Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1814 Countdown to Collapse: The Farthest Distance (Part 1)

January 1, 2225, just after 0:00

With the New Year's bells echoing everywhere, the new year has arrived. Except for the dim light in the north, the entire city is shining brightly in other areas.

The surfaces of tall buildings are flashing with neon light.

"It only takes 1899 to take me home!"

"Always with you my lord!"

On the surface of a building located in the middle-rise District 53 facing the street, an advertisement is playing. A young handsome man dressed as a butler in a tuxedo and a sober and beautiful beauty in simple clothes are talking about themselves hard. Something that can be done.

This is a new technology announced by Congress in early November last year. AI network. You only need to purchase the AI ​​network to get a personal smart AI that can handle everything from dressing and eating to some work issues and even learning. The AI ​​network can do everything independently.

In just two months since its launch, more than 200,000 people have purchased the AI ​​network. The AI ​​network is mainly used for work and life. Some developers can sell their own modules on it, with a one-time payment. With modules that can be purchased on an ongoing basis, AI network holders can try out some life and work modules before deciding whether to pay for them.

Today's AI is already very humane. It can quickly know human emotions and even what they are thinking through human behavior, body language, and expressions, with an accuracy rate of more than 70%. With the development of human and AI networks, As we get along, the accuracy rate will gradually increase. In just two months, someone's AI network has reached an accuracy rate of more than 90%.

Although some people were worried that such an AI network would be unsafe at first, the terminal server is directly connected to the interior of Section 6. Even the section chief of Section 6 does not have the authority to access users' personal privacy unless some cases are involved. Gain congressional authority to unlock user privacy.

The developer's technology has been contracted to major IT technology companies, and private individuals are also allowed to develop simulated life and work module groups on the AI ​​network.

From time to time, you can see a person on the street, followed by a 3D virtual image. These 3D virtual images are different and can be customized according to the individual's taste, but they cannot be defined by the appearance of the real person. This is illegal.

"Xiaohu, where are we going now?"

A young man said, looking at the sweet-looking, cute and feminine AI virtual body next to him with a pair of pointed fox ears. He was also dressed very cool and sexy, and pressed his lips coquettishly, looking very... temptation.

"Let me think about it. I think Master, you are in a good mood today. You should go to the pub for a drink now."

The young man nodded with a smile and started running. The virtual body next to him was emitting spots of light as he ran, looking very beautiful.

To achieve this kind of life-like visualization of the virtual body, as well as some of the effects of the virtual body, requires very expensive mobile phone technology to support it. The cost of such a mobile phone is more than 10,000 yuan, and you need to pay a lot of fees, no Affordable to ordinary people.


Several women who had made an appointment to celebrate the festival together watched the young man walking by. One of the women muttered, and the other women laughed.

In just two months, many incorporeal addicts have appeared, and many people are already protesting. The technology opened by Congress is cultivating lazy people. Most people with AI networks have one thing in common. In just two months, they began to rely on AI virtual bodies.

Some merchants have even begun to study the real humanoid robot body of AI virtual body, saying that they can customize the robot for the needs of the demander, equipped with AI virtual body. However, such a product is a failure, because it is no different from a doll. Although There are still some people who buy it, but it simply cannot meet the needs of these people.

Many people's AI networks are fully capable of handling some document-type work. However, according to the newly introduced AI laws, it is okay to use AI networks to process some work documents, but only for personal work, and Congress The work is not within the scope, as is the work in many industries, and copy-paste plagiarism is not allowed.

The access to AI networks has brought about earth-shaking changes to human life. Many people think that the future should be like this. Life will be further simplified. When you are depressed, there will be someone to chat with you. When you are sad, there will be someone to comfort you. Sometimes there are people to dissuade, and when you are happy, there are people to share.

Many bosses have begun to fire some of their personal assistants, because the AI ​​network can fully perform the tasks that personal assistants can do. The AI ​​network can even record a large amount of data and give certain suggestions from data analysis. This is what most business people need.

Through network big data, the AI ​​network can do a lot of things, ranging from buying groceries and cooking, to seeing a doctor and asking for medical advice. The AI ​​network can give appropriate suggestions to the holder based on network big data.

Most young people are pursuing this AI network, but some middle-aged or older people find it difficult to accept it.

Only the activation fee for the AI ​​network is as high as 1899, and you will need to pay a minimum service fee of 30 with no upper limit every month. This service fee is the service fee of the network, which is based on the time used on the AI ​​network each month. A fee was paid, and the money was paid to the Angus family.

During the construction of the city, the Angus family had already built a higher-speed and more stable network. After the previous network was completely abandoned, most of the costs of network usage now actually go into the pockets of the Angus family.

Because of the disaster in the north last year, Angus construction has not started yet. Many people have even begun to blame the Angus family. However, what puzzles many people is that the Angus family has not started construction in the past few years after last year's disaster. In the past few months, a large number of Angus family's physical assets have been sold off one after another.

Many people can't figure out what happened. Logically speaking, the Angus family makes so much money, why they sold off many of their properties. This is a question that most people can't figure out.

Now most of the mutants are still stationed in the north, living with cheap wages, and Congress has also issued a regulation that all mutants below Class B can only live in a few areas in the north. Developed by Congress Before the special vaccine is released, try not to go to other districts for activities. This is a rigid rule. If you violate it, you will be sent back directly by Section 5.

This time, the mutated people did not gather as much as before, because the big event that happened in the middle of last year had left most of the mutated people speechless.

The work of the mutants mainly focuses on the reconstruction of the northern city and the work of the mines, including working in three areas with relatively large human traffic covered by the 5th Section Headquarters and the 3rd Section Headquarters.

Jobs in the north can now basically meet the normal needs of most mutants, and Congress has also promised to give every mutant temporarily living in the north an unemployment benefit, with subsidies based on the mutant's level. If the mutant cannot meet the 30 Mutants with a daily work cycle can receive it. The subsidy is based on a 30-day cycle, and the subsidy is 30 yuan less for one day. Many mutants are quite satisfied.

The city has ushered in a brief period of calm, especially with the opening of the AI ​​network. For many people in the city, it feels a bit awkward.

Because there were problems in the north last year, now in the west, south and southeast, all walks of life have improved to varying degrees, because the north needs materials from all walks of life, and the destroyed north has driven the economic flow of the city, because Demand has increased.

However, what caught everyone's attention tonight was the inauguration ceremony of Tamai, the newly appointed secretary of Section 5. The ceremony will be held at 0:30 at the headquarters of Section 5.


A large number of reporters and media gathered in the headquarters of Section 5, and many people from the society and ordinary people were present. Tamai just returned from the Agricultural Section after completing labor punishment yesterday, and the inauguration ceremony was arranged tonight.

At this time, most of the people in 5 Core were busy. Tamai sat quietly in the room, with a hat and uniform placed on the table. Tamai could not believe that he would really come. The headquarters of Section 5.

Tamai has been extremely troubled in the past few months. Every day Tamai is thinking about what to do. Tamai has spoken to Alpha many times on the phone, hoping that Alpha will lift the order, but in the end Alpha always They keep saying, give it a try first.

It wasn't until a few days ago, after Tamai and Peristan had some discussions, that Tamai finally made up his mind to become the secretary of Section 5.

Not only Tamai, there are 11 more council officers in 5 Core who were promoted from regional section officers, all of whom were recommended by Tamai. Tamai will complete the inauguration ceremony with these 11 people tonight.


The door to the room opened and Alpha walked in with a smile.

"How's it going? Haven't you adapted yet?"

Tamai shook his head.

"Master Alpha, thank you for your trust in me."

Alpha walked over, picked up the uniform and hat on the table, put the hat and uniform on Tamai, and Tamai stood up straight in a hurry.

"Sir Alpha, I will definitely work hard."

Alpha patted Tamai on the arm.

"I'll have a headache if you don't work hard. Remember, they are the people you promoted."

Only then did Tamai see the door. Eleven directors were standing outside, and all of them bowed deeply to Alpha.

"Get things done, this is what we have always done in Section 5. Okay, you all go out and prepare."

Directly opposite the headquarters building of Section 5, a stage has been set up and everyone is preparing. This inauguration ceremony attracted most people in the city, and it was inaugurated on such a New Year's day.

Most of the senior executives from the executive branch came over. As soon as he walked out of the headquarters building, Tamai felt some cold eyes. Tamai looked over and saw that in front of the stage, there were a lot of directors from the executive branch.

"Master Tamai, please come up."

A young director named Ares behind him said with a smile. He was directly promoted from a small captain to a director. Tamai had worked with Ares a long time ago. He used to be a small captain in the special management team. Not only does he do his own thing, but he also helps with things in the area. He has very good working ability and is also very kind. He likes drinking and is a very easy to get along with.

"No need to call me that, I just..."

"Lord Tamai, is there a problem? Come up quickly."

A female director laughed. Tamai felt a little embarrassed and could only walk up to the stage. At this time, the people below had almost gathered. Tamai also planned to deliver an inaugural speech. Although the General Affairs Department sent A speech came, but Tamai did not read it, he just wanted to say what he wanted to say.

After the disaster in the north last year, during the temporary city meeting held, Alpha clashed with many people, and the focus of the conflict was constantly amplified by the media. Many ordinary people felt that Alpha did the right thing, but the professional Most of the top brass were silent.

Since last year, the executive department has been divided into different factions. Most of them have basically no contact with each other except for work handovers. This has also led to extremely difficulties in the development of many tasks, especially in other departments. For 5 There is always resistance in Section 5, and many tasks in Section 5 are difficult to carry out.

In the past few months, there have been some abnormal incidents in the administrative department. There are always omissions in the work, and various departments always push each other from time to time. In such a situation, Tamayi was in the 12th department. heard.

Last year's major event had a huge impact. Tamai looked at the people sitting below quietly. He glanced back behind him. At the gate of the 5th Section Headquarters, Alpha had his hands folded and a cigarette in his mouth. Looking at himself with a serious expression, Tamai straightened up and gripped the loudspeaker in front of him.

The people from the TV station were signaling that the inauguration ceremony would begin in less than 10 minutes.

Tamai became a little anxious. He tried to relax as much as possible and took a deep breath. He knew clearly what Alpha wanted to do and break the nepotism established by the acting department over the years. In Alpha's view, this was the most important thing for the acting department as a whole. deadly.

Factions and classes were quietly created within the Acting Department. It is impossible for members of the Acting Department who are not from the School of God to climb up. Tamai has also heard many people talk about this. The credit of his subordinates Even if your boss takes it away easily, you still have to praise your boss for his good deeds, and if something goes wrong, you have to take the blame for your boss.

At this time, Tamai saw more ordinary section staff, squad leaders, and most of the regional section officers coming to attend his inauguration ceremony. Because Tamai's promotion gave many people hope, Within the administrative department, the grassroots staff were encouraged by Alpha's actions. Alpha is even currently revising many of the rules for the membership levels of the administrative department, in order to allow those with ability to be promoted.

Once a system begins to solidify, corruption will slowly begin to grow. The senior executives who have contributed to the city in the past have begun to deteriorate. Tamai has discussed this with Peristan and Hydera in detail. After discussing the problem, Tamai finally understood Alpha’s intentions and agreed very much with Alpha’s approach.

Watching the time approaching, Tamai was still thinking about what to say later, but soon Tamai calmed down and he would say everything he wanted to say.


At the signal of the TV station staff, Tamai spoke.

"Thank you very much for coming to participate in my inauguration ceremony as Secretary of the 5th Public Security Management Section, and thank you for watching this inauguration ceremony!"

Tamai bowed deeply. When he raised his head, his expression became much more serious, and he stared into the distance seriously.

"First of all, I would like to wish you all a Happy New Year and a happy family! I would also like to express my deepest condolences and apologies to the people who died in the disaster last year, including our Secretary of Section 5, Mr. Gill!"

As he spoke, Tamai clenched his hand into a fist and pressed it against his heart. He bowed slightly and closed his eyes. At this time, everyone in the field below stood up. After three minutes of mourning, Tamai opened his eyes. eyes.

"I am very fortunate to be able to succeed Lord Gill as the secretary of Section 5. The reason why I am able to stand here is not because of my outstanding abilities or my strength, but because of my boss, Lord Alpha. My trust! I very much hope to respond to this trust and contribute to the city in the future. Our 5th Division has been committed to maintaining public security issues in various parts of the city and fighting crime. In order to maintain a good social security, Walking on the streets every day! Here, I would like to express my highest respect to my colleagues who patrol the streets every day. Because of your unknown contributions, this city can be peaceful and can effectively curb crime. !”

After Tamai finished speaking, he bowed deeply again. At this time, many department members present bowed and saluted.

"What I want to say today is a question!"

At this time, Tamai suddenly changed the subject.

"I have been working at the grassroots level of the department for many years. I have seen a lot of people and things. Those things are only known to the officers at the grassroots level. Some people know why many street groceries need to be placed outside. A chair?”

Alpha smiled slightly. She naturally knew the answer. She glanced at the many directors and secretaries in the front row. They obviously didn't know. But when she looked back, she found that Many section staff, squad leaders and regional section officers are very aware of this.

"Because most of these shops are self-operated and rarely hire workers. When the shop owner is in an emergency, he will directly ask the members of the business department patrolling the street to help look after the shop. This chair It is prepared for these section members. Afterwards, some shopkeepers will give these section members some food, drinks, etc., but most of the section members will not accept it!"

Tamai said that someone at the scene looked dissatisfied, and his expression became much more relaxed, and then Tamai continued.

"Does anyone know why there are many late-night shops, but one door is always open? And the shop owners usually prepare some food and drink! Because many officers are always hungry when they patrol late at night. , so many store owners will prepare in advance what the clerks who patrol nearby that night will go to take a rest when there are no customers in the store. The clerks only need to go directly to the store and pick them up after eating. Just lock it!”

As he spoke, Tamai stared sideways at Alpha behind him. After seeing Alpha nodding towards him, Tamai regained his serious expression.

"The reason why I say these two things is to tell everyone that the grassroots staff of our administrative department are working hard every day. They are definitely not lazy at work as rumored by the outside world. It is not just our 5th department. Many members of Section 1 have a little habit. They always go to the home of the person who needs to apply for a certificate a few days in advance, and they will clearly tell the person who applies for the certificate the qualifications required to apply for some relevant certificates in great detail! The officers of Section 2 often wear plain clothes and investigate some crimes in the crowd, and they can always contain some imminent crimes in time! Although the officers of Section 3 are often at the four guard stations, they Every time they take a vacation, they go to some sparsely populated neighborhoods for dinner, not because they want to be quiet, but because in addition to exercising and assisting our five subjects, most of the time they are called tax thieves by many people in the city. This is what I have seen with my own eyes. In places that are usually sparsely populated, the owners of many shops have good relations with many members of Section 3! This is also because the section chief of Section 3, Mr. Osman, often has a close relationship with the members of Section 3. Due to the chatter between many section members, the houses purchased by many Section 3 people are in some deserted areas!"

Tamai clenched her fists.

"There are many more things like this! The grassroots staff of the 4th Department spend a lot of time in medical facilities in various places. They not only need to conduct medical industry reviews, but also need to serve as some temporary doctors! The 6th Department's Section members, perhaps in most people’s minds, they are only very busy during the annual statistics, but maybe they are a little different from what everyone thinks. I know many Section 6 staff members, and their daily work is very busy. Busy, many section staff may get up at 4 o'clock in the morning and start collecting field data in some important trading markets! They travel to and from various parts of the city every day, and finally enter the collected data into Section 6, and then in Only when statistics begin can we have reliable data support, especially pricing power!”

Many people in the audience looked solemn at this time, especially many senior executives of the business department. They did not expect Tamai to say this.

"Many members of Section 7, let me just tell you about a friend I know. I don't know about the others. That friend of mine is just an ordinary section member somewhere. She needs to go door to door every day. I came to my door to check some taxes and audit the assets of many ordinary people. After the audit, I needed to legalize the asset records of ordinary people. There were many times when she and I had dinner, which only lasted 15 minutes! 8 subjects Many of our staff do not work in the Law Hall on weekdays, reviewing and handling some cases, but they often work in quiet restaurants and bars. This is not because they don’t want to work in the Law Hall, but Most of the time, the area around the Law Hall will always become very noisy. Obviously many incidents have not yet been finalized and have not yet been formally tried, but those so-called unfair voices will begin to appear. I don’t know if these people are doing it on purpose. It is for some purpose! From now on, our 5th Division will conduct a strict investigation, and if it disrupts the normal trial again, we will be convicted of defamation!"

Tamai took a deep breath and spoke again in a loud voice.

“I don’t think I need to say more about the situation of subjects 11 and 12. Many grassroots staff are busy every day. Everyone can clearly see these things, but there are always people questioning and asking. Responsibility, everyone wants to know whether the people in our legal department are doing a good job! I can tell everyone clearly now that the people in our legal department are working hard every day. Everything I said above will not work well if Anyone who has any doubts can check it out!”

After Tamai finished speaking, he calmed down a little. His serious eyes clenched his hands into fists and pressed them on the table.

"There is indeed a problem within our practice department now. The problem lies within our practice department. Many clerks work hard every day, but they cannot get the understanding of their superiors, and are even criticized by their superiors. They even work numbly without hope. I always wonder what the problem is!"

For a moment, the senior executives of the business department below the stage stared sharply at Tamai on the stage.

"Why do the things I work hard for end up being the credit of my boss, while the things I clearly did not participate in or even do have to be borne by my boss? I obviously worked so hard and I am very capable, but There is no way to get promoted, and you may even be unable to get promoted for the rest of your life because of your fault!”

For a while, many people looked at Tamai on the stage with livid faces.

"What I want to say today, and the last thing I want to say, is that there is indeed a problem within our administrative department, and the problem lies in nepotism. Is this any different from the past management? I will definitely work hard in the future Under the leadership of my boss, Mr. Alpha, the problem of nepotism within the department has been effectively solved!"

Tamai said and bowed, then he spoke again.

"Once again, thank you for being able to watch my inauguration ceremony!"

As soon as Tamai finished speaking, fierce applause erupted in the venue. Tamai bowed repeatedly, then turned around and walked off the stage. The 11 directors behind him looked at Tamai Ares with relaxed expressions. He stretched out his palm to give Tamai a high five. At this time, all 12 people looked at Alpha.

"Just do your own thing!"

At this time, a large number of people stood up, and Clark laughed coldly.

"Let's go, we should go back, nepotism!"

Clark turned around and walked away with an angry look on his face, and several council officers behind him followed him with solemn expressions.

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