Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1817 Countdown to Collapse: Master (Part 1)

"Miss! Your colorful smoothie beans are here!"

Two women sitting in Rose Dolby's shop, waiting to eat, were startled when they looked at the bearded man in front of them, who was over two meters tall and strong, like a bear. A light green apron with cute little animal lace, and most importantly, a big bald head. It looked a little scary, but also a little funny. The two women covered their mouths and laughed.

"Move quickly, Xiong Dabiao."

Olivia, who fetched the desserts needed by the guests from the kitchen at the front desk, frowned slightly and looked at the clumsy Xiong Dabiao.

"Come on, come on, don't rush me, my stomach hurts a little, I need to go have a bowel movement first."

A plate directly covered Xiong Dabiao's face, and Olivia was about to explode. At this time, Olivia was wearing a black waiter uniform and a floral ponytail. She looked neutral and sexy. This restaurant Almost all the customers in the store are women. After working here for almost a month, Olivia finally understands why the store's business is so good.

Although I had only seen it a few times, Rose, the shop owner with the ultimate androgynous beauty, used telekinesis to make desserts, and the food she made was very delicious. Olivia was also a little curious, but after a few days of making it, she She didn't want to do it. After all, she couldn't do this kind of work, or she didn't like it very much. But there was only one reason for Olivia to stay. Rose was terrifyingly strong.

Three months ago, the two of them happened to be fired from a store because the store owner always used excuses to be rude to Olivia. Although Olivia held back, Xiong Dabiao did not hold back, and ended up beating the store owner. The two were again sentenced to three months of hard work in an agricultural base as punishment.

After returning, he could only find a job in the northern area. Surprisingly, Xiong Dabiao actually knew Rose, the owner of this store, and Rose hired them both. One was responsible for the front desk, the other was responsible for delivering food, and Rose was only responsible for cooking. Eat, but occasionally show up and chat with female guests.

Watching Xiong Dabiao go upstairs, Olivia could only bring the food on the table to the women at the corresponding tables. Today is the New Year, and the mutant competition will start at noon, so there are quite a few tourists coming to the area. It's only 10 o'clock in the morning, and this dessert shop is almost full of people.

Even after what happened last year, the mutant competition is still eye-catching, and there is still a lot of investment from businesses. What Olivia cannot understand is that it is always in people's hands to forget the pain after the scar is healed. It happens again and again.

On the one hand, she is clearly resisting the mutant people, but on the other hand, she is cheering for the mutant people in the mutant competition. Olivia hates this kind of thing. Everyone knows it, but many people have selective amnesia.

"I heard that the gods have stopped attending city meetings recently."

Olivia put down the dessert, and two women were chatting. Olivia became a little curious about the content of their chat, because for some reason, she could always hear discussions about the gods recently, no matter where she went. No matter where you go, there will always be people discussing some things about the gods, especially some of the decisions made by the gods in the past. They will always be criticized. Many people feel that it is the decisions of the gods that have led to such a bad situation in the city.

But in Olivia's view, all this is not something that God can control. What is truly difficult to control is the human heart. In Olivia's impression, God is distant and unreachable. From a very young age, Olivia Ya knew the existence of God.

In the past, Olivia had once questioned the authenticity of the existence of the gods. However, whenever there was a big problem in the city, the gods would take decisive action and use incredible power to solve everything in a short time.

The city has reached what it is today because the gods have trained batches of scientific and technological talents, and these talents ultimately created the city's glory.

However, in Olivia's impression, the existence of the gods did not have any sense of reality. After delivering the desserts to the last table of guests, Olivia returned to the bar. At this time, the owner Rose also came from the back kitchen. After walking out, the eyes of a large number of women in the store gathered over her. Rose smiled easily, but did not go over immediately. Instead, she stood next to Olivia.

"How's your work going, little girl?"

Olivia nodded, but she was a little uncomfortable being called a little girl. After all, she was not young, but Olivia had also heard many people say that Rose Dolby's store was in Section 3 and Section 5. The Science Headquarters had been there before it was built, but Rose's age could not be determined, but Olivia estimated that she must be at least 80 years old.

"Little girl, if you have something on your mind, you might as well tell me and maybe I can answer your questions!"

Olivia shook her head, and then planned to go to the room above to rest for 10 minutes before coming down. Rose looked at Olivia who was going upstairs, and her eyes immediately focused on Nia who walked in from the door of the store, and Niya who walked in from the door of the store. Next to Niya was a tall and muscular bodyguard.

"Rose, I heard that Xiong Dabiao and Olivia are working at your place."

Rose hummed.

"I'll give them special treatment today. You go up and get together with them. They don't have to work before noon."

Niya went upstairs with a smile, but Rose was a little surprised, because Niya always wears a skirt when going out. Today, Niya wore a refreshing sky blue skirt, and her hair was done. She looked very beautiful. As soon as they entered, many people in the store noticed that the coat of arms of the Angus family was printed on the clothes of the two people.

"Little brother, why don't you go over there and I'll give you a sweet treat."

Rose smiled and took out a cigarette, and the bodyguard in front of her immediately bowed slightly.

"No need, Lady Rose, I'll wait here for the second lady, okay!"

Rose glanced at the stocky bodyguard captain of the Angus family. She would always see this guy every time she went to the Angus family. He was a very taciturn man.

"What? Has that girl caused trouble again recently? Do you want you to follow her out and watch her?"

Rose asked with a smile, and the bodyguard in front of her smiled and nodded.

This bodyguard’s name is Gris, a member of Violet’s original family. After his father’s accident occurred during construction, the Gris family was in dire straits. Gris himself has no business acumen, but he is relatively good at fighting. Excellent, after Niya was kidnapped as a child, the bodyguards were changed once. The investigation results showed that someone among the bodyguards exposed Niya's whereabouts, which led to Niya's kidnapping. Although the bodyguard was found out, Violi Te only fired him, but did not hold him accountable.

Later, after something happened to the Griese family, he went to the Angus family and became the bodyguard of the Angus family. Gris was Nia's distant cousin in terms of seniority.

There was a burst of noise upstairs, and Niya's voice instantly made the diners below feel confused. For a while, the conversation in the store became much quieter.

Gris laughed helplessly. He also explained to Rose that Niya had caused a lot of trouble when she used excuses to visit some relatives' houses and interned in their companies. In the end, Violet saw that If she doesn't want to go any further, let Gris follow Niya whenever she goes out and stop her when she wants to cause trouble.

"Your strength seems to have improved a lot Gris."

Rose said something leisurely, and Gris bowed slightly.

"Lady Rose, thank you to the eldest lady. It was the eldest lady who taught me something."

Rose frowned slightly at the mention of Alpha. Although on the surface it seemed that Alpha was much more honest and had not made any big moves in the past six months, in fact Alpha had been secretly conducting some investigations, weaving arrangements, etc. For work, the new version of the internal management regulations of the Acting Section will be released soon, and Alpha submitted it at the end of December last year.

There is basically no fault to be found in the newly revised version of the Internal Management Regulations of the Business Department. Rose and a few other guys can only let Alpha temporarily. After all, the most troublesome thing now is Gene, because we don’t know what he will do. Handle issues within the practice department.

This issue is extremely complex and very hurtful. For emotional reasons, Rose does not want to see the miserable end of the students. Indeed, most of the students have lost their relationship with businessmen and parliamentarians over the years. It's very close, and it's divided into various different factions, but basically everyone is still working hard.

Rights are something that is difficult or impossible to separate from money. Both are indispensable.

"It's Gene!"

Along with a sound, there was a commotion at the entrance of the store. Rose came back to her senses and looked over. Gene was walking slowly towards the counter with a cigarette in his mouth and his uniform.

"How about taking a walk outside!"

Gene said as soon as he came over, and Rose hummed and looked at Gris.

"Keep an eye on the store for me, and if anyone is there, ask the two clerks above to come down."

Jean glanced at the stairs going up to the right side of the counter, turned around and started walking. At this time, all the eyes in the store were focused on Jean and Rose. After watching the two people walk out of the store, many people got up and followed them. Got out.

"What on earth do you want to do!"

Rose asked, and the two of them stood on the top of the tower on the side of the wall of Section 5 headquarters. Gene was leaning on the top of the tower, with his head raised comfortably and his eyes closed.

"It's nothing, it's just that there are some things that I have to do myself."

Rose smiled bitterly.

"I just wish you could postpone punishing those children."

Jean looked at Rose in surprise.

"Why don't you go see them?"

Rose shook her head.

"Do you still remember that in school, many times I just left after class and rarely said anything to the children? I am not as good at contacting people as you are."

"Don't you get along well with the female customers in the store?"

Gene said with a smile and Rose shook her head.

"It's not like you don't know that I've liked girls before."

"Then there aren't many cute little girls among the students!"

Rose sat next to Gene.

"I'm serious with you Gene! I have had no parents, no brothers and sisters since I was a child, and you know that."

Jean smiled easily and nodded. Jean knew everything about Rose clearly, because in the past era, Rose's birth was a big news.

Rose's parents are both leading figures in the scientific community, and their marriage was by agreement. In order to cultivate the best next generation, Rose did not grow up in the mother's body, but in a cold cultivation cabin. born.

Moreover, Rose's genes had been modified before she was still an embryo. The couple selected their best genes and wrote in some artificial gene combinations based on the genetic technology of the time. Finally, Rose was born.

This practice received unprecedented criticism in the world at that time. However, the criticism stopped abruptly when Rose used the characteristics of algae to create a new energy source when she was only 9 years old.

Major media and many people in the world have unanimously praised Rose, a talented girl. Algae new energy has solved many problems in poor areas around the world at that time. Everyone is praising this talented girl.

However, no one cares about everything about this girl. The first time they saw this girl was on a bench by the Seine River. Cynicality is the label of this girl. In the eyes of many ordinary people, Rose's life is very It's enviable, but at the same time, it's also embarrassing with all the problems that Rose has.

Fighting, making random friends, both men and women, consuming contraband, but still able to continue to achieve results in the field of science. Gene only met Rose's parents once, and that was at the graduation ceremony of the Scientific Astronaut Academy. Rose's parents came for the first time.

After just taking a simple photo, Gene saw Rose's parents leaving. Rose was smiling at the time, but in fact Rose cried a lot that day.

"I really don't want to see any problems with the students, as long as the city is stable enough, students."

"I won't do anything, it's just that I have to fulfill my last responsibility as their teacher now. When did I start to change my view of human beings!"

Rose shook her head, took out a cigarette from Gene's pocket, lit it and blew out a puff of smoke.

"You know, Gene! When I landed in South Africa, I originally wanted to go find my parents. This was probably my biggest regret when I was still a human being, but now it's our turn. Standing on the side of the elders From a perspective, when looking at some issues, it may be very comprehensive, but is it really comprehensive? Do you still remember what that girl Alpha said!"

Gene nodded and Rose hummed.

"So you have to think about Jean. The reason why things turn out like this is often beyond their control. I hope you clearly understand this. Moreover, there have been more and more voices of dissatisfaction with us in the city recently. ."

Jean nodded. Jean had heard this to some extent. During this period of time, Jean had been to many places, and he always heard people discussing things about gods. There were already many voices of dissatisfaction with the gods. .

Recently, Locke is hosting the city meetings, and the gods rarely show up. On the one hand, it is because it is now necessary to enter the next stage of fortification consolidation. According to the ideas of several people, the height of the barrier, as well as the placement of weapons and facilities inside the barrier, A lot of things need to be added, and the situation outside the barrier has become increasingly unstable recently.

There will be at least a century in the future before humans can leave this planet. In order to maintain stability in the next century, a new round of transformation of the barrier area will also begin. Several people are working day and night to carry out various numerical calculations. In order to conduct research, Jean continued to run around the city as usual, processing documents submitted to the Congress system by the General Affairs Section and congressmen.

Another reason is that there are more and more voices of dissatisfaction with the gods in society, so everyone plans not to attend the city meeting for the time being. After all, every move they make in the city meeting will be spread out.

"Where are you going next!"

Rose asked, and Gene scratched his head.

"Let's go to Section 1 and have a look first."

Rose's expression became serious.

"Is it that urgent?"

Gene stood up.

"I don't care what you and Julia said, there are some things I have to investigate myself."

Gene glanced at Rose, then at the shop on the street below the wall.

"Are those two interesting?"

Rose laughed.

"I really can't hide anything from you. It's just my little interest. I taught them a little bit."

"Then let's continue. Those two people have a very important quality as human beings."

Rose hummed, Gene grabbed the uniform, waved his hand and jumped off, Rose sighed.

"I just hope that the city will continue to be stable and there won't be any big troubles!"


Duan Kong is looking at the qualification reviews of some large companies. Many of the reviews have no problems, but Duan Kong doesn't know why. Many things he has reviewed over the years have problems in the end. It is clearly not visible in the report documents reviewed. Any problem, but in the end many companies have problems because of qualifications.

Having sat in this position for 7 years, Duan Kong feels that it has become increasingly difficult recently. There are so many problems in the first department, and the relationship with other departments is not very good now.

Duan Kong fell into deep thought, recalling the content of Tamai's inaugural speech at 1 o'clock in the morning. The problem of factions in the executive branch was the same within the 1st branch. Many times, Duan Kong only reminded him one or two words, because We are all classmates, and in Duan Kong's understanding, there is nothing that cannot be discussed while sitting down.


The door to the room was opened, and Julia ran in in a panic.

"The principal is here."

Duan Kong was a little surprised, but he smiled the next second.

"Let's have a meal together, so that everyone can..."

Several council officers had already ran in at the door.

"What happened?"

Julia looked at Duan Kong solemnly.

"You go deal with the principal first. We have to deal with something. After all, there are still a lot of things to do."

Duan Kong became a little suspicious, but he didn't think much about it. However, the next second, the window of the section chief's office was opened, and a fierce wind rushed in. Jean appeared outside the window, and Jean jumped easily. Come in.

"Julia, you look so bad!"

"It's nothing, Principal!"

Duan Kong smiled and invited Jean to have dinner with him later. There was a nice shop down there.

"Everyone, please put aside the work at hand. Julia, go and inform the directors. You only need to go to the conference room next door. You only need to be in the department. I will give you 5 minutes."

Julia and the five council officers present looked at Jean awkwardly. Jean walked slowly, and Duan Kong followed quickly.

"You're still the same as before."

As soon as he entered the conference room, Jean opened his mouth and Duan Kong hummed.

"What on earth is going on principal!"

"No matter how stupid you are, you should have realized it a long time ago. You used to be so late-minded. Do you remember what I told you!"

Duan Kong hummed.

"Principal, you said that there are always two sides to everything, and I know that."

The relief on Duan Kong's face disappeared.

"Principal, why are you here?"

As soon as a female director came in, she came over with a smile and put her arm around Jean. Soon several other female director officers also came over, and everyone was talking about having a meal together later.

"You bastards!"

Gene muttered, and then looked at Julia who was closing the door. She looked cautious.

The atmosphere in the entire conference room became extremely awkward.

"Now I ask you to retrieve the qualification approvals from the past year."

As Jean said, Duan Kong took out his cell phone.

"Come over and sit down."

All 18 people in the room sat obediently under the table. Gene lit a cigarette and took Duan Kong's mobile phone. Duan Kong entered the permission code on the side.

"Who can answer me? The qualifications of this company called Guest Meat Food Processing should have been revoked three years ago, but why can it continue to produce after being revoked!"

"Principal, this may be an oversight by the regional officer below. I will check it out later."

A male council officer said as Gene lit a cigarette.

"No need to check."

Gene said and took out a small light and shadow locker. Soon the cabinet appeared on the table. Gene took out a pack of fresh frozen meat from it. Then Gene took out a testing device.

Soon, along with the values ​​on the light and shadow screen, it became clear that the protein content of the meat was not up to standard. It was certain that this package of fresh frozen meat was mixed with other things.

"I bought this from a vegetable market in a mid-rise area yesterday morning."

Gene said and threw the bag of meat to the standing director. After taking it in his hand, he lowered his head and looked at it.

"Tell me! How much did you charge them?"

Jean asked directly, and the director stared blankly at the frozen meat in his hand.

"The additive should be a simulated meat protein agent. The current allowed range in the city is within 1%. This package of meat is 1 kilogram."

As Gene said, everyone looked at the test value on the light and shadow screen. The meat protein content was less than 50%, which was obviously fake meat. If this simulated meat protein agent made from plant proliferating cells is consumed for a long time, If it does, it will cause great harm to the body and cause serious cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

"Answer me, Zhangqiu!"

Gene asked, and the director named Zhang Qiu froze on the spot.

"Sit down, their business qualifications will be revoked immediately!"

As Jean said, Duan Kong next to him immediately called up the company's information, and soon saw that the business qualification expiration date was January 1, 2226. Duan Kong directly closed the company's business. Qualifications, as long as the company's business qualifications are suspended, people from Section 1 in the area will immediately go over to investigate.

"Who can tell me why the Bode Optical Company can continue to operate?"

Gene said and quickly called up the company's information. On the light and shadow screen, the company had always claimed to use A+ grade glasses materials. Gene took out an unpolished lens from his pocket.

I put it directly on the light and shadow meter next to it, and soon the material and the evaluation of the material appeared, which was only C grade.

Duan Kong immediately revoked the business qualification of this company, which is still a listed company.

"There are many other companies like this. Can anyone tell me why this Xin'an company can still exist? As early as 5 years ago, they were suspected of committing crimes and the person in charge was arrested, but they are still standing today! "

On a light and shadow screen, this company sells life services, but they sell a large amount of customer information to other companies for profit. They have been investigated by Section 5 before, and the person in charge has been jailed, but the person in charge has not yet been released. The company was opened again.

"Do you still need me to buy samples directly one by one, or find witnesses, before you are willing to admit it?"

Gene asked again. Duan Kong looked at everyone with their heads lowered. He was aware of these things to some extent, but because the city needed stability, he selectively let it go. These companies with problematic qualifications all have A lot of employees, if they don't have the qualifications, those people will be out of a job.

Jean sighed and looked at the students who had their heads lowered.

"Tell me clearly how much you charged them and how you did it!"

At this time, Julia came out, stood in front of Gene, and bowed deeply.

"Principal, we are only doing this to stabilize the city."

"Don't make these excuses. For the sake of profit, businessmen will definitely find a way to pass the qualification review. Why does Subject 1 exist? I don't remember that I have taught you that as long as the poor are slightly unqualified, their business qualifications will be eliminated immediately. will be revoked, but the rich can still keep their qualifications even if they make huge mistakes, because the rich can provide you with money, but the poor cannot!"

Each student looked red and lowered his head, unable to say a word. Duan Kong stood aside with a serious expression. He just didn't expect that the problem had become so serious.

"Call all the directors back! The problem will be solved here today."

As Gene said, Julia took out her phone with a solemn expression. Duan Kong didn't know what to say. At this time, he was thinking more about Alpha. The reason why Alpha did this was that he might have anticipated the problem. It was serious enough that we had to take action.

"Principal, what will happen to everyone!"

Duan Kong asked, and everyone looked at Jean. Jean stood up, clenched his fists and knocked on the table.

"I really want to give you a good beating, but it would be much easier if a good beating would solve the problem!"

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