Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1596 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 41 (Part 1)


Niya's eyes widened and she jumped back in surprise.

"This punch is powerful enough."

The leader's eyes widened as he watched the scabs on his arms shatter. His hands seemed to have been hit by a hammer, and he fell to the ground in an instant.


The ground cracked open. Xiong Dabiao quickly stepped over the leader and turned around to face a bunch of mutants coming over.

"Broken! My hand."

The leader looked at the wrist of his right hand, and it was obvious that it was deformed. Xiong Dabiao wiped the blood on his forehead.

"Dabiao, are you okay?"

Xiong Dabiao laughed.

"Come on, I've never been afraid of a fight."

Several mutants were a little panicked, and the leader was helped up.

"What are you afraid of? He is just a low-level mutant. He is just stronger. Just don't get hit by him. Move quickly and kill him."

Following the leader's order, Xiong Dabiao had already rushed over and was immediately surrounded by seven mutants. He just protected his head and kept creating scabs on the outside of his body for defense, but such a fragile defense was very fragile. It was easily broken through by mutants who were more advanced than Xiong Dabiao.

Niya stared blankly, the fists all around were like raindrops, constantly falling on Xiong Dabiao, and he endured it without saying a word.

Suddenly, Xiong Dabiao grabbed a guy's wrist. The guy in front of him was frightened. He raised his fist and smashed it directly towards the face of the guy in front of him. However, the fists hitting him from all around had already hit him in advance. His face.


The leader's eyes widened and he looked at Xiong Dabiao, who had been hit on the cheek, head, and back. He punched one of his subordinates in the cheek. His entire cheek was dented, and he flew directly towards him. Come over and fall to the ground motionless.

With a roar, Xiong Dabiao stood out from the surrounding area and became a little unsteady. He spat out a mouthful of blood and grinned, but the other party had already rushed up and surrounded Xiong Dabiao from the side. It seemed that he no longer dared to touch Xiong Dabiao's front. .

Niya looked at Xiong Dabiao who was being beaten quietly, motionless.

Time passed by, and at 2:37, Mo Xiaolan woke up. Her head was still dizzy, and the things on the light and shadow screen in front of her were still shaking.

Many people around were anxiously waiting for her analysis, and Mo Xiaolan burped.

"There is a traitor in your family!"

For a moment, everyone present was shocked. Mo Xiaolan pointed at the fixed surveillance photo on the light and shadow screen, and Niya passed a window shop with her hands in her pockets.

"Although it doesn't look like anything at first glance, if you look closely you will find that it is not normal."

Keying saw it in an instant.

"It's like what's in the mirror, someone has tampered with the surveillance."


Mo Xiaolan vomited, then shook his head and dialed C's number.

"Where are you three idiots now?"

"We were drinking at Fat Brother's place, what happened?"

Mo Xiaolan took the tissue handed over by Keying and wiped his mouth.

"Alfa's sister Niya is missing and may have been kidnapped. This is a premeditated kidnapping case. Act quickly. According to my calculations, half an hour has passed now. It is impossible for her kidnapper to leave the upper level. , according to the child’s speed, it is only possible to block all streets leading to the lower floors and other districts in the three districts 1, 2, and 3.”

After Mo Xiaolan finished speaking, he fell down on the sofa. He really didn't have the strength to get up. Violet had already gone upstairs and opened her daughter's room. Her daughter was holding Latis, and the two were shouting. sleep.

"Woke up."

Along with a burst of coldness, Violet poured a basin of cold water on it, and Latis woke up.

"What's wrong, Aunt Violet?"

"Nia was kidnapped."

Latis's eyes widened, and he looked at Alpha next to him, whose eyes were open and a smile was on her lips. She still couldn't wake up at all. She jumped up from the bed and put on her uniform in an instant.

"That's really a big trouble. I'll go directly to the streets to look for it."

Violet looked at Alpha and kept wiping tears. She regretted beating Nia again tonight, but what Mo Xiaolan said at the beginning was that there was a traitor in her family, so she had to be careful. , Alpha’s classmates have already begun to investigate.

"Are you feeling comfortable?"

Keying took a hot towel and wiped Mo Xiaolan's body. Mo Xiaolan had already drank the anti-alcohol medicine, and all the students in the room had gone out.

"Xiao Lazy, why do you think there is a traitor?"

"She is only a seven-year-old child, and so many bodyguards can actually let her run away. In addition, she has a history of running away, so I think some bodyguards let her go deliberately, and the bodyguards should be able to see the surroundings of the mansion. Surveillance is correct, plus someone is actually on the network, and the surveillance within Zone 2 has implanted footage of Niya walking, but when she walks through the glass of the store, her reflection is normal, which is unjustifiable."

Keying looked at Mo Xiaolan, who looked tired, and became calmer and calmer.

"One more thing, I always feel that the guy who hacked into the surveillance network to do this kind of thing really exists? In this city."

Keying nodded.

"It is indeed impossible to invade the surveillance network according to the current network technology in the city. There is only one possibility. There is someone lurking in the dark who wants to do something to the city. It is probably related to the last bombing."

"Notify the teachers!"

2:51 am

C stood quietly on the top floor of a newly completed LK building, standing on the edge of the rooftop, with red particles floating around her eyes. She kept looking down at everything around her, and she could only search the streets one by one.

The surveillance in Area 1 has been called out, but Niya was not found. K and R went to Area 3.

In recent years, the three of them have been secretly investigating everything related to the bombing. However, the prisoner has not been caught yet, and what happened during the previous riots in the prison is still the same, because most of the prison managers at that time had died. , and many of those who survived no longer want to recall those things, and the prisoners can't tell what exactly happened.

There were no problems with the review of the prison network. Part of the surveillance had been destroyed and could not be restored. It should be inferred that someone bribed a certain administrator, but after investigating the few surviving administrators, no clear conclusion was reached.

"Where on earth is it!"

C stretched out her nose and sniffed the air. Suddenly she looked at a place near the General Affairs Department. There were more than ten people on the street, in twos and threes. They looked like drunks. C quickly called out We checked the surveillance and found that many people had been on the street for almost an hour.

"Found it! The smell of the criminal."


Xiong Dabiao's eyes widened and he looked at the three remaining mutants. He was panting and almost unsteady on his feet. There was almost no good flesh on his body, and the skin was already torn in many places.

The three mutants in front of them looked at Xiong Dabiao in shock. Their hands had begun to hurt and their feet were weak. Although the man seemed injured, he was still very energetic.

The leader was already panicking. He didn't know whether to continue or retreat. The only way to retreat now was the barrier area. If he left tonight, it would still be too late.

The boss has been dialing the number on the black old-fashioned mobile phone, but there is no way to dial it, and the call is disconnected.

Niya sat on the ground, feeling numb all over her body. She didn't know why this man was still standing. He was about to fall down if touched, but he refused to move even half a step.

"Brother, don't fight anymore. How about we give you 2 million?"

As the leader said, Xiong Dabiao laughed and shook his head.

"You guys are just scum!"

The leader became furious instantly. At this time, the three mutants took the opportunity to rush forward. Xiong Dabiao began to protect his body again, but this time it was obvious that he could not survive. His legs bent a little bit.


Xiong Dabiao, who was a perfect target, was kicked in the firm abdomen. He stepped back step by step and received another blow on his back. He could no longer hold on, but for some reason, he felt that he could continue. Hold on.


The leader shouted, and Xiong Dabiao suddenly exerted his strength. The mutant who was about to continue kicking him was held down by the kicking foot. His speed had obviously slowed down too much. The moment he was caught by Xiong Dabiao, the other two Individuals attacked from both sides.

Xiong Dabiao ignored them and punched the mutant in front of him on the chest with his fist.

"Are you OK!"

Looking at Xiong Dabiao, whose cheeks were completely swollen, Niya didn't know what to do. Her whole body was weak and she couldn't stand up or move. Xiong Dabiao was standing right in front of her.

"If anything happens, just go back and eat, drink and sleep, hahaha."

Xiong Dabiao started coughing and wheezing as he spoke, and his consciousness became increasingly blurred.

"You don't have to do this, you can"

"Stop talking nonsense, why don't you come? If not, get out of here. I'm in severe pain."

Xiong Dabiao roared, raised his head and panted heavily, and the leader turned around.

"Carry everyone away."

It was already 3 o'clock in the morning, and the leader knew that he had to run now.

Just when the leader reached the hillside, his eyes widened. A smiling woman in uniform was sitting among several subordinates who had fallen to the ground. In an instant, the leader felt that his subordinates were dead. .

"I surrender! My lord."

As the leader spoke, he knelt on the ground and raised his hands. The men who were carrying the unconscious accomplice were also stunned. They saw that their boss was already kneeling on the ground.

Niya's shouts came from the foothills, and C walked up slowly, looking at the solemn-looking people.

"Hold your head with your hands and lie down, otherwise you will turn into corpses in the next second."

For a moment, everyone was lying on the ground. C smiled and saw that the target hostage was safe, but the guy who protected the target had already fallen to the ground.

"He's really a guy with a lot of backbone. I haven't seen this kind of guy for a long time."

C walked over and Niya looked at C crying.

"Save him quickly."

C squatted in front of Xiong Dabiao, smiling and looking at Xiong Dabiao whose eyes were swollen with only a slit.

"Why would you do such a thing? I'm afraid you are hopeless."

Niya's eyes widened for a moment, and Xiong Dabiao closed his eyes.

"Why do you always ask me that!"

"Stop crying, I'm teasing you little sister. It's just a skin injury. This guy's body is very strong. I saw the scene just now."

Sirens were blaring, and a large number of management vehicles appeared on the street. At this time, on the left side of C, a white figure climbed up, and Locke quickly came to Niya with a solemn expression.

"Uncle Fat!"

Niya burst into tears and Locke picked her up.

"It's okay, it's okay."

"Hurry up and save Da Biao, otherwise he will die."

Locke stared sideways at C, who was giggling, and then glanced at the criminals lying on the edge of the mountain.

"Niya, you caused trouble to others again because of your naughty nature."

Niya, who was crying in Locke's arms for a while, nodded.

"I won't do it next time, fat uncle, I won't do it again!"

Gil ran up immediately and looked at the guys lying on the ground with cold eyes. He squatted in front of a guy.

"Your crimes are very serious. If you refuse to confess honestly, I don't think you will ever get out of prison in your life."

Gill took out his mobile phone, brought up a light and shadow panel, and quickly started to check. The whereabouts of these people in the past month, and their information was quickly found. They all worked in some shops on the upper floors. They were three I was introduced to it by a small company from the bottom a few months ago, and their activity areas this month are mainly in Districts 1 and 2.

"Get a lift and take this guy to the hospital first."

Locke said that, although Niya in his arms was still saying something, she had closed her eyes slightly and fell asleep.

"I'll leave this to you. I'll take her home first."

3:09 am

Violet cried with joy and walked to the lawn of the mansion accompanied by her husband Avano. They just got contacted and Niya was safe.

Mo Xiaolan, who was now much more awake, was interrogating a bodyguard.

"Why is there no one in the control room?"

"Because the eldest lady is drunk, the captain asked us to come over in case anything happens to the eldest lady. After all, there are still so many guests here."

Mo Xiaolan nodded. He had already asked 19 people and got almost the same answer.

"Latis, you can come back."

As Mo Xiaolan said, a light and shadow screen appeared. Latis was watching quietly outside the Hillman family. The Hillman family had just finished their banquet.

"I think this incident is most likely related to the Hillman family."

Mo Xiaolan said, Latis was a little surprised for a moment.

"It shouldn't happen. If the dismissed man in black named Ma Tao who attacked that year had appeared, Niya would probably have already."

"If I were Eddie Hillman, I would not use those people, because it was exposed last time, and none of us are fools. At this time, it would be most appropriate to kill Niya in the name of kidnapping. Options."

After the call ended, Mo Xiaolan meditated quietly. Recently, she felt more and more that certain crimes at the bottom were related, because somehow, the collective IQ of the criminals at the bottom had increased a lot, and the success rate of crimes had increased. As well as the hiding methods after committing crimes, Mo Xiaolan felt that their collective IQ was relatively high, and perhaps there was someone behind the scenes who was advising these criminals.

In the kidnapping case solved with Alpha last year, the prisoners quickly dismantled the alarms at the bedroom doors of the children of wealthy businessmen with their skillful techniques, as if they knew about it in advance. They were trained in the dismantling techniques, but that No trace of the guy named Prometheus has been found.

"What exactly are we fighting against?"

Mo Xiaolan asked doubtfully, and Keying beside her nodded.

"The principal just sent a message, asking us to handle it properly first and not let go of any details."

3:18 am

Eddie looked at the surveillance screen quietly, his expression a little gloomy.

"Prometheus, why did it fail!"

"There were unexpected factors. We first kidnapped and then called Angus's home. Our people were already waiting to cause an accident in the middle to kill Nia Angus. However, there were interferences from unexpected factors that I couldn't calculate."

On a light and shadow screen, a fierce-looking head-shaped flame spoke with cold words.

"You disappoint me so much, Prometheus."

Eddie said, Prometheus looked guilty, but there was still evil in his eyes, and the flames turned black little by little.

"Please give me more data, Mr. Eddie. Data is my nourishment and the source of my evolution."

"I think Eddie should be given a break first, and so are those at the bottom who are inducing crimes."

After Eddie thought for a while, he nodded.

"Prometheus, stop teaching those idiots how to commit a perfect crime. I need you to settle into the next stage."


The flame went out, and Prometheus disappeared from the light and shadow screen in front of him.

"Who is that guy who protected Niya?"

Soon Xiong Dabiao's personal information appeared on the screen.

"This group of people can't even handle such a waste."

X turned around and walked to the window, watching the banquet on the lawn that started to go to the field, and Edie behind him broke the wine glass angrily.

"We must find a way to prevent the Chen family from getting involved. Do you have any opinions? I want to hear your opinions, Mr. X."

"Unless the engagement is broken and the two families turn against each other."

Eddie looked at X in surprise, then smiled and clapped his hands.

"Lord Eddie!"

Prometheus appears again in the light and shadow screen.

"Give me information about the Chen family."

X turned his head and stared at Prometheus. He recently felt very strange. Obviously this AI had loopholes, not completely without trace, but Congress could not catch it. There was only one reason. X has no way of knowing who he is, and the time he can talk to the AIs in the city is very limited.

"How about we help that loser Chen Qiao, what do you think?"

X turned back and looked at Chen Qiao's information. Although he had been helping to manage the family business in the past few years, the situation was still not ideal.

"Eddie can't be helped up by this guy."

"Just marry one of my cousins ​​to him. Their family should be very happy."


As a violent crash sounded, Eddie frowned, walked over angrily, and opened the office door. There was a wailing sound in the corridor. Leo clamped his wife Ran Yu's hair and pressed her down. On the ground, committing violence.

"You bitch, believe it or not, I will sell you to Qinglong Street tomorrow night and let you..."


Leo stood up for a while, Ran Yu was whimpering, his face was bruised, and Eddie walked over slowly.


bang bang

Eddie slapped Leo a few times, then pulled his hair and slammed his head against the wall. After hitting him several times, he kicked Leo away.

"Is it okay!"

Ran Yu kept sobbing and shaking his head, Leo covered his mouth full of blood, and several servants came over.

"Take her to treatment."

Ran Yu was taken away after a while, and Eddie walked up to Leo and stepped on his head.

"Uncle, I don't dare anymore. I don't dare anymore. It's that woman."

"I beg you to restrain yourself. She is the daughter of my important partner Ran Zhi. You have to consider my uncle to some extent. If it happens again, you will spend the rest of your life in a wheelchair."

Leo looked at Eddie in horror.


"There's no need to be angry with the young man. I don't think Ran Zhi can be used anymore. I have to find a time to kill him."

X said and Eddie shook his head.

"He is a capable criminal! Mr. X, it is enough for you to know this."

Looking at X with doubts in his eyes, Eddie laughed.

"Let me tell you, what is a capable criminal? When he commits a crime, he doesn't feel the guilt at all. He can easily commit the crime as if it were a joke, and he can indulge in it and enjoy it. He is the kind of guy who enjoys the pleasure that crime brings to him."

X shook his head.

"It's just that such a guy also has weaknesses. The weakness is his family. He is just a bomb now. At a certain time, I will detonate this bomb with my own hands. The bottom level needs guys like him, for our common plan."

3:41 am

Ran Zhi smiled slightly, and unknowingly, his cheeks were completely twisted. He quietly looked at the guy in the water tank in front of him, who was already a corpse.

"From today on, you are the boss of this factory. You have done nothing wrong. You have done a good job, haven't you?"

A trembling young man, blind in one eye, kept shaking his head. In this small drug factory, just after two good friends had drank, the one-eyed young man was encouraged by Ran Zhi. , and eventually drowned the partner in a water tank.

"Don't worry, just follow what I say and there won't be any problems. But in the future, please produce medicines according to the price I gave you. Do you understand?"

The one-eyed man looked at Ran Zhi numbly.

"Sir, who are you?"

Ran Zhi smiled, picked up the suit on the chair, and put it on himself.

"You can call me wise man!"

Ran Zhi walked out of the factory gate quietly. There was no surveillance nearby in this newly built small drug factory. It was easy to commit crimes at the bottom. Although Congress had conducted large-scale crime investigations before, for the bottom, it was just It's just pushing crime to another side.

Ran Zhi glanced back at the factory, and then laughed. The little guy he found was very capable, so he would encourage him to do this kind of thing, constantly amplifying the dark parts of a person's heart infinitely, reaching At a certain point, this person will start to embark on the path of crime.

In Ran Zhi's knowledge over the years, this kind of people are usually guys who have been bullied many times in their early years, guys who have been honest all their lives. Such guys are very easy to go astray at some point in time.

"What the hell am I doing!"

Ran Zhi, who had just got into the car, immediately stiffened his smiling expression, but soon Ran Zhi started to giggle and shook his head. The car started to start. He raised his head and leaned quietly on the seat. .

Since he started cooperating with the Hillman family, Ran Zhi has felt an unprecedented sense of relief. Recently, he no longer pays attention to the shadows next to the place where the sun shines. He knows exactly what he wants to do and what he wants to do. What should he do? He was extremely dissatisfied with the many criminals wandering the streets now, because they were really not qualified to be called criminals.

In Ran Zhi's opinion, crimes without reason are crimes in the true sense, and crimes committed for money, power, and women are not worthy of praise at all.

"Maybe I just want to prove myself, maybe hahaha!"

Ran Zhi knew what the Hillman family wanted to do, but he always found it interesting. His past life was too boring, so boring that he himself began to feel chest tightness and shortness of breath, and would often be in a daze, because everything in front of him was not Ran Zhi's. The life that Zhi wanted, he never thought about joining the upper class, becoming a big businessman, or anything else.

At this moment, Ran Zhicai clearly realized that he had died the night his wife Ding Manman was insulted by the boss, or that his head had been damaged long ago.

This is something Ran Zhi only realized recently. He is not longing for anything, nor does he want to get anything. He just wants to be pure, very pure, to release everything, to help the weak release everything.

At this time Ran Zhi picked up the phone, a black mobile phone, and dialed Eddie's number.

"Yo, good evening Eddie!"

"Good evening wise man!"

Ran Zhi laughed.

"How is my daughter doing?"

"He was just beaten by his husband!"

Ran Zhi raised his head slightly, took out a cigarette and lit it, and then laughed.

"Cast that guy, and if I find a scratch on my daughter's face next time, I will do something terrible! I hope you understand, Eddie."

For a moment, Eddie on the other end of the phone burst into laughter.

"Then what do you think about castration and disability, my dear partner, Mr. Wise Man?"

Ran Zhi hung up the phone with satisfaction. Now that the dead men of the Hillman family are operating at the bottom, they must all obey Ran Zhi's words.

Ran Zhi knew what Eddie wanted from him, and Eddie naturally knew what Ran Zhi wanted!

"It's really an extremely trusting and indescribable relationship! Mr. Eddie."

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