Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1582 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 36 (medium)

8 o'clock in the morning

A farm escort vehicle stopped under a food exchange. Peristan jumped out of the vehicle, followed by Tamai and Hydera beside him.

The three planned to meet up for a few days to have a good time. They were all released on parole. In addition, Peristan's comic "Special War Zero" was selling well. In a short period of time, the problems caused by Peristan and Tamai The economic losses caused have been made up.

It's just that Hydera is a little helpless. He once applied for a commutation of his sentence, but it was not approved.

Because the Hydera shooting case has been regarded by the city as a criterion for the administrator's code of conduct, this case has been very controversial over the years, but specifically because Hydera was imprisoned for 30 years, the controversial points are basically It is the inevitability and contingency of law enforcement when the administrator holds a gun.

"It's okay, we are just like you, I'm afraid we won't be able to go out for a short time."

Tamai said with a smile, and the corners of Hydera's mouth curled up slightly. He had begun to adapt to the life in the prison, and he had learned a lot of chemical knowledge and helped a lot with some work in the prison.

The only way for Hydera to reduce his sentence now is to confess to criminal transactions, but he does not have any crime in hand that he can confess to.

Hydera followed the two of them into the food exchange. He quietly glanced at the farm behind him. Although his face was bitter, his eyes were still full of hope. He knew very well that he could not get a reduced sentence now because of the law. Before any modifications were made, his case was regarded as a classic case again, and many people were staring at him.

"Are you Mr. Hydera?"

The moment they first entered the town, a large number of reporters quickly came around. Hydera raised her hands in fear, trying to cover up.


Pristine dragged Hydra and wanted to leave. For a moment, many people in the town reacted. In an instant, pairs of eyes looked over. Along with bursts of harsh discussions, Hydra's face showed Fear like never before.

The reporters kept asking some questions, and the word murderer rang out around them, as well as the hostile eyes. Hydera stared at everything around him. For a while, he couldn't hear anything and couldn't see anything. When he was gone, his breathing was short and his mind went blank.

After a while, Peristan was panting, carrying Hydra, who was almost unconscious, with wide-eyed pupils, and Tamai looked angrily at the reporters who were blocked by local administrators.

"Who the hell told the media about Hydra's parole leave."

Tamai cursed angrily, and Peristan put Hydra down and patted his cheek. Hydra cried uncontrollably and covered his head.

"I'm not a murderer, I'm not"

Peristan hummed, slapped Hydra's cheeks hard with both hands, and looked at him seriously.

"I know you're not, that's it. Although many people don't believe you, I believe in you Hydera. Cheer up. There's still a long way to go. If you just give up, the light will never come. Trust me. !As I believe you do.”

For a moment, Hydera covered her mouth and became even more uncomfortable. Tamai smiled and nodded.

"I believe you too, Hydra."

But soon a prison car drove over, and several people from Section 11 got out. One of the administrators looked at Hydera helplessly.

"Let's go back today."

Hydra nodded, and soon he was put into the prison car and escorted back. Hydra grabbed some money in his hand, his eyes were red and wiping tears. He felt more and more that his life was frozen. The New Year's Eve, my first day at work when I was 20 years old, was completely frozen in time.

Watching the prison car leaving, Perestan looked angrily at some people on the street who didn't know the truth at all, and they were still talking about letting that kind of murderer out.

Perestan once listened to Hydra's account of what happened that night. He didn't know anything at the time, except that he seemed to be dying and was beaten so hard that he couldn't get up, so he fired, and then fired the second shot. The second shot, he was very scared at the time, but he was sure that there was no anger in his heart, but no one believed him.

"I have to do something for Hydra!"

Peristan said, Tamai smiled and nodded.

"We have no power now and can't do anything, but one day, I have to do something for him."

The two of them walked quickly to the back streets and did not go to the main street.

8:19 am

Alpha opened her eyes and looked at her younger sister Niya, half of her head emerging from the quilt, still sleeping on her chest. She smiled and gently pushed Niya aside.

"You're heavy, Nya."

Niya yawned, rolled over, stretched, stood up and ran to the window with a smile, and pulled open the curtains.

"Sister, I want to go out to play today, can you take me there?"

Alpha climbed up from the bed and pressed his aching forehead. He hadn't slept so peacefully for a long time. He drank a lot last night. As soon as he fell asleep, he found Niya quietly running into his bedroom. Got into the quilt.

"Then you have to ask mom first."

Niya immediately came over with a smile.

"Sister, let's go out quietly. I want to go to Fat Uncle's place. The food he makes is the most delicious!"

Alpha sighed, indeed he had to go to the General Affairs Department of the school today to talk to Locke about something.

"Why do you know?"

Niya smiled mysteriously.

"Last night's call!"

Niya pointed at the phone as she spoke, and Alpha realized why his phone was still being answered. When he saw that he hadn't hung up, he shouted helplessly. After a while, Locke's voice came from the phone.

"Alfa, we'll talk about it later. I have a headache."

After a while, Alpha carried Niya, who had already put on thick cotton clothes.

"I can only go for a while. Niya, you have to promise your sister not to be naughty. Do you understand?"

Niya sniffed and hummed.

Alpha first went to his mother's room to check. His mother and father were still sleeping soundly. Last night's party lasted until about 3 o'clock in the morning. Then Alpha went out with Niya on his back.

After leaving the mansion, Alpha glanced at the Ablon family opposite. Some servants were still packing things in the courtyard. Alpha looked at a white car parked in the mansion with some confusion, knowing that it was Fleur. Ya is back.

"Sister, hurry up and leave!"

Niya was shaken by Alpha's back. Alpha turned around and ran quickly. There were many vehicles parked on the First Avenue. Occasionally, there were cars passing by. Alpha stopped when he passed by the door of Mo Xiaolan's house. .

"Forget it, I won't go look for her today."

At 8:23 in the morning, Alpha jumped to a window on the seventh floor of the General Affairs Department with Niya on his back, directly used telekinesis to open the window, and jumped in.

"Fat brother, are you feeling better?"

Looking at Locke lying on the bed, he got up with a livid face.

"Uncle Fat."

Niya ran over affectionately, and Locke touched Niya's head.

"Niya, please lower your voice and be quiet. I have a headache."

After Alpha helped Locke make a cup of tea, Niya started playing in the office by herself.

"Tell me what's going on."

Locke asked after taking a sip of tea.

"It's about the amendment of the law."

Locke sighed for a moment.

"It's very difficult. It has been rejected many times in the discussions of the national committee. Besides, this kind of harm-first law has pros and cons. It can indeed make managers more effective when crimes occur. We have to stop criminals, but I think if something like Hydera happened, we would..."

"As long as you are mentally sane, you will not shoot ordinary people at will. We must standardize a strict system that managers can do when criminals occur. Therefore, combat courses are necessary, and every month The physical fitness assessment of the managers in the area is also necessary. When a crime is encountered, weapons can be used when necessary based on the judgment on the scene, but most of the time, they can be directly subdued with force."

Locke pressed his forehead.

"It's difficult, Alpha. This matter is really difficult to handle. The Lawyers Association has already caught you for non-compliance with the standards when you conducted criminal investigations last year. This year's proceedings at the Law Hall will be extremely difficult."

Alpha nodded. After the festival, there will be an internal meeting of the Congress. They will summarize all aspects of the past year and improve and modify some unreasonable systems or laws.

"Locke knew what Alpha wanted to do."

"Hydera Act! I want to name it after that incident. When any manager encounters a crime, he can effectively fight back depending on his own situation, and even focus on subduing some vicious people who do not listen to advice. , supplemented by gun deterrents, Gil and I also thought about how to enable managers to distinguish the situation in such chaotic situations. The only way is to develop some subduing methods such as electric shocks, and to let managers The offenders can effectively carry out marksmanship training, and can effectively avoid vital points when shooting, causing the criminals to temporarily lose their mobility, including training in actual combat skills."

Locke sighed, and at this moment he smelled the smell of wine. When the two of them realized it, Niya had already fallen to the ground holding a bottle of wine.

"It seems that the situation is not good. A child at such a young age may be suffering from alcohol poisoning."

As Alpha spoke, Locke's eyes widened.

"This is wine that has been stored in the Li family's winery for 20 years."

Looking at the wine spilled on the floor, Locke looked at it with some regret. Alpha smiled awkwardly and carried Niya, who was completely unconscious but with her eyes still open, on her back.

"I will take her to the hospital. We will continue to discuss this issue later. I want to call Heathcote and King Xue."

Locke sighed and called up a light and shadow panel. During the large-scale crime investigation last year, 191 administrators died.

No one cares about these numbers. What most people care about is what the hats on the heads of these powerful managers can do.

At this time, there was a knock on the door and two silver bell-like laughter. Before Locke could open the door, the door to the room was opened.

"Wanrou, you are here."

Locke smiled awkwardly, Yu Wanrou nodded with a smile, and Ke Ying next to her looked at Locke with a smile.

"Fat brother, you're drinking so early in the morning."

Locke could only explain, but Keying sighed.

"The president is too stubborn. Things can only be done step by step. By the way, Fat Brother, you have to give us the information. We are here to get all the information from last month."

Locke sighed, and Yu Wanrou obediently came over and pressed Locke's shoulders.

"Thank you Wanrou."

Because Huite left school, Yu Wanrou, who originally belonged to subject 10, could only work as a secretary in subject 6 to assist Keying in her work.

"Someone, I think it's really a bit too much."

At this time, Keying said something coldly, and Yu Wanrou immediately glared at Keying angrily. Locke looked at the two of them with some confusion.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, the temperature had risen a lot, and it was located in an uninhabited area near the western edge of the ground floor.

Along with a burst of screams, a local management officer's eyes widened in pain.

"Say something nice."

"Damn, I gave you so much money, but you are so heartless. Now it's okay. We have become wanted criminals, and there is nothing more to say."


With the sound of a gunshot, the leader shot the administrator in the head. Several administrators nearby looked on in horror.

"Killing one is still killing, killing several is the same thing."

After a while, there were seven more corpses on the ground. The leader gasped and looked at the management vehicle parked aside. He swallowed. The more than 20 people under his command were also scared at this time. This was a serious crime. The leader contacted this person early this morning. The management officer hoped to use money to buy a way out, and the management officer agreed. However, when he came over, he asked for a temporary increase in fares, and the boss immediately became furious.

"What should I do now, boss?"

"What else can we do? Either way, we will die. If we go back to pack our things, we can only go to the barrier area through the ravine."

The leader felt a little regretful at this time. The maximum sentence for the crime they committed was 15 years. Because they injured the administrator who came to investigate and escaped during the investigation, the sentence was only increased to 15 years. As long as they surrender, they will explain everything. Clearly, the sentence may be reduced by one or two years, but now it is certain that you will not be able to get out for the rest of your life.

Just as the leader was hesitating, a man in black appeared among the group of people. In an instant, everyone looked at the man in black with hope.

"Mr. Prometheus, you came at the right time, what should we do?"

The man in front of him laughed, holding a suitcase and placing it in front of a group of people.

"Do as I say. As long as you do a good job, I can provide you with shelter. Although you have to live underground for a long time, you can save your life."

The leader nodded. They believed in the man who gave them funds to open casinos and loan sharks. He called himself Prometheus.

The leader took the fluttering suitcase.

"What's in here?"

"Don't worry, you just need to put the things in the designated place. There are just some medicines here. As long as you help deliver them to the designated place, I will help you cover everything up. Leave it to me."

The leader was still a little worried. He opened the suitcase and saw some white crystals. He smiled and nodded, closed it and swallowed.


"Of course, these goods must be delivered to the traders within today. You should hurry up. When everything is done and you come back here, I will take you away."

The leader said and took the note from Hydera. The box of goods they were transporting was going to a factory 8 kilometers away from their area, and the location was clearly stated.

"Hurry up, you still have some time."

Then Prometheus pointed to the body on the ground, holding a black metal object and placing it in the management vehicle.

After a while, the leader selected some and put them on the uniforms of the administrators, then drove off.

In a large supermarket, a sneaky man carried a suitcase and put it down in the garbage bin in the food area on the second floor of the supermarket. After looking around, he pulled up his hood and casually After grabbing some things, I turned around and went downstairs to queue up and wait for the check.

Just 11:51

The man looked at the long queue, a little panicked. He looked at the surveillance camera above from time to time, trying to hide himself as much as possible.

Time passed by, and the leader who had just killed the administrator easily entered a factory as a management officer. He soon arrived at the factory owner's office and put down the suitcase in his hand.

"Sir, what exactly is going on?"

The leader smiled doubtfully.

"I'll leave the things here. I'm leaving first."

The leader said and turned around quickly to leave, but the boss looked at the manager with confusion.

"What exactly is it?"

The leader was also a little scared.

"I'm just helping people deliver things to you."

After saying that, the leader went out. The boss became even more confused and walked over to pick up the suitcase.

"My lord, your trunk."

The leader ran quickly with some irritability. The boss opened the box in confusion, and a pungent smell came out. There were packages of white crystal objects neatly placed in the box. The boss looked through them casually and found out I didn’t know what they were, but I saw some white and transparent tubes, and some liquid inside was turning red.

"What's this."


Accompanied by a loud noise, a ball of steaming flames instantly emerged from the box. The boss was instantly torn apart in the intense heat and was directly blown to ashes by the explosion.

The leader's eyes widened.


After roaring unwillingly, the leader was swallowed up by the flames that swept behind him.

The factory was instantly ignited by the flames of the explosion, and along with the explosion, a violent explosion also occurred in a supermarket on the ground floor.

Violent explosive flames appeared in the lower and middle floors of the city, and for a moment the whole city seemed to be on fire.

12 o'clock sharp

Eddie stood quietly on the top floor of the family mansion, overlooking the flames steaming across the south and west, showing a knowing smile. X next to him looked at Eddie solemnly.

"You would actually choose this method."

"There's nothing we can do about it. After all, our family will be able to get some things back soon. There will be no errors in Prometheus' calculation results. No matter how they check, nothing will be found in the end."

X nodded with cold eyes.

"It's really cruel. It is estimated that tens of thousands of people have been involved now."

Eddie shook his head, took a sip from the wine glass, and then laughed.

"Many people may think of the criminal investigations conducted by the managers throughout last year, and a large number of criminals came to the barrier area, so most people's thoughts are only about the revenge of those criminals."

"That's why you took action at this point in time to find those wanted criminals."

Eddie nodded.

"This is a very safe method. After all, the other solutions provided by Prometheus are too complicated and require a lot of time. This method is the safest. A total of 26 places were blasted. We can deal with some of the busybodies who are sneaking around our family and want a piece of the cake!"

X is still a little worried. After all, once such a thing is investigated, the consequences will be disastrous.

"The most important thing is that this single crystal explosive is a new type of substance, and they cannot trace the source."

X nodded, he felt a little fear, because Eddie was no longer controlled, and Prometheus, who was implanted with Eddie, is now amazing. If Si can contact other AIs in the city, X wants to leave Eddie and continue to lurk underground for research.

Nowadays, the Hillman family is becoming more and more dangerous. Many crimes in the past were planned by Prometheus, making the Hillman family invincible. Eddie is very confident in dealing with many things within the family. Leave it to Prometheus.

This AI is consciously evolving, evolving in the direction of crime. Eddie has become more and more addicted to the plan provided by Prometheus. In the past, he might have been hesitant. After all, such a large-scale explosion would He knew how many people had died, but now he didn't care about these things at all. Eddie's ideas had begun to run counter to his own.

He continues to provide Eddie with brain-control chip technology. Currently, most people in the family have begun to be controlled by Prometheus and have completely become puppets of evil, and most people are not aware of it at all.

X realized something, some kind of will. He knew very well that humans were necessary for the ideal virtual country he wanted to build, but now X felt the malice of AI and wanted to destroy humans.

The most critical point is that Eddie has now let Prometheus control the collars on the prisoners' necks in the prison. This is the most dangerous thing.

Most of the programs on the channels have been stopped. A large number of reporters and media began to rush around, and helicopters continued to approach the scene of the incident.

Eddie turned off the screen directly, drank the wine in the glass, looked at X with a ferocious smile.

"Mr. X, please help our family as always, so that we can reach the end of our respective answers together."

X nodded and felt a chill. Edie in front of him was no longer like a person, but a monster with a monster, full of sin and desire, obviously there was no enemy, but in Eddie's self -awareness, everything was blocked in Greece. Everything in front of the Mann family is an enemy.

"No matter who it is? No matter what his purpose is, no matter what he wants to do? We will definitely catch you!"

On the Congress News Network, an extremely angry Locke was delivering a televised speech.

On a middle-level street where the fire was extinguished but a large number of buildings were affected, a helicopter fell down.

Noah handed Alpha a mask. Alpha looked at everything in front of her in a daze, her eyes slightly red, and her whole body filled with murderous intent. Noah pushed her shoulder.

"Don't get excited, you will find it."

Alpha still held the cigarette motionless, and Noah swallowed.

"Wake up Alpha!"

Alpha trembled slightly and lit a cigarette. The tragedy outside was beyond everyone's imagination. People were crying and calling for help everywhere on the street.

"Is it my fault?"

"No, it's the fault of the guy who planned all this! What we have to do now is to find him out and rescue the injured first."

Noah hugged the trembling Alpha and couldn't say anything to her. 26 prosperous areas of the city were attacked without any warning, and exploded at the same time at 12 o'clock.

Surveillance has been called and the person who was suspected of holding explosives was found. They placed the explosives at the designated location, and then the explosives exploded shortly after. Even the people who placed the explosives were killed, and Without exception, these people are wanted criminals.

Helicopters kept coming down, and ambulances from nearby hospitals also came over. Noah had already started to lead some people from Department 10 to use some vacuum equipment to clean up the toxic substances in the air. Alpha sat down In the lift, my whole body was cold.

A sense of powerlessness filled Alpha's body. She didn't know what to do, or how to do it. The moment the tragedy happened, she called Noah and issued a large number of action orders.

It is roughly estimated that at least 20,000 people were directly affected by the explosion. The shock wave, flames and toxic substances produced in the aftermath of the explosion affected even more people.

The rescue was still going on, and Alpha felt that the surroundings were dark, and the large-scale crime investigation last year kept appearing in his mind.

"Justice has a price!"

The words that Gene had warned Alpha emerged. Alpha was trembling, and the corners of his mouth were twitching. There was still chaos outside.

At this time, a touch of light blue particles floated in, and Alpha's eyes widened.


Alpha's eyes widened.

"Whit, how could you."

A pair of hands quickly hugged Alpha, and Alpha's eyes widened instantly.

"I came here because I was worried about you, Alpha. It's not your fault. You just need to understand this. Don't shrink back. If you shrink back, what will happen to the others?"

Alpha looked at Whit blankly, she got up and dragged Alpha out.

"You have to look at all this directly. Alpha, follow me."

Whit said and ran over quickly, relying on telekinesis to quickly clean up the ruins.

"There may be survivors, Alpha, move quickly."

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