Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1646 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 57 (Part 2)

In a room with bookshelves on all four walls, thick legal books were placed on them.

Some content is displayed on a light and shadow screen

213,847 people were convicted, of which 30% were sentenced to more than 10 years, 50% were sentenced to nearly 10 years, and only 20% only required one year of labor punishment.

Pullman quietly stared at the numbers on the light and shadow screen in front of him. August had just entered, and there were still four months left in 2218.

The impact of the riots five months ago has not yet receded. Just this morning, the Law Office finally completed the trial of more than 200,000 people. The economic losses directly caused to the south were as high as 10 billion. The specific losses are incalculable. .

This loss can only allow those who participated in the riots to work on the farms, and then subsidize the people in the south after producing value.

The construction in the south is almost at a semi-standstill. The number of workers in Angus Construction is now less than 50,000. The construction projects in the entire south have almost stalled and the progress is very slow.

In just five months, after the riots in the south, the economy has plummeted, consumption has dropped by 80%, and in some districts near the edge, many people's monthly income has been less than 300.

Some places are gradually turning into slums, which Pullman does not want to see. Many workers are from these areas, and now they are arrested and imprisoned. The gap of more than 200,000 workers will be difficult to fill in a short time. of.

Alpha did it as always. In her eyes, there was no such thing as the law not punishing the public. This was inevitable. The actual harm was far greater than everyone thought.

Pullman stood up helplessly and looked at the time. It was 8 o'clock in the evening. He walked out of the study with a smile and went directly to the nursery.

"Are you sleeping, little guy?"

In the room, his wife was leaning on the bedside, holding her daughter Letty in her arms. Pullman walked over gently and glanced at her daughter, who was just 2 months old. Her pink face was still stained with tears.

Fang Qin made a shushing gesture, and the corners of the baby's mouth moved. Pullman sat aside and watched quietly.

By the end of the year, Pullman plans to completely put down his work and take good care of his wife and daughter. In the past five months, Pullman has only been back three times. Even when his wife gave birth, he was still busy with the Law Association. .

"Actually, it's nothing. You're very busy at work."

As Fang Qin said, Pullman shook his head. Half of what he wanted to do when he was young has now been achieved. He continues to promote the city's laws, making the laws more humane and better serving the city. .

Pullman is very clear that next year will be an even busier year. After three years of personnel changes in the practice department, most of the management staff in the previous era have been replaced, and some cannot adapt to the overall practice department. People were kicked out.

The councilors are also ready to start the election of councilors in the region on January 1 next year. Everyone over the age of 10 has the right to vote.

The planning of district power offices has also been put on the agenda. As the daily work places of district councilors, these places have begun to operate and serve as the association's liaison offices in various places.

Some people in the city also knew about the group of congressmen, the congressmen who represented the people in the area, but most people were skeptical about such a possible political system.

Although there are not as many people taking the professional examination this year as last year, there is a situation where a large number of people were assigned to subjects 3 and 5, but more than 300 of them gave up the right to enter subjects 3 and 5.

The practices of the Xingke Branch have always been criticized, but many people agree with everything Alpha has done. This is an extremely strange psychology. When the incident occurred, the Xingke Branch felt that it was inhumane. , but after the incident, many people felt that it was okay to do so at the time.

Pullman looked at his wife and asked.

"I remember your original home was also in the south."

Fang Qin hummed.

"I want to go back and see the old house after a while. Recently, I often dream about what happened when I was a child. I lived with my parents and my sister's family. Although the days were harder, I was actually very happy every day."

Pullman smiled and nodded. The problems in the south cannot be ignored. The large-scale riots five months ago caused long-term harm to the south. Now many people are aware of it.

Everyone feels that a more glorious era will come. Those workers who have terminated their contracts with Angus Construction and did not participate in the riots are not optimistic about the current situation. Some factories have begun to carry out industrial upgrading and construction. The workers' The value will become lower and lower.

Nowadays, many heavy-duty factories have purchased a large amount of machinery and equipment, which can replace most of the workers. In the past two years, the reason why there has been a labor shortage is that in order to quickly control their own share, businessmen have There was simply no way to slow down factory manufacturing, but after market share stabilized, most factories began to lay off workers in large numbers.

Some workers began to show up to Angus Construction again, but the Angus family would not hire those who terminated the contract without authorization, and new workers were not being recruited.

Workers' wages reached a peak of 10 yuan an hour in just two years, but now most factory workers' wages are only 4 to 5 yuan an hour.

In just less than two years, the demographic dividend brought about by construction has been almost consumed due to various problems.

The Angus family also suffered an extremely severe impact during the last riot. The Angus family's stock almost collapsed. It was overflowing from the highest point of 200%, and fell directly to 137% before stopping.

Most of the people who used to fantasize about being able to make a fortune from the Angus family have woken up from their dreams. However, the Angus family is currently in a state of debt. Most people have taken back part of their principal and left Angus. Angus family's stock market, and now Angus family plans to delist all stocks of Angus family.

The city's economic growth has begun to slow down, and the better times that everyone is looking forward to will not come in the short term.

Pullman glanced at the time and it was almost time. After letting his wife go to bed, he kissed her on the cheek, turned off the light and walked to the door.

"Wake me up if you need anything."

The wife smiled and nodded.

The expression on Pullman's face returned to seriousness after closing the door, and he planned to return to the room to deal with some things.

There will be a law to be revised next year, the Trinity Law, which is a bill aimed at managers. After so many years, the Hydera case is still the focus of debate in this case, but in the riots five months ago, nearly 5,000 people Deaths, including 2,456 members of the executive branch.

The last riot was the biggest impact on the city in its history.

No one knows what happened, and why the workers who threw explosives were so irrational. It was workers who threw explosives in the crowds of protests in various places, which eventually turned into a large-scale riot that affected 7 million people in the south. riot.

"We can only take one step at a time!"

This riot has left most people exhausted in the past few months, and most people are still debating what exactly led to such a large-scale riot, but these arguments are meaningless.

This riot directly destroyed the economic foundation of the south. It is almost impossible to restore the south to its past appearance based on the current situation of the city.

The impact is diverse, and the bloody facts are in front of everyone.

Piles and piles of complicated and helpless problems in a short period of time are placed in front of Pullman, especially those marginalized problems, orphans, the elderly, mentally ill, illegal households, etc. The eight major associations have finally designated Some of the issues that came up that needed to be dealt with in the future with the administrative department could only be postponed.

8:39 pm

"Let me help you!"

Tamai quickly ran to the side of a mountain carrier and helped him hold the heavy metal box on his back with both hands. The mountain carrier in front of him said thank you. He didn't look too big.

At this time, several members of Section 5 patrolling nearby looked at Tamai's actions and sighed helplessly, and the team leader shook his head.

"I said Tamai, you'd better save some strength. We have to patrol until 3 o'clock in the morning before we can change shifts."

Tamai smiled and waved back. The mountain carrier in front of him looked extremely tired. There was still more than a kilometer to go. He had to deliver the goods to the place, but now there were people behind him to help carry them. At the bottom of the box, he felt a little lighter.

Tamai passed the exam successfully this year. Among all the candidates, he was the only one who only filled in 5 subjects. Although he just passed the passing line of 80 points, he was immediately assigned to 5 subjects, which is relatively high in the middle level. A stable position in District 61.

In just one month, Tamai has gotten along relatively happily with everyone in the team.

Newcomers are usually assigned to the middle and upper levels. Many people want to go to the upper levels because life there is more comfortable. However, with only a one-year internship period, new staff members will be assigned to the lower levels.

Tamai has gradually adapted to this kind of work, and his own alienation genes have also awakened. Now he exercises every day and can already carry more than 300 kilograms.

"Thank you, my lord, thank you."

The mountain carrier finally arrived at his destination. Tamai wiped the sweat from his forehead with a smile, turned around with a smile and ran quickly, planning to return to the normal patrol route.

If you want to change, you have to start from the root. This is the purpose of Tamai entering the 5th subject. Although he is not very eye-catching and has no talents, he has the eyes to discover talents.

Tamai felt that he could do a lot of things. When he was in school, one time when Alpha returned to school, he seized the opportunity and ran over to speak directly. The instructor was very angry at the time, but Alpha did not blame him.

What Tamai didn't expect was that Alpha still remembered him and Peristan. Tamai also bluntly said that he has a pair of eyes that are good at discovering the talents of others, and hoped that Alpha could make him a special section member.

Tamai's current identity is a special section member of the 5th Section. He has the right to report those who violate the regulations of the 5 Sections in the area, and to punish those section leaders or section officers who have done well. Report it up.

Tamai observes people in the 5 subjects in the area every day, records some things in detail, gives some comments and reports them.

Tamai just wants to know something better, start with basic patrols, and then find ways to solve the problem. He doesn't want tragedies like Hydera to happen again.

In particular, the riots that occurred five months ago when Tamai was still preparing for the exam made him remember it deeply.

After returning to the patrol route, many people in their team were sitting at some small stalls on the street talking and laughing.

"Captain, should we go on patrol?"

"Let's wait until 11 o'clock. Let's eat something and have a glass of wine first."

Tamai felt something was wrong, but many people persuaded him to sit down. In desperation, Tamai could only sit down, but he also understood what the captain said and went back at 11 o'clock because it was a night market at that time. During the busiest time, although there are people on the streets now, they are relatively sparse.

Tamai also felt relieved. The situation in the middle level was much more stable than the current situation in the lower level. The 60 districts in the lower level have recently been deploying additional manpower.

Tamai just had a phone call with Peristan today, and he went to see Hydra again. For some reason, Hydra is much more cheerful now and is willing to see Peristan. Tamai also plans to wait for the holiday next month. , just go and see Hydera.

At this time, a beggar on the street came to the street with a cane. He quickly sat down near a shopping mall. After standing at the door, he began to stretch out his hands and pitifully asked people passing by for money, but most people just looked at them. A glance, or just avoid it.

In recent years, there have been more and more beggars, and they are even getting younger and younger. Especially after the riot five months ago, the situation in the city has become even more severe.

9:18 pm

Mo Xiaolan was walking alone on the streets of Qinglong Street, dressed up in casual clothes. Her eyes were fixed on a club opposite. The door was full of luxury vehicles. At this time, the door finally opened, and a figure A slightly fat middle-aged man walked out surrounded by a crowd of people.

A large number of accompanying bodyguards also came out. They seemed to be going somewhere else, but they seemed to be planning to go somewhere else and did not get in the car. Mo Xiaolan continued to follow them quickly, and they just left the alley. , a few drunk young men came over.

"Little girl, are you here?"

"Get away!"

Mo Xiaolan said something in a cold voice, held up his bracelet, and a certificate from Section 2 personnel appeared. In an instant, several men sobered up from their drunkenness.


Several men trembled with fear and hurriedly got out of the way. Mo Xiaolan followed all the way, always staring at the group of people walking on the street opposite who were talking and laughing. They were all members of the Hillman family.

Mo Xiaolan suspected that the riot five months ago was directly related to the Hillman family, but she still couldn't find any evidence. For the past month, she had been staring at the guy named Plum Hillman every day. It is the main person in charge of Eddie Financial, Mr. PLM, as the outside world calls him.

Some people lose money, and others naturally make money. Under the detailed investigation of Section 2, behind the large losses of the Angus family and the economic imbalance crisis in the city, the Hillman family is the biggest winner, but over the years, they have strictly abided by There is absolutely no chance for people to take advantage of the law.

Their family has provided detailed accounts, but Mo Xiaolan's investigation results are some things under the accounts that can bring sustained and stable high income to the Hillman family as a whole in the future. These things are all reflected in the accounts. less than.

Especially in some streets in the south that were burned by flames, many people suffered huge losses. The Hillman family purchased some shops at reasonable prices, as well as some small companies in the area.

Everyone is thanking the Hillman family and scolding the cold-blooded Angus family, because after the riots, the Angus family did not do any good deeds, but the Hillman family looked like great good people.

This made Mo Xiaolan feel extremely sick. She would not let down her guard. She had to catch evidence of the Hillman family's crimes.

This man named Plum is an uncle of Eddie. He has basically made no achievements in the past few decades, but in just five or six years, he has become the core of the Hillman family. The actual person in charge of Eddie Financial.

Although Mo Xiaolan has some personal feelings, after all, she and Alpha have been very good friends since they were very young. In Mo Xiaolan's heart, Angus and his wife are an intellectual and kind couple. Although they also have He has some shadows of family members, but he is much better than many family leaders.

What has been criticized by many people recently is that Angus Construction rejected those workers who turned back. Most of them unilaterally terminated their contracts with Angus Construction immediately after the riots, but Angus Construction did not pursue any legal consequences. their liability for breach of contract.

"Too ordinary."

Mo Xiaolan said. What she wore in her ears were the monitors that had been widely installed on the electric poles on the street. He could clearly hear what the group of people were talking about. Whether it was Plum's behavior or his words, , are too ordinary. An extremely shrewd businessman will not talk about his own glory all day long and brag in a magnified manner.

The next few obscene words made Mo Xiaolan irritably pull out the miniature sound-generating device in his ear.

Judging from all the signs in the past and present, Plum is not an excellent businessman. Mo Xiaolan can conclude that Eddie may be behind all this, but Eddie is now at the top of his house almost every day. He rested in his mansion, went to eat at the homes of some well-connected families, and attended some banquets, completely keeping himself out of the situation.

Mo Xiaolan stopped, and a group of them entered the store surrounded by a group of women. Mo Xiaolan quickly found a place and quickly called up the surveillance video of the store.

Mo Xiaolan pressed his forehead in an instant, and a group of people entered and started playing with the women.

10:04 pm

In a huge white hall located 100 meters below the territory of the Hillman family manor, people whose whole bodies have been transformed into machines are sleeping quietly in the white hall.

On a high platform in the middle, Eddie was smiling, holding a glass of wine, and a flame beside him was slowly appearing.

"Master, the test can start in a few days. The final adjustment must be done by more professional people."

Eddie glanced above with a smile, and then shook his head helplessly.

"Stop making trouble, Mr. X."

Eddie has imprisoned

At this time, as a corner of the ceiling became more and more transparent, X sat quietly in a cage. This cage was made of a special alloy, and weapons on X's body could not break through. of.

Eddie also asked the Hillman family's mechanical engineer team to dismantle X's body, but nothing could be obtained. The most critical part was in X's head.

At this time,

Five months ago, the riot planned by Eddie allowed the Hillman family to successfully obtain a lot of things and make a lot of money. Now the Angus family is extremely vulnerable, and they just need to take it slow. Completely occupying the Angus family is just around the corner.

When Eddie instigated people from other families to ask in a roundabout way whether the Angus family would sell their currently profitable properties, Avano hesitated, but Violet insisted not to sell.

Whether to sell or not is just a matter of time for Eddie. The Angus family will eventually be unable to bear it.

At this time, X stared at Eddie quietly, and then said with a smile.

"Eddie, we started as a cooperative relationship, but now why am I a prisoner?"

Eddie shook his head and looked around at the mechanical biochemical modifications that were almost exactly the same as mature, a total of 300 transformed mechanical biochemical humans.

Moreover, all mechanical biochemical modifications are equipped with long-range and process light-killing weapons, and also have flight functions. Eddie plans to use the huge black gold held by the Hillman family in advance to build his own mechanical empire bit by bit. In one's own control.

When the time is right, the Eddie Society will begin to build an underground mechanical empire in the Alatan Ula Mountains. Finally, after driving the gods out of the city, everything will be their own.

Nowadays, what Eddie wants to obtain from X is mature cloning technology and mature biochemical transformation technology. Without exception, these two points are without exception. In his long-term contact with X, Eddie has gradually discovered that X is Having survived by constantly cloning himself, he has been imprisoned for three months, and it seems that he is not affected at all.

After examining X's brain cells, Eddie confirmed that he relied on unlimited cloning of his own brain, and then used a technology they didn't even know to completely preserve the memory and transfer it to the fresh and young brain.

"Mr. X, if you are willing to surrender to me, I will let you go. How about that?"

X didn't speak, but Eddie was not in a hurry, because the cloning they had studied had failed. Clones usually show unexplained decay of body organs within two weeks, not to mention the brain. The cloned brain lasted three days. Maybe not, but X's brain can last for that long, but if he is not given nutrient solution, his brain will still be destroyed.

Eddie has already understood the truth. He knows very well that this guy has no way out. Just like what he said back then, the poison that soaks into the bone marrow is the most deadly.


After Eddie snapped his fingers, the visible X on the ceiling returned to its original state.

X moved slightly, but with the crunching sound, his joints were severely worn to varying degrees. Now this body is already a scrap iron. X is very clear. He can't do anything. He couldn't even contact the outside world because there was no network signal. The room seemed to be made of high-density materials, and even network signals couldn't be transmitted.

X laughed. Since February of this year, after the riot caused by Eddie after long preparations, X has completely planned to sever cooperation with Eddie. He is too dangerous and will be dragged into the water one day.

Eddie's current plan has seriously hindered X's plan. After leaving, Eddie will hand over all the criminal evidence of the Hillman family over the years to Alpha Angus.

There have been countless opportunities before, but X has hesitated because the city has not developed to his ideal level. If problems are caused rashly at this time, his plan will have to start over.

What Eddie didn't know was that Hathaway and Leng Shi had left a backdoor in the Prometheus program in the past, which Hathaway told him before falling asleep.

X only needs a slight chance to use this backdoor to cause some trouble. Once connected to the network, it only takes 10 seconds for him to transfer his memory. After that, the nuclear battery built into his body will explode. He doesn't need this at all. As for the secondary body, when X wakes up, he will return to his underground laboratory, which is also inside the spaceship he drove here.

In the past, when he was about to break into this place, the guys from the Tianji Space Kingdom used quantum weapons. Fortunately, X Mingda, although the large spacecraft was destroyed, the small spacecraft came to this land with him.

"The next plan can be started, Prometheus."

"Of course! My master, the time has come."

Eddie stood up excitedly. At this time, all the biochemically modified people around him started to move. There were crisp sounds, and some small doors opened around them. These mechanical biochemically modified people entered the small doors.

"I have obtained the key to the future in advance, Mr. X! No one can prevent the destruction of the Angus family."

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