Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1645 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 57 (middle)

"Hurry up, are you still awake?"

A team leader roared angrily. Some members of Section 5 who still looked sleepy were receiving explosion-proof equipment, military rations and solid water.

The officers also quickly moved into action, using high-strength and lightweight explosion-proof armor, shields, anti-riot sticks, and stun guns, including tear gas grenades and coughing dust grenades. This is the most effective means of dispersing riotous gatherings. Everyone is equipped with Got 10 pairs of handcuffs.

Once a riot occurs, after subduing the rioters, they will be handcuffed immediately and taken directly to the nearby house to ensure safety.

This is a large-scale drill that needs to be carried out every quarter. Now with the deepening of training, the combat capabilities of the members of the acting department have also been greatly enhanced. Unarmed subduing is one of the most important trainings, as well as when being beaten. Escape training.

All combat skills, including the use of weapons and sticks, etc., are compulsory courses for members of the acting department every month.

At first, many people were very resistant, but after the exercise, many people felt that their energy and spirit had been exercised. Everyone gradually recognized this kind of exercise, no longer complained, and would spend 2 hours every day doing it. Combat and physical training.

The waiting takeoffs and landings were filled with people from Section 5, flying towards areas where riots might occur.

The best way to suppress riots is to incapacitate those who participated in the riots. This is what the squad leaders often tell the team members repeatedly during training.

The formations used to suppress riots are also trained and divided into tearing squads and flank suppression squads. One squad will first disperse the crowd, and after dividing the crowd, other squads will separate from the flanks and capture the rioters.

Once a riot on a street is suppressed, the street is immediately blocked and at least one team remains on guard.

Information about the neighborhood has been continuously transmitted through the panels built into the protective masks of the officers. Many officers are watching the live video to have an impression of the street in their minds to ensure that the location is correct during the suppression. There will be no confusion.

6:38 am

The artificial sun's rays have almost covered the entire city. However, early this morning, many people did not hear the annoying mechanical sounds from nearby construction sites. However, most people in the bottom to middle areas in the south seemed to have already Knowing something, many people chose to stay at home.

"Oppose oppression, oppose exploitation! We are the builders of the city, please don't continue to harm us!"

On a lower-level street, along with a burst of shouting, slogans began to be shouted in unison. A large number of workers poured into the street at this time. Most of them were wearing red headbands with slogans written on them. Some people held up the signs in their hands and followed the lead and started walking towards the nearby 7 Section Wallet Office.

More and more voices began to appear on the streets. The purpose of the protestors was very clear, which was the nearby administrative office.


Someone threw a glass bottle and hit the glass of the No. 7 Wallet Management Office that had not yet opened the door. At this time, the members of Section 7 inside had put on anti-explosion equipment and were confronting the workers who were still shouting at the crowd outside.

A large number of people from Section 5 began to pour out of the streets.

"Please don't cause any commotion"

Accompanied by bursts of shouting, the demonstrators discovered that people from Section 5 had appeared on both sides of them, as well as in front and behind them. For a moment, some workers panicked, and some stopped shouting, and their voices became louder. It started to get messy.

Most people want to get involved. As long as their wages are increased, they will continue to work, as long as the goal is achieved. Some timid people can no longer stand. They naturally know that they participated in demonstrations and will be convicted if they cause riots. If so, it's over.

The leaders are still shouting about the issue of workers' rights, hoping that Congress will come forward to solve it, because most factories outside have generally raised wages, but Angus Construction remains unmoved.

"Please stay calm and don't cause any commotion!"

A section officer from Section 5 shouted with a loudspeaker.

Workers at construction sites in the south took to the streets in large numbers and shouted.

The sound began to join together, resounding in a large number of neighborhoods in the south, and the sound became louder and louder.

"Please don't go any further!"

On a certain street, a section officer from Section 5 gave a warning. Although the people leading the demonstrators slowed down, they still came closer step by step.

The distance is getting closer and closer, and the human wall formed by people from the 5th department is only less than 20 centimeters away from the workers.

"Don't come any closer, please choose to sit quietly."

At this time, many people in the front row of Section 5 clenched their shields and anti-riot sticks. The workers in front of them were obviously different from ordinary citizens. They were taller and stronger. Many of the workers looked very tall, and among them And mutants.

The sound continued. At this time, among the workers, a dazed man laughed slightly. He tied his coat around his waist, but there were a lot of throwing objects in his waist.

Do it!

A voice came from the man's mind. He reached under his clothes with one hand and quickly grasped a projectile. This kind of projectile would explode upon impact, and the solid burning material inside would immediately liquefy and burn. Reactive chemical bombs are very dangerous.

"End it gently, hurry up."


Locke quickly ran to the lift. The Angus couple, led by Yin Xianglin and the general affairs department, ran into the lift. They would release news soon to terminate the contracts of workers who were dissatisfied with their wages. Workers need to bear financial responsibility for breach of contract.

After the lift quickly took off, with a red halo appearing around the lift, the lift quickly moved towards the General Affairs Department, leaving only a red trace that looked like blood in the sky.

Three lifts carrying 3 billion in cash also flew towards Section 7.

"Can you make it?"

Latis took out a cigarette tiredly, and she quietly looked at the seven large pillars at the top of the mountain.


Accompanied by bursts of loud shouts, a dazzling and white solid object was thrown in the air from among the workers to the opposite Section 5.

Someone noticed the dazzling light from above. He just raised his head and picked up something, which drew a beautiful arc in the sunlight little by little, and then fell with the flickering light.


On the head of a Section 5 member standing in the fourth row, ready to outflank at any time, there was a crisp sound, liquid splashed, a blue light lit up, and a flame appeared in the air.


With a loud noise, the flames exploded instantly, spreading to the surrounding flames and engulfing a large number of members of Section 5.

Accompanied by a burst of screams, a section member's whole body was instantly on fire. The high temperature dissolved the explosion-proof armor made of high-density fiber, and wailing sounds were heard one after another.

The section officer who was still confronting the protesting group turned his head and looked in horror at several section officers behind him who were rolling on the ground surrounded by flames. The section officers next to him became panicked.

"Don't panic!"


Two crystal clear objects flashed through the air again, and the panic on the officer's face turned into anger.

"What are you doing!"

A worker noticed that the burning object was thrown by the worker next to him. In an instant, the members of the 5th Department rushed over. With bursts of roaring, chaos was about to break out.

"There are people here with severe burns, please send a lift quickly."

Some experienced staff members immediately took out the low-temperature fire-extinguishing equipment they carried with them. A staff member whose face had been burned black, and other staff members who had been burned to varying degrees, were quickly pulled backwards by relays. , and the front row's defense has been broken through.

There was a banging sound, and the nearby 5th Section Mutant Special Control Team had already rushed in and quickly curbed the frenzied offensive of the workers.

However, at this time, another explosive projectile was thrown over. In the chaos, some workers were directly ignited, screaming and instantly turned into coke.

Chaos spread, and riots broke out in one street after another. At this time, light and shadow panels appeared on the street in the middle of the poles. The anxious Angus couple immediately said that they allowed the Workers' Party to terminate the contract. But the riots had already occurred.


On a chaotic street, Alpha had already broken into the rioting crowd. People kept falling down wherever she passed. Her expression became solemn, and a dazzling orange light popped up.

"I've requested a shooting warrant, Alpha."

Alpha's eyes widened as he watched the take-off and landing aircraft of Section 3 passing overhead.

"What do you want Osman!"

Alpha stared blankly at Osman on the screen. At this time, some workers also realized that something was wrong, but they wanted to escape but had no way out. The people from Section 5 rushed over angrily.

A worker immediately put his head in his hands, but was hit hard on the head with a stick. He fell to the ground wailing. Alpha quickly rushed over, and with the flying red particles, everyone around him was controlled. Living.

"Follow the training content."

"Don't worry, I have deployed 1,000 light-kill sniper riflemen in various places. They will judge based on the situation on the scene and shoot directly in the legs of rioters who may cause harm to nearby people."

Alpha nodded, turned off the light and shadow screen, and quickly rushed into the chaotic crowd.

There were cries and there were battlefields filled with gunpowder smoke everywhere. Some workers were forced to rush into some houses, but things became even more chaotic.

"Lie down on the ground with your head in your hands."

A member of Section 5 looked at a mutated artificial worker who had defeated five members. He looked extremely frightened at this time, shaking his head at a loss. Several members of Section 5 nearby also began to become timid, and fired stun guns at him. This mutant is ineffective at all.

At this time, accompanied by a burst of white light, the head of the mutant who was still at a loss was shot directly through the head.

After seeing it, some workers nearby ran away in panic, and the chaos became more serious for a while.

"I'm not, I."

A woman was sobbing and being strangled by a tall worker. The member of Section 5 in front asked him to release the hostage. At this time, the worker looked at everything in front of him desperately, as if his body was not obeying his control, and the hand on his hand was The strength also increased, his head was roaring, and he couldn't even hear the sounds around him, including the woman's whimpering.

Seeing that something was wrong, several people from Section 5 rushed over, but at this moment a beam of white light burned directly through the window glass, instantly piercing the man's head. The man's eyes widened, and he only heard a burst of the woman's voice. Crying, he fell straight to the ground.

On the light and shadow panels, Mr. and Mrs. Angus were still repeating that the workers could choose to terminate the contract, while Locke screamed at the top of his lungs, asking the workers to quiet down and follow the instructions of the members of Section 5 on site.

Everyone was shouting at the top of their lungs, but the chaos did not stop and the harm continued to expand.

Zijuan sat quietly in a lift. Soon the lift hovered over a 5-story building. Zijuan directly picked up a light-kill sniper rifle and jumped down. Instantly, red particles floated around her eyes. She looked down at everything around her. After seeing a worker pressing a member of Section 5 to the ground, she raised the gun in her hand and pulled the trigger.

The members of the sniper team behind them all felt heavy in their hearts at this time.

"Don't show any mercy to these people and calm down the riot as soon as possible!"

As Zijuan spoke, she threw the sniper rifle to the team members behind her and jumped directly from the roof. Blue light particles floated into the air, and Zijuan quickly shuttled through the smoke-filled streets.

7:56 am

Along with a burst of wild laughter, Eddie raised his head, bathed in the sunshine, raised his hands high, holding a glass of wine in his right hand, and kept laughing wildly.

Behind him,

Once the city's economy is damaged, the Angus family, which is now the largest economy, will not be able to escape safely. However, Eddie has already taken protective measures. Most of the industries in the south have been built since construction started last year. Market Anti-Monopoly Law, constantly selling out, showing attitude to the business department, abiding by the laws of the city.


X said, Eddie could no longer hear anything at this time. He was only immersed in the joy of victory. Chaos is the best weapon, a weapon that can destroy many things. Eddie knows this better than anyone else.

The members of Section 5 who were suppressing people on the street were completely angry at this time. X could see that some people from Section 5 were becoming more and more aggressive, while the workers were also resisting, and most of them were completely taken in. Going in, I had no idea why this happened.

The whole city is boiling, and Section 3 has been dispatched in large numbers to block all streets on both sides of the south.

The efforts made by the associations have lost any appeal, and everyone is paying attention to the riot in which more than 200,000 people participated.

"What's wrong! Mr. X, what do you think of what I did?"

X walked up to Eddie in an instant and grabbed him by the collar.

"Boy, do you really think it's fun to test human nature over and over again like this?"

Eddie laughed and nodded.

"Isn't it interesting? Mr. X, people are really interesting, aren't they? Hahahahaha."

Eddie raised his head and let out an even more crazy laugh. X let go of Eddie. He knew very well that Eddie had completely turned into Prometheus. This may be his final form, igniting all evil the fire.

Because he gradually provided the Hillman family with mechanical technology, they have now completed many biochemical mechanical transformations, as well as a small number of biochemical mechanical mutants. These things are expanding little by little and will eventually become a legion.

Gunsmoke continued to rise over the southern sky, and the lifts of Section 10 were densely releasing a large number of fire-extinguishing robots.


Alpha had rushed all the way to another area. She was panting, not because of exhaustion, but because of anger. The worst happened. She didn't know who provided this high-concentration flame explosive to the workers. , very simple chemicals, and a simple collision ignition device.

At this time, a man hurriedly ran up to the attic of a house. He was panting and swallowing. He was a little scared because he had been seen throwing explosives. The person who handed them to him said However, there are just some pungent things that can make the business department look bad.

However, that was not the case. He threw the explosive under surveillance. The man clutched the round, transparent, thin-shelled explosive in his hand and started crying. He knew he was finished.

It's useless even if he hides, the acting department will definitely find him.

The man stared blankly at the explosive in his hand. He just hated the business and hated these guys who had no humanity at all. But at this moment, the man also understood that they were much better than the administrators in the past, and they would not talk to each other on the street. They charge some management fees.

"People upstairs, please come down immediately with your head in your hands."

There was a burst of angry and stern shouts from below, and the man trembled. Fear climbed into his heart. He was trembling, and the hand holding the explosive was shaking. He didn't know what to do, and he was extremely scared. Yes, there are shouts everywhere outside.

"I'll give you one minute! If you resist, I'll shoot you immediately."

The man was startled. He stood up numbly and looked at the stairs. His eyes were blankly looking at the light shining on the ground through the window, and his eyes were ashen.

Deng Deng

There were sounds of going upstairs. The man let go of the explosive in his hand and looked at the first member of Section 5 to rush up, showing a sad smile.


The explosive exploded, and the flames instantly ignited the man. He screamed in pain and ran towards the window.

With the sound of the window shattering, the man turned into a ball of fire and fell onto the chaotic street.

"What happened!"

A worker was crying, leaning against the wall, looking at his friend who had a damaged head and had been dead for a long time. He lost his voice in pain, and his voice became extremely hoarse. No one could hear his voice. In such chaos, Everyone is in a state of confusion.

The man's eyes were red and he looked at the people in front of him who were being chased and beaten by Section 5 and were still running away. He sobbed out of control again.

"Don't come any closer. Lie on the ground with your head in your hands."

At this time, a large number of workers who wanted to escape jumped out on a street. On the opposite street, a large number of members of Section 3 were already holding weapons and aiming at them.

"Say it again, put your head in your hands and lie on the ground!"

In the chaotic crowd, someone fell and screamed after being trampled. Some people realized it, but they noticed the miserable condition of the man after the fall and did not lie down.


One of the directors pressed down the brim of his hat in pain. However, many people in Section 3 did not move at this time. The director grabbed a heavy-fire weapon from the side and watched people pouring out from all around him, trying to escape. workers, his finger was on the trigger, but he didn't press it.

"Idiot! Do it."

A flash of red thunder and lightning instantly exploded among the workers nearby. Ling Hong's whole body flashed with red thunder and lightning, and the workers who had fainted all around fell to the ground.

Most of the people in Section 3 rushed over, and could only rely on their stronger bodies and fighting skills to quickly subdue these restless crowds.

At this time, the riots in some neighborhoods had stopped. A large number of distraught workers were handcuffed and gathered in the center of the street. Lifters kept coming down, and a large number of doctors immediately ran down. However, at this time There were still corpses placed on one side of the street and covered with a white cloth.

The identities of many people have been confirmed, and the local regional officer was counting the casualties. However, at this time, the officer's eyes widened, and he suddenly started wailing, and rushed to a dead Section 5 officer, wailing. burst into tears.

The scene surprised many people in the nearby 5 departments.

"That is."

As soon as a team leader from another district asked, a clerk next to him spoke up.

"He is Lord Xie Yu's son!"

Several female staff members came over, seemingly wanting to comfort them, but they didn't know what to say.

"Please don't continue to make trouble, please quietly follow the arrangements of the members of the nearby administrative department!"

In the light and shadow screen, Locke was still shouting hoarsely, his fists clenched all the time. Everyone in the general affairs department in the conference room was busy dealing with medical arrangements at this time.

Mr. and Mrs. Angus sat dumbly on one side. Avano had already lost his voice and was in pain. Violet said nothing. She was still looking at a street where Alpha was walking through the crowds of people, constantly hitting him. Down one rioter after another.

"If money can exchange for these"

Violet held her husband's hand and shook her head.

"Don't say anything anymore!"

The couple looked at Locke who was still yelling at the camera. He was extremely excited. However, it was no longer helpful. The latest casualty figures had been refreshed. 211 people in the operations department died and 3,954 were injured, 103 of whom were in critical condition. , and the death toll of rioters at the scene was as high as 781.

In the southern region, 2,396 houses were damaged to varying degrees. A large number of streets were affected by the riots and became dilapidated. Many shops and even goods were burned by flames. 4,918 residents were injured in the riots, and 39 People die.

These disturbing and sad figures are constantly changing.

"No reporters are allowed in!"

At this time, Kong was holding the phone in his hand with a solemn expression, and on a street near the east, a large number of reporters were shouting.

"Why are we not allowed in? We have the right to interview and let the people know the truth."

The people from Section 3 lined up quietly. The reporters could clearly see the chaos in the block. Although they were separated by a whole street, they could see that people were constantly being taken to nearby houses.

Some reporters even saw the body. The reporters were holding filming equipment, but at this time, a large number of people from Section 1 gathered around, separated the reporters directly, and strictly ordered them not to film.

8:46 am

The riot was completely over. Alpha swallowed and sat next to an electric pole. A female clerk brought a glass of water. Alpha said thank you after taking it. She looked at the large number of people next to her who were still crying and complaining. Those who deliberately wanted to participate in the riots were just workers who came to join in the fun.

Today's riot was suddenly ignited by throwing objects. Everything seemed incredible to Alpha. She really didn't know what to do. It was estimated that 220,000 people participated in the riot. What should these rioters do? to convict, or to say

Alpha took out a cigarette irritably, pinched the butt of the cigarette hard, took a strong puff, and exhaled the thick smoke. When she raised her head, she saw a family crying because their house was burned down. She stood up.

Soon Alpha took out a light and shadow panel and issued an order to remove people from Section 5 and several nearby sections. For those who participated in the riots and were arrested immediately without resistance, A one-year sentence of farm work was imposed, and those who resisted were all classified as urban endangerment crimes.

For the sake of a salary of 4 yuan more an hour, the guys who gathered together destroyed far more things than the 4 yuan.

Didi didi

"What do you want Alpha!"

Locke's call had already been called, and at this time, Jill had already ran over.

"What on earth are you going to do, President!"

Alpha looked solemn, ignored Jill, hung up Locke's call, and jumped directly to the roof. She looked around quietly at everything, knowing very well in her heart that after a short period of confusion, she only wanted to cause trouble and raise wages. , who ultimately caused the riots, do not deserve sympathy and must be convicted strictly in accordance with the Urban Public Security Management Law and the current harm caused to the city.

Alpha knew very well that if the law really failed to hold the people accountable, she would never have the face to face the 7 million people in the south who were affected by this impact.


After Alpha took the last puff of the cigarette, he threw away the cigarette butt in his hand. The cigarette butt slowly fell to the ground in the wind, splashing sparks on the ground, and the sparks quickly disappeared in the breeze.

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