Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1687 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 71 (middle)

"Here, take it!"

"How embarrassing!"

Lu Qi took some clothes and food from the owner of the shop in front of him. He looked at the workers who were carrying things with some embarrassment. The shop was about to close.

The owner of the shop is over eighty years old. He is already old and plans to go back to the north to retire. The shop owner smiled and took out a paper bag from his pocket, which contained a thick stack of banknotes.

"Take it!"


Lu Qi swallowed. He really wanted to take the money. The owner of the store was a good man. He had helped orphanages many times.

"Take it, this money is not much, but at least it is enough for the more than 40 children in your orphanage to live for a while."

Lu Qi took the money and bowed 90 degrees after holding it in his hand, tears oozing out of his eyes uncontrollably.

It's been a while since I've been to the lively streets. Lu Qi came today just to go to a place with Internet access and take a look at the bills in Congress. Now there are three more important bills with results, and the fourth bill has It is the issue of tax distribution. Nowadays, with the huge political body of parliamentarians, tax distribution is a matter of great concern to many people.

Lu Qi was no exception. The monthly expenses allocated to Lu Qi and his orphanage were only a pitiful 2,000 yuan, which was difficult to support the lives of more than 40 children. Lu Qi was exhausted and asked the local orphanage many times. Xing Keke appealed, hoping to get some money to keep the orphanage running.

Every time a batch of children were sent away, Lu Qi felt a little more relaxed. Those children who were willing to be adopted could escape from the torturous environment of the orphanage. However, in recent years, there are still a large number of orphans in society. Former black slaves Incidents, money laundering, fraud and other issues, there is now a certain resistance to orphanages in society.

There are even criticisms in society that most of the people who open orphanages are taking advantage of the kindness of others to make money, which has intensified the distrust in society. Even though the judicial branch and the Bar Association have revised the fraud law, the prison terms for fraudsters who take advantage of the kindness of others are It has increased from less than 10 years to 30 years.

Although most fraud incidents in society have been effectively curbed, the distrust that was caused in the past due to the casual remarks of some people is like a tearing wound that is constantly bleeding and is constantly expanding.

In the past, Ruqi was able to get some donations from many places, but now it is basically very difficult to get donations.

"Lu Qi, I think you should contact a larger orphanage as soon as possible and send the child away. You won't be able to survive."

The owner of the shop sighed helplessly. Everyone around here knew Lu Qi. He often came to ask for some donations. Many people used to give some, but now everyone is having a hard time. This district in the southwest, Although it is close to the factory area, their orphanage is on a hill on the edge of the city, which has long been uninhabited.

The Luqi Orphanage is located on the edge, about 2 kilometers away from any inhabited area in the district.

That place has been marginalized for a long time. Lu Qimu looked at the large bag of food and money bags placed next to him, and looked to the west with some confusion. Everything in the store had been moved. , the boss smiled and got on the truck.

Lu Qi quietly looked at the boss who was waving to him. After saying goodbye to him, Lu Qi looked around. Many people were looking at him, pointing and saying something.

Then Lu Qi carried the clothes and food and started walking hard. He had to go back quickly and get a delicious meal for the children, and then buy some baby food.

The road of more than 2 kilometers was long or short. Lu Qi looked at the fortress on the top of the mountain in the distance. He knew very well what it was like to be an orphan, because he was once an orphan himself.

The issue of tax allocation should be announced soon. Although Congress has announced ways to divide and use taxes in recent years, there are no detailed rules. This time, members of Congress have stated that in the future, detailed rules will be released for tax announcements. Anyone in the district can view the tax usage details assigned to the district rights.

Lu Qi was worried all the way. He knew that he couldn't do anything and couldn't change it, but if more tax revenue could be allocated to orphanages, many orphans could survive.

Lu Qi also took over this orphanage from a mother-in-law who had taken care of Lu Qi and his younger brother Luneng in the past.

At this time, Lu Qi looked at the money in his hand. There were more than 5,000 yuan in total. Lu Qi had an idea in his mind. If he just relied on blindly gaining sympathy and donations from others, the orphanage would not be able to survive. But When thinking of past business failures, Lu Qi could only shake his head helplessly.

He can only continue to endure it. Lu Qi can't keep any money in his hands now. Fortunately, his younger brother now works in a light and shadow equipment company, and the salary is good. His younger brother also said that he will find a way to save some money, and then the two brothers will form a partnership. Doing business is the only way to continue to maintain the orphanage.

The afternoon sun had just started to get warm. Lu Qi was sweating profusely and carrying his things across the wooden bridge over the moat. As soon as he walked into the yard, he heard bursts of laughter. The solemnity on Lu Qi's face disappeared. He smiled and put his things down.

"The dean is back!"

The children gathered around one by one. My younger brother Luneng was helping some children to dry the freshly washed clothes. The children gathered around happily. Everyone was hungry. They swallowed and looked at the eggs in Lu Qi's hand and a bunch of them. Big bag of stuff.

"Hurry up and get things ready. Let's make egg pancakes."

Looking at the children who were busy helping, Lu Qi felt motivated again. He couldn't let this place end. He knew what it felt like to be homeless.

"Yincai, what are you doing? You can't eat flour directly."

A few older children went over and grabbed a little baby who had just learned to walk. She seemed to be very hungry and wanted to eat flour directly. Lu Qi smiled and looked at this baby who was placed at the door of the orphanage last year. The little girl is growing up vigorously.

But Yincai still licked the flour on her hands reluctantly, and was pulled away by several children to wash her hands. At this time, an older child picked up the music pendant around Yincai's neck, and quickly followed The music started, and Yin Cai was attracted and chased after him.

The children here are all taking care of each other, taking care of each other. At this time, the younger brother Luneng came over.

"Brother, do you want us to do this first?"

Lu Qi looked at Luneng doubtfully.

"This kind of music pendant that can ring is very simple to make. I can get the machine to produce the components. You just need to ask the children to help assemble it and download some popular songs. That's it. Even if you sell one You can make a lot of money with just 1 yuan, and the cost is only one or two cents."

"this is not"

Lu Qi hesitated. This was a crime.

"We only sell in some nearby districts. It will be fine. Recently I heard that another orphanage has closed down. Many homeless children are being kicked back and forth in many orphanages just like playing football. go."

Lu Qi looked at the sound and color chasing this kind of music pendant not far away. This name was given to her by Lu Qi because she brought this color-changing and glowing music pendant with her when she came here, so Lu Qi named it for her. Got this name.

"Then you have to be careful, just in case."

"It's okay, brother. Many people in our company are doing this kind of thing. Besides, we're not doing anything bad."

Lu Qi hummed and looked at the sun in the distance. It looked bright, but it was almost 1 o'clock, and there was still a chill here.

No one knows that this is the current situation here. The issue of orphans has been increasingly marginalized. Now the only thing Ruzi can rely on is a female district councilor who promised her before. She said she would definitely raise this issue in Congress. Speak out.

In the last district council election, Ruzi took 13 children over ten years old from her orphanage and herself to vote for her 14 times, and she defeated her opponent by just 10 votes. After that, the councilor voted for her. The orphanage brought 3,000 yuan in condolence money and some food, which allowed Lu Qi and the children here to survive the crisis.

"It's okay, brother, let's use this method to make the orphanage feel better for the time being."

Lu Qi nodded. He had been honest and responsible all his life, but now he could only listen to his younger brother and engage in such illegal business.

1:03 pm

There were bursts of clapping, and a little baby wearing an exquisite princess dress was crawling on the ground. There were cheers all around. Many people were praising the child, saying that she was smart, beautiful and cute.

Amid the cheers of the crowd, the little baby girl seemed very happy, crawling towards some people on the lawn from time to time.

The baby's mother, Fang Qin, seemed very embarrassed as she chatted with the other lawyers and wives. She heard too many complimentary words at every gathering like this. Fang Qin was a little uncomfortable with it. It was clear that her daughter was just over 1 year old. Some.

Fang Qin knew that this was all because her husband Pullman was not only the president of the Law Society, but also a representative of the lawyer faction.

Fang Qin didn't adapt to all this. No matter how many times it was the same, everyone who came here had only one purpose, which was to have a good relationship with the Pullman family.

Every time these people come here, they bring a lot of gifts, many of which are relatively expensive. Although Fang Qin wants to refuse, her husband Pullman also said that the family circle is also an extremely important part, and Fang Qin naturally knows that Pullman Mann's difficulties.

"By the way, Pullman recently said that he wants to set up a charity foundation for orphans. Look, Mrs. Zhu."

"Fang Qin, I think it's better if we don't get involved in this kind of thing."

"Yes, it's impossible for us to solve this kind of thing alone. Congress has to take action. Think about it. There are tens of thousands of orphans. Even if each person earns 100 yuan a month, it still costs millions!"

Fang Qin did not continue talking. Pullman had already told him that he could explore the voices of these ladies first. This matter must be planned step by step. This is a long-standing marginalization problem in the city. By relying on The legal system cannot solve it.

At this time, Leti crawled towards Fang Qin. She hugged her smiling daughter, and many people gathered around her.

Her daughter Leti was hugged again. Although Fang Qin wanted to say something, she could only force a smile.

Many people are saying that they like children, want one themselves, or simply adopt one, but Fang Qin knows that these are just polite words.

Fang Qin suddenly became a little scared, because she was afraid that her daughter would become like the people around her who were always telling the truth.

A sense of fear enveloped Fang Qin's heart. Marrying Pullman was considered the luckiest thing in her life. Everything about her husband was fine, but this circle made Fang Qin unbearable.

Fang Qin didn't know why these people always made simple things very complicated, saying and doing things against their will without feeling any shame at all, as if it was a very normal thing.

Many times Fang Qin wanted to talk to her husband Pullman, but many times Pullman said she was very tired and too busy at work, and always said there was no need to worry, it was fine, etc. Although Fang Qin did not complain, There is still something uncomfortable somewhere in my heart.

or! Take Letty to the ground floor?

This is not the first time that Fang Qin has had such an idea, but the current situation certainly does not allow it. Letty will definitely be a young lady in the future. Fang Qin has seen many children here, all of whom have a young lady's temper and are arrogant and unruly. , and are biased and wary of many things.

At this time, the air began to get hotter, and Fang Qin also welcomed everyone into the house. She held her daughter and looked back at all the mess in the yard, where several servants were cleaning up.

"It's going to be too hot here. You can clean it up after it cools down a bit."

As Fang Qin said, many people in the room were already talking and laughing, and several servants looked at Fang Qin very gratefully.

"Madam, there will be a dinner here later. I'm afraid I won't be able to make it. Thank you, madam, for your kindness."

As the steward said, the servants began to clean up despite the scorching sun, and Fang Qin gave another instruction.

"Then everyone should be careful not to get heat stroke, and don't force it."

Many servants nodded gratefully and watched Fang Qin enter the room. The servants all respected Mrs. Pullman. She was a very nice person and would not order them around casually. She was also kind to them and never treated them badly. They are treated as inferior human beings.

The scorching sun in the afternoon is shining on the eastern farms, and work has begun to stop in many farmlands. Because the temperature is too high, many farmlands can only work intermittently. They need to work for half an hour and cool down for at least 10 minutes. Otherwise, they will easily suffer from heatstroke. .

In the past, the temperature in the eastern farms was relatively high. Now with the addition of the dust isolation wall that stretches outside the eastern grain base, the temperature is even higher. In many cases, the wind blowing over is hot.

Located in the crop processing factory, next to an assembly line, women are working with sweating profusely. They are all wearing relatively cool clothes. They use a peeling machine to peel off the skins of potatoes one by one, and put the potato skins directly into the table next to them. In the inedible treatment box, it will be transported away immediately after the box is filled. After the soil is mechanically removed, the potato peels are directly made into crop nutrient solution.

This is a job that 12 Branch launched a few years ago that is suitable for most women. It handles the inedible parts of vegetable crops, which can save food merchants most of their time and does not require additional food cleaners.

Some of the women here were arrested and sent here after engaging in illegal body trade. Most of them have come here for the second time.

Although all this can be done directly using machinery, manpower is still used because jobs can be provided. The salary for women here is 650 yuan a month.

Many women were working hard, because everyone had a quota that was stipulated to be completed. At this time, there was a burst of crying babies, and for a while, there were a lot of crying babies in the entire factory.

Starting from March this year, the 12th Section opened a special case, allowing some women with children to come to work and bring their own children. The 12th Section also provided them with a children's food, and allowed women with children to live in four-bedroom apartments. dormitory.

Bayek smiled and looked at Larry on his back. Although he was awakened by the cries of other children, Larry did not cry. He just watched his mother working obediently.

"Your son is so good."

Some people couldn't help but praise that Bayek showed his white teeth. Although his skin was dark, the thin appearance in the past was gone. He once thought that he was finished, but he didn't expect that after coming here, he would have a job and a child. Good food and medical care are also available.

For workers in Section 12, medical care is free. No matter what kind of disease they get while working, Section 12 will be responsible for the treatment. This is the key point that many people are willing to sign long-term contracts with Section 12 in recent years.

Because some people did get seriously ill or had accidents while working, and they all received proper care and compensation.

It’s just that most people don’t want to work here for the rest of their lives. They still want to save enough money and leave. Bayek thinks the same way. She plans to work for 10 years, and when the child grows up healthy and strong, she will take the child away and let him Go to a good school.

What makes many people heartwarming recently is that people from the 12th subject will take the time to gather some children and teach them some simple knowledge, from arithmetic to literacy.

All this is thanks to Natasha, the secretary of Section 12, who promoted all this based on her hard work in the Agriculture Section.

No one was optimistic about it when it was first implemented, but after it was implemented, many people applauded and praised it.

At this time, the temperature in the factory began to drop, many women put on coats, and Bayek also hurriedly took measures to keep his children warm.

When the outside temperature rises, the temperature regulator in the factory will automatically start to cool down to protect the freshness of the ingredients.

This is the most difficult time of the day in the factory, when the factory door opens.

For a moment, everyone looked at the door. Some people from Section 12 walked in, including secretary Natasha. Many people looked over happily and stood up.

"I'm disturbing you all!"

As we all know, this is what Natasha often does nowadays. She will go to factories or farmland to randomly inspect workers, and then listen to their opinions on the working environment and working methods. After that, Natasha Tasha will summarize everyone's opinions and make certain improvements.

Faced with all the chatter, Natasha listened quietly and kept nodding. In the past, she always argued with Clark, but now Natasha doesn't think so anymore. The management of the Agriculture Department is led by Na Tasha was in charge, while Clark managed the research.

Although Natasha still didn't like Clark's actions, Clark never had any excuse for his actions. Ye Chunwang talked to her many times, and Natasha also understood. Instead of letting others understand her, The concept is that it is better to do it yourself and do it yourself.

Some people have pointed out that it is too cold and the temperature is abnormally high. It may be fine for adults, but it will be problematic for children. However, many people still say that their joints may develop chilblains if they work in low temperatures for a long time.

Natasha smiled and nodded.

"I will collect everyone's opinions and organize them. Soon we should provide you with some warmer gloves and clothes."

Natasha has a good memory. This is the 109th time someone has mentioned this matter. She plans to start doing it after she goes back. The only thing that can be done now is the light and shadow material, which can control the density of the clothes at any time, so that the heat can be achieved. It is breathable when it is cold and keeps warm when it is cold, but 12 Branch does not have that much money to use light and shadow materials to achieve it. The only way is to use fibers from some crops to make it.

At this time, Natasha also asked everyone to go back to work, and then planned to do a round of inspection before leaving. She walked slowly behind the female workers who worked hard, looking at their thick and calloused hands. If she had been there before, If it hadn't been for Alpha's suggestion, perhaps Section 12 had already used machinery to handle it. Now it's not easy to pass on this cost to wholesale merchants and create so many jobs.

A small black hand stretched out. Natasha stopped and looked at the dark-skinned baby. The little hand stretched out. Natasha stretched out a finger and looked at the dark-skinned baby with a smile. The child held his fingers.

Bayek became a little nervous and turned around quickly to apologize.

"It's okay. How old is this kid?"

"Six months, my lord."

Natasha smiled and nodded, patted the child's little face, and walked away with a smile. Her next step was to promote a plan. If the children of people who have worked in the agricultural field for a long time are willing, they can get a stipend for the 12th class. , after completing the studies in the Acting Department, directly enter the 12th Department.

"The land can also speak. If you treat the land gently, the things you grow will be delicious!"

When Natasha came to the door, she looked back at everything in the factory. Now that she thought about it carefully, Natasha now understood what Ye Chunwang often said before.

"That idiot Clark will probably never understand in his lifetime. He only knows about production and production. People are neither tools nor machines."

Natasha walked out of the factory and glanced at the endless farmland. She took off her hat and let her long hair flow down. She raised her head slightly, feeling the alluring fragrance of grain in the air. She always felt particularly comfortable. Until now, she I finally like this job.


Accompanied by a rich aroma, Hawke raised his thumbs in praise and looked at the barley tea in the cup, which was mellow and sweet.

"Not bad, Ye Chunwang."

Ye Chunwang smiled and took out a small bag of homemade barley tea from his trouser pocket and handed it to Hawke.

"If you want to eat in the future, come to my house."

Hawk laughed. The two of them were in a small room. They had not participated in the discussion of the business department. They were already people from a long time ago. Originally, Hawke did not intend to come to this audit. But Ye Chunwang dragged him along.

"Has the matter on the farm been resolved?"

Ye Chunwang smiled and nodded.

"It's no problem anymore. Although the two children are doing their own things, they are both working hard. I don't plan to ask any questions."

dong dong dong

There was a knock on the door of the room. Hawke turned his head and the yellow particles pulled the door handle. After opening it, Locke stood respectfully at the door.

"What's wrong, Fatty, aren't you supposed to have a meeting with the section chiefs?"

Hawke asked with a smile. Locke walked in and closed the door. Ye Chunwang took out a cup and poured Locke a cup of wheat tea.


Locke pressed his forehead. The moment he saw the two of them, all the fatigue on his face showed.

Hawke smiled and patted his shoulder.

"Just know that you are tired. This is your fate as a general manager. How can you not be tired?"

Locke took a sip of wheat tea and glared at Hawke sideways.

"If you hadn't been fooling me all day long, I"

Ye Chunwang smiled helplessly.

"You can only be the chubby one for this position. No one else has the ability to be as inclusive as you are."

Ye Chunwang said and Hawke nodded.

"I'm not as good as you, Xiaopang. I'm very good at coordinating the relationship between the 12 departments and the relationship with the parliamentarian factions. The same is true for businessmen and the family. Everyone knows that if there is a problem, just go to the general manager."

Locke lay on the table, originally thinking of opening a restaurant after finishing his work at the Seminary. This was Locke's best pursuit in life, but now he didn't know how long this heavy job would last.

"I have to tell you something, Fatty."

Hawke sounded serious and sincere, and Locke became a little confused.

"Wanrou, that child, seems to be quite decadent recently. Would you like to go and see her?"

Locke's expression became solemn for a moment. He had heard of it to some extent, and Ye Chunwang nodded.

"We are all our students. We are the best friends with you at school. Wen and Rou are the best. There are some things you have to think about. Little Fatty, she is a good girl."

"I understand, you two, I came here to discuss something with you."

The two looked at Locke seriously and knew immediately that it was about the next tax bill.

"It's going to be an extremely heated debate, little fat guy. You can't have your cake and eat it too."

Ye Chunwang said, and Locke nodded understandingly.

“How to deal with marginalized issues?”

Locke pressed his forehead in annoyance, and both Hawke and Ye Chunwang shook their heads for a moment. They didn't know how to deal with it. It was obviously a very simple problem, but now it is extremely difficult to deal with it.

“What are city meetings for, little fat guy!”

Locke Ka Fai pressed his forehead in annoyance and Ye Chunwang said.

"I have said too many big words in the past, and it is impossible to fulfill these big words in a short time!"

Hawke nodded.

"There is no best-of-both-worlds story in this world, chubby. The choice between choices is the most difficult for us humans! The era I live in is such a chubby one, and you know it after you have been with me for so long."

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