Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1768 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 98 (Part 2)

Angry sounds continued to come from the streets, and things were broken. A large number of mutants poured onto the streets and began to gather.

The specific rules for assessing the level of mutants from the Business Department have been released. Companies and individuals are given only one month to process the excess amount of mutants they hire. By April 1, they must comply with the newly issued regulations on the assessment of mutant levels and employment wages. According to the regulations, those who still fail to comply will have their industry qualifications revoked.

Not only were the mutants dissatisfied, but most businessmen were also dissatisfied. Many businessmen followed in the footsteps of the mutants and everyone was extremely dissatisfied with such regulations that seemed shameless and infuriating in the eyes of these groups.

The employment salary range of mutants is very detailed from the six levels of SABCDE, 50,000 to 40,000, 40,000 to 30,000, 30,000 to 20,000, 20,000 to 10,000, 10,000 to 5,000, 5,000 to 2,500.

Such a range does not seem like much, because the income of high-level mutants has not changed much. Most of these high-level mutants are in large companies, cooperating with the company to conduct various experiments and develop some New technologies and products play a very important role, especially in the pharmaceutical industry.

But the wages of the low-level mutants have been greatly reduced. After seeing the examination details of the professional department, many mutants know very well that it is extremely difficult to advance, and there are 123 grades for each level. , looking at the dense details and values ​​​​on it, more mutants instantly felt that they had no hope.

Over the years, most mutants have relied on their strong bodies to make money. Few mutants will run some industries independently, because mutants are more popular in the city. In the past, when crime was rampant, most mutants Mutants have higher incomes because they can serve as thugs for some criminal gangs. In today's era of low crime rates, most criminals are recruited by individuals or companies that require a large amount of manpower, and their salary income is far higher than that of ordinary people.

"Please calm down and maintain order!"

The local regional section officer stood on a management vehicle and was still shouting. At this time, the situation on the street was no longer optimistic. Many mutants stared angrily at the members of the administrative section who came around. Many members of the department were frightened at this time. Although they already had restraint weapons to deal with mutants, most of them still lacked confidence. Although the executive department also had a combined mutant team of 12 departments, but in each area The mutant joint team has less than 100 people, and the ratio to the mutants in the city is 1:200.

What makes many mutants even more angry is that at the bottom of the regulations issued by the Acting Department, there is also a special recruitment information for mutants. The monthly salary is 2,000 to enter the Acting Department. After studying and training, they can take the examination of the Acting Department and become regular, and then obtain The benefits corresponding to each subject are unreasonable to most mutants.


A strong mutant man in the lead hit the roof of the car next to him with his fist. In an instant, the roof of the car was dented. A mutant on the other side of the street kicked a car over and the car flipped over. After the circle, it hit the electric pole. The electric pole collapsed suddenly, and with a loud bang, the electric pole directly broke the glass of the store opposite.

On the streets all over the city, mutant people gathered, but there was no large-scale conflict, but protests and demonstrations. But this situation is very dangerous. A large number of joint suppression forces from Section 3 and Section 5 have already moved all districts. The mutant people who appeared on the street surrounded him.

Everyone knows that once a riot occurs, the situation may be difficult to deal with. More mutants remain rational, because they all know that if a conflict breaks out, if they are caught, they will be sent to prison. No one wants to go there. prison.

On some rooftops, snipers from Section 3 have already been in place. This is all to take precautions, but this approach has obviously alerted many mutants.

The practical interests of mutant people have been harmed by the regulations. In recent years, there have been basically few criminals among mutant people. This is all because of their high monthly income. Mutants live a very comfortable life, and their overall consumption They were all very tall. At this time, some mutants began to leave the street quietly. Most of these mutants had families, as well as some older mutants.

Some people even tried to persuade them that such a rule had been circulating in the city for more than 20 days. Many mutants had already thought of ways to deal with it, and some mutant people's associations had already discussed how to deal with this rule.

Most mutants are still very clear-headed. In recent years, the number of mutant crimes has been very low. On the one hand, it is due to the strictness of mutant laws, on the other hand, high wages, and on the other hand, mutant people have become accustomed to this kind of crime. Stable lives only exist for those who are tainted by gambling, loan sharking or life corruption.

The city's mutant laws are extremely strict against mutant crimes. If they fight with ordinary people, according to the public security regulations, they will only be punished for a few months, but depending on the circumstances of the matter, the mutants may go to jail.


A young mutant buckled one hand into the roof of the car next to him and grabbed the car with one hand. A hand behind him grabbed his arm.

"what do you want to do?"

"I can't take it anymore, damn."

The older mutant behind him shook his head.

"The city's overall economy is now in a very depressed state. It's basically impossible for us to survive alone. If you take action, think carefully about your future life."

On some streets, the mutants had dispersed. Some people proposed to unite all the mutants in the city to go on strike and force the administrative department to make changes to the regulations. However, such unrealistic opinions were quickly refuted by many people, because If you don't do it, someone else will.

Many mutant associations have already submitted applications for business activities to open mutant promotion training centers, under the name of mutant companies, because many mutants have discovered that there are many loopholes in the details, including training institutions. There are no strict restrictions on this area.

8:21 am

Qin Xiaoxuan was helping Jill adjust her collar. She smiled and looked at Jill, who had already put on makeup and looked handsome.

"Don't forget the lyrics later. I stayed up for several days to write them."

Gil hummed. At this moment, a smell of smoke drifted over. A hand gently hugged Gil's neck, and Tang Rao stretched his head over.

"No matter what, keep doing it well. This is your first time taking over such a job."

"I understand, Lord Tang Rao."

The room was full of directors from Section 5 and Section 3 who were responsible for this regulation. Everyone looked a little solemn, because there were some small-scale riots in various places, but no large-scale conflicts occurred. 131 mutants had already Arrested.

There are only 8 minutes left until the televised speech begins. Everyone present knows that this practice of sacrificing a few for the sake of the many is performed time and time again. Society will always have to act like this at a certain time. Cruel methods select larger groups to maintain stability. Now only a more effective and reasonable system can continue to allow human society to continue.

Mutants are considered to be the largest minority group in the city. They are dangerous and functional, but they are limited to personal functionality. They cannot create higher social value, but will greatly damage the lives of most ordinary people. Social value.

This issue has been debated in Congress for countless rounds. In the end, most people voted to introduce this regulation. For the sake of social correctness, everyone made a choice. From the hands of 200,000 mutants, With 1 million employment positions, the income of mutants can still be higher than that of ordinary people, but it will no longer be as ridiculously high as in the past.

Businessmen are actually the biggest victims of this regulation. Most businessmen have to lay off the mutants they employ. In the past, one mutant could replace at least 5 workers, but now more workers must be recruited. To be able to maintain production capacity and operations, it even requires additional security mutants. Expenses must be higher than before, and profits have dropped a lot.

This shameless approach has been repeated countless times in Congress. Everyone knows that this is a very harmful approach to human rights, but they all voted in favor in the end, because in everyone's eyes, 1 million jobs , can alleviate the current Great Depression in the city. There is no more correct approach than this. Once a large number of jobs are added, consumption will actually increase, and these consumptions will eventually return to the hands of businessmen, but It’s a matter of time, and whether it can effectively control the market.

Some businessmen have calmed down at this time, because economists Hu Youran and Duke have clearly listed all this in CBV's large-scale program.

"I just hope that everyone can think calmly about whether it is better for the overall economy to be good or for the economy to be differentiated. People with mutations now have fierce competition because of the relationship between ratings, and this is a healthy competition. According to our investigation, there was a lot of confusion in the evaluation levels of mutants in the past. You only need to spend money to buy high-level mutant qualifications. The evaluation of mutants does not have accurate characterization and credibility at all, or even no any regulation.”

"Yes, if a society wants to make great progress, it is necessary to have a complete and specific supervision system and evaluation system. And now mutants can enjoy free physical examinations every quarter. Please think calmly. What is reasonable and what is unreasonable.”

Hu Youran and Duke were still discussing. The TV pictures showed some chaos in various places, but there were no large-scale riots, but only small-scale conflicts, which were quickly stopped by the administrative department.

At 8:30, Jill began to appear on light and shadow screens in streets and alleys across the city.

"Good morning, dear citizens!"

Gil said with a smile and a slight bow.

"I believe that everyone should have read the latest relevant instructions issued by our business department regarding the detailed evaluation rules and employment salary rules for mutants!"

Jill put away the smile on her face, her expression was serious and her eyes were serious.

"In the past, before the establishment of Brilliant City, mutants have existed. This group has always been an extremely special existence among the human group! I am also a mutant myself, and this rule was put forward at the beginning of last year. It was on the agenda for discussion in Congress, but it took a whole year of debate and debate before it was finally finalized. The purpose of introducing this regulation is to strengthen the supervision of mutants and effectively promote the stability of all walks of life."

Just a few minutes after Jill's televised speech started, many people no longer planned to listen any more, because everyone had heard this rhetoric countless times, and it was similar to every televised speech given by Locke in the past. Most ordinary people Immersed in joy, the mutated people were silent. No matter what they did, this proposal would be implemented.

No matter what happens, you can't change the fact that the regulations have already been implemented. You just have to adapt to everything in accordance with the regulations.

At this time, the TV speech was still going on, and some mutants had already found the mutant rating channel of the Acting Department and submitted exam applications. In just half an hour, more than 1,000 mutants had submitted exam applications and received approval from the Acting Department. If you reply, you will be notified of the exam date, so please be prepared for the exam.

Harassment still occurs occasionally, especially in lower-level areas.

"Please don't come any closer! Miss."

Niya chewed a cigarette and stared angrily at the large number of mixed troops from Section 3 and Section 5 holding shields and guns in front of her. Xiong Dabiao and Olivia behind her were both angry at this moment. Because according to the regulations, their construction company could only be dissolved. This angered everyone, and Olivia stepped forward and grabbed Nia's arm.

"Let's go back first."

There were many mutated artificial workers behind the street who also participated, and everyone was shouting that it was unfair.

Niya couldn't figure it out no matter what. We didn't do anything wrong and worked hard every day. Although we caused some troubles from time to time, we never committed any crime. Niya had seen a lot of mutations over the years. Workers, they worked really hard and did not cause any problems. Even when their wages were deducted, they did not use violence against those who had their wages deducted, but reported the case to the administrative department.

Different from the problems caused by some street mutants that Niya had seen when she was a child, Niya couldn't swallow this breath no matter what. Niya couldn't accept this approach, and the anger had made Niya's whole body boil.

"Everyone please be quiet. If you want to protest, you can go to the complaint channel of the administrative department."

Niya couldn't listen to anything anymore. The next step is for everyone to go their separate ways, because according to the regulations, a company like theirs does not comply with the regulations unless they can establish a construction company with 5,300 people.

Niya felt very uncomfortable in her heart at this moment. She finally found a comfortable place where she didn't have to suffer any criticism, lived happily every day, and didn't have to think about those things that she was extremely unwilling to come into contact with. But now all that is about to be taken away.


Niya clenched her fists, and the friction of bones could be heard clearly.

At this time, the regional section officer opposite recognized Niya and became a little panicked. He swallowed a gulp. The order given by him was to suppress the conflict immediately, but when he thought that the furious girl in front of him was his section chief Alpha, As his younger sister and the heir to the Angus family, the officer felt that things were in trouble.

"You guys come here."

More than a dozen team leaders were called into an alley by the officer. After a while, these team leaders were all stunned.

"Boss, this matter is difficult to handle, what should I do?"

"No matter what, just tell me to go down and don't hurt that girl. Do you hear me clearly? I'll call the section chief directly."

The team captains all nodded in understanding. After all, she was the sister of their section chief. If she was really injured, they really couldn't explain it.

Olivia looked at her companions around her. They were all full of energy and excited. Even Xiong Dabiao was the same. Because this happened too suddenly, Olivia stopped everyone from coming out at first, but the street After some small-scale conflicts occurred, it turned into the current confrontation situation.

Olivia didn't even have time to read the details before everyone started to make a fuss. She knew that if she thought about it slowly, there should be a solution.

"Dabiao, Niya, Eric, let's go back first, there should be"

"Everyone, please look, that's Nia Angus."

In an instant, a group of reporters suddenly rushed to the street from an alley. The cameras were focused on Nia. Olivia's eyes widened. For a moment, Niya's anger seemed to be ignited. She suddenly He rushed towards the reporters, grabbed the microphone of a female reporter, and crushed it to pieces in his hands.


A net for mutants was shot over. The moment Niya looked sideways, she jumped back. With bursts of angry roars, the conflict began.

A large number of staff rushed up, and the mutant people from the administrative department had already rushed in. The situation suddenly got out of control. Niya punched an administrative department staff member in the abdomen with an angry punch, but she immediately felt a hard feeling. , the moment she realized it was a scab, she dodged the opponent's fist, suddenly turned around and moved forward, delivering a quick and accurate knee strike that instantly hit the opponent's jaw.

Xiong Dabiao roared furiously in the crowd, constantly resisting attacks from all around, but his strength was very strong, brown particles were flying around, and some mutants with reddish particles were no match for him .

Olivia was forced to join the fight, and the whole street became chaotic. Brawls began, banging sounds were heard, and mutants fighting appeared on some roofs.

The situation was completely out of control. Niya continued to dodge the attacks of some mutants deftly. The anger in her heart had reached the extreme. Such an unreasonable approach had to be accepted by all of them.

"How can there be such illogical reason in this world!"


Several ordinary department staff were directly knocked away by Niya. They wanted to use weapons against mutants to control Niya. However, other situations occurred on the street at this time. The people in the administrative department began to retreat to the outside. Some of the people who fainted were also carried away directly by the mutants from the business department. No one shot, they just kept retreating.

Niya gasped and clenched her bleeding fists.

The whole street was in a mess. As the administrative department retreated, the commotion that took less than ten minutes gradually subsided. There were only more than 100 mutants on the street, and some of the mutants at the back did not participate. In commotion.

Niya looked at some clerks from the business department lying on the ground, and looked at the fists that were still spilling blood with a solemn expression. The anger in her heart seemed to have subsided a little.

"Things seem to be in trouble!"

Everyone who came back to their senses looked around. People from the business department had surrounded them. Facing the black muzzles of the guns, some mutants were already scared. Niya showed a smile.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have brought you into this!"

"You idiot, this is what happened."

Olivia knew very well that the right thing to do now was to surrender, but the current situation was a bit bad. They had knocked down so many people who were good at it.


A touch of red particles fell, accompanied by a strong figure, and a uniform that had been thrown away casually, including a hat that fell on the ground.

The ground splashed at any time, making a violent rumbling sound and flying dust. Alpha half-crouched and landed in front of Niya. Only then did everyone notice the lift hovering dozens of meters above.

Click click click click

There were bursts of camera sounds, and there were many voices in the periphery. Niya tilted her head, and Alpha slowly stood up, took out a cigarette, lit it, and exhaled a puff of smoke.

"What are you doing here Niya!"

Niya glared instantly, grinned and roared.

"What kind of bullshit rule is this? What on earth is it? Why do you want it?"

"Arrest and convict them all on charges of riot!"

For a moment, Niya's eyes widened, and the anger that had gradually subsided surged into her heart again.

"Hold your head with your hands and lie on the ground!"

Alpha said again seriously. Some of the mutants behind him obediently obeyed, but Niya and the others remained motionless. Niya looked at her sister emotionally.

"Don't you understand what I say?"

Alpha looked at his sister with cold eyes. Niya took out a cigarette and bit it in her mouth. After lighting it, she clenched the cigarette holder angrily, clenching her fists loudly.

"answer me!"

The moment Niya finished speaking, she only felt a tightness on her cheek, and then flew out. Although she felt something, she saw nothing. When she came back to her senses again, Xiong Dabiao and Olivia Ya caught herself, but the sister in front of her did nothing and still stood there.

"Please lie down on the ground with your hands on your head, otherwise I will arrest you all!"

Everyone looked at Alpha blankly, and Nia burst out laughing. After standing up straight, she stumbled. Olivia wanted to help her, but Nia pushed her away.

"Very good! What I did was right, it was you self-righteous bastards who were wrong!"

In an instant, Niya was ejected, and her fist hit her sister's cheek. The next second, all the people in the lightning building behind Niya rushed over with Niya.


The moment Alpha looked at Niya, a mixture of purple and cyan particles floated out from around his eyes. Niya's fist stopped in front of her sister's face, and the same happened to the more than 50 people who followed Niya. Everyone was struck by It cannot move after being covered by particles of two colors.

Niya was still gritting her teeth and wanted to hit him, but her body seemed to be clamped by countless iron pincers, and it was extremely difficult to move forward even a millimeter.

Alpha raised her head quietly, the smoke rising, and there was a hint of bitterness in her eyes.

"I'll give you 30 seconds to think about it!"

The cigarette was burning near Alpha's mouth. She was still waiting. The ash was almost unbearable and about to fall.

Niya was still resisting, her mouth was blocked, and she couldn't make any sound at all. This was the first time that she felt extremely angry and desperate. She looked at Alpha in a daze, and the scenes in front of her continued. It passed through her mind that she had admired her sister since she was very young. She would talk to her about everything and hoped that her sister could help her.

However, as she grew older, Niya felt more and more that the gap between her and her sister was huge. I don’t know when Niya started to stop talking to her sister. Even after she ran away, she started talking to her sister every time. It’s endless bickering.

Olivia stared at everything in front of her. She had never felt such a powerful power of telekinesis. At this time, what Olivia saw in front of her eyes was an extremely strong light, and a black light that was so dim that it was almost invisible. point.

The cigarette ashes fell, and Alpha blew out a long puff of smoke. With a breeze, the smoke dissipated instantly. She looked at Niya, and opened her hands slightly outward. The moment she clenched her fists, Niya's eyes widened. Eye.

There were continuous banging sounds, and for a moment everyone saw a flash of cyan light, and fists emitting cyan light, each punch hitting themselves visibly.

There were sounds of landing, and Alpha had already rushed towards Xiong Dabiao, who had broken free from his restraints and was roaring wildly. Niya opened her mouth and her body strength was losing little by little. She didn’t know how many punches she received, but every punch seemed to be able to knock her out. Generally crushed.

With a loud bang, Xiong Dabiao flew out, rolled on the ground several times and then became motionless. Olivia lay on the ground, and what she saw was a slightly sad face. Her eyesight went dark and she lost it. consciousness.

Niya's eyes were shaking and starting to turn black, and the whole world in front of her was spinning. However, the next second, when Niya was about to fall to the ground, she suddenly turned around, opened her eyes wide again, and jumped high. He stood up and punched his sister standing behind him.



Alpha turned sideways to avoid Niya's fist. The moment he landed, Niya could no longer stand still and fell to the ground.

The burnt cigarette butt fell to the ground, and Alpha said with a serious expression.

"Take them all back and convict them of riot! No bail for all."

Alpha stood quietly next to Niya. She looked at her sister who had fainted on the ground. She wanted to squat down, caress her sister's forehead, and pick up Niya, but she still stood motionless. As he stood, his whole person seemed to be petrified.

The staff had already begun to take action, lifting the mutants who had fallen to the ground, and began to check their injuries. All the mutants had just fainted, and their breathing and heartbeats were normal.

"Master Alpha, do you want to send Miss Nia back?"

Alpha hummed, and the section officer hurriedly asked the two female team leaders to help Niya get up. The reporters outside had been isolated from the street.

Sorry Nya!

Alpha looked at Niya who was being helped away, and the complicated looks in the eyes of many department staff around her. Niya would not be imprisoned, because no matter what kind of evil she did, she would always be a member of the Angus family. member.

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