Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1769 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 99 (Part 1)

"It's okay, I've already thought of a countermeasure! It's a very simple method."

Li Ang smiled and looked at the 20 mutant employees in front of him. The longest of them had worked in the winery for 5 years, and the shortest of them had worked for more than a year. Now only one of the 20 people can be left.

No one wanted to lose the stable and not too tiring job in the winery. Although Li Ang said on the surface that he had thought of a way, in fact he was just trying to stabilize the 20 employees first.

"Okay, let's go back to work first. Wait until the end of this month. I will definitely find a way out for everyone. After all, we have worked for so many years."

A bunch of mutant employees looked solemn at this time. After Li Ang comforted them for a few more words, they left. After everyone left, Li Ang sighed helplessly.

"Boss, have you really thought of a solution?"

Qian Xiaoman asked, and Li Ang made an OK gesture. He looked at this gentle and lovely girl and had tried to ask her to have dinner with her many times, but Qian Xiaoman rejected her every time.

Li Ang also asked about it. It seems that Qian Xiaoman already has that friend. She can often be seen shopping with a man, talking and laughing. Li Ang doesn't want to think about anything anymore. He just wants to find someone quickly now. It doesn't matter who the woman is when she gets married. The lives of his parents are coming to an end day by day. He just hopes that his parents can see his family and career are happy, so that they can die peacefully.

"Boss, this is big news. Look, I remember this is your classmate!"

When Li Ang was melancholy, Qian Xiaoman came over holding a light and shadow screen. The next second Li Ang felt a chill down his spine, and the screen was filled with dazzling titles.

The stain on the Angus family

The degenerate of the Angus family, leading the riot

The princess of Brilliant City, iron-fisted sanctions

No one can act recklessly, not even Nia Angus

Ugly family immunity

The elder sister personally dealt with the younger sister who led the riot, and the Angus family's heaven and earth

In one picture, Niya is flying in the air with blood splattering from her nose, while Alpha opposite is looking at her seriously.

"what on earth is it?"

Li Ang stood up from the chair, his head was buzzing, and he could no longer hear what Qian Xiaoman said. Li Ang quickly opened a light and shadow screen, and the screen was full of dazzling words. Indeed, this regulation introduced by the city, It has harmed the interests of mutants, but for businessmen, it is a plus. After the city solves a large number of jobs, the overall economy will definitely get better, which is a huge benefit for businessmen.

Although Li Ang didn't know what happened at that time, Niya would definitely not lead the riot. However, the situation at the scene included some videos from different angles. It was Niya who was leading the riot. Now she has been taken back to Angus's house. Because of immunity, the Angus couple refused to comment on this incident, but only proposed to compensate for all losses according to the degree of punishment.

Li Ang recalled that at noon that day when he first met Niya, everyone seemed to be unable to see her. They could only see Alpha who brought her to school, and this has been the case all these years.

Li Ang often keeps in touch with many of his classmates who he had good relationships with in the past. During meals, everyone would always mention Niya and the days when they played crazy with Niya in the past.

In the family circle, Niya is always a topic of discussion. Even in the education of the younger generation, Alpha is basically used as a positive teaching material, and Niya is used as a negative teaching material to compare. However, people who know Niya think she is quite good. Yes, but most of the students in the family circle could only listen silently after hearing some people talking nonsense. Although some students refuted it, they were quickly treated as aliens by the people nearby.

After flipping through the pages of news for a few minutes, Li Ang probably understood that Niya has now become the target of verbal and written criticism in the city, and most people are saying that it is due to improper education in the Angus family.

And all the bad things in the past have been exposed in this season, including many things that have happened in the city over the years, have been exposed by some insiders, and many things have become darker and darker.

Didi didi

The phone rang.

"Leon, have you seen the news?"

Li Ang hummed, and Jewell on the phone looked very anxious.

"I'm going to Angus' house."

"Then let's meet under the General Affairs Section of District 1."

Li Ang said and hung up the phone, stood up and walked quickly, Qian Xiaoman chuckled.

"Boss, won't you start work today?"

Li Ang shook his head, explained something casually, and then planned to leave.

"Boss, I wonder if you are interested in that Miss Niya, so you are so worried about her."

Before Qian Xiaoman finished speaking, Li Ang had already put on his coat, smiled and shook his head.

"You're overthinking it. She and I are just besties!"

11 a.m.

The riots in the city have basically calmed down. The businessmen have seen a better future. The protests have subsided, and the mutated people in the city have not caused much trouble, because everyone has seen the 5 subjects. How did Section Chief Alpha subdue his sister.

Various discussions in the city about the second young lady of the Angus family began. Everyone was discussing it, whether it was ordinary people, businessmen, councilors, businessmen, or members of the family.

On a roof, Gene was lying comfortably on the roof, holding a cigarette in his mouth and looking at the sky leisurely. He put his hat on his cheeks and kept the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

The phone rang again, it was a video call, Locke looked worried.

"Don't you go and take a look, Jean? You have watched these two sisters grow up."

"It's because I watched her grow up, so I don't plan to go there. Don't worry, that girl Niya is not as fragile as you think."

Gene smiled and blew out a puff of smoke softly. He had watched these two children grow up. He knew their personalities very well, and the relationship between the two sisters was not what the outside world saw.

At this moment, Gene stood up and looked at the two people who had just come up to the rooftop. He blew out a puff of smoke and pointed it at the two people.

"Sir, Miss, you have been arrested for illegally trading contraband. Please wait for the people from Section 5 to come over."

The two of them turned around in panic and wanted to run away, but the door to the rooftop was slammed shut. Gene walked over slowly. The man and woman holding the box looked very scared.

"Lord Jean, look at this"

"Please squat on the ground with your head in your hands."

The man and woman squatted on the ground obediently. Jean extinguished the cigarette butts leisurely and put it into the iron box he carried with him to hold the cigarette butts. He showed a soft smile. Jean also found what he could do. Instead of worrying about any major cases, start with these small cases and easily solve four or five cases in a day. Now this is already good for Jean.

"It's true!"

Gene said with a helpless smile and shook his head.

Just after 12 o'clock

Leona returned to the dormitory and fell on the bed.

"I want to drink chicken soup, eat shiitake mushrooms and shaomai, and..."

"You go and eat it yourself, I'm not your servant."

Ivy said that just as she was about to leave, Leona got up from the bed.

"What do you think will happen to that idiot Niya?"

Ivy nodded. The news had spread throughout the Shengde Women's College during their break. Moreover, many students would come to them during break one morning to ask about Niya, because the two of them They both graduated from the same school as Niya, but they didn't say anything. After watching the news, they realized that this time things were a bit serious.

"I don't think that will happen."

Ivy smiled and started walking.

"If you don't get up by yourself, I will arrange lunch for you according to my preference."

"By the way, we have a day off tomorrow. Do you want to go see Niya?"

Ivy looked back sideways and saw that Leona had taken off her school uniform and curled up directly into the quilt, looking like she was going to sleep.

"She's not that fragile, I know that, so don't worry."

Ivy said and walked out, sighing helplessly. As soon as she left the dormitory door, she saw Principal Whit talking to a bunch of girls. At the end of today's class, the teachers assigned a question. As of now, Let’s conduct an extended discussion and reflection on the mutated people that happened in the city this morning. This is an issue between the majority and the minority.

Ivy had thought about it before get out of class ended. It was right to choose the majority at the expense of the minority. At least in the course of human history, this approach was socially correct, but from a personal perspective, such a thing was barbaric. Unreasonable.

After Whit and some girls finished explaining, they walked along the corridor. Ivy wanted to ask, but hesitated.

"Tell me, Ivy, what do you want to ask?"

"Principal, do you think this is correct?"

Whit smiled, shook his head, and nodded again.

"The question of whether to choose the majority or the minority has no room for debate, because no matter from any aspect, in the end there is no way around the question of whether the majority or the minority is more important, but this is really the case this time Is this the focus of the discussion? Think carefully about the issues between the majority and the minority."

Whit said and started walking, Ivy bowed slightly.

As for the question of whether it is right to choose the majority and abandon the minority, Whitt has long since stopped thinking about it, because since the beginning of history, this has been an important reason for the continuation of human beings. Such an unsolvable proposition can only be solved by consequentialism. If everything in the city is good, then it will naturally prove that what Congress did is correct. If the subsequent results are bad, then this regulation is incorrect.

Whit is very clear that this result should be correct. The employment problem in the city has begun to have serious problems after the economic depression. The orchard plan has no voice now. Most people in the city have no idea about this project. The plan has been selectively forgotten, and the ground floor, which was briefly revitalized because of the orchard plan, is now back to the same old state.

There are too many problems that make the current problems at the bottom far more serious than everyone can see. Whit has been to some schools at the bottom many times, and the situation is already quite bad.

It's just that Whit was a little relieved by what Alpha did today, but he was not very friendly to that child. It's just that Whit learned something through these two former classmates of Nia in school.

"The kid should be fine."

1:01 p.m.


Violet put down the teacup and sighed helplessly, looking at her daughter sitting opposite and smoking. Avano was still watching over Nia upstairs. She had various fractures all over her body, ruptured tendons, and her face was swollen. Same as buns.

"Can't you be gentler?"

Alpha smiled helplessly.

"It should be fine."

"Is this okay? Go up and see for yourself. Your face is as swollen as a bun."

Violet was upset enough today. The temporary medical supplies production and supply points established by Angus's family in three squares in some areas under construction were also experiencing frequent problems. They were almost overloaded and still couldn't catch up. The huge production capacity required in urban areas can only temporarily stabilize the supply of the lower tier, which is already quite difficult. The supply of the middle tier has not been shipped for three days.

At such a critical moment, with such a big thing happening at home, Violet was not angry with Alpha, but angry with the voices in the city, which were all criticizing her daughter Niya, which made her feel a little distressed.

Violet is very clear about her daughter's temper and character, and also knows that she has only made some noises in recent years, but has not done any bad things. She works hard and conscientiously every day, and now everyone in the city takes advantage of her shortcomings Listing them all, and constantly criticizing them, it seems that the anger of ordinary people towards the family group was completely vented on Niya today.

Violet couldn't stand even some extremely vicious words. Alpha came over and turned off some news that her mother was watching.

"stop looking."

In a special medical care room, Niya was lying on the hospital bed with a bandage on her head, fixed bandages on her hands and feet, a large lump on the left side of her cheek, like a small bump, and the blood on her nose had not dried yet. The doctor has performed repair surgery on Niya, and as a mutant, Niya has better physical strength and recovers quickly. She can be fully recovered in half a month at most.

Avano smiled helplessly. Seeing that his daughter was fine, his mood relaxed a little. He did not watch the news in the city. After all, no matter how much he watched, he could not change the crowd in the city. Nia Angus the opinion of.

Seeing his daughter sleeping soundly, Avano walked over and sat next to her. This was probably the most serious injury her daughter had ever suffered since she was born, and it was also caused by her own sister. Beat it like this.

Avano has felt from a long time ago that the two daughters will have a fierce conflict one day. Today this matter is over. The family of four has not been together like this for many years. At this time, there is a faint sound. With a humming sound, Avano pressed Niya's eyes wide open.

"Niya wakes up."

Niya's vision was blurry. She only smelled the smell of disinfectant. Just as she was about to get up, a sharp pain came over her. She screamed. She just felt that she was still alive. Everything in front of her eyes gradually became clear. When she got up, the person standing at the door was her father. The next second Niya saw her sister and mother, and the three of them came to the bedside.

"Niya, what time is this?"

Alpha held up three fingers.

"Oh, what a big-headed devil you are! Oh, it hurts me to death."

Nia whimpered and wanted to get up. Violet and Avano were on one side, one was supporting Nia, and the other started to lift the place where Nia was leaning.

Niya bared her teeth and kept making some strange noises.

"Be gentle, Mom, I'm going to die."

Violet raised her hands angrily, but did not take the photo. The whole family laughed. Half of Nuya's cheeks were like meat buns, bulging in big chunks, and there was only a slit left for her eyes.

At this time Nia looked at Alpha, and the two sisters looked at each other for a while and then laughed.

"Is there any cigarette?"

Alpha took out a cigarette, and Violet frowned speechlessly. After Alpha lit the cigarette, he took a puff and handed the cigarette to Niya's mouth. After she took a puff, she immediately grinned again. , my whole body felt uncomfortable, and I felt pain from head to toe, and it was heartbreaking pain.

"Sister! There is no one like you, you are too cruel."

"That's not because you refuse to lie down."

Alpha said, Avano took Violet and walked out, leaving only the two sisters in the room.


Nia wanted to say something, but hesitated. Alpha nodded.

"Whether you think it is right or not, things have actually happened and Congress has issued regulations, whether you understand it or not."

Niya's face turned serious, and she nodded.

"I don't want to be here."

Nia said and tried to get up, but was pushed back gently by Alpha.

"You have a good rest. I will take three days off. When you feel better, I can teach you in the future if you want. My parents have agreed."

Niya suddenly felt energetic, and her swollen and narrowed eyes widened.


Alpha hummed.

"Sister, you really need to teach me well."

Alpha smiled helplessly and lit a cigarette. She knew Niya's mood very well, better than anyone else, but many times she couldn't do anything due to some things. Even this time, she Still nothing was done for Nia.

"This is the sister you are talking about, don't lie to me."

Alpha hummed and walked to Nia's side, put down the bed, and took the cigarette from her mouth.

"The doctor said you need to rest more."

Niya grinned. She didn't think there was anything wrong with being beaten like this by her sister. Instead, she just felt helpless, not angry. She always felt that what Congress was doing was wrong.

"Sister, many of the mutants I know have families. They have never done anything bad or..."

"I know!"

Alpha said and walked to the door.

"It's precisely because I know that I can't do anything!"

Niya didn't understand the meaning of her sister Alpha's words, but she could see that her sister did not completely agree with the regulations introduced by the Congress. After the door closed, Niya felt tired again. She closed her eyes. The things that happened in the morning came to mind.

However, there was some noise outside the house at this time. Niya opened her eyes slightly, and there were sounds of going upstairs, and then the door to the room was opened.

"Had, Mulu, Corey, why are you here?"

Niya looked at the door with some surprise. These were all her former classmates. The blond boy in charge said with a smile.

"There are only a dozen of us here. The other students have been notified and everyone wants to come and see you."

Niya grinned furiously, bursts of laughter came from the room, but Niya didn't expect that everyone would come over so quickly. Soon more than ten people were teasing Niya in the ward. This look after being beaten.

"Okay, you two, please stop talking. This will save this idiot like her from getting excited. If her heart stops, she will be in trouble."

As Hader said, the others stopped talking. Instead, they talked about some of their own affairs and asked about Niya's past few years. Seven or eight of the more than ten people were no longer in school, and I returned to my family and started learning how to run an industry.

"You bastards, if I can still move now, I will definitely beat you to death."

The laughter from upstairs spread down, and the Angus couple were a little surprised. These childhood playmates of Niya were actually here. This was something the couple did not expect, and Alpha had already thought of it, because after all, no matter what , although she rarely goes home, her sister Niya has a very upright character and she has really many friends.

At this time, a notification came from the bodyguard, and Su Li came over.

After a while, Mr. and Mrs. Angus were waiting at the door. A car drove over and Su Li got out of the car.

"Miss Su Li, why are you here?"

"I just came to see if your little bully is back!"

Violet frowned slightly, and Su Li walked in with a smile.

"Excuse me, Mrs Angus, Mr Angus."

Su Li went directly upstairs and saw a room full of classmates. She knew several children and had played with them when she came to see Niya before.

"Su Li, why are you here? Your identity is inappropriate!"

"You little brats, Niya is seriously injured and needs to rest. At least let her rest for a while. You go downstairs. If you want to eat here today, you must tell Mr. and Mrs. Angus in advance."

"Get well soon Niya, if you need any help, just contact all of us."

Hader said and Niya pouted.

"Get out of here, if anyone needs your help, I won't be the one to help you."

Looking at the people leaving one by one, Niya looked at Su Li with a smile.

"You idiot, you are really stubborn. I can probably figure out why you would do such a thing."

"You know shit."

Su Li sighed.

"You are thinking that under the regulations introduced this time, your construction company will definitely be disbanded and everyone will go their separate ways. Is that right? So you got angry and went to the streets to find some explanations. The result was inexplicable. He has become a riot leader."

Niya snorted coldly, and Su Li sighed.

"I've already contacted a lawyer about your friends."

"Thank you Su Li."

Su Li smiled and shook her head.

"These words are quite harsh coming from your mouth. Niya, I've had enough trouble. Shouldn't I stay quiet for a while?"

"I know, I can just shut up and think about it!"

Su Li hummed.

"I really don't know what you want to do in the future, whether you want to come to my company. Anyway, I have nothing to do, so you can be my personal bodyguard."

"I won't go. Once the storm has passed, I will continue to go back."

Su Li smacked her lips.

"You are really thick-skinned. At least consider your parents' position and your sister's position."

"Then who will consider my position?"

Su Li said nothing more. It was exactly what she thought. Nothing could overwhelm this naturally strong child. Even though the city was already in trouble because of her, this matter seemed to have nothing to do with her.

Su Li walked to the window, and Niya next to her was still talking about something. She wished she could know the situation of her group of friends immediately. Su Li didn't pay attention to Niya.

"Niya, I think it would be more appropriate for you to go to the Business Department. Really, if you are here, you may be able to solve a big problem."

"Business department! I won't go there even if I kill you."

Su Li smiled helplessly.


The wind and sand filled the land in the barrier area. A long truck was driving on the rugged barrier area. Ran Zhi was sitting in the living room converted from the inside of the truck shelf. This was his third trip to Alatan Ula this year. It was almost there, and Ran Zhi went there this time to discuss the next plan with the 16 bosses over there.

The time is very ripe. As long as we can do everything we can to drive away the gods and take back the rights from the gods, our wife can also be rescued. This is what Ran Zhi wants to do most now. He can't wait any longer. Well, the doctor has said that my wife’s condition may officially lead to death in five years at most.

Now that the forces in the Altan Ula Mountains have matured, all it takes is a new round of riots in the city. The more chaos, the better for them.

Ran Zhi didn't want to wait in such pain anymore, so he had to speed up his plan. Prometheus' plan was faster than he imagined. The next plan was to detonate those mutant people, those mutant people who were like bombs. As long as it goes berserk, it will bring a new round of huge trouble to the city.

As long as the city begins to be chaotic, the next step is to control the eastern guard station. Ran Zhi is very clear. During those years in prison, he has been convinced that it is the only guard station equipped with optical nuclear weapons, and the Hillman family is eager to This technology is needed, but no matter how much research is done, it can never break through the upper limit of technology. Now, as long as we can seize optical nuclear weapons, it should be enough to develop optical nuclear weapons in an instant.

The AI ​​​​of Prometheus can already monitor everything in the city, and even the situation in the guard station is clear. As long as the plan is started, Prometheus can control some of the networked devices in the guard station.


The car stopped, Ran Zhi stood up, and several bodyguards opened the door. As soon as Ran Zhi walked out, he saw a large number of armed forces with weapons. Agata sat leisurely on one side and seemed to have been waiting for a long time. .

"Welcome, wise man, we have prepared the meal."

The wise man hummed and looked at the armed forces who stood up straight one by one, no longer as free and loose as before. The wise man nodded with a satisfied smile.

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