Chapter 1595 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 40 (Part 2)


In the sky, a bright pink lift slowly landed in a square outside the light factory on the middle floor of the west.

"What are you doing? You can't handle such a thing! Why don't you start work now?"

Su Li looked angrily at the group of factory directors and business department managers who were gathered around. She angrily grabbed a fat man by the collar and slapped him twice.

This is a factory area. The Su family has a total of 21 clothing factories located in the area. The Su family saw it when they were on the lift. Their own factory was dark, but factories in several other districts were in full swing. middle.

"Boss, the workers demand overtime pay."

The fat man who was slapped in the face said submissively. At this time, Su Li looked around, and there was not even a truck.

"You are a bunch of trash, you can't handle such a small thing well. Tomorrow Guangying Clothing will be officially launched in the city. Why do you drop the chain at such a critical time and tell them how much salary they want?"

"Factory workers want 10 yuan an hour, and truck drivers want 50 yuan for a trip of 10 kilometers."

Suddenly, Su Li glanced at the time angrily, and did not knock down her raised hand, but time was running out. In the middle of last year, Congress opened up the light and shadow technology in the clothing industry, and the Su family also received a large amount of raw materials, as well as dispatches from Congress. Training of technical staff, replacement of equipment, etc. The clothes will be on the market tomorrow.

Originally, the workers were supposed to continue working until tomorrow, and even work overtime in the next month. After all, now is a critical period to seize the market. Selling one piece is equivalent to being able to bind users to this piece of clothing.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but Su Li is angry that the workers actually charge 10 yuan an hour. The previous wages were 5 yuan an hour. Because the contract was signed in advance, the workers' overtime wages became performance bonuses, but this There are many conditions that need to be met to get the money.

Now at this juncture, workers are suddenly raising prices. If they work 10 hours a day, it will be 3,000 a month. Su Li doesn't want to pay this money, but now there is no other way. What's even more outrageous are the truck drivers. It costs RMB 50 per trip, and if the distance is further, it may cost RMB 100.

"You dare to threaten me, I'm really tired of living!"

At this time a manager said.

"Boss, someone actually encouraged the workers to do this behind the scenes. Now many factories can only raise wages for workers. Some underwear companies charge 15 yuan an hour."

"Rise, rise, rise. Let all the workers start working, but there is one condition. They must work for 16 hours a day. If the salary is not met for one minute, the salary will be deducted 3 times. If it is less than 15 hours, the salary will be deducted 5 times. I will deduct the wages incrementally. Move quickly. Point, a bunch of trash."

Su Li was so angry that she was sober. At this time, he stopped the managers again.

"Record the workers who caused trouble this time, and when the time comes, find a reason to fire them."

In less than a few minutes, lights were on in most of the factories in front of Su Li. The workers who were resting in the dormitories had already gotten up, and bursts of noisy sounds continued to be heard.

Su Li stared at a bracelet that looked like an jade bracelet on her hand. This is the latest light and shadow storage bracelet. There are various types. Currently, industrial areas are manufacturing these things in large quantities. Originally, the Clothing Association wanted to We wanted to take it over and do it together, but in the end, Congress gave this piece to the industrial associations to alleviate the current predicament of the industrial associations.

This kind of bracelet only weighs two to three kilograms when it holds seven or eight sets of clothes. The maximum storage capacity is 3KG. It can store 10 sets of thinner clothes and three or four sets of thicker clothes.

Now we must race against time to seize every opportunity. Su's more than 100 brands and more than 400 clothing stores have now begun to steadily enter the bottom market. This season is the best time. According to the suspension of antitrust laws negotiated with Congress, Agreement, there are still 4 years left until the end of 2216, which is enough for her to do a lot of things.

But what makes Su Li very unhappy is that Baozhen still has to listen to Baozhen for many things. When it was announced last year that light and shadow technology would be open to the clothing industry, Baozhen began to transform into design.

Nowadays, many clothing companies have cooperated with her. With the support of AI body data capture technology, the clothes purchased by everyone will fit perfectly, but Baozhen began to design clothes for all kinds of people, from low-end to high-end.

Although Su Li doesn't want to admit it, the team in the clothing field that Baozhen has built is indeed very powerful.

As early as 2 months ago, major clothing companies began to conduct demonstration advertisements of various light and shadow clothing, and the response from the public was very strong.

In particular, Su Li's company is currently developing more high-end clothing that can change colors at any time, but it is still technically difficult.

At this time, a phone call came through. Su Li looked at the phone solemnly, and then brought up a light and shadow screen.

"Field, call me in the middle of the night, what do you want to do!"

"Su Li, I hope to add a little more to the price of the Light and Shadow Clothes Storage Bracelet."

Su Li frowned angrily for a moment.

"How much do you want to add?"

"Aren't you going to sell it in sets? Just add 25%."

Su Li burst out laughing instantly.

"Thank you very much!"

"After all, this is business, and you should understand that the highest bidder gets it."

After hanging up the phone, Su Li sneered, but soon she could only sigh helplessly. Tomorrow will be another exciting day in the city. A large number of clothes made of traditional materials have been recycled by the Congress at a low price.

A large number of clothing stores have been closed since last month. Every day, citizens are disposing of clothes made from traditional materials in the past. All clothes are sold to the Congress at a price of 10 yuan per kilogram, but those who used to spend Many people still keep the clothes they bought at high prices because Congress did not force them to recycle them.

"Forget it, there's no need to get angry with those bastards, we're all making money anyway, as long as we control the market!"

What Su Li needs to do most now is to find a way to talk to Baozhen. She plans to spend huge sums of money to build a professional school of fashion design. From the most original art line drawing to the final experimental design, she wants to firmly If you want to control the clothing market and want to make a difference in the price of clothes in the future, the design aspect must not be left behind.

Su Li has a very keen sense of business. She knows very well what kind of era the future will be like. With more and more open technologies, only creative and design talents will be the more popular mainstream occupations in the future.

Under Su Li's management over the years, the Su family has encountered many crises in the city and still survived well. Now among the eight major families, except for the Angus family and the Hillman family, they have completely caught up with the other six major families. The Jiang family and the Chen family can manage everything very well on their respective one-third of an acre of land.

Nowadays, the Su family and the Phoebus family are almost the same. This year, Congress will open up the light and shadow technology in cars to the Phoebus family. The Phoebus family is bound to make a lot of money. Among the eight major families, it is the Wang family that has begun to collapse. The Hosen family cleverly closed down most of their factories and temporarily stopped losses. In addition, Congress would have some industrial orders from time to time, mainly for weapons manufacturing. The Hosen family could barely survive.

Due to the real estate failure in the early years, the Wang family is now heavily in debt, and several members of the family are in disputes, which has led to the Wang family becoming increasingly poor and weak, even inferior to the next-level Ai Bolun family. Over the years, The Ai Bolun family's business methods of finding every opportunity and adhering to the rules have allowed their entire family to grow steadily.

At this time, Su Li saw many people entering the factory, all holding cans of liquid food in their hands, and smiled. The liquid food company Sanlian Company, which was still at its peak a few years ago, has begun to take one foot off the edge of the cliff. , because the production of food has increased so much, most people can't spend a lot of money even if they buy normal food. Only like tonight, when some workers are too busy to eat, they will buy some and carry it with them. When you are tired, you can quickly fill your stomach, and when you are sleepy, you can quickly eat and take a rest. Now Sanlian Company is transforming into the high-end liquid food market. Unfortunately, the middle and upper class people are not able to accept such food.

"Those who conform to the times live, and those who go against the times die! This is an eternal truth."

2:13 am

In a restaurant located in Area 1 on the upper floor, there were still many people drinking and talking and laughing. At this time, a man sitting in the corner was quietly holding a very old black phone.


As the phone vibrated, the man immediately stood up with a smile, joking with a few people next to him, and then turned and entered the bathroom. In a cubicle, the man picked up the phone.

"The target has appeared, the second daughter of the Angus family. If you start tonight, the probability of success is 100%."

For a moment, the man showed an extremely excited smile.

"Sir, is there really no problem?"

"If there was really a problem, you wouldn't come here, would you? After all, this is a plan that has been carefully prepared for three months."

The man immediately nodded excitedly. He was the leader of a low-level gang organization. When his organization owed a large sum of money to the higher-level organization and he would be in trouble if he didn't pay back the money, the man accidentally got this phone. After that, someone called Came over the phone.

They organized a total of 30 people, including 8 mutants, but they could never make any money. The whole gang was already impoverished. At this time, the man provided them with a way to kidnap rich people. After being forced into a desperate situation, they began to carry out the plan. took action.

After that, they succeeded again and again, allowing them to taste the sweetness. The man who kept instructing them on the phone only asked for 30% each time, and warned them not to ask for too much. Each time they basically only wanted 200,000 to 300,000 ransoms, and they succeeded in 6 Second-rate.

"Sir, how much can we have tonight?"

"Ten million is enough. After all, the Angus family is the richest man."

The man's eyes widened. They had been preparing for this plan for three months. Relying on the money they had received before, they successfully took root in the upper class, worked in some places, and became familiar with everything in the upper class.

The man also planned to stop after doing this job. If he was caught, he would be finished. After most of the wealthy businessmen's families were kidnapped, the wealthy businessmen all obediently paid the money. After all, the amount was not large, and they The kidnapper was also released, and things went surprisingly smoothly.

After the man on the phone talked in detail for a while, the man turned around and left the bathroom, and began to leave drunkenly with the people at the table. At this time, people of all kinds of clothes in some nearby restaurants also left one after another.

At this time, everyone tacitly moved towards the place close to the mountain wall. Soon a group of people came from different alleys and stared at some surveillance cameras on the street. After carefully avoiding them, they came to the bottom of the mountain wall. .

"You have to move quickly."

The mountain wall in front of me is not too steep, it is just a slope, and there is a sign next to it that it is forbidden to climb, and those who violate it will be imprisoned for one month.

The original plan was to do it on the street, but now it is more convenient for everyone. After all, there are still many good people who will go up to have a look. Especially last year, a large number of good people went up to take a look. The only way to go up here is to a foothill near the top, and there is no way to go up to the top. According to the information, a worker from a nearby construction site went up carrying the little girl who had sneaked out.

A group of people had been waiting on the upper level for 2 months and finally got the chance. They had visited Angus's school before, but found it difficult to do so because there were at least 30 people coming to pick up Niya every time. The above, except for the housekeeper, maid and driver, are all S-class mutants.

A group of people could hardly wait any longer, but the man who taught them how to do this always advised them that if they succeeded, they would not have to worry about food and clothing for the rest of their lives.

The leader went up with more than ten people, and the others who stayed behind pretended to be drunkards in various places on the street and monitored everything.

2:16 am

"What on earth are you thinking! Eddie."

X was shocked and looked at Eddie who was looking at the time on the light and shadow screen and the video footage of a scene. Just now Eddie told X the plan prepared by Prometheus.

"This is inevitable. I don't want the Chen family to get involved in this huge construction, so what is the best way!"

X felt a chill. Eddie wanted to kill Nia Angus, so the best way was to kill the second daughter of the Angus family. But it was basically impossible to do it in broad daylight. After all, the bodyguards Very much.

In addition, Niya is often taken on the streets by Alpha. The probability of kidnapping Niya from Alpha is zero. You have to be careful when tracking within a 100-meter range. This is the analysis result of Prometheus. The specific thing Because there is no actual data.

Eddie had bribed the captain of Angus's bodyguard before. He would wait for the right moment to let this little girl come out of the house. He didn't expect it to be so easy, because Niya had run out alone 6 times, but all 6 times. After those special management officers called in the surveillance, Alpha will come soon.

So Prometheus was 100% sure that Niya would still sneak out, and sure enough, Niya really escaped tonight.

Sure enough, at this time, an administrator had already gone to the street to check, and Eddie smiled and raised his head.

"Unfortunately, you won't find anything."

Eddie quietly looked at another surveillance camera located in Section 2.

"What exactly did you do?"

"A very simple way is to cut the part where the little girl appears in the surveillance to the real-time surveillance in other districts. Within an hour, they won't be able to find anything, as long as they believe that the surveillance can reflect the real situation. That’s it.”

X walked to Eddie and looked at the surveillance screen. Many people wearing special management officer uniforms had already participated, and a bunch of people were waiting in Area 2.

"If things come to light."

"The matter will definitely be exposed, but in the end the blame will be carried by that group of idiots, which has nothing to do with us. And this little girl also has problems herself. She gave the criminals a chance because of her stupidity. In the end, .die."

Eddie leaned quietly on the chair, sighed, took a sip of the wine in the glass.


X nodded.

"If that little girl dies, her sister Alpha will spare no effort to track down the matter. If there is any trace, she will..."

"Don't discuss this matter anymore, Mr. ."

X stared at Eddie blankly. He didn't know how many plans this now extremely cold-blooded man had prepared. But the only thing that X knew was that Eddie was setting up things everywhere in the city to teach others to commit crimes. as the ultimate beneficiary of crime.

2:18 am

A lift slowly landed in the most prosperous area of ​​District 2. Gil walked out of the lift and shook his head with a smile on his face.

"Don't worry, Aunt Violet, I will get Little Niya back. It will be fine."

Gil hung up the phone and scratched his head. This was the seventh time he had received a report that Niya was missing. Administrators from several nearby districts had been mobilized to search the entire District 2. More than ten minutes had passed. , still no witness information of Niya was found, but the surveillance clearly showed that Niya came here.

"You are really a tormenting little girl. If your sister hadn't always taken care of me before, I would definitely beat you up before I found you."

Gil began to give orders, and a large number of administrators began to investigate the streets and alleys. They only claimed to be arresting criminals. After all, this matter could not be made public. Gil knew the little girl's current situation in the entire family circle. Ange The Si family also wants to save face.

At this time, in the Angus family's mansion, Violet looked angrily at the group of bodyguards who let Nia run out of the house so easily.

"What on earth are you doing!"

The women from several families were comforting Violet, saying it was okay. Violet wanted to wake up her daughter Alpha, but she was so drunk now that she didn’t recognize anything, or else she would wake up Mo Xiaolan. It was okay to get up, but after thinking about it Violet decided to wait.

At this time, Violet regretted that she shouldn't have lectured Nia angrily tonight.

"It's okay. The kid would just run out onto the street at most. The security at the top is very good. There were only over 30 cases last year."

Avano comforted him, feeling a little worried in his heart.

At this time, it is located at the foot of a large mountain. If you squint to the right, you can just see the corner of the house exposed by the General Affairs Department.


"Can you do it, Dabiao?"

Niya smiled and looked at Xiong Dabiao who had tried to jump several times. The highest time he was still unable to grab any of the raised rocks to climb.

Xiong Dabiao had already taken off his jacket and suit trousers, and was just wearing a pair of underpants, but he still couldn't jump on.


Niya sighed, and then whispered.

"No future."

Xiong Dabiao raised his head. He was still a low-level mutant. He could jump up to five meters. The best record was 6 meters.

"Niya, how can you say that to me? One day in the future, when I train hard, I will definitely become very strong."

Niya raised a finger and shook it.

"When my sister was 20 years old, she could jump from the first floor of our house directly to the roof of the fifth floor. I heard from my sister that she could jump more than 150 meters."

Xiong Dabiao looked at Niya in disbelief and came closer. Niya looked at a bunch of chest hair on his chest and stretched out her hand to grab it.

"What are you doing."

"Although you don't look good, at least pay attention."

Xiong Dabiao was getting more and more strange. This little girl named Niya got along well with him, and she knew a lot about mutants fighting.

"You keep talking about your sister, your sister, who is your sister?"

"Alpha Angus."

Xiong Dabiao suddenly had an impression, and his eyes widened.

"Isn't it Alpha who launched a large-scale criminal investigation a few years ago and was dismissed from office?"

"That's the Alpha."

Xiong Dabiao looked at Niya in shock.

"By the way, Angus, isn't your family the super rich one?"

"Okay, if you take me back later, I will definitely ask my parents to give you a reward."

Niya said with her hand on her chin, and just as she was about to turn her head, Xiong Dabiao's chestnut-like head came close to her.

"I don't want the money. Besides, it's your parents' money, not your own."

Nia blinked.

"It seems so."

Xiong Dabiao scratched his head.

"Then you can treat me to a meal."

Niya nodded with a smile. She looked at the lights of the city quietly. Although she was a little cold, her mood was really much better. The strange man next to her made Niya feel very good.

"By the way, why don't you want to go home?"

"If you don't want to go back, you just don't want to go back. There are so many reasons."

Xiong Dabiao laughed loudly and slapped Niya on the back. Niya was startled and looked back. This slap was only half the size of her own back, but it was very gentle when it was slapped. .

“有家人挺好的,虽然不知道为什么你不肯回去,不过啊妮雅,我相信你的家人一定是爱你的,我小时候就是不知道这些,我爸妈总是动不动揍我,后来他们No, I really can’t even talk to them now.”

Niya snorted coldly. In fact, she knew what would happen if she went back. She would definitely be severely beaten by her mother. So Niya was afraid of going back, not that she didn't want to go back.

"You look like you don't have much money."

Niya looked at Xiong Dabiao and said, and Xiong Dabiao laughed.

"There will be more in the future."

"How about I ask my parents to find you a job?"

Xiong Dabiao pressed Niya’s back.

"How embarrassing. We are friends now. How can we trouble our friend's parents?"

"Who is friends with you idiot?"

Niya stood up with a smile. At this time, Xiong Dabiao put her on his neck and ran happily. Niya giggled.

However, the several mutants who were observing in secret at this time and had fallen into invisibility looked at the scene in front of them in astonishment.

"What should I do, boss?"

The leader stared quietly for a while and then said.

"Pretend to be here to find the little girl. This big guy seems to be a low-level mutant with a certain ability to protect himself. He can't solve it in a short time. Take the little girl away first."

At this time, Niya had had enough fun and climbed down from Xiong Dabiao's neck.

"By the way, take me there."

Niya pointed to the general affairs department under construction, and Xiong Dabiao looked at her doubtfully.

"Why are you going to our construction site?"

"Looking for Uncle Fatty."

Xiong Dabiao didn't think much about it. Just when he was about to put on clothes, he froze. Some mutants appeared out of thin air. In an instant, Xiong Dabiao felt something was wrong.

"Sir, please return Miss Niya to us. We have been looking for her for a long time."

Niya blinked. She had never seen these mutants in front of her before. The leader who spoke at this time was a little panicked, because they didn't expect that this big man turned out to be someone from the construction site next to them. They had to take Niya away properly.

"Okay, I'm going back. If you have time, come and see me on First Avenue in the east family area."

Just as Niya was about to walk over, Xiong Dabiao grabbed Niya's bear hood.


"You idiot, show me your ID first, or call the administrator."

As Xiong Dabiao said, the leader's expression became solemn for a moment, and several people gathered around him. Niya also clearly felt that the eight people in front of her did not look like bodyguards. At this time, six or seven more people came up on the hillside behind.

Xiong Dabiao pushed Niya back.

"I'll show it to you right now."

The leader was stuffing something in his pocket while he was talking. The moment Xiong Dabiao looked over, the leader suddenly took action, and suddenly hit Xiong Dabiao's jaw with a punch.


There was a muffled sound, Xiong Dabiao staggered and raised his head, looking shaky. Niya immediately took up her stance and planned to rush forward.

The leader felt something. The punch just scratched this guy's jaw, and he dodged a little.

"What are you doing up there! Stay back and go to Niya, look for a chance to run away."

Xiong Dabiao roared suddenly, and rushed forward with outstretched hands. In an instant, several mutants rushed around him. With a banging sound, the white scabs that appeared on the surface of Xiong Dabiao's body shattered, and a mutant The man had jumped up and his knee hit Xiong Dabiao in the face.

Niya's eyes widened and she looked at Xiong Dabiao who was being beaten.

"Kill him."

The leader said decisively, now that this guy has seen them, they must take the hostages away as soon as possible and transfer them to the lower level.


Niya kicked the leader in the thigh, but the leader just smiled, shook his head, and held Niya's head down.

"Little girl, you'd better not struggle, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

"Boss, be careful!"

Suddenly, the leader felt a sharp breath appear on his left side. He immediately turned around and crossed his arms, and brown scabs quickly gathered on his wrists.

Xiong Dabiao's eyes widened, and he raised his huge fist with blood on his face and smashed it over.

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