Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1643 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 56 (Part 2)

People are often very easily inspired creatures!

People are easily satisfied at certain times, but dissatisfied most of the time.

Someone once studied that the worse the quality of life, the more dissatisfied people are, but I can tell you clearly that this is wrong!

People's dissatisfaction comes from the reflection of emotions on the current environment. In many cases, these emotions will accumulate slowly and silently, and eventually it only takes one point for these dissatisfaction to burst out.

Everyone is the same, even those who are considered "geniuses" are the same. Whether they are stupid or smart, they are just dissatisfied with the length of the accumulation and release process.

No one can endure it forever. The formation of these dissatisfactions is closely related to external factors!

So what I want to remind everyone is to stay away from those who are dissatisfied for a long time. Dissatisfaction will be passed on and is more terrible than bacteria and viruses!

In the future, perhaps dissatisfaction will be amplified by the cruel world I mentioned before, and one person's dissatisfaction can destroy himself, and the dissatisfaction of a group of people can destroy society!

In the future world, nothing is more valuable than a stable and relatively fair society.

Dissatisfaction will give birth to many things. Please remember to stay away from those people around you who are often dissatisfied and don't be infected by them. When you are dissatisfied, think more about what you have left and what is left that is worthy of your satisfaction!

BY—Destroyer of Worlds

February 21, 2218 0:13

Eddie quietly closed a thick book treated with special gelatin. The author was the Destroyer of Worlds, a man who existed more than 300 years ago.

Eddie greatly appreciated many of this guy's remarks, and everything the Destroyer of Worlds said coincided with everything Eddie did next.

"Prometheus, how's the situation?"

In the dark room, light and shadow screens appeared one after another. Eddie quietly looked at Angus's stock market. It was still very large. In order to avoid investors' losses, they could only temporarily issue more shares. stocks to maintain the stock market.

After all, most investors are still very confident in the subsequent urban construction. The subway stations in some areas in the east and west that are now open have a very high number of passengers every day, and everyone is gradually getting used to this fast and low price. of transportation.

People are very incredible in Eddie's eyes. Even last year they were still complaining about various problems in the subway, but this year it is different. More and more people accept this form of transportation.

The Angus family is now heavily in debt. This is exactly what Eddie wants to see. On the night of January 2 this year, Eddie conducted an experiment. The experiment was very successful. Those lunatics in Frye Mental Hospital They, as expected in the experiment, rioted.

It was a very simple experiment. In less than a month, those lunatics really rioted. Eddie ordered his soldiers to stimulate those patients every day, using the information collected by Prometheus on these patients. They stimulated them at the most painful point that caused them to go crazy, and the result was successful.

Although the riot only lasted less than 2 hours and was jointly suppressed by Sections 3 and 5, the results of the experiment were satisfactory.

The next larger-scale riot is about to begin. Eddie has already arranged for more than 300 dead soldiers to become workers before recruiting workers for the construction. Now the dissatisfaction of the workers in Angus Construction is getting stronger and stronger.

The working environment is harsh, and many tasks are reversed day and night. Many projects even fail to pass the acceptance inspection of the 10th department, and they will be torn down and started over again and again.

The most important thing is that the wages of the workers who signed the contract with the Angus family back then were not as high as in most factories today. Nearly 300,000 workers were still working on the construction of the east-west connection.

Now the workers are already discussing to force the Angus family to raise their wages. Even if a worker gets an increase of 10 yuan a day, it will be devastating to the Angus family.

The factory has been under construction for less than a year, and the tax revenue from Congress cannot keep up with the speed of construction. Eddie is very clear about the current situation. As long as the construction of the lower to middle floors in the east, west and south ends, the Angus family will be destroyed. Dee can take over everything justifiably.

Eddie doesn't want to see society continue to be stable. Stability is of no benefit to him. The current situation in the business department is that he uses too much force, which just helps Eddie.

Although the current business environment is so good, many industries have still struggled to raise prices all year round because the power to price goods is in the hands of Congress. This is fatal to many businessmen who occupy a favorable market and want to increase prices. Yes, we can only expand the scale of operations, but expanding the scale of operations means investing money, which is risky because the market is changing rapidly.

Prices in Bright City have always been stable since the city was established and issued currency. Eddie had often heard his father and grandfather talk about this before.

Since the price fixing more than a month ago, there has now emerged a large number of merchants who have taken too big a step and cannot take it back. These merchants still need to be supervised by the eight major associations, and many people have become increasingly dissatisfied.

Eddie knows very well that in such a season, with just a little effort, the city will become chaotic. Chaos is a good thing in Eddie's eyes. Everything in chaos is uncertain, but this uncertainty Sex is nothing but an inevitability that many people cannot see through.

"The time has come, Prometheus!"

As Eddie spoke, he showed a cruel smile. A ball of flames rose in the room, and the face of the flames looked a little ferocious. At this time, on the light and shadow screens, stocks began to show their rates of change.

"Let the flames burn brighter!"

Eddie said as he walked to the small wine cabinet on the side, took out a bottle of wine, opened it and took a sip. He held the glass in front of his nose and sniffed it with enjoyment, and then took a sip.

Everything has been planned, capital is power, and such power becomes stronger in a more stable era. Eddie has clearly realized this. The plan to destroy the Angus family has been implemented steadily for many years.

Now is the time for results. If this year is over, the Angus family will not be far from collapse.

Didi didi

Eddie looked at a light and shadow screen, which was a video call.

"Mr. Eddie, why did you suddenly terminate the capital investment? This..."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Qiu, I have long handed over the responsibility for Aidi Financial Company to others. I am just an idler now and rarely interfere with the family company's affairs."

The man on the screen kept wiping his head.

"No, Mr. Eddie, can you tell Mr. PLM from Eddie Financial? If you stop investing, I may not be able to survive."

Eddie smiled and nodded.

"I try my best to take a look. I don't ask too much about many things in the family now. I only control the general direction of the family."

"Thank you, Mr. Eddie, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Just after hanging up the phone, another call came. Eddie told the other party as always that he had not been in charge of Eddie Financial Company for many years. It was the young people in the family who were in charge.

Aidi kept repeating things one after another. In the past, in addition to banks, the largest lender was Aidi Finance. This company still firmly occupies a large share of virtual payments in the city. Over the years, it has provided services to companies large and small. After financing, but just now Eddie has disconnected this blood transfusion tube, and some companies that have begun to grow in size will be finished tomorrow.

The interest on the loan was nothing to Eddie. Eddie had been planning it many years ago. Under Prometheus' precise plan, and through the dual impact of the financial market and society, the Angus family It's bound to be doomed.

Tomorrow a new round of financial crisis will begin in the city, and Prometheus has issued an emergency announcement and will no longer provide financial support to companies that continue to borrow money from Aidi Financial.

Eddie was still answering the phone. At 1 o'clock sharp, Eddie hung up the phone. Mr. PLM, the head of Eddie Finance, had also issued a formal announcement.

Because of the 10 billion asset transaction between the Hillman family and the Angus family, the Hillman family is currently in urgent need of some funds to fill the operation and maintenance of the 10 billion transaction.

The transactions in January were all prepared to trigger this financial crisis. Tomorrow there will be many people crying and gathering on the Golden Street. The stock market will be affected by the more than 300 medium-sized companies that have capital transactions with Aidi Financial every day. The company began to plummet.

The subsequent chain effects caused by these companies will eventually cause the companies that invested in Angus Construction to lose their money. If these companies want to leave, they can only recover part of the principal from the Angus family, but the Angus family is taking Not that much money.

As a new round of workers' strike was about to begin tomorrow, Eddie sighed. This feeling of having everything in his hands made him feel very comfortable.

At this moment, with a violent vibration, Eddie's originally turned off phone automatically turned on. With a beam of orange light, Eddie looked over with a smile.

"Your Excellency, Chief Manager, do you have anything going on so late?"

Locke looked at Eddie solemnly.

"Mr. Eddie, can you slow down temporarily?"

"There is nothing we can do about this, Mr. Manager. After all, many of our family's businesses are experiencing deficit crises. You also know that in January, in order to support the construction of the Angus family, our family spent 10 billion to buy the Angus family's property. Planting land, as well as a lot of land, these things currently require a large amount of funds to maintain and operate, otherwise our family's debt will become higher and higher."

Locke looked annoyed and continued.

"Can you temporarily slow down for a month? Mr. Eddie, we can give you part of the bank."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Manager, I have to think about our family. After all, this construction project has dragged our Hillman family into trouble, and there is nothing I can do."

Locke sighed, nodded in understanding, and the call ended.

"No, Chief?"

Yin Xianglin looked at Locke who was very angry on the side. He kept scratching his head. Now someone has gone to Golden Street.

"Xiang Rin, what do you think I should do?"

Yin Xianglin shook her head, because she didn't know what to do. With so many companies that have direct dealings with Aidi Finance, the chain reaction caused by the break in the capital chain is unimaginable. If 7 Section lends money to them, it will inevitably take action. To the people of the city, this tax must be continuously settled to the Angus family. Once this tax is used to rescue these companies, it will put the Angus family in danger.

Angus Construction’s current wages for some technical engineers have not been paid for half a year. The wages of most technical engineers are already high and they can survive this period, but those workers at the bottom whose monthly salary is less than 2,000 , there is no way to survive. As construction progresses, although the subway and other underground transportation pipelines are already in operation, it will take many more years to make ends meet.

Problems in any link will lead to a subsequent chain economic recession. The construction of the eastern and western parts was originally supposed to be completed within 8 months, but it was delayed for a year due to various problems that occurred. Zero 7 months.

In addition, some people combined with some internal personnel on the construction site, as well as people from Section 3 and other issues, caused the Angus family to suffer huge losses and resistance during the chaotic construction period of one year and seven months.

"If you don't want to print money, turn on the machine tonight and wait till tomorrow morning to print 10 billion."

Locke Jiahui laughed, and Yin Xianglin handed over a cup of hot tea with a solemn expression.

"Manager, what time has it been? Could you please stop making such jokes?"

The money that the people have saved for 7 cents cannot be touched. Once it is touched, the situation will be worse, but there is no way now. The family cannot help. During the asset settlement review auction of the debt company last month , most of the family members have spent all their money on purchasing these assets that were forced to be auctioned after owing debts.

It was even more impossible for businessmen from some large companies to come up with this money. The answer actually appeared in Locke's mind from the beginning. He took out his phone and dialed Violet's number.

"Sorry, Mrs. Angus!"

"I know, Mr. Manager, it's okay. Starting from tomorrow, the construction of our Angus family will be suspended in phases."

Locke snorted. Now there is only this way. Slow down the investment in construction funds and slow down the construction speed. We can only wait for these companies to at least wipe out most of their deficits before they can speed up the construction speed again.

"I'm really sorry!"

On the other end of the phone, Violet smiled and nodded.

"It's okay, Mr. Manager. If so many companies are destroyed, it will be bad news for the entire city. We will find a solution for our family's problems."

Avano on the side is negotiating with some investors of the Angus Family Company. Many people can't wait to withdraw their capital in large quantities. Their only condition is that they can get their principal back, and any extra points will be enough. No more.

But let alone the extra money now, even if you return their principal, it is still a lot of money, because when these large businessmen entered the Angus family's stock market, they signed an agreement with the Angus family, and they could withdraw their shares at any time. of.

"I understand, it's okay. We will give you a clear answer when our family holds a detailed family meeting."

Avano's expression twisted as he hung up the phone. Violet had already communicated with Eddie. She also knew the difficulties of the Hillman family. The 10 billion had indeed given them a lot of help, and Hillman The family has indeed fallen into a deficit crisis in many industries because of this 10 billion.

Violet looked at her annoyed husband quietly. She seemed to have aged a lot recently, and her whole body had lost the vitality she had in the past. Currently, the Angus family still owns many properties, which are still growing. Output has continuously supplied blood to this construction project, and some industries have also experienced delays in arrears of wages to employees.

Didi didi

At this time, Violet picked up the phone and looked at a transfer in her account, more than 1 million, which was transferred from Alpha.

Violet picked up the phone and wanted to press her daughter's number, but she resisted. She stood up, her eyes that had been a little lost once again shone with light.

"Gather all members of the family for a meeting."

Violet said and Avano nodded.

"It's okay! Honey."

Violet pressed Avano's hands, which were already cold due to dry sweat, while Avano was trembling.

2:11 am

Alpha walked slowly on a night market street near the headquarters of Section 5. People nearby would still follow him from time to time, hoping to catch a few glances. Alpha didn't care about these things, and only had a few hundred dollars left in his pocket. .

Last year's entire salary and bonuses were all given to the family. Alpha smiled helplessly and thought of another way to help the family. However, this method was soon replaced by Alpha's inner sense of integrity. strangled.

Nowadays, businessmen and family members are afraid to come to her. In the past, she would receive invitations to banquets from time to time, but now there are none. It is not because these people hate Alpha, but because they are afraid of Alpha.

People from all walks of life in the city know what Alpha means. She is like a balance that is fair to everyone and will never take sides.

This year's business exam was coming soon, and a phone call came in. The number was 0003.

"What's wrong Osman!"

"It's like this. This year our 3rd Department will reduce part of the military expenditure. I just want to tell you in advance that the money has been approved by the general manager, and the teachers will invest it in the construction of Angus."

Alpha was a little surprised. He was about to say something and the phone was hung up. At this moment, a red-faced little girl suddenly ran over, holding a beautiful gift that seemed to be finished and presented it with both hands.

"Master Alpha, thank you, thank you! If it weren't for you, I might have been sold."

Alpha took the simple gift with a smile. The little girl smiled happily and shyly turned away quickly. At this time, many people came over on the street. Some people wanted to buy Alpha a drink, and some people Then he handed over the gifts directly, but Alpha did not accept them one by one. After a while, the people surrounding him dispersed.

Alpha often encounters things like this when she travels. She knows very well that everything she does is to protect these kind-hearted citizens.

The people are mirrors. Gene has told Alpha countless times in the past. Alpha knows exactly what to do next.

At this time, Alpha sat directly next to a small stall. The members of Section 5 at the opposite table hurriedly stood up and came over to bow and salute.

"Thank you for your hard work!"

Alpha smiled and motioned for them to continue, but a few people quickly ate and began patrolling the streets.

"Master Alpha, would you like something to eat today?"

"Bring me some skewers and a bottle of wine."

The boss nodded and started to work. Alpha looked at the glances around her from time to time. She smiled and lit a cigarette, and the phone rang again.

"Latis, why aren't you sleeping yet?"

"Alfa, I think I can help you! Or help your family."

Alpha was a little confused, but Latis soon said.

"We can borrow 1 billion from the Angus family."

Alpha was stunned for a moment.

"Where do you get so much money?"

"Don't ask me about this. I just want to tell you. Okay, I'm going to sleep."

Alpha became more and more confused and wanted to ask more questions, but the call had been hung up. She immediately pressed the 0011 number, only to find that the other party had directly blocked the network signal.

"That guy can't."

A lot of things came to Alpha's mind. Latis took over the prison affairs very early, but before Alpha could continue to think about the problem, a phone call came.

"Has the president fallen asleep?"

"Clark, is there something wrong on the farm?"

Clark laughed and shook his head.

"The problem with the farm is that the current group of women will cause us some trouble from time to time, but it's just a small matter. We still have some spare money, so I'll stop here. There are some things that I don't think you need to think about, President. ."

"You guys!"

Alpha hung up the phone. At this time, a Section 10 helicopter flew over from a distance. Just when Alpha was suspicious, the helicopter hovered above him. Many people were watching. At this time, with a bright white aperture, Alpha saw clearly that Noah slowly landed in front of him carrying a multi-functional combat flight bag.

"With such a small height, you won't just jump down?"

Noah scratched his head.

"There's nothing we can do about it, Alpha. It's been a long time."

At this time, the boss also brought some things. Many people around looked at this man in black 10th Section uniform with a six-pointed star. He was the section chief of Section 10. He only appeared in some technical conferences. , never appear in the city on weekdays.

"Is this all you can say after not seeing each other for so long? Noah."

Noah became embarrassed and said with a smile.

"I have asked everyone in Section 10 to stop what they are doing. Starting tomorrow, we will enter the Angus construction to help them solve some technical problems."

Just as Alpha was about to say something, Noah also came down from above, sat directly next to Alpha, picked up the skewers and started eating.

"President, I think you two should go and get a room and talk and compare."


Noah was knocked away by Alpha's arm that suddenly raised back. After rolling on the ground a few times, he pressed his red nose and stumbled over.

"Sorry Alpha, you and I are too busy."

Noah said and Alpha raised his head.

"You've always been like this. Do you have to take the initiative every time?"

Noah looked a little embarrassed and turned away.

"Boss, give us some more wine and skewers. About 100 skewers will be enough."

"Now is not the time to drink. I will personally take people to the Golden Street."

Alpha said as he was about to stand up, he was grabbed by Noah next to him.

"Duan Kong has already brought people there. We have received news that there may be workers making trouble early tomorrow morning. You have to go there."

Alpha's eyes widened.

"Why didn't R notify me?"

Noah shook his head.

"The source of the news is not Section 2, but the guys from the association."

Alpha nodded.

"Go back after eating, there is still some time."

Noah said, Alpha sat down, lit a cigarette, and his expression softened a little, but soon Alpha frowned and slapped Noah on the back next to him.

"Can you be a little more careful about your image?"

3:19 am

A lot of people gathered near a work shed built in the dark underground. At this time, a foreman continued to distribute some signs with slogans to the workers, and some wore them on their heads. The workers seemed a little excited.

Most people are very excited about the strike and protest tomorrow morning.

"Everyone, listen up. Tomorrow is just a protest, don't make trouble, and definitely don't conflict with the administrative department. Also remember, everyone brings liquid food. As long as it goes on for a long time, the Angus family will definitely give it to them. Everyone’s salary is getting a raise.”

Many people nodded. For many people, protests and demonstrations are actually like attending an exciting party. It depends on what they can eat at the party. All they care about is their salary, even if it only increases by a small amount. One hundred yuan is a huge benefit to many people.

This situation has intensified in the construction sites between the west and the east. In some construction sites, workers listened emotionally to someone speaking on the stage.

"We must fight for our legitimate rights and interests. When the Angus family signed a contract with us, it tied up our future. We are just the objects of exploitation and cannibalization by the Angus family. We must unite. Up and down, the industrial associations have rejected our appeals more than once. They know clearly that such construction workload is heavy and injuries and illnesses plague each of us. If we cannot fight for our rights and interests, we can only wait to die and let those indifferent capitalists Let’s take a good look!”

At this time, in the public security management stations across the south, the regional section officers had mobilized all the people from Section 5 except those patrolling the streets, waiting for orders.

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