Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1583 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 36 (Part 2)


Heimao quietly stared at the stream of binary recovery codes that were constantly flowing in front of him. He instinctively felt something, but for a moment he was not sure.

There is a black code box next to it, with codes of different colors beating constantly.

(Who are you!)

Heimiao entered a string of codes, and soon a series of numbers and characters appeared in the code box. Heimiao's eyes widened.

(I am me!)

Heimo swallowed. Just when he was about to enter the code, the door of the research room was opened, and he instantly closed the code box with one click.

"Damn fat man, what are you still doing here? Everyone is busy investigating."

Li Guoguo looked at Heimao angrily, and Heimao immediately defended himself.

"I found a lot of redundant data in the network system, as well as a lot of overflowing node garbage, including"

"These are not things you should care about now. There is a bombing in the city now, and everyone is busy finding the murderer. There is only one thing we need to do now in Section 10, which is to use network monitoring technology to find all the bombers. source."

Heimo nodded and looked at the large series of parsed redundant data codes on the light and shadow screen. He always felt a little confused, because the code looked a little weird. It didn't look like it was made by the AI, but it was something else.

Heimo did not say what the unknown voice that just responded to him was, and followed Guoguo to leave the room.

At this time, the originally closed code box reappeared, and a string of eye-catching red numbers and characters appeared on the black screen. As the dots of scarlet characters began to change, a string of letters suddenly appeared.


At this time, a large number of 0s and 1s on another light and shadow screen began to disappear.

Follow the most original will! Release the flames!

On the streets, soldiers wearing gas masks and carrying harmful particle processors were processing harmful particles in a ruins.

Hazardous substances produced by explosions are usually hidden. In many explosion accidents in human history, everyone only saw the actual harm of the explosion, but ignored the harmful particles that were chemically changed and scattered in the air after the explosion. .

These harmful particles will erode into most neighborhoods with the flowing air. Many people will gradually become sick after inhaling these harmful particles. The fatality rate of these harmful particles is much higher than the fatality rate at the time of the accident. .

In the neighborhoods 10 kilometers away from the explosion site, the news continued to tell people to close their windows and stay at home as much as possible. The military had begun a large-scale carpet cleaning of harmful particles.

Explosions in 26 places have spread to a nearby 2 kilometers. Some bacterial batteries have also leaked due to the explosion. The situation in most areas is extremely dangerous.

The most serious harm is in the factory area in the west. A drinking water plant has been affected. The only way at present is to cut off the water supply to surrounding areas.

However, some harmful water sources have already flowed into households in the surrounding areas. Congress has issued an early warning, asking residents in the 22 districts on the ground floor to temporarily not use tap water in drinking water pipes.

Heavy machinery had already begun to enter the collapsed ruins and began to clean up. Bodies were being excavated. Immediately, some medical staff compared the DNA of the bodies and submitted the names of the deceased to the nearby rescue headquarters. .

At this time, accompanied by bursts of buzzing, cylindrical robots with purple halos on their heads flew over in large numbers.

Noah took one look and smiled.

"That boy Noah."

As a lift came to the sky above the incident site, a large number of robots were dropped and began to take on the task of recovering harmful particles at the main incident site. It was located inside the Academy of God, at the entrance of a production workshop at the rear. , Noah was leaning on the chair, wearing headphones, looking at the light and shadow panel, constantly generating please use the robot.

This robot, which is 1 meter high and about 50 centimeters wide, has an internal space of 1 cubic meter. It will suck harmful particles determined to be in the air into its stomach until the space saturation reaches 98%, then it will evacuate and fly nearby. Carry out dumping work at designated locations.

At this time, some garbage disposal companies had already sent all the truck drivers in the company to the site of the incident, and some charred and collapsed waste could only be transported directly to the barrier area for disposal.

These wastes are very harmful. The harmful particles attached to them will slowly disperse into the air over time, and they must be cleaned like a carpet.

With the release of batches of lists of victims, just after 2 o'clock in the afternoon, 3,298 victims have been announced. This number is still rising at a very high speed. The remains will be transported to nearby hospitals first, and family members can Go claim it now.

A man stopped blankly on the street, staring blankly at an explosion site that had been cordoned off. His eyes were stunned. The man had been standing there for two hours. Several medical staff were treating some injured people in a temporarily requisitioned shop nearby. From time to time he looked at the men on the street. Many people had tried to persuade him, but he never moved a step.

There was a burning smell in the wind, and bodies were being carried out from the ruins. The man stared motionlessly at a TV screen on the street, where the information about the victims was still being updated.

Suddenly the man's eyes widened, and he knelt on the ground for a moment.

"Who will tell me that this is not true? Who will tell me? Who will tell me?"

For a moment, the man lost control of his emotions. He fell to the ground and started wailing, but his voice was quickly drowned in the surrounding chaos.

People kept breaking down and crying after seeing the list of victims of their relatives. No one could imagine that such a serious bombing would occur at the beginning of the new year.

Anger, helplessness, sadness, and resentment, the whole city began to evaporate. After nearly three hours of silence after the explosion, these things gathered together.

"It's her fault. If she didn't use such strong methods to push the criminals into panic, they wouldn't do such a thing!"

Along with the roar of a man who had almost lost his mind on the street, many people looked over. For a while, many people thought of the tough crime investigation throughout last year. A large number of crimes were implicated, more than 3 Thousands of people were imprisoned, and there were many violent fights on the streets. The criminals who were cornered fought back, and some people were even involved in the incident and died unfortunately.

The voices began to gather together, and the anger, sadness, and resentment that had nowhere to vent began to converge at one point, and the voices began to appear everywhere in the city.

X stood quietly on the top of a building, overlooking an accident site in the distance. He looked at different faces in his head, but his voices had begun to become unified.

If Alpha hadn't been so tough in investigating crimes, there would not have been such a mass casualty tragedy. Logic has begun to emerge, and no one will discuss the correctness and rationality of the crime handling.

Everyone only knew that some people were dead and some were injured. , happened countless times in human history.

Correctness and rationality are often not needed for human beings. They only need a unified voice, mutual recognition, and you and I all have the same color label. Such labels are special. This is especially true after such a tragedy.

"That's why I hate humans without rationality and correctness!"

X said and sat down cross-legged. Now that everyone has agreed on who should be blamed for this accident, the flames began to burn, and the chain of tragedy once again connected with the rolling gears.

All this is inevitable. Once something like balance is broken, chaos will begin.

"Your plan has failed! Gods!"

In X's eyes, what he saw at this time was the seven gods standing on the wall of the Academy of Gods in the middle. They were just watching the chaos quietly, as if they were quietly watching from another world. They were watching all this without any emotion in their eyes. Perhaps they were used to this kind of thing.

Eddie is very smart, smart enough to do everything possible to maintain his family's status in the city. During the criminal investigation last year, the entire Hillman family lost 30% of its market share. This is very important to Nuli. For a big family that has been around for decades, it is unbearable. Originally, , X felt extremely shocked, because Eddie had been prepared early in the morning, and had been prepared when the relevant industries of the Hillman family were implicated in crimes and their market share was taken away.

It is already very clear what the gods want to do. The force cultivated by the gods will gradually take over the city. However, in X's view, the gods are too anxious and cannot deal with this force. When it came to rectifying everything, I handed everything over to them, which was obviously too hasty.

Furnace theory, when there is a problem with the balance in the furnace, the scalding flames will overflow and burn the earth, leaving only a piece of charred blackness. In X's memory, the guy who has tried all this completely explained the human nature to the point. The social structure is like a furnace that is constantly being heated, and metal is constantly being put into it to dissolve and boil. The pressure is always increasing silently.

After a while,

"Congress should be held responsible for this disaster. While they were conducting large-scale crime investigations, they ignored that the perpetrators were unusual and did not take any protective measures. Such negligence is fatal. I would like to express my sincere condolences. In this incident, we hope that Congress will arbitrate against some of the radicals who caused this incident. We should not let ordinary people pay a bloody price for such a radical crime investigation. The most important thing is always to give priority to protecting kind people. , our Bar Association has always adhered to proper and reasonable handling methods for earlier incidents, rather than blindly radical, striving to deal with the huge social issue of crime in a short time. This is an approach that disregards the safety of people's lives. Today's tragedy It's enough to explain everything. Is it possible to deal with some problems regardless of any consequences just for the sake of political achievements?"

X smiled helplessly, not only the Lawyer Association, other associations and families people began to speak up. This kind of radical treatment of this kind of induced price and results eventually led to such tragedies. The price was paid in blood.

At this time, some management officers in the management also began to speak out. Alpha Angus should be responsible for this incident. During the entire crime investigation last year, hundreds of ordinary administrators died as a result.

Some people even liken crime to cancer. Radical treatment methods cannot eradicate cancer, but will cause the cancer cells to spread and eventually lead to the death of the patient.

The feeling of uneasiness is still spreading in the city. Although some people still feel that this is not the fault of the crime investigation, but the fault of the person who caused the incident. However, no one knows who this person is. Soon it will be like this. The sound also began to be drowned by the current.

Jean squatted quietly on the city wall, looking at the students who were still busy in the courtyard. He quietly took out a cigarette and lit it. He didn't go anywhere, because even if he went, it would be meaningless. What did he do? Nothing could be done, not even a voice for Alpha.

"Didn't you warn her? Justice requires a price."

Tang Rao asked, and Gene smiled with a slightly bitter expression.

Li Chu sighed and looked at the light and shadow panel. C, R and K had led people from Section 2 to capture some of the criminals who were closely related to the suspects in the 26 bombings.

According to some criminals, a man named Prometheus has often contacted them over the years and provided them with some funds to open casinos, loan sharks and body exchanges. They only need to pay an annual fee of the funds given that year. A certain proportion of the amount will do.

As for the true identity, no one knows. Some people confessed that it was Prometheus who handed the box to them that day. He just told them that there was goods inside, asked them to send it to a designated place, and would provide them with shelter. Days, a month ago, the earliest was even three months ago.

"It looks like it was planned and premeditated a long time ago."

Deguna moved closer to Li Chu and looked at the investigation reports that were still being transmitted.

"Even knowing all this doesn't help, it happens, it's really a bunch of trouble every few years."

Gu Yi scratched his head and opened a light and shadow panel. Section 10 had discovered through the explosives left at the scene that it was a new type of chemically synthesized single crystal. The details are still being analyzed.

Individuals and companies capable of conducting chemical research are all on Congress' regulatory list, all hazardous substances are under control, and regular inspections are being carried out, but problems still arise.

"There is still no way to control without blind spots. We are bound to face a worse situation next, and the same is true for them."

Rose smiled bitterly and exhaled a puff of smoke. Werther had just put Lolita, who was in better condition recently, to sleep and told her some short stories when something like this happened in the city.

"You really don't want to go and take a look, Jean! That girl should be feeling very uncomfortable right now."

Tang Rao looked solemnly at Jean, who was sitting on the edge of the wall. Jean shook his head.

"Everything I can teach her has been taught to her. She will have to find everything by herself. She is not alone. If she is alone, I will get there!"

The other six guys all looked at Gene. At this time, Gene stood up and glanced at the dark barrier area in the distance. He put his hand in his pocket, took a puff of cigarette, and threw away the cigarette butt.

"I will go outside and take a look. There may be clues among those who escaped. I would like to ask you to wait and see about the situation in the city for the time being. Don't make a decision in a hurry! Before I come back."

The six guys nodded, and Gene jumped off the city wall gently. When he reached a certain level, he kicked his legs hard on the city wall, turning into a light blue light and streaking into the distance.

At 2:48 in the afternoon, the aftermath work in most areas was proceeding in an orderly manner. Under the high-speed operation of a large number of clean-up robots that had never been seen by a large number of citizens, harmful particles in the 26 explosion sites soon began to spread in the air. The particle concentration dropped.

Enclosed trucks have begun carrying large amounts of debris to the barrier area. Rescue work has basically stopped, and hospitals and clinics near the explosion site are already overcrowded.

Located on the middle floor of District 31 Hospital, a large number of seriously injured people are constantly being transported.

Hua Shen was in a large operating room, working with people from the 4th department on more than a dozen severely burned patients.


Huashen gasped and looked at a patient in bed No. 9. His vital signs had disappeared. After injecting cardiotonic drugs and performing electric shock pacing, the patient still did not recover his vital signs.

A drop of sweat slipped from his forehead. Huashen's hands moved faster. The next batch of patients came over. In the operating room of the hospital, a large number of outstanding doctors in the city were directly transported.

At this time, the operating room door opened, and the patient on bed No. 9 was covered with white cloth and pushed out. A new patient was brought in. He had been treated for burns first, but needed emergency surgery.

At this time, CBV had already started a large-scale crime program. A large number of criminal investigation experts and people from the public gathered together to start deliberating and discussing the bombing case.

Most people believe that the perpetrator of this case is most likely a criminal with an antisocial personality. He has even been in prison in the past and has a grudge against everything in the city, which is why he carried out such a large-scale explosion. case.

Congress has been negligent. After all, Congress has been claiming that threatening substances may be used by criminals to create cases, so it talks about the necessity of controlling hazardous substances all the time. When many companies or individuals need to use some dangerous substances, The review required is very strict and the process is cumbersome. Some corruption problems even arise from the review of dangerous goods. Some people who have the function of reviewing dangerous goods have let their guard down on this point.

The team on the show received the results of the congressional investigation and announced that they belong to a new type of chemical single crystal compound. The composition is currently unknown. These substances are not within the control of Congress, and it is not even known where these substances come from.

It’s just that no one is willing to believe this statement, because now the logic of most people in the city has begun to be clearly displayed, because Congress has repeatedly declared the necessity of controlling dangerous substances and the benefits of controlling dangerous substances. , resulting in many people who want to do certain businesses unable to obtain the corresponding qualification certificates. But now that the problem has arisen, Congress is still shirking its responsibility.

More and more voices of dissatisfaction began to point to Congress's problems in investigating large-scale crimes and handling dangerous objects, which led to this tragedy. However, no one among the administrators noticed the perpetrators. trend.

"Can they really do it?"

Mo Xiaolan quietly stared at some video recordings in front of him. On the 26 light and shadow screens, the video footage of a few hours before the explosion was continuously played, covering every corner. But when the prisoner finally appeared, it was the explosion. In the first few minutes, someone who placed the explosives should have arrived early, but under today's human capture and surveillance system, once the prisoner is captured and photographed, the nearby management office will receive information.

This information was indeed received a few minutes before the explosion, and administrators rushed over, but the explosion occurred in just a few minutes.

"Where were they hiding before and where did they go?"

Mo Xiaolan looked at everything. In the next room, people from Section 2 were still interrogating the arrested persons, but most of them had already confessed.

"Is it really okay to monitor the network?"

This is Mo Xiaolan's third question. People from Section 10 are already investigating the surveillance network. The control has always been on the network terminal at the bottom of the Academy of God, and there is no sign of intrusion or modification.

The AIs were working normally, but Mo Xiaolan still did not rule out this possibility. However, on such a busy street, the explosion happened so hastily, and some witnesses may have died in the explosion, so he wanted a thorough investigation. It was so difficult and everything was done so perfectly.

12 o'clock is the peak flow of people on the streets during the Chinese New Year every year, and the guys who sent the bombs obviously didn't know it. They were criminals and were wanted, but relying on some black market networks in the past, they were very good. Hiding in the city, he was asked to help deliver goods.

The most useful clue should be the case that happened this morning in which the low-level management officers were killed by a group of gang members. According to the confessions of the captured gang members, after they killed the management officer and 6 other administrators, the man named The men from Prometheus went and promised to provide them with shelter as long as they helped deliver the goods.

The physical characteristics of Prometheus have been known, and someone has been asked to draw a picture, but no one matching these physical characteristics can be found in the city.

"Isn't it possible?"

Mo Xiaolan suddenly remembered the 10 mutants whose heads blew up and died during the crime investigation last year. Although there was no evidence, they should be connected to the Hillman family.

"The Hillmans!"

Mo Xiaolan's face was solemn, but for a while, the rationality in her head made her conjecture come to naught before seeing the evidence. And the most important thing is that the Hillman family should not dare to do this, because they have now Being targeted.

"How's the situation? Have you thought of anything?"

C opened the door and walked in. Mo Xiaolan shook his head.

"I can't find anything. That's the most terrible thing. Maybe this incident is related to a certain extent to the riot in the prison. Is there really no problem with the network?"

Mo Xiaolan asked again, and C shook his head.

"Everything that needs to be checked has been checked. Do you want to go over and check on that girl?"

Mo Xiaolan was startled, and then she patted her forehead, thinking of Alpha and her current situation. He was about to get up but she sat down instead and shook her head.

"I can't go there now. I have to wait for her to calm down. She would be even more sad if she saw me now."

C looked at Mo Xiaolan with confusion. She shrugged her head and smiled bitterly.

"I have advised Alpha before. Before a large-scale crime investigation, I feel that such a big move is not a good thing for the entire society, which is currently relatively moderate. Crime may depend on it to some extent. It’s better to deal with it at certain points in time, just like playing cards. You throw out a lot of good cards at the beginning and you win the situation for a while, but what if you don’t have good cards in your hand later!”

C chuckled and nodded.

"It's just that if my words reach Alpha's ears, she will probably laugh at me because of her personality, because if crimes are dealt with later, there will be many more victims. Alpha knows this because , that’s why they acted so quickly and did not hesitate to carry out criminal investigations under pressure. Those bastards in society now, things have not happened to them. They can’t imagine what happened to the victims after being violated by crimes. Such!"

Mo Xiaolan said, C put away his smile and nodded.

"It is true that we have been dealing with some vicious crimes over the years. Most of the victims may be better off dead. It will be difficult for them to get out of the shadows for the rest of their lives."

"It would be great if this didn't happen. Everything should have been perfect, but maybe perfection doesn't exist in this world. Even in this case, if there is no perpetrator in the follow-up, we can basically focus on something. ”

C looked at Mo Xiaolan suspiciously.

"This is just my temporary conjecture. As long as it is a man-made crime, there will definitely be clues left. If there are really no clues, there are only two possibilities, especially now that the criminal investigation methods of crime investigation are so mature. Either the criminal has no purpose and is just a lunatic, but it is impossible for such a person to commit such a sophisticated crime, or the planner is not a human being!"

C sat next to Mo Xiaolan and lit a cigarette.

"What do you mean by not being a human being!"

"Double meaning, it is really not a human being, or in other words, it can no longer be called a human being in terms of ideology and personality!"

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