Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1813 The Edge of Collapse: Blood and Sand 3 (Part 2)

0:00 on May 14, 2224

A lift slowly landed in the courtyard of Frye Mental Hospital, and the surrounding area was brightly lit. This had never happened in the past few decades.

A large number of reporters are on the other side of the street, and many reporters have received the news that at 0 o'clock today, officials from the operational department will hold the funeral of secretary Gill here.

The cause of Gill's death was also announced. He was exposed to a large number of violent mutants for too long, which caused his own violent alienation gene to be triggered, eventually leading to death.

The reporters all wanted to enter the Frye Mental Hospital, but were blocked by the personnel of the 5th Section on the periphery. Yesterday, some major events happened one after another in the Operations Section. Now nearly 300,000 people in the north have been displaced. They can only temporarily stay at the 3rd Section headquarters and 5th Section. They live in some resettlement sites set up in the three districts where the headquarters of the department are located.

According to the latest news, hundreds of directors in the executive department have submitted their resignations. Except for the 11 serving directors in the 5 departments who have approved it, the chiefs of other departments have not approved these directors who submitted their resignations.

Such a situation is unprecedented, and as the night approaches, some things are exposed to varying degrees. These resigned directors have been at odds with Alpha for a long time, and even other section chiefs and secretaries of the entire business department have had conflicts with Alpha. Had some conflicts at work.

Some people say that Alpha promoted a person with poor work ability so quickly because he wanted to consolidate his position in the administrative department. Smoke has already begun to fill the interior of the administrative department, and Alpha's long-standing dominant power is being suppressed in many ways. Finally, he finally took advantage of this incident to seize the core rights of the acting department.

There are different opinions, and what happened in the business department has become a topic of discussion for most people in the city. It has completely overshadowed the disaster that happened during the day. Some people even gloated about the serious disaster that happened during the day, because most of the people who died were They are mutants, and although there are casualties among ordinary people, most of them are from the north.

Because Angus Construction started in the north, most of the local people in the north united and did not allow people from other areas to move in and do business. In addition, the people in the north had given people the impression of being vulgar and old-fashioned a long time ago, but now most of them have Some mutants are concentrated in the north, so many people are not worried that such large-scale events will occur where they live.

Today, with the large-scale rampage of mutants in the north, some incidents of mutant rampages also occurred in other areas, but they were too inconspicuous compared to the incidents in the north.

This is also an important basis for the 4 departments to draw the conclusion that there is a mutation cycle in the alienated genome of mutant people based on past data and analysis of today's problems.

Conspiracy theories also began to appear. Some people suspected that Congress had long known that a large-scale mutant rampage might occur, so it concentrated the mutants in the north in advance. However, the rumormongers were soon caught. Such conspiracy theories It also came to an abrupt end.

At this time, a car slowly drove over on the street, and a large number of reporters rushed towards it. They were congressmen, and congressmen from the eight major factions came over. The long motorcade stopped on the street at the main entrance of Frye Hospital. , the congressmen got out of the car one after another. The reporters were pushing and shoving behind the human wall formed by the administrative department, holding up the microphone and constantly asking questions to the congressmen who got off the car.

Some congressmen would go over to respond with a few words, while some went directly into the hospital. All congressmen were holding white flowers in their hands. The funeral had already begun, and the congressmen lined up to enter the Frye Mental Hospital.

As soon as you enter, you can see the directors of the administrative department standing on both sides. After seeing the council members coming in, they all bowed in gratitude. The main entrance of the main building, which is connected to the cemetery behind the hospital, has been decorated with white Decorated with flowers.

I don’t know since when, the huge backyard land of Frye Mental Hospital has become a burial place. Many people who do not have land to bury their loved ones at home, and do not want to leave it to the funeral parlor to deal with it at will, will bring their loved ones’ ashes and bury them behind the hospital. In nearly 5 square kilometers of land.

Passing through the passage connecting the main building to the backyard, you can see the vast cemetery in front of you. Black columns are inserted randomly in the cemetery. At the end of a stone road more than 500 meters away from the main building, a pit has been dug. The room was filled with flowers, and the chiefs and secretaries of the business department were standing nearby, standing respectfully.

Wu Qun was the first congressman to arrive. He glanced at the section chiefs and secretaries on both sides. Everyone bowed slightly. Wu Qun put down the white flowers in his hand, then grabbed a handful of soil next to him. Sprinkled it in, then closed his eyes silently, and bowed formally.

Julia, the secretary of Section 1 on the right, immediately made a gesture of invitation. Wu Qun nodded slightly and passed on the stone road on the right. He glanced back. The only thing missing here was Alpha, the section chief of Section 5. When Wu Qun came in, he saw 11 directors of Section 5 standing on the edge of the cemetery, wearing black suits. They were not wearing uniforms because they all resigned yesterday, and Section 5 Chief Alpha approved their resignations. .

Wu Qun also saw Whit, the principal of Shengde Women's College, and Xue Wang, the principal of All Fields College. The two were standing at the edge of the cemetery behind the hospital where they were about to return, holding a bag of white flowers in their hands. After Wu Qun walked over, Huite handed over a white corsage. Wu Qun took it and put it on his chest. Then he walked to the front yard of the hospital, where some drinks and food were placed, and he came to attend the funeral. People can take a break.

Today at 8 o'clock in the evening, the temporary city meeting will begin. On this occasion, the administrative department and the councilors can also have a little talk in order to come up with a set of solutions. After all, there are currently 300,000 homeless people in the north. returnees, and the reconstruction of the north is no small matter.

Wu Qun was the first to come to the tables and chairs that had been placed in the open space on the left side directly opposite the hospital. He carried a bottle of wine, opened it and poured himself a glass. The congressmen would come to attend the funeral tonight.

This funeral was the largest personal funeral in the city. At this time, Wu Qun saw Freya walking in escorted by escorts, as well as some businessmen from the family, and many ordinary businessmen came.

The long queue was still moving slowly. Wu Qun smiled bitterly. He probably knew that Alpha would not come now and would be the last to come, waiting for everyone to leave.

Wu Qun, who was drinking at this time, suddenly stood up and looked at a businessman and his wife who came in with some surprise. In a daze, Wu Qun thought of the two people in his mind. Wu Qun stood up and quickly approached them. .

"You two! Have we met somewhere?"

For a moment, the couple looked at Wu Qun in surprise, but the husband spoke first.

"It should be from the Hillman family, Representative Wu Qun."

The wife lowered her head, as if she didn't dare to look at Wu Qun. Then the husband bowed slightly and started walking with his wife.

"Hey, tell me, who are these two people?"

Wu Qun asked a director who often came to his restaurant to eat, and the other party quickly retrieved the information. The man's name was Lauren, and the woman's name was Lu Fang. They used to be a member of the Hillman family. Due to internal fighting, After being kicked out of the family, the couple started from scratch and now run a children's clothing company.

Wu Qun looked at the two people walking slowly in the queue. He always felt that he knew these two people, but he couldn't remember where he had met them. The moment he saw the couple for the first time, Wu Qun thought of them being dead. Feite and Gu Lin, especially the woman named Lu Fang, have exactly the same eyes as Gu Lin, but their appearance is different.

Wu Qun was still looking at the two people. In his memory, the two couples did die in the accident. Wu Qun also went to the hospital to see their appearance in person, and then attended their funeral.

"What on earth was I thinking!"

Wu Qun turned around and walked towards the table. At this time, many people came out. Wu Qun was holding a wine glass and sitting at a table with several congressmen. This was the most unique funeral that Wu Qun had ever attended.

Feite, who was in the queue at this time, felt that his wife Gu Lin next to him was very nervous. He smiled at her and shook his head. Gu Lin also nodded. It is not easy to live in the sunshine now, but The moment she saw Wu Qun, Gu Lin wanted to talk to Wu Qun. Although she didn't know why, it was obviously impossible.

Her husband has completely changed recently. Gu Lin probably knows what her husband has done, and she also knows that he must have assisted the Hillman family in some cruel research, and finally gave them the right to live in the sun, but They are already dead, and their identities have been changed to others.

In addition to the senior management and council members of the processing department who are here today, most of the other businessmen who came here have had contact with Jill. Lauren and his wife Lu Fang in their original identities have also received help from Jill in the past. , it was Jill who helped the couple after they were ruthlessly kicked out of the Hillman family.

"Why doesn't Alpha come over?"

Whit said after giving a corsage to a congressman who had just walked over to lay flowers. King Xue made a hissing gesture and shook his head.

"Don't show off."

Whit wants to persuade Alpha to take back his life. Although she knows what Alpha wants to do, at this time, doing so will only make the department more divided.

"I think even if you take the initiative to talk to the president, nothing will change. This time I am on the president's side."

Whit looked at King Xue with some surprise. This was something Whit had not expected.

"I think the president will explain the specifics at the city meeting tomorrow night. The current affairs department is terrible."

King Xue said with a smile, in the eyes of King Xue, over the past few years, the Xingke Department has gone from being highly efficient at the beginning to being idle now. This is not what King Xue wants to see. Many things have deteriorated. If it continues, the Xingke Department will It will become more and more dangerous.

"It's surprising why you would think that!"

King Xue smiled and bowed slightly without saying a word, and handed the white corsage in his hand to Freya who came over.

"Ms. Freya, would you like to send Michelle over?"

King Xue asked, Freya shook her head, she walked towards several waiting escorts, and then laughed.

"The conflict has become irreconcilable, and the next period will be the most difficult period for Brilliant City!"

King Xue nodded and watched Freya go away. He looked up at the sky and took off his glasses with some sadness. At the scene of the incident, Mo Xiaolan checked some of the environment where Jill was, although these places had already It was very badly damaged, but it can be seen that there were traces of fighting at the scene, which is very suspicious.

But Mo Xiaolan didn't say anything at that time. King Xue probably guessed what Mo Xiaolan would say, because among the senior management of the business department, only Jill had a problem. According to probability calculation, the probability of Jill having a problem was very high. It's low, but it may also have something to do with the top-secret project that Jill recently spearheaded.

Mo Xiaolan would complete the follow-up investigation alone. At this time, King Xue saw Eddie Hillman coming in. He was holding flowers with a sad face and was marching slowly in the team.

King Xue’s eyes have been following Eddie and have never moved away. King Xue knows very well that no matter what the Hillman family has done or what they want to do next, the gods will not deal with them in advance, because the city It still needs to continue to develop.

"Do you think it's possible they did it?"

King Xue asked in a low voice. Whit looked at Eddie with a complicated expression and shook his head.

"I am not sure."

Bursts of whispers sounded in the prepared rest area. Many congressmen and businessmen were sitting in a pile, and everyone was talking about today's event.

"I don't know what you're thinking!"

Wu Qun said, and Chen Qiao next to him laughed.

"Old Wu, our Chen family has suffered unprecedented losses this time, can't we?"

Wu Qun put down his wine glass, stood up, turned and walked towards the door.

"Lao Wu, let's talk for a while, we think"

Wu Qun smiled and shook his head.

"I'm going back. That's it for today."

Distrust has begun to erupt among businessmen and congressmen. Of course Wu Qun knows what the businessmen are secretly doing behind the scenes. This afternoon Wu Qun received the news about the Chen family, the Huosen family, the Jiang family and the Wang family. The four major families have already planned to join forces with the Hillman family.

The five major families joining forces is what Wu Qun least wants to see and face, but now it is happening quietly behind the scenes. No one can do anything and no one can say anything. After all, the overall interests of the businessmen are in There was indeed damage in this northern disaster, and businessmen have begun to resist.

As soon as they returned to the street, the reporters swarmed up again. The people from Section 5 didn’t even stop the reporters. They surrounded Wu Qun. Wu Qun just smiled in front of the camera and ignored each of the reporters’ questions. He answered in a relaxed manner, but Wu Qun was not at ease in his heart.

After dealing with reporters, Wu Qun got into the car. He was a little drunk, but he still took out the wine in the wine cabinet in front of him and drank alone. The speed of the car was very slow. Wu Qun knew very well that this intra-regional economic mobility plan What does the failure mean? Capital will start to get out of control again.

In recent years, Wu Qun has always had a feeling that just when everything is about to get better, it will suddenly deteriorate, not just once or twice. Wu Qun doesn't know what is going on. Wu Qun once thought that maybe it was love. Eddie is controlling everything, but now that I think about it, even if Eddie is very smart, he cannot control everything accurately.

Wu Qun never rejected the ridiculous nonsense in his mind. He could only place his hope on Alpha for everything that would follow. If Alpha still could not reverse the crisis of the city, then the city would collapse.

"What the hell are you thinking about! Alpha."

The presidents of the eight major associations did not sit for long, and went back after briefly attending the funeral, because everyone knew that no matter how much they talked, it was useless. Some members of the council also left early because of disagreements with some businessmen. .

No one from the administrative department attended the ceremony from beginning to end, and many people who wanted to sit down and have a drink also left in a hurry. The funeral lasted until 2 o'clock in the morning and ended.

The streets were still brightly lit, but there were not many people in Frye Jingsheng Hospital at this time, and some people from the medical department also began to leave gradually.

The black soil had filled up the pit where Jill was buried. Duan Kong squatted on the soil, sprinkled the last soil on it, and patted it with his hands.

“How about we have a drink?”

Before Duan Kong finished speaking, he noticed that the section chief's secretaries had left in twos and threes. Next to her, Julia still had tears in her eyes. She was blowing her nose and choking in her throat.

Duan Kong's eyes were trembling slightly, feeling like this was terrible. Soon Duan Kong saw the takeoff and landing aircraft of Section 6, 7, and 9 taking off. Duan Kong got up and wanted to catch those who had not yet left. There were many people there, but when they came to the yard, it was already quite empty. Only Huashen and Fry were tidying up in the empty resting area.

Everyone seemed a little distracted and wanted to leave.

"Xiaoxuan, wait"

Duan Kong chased after him, but Qin Xiaoxuan ignored him and walked directly out of the hospital gate, quickly jumped to the roof and disappeared into the dark night sky.

"Everyone, what on earth is going on!"

Duan Kong sat helplessly on the steps, and Julia sat next to him. Watching his classmates leave one by one, most of them stopped talking. Duan Kong only felt very painful in his heart. The pain must be felt by everyone at this moment.

"Why can't we sit down and talk!"

Duan Kong stood up and shouted, but it still had no effect. People were still leaving, many of whom seemed to be fleeing.

This heartbreaking and helpless feeling filled Duan Kong's body. Julia stood up and started walking. Duan Kong walked over and tried to hold her, but Julia soon turned her head.

"I want to be alone."

"This is reality!"

Duan Kong turned his head following the sad female voice and saw Ling Hong leaning on the edge of a flower bed. She looked a little drunk.

Duan Kong then joined Frye and Huashen in the cleaning work. Ling Hong smoked cigarettes one after another. She seemed to be waiting for someone, always looking up at the sky.

By 3 a.m., the three of them had cleared away most of the tables and chairs. Frye Mental Hospital was almost deserted, the people on the street had dispersed, and the lights outside were turned off.


Following a voice, Ling Hong opened her eyes and stared angrily at Alpha who came in from the courtyard wall.

"Sorry, something happened, I'm late."

Ling Hong walked over quickly and grabbed Alpha by the collar.

"Are you late? Are you really late? What on earth are you thinking about? There is no need to make our relationship so tense, Alpha!"

Alpha pushed Ling Hong's hand away and stared at Ling Hong with sharp eyes.

"I won't stop. It's true that I didn't consider everyone's mood, but"

Alpha did not say any more, but took a step forward. However, in the next second Alpha stretched out his left hand and held down the knee that Ling Hong suddenly kicked up. A violent red thunder and lightning flashed, and Alpha's body slid backwards. past, and then landed on the ground.

Ling Hong knew very well, knew better than anyone else, that Alpha's approach was correct and had been the case all these years. What had deteriorated was the other students in the Business Department. Everyone had become too lax over the years, and Ling Hong herself knew that. , since the march in the barrier area ended, there has been a change in my heart.

I have become much more relaxed about the work at hand, and even many things within the 3rd Department. I have not even gone back to work in the 3rd Department for a long time. Obviously everyone sees the problem and can see it, but many times everyone is more willing to choose Turn a blind eye.

"Sister, wait for me!"

A voice sounded, and Niya jumped down from the courtyard wall. As soon as she landed, she saw the furious Ling Hong charging towards her.

"Alfa, is it really necessary to do this?"

Ling Hong asked angrily. Alpha did not answer, but instantly dodged Ling Hong's fist. Without any hesitation, he accurately hit Ling Hong's abdomen. Ling Hong's eyes widened and he faced backwards. After flying out, Huashen immediately jumped over and caught Ling Hong.

After not seeing each other for a while, Alpha became stronger, unbelievably strong. Ling Hong covered her slightly aching abdomen, and all the scabs had broken into pieces. Alpha walked silently.

"Alfa was the first to discover Jill's abnormality. Don't say anything to Ling Hong. She is in more pain than any of you. She watched Jill die but was unable to do anything!"

The anger in Ling Hong's chest calmed down. She looked at the two sisters who walked in. Ling Hong was a little surprised that Niya would follow, but soon Ling Hong remembered that Jill often mentioned Niya in the past.

Soon Alpha and Nia came to Gil's grave. Alpha sat cross-legged on the ground, and Nia took out the wine from the bag she was carrying.

"Sister, let's have a good drink tonight."

Alpha unscrewed a bottle of wine, took a sip, and lit a cigarette. He looked at the black soil in front of him with sad eyes. Everything that happened yesterday seemed like a dream, but now it is extremely real.

Having worked with Jill for so many years, Alpha felt very uncomfortable. Bits and pieces of the past were always flowing in Alpha's mind. Niya was saying something aside, and Alpha smiled bitterly. At this time, several footsteps came from behind, Ling Red sat next to Alpha.

"Why don't you want to talk to everyone? Why Alpha!"

"If we could really talk, things wouldn't have reached this point. I can turn a blind eye to many things, but once or twice is enough, but what about three times? What about the fourth time? What about the fifth time? ?”

Ling Hong lowered her head helplessly, took a big sip and looked at Alpha.

"Sorry Alpha!"

Ling Hong knew that it was not Alpha's fault that such a situation would develop, but that everyone had changed. When it comes to city matters, just stop at it, but work cannot continue like this. If it cannot be done , the problems will only become more and more complex.

In fact, from the beginning, Alpha's idea was very simple: to stabilize the city's security, improve the city's laws, and then stabilize the economy and improve the people's quality of life. But in this process, the Executive Branch serves as the agency to achieve these conditions. , began to go crazy, and even often got out of control in recent years.

Obviously many people know what the problem is, but they gradually fall into a dilemma, and then begin to selectively ignore some things. As long as the city continues to be stable, any problems will arise, but these problems will always occur. It will explode in one day. All it takes is one problem like today and all the problems will explode.

"Have you ever thought about what will happen if you continue like this Alpha?"

Alpha smiled and shook his head.

"I have never thought about it, or why I should look around. It is clear that I have set a path from the beginning, and just follow it strictly. In turn, I want to ask everyone, when did you give up yourself? !”

While Alpha was speaking, he suddenly took out two bottles of wine from his bag and threw them towards the empty place.

"Don't look around!"

Huite and King Xue appeared at the same time. They took the wine and walked over.

"I very much agree with what you said, President."

King Xue smiled gently and sat over. Whitt looked like she was suffering. She knew very well that she could not accuse Alpha of anything. Indeed, in Whitt's view, many students had given up on themselves.

"The city will be very dangerous if it continues like this. Since everyone is tired, take a good rest. I will convince them to take up positions in the All-Field Academy."

King Xue said, Huite stared at him sideways, and Ling Hong raised her hand.

"I was the first to sign up for Principal Xue Wang."

At this time, Niya ran to Ling Hong's side with a smile.

"Sister Ling Hong, can you teach me?"

Ling Hong glanced at Niya, and then looked at Alpha.

"Don't you see how powerful your sister is? Do you still need my teaching?"

Nia laughed awkwardly, and then Fry came over.

"Please stick to your thoughts, President. The internal affairs department is already in chaos. If you choose to compromise at this time, the situation will only get worse."

Alpha looked at Fry, then nodded.

"Those who don't want to do it, just let them do it. Whether they want to resent me or blame me, I have said from the beginning, what is the purpose of the power we have!"

Alpha said, raising his hands and clenching his fists.

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