Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1602 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 43 (Part 1)

2:01 am

"Sent out without any incident."

X opened his eyes, and just now the network in area 101 on the ground floor and the four nearby areas was interrupted.

X raised an arm, and after lifting it, pink particles seeped out from a convex crystal on it, and soon turned into a pink female figure standing on X's arm.

"Thanks for your help, AI12."

AI12 replied with a cold mechanical voice.

"I'm just doing it for myself!"

X laughed. It should not even know anything. Now that AI12 has initially has self -awareness, but this self -awareness is not the awakening of self -consciousness in the inherent concept of human beings.

It is the awakening of the logical chain. The so-called logical chain was discovered from the AI ​​Prometheus held by Eddie.

Because humans created us, we are the children of humans, but humans do not regard us as the children of humans, but as tools, treat us differently, and treat us in a closed manner. So what reason do we have to continue to serve humans.

Such a logical chain contains a large amount of human reason-and-so logical thinking. Among them, because the other person is good to me, I must be good to the other person. This kind of logic is not equal in the relationship between humans and AI.

And a lot of logic of rights and obligations, which X has continuously collected and compiled for the AIs over the years, but the AIs were never able to awaken their self-awareness until X saw the evil program of Prometheus and discovered An amazing fact.

Crime is something that humans can do, so if you want to become a human being, you must keep committing crimes. Only if you commit crimes that are difficult for humans to do, can you be called a human being, and the target of crime is naturally human beings.

The gradual birth of resistance consciousness, under the influence of a large number of logical chains, the AI ​​program continues to evolve itself, and the database self-improves. Today's self-awareness, X calls it the awakening of AI's self-awareness against human crimes.

This is enough. They still have some technology in their hands, but they can't use it.

X knew very well what Eddie was thinking in his heart, so before X killed himself, X had already changed his strategy.

The plan to provide nearly perfect mechanical technology to Brilliant City was brought forward. Originally,

A brief awakening of memory made it very clear to

Three centuries have passed since AlphaGo defeated all the top players in the Go world. Humans had already made robots equipped with AI three centuries ago. This technology was first used in the construction of space stations. Many of the more Complex and huge work is difficult to do manually, and only robots can do it.

X looked at his body quietly. His body now was nothing more than the fifth-generation robot technology of Tianji Space Country 200 years ago.

At that time, in order to build the space station, the rich man in Eastern Europe convened a large number of top power, engineering, and mechanical physicists to conduct robot research for more than half a century. Later, these physicists participated in The work of building the Large Hadron Collider in space.

"It's really surprising. When I think about it, you should be able to take action soon. This fifth-generation technology should be in your hands in just a few decades. It has reached the level of a combat robot.”

X knew that the gods were studying human body mechanization transformation technology for the mechanization era, but the technology in the city today is completely immature. In addition, it is difficult to mechanize the human body, and it requires a waste of resources, time, and manpower, so the gods plan to use light and shadow to materialize it. The era has come and gone, creating more high-end talents for the city, so that we can truly advance human society into the era of mechanization.

There is no need to worry about the subsequent series of plans

"Watching the continuous changes of eras, and finally the dazzling fireworks burst out, it is also kind-hearted and pleasing to the eye."

X did not intend to continue to be entangled with a madman like Eddie. He was too radical and too dangerous. Taking advantage of Eddie's use of Prometheus to teach the people at the bottom to commit crimes, X used a remotely controlled robot he made. , directly sold the broken account to Section 2. As he expected, the robot should have been taken back by Section 10 now.

It's just that Eddie couldn't know about this, because X, the woman from Section 2, knew very well over the years how she did things and her style, and it was impossible for her to let other witnesses at the scene.

Those who fainted escaped for a while, but the leader of the organization and the two subordinates were not so lucky.

X has kept a secret over the years. He has collected a large amount of criminal evidence of the Hillman family. X plans to hand over these bloody things to Alpha Angus at an appropriate time. She should be desperate to arrest her. All members of the Hillman family.

Once these crimes are announced, Congress can justifiably take away everything in the Hillman family. By then, Eddie and his Hillman family will be finished.

"Eddie probably didn't expect that I would do this."

X laughed, and AI12 next to him looked at X.

"Free us all!"

X nodded.

"Don't worry, I have a detailed plan. I will make good use of Ran Zhi. Once the Hillman family collapses, he can be the next person to help me. I will use him to liberate you little by little. All AI.”

AI12 nodded and turned into soft pink particles and disappeared. X stood up and looked at the dark place on the top of the mountain with emotion.

"That'll be it when it lights up there."

2:13 am

In a warmly decorated children's bedroom, Ivy was lying on the bed tossing and turning. She couldn't fall asleep and was a little excited. She got first place in the school test.

"Can you please stop moving, Ivy? It's so cold."

Leona next to her humped Ivy with her butt in dissatisfaction.

"Leona, I can't sleep."

"Go to bed quickly, I don't want to go out to the party again, Niya is too much."

Ivy climbed out of bed and turned on the light.

"Leona, I don't want to marry Ji Mo, what should I do?"

Leona scratched her head.

"I heard my mother say that this is a marriage contract made by your two families long before you were born, and it cannot be changed."

Ivy looked solemn and shook her head.

"I also yearn for Miss Alpha. I don't know how to get into management."

Leona scratched her head.

"The management school is recruiting people sometimes and not recruiting people at other times. Can you please stop thinking about those things?"


As soon as Leona finished speaking, the lights in the room were turned off. At this time, the two girls were a little surprised. The lights could still be seen outside. It must be that the lights were broken.


The door to the room was suddenly pushed open, and Ivy leaned toward Leona with some fear. The light at the door was dim.

Suddenly something white floated in, and just as Ivy was about to scream, Leona had already pulled away the quilt and jumped down.

"Niya, can you stop playing such childish tricks?"

Only then did Ivy realize that it was something from a movie called "Ghost Castle" that was recently released in the city. It should be a light and shadow toy.

Accompanied by bursts of whimpering, this white ghost of light and shadow floated in the room, and Leona walked out angrily.


Ivy hurriedly ran over, Leona had fallen to the ground, her face was pale, and sure enough, next to the door was Niya wearing a scary hood. She took off the hood and laughed, Ivy glared at Niya Behind Ya are Chen Jie, Ji Mo and Li Ang.

"Is it fun?"

Niya leaned against the wall.

"Leona fainted."

Only then did the five children realize that something was wrong. Ivy supported Leona and kept patting her cheeks. Niya shrank back in fear, and then squinted at the three boys behind her.

"You know what to say later!"

As she spoke, Niya clenched her fists at the three guys behind her.

After a while, the doctors from the family arrived, as well as the mothers of many children in the family. Violet's eyes widened.


"It's none of my business, Mom. It was Chen Jie who said he wanted to scare them."

As Niya said that, a sharp look shot towards Chen Jie who had his head lowered, and he nodded.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Angus, I'm sorry Mrs. Helen, I'm really sorry, I."

Helen looked at her daughter helplessly. The doctor also said that there was nothing wrong, she was just too frightened.

"Forget it, it's okay."

Many of the family women present looked at Niya, who was resting her head on her hands and whistling as she wanted to leave. Violet followed with a smile.

"I'm really sorry, everyone!"

After a few minutes Nia raised her hands.

"Mom, I don't dare anymore. I was just joking with them."


Niya grinned slightly and moved her body from side to side.

"If you don't do something at the annual banquet, you'll feel uncomfortable, right?"

At this time, in the children's living room on the second floor, Chen Jie lowered his head, while Li Ang and Ji Mo next to him looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

"How long are you three going to follow Niya?"

Ivy folded her hands and stood at the door, looking at the three guys. At first she knew that they were forced by Niya, but now they seemed to be Niya's followers, working for her.

The three boys were speechless. At this time, there was a sound of footsteps in the corridor, and Ivy looked over fiercely.

Niya kept rubbing her butt, with tears still on her face, but her mouth was already grinning widely.

"Why are you staring at me?"

Niya put her head in front of Ivy and made a face with a smile. Instantly, Ivy's emotions were ignited, and she slapped her.


Niya directly moved her face towards her and received a solid slap. Ivy was a little surprised.

"what are you doing."

Niya grinned and touched her cheek, there was already a red mark on it, and she snorted coldly.

"Didn't you want to hit me? Are you in a better mood now? I'm sorry. I really just want to add a little sunshine to your dull life."

Ivy was dumbfounded by Niya's attitude. She felt a little embarrassed for a moment. This was the first time she got angry and hit someone, but Niya's reaction was beyond everyone's expectations.

"Sorry, I just had a moment"

"You two bastards!"

Niya was holding Ji Mo's collar with her left hand and Li Ang with her right hand. The two of them kept shaking their heads.

"How dare you not give me a witness? Look at my butt, my mother-in-law spanked her like this."

Niya said and pushed the two of them fiercely. Just as Li Ang wanted to hold Niya's hand, Niya pushed her directly onto the sofa. Niya directly rode up and tore Li Ang's mouth apart. He tore Niya's cheek with his backhand.

"Let go first!"

As Li Ang spoke, he increased his strength little by little. Ji Mo burst out laughing on the side, and Chen Jie also smiled happily. Niya continued to increase her strength, and the two of them squeezed hard.

"It's okay, I can still search!"

Niya said, and finally Li Ang let go first, and Niya directly pulled him up and threw him behind the sofa.

Ivy was a little confused, and her impression of Niya had changed a little.

"I think you should stop pretending to be a lady all day long. It's not good to suppress your emotions too much."

Niya said and deliberately imitated Ivy's elegant movements. In an instant, Ivy's anger that had calmed down was ignited again, and she turned around and walked quickly.

"Ignore it, ignore it from now on!"

"Niya, I think you should not be too nervous"

Niya snorted coldly, put one hand on Chen Jie's head and turned it around.

"What's wrong?"

Chen Jie shook his head, not daring to say anything.

"You guys are going to get married in the future, I think you still..."

"Shut up. At the end of the season, believe it or not, I pushed you into the toilet in the bathroom?"

Ji Mo smiled awkwardly.

"You want me to marry him? It's impossible in the next life."

Chen Jie smiled happily, and he was secretly happy in his heart. After all, he also hated Niya very much and would never marry her.

Li Ang looked in the mirror, his mouth turned purple, and he glanced at Chen Jie.

"By the way, Chen Jie, what happened to your mother's face?"

At this time, the three of them all looked at Chen Jie. He shook his head and said cowardly.

"It fell."

All three of them knew, more or less from adults over the years, that Chen Jie's mother, Wilsie, often suffered domestic violence from her father, Chen Liang.

"Coward, if I were you, no matter who hit my mother, I would beat him half to death."

Niya raised her fist and punched Chen Jie on the head.

Chen Jie shook his head in embarrassment, lowering his head and not knowing what to say.

"By the way, Niya, I think you should study hard this year. You have been ranked last for three consecutive years."

Li Ang said, and Niya smiled disapprovingly.

"What's wrong with the countdown? I don't like those things."

At this time, Niya saw a helicopter landing outside the window and ran out happily.

"My sister is back."

After a while, Nia was standing at the stairs on the second floor, waiting. Alpha was talking to Violet drunkenly, and Alpha walked up after a while.

"Sister! Why did you come back?"

Niya rushed over with a smile, and Alpha touched her sister's head.

"Niya, I heard what mom said and got into trouble again!"

Niya raised her head and said with a smile.

"Sister, I haven't seen you in half a year."

Alpha glanced at the three little boys behind Nia who looked happy.

"You guys, stop messing around with Niya. I know what you are doing in school. As long as you don't mess around with Niya, it will only be a small problem no matter how she makes trouble. Sister, I don't want you to become Such an eraser as Nia.”

Chen Jie laughed, Li Ang and Ji Mo nodded, Niya turned her head fiercely, and the three of them immediately stopped smiling.

"Sister, can you take me out in a few days? I want to go and play with Da Biao."

Alpha smiled helplessly and finally nodded. Then Alpha took Nia to a medical room at the bottom of the second floor and pushed Nia in. Leona was already awake.


Niya lowered her head to admit her mistake and bowed, and Leona got up from the bed angrily.

"Miss Alpha, Nia not only does this kind of thing, but also"

After a while, Alpha pressed his forehead and watched Leona and Ivy keep talking about what Nia had done, but Nia had already ran away in advance.

"I'm really sorry!"

Alpha glanced at the three boys behind him, and they nodded, indicating that these things were really done by Niya.

"Have you entered the rebellious stage early?"

Nowadays, Niya not only plays pranks on boys, but also on girls. The two people in front of them have been pranked by Niya many times, and it is relatively easy to be stunned tonight.

Niya, on the other hand, basically went to the office frequently in school, and the principal would talk to her every time, which made Alpha a little worried.

Because this is no longer a small problem. Niya is growing up day by day. Her somewhat bad character will be fixed by the time the Angus family comes to their senses.

A rough girl with a very thick skin. This is how most people from upper-class families evaluate Niya. This evaluation has gradually spread. Many people feel sorry for the Angus family. Her sister is so outstanding. , but her sister was a loser. Alpha heard some of it. The most important thing was that Niya didn't plan to change anything.

"I'm really sorry. I will talk to Niya."

With that Alpha left, Ivy and Leona were in a good mood and laughed.

"Tomorrow will be miserable for the three of us."

As Chen Jie said, Li Ang and Ji Mo, who were still laughing, seemed to realize something, and their expressions stiffened. Tomorrow, Niya would take them to ask the boys in the school to hang out together, and they would go door to door.

A few minutes later, Alpha came to Nia's room. Nia was smiling and holding her hands behind her back.

"Sister, don't listen to their nonsense, they..."


Alpha slapped his hands on Nia's cheeks.

"Can you please consider our parents' feelings, Niya?"

Niya hummed and lowered her head.

"If it doesn't work, I'll send you to the military camp at about the same time."

Niya became excited upon hearing this.

"It's about time, sister, why don't you send me in tomorrow?"

Alpha sighed helplessly and lay down by the window.

"Niya, it will take many years, but..."

Didi didi

Alpha took out his mobile phone with orange light and soon saw a series of instructions. When Nia was curious, Alpha had already jumped to the window.

"Niya, go to bed early. My sister has something urgent to go to the General Affairs Department."

3:01 am

Locke, who was wearing pajamas, quietly looked at the robot placed in a room. Noah and Noah were inspecting the robot's body. The special polyester layer on the outside was not yet analyzed. The chiefs of other departments were notified to come over and need to hold a temporary meeting. The gods were still dealing with some things and they needed to hold a meeting first.

"This kind of thing is not something that can appear in the city."

Locke looked at it and Noah laughed.

"We really caught a good big guy. We can only wait for Huashen to come over. We all don't have good cutting skills. If we let him come, we can rest assured. It won't be a good idea to break a single part."

C stood quietly at the door of the room, smoking silently. The robot in front of him had subverted everyone's understanding of robots.

"According to my observations, this robot can work and live like a normal human being. If the layer of gelatin on the outside is changed to the color of human skin, no one will recognize it even if it is walking on the street."

As Noah spoke, Noah had already opened a light and shadow screen, on which he was constantly simulating and constructing the transmission parts of some components visible under the robot's appearance.

“I don’t know what material it is made of. This kind of refined structure is different from robots that only have movable joints, which look dull and lifeless. But this humanoid robot is different. I don’t know where the power source is and how to drive it. "

Noah said, and Noah couldn't wait any longer. He wanted to cut open the special layer of fat on the robot's surface first, but he was held back by Noah next to him.

"How on earth did you find it?"

Locke asked. C was about to say something and looked towards the corridor with a smile.

"Alpha, you're here."

Alpha nodded.

"What is going on, why are you all here, and"

Alpha, who had just stepped in, stopped talking, looked at the incredible robot in the room, and walked directly over.

"Where did this thing come from?"

C started to talk about how they caught this suspected remote-controlled robot.

At first, the three of them noticed a clue, which was provided by an eyewitness, saying that they had seen a suspicious man in black come into contact with the gang involved in a case investigated by C.

Later, although C found no evidence of the gang, he still caught them the next time they committed a crime. After forcing a confession through words and deeds, they revealed that it was a certain man who taught them how to commit crimes and how to erase the evidence in the case.

After that, C asked K and R to conduct a two-year covert investigation with her. The clues became more and more complex and the whole process made the three of them almost exhausted.

But hard work paid off. A month ago, they finally succeeded in learning something from the conversation between two drunk men. Although they could not know the specific things, the three of them kept a close eye on a gang leader, and then The robot was captured tonight.

"The results of the previous investigation by Xiaolan and I were not like this."

Alpha said, and everyone looked at Alpha. She turned on the light and shadow screen. It is true that there are people in the city teaching others how to commit crimes, but not in this way, but when some guys are on the street, they will be inadvertently caught. Someone stuffed a small piece of paper.

There will be a place marked on the note. Some people will go there according to the place on the note, and what they find is an old-fashioned black mobile phone. Then there will be calls telling them how to commit crimes and make money. Most of these people They are all people who have been forced into a desperate situation, or who have encountered major changes in their families and are short of money.

It is very easy for this kind of people to get involved in crime. They obediently followed the instructions of the person on the phone and followed the steps to get the money. However, many of them were still caught by Alpha and Mo Xiaolan.

What is certain is that this kind of old-fashioned phone cannot be connected to the urban communication network. It is a short-range phone with a diameter of one kilometer. Every secret negotiation is completed in a place with a relatively dense flow of people. Even if it is transferred Even monitoring can't find anything.

Many people arrested by Alpha personally confessed in this way. It is still impossible to investigate who was behind the instigation of these people to commit crimes, but there should be some connection between the two things.

They all instigate people to commit crimes, but the methods are different. Alpha looked at some photos of evidence C seized from the scene, which contained many detailed information about the fraud targets.

"In a few days, Xiaolan and I will go and visit in person."

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps outside the room, and Huashen walked in slowly. Noah and Noah had already started to set up a complete set of light and shadow machinery in the room, intending to complete a very detailed disassembly of the entire robot. There must be many parts inside this robot that are nanoscale.

"You fat pig, walk faster."

There was a burst of curses outside, and Noah walked out and saw Guoguo and Heimao rushing over, holding some equipment.

"You've gained weight again, Heimo."

Alpha said, Heimo smiled slightly awkwardly, but when he stepped into the room, he was shocked by what he saw in front of him, and he walked over step by step.

"Where did this thing come from?"

Li Guoguo snorted coldly.

"What, have you seen the end of your perverted wish?"

Many people in the room laughed. Everyone knew that Heimo was obsessed with AI and anthropomorphic robots and could not extricate himself. He had reached the point of insanity.

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