Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1644 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 57 (Part 1)

5 am

Following a sudden movement, Freya woke up from her dream and turned on the bedside lamp next to her. Her daughter Michelle was already awake.

"What's wrong, Michelle, are you hungry?"

Michelle shook her head, picked up Freya, turned sideways and put her head in her mother's arms. Freya smiled and stroked her daughter's head.

This child makes Freya very worry-free. He is just over 2 years old and is already very independent. He can dress, eat and play independently. He also has a very strong desire to learn and imitate. Freya has already taught Michelle how to read. , she now knows a lot of things and has a good memory.

Her daughter kept rubbing Freya's chin and put her little hands on her belly. Freya smiled playfully and kissed her daughter. She sighed, feeling anxious. Freya has often been anxious recently, about the medical association. Coupled with the current situation in the city, Freya is very busy every day, and starting from April 1 next year, the group of councilors will be officially established.

Everyone is already well prepared for the corresponding preparatory work, which will be even more intense next year. Regarding urban construction issues and some institutional issues, all aspects will be completed in the halls of Congress and implemented after finalization.

Freya has asked her people to collect and list the medical problems faced by people in 120 districts. There are too many problems that need to be solved.

The first type of problem is the difficulty of seeing a doctor. Medical facilities are currently unable to meet the demand as the population continues to grow. Many districts now do not even have hospitals, only some large and small clinics, but the quality of these clinics is uneven.

In the past, there was a clear classification of medical facilities. In order to ensure the quality of medical care and medical market supervision was necessary, the resulting problems meant that low-level medical facilities were not allowed to treat some diseases, and most people could only go to high-level medical facilities. Medical treatment is required in high-level medical facilities, which creates huge medical pressure.

Many doctors are complaining that the current medical pressure in the high-end medical market is very high. In the case of clear medical treatment pricing, the medical system treats everyone equally, and some doctors will charge some rich patients in order to take advantage of the opportunity to make money. For extra fees, we will give priority to receiving them warmly, while those who have no money will be treated perfunctorily and indifferently.

Just talking about the salary income of the lowest E-level doctor is 4,000 yuan a month. Add in the salary of selling drugs, and it can even exceed 10,000 yuan a month. The income is not low.

The problem of the medical market is the huge pressure on patients. This can only be seen in the opening of medical professional colleges in the next 4 subjects. We can only continue to wait for more medical talents to enter this market to effectively alleviate the medical industry. The pressure of seeing a doctor.

The second point is the problem of expensive drugs, because compared with the past, the tax medical subsidies in the region are only less than 20% of the past, and last year, the 7th Section issued more tax details.

Individuals whose annual tax payment is less than 180 yuan are not entitled to medical subsidies. This is calculated based on the personal income tax of 3% of the minimum personal monthly income in Bright City. If the family's annual tax payment is less than 252 yuan, Unable to enjoy rights, the minimum family income is 700 yuan per month.

This group of people can only enjoy water and electricity subsidies, because nowadays some people do not save money in 7 Cores, so many people do not pay taxes, and some people are still black households. This system is introduced to allow These people can take the initiative to save money in Section 7 and know their financial status.

And Section 7 has strictly ordered all businessmen to directly let employees open accounts, and the money will be paid directly into the employees' accounts after tax is deducted. However, in order to make profits, some businessmen have negotiated with the company's employees within the company and tried every means to avoid taxes.

For those who do not pay taxes all year round, they do not even receive water and electricity subsidies, nor can they enjoy the education in the region. On this point, the three departments of 7, 8 and 9 have planned to issue more stringent policies and plan to conduct a thorough investigation. In the past three years, the tax Anyone with a record below 500, once found, will be punished with no benefits in the area for 10 years.

Nowadays, urban construction is so difficult, and taxation is a very big problem. According to AI big data simulation calculations, at least 15 million people have had tax leakage problems.

This has been a problem for many years, and now the administrative department plans to start implementing electronic money after the comprehensive construction of the bill is completed. Once the implementation of electronic money is included, a large amount of black gold will be investigated and dealt with in the city.

"Time is running out."

The anxiety crept up in Freya's heart again. At this time, her daughter fell asleep again. Looking at her daughter's peaceful face, the anxiety in Freya's heart began to dissipate.

Freya can also feel that the city is currently going through an unprecedented period. During this period, if you are not careful, the situation will become very bad.

"Some things cannot be suppressed!"

Over the years, Freya has gradually figured out a problem. Human nature cannot be suppressed. Under the leadership of Alpha, the current oppression of the Business Department has become stronger and stronger. Alpha uses strong methods to He governs the city, but some problems are dealt with too quickly. His intentions are good, but the cruel side of reality will always be suppressed.

But now Freya has no good solution, she can only think of ways to keep the city stable.

Freya got up carefully, woke up the caregiver in the next room, handed over some things, and then started dressing up.

Soon a new round of problems will erupt, and Angus Construction will encounter an unprecedented crisis at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning. This is something Freya and the other seven guys in the association were aware of a few months ago.

If Angus really raises prices for most workers, construction will not be able to continue. The conditions offered by Angus in the past were quite high for many workers.

The average monthly income of most workers is around 2,000, which is already higher than the income of many people in the middle class, and workers in some places work more than 10 hours a day.

Workers who signed a 10-year contract will receive a subsidy of 36,000 yuan after the construction is completed.

Currently, of the 300,000 contracted workers, less than 10% are for ten-year terms, 30% are for eight-year terms, and 60% are for five-year terms.

The reason why most workers are dissatisfied is because they see that the factory has raised their wages to 10 yuan an hour due to a shortage of workers. However, the current batch of workers at Angus Construction earns 6 yuan an hour. The gap of 4 yuan is for many people. Of course you will be dissatisfied.

When there are no jobs, this salary is simply a sky-high price for most people. But now that there is a large-scale labor shortage in the city, the workers' wealth has skyrocketed, and most people are naturally dissatisfied.

This long-planned protest will start at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning, and the Angus family is in danger.

Freya simply put on a light and elegant make-up, then put on a black fitted V-shaped black suit, black high-heeled shoes, and tied her hair up. The MPs' outfits had already been designed. Women and men are basically the same, but the women's version is smaller and the men's are wider. The women's chest is V-shaped, while the men's chest has a thin semicircle.

Now Freya has asked representatives from each district to wear black uniforms when working in the association. On April 1 this year, Congress will officially announce the factions of the members.

Freya knew very well that something had to be done today, otherwise the city was likely to remain in chaos for a period of time.

After a while, Freya glanced at the time, which was just 5 o'clock, and then walked out of the bedroom. Before closing the door, she glanced at her daughter on the bed. She was sleeping soundly.

At this time, the bedroom door next to her opened, and her husband, Charles, came over with a smile.

"Where are you going so early in the morning?"


Charles just stretched out his hand, but Freya had already walked over. He looked at Freya's back quietly, feeling that the relationship between him and his wife was getting further and further away, and there was nothing left in his heart. It's more relevant for family members.

The servant who was responsible for taking care of him sat at the door with half-closed eyes. Charles coughed. The servant woke up and stood up hurriedly. Charles walked to the door of the room with a smile, opened the door quietly, and took a look at his sleeping daughter.

Freya had clearly talked to Charles about the parliamentary government, and Charles was also shocked. It was a huge political system that had the same rights as the executive branch, but Charles was more concerned about his daughter's future marriage.

At present, Charles has selected 18 families who will be very helpful to the Abron family in the future, but he has never dared to discuss this matter with Freya. Charles feels that there is no conflict between politics and marriage.

Charles also planned to wait for Freya to come back and talk to her calmly. After all, in Charles's opinion, choosing a good husband for his daughter was far more practical than competing for power.

Things in the power circle are uncertain, and changes are common. Only business is stable.

Charles also thought clearly that if Freya could not give him a son in the future, Charles would have no choice but to let Michelle inherit the family business. This was bitter and helpless for Charles.

In order not to cause the tragedies between large and small families in the past, Charles decided to let the children of the other family come over once he and Freya reached an agreement. It was quite common for them to fall in love over time.

5:39 am

Wu Qun walked into an office located in a circular street on the middle floor. More than 300 people had been waiting for a long time.

"Old Wu, why are you here?"

Chen Qiao stood up first and shouted. Zou Yun was also in the room. Wu Qun squinted at Zou Yun who was talking and laughing with a woman next to him, feeling something was wrong.

"Did any of you find out what I asked you to ask about?"

At this time a woman stood up and said.

"Old Wu, I have news here. The couple you mentioned, Feite and Gu Lin, who died in the accident at the Hillman Family Company, had never been on the street together. This is considered to be their lifetime order. Where people wonder.”

Wu Qun waved his hand for everyone to sit down, and everyone who was still whispering fell silent.

Wu Qun was not in a good mood. He had gone to see the bodies of Feite and Gu Lin. He did not believe that the couple had disappeared like this. In addition, Wu Qun had always been suspicious of the Hillman family in the past and suspected that they were behind the scenes. Some crimes were committed, but there was no evidence.

"Okay, what we need to do today is a food event! We need to covertly draw everyone's attention to what may happen. Is everyone ready?"

Everyone nodded, and Chen Qiao was a little unhappy at this time.

"Old Wu, why should we help the business department? After all, this is the matter."

Wu Qun glanced at Chen Qiao. He stopped talking. Although everyone had doubts, they could only listen to Wu Qun because he had never disappointed anyone.

Many of those who did not listen to Wu Qun's advice in the past are either bankrupt or in jail, especially those from Sanlian Company who hastily joined the Food Association last year. Although the three were dissatisfied, Wu Qun's advice to them was to donate unconditionally. Rai Mental Hospital.

Baochun, Qian Jiazhen and Lu De were all opposed to it at first, but in the end they had no choice but to do this. Then the result was unexpected. The review of their company by the Business Department also slowed down, and This charitable act of their company was also noticed in the society. They later developed some other food industries and actually made a lot of progress invisibly.

What Wu Qun says most often to the people in front of him is that once you are willing to take on social responsibilities, society will naturally reward you.

Today, the seven major associations will carry out promotions and linked business activities in various industries. This is the most effective way to slow down the impact on the city. Before the protests have affected too many people, they will attract everyone's attention.

Many businessmen have already responded, especially those who have been cut off from their financial transactions by Aidi Financial. The association has planned to raise funds to temporarily ease the pressure on their capital chains, and 7 Branch has also promised a few hours ago that it will Give them a certain amount of financial assistance until they can turn a profit.

As for the Angus family, Wu Qun also received a call from Locke just now, saying that there is no problem and there are already ways to supplement the funds.

A crisis that is not easily noticed by many but has already been brewing is about to begin. Urban construction promoted by cutting taxes and benefits has caused a lot of problems in just over a year, and the lives of more than 15 million people have been directly affected. .

Many people have not yet realized that today's economy, driven by urban construction, has become larger than in the past. A large number of factories are operating day and night. Everything brought about by the opening up of light and shadow materialization technology Convenience forces these businessmen to try their best to expand themselves while the dividends of this era have not dissipated.

The city is growing rapidly because of this craziness. Wu Qun goes out on the streets from time to time, but every time he goes out on the streets, he will find that many light and shadow templates are being updated very quickly, especially for mobile phones.

Nowadays, light and shadow mobile phones have replaced light and shadow screens that are comparable to the size of TVs in just over a year. The most light and shadow mobile phones can actually support 12 operating light and shadow screens at the same time.

It is also very convenient to upgrade. You only need to add money to change the function or appearance. The size of the economy has begun to skyrocket uncontrollably, completely beyond everyone's expectations.

Along with the expanding economy, people's hearts are the same. Wu Qun knows very well that if it is not handled well today, the subsequent impact will be very worrying.

Everyone thinks that this era will get better and better, and everyone will become richer and richer, but Wu Qun knows very well that this is already the highest point. Once the construction is completed, everything will be returned to its original shape, and a relatively stable The time will come.

Because the excessive construction has mobilized all walks of life in the city, and the taxes that have been accumulated for many years in the past have slowly entered the city through the bill, they are like a catalyst, allowing the city to continue to ferment qualitative changes. In the past, workers There has never been a time when wages could rise above 2,000.

This method of consuming the accumulated demographic dividend over the years to promote urban construction is understandable. Everything is squeezing each other and raising the city to the highest point.

The protests will take place in more than an hour. It is no longer important who takes the lead. This is the inevitable result.

Workers who earn 4 yuan less per hour can only do a simple calculation. If they work 10 hours a day, they will lose 40 yuan, which means they will lose 1,200 yuan a month and 14,400 yuan a year.

It’s just a very simple calculation. Most people don’t think about it at all. This is the era of high welfare that has emerged in the context of such large-scale construction in the city. Money will not make money. Only the continuous collision of kinetic energy can create money. It allows everyone to survive better.

Wu Qun looked worriedly at the people in the room, who were all communicating and arranging promotions and various activities for large-scale food-related industries that would briefly appear in the city today.

What Wu Qun is most worried about at this time is that the city is too closely connected. This was planned by the gods early on, making the city like a giant machine, and the business department is the gear in the city's machine. Responsible for making the city run efficiently and stably and producing the times.

Therefore, if such a large-scale protest occurs, it will inevitably have an impact, and it will affect all walks of life, because many people are still very dissatisfied with 9ke's product pricing power.

Most people think that commodity pricing should be left to the market, but what many people fail to understand is that urban resources are fixed. Pricing control is necessary to control resource allocation, use resources reasonably and efficiently, and stabilize the city. Keep the market in check and effectively regulate the economy.

Wu Qun stood up and had already pressed the number 0000 when he walked out of the room.

"Your Excellency, are you ready? The Angus family."

Wu Qun became a little anxious. It was already 5:38 in the morning.

"no problem."

Wu Qun agreed and began to discuss with Locke, because many large-scale activities need to go through the safety review of Section 5, as well as the joint review of Sections 7, 8, and 9 to ensure that there are no funds and Legal issues and whether the content of the activity is true.

"Alfa's side"

"I have convinced her, but she will send people from Section 3 to the event site to maintain order and conduct some investigations to eliminate safety hazards."

Wu Qun breathed a sigh of relief. He glanced at the bright lights on the street, and his expression became serious again.

5:51 am

A Section 11 lift slowly stopped on the lawn of Angus's house. Two small lifts landed, and Latis and Song Man came out with more than 30 directors.

The Angus couple, who had been waiting for a long time, came forward to greet them.

"Thank you Latis."

Violet held Latis's hand, and Latis nodded with a smile. At this time, hundreds of core company members and family members of the Angus family passed by and opened the door of the large lift. , which contained money stacked as high as a hill.

"Hurry up and take stock."

At this time, two large lifts from Section 12 were quickly approaching in the distant sky, and another lift from Section 10 landed. The latest money counting robot was moved by people from Section 10. come over.

Soon, 3 billion in cash was being burned in three large lifts.

"Mrs. Angus, to be honest, a large part of this money is shady. I hope you won't tell Alpha."

Although Violet had already thought about it early on, it was impossible for Section 11 to have so much money. Latis should have squeezed the money from the prisoners. She choked and didn't know what to say for a while.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Angus. I have ordered the people from Section 10 to prepare everything. They will go directly to the scene to help Angus Construction survive this crisis."

Noah walked over quickly. After tapping the banknotes, the elevator will send the money directly to Section 7 and deposit it into the Angus family's account. When the Angus family starts to make real profits in the future, The money will be returned in full.


Alpha said, Latis smiled and shook his head, and Noah next to him also smiled and shook his head.

"We used to spend New Year's Eve on this lawn, so let us help you at least once."

Clark said with a smile that this money was originally used to prepare funds for follow-up research, but now it must be used. The 2 billion funds are used by businessmen to purchase food.

12 Branch will use the money earned to pay wages to the people on the farm and purchase everything needed for the farm. The money will actually go back to society, but it has already brought about economic benefits, allowing most industries to benefit from it. Moved.

The Angus couple had also made up their minds that the money would be used to deal with this workers' protest.

Because certain wages of some workers were not paid clearly, when the contract was originally signed, it was clearly stated in the contract that if they refused to work without reason, the Angus family could fulfill the legal effect of the contract.

If the workers resign without reason, the Angus family has the right to ask the workers to pay five times the monthly basic salary, which is more than 10,000 yuan.

In fact, the workers' behavior has already violated the contract, but at this juncture, construction must continue, and the city cannot allow greater chaos.

The Angus couple didn't rest all night. After a short meeting with family members, the Angus family concluded that the Angus family would not meet the workers' wage increase conditions, but the workers could end the contract. The Angus family The workers' money will be settled to them every penny, and they do not need to bear legal responsibility.

The speed of construction can only be slowed down, which is a helpless and realistic choice.

Stacks of banknotes were continuously put into the machine, and then stacked on the other side of the lift. No one could know about this secret loan. The money was lent to Section 11 and Section 12 of the Angus family. Only an internal contract can be concluded with the Angus family.

"Is there really no need for interest?"

Avano looked at the contracts of the two departments in surprise, and both Latis and Clark shook their heads.

"How much is this."

"Don't be polite to us, Mr. Angus. It will be the same in the future. We will never allow money to shrink. The current wholesale price of eggs is 2.3 cents. Even in the past 50 years, it is still 2.3 cents." To 3 cents."

Avano's emotions were a bit uncontrollable for a moment. His eyes were red and there were tears in his eyes. These young people who often came with Alpha in the past have grown up. In the future, the city will become better because of their existence. OK

At this time, a lift from the General Affairs Department slowly landed. As soon as Locke got off the lift, he saw Yu Wanrou, who was counting and handing over the money with the Angus family. She was still as usual. , the two of them have not spoken much over the years, and even if they meet in the General Affairs Department, they rarely say anything.

"Manager, why don't you go say hello to Sister Wanrou?"

Locke coughed and walked over quickly. The final accounts of the tax use of Section 6 and Section 7 have just come out. In the next three years, Section 3 will continue to reduce military expenditures and will give at least 5 billion to the Angus family. left and right subsidies.

This year's military expenditures for Section 3 have been refunded, and more than 1.3 billion has been paid into the Angus family's account.

"No matter how difficult it is, you have to persevere!"

Locke said as soon as he passed by. Angus and his wife nodded. Alpha has already taken people to the construction site. Today, she will personally lead people from Section 5 and Section 3 to dissuade and order this massive protest. maintain.

No one knows what will happen in an hour, so they can only make preparations in all aspects as much as possible to take precautions.

The city constitution has made it clear that citizens have the right to freely organize processions, assemblies and demonstrations, and such rights cannot be taken away.

6 a.m. sharp

In the public security management station compound located in the 60th district of the middle level, there are a total of 55 regional section officers and 39 director officers dispatched from various places. A total of 30,000 people from the 5 sections have been dispatched to receive explosion-proof equipment and electric shocks at the public security management stations in various places. gun.

"Everyone! Finally, I want to say one more thing. Once a riot occurs, all entrances to the main entrances will be blocked, and coordinated operations will be carried out based on daily training! Action."

Everyone started to move. Alpha got off the stage in one step, lit a cigarette, and walked with sharp eyes among the department officers who were walking away to both sides. Gil followed behind with a large number of directors. .

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