou just sent me a message. The principal is with Fat Brother now."

For a moment, everyone looked at Vivian. Vivian held up a light screen with a message sent by Yu Wanrou.

The principal is going to start re-educating everyone, so be careful.

Everyone was silent. Jin Mang looked at a document he was dealing with. This was a contract for Jin Mn to lend money to businessmen under certain names. Now most of the money in Section 7 has been secretly loaned out. , after rolling around, it returned to 7 cores, and the businessmen naturally brought a lot of benefits.

In recent years, 7 Branch has opened up personal loans, but only to those who have difficulties in life. Businessmen cannot get loans, but in fact, 7 Branch internally divides the money into many shares in the name of lending to ordinary people. , in the hands of the merchants, all this is to prevent the merchants from collapse and destroy the local economic balance, and secondly, everyone can get a generous reward when the merchants survive the difficult time. .

"what to do?"

At this time, one of the directors opened his mouth and everyone looked at each other in confusion.

"If the principal really wants to investigate us, we can only do it without restraint!"

Vivian said, turning off the light and shadow screen with a bitter look on her face.

"Let's stop it. It's useless no matter what. The principal won't use formal investigation methods. Everyone is waiting to be kicked by the principal."

Jin Mian ignored Vivian and continued the work at hand.

2:03 am

"What could be the problem?"

"You bastard, you actually did so many bad things secretly from me."

Natasha angrily grabbed Clark, who was a little drunk. At this time, all the directors of Section 12 were there. Everyone had received messages from students in other sections that Gene was about to lead people to solve the problems within the business section.

This is Clark's home. After Natasha saw the names and documents of many members of Section 12, she felt extremely angry. Many people had done something with the food and would use part of the food for personal gain. Sell.

"How are you doing? Isn't it the same over there? Among those who were sent to the farm to punish laborers, there are some rich people. You must have made a lot of money over the years."

Natasha's cheeks turned red for a moment, and the council officers who had followed Natasha over the years also felt embarrassed.

"Do you really think I don't know?"


Natasha pointed at Clark, and many people laughed helplessly.

"We are all human beings, not saints. We work so hard, what's the problem with getting a little benefit?"

Clark said loudly, Natasha became anxious, but soon Clark jumped directly onto a table.

"So what if someone hears it? These things are no longer secrets. Everyone knows and understands them. It's up to the principal to review them however he wants. I just did it. What can I do?"

Clark was still shouting loudly. He seemed drunk. Several male trustees pulled Clark down. At this time, the door of Clark's living room was pushed open.

"Hey, Old Man Ye, Happy New Year, come over and have a drink!"

Ye Chunwang looked at the drunken members of Section 12 in front of him and sighed helplessly.

"You insatiable bastards!"

Ye Chunwang had already rushed to Clark's house after the inauguration ceremony of Section 5 Secretary tonight. During this year's holiday, Ye Chunwang went to the middle-level son-in-law's house. But he didn't expect such a big problem to happen. Ye Chunwang came over after thinking about it.

"Come and drink quickly, Old Man Ye."

Clark said as he staggered to Ye Chunwang's side. Just as he was about to pull Ye Chunwang away, Ye Chunwang pressed Clark's shoulder with one hand.

"What on earth have you been doing all these years!"

Many people lowered their heads, and the atmosphere in the entire living room became a little dull. Clark laughed and said.

"What can we do? We are busy every day. It's not like you don't know, we"

Ye Chunwang let go of his hand and was pulled by Clark to sit on the sofa.

"Just honestly explain some issues to your principal."

At this time, everyone in the room looked embarrassed, and Ye Chunwang sighed.

"Hurry up and I'll help you handle it."

Natasha hummed, and everyone felt a little scared, because they didn't know what Jean would do, how to do it, and how to deal with them.

2:19 am

There were bangs and bangs, and Eddie quietly looked at the light and shadow screen in front of him. A large number of mutants were sparring. The situation was very ideal. There were currently 509 S-class mutants in the entire family, and every day A lot of training is still going on, and most low-level mutants with weak strength have greatly improved their strength after completing mechanized transformation.

Although there is still a gap with some of the top management of the acting department, this gap has now been made up a lot. Because of the existence of the mutant competition, the acting department has announced many detailed rules for the strength of mutants. Prometheus is seriously Research analyzed these rules and collected numerous video recordings of senior executives dealing with rampaging mutants on the streets.

It has obtained a very excellent set of mutant training guidelines. In order to obtain better mutants, Prometheus will collect some mutants throughout the city. Now it has contacted as many as 100,000 plastic mutants. Thousands of people.

The power of nearly 4,000 mutants who went berserk last year is enough to explain everything. Even if the gods were involved in handling it, it took nearly three hours from the beginning to the end of the situation.

An army expansion plan of the Hillman family has begun. In the future, the Hillman family will cultivate more than 5,000 S-class mutants. With the support of mutant strength data and the support of mutant combat data, now The strength of most mutants, under Prometheus's calculations, has become closer and closer to the top of the executive department.

These mutants only need combat training and physical training every day. Other than that, Eddie will meet all their needs.

Recently, Eddie has discussed some matters with the patriarchs of several other large families. Due to the rise of AI networks, the Hillman family has developed a module set to assist mutant training in a short period of time, and has given it to Chen The Huosen family, the Jiang family and the Wang family have all begun to train their own mutant bodyguards, and the results are very significant.

Because everyone has predicted that the future will be a relatively chaotic era, and the family's own security needs to be considered. Private armed forces, this is the message Eddie conveys to these large and small families.

The reason why most people in the family recognize it is because of the successful implantation of the brain control chip and real-life reasons. The gods will one day take away the immunity of the family, and then big problems will arise in the city. , the family members can only become lambs to be slaughtered, and are unable to resist.

Such a consensus has been formed in the family circle. From the recent series of events, everyone has seen that the city will be very chaotic in the future, because Alpha has begun to rectify the internal affairs of the business department, and there are many things behind the scenes. All will be dug out.

Families should cooperate more closely. Hostility towards the gods has begun to spread in family circles, business circles, and even ordinary people's circles.

Everyone feels that the city has become like this because of the many decisions made by the gods that are full of lies. Especially most people at the bottom are very dissatisfied with the Orchard Project.

Among those mutants, there are also voices of resistance. The doctors of the Hillman family are performing surgeries day and night, and have implanted brain control chips into many people. This kind of brain control chip relies on human body temperature to generate energy-driven brains. The control chip is very difficult to detect and cannot be seen without opening the brain.

Voices have begun to gather in many aspects. The Hillman family's long-standing wish is about to be realized. As the biggest stumbling block in front of the Hillman family, the Angus family has almost ceased to exist.

Although the Angus family is still clinging on, it only takes a little problem to collapse the Angus family.

"How's the kidnapping plan going?"

"Sir Eddie, it will be successful soon. The current success rate of the kidnapping plan has reached 64%."

Beside Eddie, the black flaming face was grinning ferociously, and Eddie nodded with satisfaction.

"If the last move is completed, it will be a huge blow to the Angus family and the business department. It is really a great plan."

Eddie said, and soon some analysis data of Niya appeared on a light and shadow screen. It is a little difficult to kidnap Niya now, because in Prometheus' plan, his family is very likely to be exposed.

"Just follow the plan step by step, Prometheus, and remember to wake me up tomorrow morning."

Eddie said and lay down, the lights in the room went out, Eddie still opened his eyes, raised the corners of his mouth, and smiled evilly.

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