Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1688 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 71 (Part 2)


The temperature is gradually rising. In a residential building located in the south of the middle floor, two mutant mountain workers are moving some objects down from the upstairs.

Quite quietly looked at the familiar streets around him. At this time, many neighbors who had good relations with Quite in the past came over. Behind him, his wife held her sleeping daughter Lillian in her arms.

After Quite took out a cigarette and lit it, he looked at some farewell gifts handed over by many friends, accepted them one by one with thanks, and put them in the minivan in front of him, which was filled with a large number of physical objects.


Quit kept repeating these two words, and he couldn't hold on anymore. It would take at least 10 years to get compensation from Congress. The store that was running smoothly during the riots was burned down and the store was destroyed, causing the death of Quit's family. into an economic downturn.

Many creditors heard about the compensation from Congress and came to collect their debts. Quite had been a relatively practical person all his life, and those people also had their difficulties. After a few difficult months, Quite paid off his debts and saved valuables in his family. Everything is sold.

The middle-level people couldn't stay any longer, and the only way out was to return to the bottom. Quit was lucky. In such a predicament, he received a compensation payment from Congress in advance. This was Quit's last hope. He has been contacted. There is a good location on the ground floor. After selling the middle-rise house and paying off the debt, plus the compensation from Congress, Quite can continue to work in his old business and open a grocery store.

This is a difficult choice. It is currently too difficult for Kuite to support his family in the middle class. Nowadays, the construction of the southern part of the middle class has caused many areas to be directly divided. Business is not as easy to do as everyone thought. .

Even though workers can bring benefits to many stores, these benefits actually need to be discounted.

If small grocery stores like this in the middle floors want to survive, they need to compete with some large supermarkets. Obviously they can't compete. The same goes for some scattered small restaurants. Most chain restaurants have high-quality and low-priced food.

Quite was a little unwilling. After working hard for so many years, he brought his wife to the middle level a few years ago, and now he has to go back.

The wife smiled softly, leaned over, and held her daughter in front of Quite. He smiled, but his expression was not relaxed. Fortunately, Quite had a lot of cooperative supplier resources.

This kind of commercial competitive differentiation will not be very obvious at the bottom level, but starting from the middle level, this difference will be very obvious. Over the years, Quite has not made much money, and can only maintain his life and the daily life of his family. Expenses, plus a little entertainment.

But now it's all over. The middle level is indeed better than the bottom level. This is Kuite's feeling over the years.

"Come on, honey, it's okay, it will get better."

His wife said with a smile, and Quite nodded. After carrying the last item into the car, Quite paid the wages of the two mutant mountain workers, got into the driver's seat of the truck, and with the blessings of his friends, drove the truck away. .

In the past, Quite never wanted to go back to the bottom, but now he has to go back, and the security of the bottom has improved so much in recent years, and street crimes are almost invisible. Those gang members who used to take root in the bottom, Has disappeared.

This is a kind of psychological comfort for Quite. Quite and his wife are both from the bottom. The reason why they want to escape from the bottom is largely because of the crime problem. In the past, the security of the bottom was very poor, and the streets Crime happens.

"It will be fine."

Quite was in a good mood and accelerated the car. Everything he was familiar with along the way quickly disappeared. Quite looked at everything in the rearview mirror. He never thought about leaving the middle level. When the subway opened, it would only take a few minutes to reach the middle level. Minutes later, when the economic situation improves, you can still live in the middle class.

Quite looked at his daughter Lillian who had woken up next to him. He planned to give his daughter a better environment.

2 o'clock in the afternoon

Tamai sat on a bench outside an interrogation room with a tired look on his face. He had just had lunch. Last night's case made everyone present extremely angry.

Tamai glanced at a woman in the interrogation room opposite who was still explaining something to several female clerks.

The local section officer attached great importance to this case and personally led the investigation. No one wanted to lose their seat. Before the city meeting, Section Chief Alpha issued an internal order document within the 5 sections, requiring the regional sections of each section to investigate the case. Officials must handle matters within their own areas and deal with crimes with the harshest possible blows.

Tamai knew that some clerks were very close to people in certain special service industries, and had secretly given and accepted part of the bribes. As long as those people in the special service industry did not cause trouble, most of the time they would ignore it, and even They will also be notified in advance before some regular surprise inspections.

As a special officer secretly placed under surveillance, Tamai has truthfully reported these situations to his secretary Gill.

The local regional officer was unaware of the situation. After he learned of the serious situation, he asked the women who beat Baleka to confess other people last night, and led people to arrest him overnight. The public security office in the district is extremely busy today.

Everyone is panicking because this is a big problem. Chief Alpha's methods are very strict. In the three years since the change of executive departments, the factional problems in public security management in the past have disappeared.

Regional Section Officers have had 47 people removed from their posts due to different issues. These investigations were conducted quietly internally, and many crimes were not disclosed to the outside world. According to the regulations of the Practice Section, these cases will be unsealed after 10 years. .

Tamai admired Alpha very much, but in just three years, the security situation in the city was much better than before.

At this time, the door of an interrogation room in the corridor opened, and Tamai looked over. The pale-faced girl Baleka, who was only 16 years old, came out accompanied by two female clerks.

"Tamayi, take her to the hospital for a physical and mental evaluation report. It must be completed within today."

"Sister Lin, this is me"

"Stop talking back to me and go quickly."

Tamai could only stand up with a smile. Baleka's mother, who was addicted to gambling, had been arrested for child abuse. Section 5 in Baleka's district had closed down some gambling venues.

No one dares to fool Alpha. Once she is discovered, the consequences will be tragic. In recent years, the efficiency of case handling has increased at least ten times compared to the past.

Once any case occurs, the relevant departments will immediately directly assist Section 5 in the criminal investigation, and will investigate and arrest the crime as soon as it occurs.

"I will. How about it, brother."

Baleka murmured in a low voice. Tamayi had already gotten into a management vehicle from Division 5, and people were coming and going at the door of the Public Security Management Office.

"In view of your situation, you will be sent to the Agriculture Department to work for one year."

Baleka was a little scared, but she still got in the car. She looked sideways at Tamai from time to time. If this man hadn't grabbed her last night, she might have left.

"It's okay, little sister, the job in the Agriculture Department is not too difficult, and you are sallow and thin now. If you work here for a year, I guarantee that your energy will be much better, and given your situation, you should be paid. of."

Baleka nodded silently. She didn't know what the future would be like, but the only thing she knew was that now she felt a little relieved. She looked at Tamai again. This was the first person Baleka had ever met in her life. A man who is willing to help himself.

Tamai also noticed that the little girl next to him was staring at him from time to time. He became a little embarrassed. After setting the automatic constant speed driving, he thought for a moment and said.

"Little sister, if you can't find a job after you come out, I can help you."

Tamai immediately thought of Peristan. The little girl next to her was quite beautiful. Maybe if there was a chance, Peristan might be able to help.

2:19 p.m.

There was a heavy atmosphere in the entire Congress hall, and most people looked at the bill in front of them with serious expressions. This is also a major bill that will determine the future of the city.

Discussion on tax distribution issues in Bright City and distribution details

In the past, 10% of the tax revenue was used as a reserve fund for Congress. The tax situation was different every year, but the tax revenue has been rising steadily over the years, and it has been maintained at an average of about 5 billion per month and 60 billion for the whole year. superior.

Nowadays, the tax revenue reserved by Congress for more than 10 years has been exhausted in various welfare subsidies and construction. Take the tax revenue of 5.320393091 yuan in the 120 districts of Bright City in April last month as an example.

There is already a detailed tax distribution template, of which 400 million in tax revenue is the salary, benefits and subsidies for the current more than 100,000 members of the department, of which 600 million is the construction fund within the 10 departments currently excluding the 11th and 12th departments. Including some compensation for work-related injuries, about 20% of the tax is allocated to the legal department.

Among them, the funds of Section 13 have been 0 since its establishment, not a penny, which made many people feel confused. Except for the 100 million funds given when Section 13 was established, there will be no subsequent wages or taxes. I didn’t know it at the beginning. Lovers are criticizing, but no one knows what the 13th department is and what the nature of the work is.

Because if you want to know the nature and content of the work of Section 13, you must unlock the Six Gods King Seal to gain access.

The remaining 50% of the tax revenue is returned to the 120 districts for various regional welfare subsidies. The remaining 30% is currently used to settle funds for Angus Construction, but more than 1.5 billion is collected every month. The funds are obviously not enough.

Angus Construction currently needs to support 200,000 participating builders. Even if workers’ wages are as low as 2,000 yuan a month, it still requires 4 billion in salary expenses a month. Now the Angus family can only rely on its own family Several enterprises in China continue to provide blood for construction.

Everyone who looks at the tax division knows that 30% of the tax revenue cannot be moved in a short period of time because construction cannot stop.

The 20% of the administrative department cannot be moved, and only the remaining 50% of tax revenue can be discussed in detail.

The allocation of more than 2.5 billion funds is the next highlight.

The salary approval limits for the parliamentary factions have already been determined by the presidents of the eight major associations.

The basic salary of councilors is 800 yuan, and the basic salary of district office staff is 500 yuan. Internet, travel, security, dining, etc. are all fully subsidized by the district office. The only indicator for increasing wages is within the district. The economic situation, tax situation, and construction situation are all combined.

For every 5% increase in the average income in the district, councilors' salaries can be increased by 5% on the original basis, and so on. If the tax amount in the region increases by 5%, the salary of councilors will also increase by 5%. The construction that is beneficial to the people in the region, whether it is material or spiritual construction, has a favorable rate of more than 60% from the people in the region, and every 5% will increase the salary of members by 5%.

Members of Congress do not receive any benefits, but one thing is that by speaking out in Congress on behalf of people in the region, they can receive assistance funds from people or businessmen in the region, including help with publicity and campaigning, elections, etc.

In the four months since the City Meeting began, councilors, although most of the time actively campaigning, have not accepted aid from businessmen.

The tax revenue within the region is allocated by councilors for use in various aspects, and the administrative department has the right to conduct on-site inspections on doubtful parts of the tax revenue.

The current subsidy in the area includes four major areas: medical care, education, water and electricity, and the Internet. The rest is used for infrastructure construction, including access points for light and shadow materials, as well as the placement of surveillance cameras, toilets, and street lights in some areas. , benches, etc. and support some industries in the area.

The six gods were sitting in the middle, and no one spoke. The silence had lasted for 25 minutes, and still no one took the initiative to speak, because everyone knew that the distribution of tax revenue could directly determine the future situation of the region.

This is not a question of more or less, but a question of distribution. The economy should definitely be given priority. A good economy means that the employment rate in the region is high, the material living standards of the people in the region are high, consumption will also increase, and taxation will naturally increase. promote.

But the economy is a relatively large concept, and it has a lot to do with all aspects. The problem of tax distribution in the west is easy to solve, because there are a large number of light and heavy factories in the west. These factories can be directly subsidized in various aspects to ease the pressure of the factories. Pressure will naturally be solved, and employment will naturally be solved. Consumption in the region will naturally increase, the economy will get better, and tax revenue will increase.

But the problems in the west, east, and south are more difficult to solve. The upper 20 districts basically don’t need to worry too much about tax issues.

Because most businessmen and celebrities gather in the upper class, the monthly tax is relatively high, and the remaining 50% of the tax share is also proportional, and will be based on the actual tax revenue generated in each district each month. Li Lai provides tax refunds to these 120 districts.

Nowadays, only the 29th District near the east has a more serious problem, with a monthly tax amount of less than 10 million.

Currently, there are more than 110,000 people living in District 29, which means that each person cannot contribute even 100 yuan in tax every month. This is seriously inconsistent with the average income of the middle class of 2,000 yuan.

The personal income tax ranges from 5% for the lowest amount of 500 yuan, 5% to 7% for less than 1,000 yuan, 7% to 10% for 1,000 to 2,000 yuan, and then up to the highest 15%.

Some people have criticized that such taxes are very high, but in fact prices are very stable, and the tax on every item purchased by the people is borne by merchants.

Just when everyone was feeling annoyed, Freya couldn't sit still anymore and stood up first.

"Everyone! Since no one is here to start this, I'll do it first."

Freya said and walked down from her seat. Everyone raised their heads and started to look at Freya. She was standing on the stage in front of the parliamentarian faction.

"Let's do some basic calculations first. There are 120 districts with a tax revenue of 2.5 billion. The average tax revenue for each district is about more than 20 million. The current population of Bright City is more than 20 million, with an average of more than 160,000 people per district. There is probably about 125 yuan of tax credit on a person’s head.”

Freya stared quietly at a chart that was brought up using AI calculation assistance. It clearly calculated everything Freya just said, which was more detailed than what Freya said.

“I think if we start with how to allocate it, it may not be clear until tomorrow, so I think we should start with some issues that need taxation to solve, starting with marginalized issues.”

As soon as Freya finished speaking, many congressmen behind her agreed.

"First of all, we need to detail the tax issue. What can RMB 125 do in a low-level area?"

Freya said, and soon the details of what can be bought with 125 yuan appeared on the light and shadow screen. The cheapest liquid food that costs 5 cents a can can buy 250 cans, which is enough for a family of three to not go hungry for a month.

You can buy 208 eggs, you can buy 25 kilograms of flour, you can buy 15.6 kilograms of rice, and then there is a long list of things that can be bought on the ground floor for 125 yuan.

The unit price of water is 1 yuan per ton, and the electricity fee is 0.5 yuan per kilowatt hour. This price is only in areas where there is no large-scale photoelectric coating. If it is in some middle-level areas that have completed the photoelectric coating transformation of the entire district, Electricity bills are almost zero.

At this time, many members of the family who had never set foot on the lower level in their lives were surprised, with doubts on their faces, because they had never thought that 125 yuan could do so many things, and 125 yuan on the upper level might be just one person. It’s just the price of a meal, but at the bottom it can feed a family of three for a month.

At this time, Brandon stood up and walked directly to the stage. He knew what Freya wanted to do. This approach was tantamount to causing more problems in the area.

"Congressman Freya, what is the marginalization issue you are talking about?"

"Orphans, gangsters and the helpless!"

Brandon shook his head.

"Do you think people in the region would be willing to give taxes to these people who have no output?"

"We will do our best to make everyone understand this matter. A society needs to be inclusive and inclusive. If there are strong people in a society, there will naturally be weak ones, and the weak make up the majority, so."

Brandon shook his head and interrupted Freya directly.

"This is a social problem! So it should be borne by society, not the pitifully allocated taxes. What can the 125 yuan you just proposed do at the bottom level? But have you ever thought about it, Congresswoman Freya? What can 12,500 yuan do? A tax subsidy for 100 people can save a low-level small business, which is enough for them to pay an average monthly worker salary of 500 yuan. What is the output value created by 25 workers? It can increase taxes, employment, and make people more prosperous. Migrant workers are enough to feed a family of three, and 12,500 yuan can feed 100 people. It can also create an output value that is much higher than this amount of money, increase consumption in the region, and allow the economy to flow in the region, and 12,500 yuan is used on the margins you mentioned. On the issue of globalization! How much output value can it create?”

Freya did not answer, but looked at Brandon solemnly. He seemed to be firmly opposed to using taxes on people who had no creative value at all.

"According to what you said, I can also lower the standard. Based on the marginalized people you mentioned, a person needs at least 100 yuan a month for all aspects. 12,500 yuan can feed 125 people. A month is 12,500 yuan a year. It’s 150,000. What can 150,000 do?”

Brandon brought up a light and shadow screen and quickly listed a lot of things.

"150,000 yuan can already allow a low-level medium-sized enterprise to purchase more advanced equipment, have money to train technical talents, and solve the employment problems of more workers. According to the survey of our 9th Business Section, if 150,000 yuan is directly given to enterprises as subsidies, they will It can create at least three times the value, so Sir Freya, if you spend 12,500 yuan to feed 125 marginalized people, you will get nothing, but if you invest 12,500 yuan in small and medium-sized enterprises, you can feed at least 300 people in a year."

While Brandon was speaking, many of the congressmen on the opposite side stopped their low-pitched discussions. The businessmen and family members all thought so. What Freya raised was a social problem, and social problems can only be solved by It should be solved at the social and moral level, and taxes should be used for economic development.

"It's exactly what you said, Sir Brandon. I don't want to use some examples to sensationalize. I just want to say the most basic thing. Currently, there are nearly 50,000 orphans in Bright City. On average, one district must support 416 people. According to Bran Your Excellency, according to your calculation, the living expenses are 41,600 yuan a month, and 499,200 yuan a year, which is not a lot, isn't it?"

Brandon nodded. No one knew what Freya meant by that. It was indeed not a lot. For the average tax amount of 20 million a month, it was only 41,600 yuan a month, which only accounted for 2% of the tax.

"Let's look at a more serious problem. Although the administrative department is currently vigorously investigating the problem of black households, the actual estimated number of black households should be 500,000. They do not provide any tax, but they still use cheap The price of labor provides a great deal of the value of output.”

As Freya said, she brought up a light and shadow screen, which was some records of black households in some social big data. Currently, the business department is still fully investigating, but most of the black households will be hiding or mixed in the factory. There are some businessmen. Participated in the asylum work of gangsters, although their income is low, they do not need to pay taxes, and they have even caused some cases. Without DNA being registered in the biological database, it is difficult to use DNA technology to locate prisoners.

"Most of the black households have been gradually marginalized. Where did the black households come from? Most of them were not registered after birth. A large part of the black households started as orphans. They have no ability to walk into the sunshine. Now, the laws in the city are becoming more and more strict, and the manpower of the legal department is currently seriously insufficient. In many cases, it is impossible to touch this area, but have you ever thought about it? This is an issue that has been marginalized, and the city There have been many big problems that have arisen due to marginalization.”

Brandon smiled and shook his head.

"Member Freya, I know what you want to explain, and everyone should understand it. To solve these marginalized problems, in order to allow black households to come to the sun, part of the tax revenue needs to be used to help them, right? It's just that the city currently has no way of spending that much money. With 19.5 million people and 500,000 black households, which side is bigger? Tax revenue is so small. If it is easily offset, the city will have problems. ."

Freya shook her head.

"I didn't say it was a one-time solution, but it was a gradual process. These problems are now in front of us. The marginalized issues seem to have been forgotten, including the issue of illegal body trade. These issues are Like a cancer, it is eroding the city all the time. It seems to be hidden in the darkness, but in fact it is on the edge, constantly gnawing at the edges of the city, and even dragging the city."

Freya did not continue, because she had already seen that many members of Congress looked solemn. No one wanted to touch this problem, because it cannot be solved now. If it is to be solved, ordinary people must be solved. Most people at the bottom will not agree if life is made worse, because life is not easy for many people at the bottom.

"Problems do exist. If we see problems and don't want to solve them, I think this is a dereliction of duty on our part as managers!"

Freya's words did not arouse many people's reactions, because people live in the present, and the current problem is how to balance the tax use of the suddenly extra parliamentary government.

Many people who become parliamentarians want to do something big and contribute to the economic improvement of the region. However, the marginalization problem raised by Freya cannot be solved in a short time.

Locke looked at some numbers on the light and shadow screen with a solemn expression. He knew very well that if the problem of marginalization was not solved, it would eventually lead to a big problem. But now he can only continue to choose the Angus family. , let the construction be completed, which was a very difficult decision.

The hall fell silent again. Everyone was looking at the numbers on the light and shadow screen. The businessmen and family members were no longer as relaxed as before, because everyone saw the smile on Freya's face and her pair of eyes. With a serious look, she wasn't kidding.

"Maybe we should do it another way!"

Brandon said with a relaxed smile on his face, and Freya nodded.

"If the issue of marginalization cannot be solved now, it will become a problem that plagues the city for a long time! I will not compromise, everyone! The issue of marginalization must be concluded here today."

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