Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1647 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 58 (Part 1)

"297, 298, 299!"


Drops of sweat fell on the ground. Chen Jie pressed Niya's ankles, and she hung upside down on the single pole. She was sweating all over her body. Niya held her head in her hands, still panting, and her whole body was weak, as if it was her last breath. It seemed like all the strength had been drained away.

"Niya has the last one."

Ji Mo, who was counting on the opposite side, said with a smile.

"I understand, don't rush me, I'll rest for a few seconds."

Niya closed her eyes quietly and began to adjust her breathing. Her heart was still beating violently. This was a required course for her every night. She practiced in the training ground behind the school every day from 8 p.m. to 12 o'clock in the evening, then go to bed, and get up at 6 o'clock the next morning to run and exercise for 2 hours.

The shadow of her sister Alpha was all in her mind. When she was at home, Alpha would exercise like this every day. Every movement and every detail, these things were deeply imprinted in Niya's mind.

The abdominal muscles were highlighted one by one, and Niya felt a burning sting. She moved up little by little, but she couldn't get up after trying several times.

"You may be better than your sister in the future, but if you want to catch up with her, you have to work twice as hard as her!"

Su Li and Niya once said this, but Niya never thought that she could catch up with her sister Alpha. Niya went to find Alpha some time ago. When Alpha was 12 years old, he could easily do more than 1,000 Handstand pull-ups.

Nia knew very well that there was no way she could keep up with her sister Alpha.

"Come on Niya, I want to go to bed early, I have the day off tomorrow."

Chen Jie looked at a pile of bricks nearby impatiently. Niya would move the pile of bricks from one side to the other every night, and then start to exercise. Jewell and Ji Mo would also exercise, but Basically watching Nia work out.

Niya took a deep breath, then struggled upward little by little, and finished the last pull-up.


Ji Mo said and ran over, supporting Niya with Chen Jie, and the three of them sat next to the single pole. It was already past 11 o'clock.

"What do you do with your homework?"

Chen Jie asked, and Ji Mo immediately smiled and shook his head. The teachers in the school basically stopped talking about Niya, because she was just a shameless person, and it was useless no matter what she said. She basically didn’t hand in her homework every day and didn’t take exams. Basically, they just barely passed. Niya is the student with the worst grades in the school, but she is also the one with the best sports scores in the school. She is also the most popular female voice in the school's male vote, and the most hated in the female vote. people.

But Niya never cared about these things. In 6 years, everyone would graduate and go to college. Some people also completed their studies ahead of schedule and went to college directly.

"I don't want to read it."

The first thing Niya said after she regained her breath was, Chen Jie's face became serious, and Ji Mo said immediately.

"At least take care of your family's face, Niya."

"What happened to you and Ivy?"

Ji Mo immediately shook his head and changed the topic in a hurry.

"It's better to go to bed early, Niya, there will be a school meeting tomorrow morning!"

Chen Jie pulled Niya, and at this time the school security captain ran over.

"Get some rest Niya, lights out."

Niya wanted to get up, but she didn't have any strength in her body. The two people next to her lifted her up and walked towards the girls' dormitory.

Niya shrugged her head. She knew very well that she was too weak now. She didn't care about the outside world's opinion of her, but she didn't think about it. Niya once asked Xiong Dabiao what to do, and Xiong Dabiao told Niya , as long as you are strong physically and mentally, you have nothing to fear.

At this time, we had just arrived at the bottom of the dormitory. We could still hear a lot of girls talking and laughing, as well as boys playing. Many boys who were still outside came over after seeing Niya.

Located on the 5th floor of the female dormitory, in a room, Leona was still eating. Ivy had already made the bed for her. Ivy, who couldn't sit still, looked at the other room, which was a little messy and smelled a little bit of sweat. He walked over to the bed with a sigh and tidied it up.

This year, they actually shared a room with Nia. Leona and Ivy both hated Nia. This rude, overbearing and unreasonable guy was unacceptable to them. Most girls were not willing to share a dormitory with Nia.

"This year I can only admit that I am unlucky."

Leona said, the table was in a mess.

"You should take care of it yourself at least."

"Didn't you help me clean it up?"

Leona turned her head with a smile and looked at Ivy who was sitting elegantly beside her bed, planning to review the law.

"I want to go to Shengde."

As Ivy said, Leona picked up her fingers and wiped them casually on her body. Ivy frowned slightly.

"Do not touch me!"

Leona spread her fingers.

“Very clean.”

At this time, the outside of the dormitory became quiet, and the two knew immediately that Niya was back. Sure enough, the door was opened, and Niya's left and right guards, Chen Jie and Ji Mo, helped her back.

Chen Jie squinted at many girls with hostile eyes. Now Chen Jie and Ji Mo have been collectively blacklisted by the girls.

Ji Mo glanced at Ivy sitting by the bed and immediately lowered his head.

"Okay, I have some strength now, you can go back."

Niya pressed her waist and grinned slightly, looking very painful. Chen Jie and Ji Mo quickly left the dormitory without saying much.

Niya clicked her tongue as soon as the door closed.

"It hurts!"

Niya sat directly on the ground beside the bed, but now she smelled the fragrance.

"Eat something good, give me some too."

Leona immediately stuck out her tongue.

"You want to eat but you don't know how to buy it?"

Niya smiled helplessly, gritted her teeth and stood up, intending to go to the bathroom, take a shower first and then apply ointment.

At this time, Ivy walked over and helped her directly into the bathroom.


Niya said with a smile, Ivy looked at Niya blankly, she was dragging her clothes with difficulty.

"If you act like this, your body will collapse."

Niya shook her head.

"Don't compare your slender body with my mother's. I just need to sleep and get up, and I'll be fine tomorrow."

"Don't worry about that beast, Ivy, come here and sleep together."

As soon as Ivy turned around and walked to the bathroom door, Niya sat limply on the ground, and Ivy stopped.

"What the guy said at the end of the season is not what he thinks in his heart. That idiot is very awkward because he grew up in the family. Just like you, you all have the shadow of the family, right?"

Ivy didn't say anything. As soon as she walked out, Leona was already lying on the quilt. She lifted the quilt and waved to herself. Although Ivy had no choice but to walk over and lie down.

"It's fine!"

Ivy said, hugging Leona from behind as if to comfort her. She will go back with her mother to meet her biological father tomorrow. Leona has been feeling extremely uncomfortable because of this incident recently. She is not too want to go.

Leona had never thought about what her father meant to Leona, nor did she think about it. She had only heard about her mother, although her mother had never told Leona why she left the family. .

"Can I not go?"

Leona muttered and Ivy rubbed her belly.

"At least take a look, just go through the motions."

As Ivy said, she felt uncomfortable all over when she thought of going to his house with Ji Mo tomorrow. Her family relied on Ji Mo's house to turn the corner, and the two families got closer. Now basically Ivy comes home from the holidays. , her parents would let her go to Ji Mo's home.

At this moment, Ivy opened her eyes and saw Niya with wet hair lying on the bed opposite her, with one hand pressing on her back. It looked like she was in pain, but Ivy was not incomprehensible. Alpha, who can serve as a role model for the whole city, is the only woman in the family who has changed the destiny of her marriage.

After Ivy stood up carefully, she walked over, took the ointment from Niya's head, applied it on her palms, and pressed it for Niya.


Ivy didn't speak, her hands kneaded Niya's back.

"I might not come this time."

Nia said suddenly, Ivy was a little surprised, but soon understood what Nia was thinking.

"Don't be ridiculous, Mrs Angus won't allow it."

Niya chuckled.

"Anyway, you all hate me. It's just right if I don't come, so you and Leona can live in their own little world comfortably?"

Ivy shook her head.

"Leona and I have decided that we will spend three years completing the remaining studies and then go to Shengde."

Niya asked after thinking for a moment in confusion.

"What school is that?"

"If you don't pay attention to this aspect, of course you don't know. It is the best girls' school in the city."

Niya always felt like she had heard it somewhere, but she really didn't pay much attention to these things.

"I'm not kidding you about the end of the season!"

Ivy stood up and went to the bathroom. After washing her hands, she climbed directly onto the bed above Leona and lay down, turning off the bedside lamp.

Niya pulled the quilt over, turned around and turned off the light. Her whole body was cold and cold. She was very aware of the situation at home. Her parents looked sad and anxious every day. Niya once thought that she could help I want to do something at home, but after thinking about it, my family is short of money now. The best way is to drop out of school. This can save the family an unnecessary expense, and then go directly to work on the construction site.

"I'm very powerful!"

August 2, 2218 1:13 am


Chen Qiao was lying on his back in the bathroom, vomiting constantly. A woman dressed seductively and sexy was patting his back from behind. Some laughing people in the corridor outside looked at the drunk Chen Qiao.

"I have to serve Chen Qiao well later."

The woman immediately nodded with a smile. Wu Qun stood at the door of a KTV room at the end of Zou Lan, quietly looking at Chen Qiao who was still vomiting in the bathroom sink in the distance.

At this time, a middle-aged man came over and hugged a woman.

"Old Wu, would you like to find one for you too? Do you like the one in my arms?"

As he spoke, the middle-aged man pushed the woman in his arms towards Wu Qun. He supported the woman who was leaning towards him and shook his head with a smile.

"I don't need it, I don't have any hobby in this area."

Wu Qun walked all the way to the bathroom and soon came behind Chen Qiao.

"Miss, I'm watching here. You should go back to your room first."

The woman bowed in fear and returned to the next room obediently. Chen Qiao laughed and made another sum of money. With Wu Qun's help.

"It's all up to you, Old Wu."

Wu Qun leaned against the door next to him with his hands folded. At this time, many people also entered the room, planning to continue drinking and singing.

"What are you going to do? The time has come to completely break away from the Chen family."

As Wu Qun said, Chen Qiao stood up and looked at himself in the mirror. He was middle-aged. Although he had a pair of children, he felt very uncomfortable every night. There was always a fiery impulse in his heart, but But there is no actual action at all.

"If you really love her, don't worry about anything. If you leave the Chen family, even if you shed your skin and are criticized by the world, don't shrink back."

Chen Qiao laughed loudly and shook his head.

"I can't do it, Lao Wu, I really can't do it!"

Wu Qun walked behind Chen Qiao.

"I'll help you."

Chen Qiao hummed and nodded in understanding.

"Indeed, Lao Wu, you can help me. I am Xiaojie's uncle, and she is the wife of my second brother. Those of us born in the same family are different from you Lao Wu. I can't do it. I don't have the courage!"

Wu Qun nodded. He knew very well that Chen Qiao had always had feelings for Wilsey in his heart over the years, but he had never revealed it. He would only talk to him a few words in the dead of night when he was drunk.

Both of them are in the same situation. They have supported each other over the years and endured in such an environment. Chen Qiao's business has improved now. If he really leaves with Wilsie and his nephew, he will There will be nothing left.

Wu Qun still remembers that a few years ago, Chen Qiao always said that when the time came, he would take Wilsie and Chen Jie away from the Chen family. However, in the past few years, he gradually stopped talking about it and no longer mentioned it. Erxi said nothing more.

Accepting fate is extremely cruel to many people. Wu Qun knows that feeling very well. Wu Qun has also accepted fate before. He chose to compromise and make appointments for his hopeless and unclear future. But in the end, Wu Qun However, Qun discovered that it was not about accepting fate, but that it required timing and the need to accumulate strength. In the end, Wu Qun did it, but there were very few people who could do it.

Especially those who have grown up in the family, no matter how much they go against everything in the family, as they grow older, the shadows of the past family that gradually shadowed them as they grew up will begin to become infinite. expand.

Subconsciously, most people can't escape the control of the family shadow. Chen Qiao is already drunk. He still plans to find a place to sleep alone. Wu Qun helps him walk. The woman who was asked to take care of Chen Qiao hurriedly follows Come over.

Chen Qiao took out a stack of money and threw it over. The woman happily took it in her hand. Just as he was about to come over to help Chen Qiao, he glared at the woman.

"Go away, I don't need a bitch to sleep with me!"

A few minutes later, Wu Qun helped Chen Qiao out of the club. The lights on Qinglong Street were still bright, and the guys who followed him to see them off were all pushed back by Wu Qun.

"Do you want me to take you home?"

Chen Qiao shook his head.

"Wilsey can't see anymore! I want to kill that bastard, that..."

"Even if you kill him, you still can't change anything."

Chen Qiao laughed loudly, but soon burst into tears. Wu Qun supported him.

"There is one person who may be able to change the fate of the women in the family, and she will do it."


Wu Qun nodded.

"Freya and I are the same. After our parliamentary group is established next year, we will work with the administrative department to promote the marriage law so that it can intervene in the supervision of family marriage issues."

Chen Qiao shook his head and laughed. Wu Qun carried Chen Qiao on his back, quickly found a hotel, opened a room, and sent Chen Qiao inside.

After instructing the hotel staff to check every hour, he left.

As soon as they returned to the street, Wu Qun saw Locke Jiahui walking out of a club, chatting and laughing with some businessmen around him. Locke Jiahui also saw Wu Qun, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

2:11 am

The two left Qinglong Street, found a noodle shop that was still open in District 6, and walked in together.

"What a surprise, you will be on this street."


After Locke sat down, the boss immediately came over happily. After the two ordered noodles, they ordered another bottle of wine.

"This is a rare opportunity. How about drinking until early tomorrow morning?"

Wu Qun suggested, Locke glanced at the time.

"It's 5 a.m. at the most. I have to go back and sleep for a while at least. I still have a lot of things to deal with tomorrow."

"Is it the Angus family's problem?"

Locke nodded and added.

"As well as the current overcrowding situation in the Agricultural Department, some temporary work sheds need to be urgently expanded to provide accommodation for workers who have been sentenced to prison and served their sentences."

Wu Qun hummed.

"Has Alpha mentioned anything about family marriage?"

Locke was a little surprised, then nodded.

"When will I be able to retire?"

"What, can't you stand it anymore?"

Locke pressed his forehead and nodded. Wu Qun poured him a glass of wine. The two clinked their glasses and each took a sip.

"Over the years, we have gained a lot and lost a lot. In fact, I think the current city is too heavy."

"Indeed! It's so heavy that I can't even take a breath."

Wu Qun smiled and raised his glass again.

As the night got darker, Locke took out 200 yuan and handed it to the boss, asking the boss to get them some side dishes to go with the wine. The two of them would drink until 5 o'clock. The boss refused for a while before taking the money.

"What on earth should I do?"

Wu Qun shook his head.

"This answer can only be found by each of us. The road ahead is still very long, so long that we can't predict it at all. By the way, Freya said that he has made detailed preparations for further upgrades and reforms in the medical market. When he has time, When the time comes, go to her house."

Locke said with a smile.

"Speaking of which, her daughter is quite well-behaved. I have never seen such an obedient child. She is quiet and smart."

Wu Qun hummed.

"He has inherited everything from Freya very well. That child should also be an outstanding talent in the future!"

The two talked about some past events, and Wu Qun also said frankly that he was actually very happy during the days when he opened a restaurant.

"I thought you would give up."

Wu Qun smiled and nodded.

"Of course, I did give up at that time. I planned to be an excellent chef and find a suitable girl to marry, just like my parents who had been happy all their lives. But I was still restless in my heart."

Locke laughed and raised his glass.

"We will become rivals starting next year."

Wu Qun looked at some of the lights outside the shop that were gradually extinguished. Only the street lights across the street were still on, and pedestrians could hardly be seen.

"I think you'd better pay attention to the issues in subjects 11 and 12."

Locke knew what Wu Qun wanted to say, so he hummed.

"I understand, but why did you bring up the issue of family marriage tonight?"

Wu Qun smiled and shook his head.

"Because I have been feeling sad recently, feeling sad inexplicably. I have been to Freya's house several times, and I have also been to some banquet venues, because I grew up in an environment where my parents are extremely loving. I often see couples holding hands, talking and laughing, but the children following them look completely different."

Locke sighed.

"It will be fine. Alpha is trying to collect some evidence. It should be fine."

5:58 am

Wilsey had just had breakfast. Accompanied by two maids, she was sitting quietly in the small garden behind Chen's house. She was dressed carefully, wearing a white lace dress and her hair was tied up. She looked peaceful. Smiling, the breeze caressed her cheeks.

"Is it dawn yet?"

Wilsey asked, something she repeated countless times, and a maid next to her answered.

"Not yet ma'am, it's just 5:59, there's still one minute left."

Wilsey's eyes were dull. Just a month ago, she had become completely blind.

"Is it dawn yet?"

"Ma'am, it's quick!"

6 o'clock sharp

Red light covered the city, and after a brief red period, an artificial sun appeared in the sky.

Wilsey felt a touch of warmth, as if someone had touched her eyes with warm fingers, but she really wanted to take another look. Soon, with the support of two maids, Wilsey slowly walked towards Walking on the lawn filled with sunshine.

"The sun is very bright!"

"Yes ma'am, it's bright."

Wilsey smiled and returned to the room with the help of the maid.

"I had a bad sleep last night. Don't wake me up. When Xiaojie comes back later, let him wake me up."

The two maids nodded, and after a while Wilsey returned to her bedroom. After closing the door, Wilsey locked the door. Only Chen Jie and Chen Qiao had the keys to open the door.

Wilsey groped around and found that the room had been improved and had a sound prompt system. Following the sound prompt, Wilsey touched the edge of the dressing table, sat down slowly, and raised her head slightly.

At this time, there was a relieved smile on Wilsey's face. She knew exactly what she was going to do next and what it meant.

After sitting for a while, Wilsey opened the drawer of the dresser. Inside was a rope and a piece of paper. Wilsey took out the rope, held the note tightly, stood up slowly, and carried it with one hand. chair.

Following the sound prompt, Wilsey found the position of the chandelier in the middle. After placing the chair, she climbed onto the chair, stretched out her hands and weighed her feet, hung one end of the rope on the chandelier, pulled hard, and smiled. Then he put the rope around his neck.

A tear fell from Wilsey's eye.

"It's okay Xiaojie! I'm sorry!"


The stool fell to the ground, and a white note also fell to the ground immediately.

6:51 am

Chen Jie woke up from his sleep. He pinched his cheeks subconsciously, feeling as if someone had just called him. Soon Chen Jie got up, tidied up casually, washed up and left the dormitory.

Chen Qiao wanted to go back after attending the school meeting quickly. He wanted to ask his uncle when he and his mother could be taken away from the Chen family.

In the past, his uncle would say something and his mother would say something, but recently Chen Jie felt more and more uneasy because his uncle stopped saying anything and his mother stopped saying anything.

As soon as I arrived at the cafeteria, I saw Niya who had finished her morning run and was chatting and laughing with the aunt in the cafeteria. In fact, she just wanted to eat more breakfast.

"You coward, how dare you not say hello to me when you see me."

There were bursts of laughter all around, and someone started talking. The couple had been quarreling early in the morning. Niya immediately chased after them and dragged a few boys over.

Chen Jie smiled. At 8 o'clock, the school meeting finally started, but the content of each school meeting was the same. After half an hour, the school meeting ended.

"Come over to my house later. I have something to tell you."

Niya said, Chen Jie was a little confused, but still nodded.

"You really don't want to go to school, do you?"

Niya slapped Chen Jie on the back.

"Idiot, of course I have other things to talk to you about."

The students all excitedly began to invite each other and plan how to spend this holiday.

"Remember what I said."

Niya got into the car that came to pick her up from home, and she didn't forget to shout to Chen Jie, who was sitting opposite in the Chen family's car, and Chen Jie nodded.

The car started slowly. Chen Jie was a little disappointed and dialed his uncle Chen Qiao's number, but no one answered the phone.

"You clearly promised to pick me up."

Chen Jie looked at the housekeeper who came to pick him up. He just said something with a smile. Chen Jie knew very well that his status in the family was the same as that of his mother. If he hadn't been useful, he would have married into An'an in the future. If it were the Gus family, maybe he would have been kicked out long ago.

Nowadays, several uncles and aunts of the Chen family are quarreling all day long in order to fight for the actual control of the Chen family, but the father is still the same as before, punching and kicking himself at every turn, and verbally threatening his mother.

It's just that such a scumbag has long since died in Chen Jie's heart. Chen Jie looked at the sunshine outside the window. Today's sun seemed particularly dazzling.

At 9:11 in the morning, Chen Jie returned to Chen's house, and the phone rang.

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