Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1604 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 43 (Part 2)


Eddie put down his wine glass. The children who were in the house just now have gone out. Now these children live in the Hillman family's mansion. There is a small school inside. Eddie will teach them everything in person. With the help of Prometheus, a set of excellent education plans was strictly designated.

Eddie has already thought about it. There are too many wastes in the Hillman family today. Those guys who are greedy for comfort should have left the center of power of the family long ago. Eddie plans to seriously cultivate a group of outstanding children. come out.

Therefore, more than 50 children were selected from the entire Hillman family last year to cultivate the next generation for the prosperity of the Hillman family.

Eddie looked at the two families who were talking and laughing on the screen. At this time, on a light and shadow screen next to him, Prometheus had completely listed out their conversation, and there were many words in it that had been used in the past. During his more than ten years of imprisonment, the repetition rate was very low, and there were even many new words added.

The extended meanings inferred from these words can basically determine when they are talking about taking action. The two families on the screen play a big role in him, so Eddie does not plan to start with them. Just now An 11-year-old child already provided a suggestion, which Eddie adopted.

"Prometheus, please list the families of researchers who have participated in this project that will have no effect on the Hillman family in the future. At least three families. I need to let these people who participated in the project take a look."

Soon three families appeared on a light and shadow screen, all young men and women. After a while, Eddie brought up another light and shadow screen.

"These three families in the information are no longer needed. You can do whatever you want! Just be happy."

Eddie yawned as he spoke, stood up, put down his wine glass and turned off the light and shadow screen.


Fit and Brad were still talking. At this moment, a light and shadow screen was generated in the room. Gu Lin and Tang Ni, who were still cleaning up in the kitchen, were talking and laughing.

"Please see clearly!"

It started with an image of Eddie's cold smile, but soon moved to a room. For a moment, the four people in the room seemed to be petrified, looking at everything on the screen.

A male researcher they knew was being beaten randomly, while his wife was screaming and being held up in the air by several men in black. At this time, another light and shadow screen also appeared, and another one appeared.

With bursts of whimpering, Brad vomited in the bathroom and vomited out everything he had eaten. Fit hugged his wife Gu Lin and turned his head away. Tang Ni cried and lay on the bathroom floor. The husband in front of me, Brad, had also started crying.


It was all over, the images on the three light and shadow screens disappeared, and Eddie appeared on the screen.

"Please continue to contribute to our Hillman family as always in the future. Everyone is a part of our family. Those who want to disrupt the order of our family, I will definitely give them the severest punishment."

Feite raised his head in confusion. The plan had been exposed. He didn't know who betrayed them, but what was certain was that they might not be able to get out of here for the rest of their lives.



Along with the warning sound from an electric pole on the street,

Sir, please move your car. Parking is not allowed here. Please move within 5 minutes. Otherwise, you will be fined according to the new traffic laws. In serious cases, you may be imprisoned!

A man stood beside the car angrily, looking at the red light flashing on the pole. This was originally a parking strip on the street, but now the traces of the parking strip have been erased.

At 8 o'clock this morning, many people were warned by a mechanical beep coming from the electric pole next to them when they parked their cars.

This law was promulgated in the middle of last year, but it was implemented this year. It has given many people half a year to adapt, and has erased some ground marks in parking strips.

In just a few hours, most people have started to complain, because this makes many of them extremely uncomfortable, because some people still park their cars in places where parking is not allowed.

Even though the law has been promulgated but has not yet been implemented, most people still have the mentality of waiting until then. Although some people are unwilling to do so, they can only let the car's AI find a nearby parking place and drive there by themselves.

The AI ​​systems in some people's cars have been updated, and it is no longer possible to reach those designated places. In many cases, they can only take detours, and some places even prohibit cars from passing.

Congress has repeatedly explained that this is to provide an effective and reliable transportation channel for the huge construction bill that will start in 2216. After the construction begins, these places planned to build transportation channels must be accessible 24 hours a day.

"Fine it as much as you want."

A luxury car parked at a corner of the street where parking was not allowed. The businessman above smiled and ran up the steps of the bank quickly. Parking is not allowed in many places nearby. It takes 20 minutes to walk there, so The businessman forcibly turned off the AI ​​system and drove the car over anyway.

According to the newly introduced traffic laws, if you do not move within 5 minutes, you will be fined 1,000. If you exceed 10 minutes, the fine will be doubled. Every 5 minutes, the fine will be doubled. However, the driver will be arrested directly according to the situation.

20 minutes later, the businessman finished handling the matter. As soon as he came out, he saw angrily that his car had been loaded onto the administrator's car collection trailer, and he walked directly over.

"Isn't it just a fine? I stopped for 20 minutes. It's 8,000 yuan. I can afford it."

Just as the businessman was about to say something, several administrators came over and handcuffed him.

"Sir, based on your situation, you still parked here for 20 minutes even though you knew you would be fined. We are arresting you now for violating city traffic laws!"

The businessman immediately defended himself. He had extremely important things to do today, but he was taken to the management car without any explanation. At this time, a reporter rushed over.

In just a few hours, 39 people who ignored the law and still went their own way when parking their cars have been arrested, and some who had conflicts with the administrators were directly prosecuted and may directly face 3 months to 1 year in prison. .

Some people are complaining to reporters, saying that they just park their cars in front of their homes, which is not reasonable at all. Many people in the city also feel that this approach is too overbearing and affects most people for the sake of urban construction. of passage.

Some people even had their driving licenses revoked. News reporters continued to ride the company's lifts to the site of the incident to report on the scene immediately.

Some large media outlets, such as CBV, have deployed 3 to 5 reporters in 120 districts across the city to obtain these news materials immediately, and some special programs have also been launched directly.

“Dear citizens, please abide by the traffic laws and please do not take the law into your own hands. We don’t care who you are. Anyone suspected of deliberately violating the laws will be severely punished. The cases of those arrested today are all my responsibility. Alpha Angus personally reviewed it!”

Video screens of Alpha, who returned to Congress last year, are constantly playing on the light screens on the street.

Many people sneered after reading it, thinking it was too harsh. This is unfair to many people, especially those who park in front of their homes. It is extremely unfair.

"Fat brother, can you please stop letting me go!"

Alpha held up the phone, and Frye and Huashen, who were sitting opposite and drinking tea, laughed helplessly.

"The effect is very good, Alpha. Although some people have criticized it, this is the first big incident since you returned to the management. This is how everyone originally viewed you. Strictly enforce the law and maintain social security and stability in the city. This is still the case. It’s what many people say, but it’s not like it used to be.”

After hanging up the phone, Alpha sighed, pressed his forehead, and sighed helplessly. At this time, Avano scratched his head and came over with a large pile of old paper documents.

"How did you find dad!"

Avano smiled awkwardly, Huashen and Fry both stood up and bowed.

"We found it. All we need to do is scan and upload the land deed documents, and then send the original documents to Section 6. We'll sign a usage contract, Fry."

"Thank you very much for your help, Mr. Angus, Alpha Jr."

Alpha immediately stood up and said with a smile.

"Why are you so pretentious!"

Huashen pulled Frye to sit down. Avano was sorting out the documents and authorized Frye Stan to use the land that belonged to the Angus family and the place that was used as a military fortress during the war indefinitely. .

"I basically don't have much expenses every month. I send my salary directly to you every month."

Alpha said, Fry was a little embarrassed, and Huashen nodded.

"We will all help you Fry."

At this time Avano said with a smile.

"Just let us donate 10 million to you, Frye. Our family can still afford this money."

Frye panicked for a moment and wanted to refuse, but Alpha had already stood up and patted Frye on the shoulder.

"We have a place, but what about the medical conditions and facilities? With our salary donation, when can you build that place into a decent mental hospital? And my mother often nags me, I When I was born, you helped deliver me and injected me with medicine to make me survive, Frye!"

In the end, Frye nodded and kept saying thank you.

"After you have a plan, show it to all of us and we will all help you come up with some ideas."

Huashen smiled with relief and patted Frye on the back. The problem of mentally ill patients is now a problem in major hospitals. It is also a problem for many people with mental illness in their families. The high cost of care and treatment, and Some suppressive drugs have extremely side effects, including some family members who chose prefrontal lobe removal surgery. No doctor is currently willing to set foot in this field, but Frye made a choice.

"If you can find a way, tell me these methods, and I will try my best to help you send some people there."

Frye snorted, and there was a noise downstairs.

"What are you unhappy about? Is it that our food is not delicious, our home is not fun, or our home is not beautiful?"

Alpha pressed his forehead and stuck his head out. A large number of children around 10 years old were following Niya. There was not a single girl. They were all boys. Most of them were children from the family. There were hundreds of them. Niya went from house to house today. They went door to door to find them and brought them over.

The parents of these children also sent them over directly, and were very willing for their children to come and play at Angus' house.

"You all laughed at me, do you hear me?"

Niya roared fiercely, and many boys laughed awkwardly for a while. Violet had already walked out and welcomed the children with a smile, but there was anger in the smile. Niya immediately changed her words. .

"Okay, okay, come with me over there. Desserts have been prepared over there at my sister's house. Let's go over there and play games."

"Fry, how do you think my sister's character can be corrected?"

Alpha asked, and Frye shook his head in embarrassment.

"There are many reasons for this kind of personality. The first is genetics. I remember that the principal used to come over often, and I would come over to help you check your health. You were still very naughty at that time."

Alpha nodded helplessly.

"My parents used to be very naughty when they were little. They also said that Niya and I both inherited their naughty side."

"On the other hand, because the child was born into such a big family, plus she has a strict mother, a gentle father, and an extremely excellent sister, she will develop this oppressive personality, and her Her nature does not allow her to be oppressed by her environment, family and outside, so she wants to resist. Now she is very rebellious. There is only one way. Only one of her peers must have the opposite personality to her, but have a good relationship with her. It has a certain impact on her character, and this person is better than her in every aspect."

Alpha scratched his head.

"It looks a little difficult."

"I think so! Alpha can just let her study medicine with me from now on. I'm more patient, so I should be able to do it little by little."

Alpha raised his hand and shook it.

"Hua Shen, I'm worried that she will kill people in the future."

Avano sighed helplessly.

"Alfa, this kind of joke is not funny! Especially don't say it in front of Nia."

Alpha realized he had gone too far and nodded.

Time passed by, and soon it was sunset. At the candy store owned by LK Company in District 1, the owner Ye Lai was sorting out the shelves and placing some candies neatly. His wife was already preparing them upstairs. Dinner is served.

Business was still very good this year. At this time, a young man in a suit and leather shoes walked in. He smiled and bowed.

"Sir, this is the latest sweetener developed by our company. You can try it. It is natural and environmentally friendly. There are absolutely no excessive additions. The taste will be very good."

Ye Lai smiled and looked at the salesman who looked a little tired with oil on his face. He originally wanted to refuse, but he still took it in his hand and started looking at it.

"Sir, this taste agent has just been developed and is not available on the market yet. It is an exclusive product of our company."

Seeing the man carrying a big bag with a large amount of taste agent in it, his eyes were full of fire, and Ye Lai was a little moved. When he was about to speak, his wife had already walked out.

"Hello, beautiful lady!"

The man bowed, and Ye Lai smiled and looked at his charming wife. She walked over and took the taste agent directly and gave it back to the young man at the door.

"No need, haven't you seen the brand of our store? We are a store owned by LK Candy Company. All the ratios and taste agents used are produced by the company itself."

This sentence directly blocked the man's next words of promotion. The man became embarrassed, but Ye Lai still spoke.

"Let's just buy some and try it when we make desserts. What do you call young man?"

The salesman hurriedly opened his light and shadow phone and sent a business card to Ye Lai. His name was Zhao Zhen, a taste agent production company that he had never heard of.

Ye Lai spent 100 yuan to buy 100 packs of new sweeteners with the man. The man kept saying thank you, and then the man seemed to feel relieved.

"Thank you Mr. Ye Lai, thank you!"

Zhao Zhen looked like he wanted to cry, and Ye Lai patted him on the shoulder.

"It's okay, keep working hard."

After Zhao Zhen left, his wife took a bite and shook her head.

"It doesn't taste very good, I don't like it very much, and I probably know the proportions. You are always so kind. Look at the many sales items piled up in your house that we don't even need, you!"

The wife stretched out her fingers, smiled and tugged on Ye Lai's ears.

"That kid probably didn't sell a single pack today. Today is the Chinese New Year and he has been running around all day."

At this time, in an alley, Zhao Zhen sat exhausted on the ground with his back against the wall. Every morning early in the morning, he would come to the upper floors to sell things, because many of the products sold on the upper floors were more affordable.

It’s just that the reality is cruel. Although he sells everywhere like this, he occasionally sells a few, but most of the time, he returns empty-handed. However, on the first day of this year, near dusk, Zhao Zhen made this year’s Looking at the 100 yuan in his pocket for his first business, Zhao Zhen was moved and wiped his tears.

"Sorry, I just came now!"

Zhao Zhen immediately put away his sad expression, stood up, and looked at the dressed up girl who was carrying a small bag and wearing a long skirt. She looked gentle and quiet. She walked over with a smile.

"I've just finished work, let's go, let's take the car to the ring street on the middle floor."

The girl hummed, held Zhao Zhen's hand, and smiled sweetly.

"Save enough money and we will get married!"

The woman was a little shocked for a moment, blushed and leaned on Zhao Zhen's shoulder, humming.

The last rays of the artificial sun instantly dyed the city red. Zhao Zhen and his girlfriend stopped, bathed in blood red.

"It's always scary when the sun goes out every day."

Zhao Zhen laughed.

"It's indeed scary. It's the same color as blood, but Aurora, after night falls, many people can feel at ease, because the sun will not change every day, it will light up on time and go out on time!"


A large number of utensils for the dinner had been placed on the lawn of the Eberron family. Charles was receiving the guests and felt a little uncomfortable. Many guests came with their children. He looked at the house with some disappointment. On the third floor of the residence, there is a brightly lit bedroom.

Looking at these teenage children, Charles felt uncomfortable. Several times, he and Freya's genetic material matching failed.

Freya was never able to conceive a child. At this time, Charles walked towards the mansion a little irritably. The guests had already come over, but Freya was still in the bedroom above.

As soon as he walked into the bedroom, Charles smelled a strange smell. He looked at a glass of dark stuff, Freya was drinking it, and he snorted coldly.

"Is this kind of thing really useful? What if it damages the body?"

"This is the medicine prepared by the best doctor in the city to help me regulate my body. I will come back a few more times this year and take a good rest."

Charles was a little surprised, and a slight anger slipped from his face.

"The guests are here, let's get down!"

Freya drank the medicine in the cup with a distressed expression, then stood up and covered her mouth, almost spitting it out. This stuff was very unpleasant to drink. She would go there regularly to receive physical examinations from Alpha, who would then give these physical data It was handed over to Huashen for analysis. Frye made the medicine based on Freya's own condition.

"By the way, I want to borrow the backyard at home. I want to build a house."

Charles became a little confused.

"What's it for?"


Charles was a little confused, but he still nodded. His wife is getting weirder and weirder now. According to the reports of the bodyguards who have been following her for a long time, she always invites many people from different areas, including a lot of men and women. We went to have dinner together in the rented apartment. These people ranged from street vendors to the bosses of some companies, and there were all kinds of people.

"Why don't you tell me if there's anything I can do to help you?"

"No need, Charles, and at future banquets, I will not touch a drop of wine. No matter who is toasting, I will only drink water at most."

Charles felt a little embarrassed.


"If you want kids!"

Charles nodded, smiled, held Freya's back, and led her downstairs.

"Oh, Mrs. Eberon, it's been a while since I last saw you. You seem to be younger and more beautiful."

Charles smiled, full of face, because Freya was still the same as before. Her beauty was definitely the best among the women in the family. Today, Freya exudes a soft yet strong aura, and Many women are very different.

People kept coming over to say hello, and Charles was a little surprised. Thinking of the connections Freya had, this was for sure. Unlike in the past, at the banquet, many people secretly said that Freya was just a vase, and No one would take the initiative to show kindness to her like this.

Sure enough, someone came over to propose a toast, but Freya decisively refused, and the other party didn't say anything.

At this time, Freya quietly looked at the bright lights of Angus's house opposite, and the number of people far exceeding her own. She smiled and passed through the crowd, standing quietly at the door, watching.

Then Freya looked back at the dark west behind her. It was the highest place in Brilliant City, but there were still no lights on. Freya knew very well when the lights there would be on. They We will officially set foot there, and that place will determine the future direction of the city.

Many people may have realized something now, and their attitude towards Freya is more respectful, but most people only saw Freya's actions last year and felt that they would take over the eight major associations in the city in the future.

Freya smiled, and then Charles came over, and he asked with a smile.

"Freya, I heard that you have been elected as the president of the Medical Association! Congratulations."

Freya nodded.

"I'm telling you the truth Freya, I think we can."

"Don't ask me to say the same thing a third time Charles."

Freya said and turned around and walked away.

"I've said hello, I'm going back to the bedroom."

Looking at Freya leaving, Charles' expression became solemn. He looked at his wife angrily. Even though he had such rich and huge resources in his hands, he did nothing. This was incredible to Charles, and also Incomprehensible.

Freya returned to the study, took out the coin from her pocket, and looked at it quietly. Soon a smile appeared on Freya's face. It was not until recent years that she fully understood the meaning of this coin. Got it.

Freya had always thought that it had two sides, and Jean did give some hints that night, telling them clearly that there are two sides to the issue, and everyone and everything has two sides, just like a coin has two sides, but in the end Jean This coin was given to himself, not to any of the capable students he taught, not even Alpha.


Freya smiled and raised her head. The person who can win in the end can only defeat the greedy person. Greed will often disrupt everything. Jean has made it very clear. The opportunity is greed, and the person who can win in the end Only one is qualified to be called a king. Freya now fully understands this. The next competition between the gods to choose a king for mankind who can govern society is about to begin.

The first thing Freya thought of was her classmates, and then the group of people in the business department. Although Freya didn't know why the gods did this, she was sure that on the top of the mountain behind her, It will be the place where the future king of mankind competes.

"Perhaps my biggest rival is Alpha!"

Freya muttered. In her impression, the only person who could compete with her in the final showdown was Alpha. She had some shadows of Jean, but she stuck to something of herself. Freya liked such a pure guy very much, but At the same time, an inexplicable fighting spirit ignited in his heart. The consciousness of homogeneity and the consciousness of hostility existed among the people on their side and the people over there, coexisting in a state of coexistence.

At this time, the door to the room was pushed open, Freya put away the coins, and Charles walked over with a solemn expression.

"Freya, my mother died of illness!"

Freya's eyes widened for a moment, and the coin in her hand rolled quietly to the ground. She ran out in a hurry. Charles glanced sideways. After picking up the coin, it was just an ordinary metal coin. Having seen it, he threw the coin out of the window.


With a sound of falling water, the coin sank into the lake, slowly falling to the bottom of the lake, sinking into the mud, and gradually disappearing into the dark and lightless bottom of the lake.

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