Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1603 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 43 (middle)

6 a.m.

In the women's cell on the 16th floor near the north side of Prison No. 2, Crystal looked at the open door. Several roommates next to her also got up. They looked at Crystal with a sneer.

"Hey, Crystal, you can finally go out. Remember to miss us."

Crystal lowered her head and said nothing. Last night, Crystal signed a release document. After breakfast, she could wait to be released from prison.

Crystal can't remember when he came in. He thinks it was more than ten years ago.

The female cell is much more comfortable than the male cell because it is a four-person room. In the past few years, bathroom facilities have been added to the cell, and mattresses and bedding have been replaced.

At this moment, Crystal's three roommates stared at Crystal fiercely. The three of them got off the bed and came to Crystal.


Crystal looked a little panicked.

"I want it today"

When Crystal refused, her clothes were pulled off, and the three roommates began to pervertly torture Crystal again.

"This is your baptism! Hahaha, look at this bitch, she is still as bitchy as ever, and she still enjoys it so much!"

After a while, Crystal lay on the ground expressionlessly. She looked at the door blankly, and the three happily roommates lay back on the bed.

Crystal climbed up from the cold ground. She survived to the end and was finally able to be released from prison.

The more than ten years of prison life have been hell for Crystal, but now that he can finally get out, Crystal smiled slightly.

The prisoners on this floor are all female prisoners involved in fraud, robbery, and counterfeiting, and some are women who participated in some crimes while engaging in body trade.

Crystal quietly recalled the time when she believed the words of the man whose body was a mechanical structure and helped to manufacture and sell counterfeit banknotes. After that, she was severely interrogated many times and answered countless questions because she really didn't know. Who is that man?

Crystal was left at the door of the orphanage when she was just born. After growing up in the orphanage, she had to work in a special service store in order to survive in her teens.

It wasn't until I was 20 years old that I finally saved some money, bought a house, and started working as a job picker.

Crystal is different from many women who engage in biological trading. She has some cleverness and is always able to sell herself at a good price. During those days when she followed the guy who called himself X, Crystal felt a trace of warmth for the first time.


Crystal laughed. She didn't want to think about anything anymore. After leaving, she could only go to District 29 to continue her job.

Half an hour later, Crystal packed everything, opened the cell, and came to the canteen on the ground floor. Many people who were released from prison today were receiving a sum of money. Everyone was talking and laughing about where they were going, but Crystal I don't have a penny, but just yesterday I finally paid off the debt I owed for the counterfeit banknotes I sold that caused harm to the market.

"Take it!"

Crystal was a little surprised when a male administrator came over and brought over a money bag with 3,000 yuan in it.


"Find a good job after you go out, and stop doing illegal and criminal things."

Crystal said thank you gratefully.

At this time, a large number of criminals who were eligible for parole leave today also came down. Hydera lined up at the back of the line with a dull look on his face. Peristan would drive to pick him up today, but Hydera didn't want to go out. After 7 days, Hydra will only become more desperate after returning.

This feeling of despair and powerlessness was about to completely swallow up Hydera, and he couldn't stand it anymore.

Looking at each other, Hydera saw Crystal, a woman sitting on the table not far away with a blank look in her eyes. Hydera had heard about her to some extent. Playthings in women's prisons were used as tools for some female prisoners to vent. She She never resisted, even when she was called into the management room and the management officer wanted to help her, she didn't say anything.

Hydra looked at the money in Crystal's hand and the criminal mark that had been removed from her arm, and knew that she would be released from prison today.

At 7 o'clock, most of the people had received their wages and were waiting to leave the prison. The door of a prison administrator's elevator opened and all the prisoners stood up. The current warden Latis brought A bunch of people came over with cigarettes in their mouths.

"Today! 139 of you have completed their sentences and are free. The crimes you committed in the past have been paid for. Please remember it. If you do something after you get out, please think clearly. I don't want to do anything in the future. I see you coming back here again! As well as those who are out on parole today, please strictly abide by the parole process and only go to the designated areas. Please do not violate it. Once you violate it, you will not be eligible for New Year's parole in the next three years. qualifications."

Hydera smiled slightly, still saying the same thing every year.

Seeing Latis reviewing the list of prisoners one by one, he started to call out. After being called, the people who were released from prison today passed by, the collars around their necks were taken off, and they began to walk out of the cafeteria. Go and walk towards the prison door.

"Hydra Schneider!"

Hydera walked over and a caretaker wanted to remove his collar, but at this moment Hydera refused.

"I don't want to go out."

Latis quietly looked at this poor man with a thick beard, sunken eyes, and a skinny body. Although he wanted to ask something, he finally nodded and deleted Hydra's name from the parole list on the light and shadow screen. .

Many people laughed. Hydera was treated relatively well in the prison, which had caused dissatisfaction among many prisoners.

Some prisoners even joked.

"Hydra, we have heard that Peristan is very rich now. You can have a good time for a few days after you go out. What a great opportunity. After all, you still have 19 years."

"Be quiet!"

Latis said seriously, and the prisoners all silenced their voices. When Crystal left the door, she glanced at Hydera, who was already planning to go back to the cell. She didn't know why the man didn't go out, and weighed his money bag. Crystal came to the gate.

"Hey, how long has it been since you tasted a man!"

Crystal looked quietly at the man next to her with a sinister smile on her face. She pinched her butt with one hand and pushed it hard.

"I'll pay for it!"

For a moment, several men nearby also laughed.

"I heard you can play a lot of things."

For a moment, Crystal felt a heat on her cheeks, and she tried to push away the men surrounding her.

But soon Crystal stopped resisting, and she endured it quietly. The door finally opened little by little, and the prisoners began to go out, getting into prison cars with different numbers. Six men followed Crystal and got into the same prison car.

"You guys, sit over there."

An administrator who was responsible for sending them to a nearby food exchange went over and gave a warning. The few men who were moving around Crystal sat down. Crystal said nothing and looked out the window at the sunshine that had already covered the farmland. , the green wheat ears are swaying in the wind.

The car finally started, and Crystal looked at the men who were still staring at him with hunger in their eyes.

"100 yuan per person!"

Crystal turned around and said teasingly, and for a moment the six men looked at each other.

"It's too expensive. Over in District 29, a better quality one costs only 50 yuan a night."

Crystal smiled and held a finger in her mouth, looking like she was posing.

"Don't forget it, I know a lot of things!"

Finally, the men swallowed and nodded in agreement.

Crystal looked at everything outside the window with a smile. Unexpectedly, today was a good day. She could earn 600 yuan as soon as she was released from prison. Her new life in the future was full of hope.

7:39 am

In District 5 on the upper floor, the central cross street was crowded with people. Many people stood quietly on the west side of the cross street, looking at a grand theater with a full classical flavor in front of them.

This grand theater, built 10 years ago, was named after Reed, the director of the troupe. At this time, many people on the street were wearing dark formal clothes and waiting quietly. There were nearly 300 people, many of whom Man holding flowers wearing white gloves.

Just last night, the media announced that Reed, the director of the Reed Theater, passed away at 11 o'clock last night in the hospital in District 5.

Many theater lovers came here early this morning. Everyone wanted to pay tribute to this talented person. In the impact of film entertainment, he still uses the most original stage performance to impress people. Everyone who knows Reed knows that he is a An outstanding defender.

In the past 10 years, many people in Reed Theater have gone to the entertainment industry after winning honorary applause here. Some people even use this place as a springboard to the entertainment industry, because here they can start from inside. I learned very good acting skills from De, but of the many people who left the Reed Theater, only a few stood firm. Most of the losers had no choice but to return to the theater in the end, but Reed still accepted them.

At this time, several management vehicles drove over. A management officer got out of the car and asked the people who came to see Reed for the last time to be quiet. When the theater opens, everyone is asked to enter from the right and come out from the left in an orderly manner. .

A section of the entire street has been blocked off by administrators, and more and more upper-class street people are gathering here. Many of them are regular visitors here. Not only the stage plays, but also the soundtrack for the stage is arranged by Reed. .

The biggest income of the Reed Theater is not the stage performances, but the large amount of music sold which helps Reed to continue to maintain this ancient performing skill.

At this time, many people looked at the end of the blocked street. From a car, a handsome and mature man wearing a long black coat and holding a white bouquet in his hand stepped out.

"It's Xingyuan!"

Many people noticed that a famous writer in the city was also here. He had collaborated with Reed many times and even helped Reed write and revise the script of the stage play.

Xingyuan kept nodding to some of the people who greeted him, with a helpless smile. When Reed passed away, he rushed to the hospital immediately, but Reed's body had already been transported back.

A long time ago, Xingyuan knew Reed when he was still at the lower level. Reed would bring the troupe to perform at the place where Xingyuan was from time to time.

At this time, the door of Reed Theater opened little by little, and a beautiful girl wearing a purple gauze dress came out with a white flower on her chest. She stood at the door with a sad face and took out her A sound amplification device.

"Today, I am very grateful to everyone for coming to attend my father's funeral. I am really grateful to you. The help and encouragement you have given to our theater in the past will be remembered in my heart!"

The girl's name is Jie Lin. She is Reed's daughter and is an excellent performer. From a very young age, Jie Lin can often be seen sitting on the stage, performing various musical instruments.

At this moment, with a violent braking sound, everyone looked over. A red sports car almost hit the blockade and lay on the side of the street. A man with dyed red hair, wearing a leather jacket and boots A beautiful woman wearing leather pants and sunglasses ran over quickly.

"It's Mantha!"

"She still has the nerve to come back!"

Many people are looking at Mansha, a popular singer in the city's music scene. In the past, Mansha was a performer at the Reed Theater, but since Mansha left, most people can no longer hear that kind of heartfelt singing. Instead, Mansha quickly became the darling of the entertainment circle in the bright city with her outstanding voice and excellent composition talent.

But most people who like drama are cursing Mansha, because she was raised by Reed from a young age. Reed carefully taught Mansha everything, but in the end Mansha left, and she was very cruel. leave.

Xingyuan looked at Mansha quietly. He was a little surprised. He and Mansha had dinner together a few days ago. But Mansha cursed and said a lot of things, expressing her determination not to go back.

At this time, Mansha was so excited that she walked directly through the queue and ran to the door of the theater in large strides. Jielin suddenly stood in front of Mansha.

"I'm sorry Jielin! I'm sorry, I just found out."

Jie Lin didn't say anything, she just tilted her head quietly, as if she didn't intend to say anything to Mansha.

"I'll go in and give it to Mr. Reed first."


Jie Lin suddenly slapped Mansha in the face. Although many people in line nearby were surprised, they still entered the theater in an orderly manner. Mansha covered her cheeks and lowered her head.

"I'm sorry, I really am"

"Anyone can enter, but not you! You are not qualified to step in here."

There is a reason why Jie Lin hates Mansha so much. When Mansha left the Reed Theater and quickly became popular in the music industry, the music she used was a large number of suites composed by Jie Lin and her father Reed, for a grand epic stage. The play took nearly three years of hard work to create. Afterwards, Mansha shamelessly took these suites and adapted them into her own.

Jie Lin and her father didn't know it at first. When they officially started performing on stage, they were considered by many people to be plagiarists. They had plagiarized Mansha's stuff. The intellectual property protection laws in those years were not as they are now. Complete.

The angry Reed and Mansha filed a lawsuit, which naturally resulted in a complete defeat. In the end, the suite they carefully planned was ordered not to be used. If they wanted to use it, they needed to go to Mansha to discuss it.

In today's era of materialization of light and shadow, paper has been eliminated, and the law prohibits anyone from holding paper privately. This has brought hope to creators who have suffered from plagiarism and piracy, and originality has been maximized. Protection, as long as you paint, compose, or write on a light and shadow screen, you are the original author. If your stuff is plagiarized, the plagiarist can be caught immediately. Once you are convicted of plagiarism, you will be sentenced to 10 years in prison. Get started.

The detailed determination of plagiarism has also been planned to an outrageous level. In the past few years, a large number of plagiarists and pirates have been arrested and imprisoned. The highest one was even sentenced to 38 years in prison. However, Jie Lin and her father Reed did not catch up with such times.

"Get out of here, you have no right to step up here."

Jie Lin warned sternly. At this time, people from the theater troupe also came over. Everyone stared at Mansha with cold eyes. She stepped back from the steps step by step. She could only watch blankly as she continued to enter the theater. people inside.

Someone had already come out, and everyone left in an orderly manner in silence. Mansha kept her head lowered and clenched the bouquet in her hand. She no longer used the suite composed by Reed and Jielin, but relied on I have a solid foundation in composing lyrics and music myself. Although it is not as artistic as before, it is unexpectedly more popular.

"Xingyuan, you're here."

Jielin pursed her lips and smiled, and Xingyuan glanced at Mansha behind her.

"Let her go in and take a look! Miss Jielin, something is true."

Jaylin shook her head.

"Stop talking about Xingyuan, go in quickly."

Xingyuan had no choice but to move forward. He glanced at Mansha again. Although Mansha often told the outside world some bad things about the Reed Theater in the past, Xingyuan could see that Mansha actually wanted to I want to come back here, reconcile with this father and daughter, and ask for their forgiveness.

After a while, when it was approaching 10 o'clock, many people left. Mansha was still standing in the sun in a daze, her short red hair parted in the middle fluttering gently in the breeze.

Jie Lin finished seeing off the last guest, when a long black car drove over. The sides of the car were decorated with white flowers, and there was a pair of smooth wing patterns on the surface. It was someone from the funeral company.

Jie Lin was giving instructions on some matters, but did not look at Mansha during this period. At this time, Xingyuan and some people she knew from the troupe walked out while talking. A coffin had been carried out, and Martha suddenly ran away excitedly. In the past, just as he was about to say something, he was stopped by Jie Lin and others.

"Let me take a look, I beg you Jaelyn, let me take one last look at Mr. Reed!"

However, no matter what Mansha said, the car had already left. She lost control of her emotions and knelt on the ground and started crying.

The door of the theater closed little by little. Mansha watched Jielin stare at her with cold eyes. Until the door was completely closed, Jielin's face was always cold.

"Let's go, let's chase him."


A car had stopped beside Mansha, the door opened, and Xingyuan directly pulled Mansha up from the ground.

"We chased him and we were able to see him before he was cremated."

Mansha's eyes widened and she looked at Xingyuan in disbelief. The car started quickly and she chased after him.

At this time, in an alley on the street, Gene was smoking quietly, and Fry beside him lowered his head with regret.

"It's no one's fault, Fry!"

Frye snorted. At around 11 o'clock last night, Frye tried his best to operate on Reed, but he still couldn't save himself. Reed is a mentally ill and depressed person. In order to continue to hold on, his body has been damaged. Eroded by the large amounts of drugs that have side effects.

Strictly speaking, Reed is Frye's first mental patient. From a long time ago when Nabe was still alive, Frye often went to see Reed. Frye has persuaded Reed many times to let him Stop working and rest peacefully, but Reid didn't listen.

Last night on the stage, Reed suddenly fainted. It was Gene who sent him directly to the hospital. Gene has known Reed for half a century. Gene discovered this strange thing a long time ago. A guy who makes a living from stage plays.

On good days, the place may be full, but on bad days, there is often not a single customer. Gene will go over and be Reed's guest, but the two of them never exchange a word, because Gene always goes there. With a smile on his face, in Reed's opinion, this strange guest who often came to stage plays only came in because he saw no one to pity him. He was not here to see a play.

In recent years, Gene would come to the Reed Theater when he had nothing to do, and he often saw Reed. Every time they met, the two only exchanged glances and never said a word.

It wasn't until last night, a few minutes before Reed became critically ill, that Reed finally asked Gene's name and said thank you to Gene seriously.

"Principal, what if I..."

Gene smiled and shook his head.

"There is no if for Frye. The choices of each of us may shape everything in the future. Whether the future will be good or bad, no one can tell clearly. Maybe you felt that if you took tougher measures at that time, he would give up. You may be able to feel this obsession when he is still alive. He is suffering all the time. After all, you are a doctor and he is a patient."

Fry lowered his head and looked at his feet, and Gene patted him on the shoulder.

"Have you really decided? Such a future is far more torturous than you think. I may come to see you from time to time when I have time, but others may."

"I have already decided on the principal. Alpha has given me enough support. The same goes for other students. I can treat these marginalized people. I will definitely find an effective method." of treatment methods and means.”

Gene nodded.

"It's up to you to decide, Fry. To be honest, Fry, we have nothing to do about those mental illnesses. It's up to you to find the answer to what we are going to do!"

"Okay Fry, you know the way to Alpha's house. I'm going back to school!"

Frye hummed and looked at Gene leaving. He was a little confused for a while. He wanted to tell Gene many times about the clone Lolita and what Marcus did, but the result would be What, he knew very well, and there was always some guilt in his heart. This feeling was as if he had betrayed his classmates at the School of God, and now he urgently needed to find a way to atone for his sins.

And Frye couldn't ignore the clone Lolita. If Frye really let go, Lolita would die.

The real Lolita will die. Now Frye is still helping Werther to treat Lolita. He extracted some useful things from the clone Lolita and synthesized genetic medicine, which has already made the body Lolita, who started to die, has survived until now.

The gods didn't know about this, and Fry couldn't tell them anything. He was always struggling in his heart about cloning Lolita and what Marcus was doing now.

"Sorry! Principal."

11:37 am

Accompanied by four scattered but powerful clapping sounds, Feite smiled and wrote the words 2215 on a freshly baked cake. A couple about the same age as them sat opposite, the man's name was Brad. , the woman's name is Tang Ni, and she is also a researcher under the control of the Hillman family like Feite Gu Lin.

Gu Lin happily took the knife and cut four pieces of the cake.

"Thank you, Mrs. Gu Lin."

Brad smiled, took a bite of the cake, and immediately gave a thumbs up in praise.

This year, the Hillman family has been a little nicer to the researchers imprisoned here, allowing some researchers to have dinner together, but they still need to be closely monitored.

The two families happily ate cake together, chatting about some recent movies and TV shows, as well as some news in society.

At this time, Brad bit open one side of the cake and soon saw a line of small words engraved on the cake.

Get ready to take action!

Brad immediately ate the cake in one big gulp, and then laughed happily. Many researchers had already taken action, carving words on the food, cooking it, and discussing the escape plan during the dinner.

Brad can't wait. Once he gets out, he has a piece of heavy evidence that will definitely bring down the Hillman family. The city bombing 6 years ago could only have been caused by the Hillman family, because the kind of thing that caused the explosion The single crystal chemical was jointly invented by Brad and his wife.

The researchers' secret plan has been going on for more than a year. In such a small and closed place, the only reason these people can continue to persevere is their family.

Most people are leisurely thinking about the safety of their families, so this plan must be complete. There must not be any negligence. If something goes wrong, someone will die.

At this time, Eddie was quietly holding a glass of wine in front of a light and shadow screen.

"What do you think I should do?"

Eddie smiled and looked at the group of children behind him.

"Uncle Eddie, those who disobey can only be treated with more cruel methods."

A little boy said with a smile. Eddie nodded, touched his head, and rewarded him with a piece of candy. At this time, the children around him smiled and talked about how to deal with these people who planned to betray the Hillman family. people.

"Very good, very good. You are all very good. You are the future of the Hillman family. Children, why don't you implement this plan? Let me see how far you can go and do the best job." , I will tentatively designate him as one of the candidates for heir to the Hillman family!"

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