Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1767 Fierce fight! Master and Apprentice 98 (medium)

February 1, 2223

Just after 0 o'clock

In the Bell Tower Square located at the headquarters of Section 1, the bells rang, and the bells echoed quietly in the square. Most of the shops in the square were still open. This was the busiest area in the area.

At this point, most of the members of Section 1 who had just gotten off work poured out of the headquarters and began to rush to some snack shops. This is the time of day when business in nearby shops is at its best, and some businessmen will come from far away. , had already ordered some food and drinks, and were waiting to entertain some people from Section 1.

Section 1 staff members are constantly coming out of various doors in the headquarters, and some ordinary staff members meet up to have a drink at some barbecue restaurants before returning to nearby dormitories or rented apartments.

Section 1 is the section that manages the qualifications for all industries in the city. It is a section with relatively complex and changeable work content. Many businessmen are trying their best to please some people in Section 1. After all, businessmen all know that once they lose their If you lose your professional qualifications, it is a very serious problem.

At this time, many businessmen saw some of the invited officials from Section 1 arriving and hurriedly walked out with smiles on their faces.

People in Section 5 also like to patrol here very much. After all, they can rest on the street, have a drink, and work easily.

At this time, the square was full of people, but with a burst of commotion, many people looked over and saw Duan Kong, the chief of Section 1, and Julia, the secretary, walking in the square one after another. .

"Master Duan Kong, Master Julia, do you want to have a drink together?"

Duan Kong smiled and shook his head.

"You guys go ahead and try not to play too late. We have work tomorrow."

Duan Kong walked straight to the bell tower. There was no one there at the moment. After walking over, he sat next to the bell tower. Julia leaned against the bell tower and watched as Duan Kong took out a cigarette.

"It's really exciting."

Duan Kong smiled helplessly.

"It's still the same, but I hope there won't be any problems tomorrow."

Julia laughed, sat next to Duan Kong, and held his shoulder with one hand.

"Just don't blame me!"

"Why should I blame you? Isn't that how many things are solved?"

Julia hummed.

"In recent years, King Xue has indeed been the behind-the-scenes section chief of Section 1. After all, he has secretly facilitated the resolution of many matters."

"I know that my abilities are indeed not good enough."

Duan Kong knew very well that this matter was also the idea of ​​King Xue. The employment salary of mutants was decided early on based on their grade evaluation. However, how to avoid unnecessary commotion after the announcement of the situation, King Xue asked A plan was given directly.

This plan was initiated by King Xue when he announced the mutant level determination in the Business Department and simultaneously released the news of salary cuts. This news has been circulating in the city for more than 20 days. Many people are talking about it, and some media are also talking about it. Confirm the authenticity of this message.

Because this news will come out in a few days and has never left it. Although everyone is speculating on the authenticity of this news, they have basically accepted it because the business department has not investigated this rumor at all. It just keeps emphasizing that the Congress page should be used as the standard.

This approach indeed made the city passively accept the authenticity of the news. Although many people were speculating, they were more happy because many people felt that the mutants had indeed taken away what was theirs. work station.

Businessmen consider profits, and mutants have already made enough. In the past few years, many mutants have bought cars and houses, and live a very comfortable life every day.

Although many mutant associations are questioning the authenticity of this news, the Business Department has still not announced it. In interviews with some reporters, it can be seen that some mutants have silently accepted part of it in their hearts, instead of suddenly The news is released and cannot be accepted.

This matter will be announced tomorrow. Duan Kong couldn't sleep. He was obviously very tired. He didn't have the habit of eating late night snacks. Julia sighed.

"You are always worried about this and that. We must do everything we can to bring the city's employment rate back above normal levels. This is our top priority now."

Duan Kong hummed. At this time, he just hoped that everything would go smoothly tomorrow and there wouldn't be a big mess. Sections 3 and 5 had already made preparations in advance.

"Would you like to have a drink with me, Section Chief."

Julia said, Duan Kong shook his head, but when Julia held his arm, Duan Kong was startled.

"In case I get photographed by some people, tomorrow."

"What does it matter? Don't be so serious. Why am I not beautiful?"

Duan Kong became embarrassed and was dragged into a barbecue house by Julia. As soon as he entered, there were a lot of incredible looks from all around. Then someone whistled, and the store was boiling for a while. The young section member started teasing, Duan Kong smiled helplessly, and could only let Julia pull her to sit among some section members and squad leaders.

In the streets and alleys of the city, late at night, there will be discussions about the grading of mutants. Many people are a little happy, because once it is true as the news says, if the mutants are re-graded and their wages are linked, they will be in accordance with the rules of the department. Considering the examination standards, the mutant examination should be quite strict.

Moreover, a second piece of news was released recently. Companies or individuals can only hire a certain number of mutants. This news is even more explosive and undoubtedly increases the authenticity of the first piece of news.

Many people know that the exact thing will be known early tomorrow morning. Many company bosses are asking about it, but they still don't know the situation. The congressmen deliberately avoid this topic.

Many people have begun to accept these two pieces of news and feel that they must be true. Some mutant associations have already launched protests in advance.



The door to the room was violently pushed open, and Olivia hurriedly wanted to pull up the quilt, but she turned off the light and shadow screen when she saw it was Niya.

"You usually wear these fancy underwear to work?"

Nia glanced at the purple lace Olivia was wearing and laughed, but just now Nia saw the page Olivia closed, which was a skin care product page.

"Do you think I'm the same as you? Do you have a broken hand and can't close the door when you come in?"

Niya raised her hand, and with a streak of white particles floating past, the door closed.

"Let's go and have a drink, everyone is discussing something!"

Olivia got up upset and angrily, and Niya slapped her on the butt. Olivia stood up quickly, but Niya had already opened the door and ran out.

Olivia walked over and closed the door. A big project had just been completed today. Everyone made a lot of money. Every time they made money, everyone would have a party. Olivia wanted to stay for a while. Go on, after all, my skin has become rougher and rougher recently.

There are currently only 53 people in the Lightning Construction Association, 20 of whom are women and 33 of whom are men, but basically everyone is similar. Olivia also feels that it is time for everyone to have capital and transition to other jobs. After all, they are facing the scorching sun every day. While working, I have no time to think about other things, and no energy to exercise.

But now, because the mutants have to re-evaluate their grades, and the grades will be linked to their wages, the mutants' income will be greatly reduced. Now, excluding taxes every month at their Lightning Construction Company, each person's monthly income is around 10,000. As mentioned above, my life couldn’t be more relaxing.

We work hard every day, and when we are not working, we all party hard. After a job is completed, we usually party for two or three days. Now the projects in hand have been scheduled to the end of the year, and there is endless work to be done throughout the year. project.

The major construction companies in the city have very high evaluations of them. On weekdays, what everyone thinks about the most is some details of the construction. This was something Olivia put forward when she established the construction company, and she got into trouble because of it. Trouble, including salary settlement, taxation, etc., as well as work planning and other issues, are all pushed to myself.

"Those bastards who only care about eating, drinking and having fun."

Olivia became very angry when she thought of these things. Most of the time when everyone was having fun, Olivia could only deal with some documents in the company, and the president Xiong Dabiao didn't care about anything, but Olivia laughed. When I woke up, my severe depression had been cured long ago. I didn’t need any medication or psychological treatment. As long as I looked at these people whose minds were always in a state of congestion every day, my heart felt very bright.

After a while, Olivia walked down and saw that a group of people were already drunk. They had moved to a place on the ground floor near the subway station and bought an abandoned factory. It was transformed into a place to live. Everyone has two or three private rooms and a gathering place. The facilities are just a little simple, but everyone doesn't care too much.

Niya and Xiong Dabiao were standing on the big table, holding wine glasses and having a drink. People around them were cheering, and Olivia walked over.

"Idiots, have you had enough trouble? If you have had enough trouble, please stop. Next, I want to say that these things are very important to us in the future."

As soon as Olivia shouted, Eric, who looked obscene, came over, swaying.



Olivia slapped Eric, and he tried to take advantage of the alcohol.

After a while, everyone finally calmed down, and they all looked at a light and shadow screen that Olivia had brought up. This was the profit of Lightning Construction Company in the past few months, which continued to rise, as well as the work to come.

"Everyone think about it carefully. If those two pieces of news are true, then we may not be able to live as comfortably as we do now. Now everyone tells me how much money you still have. I am afraid that you will not be able to live as comfortably as we do in the next few months. Starved to death."

A bunch of people laughed. Some people took out hundreds of dollars, and some people took out a few dollars. These guys are all bad gamblers, and they also like to eat and drink. Basically, they only buy a few things every month. Except for the things I like, I spend everything on having fun.

"Mom, I don't have a dime left, hahahaha."

Nia said with a smile, and Olivia pressed her forehead.

"Quiet the fuck down."

Finally, everyone became quiet again, and Olivia began to explain the pros and cons. If they really had to use the test methods prescribed by the Department to evaluate the level of mutants, they would be in danger, because this evaluation level would definitely not It's easy, and the rating is also linked to salary and income. The rating of mutants alone is already very critical. If they want to get a high level, they must reach the corresponding mutant level.

Among all the people here, Olivia has the strongest actual combat ability, because she has been in Section 12 for several years in the past, and she is also a mutant. Even Xiong Dabiao is not her opponent. The two have fought many times, and Xiong Dabiao is basically The one above is the one who received the fist.

"So if tomorrow the Business Department really announces the content as stated in the message, we will have to find a way to pass the high-level mutant assessment test first, so that you idiots can continue to get away with it."

Nia burst out laughing.

"Isn't it just a rating? I just want it."

"What do you think of your sister's strength?"

Niya was silent for a moment, and everyone looked at her.

"Who knows, she's never been serious."

Nia said with some frustration. At this time, Olivia played a video of the fight between Alpha and Quasimodo that everyone had seen. Everyone became quiet. They had watched this video many times before, and every time I felt it was very powerful every time, but I couldn’t tell where it was powerful.

"This is the ceiling of mutant strength. If divided according to six levels, Alpha Angus's strength is super S-level. This is a level rating that we cannot win at the moment, so we have to win it this time. It’s Class B. Based on my understanding of the administrative system, I can probably guess what it will be. The level of mutants is evaluated based on actual combat and physical ability, of which actual combat accounts for a large part of the score.”

Olivia said, and everyone became completely quiet, because this is closely related to everyone's lives.

"We just need to move up step by step. There is no need to rush. We just need to work steadily and advance steadily."

Olivia began to analyze again. She learned a lot in the practical class in the business department. Practical combat requires repeated training. First, the physical strength must be able to keep up. The second point is reaction. Ability, and the third point is some practical skills, the three are indispensable, and among the mutants present, Niya's reaction speed is the fastest.

"I have said so much, mainly because I hope that everyone can effectively and quickly improve themselves in these three aspects. First of all, it goes without saying that our bodies are physically strong, and our reaction ability is innate. Although it can be trained the day after tomorrow, it only needs training. It can train habitual reflexes, but I don’t know much about the deeper things. After all, my grades in practical classes were not very good before, so I didn’t learn more. As for the third skill, I can teach you some, but it’s all in the past. It is more useful in the practical teaching of the Acting Department. These things only need to be practiced repeatedly and finally demonstrated through combat. They are very helpful for our promotion exams. As long as the actual combat examination of the Acting Department has not changed much, these skills will definitely be used. Get on."

Many people cheered. Olivia would never mention these things before, because everyone knew some things about Olivia, including that she was disgusted with the business department, and she had suffered from depression in the past, so Everyone kept silent about the business affairs department, but now that Olivia had taken the initiative to bring it up, everyone felt happy.

"Be quiet!"

Olivia glanced at everyone and said with a smile.

"So I hope that if relevant content is really released tomorrow, we can all quickly complete a few projects and then start preparing for the mutant promotion exam. However, we cannot take part at the beginning, but have to wait and wait for the exam content. When the information is almost released, we will know the content, and then we only need to do intensive training in these aspects based on the content of these exams."

Niya's eyes widened with excitement, and she was too excited to speak.

"You are really smart Olivia, but I always feel like this is cheating."

Olivia frowned, walked over and grabbed Nia's mouth.

"You idiot, didn't you often cheat in order to cope with exams?"

A bunch of people laughed.

Time passed by, and the night began to get deeper. Everyone fell asleep, but Olivia couldn't sleep because she always felt that everyone seemed too lazy to do other things, but it couldn't continue like this. Yes, if you can do something like engineering for ten years, you won’t be able to do much. It’s not realistic to be a worker on a construction site for the rest of your life. Everyone will need to start a family and start a business in the future. If we continue like this, many people will only be able to eat, drink and have fun in this life. .

dong dong dong

There was a knock on the door, Olivia put on her coat, opened the door, and saw a huge figure standing at the door.

"What's wrong with Da Biao?"

Xiong Dabiao walked in with his head lowered.

"There's something I want to tell you."

Olivia's mood tightened, she felt awkward for a moment, and she started to tremble when she spoke.

"Say something coming in."

After Xiong Dabiao walked in and watched Olivia close the door, he lay directly on Olivia's bed comfortably.

"The layout of your place is pretty nice, much better than my place."

After one second, she returned to her original state. Seeing how serious he looked just now, Olivia felt that she was really stupid. Moreover, some of her female underwear was hanging everywhere in the room, and Xiong Dabiao didn't even look at it.

"What's wrong with you? You look very distressed."

"It's nothing, my girl's heart is broken!"

Xiong Dabiao looked at it with confusion. Olivia walked over and sat on Xiong Dabiao's belly. Xiong Dabiao didn't pay attention, but at this time Xiong Dabiao's expression became serious. Olivia took a look and said There was another sweet feeling in Shi Shi's heart, but the next second Xiong Dabiao spoke.

"That guy Niya, what should I do?"


Olivia slapped Xiong Dabiao on the chest. He looked at Olivia as if nothing happened and then continued.

"No matter how good she is with us, she is not from the same world as us."

Olivia also put away her annoyed expression and nodded. It is true that Niya's background is unusual, but with Niya's temper, if she is allowed to go back, she will definitely be furious.

"Why did you suddenly think of telling me this?"

"It's not sudden. I had been wondering whether Niya was picked up by the Angus family."


As soon as Olivia burst out laughing, she choked on her saliva. She coughed violently, and her cheeks quickly turned red.

"Look, there is no daughter who has been running away for such a long time without her parents and sisters coming to see her. So I think this may be true. And look at what kind of people Angus and his wife are, especially her sister. The genius among geniuses, I think.”

Olivia stood up, swallowed and said.

"Stop talking, I beg you. With your IQ, it's hard for me to explain it to you."

"If it's a family member, if it's just a conflict, I think we should find a way to let Niya go home and resolve the conflict with her family."

Olivia laughed and nodded.

"I think so too, but it's rare for you to be so careful."

"Because I think Nia's sister is great, really great."

Olivia feels the same way. It seems to be a high-pressure policy, and everyone is criticizing some of the practices of the administrative department. But when it comes to Alpha, most people can't tell what she did badly or what's wrong. This is because of everything Alpha has done, it is difficult to find fault with it, and overall there are more praises.

"Okay, get some rest early."

Xiong Dabiao said as he stood up and planned to leave the room, but at this time Olivia grabbed Xiong Dabiao's clothes by accident.

"What's the matter? Don't you have anything else to say to me?"

Xiong Dabiao scratched his head.


After saying that, Xiong Dabiao walked out. Olivia closed the door, raised her head and blinked her eyes. The restlessness in her heart was also eliminated. With Xiong Dabiao as her marriage partner, she should be very happy, but deep down in her heart, she felt that He doesn't have any feelings about men and women. Although he had a little bit of it just now, it has been extinguished now.

"Idiot! You deserve to be single for the rest of your life."

After the dark night, there is always a new dawn.

6:19 am

The rays of the artificial sun have warmed the city for a while, and the city has begun to be noisy. Most of the people who got up early to go to work have already started to go out to have breakfast.

Some breakfast and snack shops are full of people. Everyone looks at the countdown on the light and shadow panel from time to time. At 8 o'clock, the specific details of the mutant promotion standards will be announced on the interface of the business department.

Everyone is discussing the previous two messages, but basically everyone has determined that even if there are some deviations, they will not be too different. Many mutants are constantly refreshing the page of the business department, and some Already impatient to wait.

"Boss, if it's really as rumored, what should we do?"

There are 21 mutant employees in a logistics company. It originally required more than 100 employees to operate normally, but now 21 mutants are enough to solve all problems.

This logistics company is all about large object logistics, and mutant people are moving some large objects.

"There will always be a way to do it. At worst, I will open another logistics company and send you there."

Several mutants became happy.

There are many mutants everywhere asking the same questions as the boss. As time passes, the streets begin to become crowded. In the commercial centers in various regions, many people are waiting for the business department to announce the mutations. Details of personnel promotion.

Many mutants were still hoping that the two messages were fake. At 7:55, everyone was staring at the page of the Business Department.

Some mutants have already started counting down in their hearts and are staring at the page.

8 o'clock sharp

The city began to fall into a brief silence, but as time passed, more and more cheers began to spread, and most of the mutants fell silent.

The Business Department has announced the specific date for the mutant level assessment examination. The examination will start from March 1st this year and will last for a whole year until March 1st next year. The 198,374 registered mutants in the city will be tested. Conduct mutant level assessment.

Moreover, the rating of mutants is related to the overall income of mutants. Such restrictions are a great harm to the interests of most mutants.

The salary of each mutant has a strict range limit. It cannot be lower than a certain value or higher than a certain value. This value has completely reduced the overall salary of mutants, and this salary is equal to that of any individual who hires mutants. Or the company can only set a limit, and there are more details. If the mutant is a technical talent, the company or individual will set the salary according to the technical type of work, and it will not involve the level of the mutant. Limits on the minimum and maximum wages that can be earned.

Either the mutants can operate independently and there are no restrictions. The only restrictions are the mutants who work part-time. This instantly makes a large number of mutants excited.

There was a banging sound, and some mutants smashed things in their hands in anger. Another point is that mutants hired by companies or individuals for a long time are hired at a ratio of 100 to 1 between ordinary people and mutants. That is to say, the industry in which an individual or company operates must have a scale of 100 people before it can hire a mutant, and there is also a salary limit. Some special companies can achieve a ratio of 50 to 1.

Special mutant industries such as security or bodyguards are not subject to any restrictions. Individuals or companies can freely hire as many mutants as they want. This is equivalent to directly cutting off most of the income of mutants and providing ordinary people with With a large number of employment opportunities, the anger of most mutants in the city was instantly ignited. Many mutants gathered directly and headed towards the local public security management station.

At this time, light and shadow screens appeared one after another on the street, and many people stopped temporarily. Jill, the secretary of Section 5, will give a televised speech at 8:30.

Anger began to burn among the mutant community. Everyone was dissatisfied with the restriction order issued by Congress. Some mutants had just gathered. Before they arrived at the public security management station, a large number of people appeared on the surrounding streets. Section members.

"Please stay calm! Don't clog the streets."

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