Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1597 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 41 (middle)

January 1, 2214


Marcus had just finished a facial correction surgery on a deformed man. He walked out of a temporary operating room a little tired and looked at the extremely desolate courtyard in front of him. In this huge facility that belonged to the Angus family during the war, There are less than 3,000 deformed people left.

Marcus then opened a light and shadow screen and reported today's surgery results to the section chief Akimi. At present, in the School of God, people from the 4 departments will basically come here in turn in addition to teaching and reviewing the medical market. Perform corrective surgery on deformed people.

The number of deformed children in the tens of thousands has been effectively reduced in the past, and due to the success of life-span vaccines, the probability of deformed children has been reduced to 0.03% by last year. Nine years have passed since the technology of cloning the future was successful.

The urban population now stands at 18 million, and the population growth rate has continued to grow in the past 9 years. In the past, due to the impact of an aging society, the population once dropped to 14 million, and nearly 3 million newborns were born in 9 years.

Stimulated by the new baby raising subsidies and education subsidies introduced by Congress, many families have three or four children, and these new children will shoulder the responsibility of the next era.

The city has once again crossed over from a heavy and old era and is welcoming a more glorious era of light and shadow.

Marcus sighed and looked at the multi-functional light and shadow medical machinery next to the operating table in the room, which can automatically replace injection fluids, and perform detailed regular inspections to collect all patient data. The profession of nurse has really been eliminated.

After AI systems entered the medical industry, the industry only needed doctors who could see patients and perform surgeries, but Marcus was not able to accept it.

"The ladies in nurse uniforms have disappeared."

Marcus laughed, sat at the door and lit a cigarette. Marcus also knew that this was an inevitable situation caused by the embodiment of medical technology and medical intensity. AI would even provide some doctors who prescribe medicines. Provide reasonable reminders to make the doctor's work easier.

A doctor needs to accept a full range of patients. In the past, there may have been a distinction between internal medicine and surgery, but now being able to use a light and shadow scalpel to perform surgery and see some common diseases has basically become the entry threshold for doctors.

The medical industry is becoming more and more elite. Some powerful doctors can perform surgeries on three or four people at the same time. Marcus feels a little boring. Only smart guys can become doctors in the future.

Among the 32 schools, the elimination rate in the 4th subject is very high. Many students have no way to become medical elites and are quickly eliminated. They can only choose to go to the 3rd subject and serve as military doctors.

Marcus always feels that something is wrong. The medical pressure in the future will increase exponentially. This is not a commendable thing. The speed of training a qualified doctor is far lower than the growth rate of the population, even if the intensity of medical treatment has increased too much. , is still difficult to alleviate. The most important thing is that this elite system has begun to solidify.

The most important thing is that now the section chief Akimi also plans to develop in the direction of nanomedicine, which will have a greater impact on future medical care. Marcus and Huashen once discussed these matters in depth, but there was no answer.

This industry is not like other industries. Even if you are stupid in other industries, you only need to do it for a long time. With experience, no matter how stupid you are, you can make something good. But not in this industry. Experience may not be useful in many cases. It is necessary You are a flexible and smart brain, and you must not make any mistakes in the process. This is the most important thing, because your mistakes may very well lead to the death of a patient.

Medical accidents were quite common in cities in the past, but nowadays they are almost non-existent because the legal definition of medical accidents is extremely strict.

Marcus knows what the gods want to do, to return the doctor profession to its original intention. Treating diseases and saving people is what doctors need to do. In an environment where everyone is a medical elite, no matter whether you go to a low-level hospital or an upper-level hospital for any illness, The hospitals are all the same, with the same charges and the same medical methods. There won’t be much difference, and the medical prices can be balanced and stabilized.

Marcus has been feeling more and more heavy lately. We are all just flesh and blood. Privately, many of his former classmates in Section 4 are relatively silent. Although everyone said nothing about the future plans for cloning, many people There are some problems in my heart, plus I am currently cooperating with 11 and 12 departments on genetic food research.

Coupled with the need to train the next batch of medical talents for the city, many people are under great pressure. The medical market also needs to be regulated, and Zhou Xuan, a major medical company, is constantly conducting rectification investigations in all aspects of the entire drug market. Longer-term follow-up studies on the safety and reliability of new drugs are also needed.

Everything was too tiring. Marcus raised his head and looked at the fireworks that were still floating in the sky across the city. Such surgical work was very easy for them. Only he and Fry came today.

Marcus once thought that it would be great if someone could replace him, but the reality is that they are responsible for the overall medical care of the city in the next era, and no one can replace him.

At this time, accompanied by the sound of footsteps, Marcus looked into the facility behind him, and Frye ran over quickly.

"Come down here and help me Marcus."

Marcus smiled helplessly and stood up. The only thing that supports many people now may be to see the next era of the age of light and shadow, the advent of mechanization, so that humans may never get sick again.

Soon Marcus followed Frye to an underground facility that the two of them had spent a long time building. In a room with a large number of equipment, the clone Lolita was lying quietly on the table. , looked very weak, and there were various orcs soaking in many large cylindrical jars next to them. These were Marcus's research, but unfortunately they all failed without exception.

"You might forget even more next time."

Frye said and clone Lolita nodded.

“But what I will never forget is what I had to do!”

Marcus walked to a wall and pressed a button on the wall. The wall slowly disappeared halfway, revealing a cultivation chamber. Lolita's new clone was ready. Next It is the memory implanted in Lolita who is about to die.

This technology still has flaws and instability. Both Frye and Marcus have inquired with some people in Section 10. Unfortunately, the technical part cannot be effectively solved.

Neuroscience is also a relatively large research project in the current cooperation between 10 and 4 subjects. In the plan to clone the future, everyone has tried it countless times, many clones of the original body, and clones of clones, and memory. It is difficult to preserve them completely, as long as those things that will cause relatively large emotional fluctuations for the ontology can be remembered clearly.

Soon the clone Lolita on the stage stopped breathing. Fry held her hand and quickly took out a cranial nerve signal transducer from the back of Lolita's head. Marcus was still adjusting it. Some of the body values ​​of the fresh clone Lolita need to be slightly adjusted and some corresponding cool elements injected to ensure the adaptability of the body.

Densely packed small tubes were inserted all over Lolita's body in the culture chamber. Frye had already wrapped the body of the dead clone Lolita and placed it in a corner.

"Are you still doubting? What exactly did you do, and whether what you did was right or wrong."

Frye was silent and didn't speak, and Marcus smiled.

"You should have noticed, Fry, that the teachers are stripping away everything from people little by little. Do you still remember what the teachers said in history class!"

Frye nodded.

"One day when this place is no longer suitable for human habitation, human beings will have no choice but to go to the vast universe to find the next planet that can survive. Everything the gods have done is for the arrival of that moment. I was studying it before When they looked at the cell particles, they discovered something interesting."

Fry stood up and shook his head.

"I'll go up there and continue to operate on some deformed people. I'll leave you alone here, Marcus."

Marcus laughed.

"You still don't plan to resurrect Nabe!"

Frye shook his head, he still couldn't make a decision, because in fact Nabe was dead, and even if Nabe was resurrected using cloning technology, then she might not be her anymore, but another person, and Nabe Nor do you want to appear as a clone.

"Even though we have collected all of Nabe's physical data so completely, we still refuse to take action. Fry, how about I help you?"

"It's none of your business."

Frye said and left the room, and quickly returned to the facility corridor on the ground. He walked quietly in the dark corridor, with a faint light shining in the distance. At this time, Frye was thinking more. Many of them are some of the mental illness patients he has seen recently.

The youngest is 11 years old and the oldest is 78. This group of people has begun to become more and more marginalized. Although there are wards in the hospital to accommodate such patients, most of them are relatively expensive. If you can't afford the money, , most of these people who have lost even the most basic living abilities will only move towards death, with no one caring about them and no one managing them.

Unlike physical illnesses, which can be cured with drugs and surgery, mental illnesses are incurable.

Most of the methods of drug suppression are very cruel, which will make these patients calm down, but they will also gradually lose their health. Some doctors even advocate frontal lobe removal surgery to make some aggressive mental patients become mentally ill. Becoming a zombie.

Mental illness is already a major problem in cities. Most doctors are reluctant to take over the treatment, and the cure rate is almost zero. In addition, most of the patients’ families cannot afford some effective but high long-term medical treatment. cost.

Fry looked at the building behind him quietly. He wanted to talk to Alpha. After all, this is the Angus family's property. It might be much better if it was used as a asylum for mentally ill patients. Fry Recently, I have also been studying the behaviors of many mentally ill people and the demands hidden in their crazy words.

Frye has found his future direction. He can't stand those things in the power world because he is not naturally good at communication and is not willing to accept those complicated things. It might be good to be a psychiatrist.

Looking at the number of patients here that have been gradually decreasing, Frye felt a little excited at this moment. Someone must do the things. Frye himself is also a doctor. When he came to his senses, the number of deformed people here was... There is only a little left. As long as the corrective surgery is completed, you can return to society without caring about other people's eyes.

Looking back on everything in the past, Frye only remembers that he was attracted by that young but unparalleled young man. If Hua Shen hadn't taken the initiative to come here to help mutants with medical treatment and body correction surgery, he might not be where he is now. Still no one cares.

Frye had also thought about doing something after graduation, but now he realized that these marginalized mental patients in the city needed care and treatment, so Frye planned to build a mental hospital here.

But Frye had no money, so he had to go talk to Alpha. Frye smiled and shook his head.

"The answer may already be obvious!"

1:01 am

Accompanied by a violent collision of metals, in a large building materials production workshop located on the ground floor in the west, a huge machine was emitting black smoke, steel ropes were stretched, and more than ten tons of steel fell from the hanging ropes. .


Accompanied by a burst of shouting and a loud boom, the steel that was originally going to be hoisted onto the truck tilted down.


Several workers who were about to be hit by the truck sat on the ground in fear. Black particles were floating in the air. Quasimodo raised his hands and slowly moved the steel to the ground aside. A large number of workers took Fire extinguishing equipment was turned on to cool down the smoking machinery.

Many people fell into a trance and praised this big man who was strong and hardworking.

After Quasimodo scratched his head, the foreman breathed a sigh of relief. The equipment should have been replaced a long time ago, but the boss refused to replace it, saying that it could still be used after being repaired. Finally, something happened. If there was no such big guy tonight, More than ten people would definitely be smashed into pieces.

At this time, Quasimodo walked towards the boss, his eyes looked a little embarrassed, and he pressed the back of his head with one hand.

"Can I get off work?"

Quasimodo asked, and the foreman nodded. Quasimodo has been working for a month without taking a break. He only sleeps 4 hours a day. He can do the work of 30 people by himself, but his salary is the same as others. Yes, many workers were upset with this big guy who didn't talk much and always kept to himself. In the end, the boss gave Quasimodo a special bonus, and things calmed down.

"This is your salary last month, a total of 6,800 yuan. Take it."

Quasimodo said thank you, took the money bag from the foreman, carefully took out the stack of banknotes with two thick fingers, and looked through them one by one.

"Don't count Quasimodo, you won't lose a penny."

Quasimodo became embarrassed. He didn't know how to read or count. He just wanted to see if every ultrasound picture was banknotes instead of white paper. He had been fooled by this more than ten times.

Many workers came towards the foreman, and the foreman began to settle the money with them. Several people stopped Quasimodo and asked them to go have a drink together. Quasimodo shook his head in refusal and left quickly.

"Hey, such an honest guy suffers easily."

In the past, Quasimodo would still go to eat and drink with his co-workers, but he was always the one who paid the final bill. The foreman couldn't stand it anymore, so he told Quasimodo not to go no matter who invited him in the future.

Quasimodo came to the opposite side of the factory and bought some food and drink in a food store. He packed a whole bag of things with him and left. Many people couldn't bear to see such a tall and burly guy like him. He looked at it with confusion. After all, it was the first time for many people to see a guy who could grow up to 3 meters tall in the city.

"found it!"

There was a sudden burst of laughter, and a man in a suit and leather shoes, who didn't look like someone from the lower class at all, ran over with a smile.

"Are you Mr. Quasimodo!"

Quasimodo looked at the smiling man in front of him. He opened the light and shadow phone, and immediately a business card stood in the air.

"I am the boss of Liuyun Entertainment and Television Company in the film and television area. My name is Carlos!"

Carlos looked at Quasimodo with a smile on his face. Quasimodo stared at everything on the business card and nodded.

"Can we talk?"

Quasimodo nodded, and after a while the two sat in a tavern. Carlos directly said that he wanted to find Quasimodo to be a special actor.

Quasimodo didn't know what a special actor was, so he shook his head and refused. Carlos immediately said with a smile.

"How much is your monthly salary, Mr. Quasimodo?"

Quasimodo didn't answer. He didn't know what this man wanted from him. After drinking a glass of water, Quasimodo stood up and looked like he wanted to leave. Carlos immediately became anxious.

"At least 10,000 a month, Mr. Quasimodo."

Quasimodo stopped for a moment, or was a little moved, but when he thought of the energy he had been deceived in the past, Quasimodo did not agree rashly.

"Please consider where you live, Mr. Quasimodo!"

Quasimodo pointed his finger without saying anything, and Carlos laughed.

"We will still be in this tavern tomorrow night. Mr. Quasimodo, please think about it. I hope you will give me an answer tomorrow night. If you are not satisfied with the salary, we can continue to negotiate and we can give you a few thousand more."

Quasimodo quickly passed through a large residential area, and soon came to some shabby housing areas outside the abandoned vegetable market. Many places inside were dimly lit, and many people came out for a while. .

"Mr. Quasimodo is back."

People with disheveled hair and unkempt faces, who did not look like humans or ghosts, ran out one after another. Quasimodo put down the big bag that looked like a hill. Many people gathered around and kept saying thank you for buying so many things. It cost more than 200 yuan, but it was enough to feed more than 40 people here for many days.

They are all beggars and scavengers begging along the street, and they are all people living on the edge of the city. Quasimodo also lives here. He needs any rent here, and it is relatively quiet. Then Quasimodo picked up a large piece of Bread and a bottle of water, and left. Seeing a group of people devouring their food, Quasimodo calmly returned to a dilapidated three-story room with a smile in his eyes and sat cross-legged on the ground. , quietly closed his eyes, as if praying for something.

But at this time, Quasimodo was thinking about a job worth more than 10,000 yuan a month, and he decided to go take a look tomorrow.

2:13 am

"We're out of jail tomorrow, Hydra!"

Peristan looked at Hydera who was in a daze. A group of people were celebrating the New Year in the prison cafeteria. The administrator provided them with drinks and some food. Many people will be released from prison tomorrow. It's a minor offence.

Tamai smiled helplessly. He could see that Hydra was unwilling to accept it. He had already completed his chemistry studies in prison, but his sentence had not changed. It was exactly ten years this year. If Hydra returned the sentence according to the sentence, He has been in prison for 20 years. Although the prison administrators take good care of Hydera, allowing him to move around freely and giving him opportunities to go out on parole from time to time, Hydera seems to have undergone some changes in his mentality. .

"I will definitely do something for you, Hydra, trust me and don't give up any hope."

Pristine said, Hydera nodded, his eyes a little moist, the law has not made any adjustments, there is no way to reduce the sentence for serious cases such as murder, the law has become more and more severe, Tamayi and others He had also learned some legal and economic things in prison for 20 years. He knew very well that the Hydera case, as a textbook case for city management, was almost impossible to overturn. The remaining 20 years would be crucial to Tamaj dared not think about what it was like for Hydera, and could not imagine that this poor young man was already 30 years old.

What makes Hydera feel uncomfortable is that his last relative also fell ill and died last year, and no one will come to visit him.

Even some prisoners in the prison criticized everything about Hydera, and from time to time someone would deliberately bully him.

"If you want anything, remember to contact me, Tamai and I will send it in for you."

Peristan said, Hydra shook her head, with a look of despair in her eyes. Peristan raised the wine glass and took a sip with Hydra.

Tamai said with a smile.

"I will definitely send you some of the latest actress photos, or some adult films."

Hydra smiled bitterly and shook his head. Both of them knew that what Hydra wanted was freedom, but they could not give it to him.

Nowadays, Perestan's funny comic "Special War Zero" has become completely popular, and the TV series has filmed more than 100 episodes. The previous economic losses caused by him and Tamai have been compensated.

After a while, Hydera got drunk and fell asleep on the table. Peristan looked at him and sighed with some emotion.

"We have to do something for him. Managers cannot do anything for him from their standpoint. After all, if something is really done, the law will have no standing."

Tamai nodded.

2:23 am

The warden's office was in a mess, many wine bottles were empty, and there were many boxes of eaten food piled on the table.


Latis bent his waist and put a pink ball into the bottom pocket. Alpha, who was holding the club next to him, looked serious. Latis took the cigarette from Alpha's mouth and took a puff. He asked refreshed.

"How about it! For the New Year's punishment game, I'll just let you strip naked and run around naked on top."

Alpha looked at Latis angrily.

"Move quickly."

Latis shook his head, holding the club in one hand, looking at Alpha and then hit the white ball casually, and soon the black ball accurately fell into the middle pocket on the left.

Alpha pressed his forehead and then looked at Latis.

"You really don't want me to go."

Latis smiled and put his hands around Alpha's neck, and Alpha slapped Latis on the head.

"I'm so kind to come and stay with you at night, so don't go too far."

Latis smiled and sat back on the sofa with Alpha in his arms.

"Punishment games are still necessary, otherwise wouldn't such games be boring! Let me think about it, okay, you call Noah, and then admit that you are too impulsive and apologize to him."

Alpha's face turned rosy instantly and he twisted his head.

"don't want!"

Latis brought his cheek closer and rubbed Alpha's cheek.

"We agreed to accept defeat. I lost a round before. You asked me to bring food and drink to the prisoners. I already obeyed. Now it's your turn, Alpha."

Alpha still turned his head, Latis called up the light and shadow phone and pressed Noah's number, 0010.

"That bastard asked you to put in a good word."

"What's wrong, Latis, you called me so late. Is there something wrong with the equipment at the prison? I'll send someone over immediately to check it."

Latis sighed.

"What are you doing?"

"We are formulating some steps to open up light and shadow technology in industry, as well as some related things."

Latis smiled and handed the phone to Alpha, then pinched Alpha's mouth.

"it's me!"

Noah on the phone was startled for a moment.

"What's wrong Alpha, isn't it?"

"It was indeed my fault before, I'm sorry!"

The call was immediately hung up. Alpha looked at Latis, who was holding his belly with laughter, and pressed her on the sofa, tickling her.


After a while, Alpha lit a cigarette, and Latis shook his head helplessly.

"In my opinion, you went too far. Noah always gave in to you and followed you in everything. It was just a verbal issue. You scolded him, but he didn't say anything. Instead, you Angry."

Alpha leaned on the sofa, Latis shook his head and stood up.

"Let's go, let's take a shower and go to bed."

"Maybe I've been too emotional recently."

Latis smiled and grabbed Alpha with one hand.

"We are always women, and it is normal to have a little temper, but I am amazed that you will not bring your emotions to work, so in life, it is reasonable to transfer it to Noah. After all, he is Very generous.”

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