Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1689 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 72 (Part 1)

The wind and sand roared, and under the gray-black sky was a huge mountain range, Alata Ula.

This huge mountain range is located in the northwest of Bright City, stretching for thousands of kilometers. The mountains are undulating violently, and the surrounding surface is crisscrossed with ravines. There are many intricate entrances between the mountains. For thousands of years, the wind has been like a knife blade, constantly blowing through this place. The mountains are scraped, forming a unique natural landscape.

No matter when you look at it, Alatan Ulla is like a monster sleeping in the dark, staring at the city illuminated by light in the distance.

In the past, there were many small human shelters here during times of disaster, and many towns were built in wind-blown areas relying on the mountains, but now these towns have long been dilapidated.

In some towns, traces of the human past can only be seen in the weathered ruins.


In the wind and sand, a small black Changxing machine with tracks was moving slowly in the wind. In the middle of the elongated shape was a black semicircular sphere that could rotate, with many crystals on it, shining with scarlet light.

Such a machine can be seen from time to time around Alata Ula. It is a small multi-functional monitoring machine. At this time, the scarlet light spot in the semicircle of the machine suddenly went out, the track rotation speed accelerated, and soon it entered In a path cut by the wind.


Along with the mechanical walls protruding from both sides of the semicircular sphere, the machine was directly fixed on a mountain wall deep in the mountain road, and the scarlet light lit up again.

"We've arrived."

Jean put down Mo Xiaolan on his back. At this time, Mo Xiaolan was shivering with cold. Jean smiled and looked around, and saw a small hill in the wind and sand that could provide shelter from the wind. He used telekinesis to drag Mo Xiaolan Xiaolan took her directly to the leeward side of the mountains.


Mo Xiaolan unscrewed the hot water bottle and took a big sip. The situation got better. The further north you went, the stronger the wind and sand became. It was impossible for anyone to survive in this kind of place.

"Is there really anyone here?"

Gene shook his head, but nodded again, and lit a cigarette.

"Xiao Lazy, you didn't say you should come over here and investigate."

Mo Xiaolan wanted to lean back angrily, but a hard stone hit the back of her head. She stood up, took the backpack from Jean's body, and leaned down comfortably.

Growing up, the relationship between Jean and Mo Xiaolan was more like a friend than a master and apprentice. Mo Xiaolan trusted Jean very much and would tell Jean about everything, from the lives of the students in the school to his own things, including some of Alpha’s thoughts and so on.

Mo Xiaolan was very smart. She knew that Jean wanted to know something about the students, but was unable to ask, so Mo Xiaolan took the initiative to tell Jean everything.

Over the years, the barrier area has become a paradise for criminals. The northern part of Brilliant City is a large mountain, which is named Black Mountain because it is black no matter when you look at it. The ravine area only lasts to the north-western section.

There is a section of soil connected to the barrier area. This place is the best area for many criminals to escape, and it is also the best area for criminals to sneak back to Brilliant City.

Although the northern security station conducts patrol control from time to time, the effect is not very satisfactory. There are too many ways for criminals to escape.

The criminals mainly gathered in the east and south. These two areas had a large number of human gathering places in the past, and the wind and sand were smaller than those in the west and north.

The two of them came all the way. After leaving the south, they were almost deserted. It was difficult to find signs of human activities. There were only windy sand in the sky, garbage in the sand, and harmful particles floating around.

Many other places have been investigated, but no clues have been found. No matter how good the criminals in the barrier area are, it is impossible to get crops like potatoes. Although some private lifts can be used to transport them out, but in this way The risk is too high and it is easily detected by Section 3.

The film that currently covers the entire city has its only function of isolating some harmful particles and slowing down the temperature loss, thereby stabilizing the climate. The other gods are still working with people from the 10th Department on how to make the film It can be combined with part of the information, so that the Youmian can have a monitoring function, so that the moment you enter and leave the city, you can know where it is and how big it is.

Before the harm continues to ferment, a solution must be found. This is Gene's consistent approach.

"Come on, little lazy boy, let's take a walk along the mountain range. If we can't find anything, we'll go back and make sure it's at a minimum."

Mo Xiaolan pouted, stood up, put on his protective mask and sunglasses, and climbed onto Gene's back again.

At this time, in the wind and sand, Mo Xiaolan caught a glimpse of scarlet, but when he quickly looked over, the scarlet disappeared.

Less than a few dozen seconds after the two people left, a crawler machine slowly approached, and the light spots on the semicircular surface kept flickering.

Located in a huge underground cave in the north of the Alatan Ula Mountains.

The original noise was gone in the cave. The doorways of the rooms built along the stone walls were filled with many lifeless people.

Located in the middle of the huge cave, the sun lamps are on. Many crops are planted on the large area of ​​land in the middle. Many people are working in the fields, and many of them look very tired.

Everyone wears a black collar around their necks. Anyone who disobeys will be killed by the collar in an instant.

Each necklace has a red pattern of flames on it, and the people here are all wearing one-piece coarse cloth, and everyone's clothes have red flame patterns printed on them.

Located on the east side of the cave, at the top of a huge metal tower built from the bottom up, near the top of the cave is a transparent and smooth cover. Inside is a large private rest area, with a man standing outside the cover. The extended platform overlooks everything below.

This nearly 60-meter-high cave took the Hillman family five years to excavate. The nearly 4-square-kilometer cave currently houses more than 11,000 people, including more than 8,000 men and more than 3,000 women.

The man's name is Erwin Hillman, Eddie's cousin, and he is also the top person in charge here.

The freedom here has also turned into absolute control. In the past, many criminals thought this was a paradise. But three years ago, this life came to an abrupt end. They were forced to wear collars and had to obey the police. From the beginning of all the orders of the Hillman family, they felt fear and found that they were just experimental subjects of the Hillman family.


The baffle in front of Erwin's left eye, which had been completely transformed into a machine, opened. The moment the inner spiral baffle opened, Erwin's head had already received the video footage from the external detection and monitoring machine. He smiled slightly.

"Sure enough, someone will find this place."

Erwin laughed happily. Under the plan of Prometheus a long time ago, various countermeasures were already in place. As long as someone starts investigating, the place can be sealed in an instant. If you want to find this place, Almost impossible.

Erwin turned around and walked through the room. After walking out of the room, there was an empty hall opposite. People wearing white clothes and masks, holding various tools in their hands, were working on surgical tables one by one. Busy on the side.

One by one, men and women lying on the operating table, their bodies cut open, their eyes wide open and unable to move, were undergoing mechanical surgical transformation.

All materials used for transformation can be obtained from the mineral deposits in this mountain range. The Hillman family has developed a new alloy suitable for the human body. This is the best material for semi-mechanical transformation of humans. It has been perfected in the city. experiment of.

After these people are transformed, they will also be implanted with brain control chips. Everything in their bodies is controlled by the chips implanted in their heads, not their brains.

By collecting all the daily physical and behavioral data of these people and writing it into the brain-controlled chip, the brain-controlled chip controls their bodies as if they were possessed by ghosts. Although they have thoughts and can speak, their bodies cannot. controlled by their independent thoughts.

This is the mechanical transformation technology that the Hillman family obtained from Connect the media.

There is currently no substance that can perfectly combine something as cold as a machine with something alive.

Although Prometheus has a relatively complete theory, this theory is difficult to implement.

Today's modified humans have their entire bodies transformed into machines except for their heads. This is an extremely painful and difficult process.

All of this is to prepare for the future upgrade of modified robots. Implanting personality and directly controlling the mechanical body with the human brain are the main research directions of the Hillman family in the future.

Didi didi

Erwin looked at the man on the operating table who died in the middle of the operation. He walked over, looked at the data on the eye shadow screen, and then looked at the mechanical transformation doctor.

"This is already your fifth failure. Think clearly, if your failure rate exceeds 60%, you will be the next one to be transformed."

The person in front of him was trembling and the scalpel in his hand fell to the ground. Erwin took one look and said with a smile.

“The materials are recycled and the rest is put directly into the nutrient production pool.”

Many people around were looking at everything in front of them with trepidation and doing their work carefully.

Erwin left the lobby on the top floor after looking around, and took the elevator down to the middle floors. As soon as the elevator door opened, Erwin saw many women wearing white loose coats with big bellies.

Some doctors were checking their physical conditions. After Erwin looked around casually, he turned and went to the floor below. In the single rooms, men and women with numbers on their bodies were being taken to designated rooms. Go to the room.

Screening the genes of outstanding men and women, and then using them to create the next generation, and then training the next generation to become scientific researchers, is the beginning of the next huge plan of the Hillman family.

This also includes the cultivation of mutants. In long-term experiments, the Hillman family discovered that people with double Y chromosomes have an almost 100% chance of becoming mutants, and can grow into powerful mutants in a short period of time. .

Nowadays, the transformation surgery on mutants is extremely safe, and the transformation of mutants is only semi-mechanical. In order to improve the combat capabilities of mutants, ordinary people undergo full-body mechanical transformation.

Erwin came again. In a large room, many strong-looking men and women were wearing collars and exercising on exercise machines. This is also the most effective method to produce mutants today. , breaking through the limits of human physical ability, alienated genes will appear in the human body, and they will grow into mutants.

Erwin went to the talent training classroom and took a look around. There were some children of school age who were receiving science education courses.

The operation of the entire facility was normal. Erwin smiled contentedly. Eddie's orders were absolute and must be obeyed. This was the understanding of the entire Hillman family.

"A new batch of criminals should be sent here almost tomorrow, but we still have to be careful."

Erwin opened his mouth slightly, and a row of metal teeth shone in the dim light. He strode out of the cylindrical tower. At this time, many people who were working speeded up their movements.

Erwin used to be a loser. In the Hillman family, he was just a humble loser. Ever since Eddie got everything in the Hillman family, everything has changed. Those things in Erwin's head in the past Countless crazy ideas have been put into practice. Eddie also admired Erwin's style of doing things, so he gave this place to him.

Over the years, Erwin has taken good care of everything here since the beginning of construction. Erwin died of illness in the city.

In the past, Erwin still had some nostalgia for the past, but now he no longer thinks about it. The huge plan of the Hillman family is what makes Erwin worth everything, and the grand and long-lasting plan built by Eddie This huge and beautiful country is also where most of the Hillman family ultimately want to go.


At this moment, a bullet was suddenly shot from the pistol held by a working worker. The distance was very close, less than 5 meters away from Erwin. A very small pistol was fired. After the shot, the pistol exploded in the worker's hand. He looked at Erwin's broken forehead in horror. No blood flowed out. The bullet had sunk in, but the warhead had been completely crushed.

Erwin still smiled and pulled out the bullet from his head. The metal was visible under the skin.

"go to hell!"

The worker held a hoe and rushed towards Erwin angrily. He looked at the warhead in his hand and took a step forward like a normal person.

The worker in front of him fell to the ground in pain, vomiting blood, and was already dead. The back of his head was bloody and bloody, and the splattered blood had just hit the ground.

Erwin himself, like Eddie, has a chip in his head that can recognize brain signals. He can kill anyone with a brain-control chip in his head with his thoughts, and he can also recognize the visual signals in other people's heads. Convert it into your own head.

"Keep working!"

Erwin said lightly, and soon some cyborgs floated over. They quickly packed up everything and left with the dead man.

Erwin went all the way to the west side of the cave, and after entering a long passage, he came to a large metal room.

There is a giant spherical machine in the room with a large number of crystals on it, and the synthesis of high-energy photons is being carried out inside the machine. The experiment has not been going well, although Xingke has launched a photonuclear weapon and released high-energy photons from the scene. The data inferred from the lethality appears extremely unstable.

Most of the people working here are scientific researchers from Hillman Enterprises who have died in the city.

This is what the Hillman family must accomplish now. This is the only effective way to confront the gods after things are exposed in the future.

"It's almost time, everyone, you can rest."

As Erwin said, the researchers in the research room who were still conducting data observations in front of some light and shadow screens turned around with relief and walked towards the room at the bottom.

Erwin took a look and saw that the time was just three o'clock.

"I'll remind Eddie when we contact you next time. It would be better to get rid of this problem as soon as possible."

Erwin has made such suggestions to Eddie many times. Ever since X started cooperating with Eddie, Erwin felt that it would be better to get rid of this guy as soon as possible, although the current mechanical and biochemical modification technology came from X. Yes, but having such a threat around will have an impact on the Hillman family's overall plan.

Eddie is now entangled in the technology that X holds that can tamper with human memory and implant memories. This kind of technology is very much wanted by the Hillman family.

"After all, a threat is a threat, and it's better to get rid of it as soon as possible."


Moore left the private classroom gloomily and returned to the rest area outside the classroom. He looked at the students around him. The people here were all his cousins, and he was the youngest.

Everyone's face showed some displeasure. Moore didn't like these things very much, but everyone was the same. Uncle Eddie forced him to be sent here to study every day. After returning, he had to hide it from his mother Ran Yu.

At this time, Moore looked at the slightly hot pendant on his chest, looked around, entered the bathroom, sat on the toilet and locked the door.

"Teach me quickly what to do to get through the next class!"

Moore said, the pendant shone slightly, and a voice appeared.

"It's a very simple question. You just need to follow what I said and you can pass the test smoothly. But Moore, you have to do a little favor for me this time."

Moore nodded.

The pendant I bought for my chest at Angel Paradise suddenly spoke to Moore one night when he was doing the questions in distress, and guided Moore to complete all the questions. Now Moore's grades have improved, and he can spend more time playing. This is what Moore needs most now. He is not very smart to begin with and can never learn something.

Moore also knew who had installed some machinery into the pendant, but he didn't care because the voice in the pendant could help him now.

"I need you to go to the lowest level underground."

"No, we can't go down there. It would be terrible if uncle finds out."

Laughter burst out from the pendant.

"You just need to follow my instructions and no one will find out."

What Moore was thinking about at this time was what his uncle Eddie said. If he could complete this month's study, he could go to his grandpa's house with his mother.

Moore likes his grandpa very much. He always tells him interesting things and plays with him.

"How to do?"

"But not today, but starting in a while. You just need to do as I say, and slowly you will be able to go to the bottom of the underground. Okay, you have to remember what I tell you next. At noon You can pass the test.”

Moore nodded happily. There were many things that Moore could not tell his mother, because Uncle Eddie said that if his mother knew, she would only become like them, and they would not be able to leave here for the rest of their lives.


People's anxiety also broke out along with the hot weather. Many people spontaneously came to the vicinity of the district office to wait for the release of the new round of tax allocation details.

Some people hope that education subsidies can be increased, others hope that medical subsidies can be increased, and some feel that the current subsidies for newborn babies are too low and should be increased.

Most self-employed people hope to increase subsidies for the industries they operate.

At this time, many people saw a woman with a bunch of children, big and small, holding a banner in their hands.

We want to live! Please save us.

Many people know that this woman is the operator of the local orphanage, Liu Ting. She has gone to the district office many times to ask for social welfare subsidies for the orphanage, but many times she can only rely on some donations driven by council members. Maintain the daily maintenance and expenses of the orphanage under her care with more than 200 orphans.

This is a middle-class district, and the expenses for more than 200 orphans a month are as high as 40,000 yuan. This is not something Liu Ting can afford. Although she has several shops in business, she can only make ends meet.

Liu Ting took more than 50 children directly into the lobby of the district office. The staff of the district office did not chase them away, but were busy giving them some water and snacks.

Liu Ting must wait for the result here, even if it is just a little bit. The economic situation in this area is very good. As long as 1% can be allocated, the orphanage can be maintained.

Several congressmen in the district have promised to speak for them in Congress. Liu Ting wants to get the money as soon as possible before the results come out.

Many people on the street looked at him coldly.

"The child never has enough to eat. She always comes to us asking for donations. No one is a money maker."

"Yes, I have donated a few times and I ran out of money. I need to send these children to a more economically developed area as soon as possible."

People sitting in many shops on the street started talking. At first, everyone was quite supportive of this matter, but then Liu Ting asked for it again and again, and everyone began to get tired of it.

After all, the reason for so many orphans is still the troubles caused by irresponsible parents. This is what most people think. It was a little better before, but after the strong market rectification carried out by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the situation has become worse. Some orphanage workshops have to close down.

Dangerous substances and drugs. In the past, when the administrative department was not rectified, many orphanages were involved.

"Although it is difficult! But there will always be a way. We are currently actively preparing to let some children whose parents have been imprisoned go to Section 12 so that their parents can work there."

Latis said, Freya opposite shook her head.

"This cannot solve the problem, Mr. Latis. A city's attitude towards the weak determines how far the city can go. These marginalized problems, orphans, the helpless, the mentally ill, and black households, these are all Under the urban system, marginalized people who are born only need a trace of compassion to change a lot of things. Although the people may not be able to accept it in a short period of time, these problems will be eradicated bit by bit. It’s like what Mr. Alpha said before!”

Latis shook his head.

"Councillor Freya, I cannot agree with this approach. Such social problems are issues that your faction of congressmen should solve, rather than using city tax revenue to solve them. This approach puts the cart before the horse and customizes a system for them that can help orphans." This is what you should do to ensure the survival of the hospital and the compassion of society, and you must consider the majority of people."

Freya stared at the people around her quietly. This issue has been discussed for a long time. The marginal issue still has not reached any conclusion, but it is obvious that there are many people who disagree.

Because there are currently nearly 600,000 people without any production value, which is a terrifying number. If the tax is 100 yuan per month for these people, it will be 60 million, which can already catch up with the annual profits of several large enterprises.

"I didn't say that we need to use taxes to relieve them all the time. It's just an urgent need. Everyone has helpless times, and what should people do when they are helpless? I know this is Congress, and you shouldn't use such remarks. , but from the perspective of human nature, I think this is the only criterion. If we do nothing to save people, these marginalized issues will only create more problems."

At this time, Alpha stood up and walked slowly to the stage. Latis turned around and got off the stage with a smile.

"No matter what, the problem is serious. Such a dilemma is not the focus of this issue, Freya!"

Freya nodded.

"The key point is how they can survive. If it can only be solved by taxation, we don't need to argue here today. Directly setting aside 5% tax can solve the problem for these marginalized groups. The problem."

"The key is how to keep them alive!"

Freya said, showing a happy smile, and Wu Qun, who was behind Freya, took a long breath and looked at the family members, businessmen and most of the celebrities.

"I see!"

Eddie smiled and looked up at the two smiling people in front of him.

"It's just a farce!"

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