Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1581 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 36 (Part 1)

4 a.m.

Trucks carrying urban garbage formed a long queue and passed the southern military camp. Soldiers standing at the door were inspecting the trucks under the leadership of an official.

In recent years, a large number of criminals have escaped from the barrier area by hiding in garbage trucks.

At this time, a truck slowly stopped at the checkpoint. Several soldiers were holding infrared thermometers. Just as they were about to measure, the official stopped them. Then he walked directly to the truck driver. The truck driver threw A package of things was given to him. He weighed it in his hand, opened it, glanced at it casually, and nodded.

The truck passed the checkpoint smoothly. The official called a few soldiers on duty, took out some money from his pocket and gave it to them. The soldiers nodded happily and stood aside, continuing to inspect the passing garbage. Transporter.

In just one hour, there was a large backpack behind the official, filled with banknotes, and the dozens of soldiers accompanying him all smiled with satisfaction.

It was just after 5 o'clock in the morning. On a hill in the south of the barrier area, more than 10 garbage trucks were lined up. A large number of criminals got off the trucks and began to carry some materials in the garbage. Far away from them was an abandoned wartime city, which was where these criminals planned to go.

Most people plan to live outside for a few years and then blend into the city after the limelight in the city has passed.

Many people are unwilling to go to jail, and a sentence of several decades is unimaginable for many people.

In addition, there are more and more loud voices in the city demanding the death penalty for criminals. Nowadays, human life span has been extended, and most people do not want to die. If Congress really introduces the death penalty, it will be very difficult for many criminals. Say, they are all fatal.

The vast barrier area has now become a paradise for criminals. Although the large number of buildings left by humans in the past are dilapidated, it is possible to live relying on these buildings, as long as you still have money in your hand, or If you are more ruthless than others, you can live here.

At this time, criminals from different forces began to gather in twos and threes, already holding weapons in their hands. Everyone was cleaning up their houses quietly, with almost no sound. No one believed anyone, and they were all wary of each other.

Soon hundreds of people began to go their separate ways. The most were a group of ten people, and the least was two or three people. Carrying a large amount of supplies, they began to head towards a large area of ​​abandoned vehicles. A team of 5 people was very lucky. They found a car that could still move, but it just needed repairs, and a few people started working on it.


Several people who were repairing the car were startled when a trace of fire appeared in the distance. They sped up in fear and wanted to escape from here as soon as possible.

At this time, less than 1 kilometer away from the abandoned vehicle dump site, a group of more than 10 people was surrounded. On the opposite side were nearly 30 people and two RPGs. They were wearing thick clothes, veiled, and had a look in their eyes. with an excited smile.

"Keep the things, otherwise don't blame us for being rude."

"How could you do this? You took our things and we will starve to death."

The leader laughed.

"What does your life and death have to do with us?"

In the end, more than a dozen people obediently handed over the supplies and turned around to walk away. However, the leader was completely angry at this time. He immediately gave a signal with his eyes, and several of his subordinates also understood. Seeing a group of people carrying supplies, they began to Spread out in all directions.

Soon, a gun battle began with the sound of gunfire.

The side with the mutants quickly won the victory. Looking at the more than 20 corpses on the ground and the captured robbers, the leader laughed.

"If you have to spare others, spare them."

Bang bang

Gunshots rang out, accompanied by bursts of screams. The captured robbers' knees were all smashed by the gun without exception. The leader carried the gun and shouted to everyone to start cleaning up. After a while, a bunch of people were still howling. The robbers whimpered in pain, but soon the wind and sand drowned out their voices.

As last year's criminal investigation unfolded, more and more criminals fled to the barrier area. The military conducted several clearance operations, but the effect was not obvious. The harsh environment and complex terrain of the barrier area made these crimes more difficult. Provided effective shelter.

Many of the military's clearance operations have failed, and there have been casualties. At this time, on the southern military camp wall, Osman quietly looked at the fire that had just extinguished in the distance. He looked back at the training ground below. Soldiers undergoing training.

Many people seemed to have no energy at all. Osman sighed helplessly and scratched his head. Last year, several military operations failed, resulting in more than 200 deaths. Nowadays, there are more and more voices of dissatisfaction in the army. .

The problem of the barrier area must not be left unchecked. Criminals left the city in every possible way, and finally penetrated into the city from the northwest. After changing their identities through the black market, they stepped into the sunshine again.

When prisons are overcrowded, most criminals can only be accommodated in management centers in the area, where they perform street cleaning or garbage disposal work every day under the supervision of administrators.

"What's wrong? It's hard to see you showing such a look."

A soft voice sounded, and Osman turned his head and looked at Zijuan holding a big bag with a large amount of money in it.

"About 200 more criminals left the city early this morning, with the help of military officials."

Osman sighed. Corruption in the army is also a serious problem. Many raw materials for weapons manufacturing flow out of the army, and this is understandable. At present, the army of nearly 30,000 people can only exercise every day. As well as learning some tactical courses that many people don’t know when they will be able to use.

The only role of the army at present is to attack directly after the farm is short of manpower or there is a large-scale riot in the city. Other than that, the army has nothing major to do.

Osman looked worriedly at some soldiers who had finished their daily training. For them, training was just a daily job. Many of them completed it with a coping attitude. Most of them would return to their dormitories after the training. Inside, several people gathered and started playing cards and chatting.

"Let's try harder and apply for the next campaign to eliminate criminals in the barrier zone."

Zijuan said, Osman shook his head.

"To be honest, I don't have much confidence. Maybe I'm really not suitable to be the leader."

Zijuan squinted at the military camp below. There must have been a commotion in the military camp now. Someone reported what happened this morning. Zijuan quickly came to deal with it, confiscated the stolen money, and arrested more than 50 people.

"This environment has been formed. Although it is somewhat difficult, we have to find a way. Changing the status quo can never be achieved by relying on one or two slogans. We also need to be able to assess the situation. Osman, your way of doing things is too straightforward. After a while, the current army is basically a mess because there is no leader to dominate everything."

Osman looked at Zijuan in surprise.

"Do you understand what I mean, Osman? The reason why the leader is called the leader is because everyone can see it. Let's just take it step by step. Let's start with daily training."

Osman's heart was filled with excitement, but then he quickly sighed. From the several criminal collection operations in the barrier area last year, it can be seen that the military's combat capabilities are really poor, whether it is coordination or during the battle. The mobility and execution of orders are too low.

"In order to prevent criminals from bribing people in the army to leave openly, I have asked Noah and the others to build a large measuring instrument. In the future, manual testing will no longer be needed."

"Sorry Zijuan, there is only one thing I can do, find a way out, because there is no way out. These people who have devoted their youth to the military camp know that when they leave here, they will have nothing. There will be leftovers.”

Zijuan sighed helplessly and walked to Osman's side.

"You think too much. You always think about others, but have you ever thought about what they need? When you were in school, everyone thought you were a warm-hearted person, but after that, many people thought you were a warm-hearted person. It’s not a good thing to think too much about others. Don’t put too much psychological burden on it. It’s not anyone’s fault, and no one can fix it in one step.”

Osman hummed. Today's army seems to be worthless. It would be a pity to eliminate it, but if it is not eliminated, huge financial resources will be spent every year to support it.

There are already many voices in Congress that want to reduce military expenditures. They feel that the military only needs to stay on guard at the food base in the east. Other places can be left to local administrators. There is no need to invest such a large amount of funds in four places every year.

In the past, the role of the military was to guard prisoners working in agricultural bases. Now that prisoners wear collars, the role of the military has been further weakened.

Ottoman has tried various methods to find a way out for the current army, but many attempts in the past few years have failed without exception.

Because there is absolutely nothing that can mobilize the enthusiasm within the army, the army can only wait and wait until any major problems occur in the city to attack.

After the large-scale crime investigation in the city ended last year, many people's lives have become richer, and society has become more and more stable.

"If you really can't find a way, should you ask the principal?"

Zijuan said and Osman nodded.

"I have to have a good talk with the principal about the future of the army."

5:31 am

In a cell in the prison, the alarm rang. Soon some members of Section 11 ran out from the management room and opened the cell door. A heavy-duty prisoner was trembling, his whole body twitching, and his mouth was white. Mo's was taken away.

For a while, many prisoners woke up and looked through the small windows on the door. At this time, several prisoners in a cell looked solemn. Recently, many unexplained illnesses have occurred. The prison may have an explanation. It was caused by an unknown infectious disease, and the cells were cleaned of germs in a pretentious manner.

Nowadays, the situation of the prison has indeed improved. There are many more entertainment and sports facilities in the exercise yard, and there are also some more indoor entertainment facilities. Many prisoners can move freely when they don’t have to go out to work. But recently, many prisoners They were all discussing that there was something wrong with what they were eating.

This is the first time that several serious prisoners with such symptoms have been taken away. Some prisoners have protested, but the prison authorities claim that the food is absolutely fine.

A few minutes later, a lift landed silently on the prison wall. Clark came out with a large number of trustees, holding many instruments. Marcus and Fry got off the lift. , the two of them looked a little solemn.

"Is it really okay? Clark, this is already too much."

"That's why I asked you to come over and have a detailed physical examination of the sick people."

Soon a group of people came to a medical room, and Latis was already up and waiting.

"How's the situation?"

Latis shook his head.

"My physical condition is not very good, and my vital signs are quite stable."

Soon Marcus and Frye walked in and began to conduct on-the-spot testing of the patient's physical condition.

"The immune system has begun to be destroyed, and tumors have appeared in the body."

Frye said, looking at the patient on the bed with a somewhat indifferent expression. Marcus was testing the patient's blood.

"Clark, what exactly did you feed them for so long?"

Clark took out a food report and quickly uncovered a type of rice labeled GEN1938BA32.

"Different from the past genetically modified food to prevent pest erosion, it is a high-efficiency mature crop that can be harvested three times a year, but it requires a large amount of nutrient solution to maintain the growth of the crop. It is a new type of biological gene proliferation. Technology, but many of the genes in the proliferation part have not yet been analyzed. As for what will happen if people eat it, it is currently only in the early experimental stage."

Frye looked solemn, and Latis sighed.

"End this unsafe experiment."

Clark immediately laughed.

"Terminated? Don't be kidding. This is the hard work of our 12 departments over several years, and it is a breakthrough made with the help of AI2 and AI5. According to our calculations, in the future, if we want to be able to satisfy the needs of the city, it may exceed 25 million people. The food demand is extremely huge. If any of you can solve it, you can come and replace me. Otherwise, just shut up and help us complete the experiment."

Everyone was silent. Latis glanced at the unconscious prisoner. He was once a murderer and had a strong body. After entering the prison, he had begun to reform.

"Don't have any sympathy or doubt about what we are doing. If you hesitate, you will only get half-baked results. Take action on Marcus and Frye."

For a moment, Marcus and Fry looked at Clark blankly.

"It's only a matter of time before he dies. We need to get his clone and continue to observe the changes after eating food."

"Is there no other way?"

Latis asked, Clark turned around and put his hands on Latis' shoulders.

"Method? If there was a way, I wouldn't have to stay underground every day, researching desperately. If there was a way, this person wouldn't be lying in bed now. The output of the food base is now on the decline, because Regarding climate issues, we must increase food production before teachers can fully build the Youmo City Ecosystem. This is what we should do. If anyone can replace us, they can do it at any time, but who can Can it be replaced?"

Latis did not retort, pushed Clark's hand away, turned around and walked away. Frye quietly held the light and shadow scalpel in his hand. He hesitated a little, knowing that he shouldn't do this kind of thing, maybe he would lose it. It should be easier to give to others, but what Fry saw was the intense light in Clark's eyes. He took a deep breath and started to operate.

"Thank you both for your cooperation! Thank you."

Clark bowed seriously. There were already disagreements within Section 12. Clark kicked Natasha and some students who opposed it out of the research plan and asked them to follow Ye Chunwang to conduct farmland land recovery experiments.

"If you don't want to help, just shut up and watch!"

Clark still remembered that he had a big fight with Natasha a few months ago, and the two finally got into a fight. After being stopped by Ye Chunwang, the two parted ways. Natasha took the students who were unwilling to help to carry out land recovery. The work did not involve any genetic food issues. In isolation, Clark could only apply for AI2 genetic engineering and AI5 plant engineering assistance from Section 10, and Gene finally approved it.

Now Clark plans to continue to apply for assistance from the AI6 meat protein project, based on the current cell proliferation technology in the city, to increase the production of meat protein products, so that everyone in the city can eat eggs and milk as much as possible.

It is absolutely impossible to keep up with the expanding population by relying on the original crop cultivation methods. The teachers have clearly told this to their 12th subject during the class in the college.

As well as the current relatively large construction plans in the city in the future, it is impossible without sufficient food supply.

In just over ten minutes, Marcus and Frye completed their work. They began to look at the people who had experienced physical abnormalities in the recent past. The number had exceeded 2,000, but many of them had not yet become ill.

There is currently no medical treatment for this disease, which is caused by long-term use of unknown genetic food. Fry originally wanted to try to study it, but Clark stopped it.

"I won't be able to stop. I feel like I'm a little strange now, Frye."

Marcus said, and Frye nodded. He might have felt uncomfortable when doing these things in the past, but not now. He just completed the task at hand very normally.

"Otherwise, we don't want it"

"Someone has to do things, and someone has to bear everything. If we don't do it, what will happen to that guy Clark's hard work? How many of us in Class 4 do you think are willing to continue doing this kind of thing?"

At this time, Marcus said and took out a tube of potion.

"This is?"

Fry's eyes widened and Marcus smiled.

"Improved genetic injection for animals!"

Frye was a little surprised for a moment, Marcus smiled and put one arm around Frye.

"I know what you've been up to lately, Fry."

Frye felt terrified for a moment.

"I just want to enter a more advanced field of medical treatment. I think using animal genes to complement human genes is inevitable in the future and can even benefit mankind. However, I have never been able to start such research. I’m not as smart as Huashen, nor as persistent as Archimi, but I also have my beliefs, and so do you, Fry, help me! Let’s complete this great research together.”

For a moment, Frye felt a chill rising from his back. He swallowed and looked at Marcus in front of him. He had completely changed, and his whole person looked a little cold.

"Marcus, why don't you go find Teacher Deguna? She can make you forget everything. You don't have to."

Marcus shook his head.

"If you think that I am affected by something, unfortunately I can tell you that it is not, Fry. Indeed, I sometimes dream about the struggling and crying clones in the basement research, and I wake up every time. In the future, the future will only be more cruel. I have already foreseen it, because I always feel that the teachers' actions will cause irreparable consequences in the future, so I think it is necessary for us to prepare in order to deal with those unpredictable events. future, of course I will not interfere with anything you do, we just need to work together on this incident, Frye!"

Frye looked at Marcus quietly. He turned and walked towards the patient on the hospital bed. He didn't have much time left. After Marcus walked over, he directly injected a tube of animal genes in his hand into the man's body. Frye looked at Marcus in front of him blankly, as if he was possessed by something, with evil eyes and a cold and strange smile on his face.

"Fry, everything we do, or our current behavior, can no longer be called human beings, or we could not be called human beings a long time ago, but you need to be clear about one thing, what are we doing for? There is no need to find any reasons or excuses for doing these things, we are not suitable to live under the sun, Frye!"

Marcus said and put a hand on Frye's shoulder. Frye lowered his head and didn't know what to say for a moment. He went to see the clone Lolita in the early hours of last night. Her body had begun to deteriorate. Deterioration will soon lead to death. In the past few years, Frye has relied on some genetic supplements developed by himself to maintain the life of clone Lolita, but now this maintenance has reached its limit. Frye I know exactly what to do next, but I can’t do it alone.

"You have to help me today, Marcus."

"It seems that you are finally willing, Fry, that's good. We just need to bear this matter ourselves."

Marcus smiled and raised his head, and then took out a tube of potion from his pocket. Fry's eyes widened in an instant, looking at the particles of the colors floating in the transparent potion.

"You guy."

"What is the key to the future? Only genes, Fry, don't you think? Don't you want to know what it is like to be teachers of gods? We can also become gods in the future! This is just the first chapter Just one step Fry.”

Frye looked at Marcus in disbelief. He knew very well what was in the liquid in this tube, the genes of gods, because today's lifespan vaccines are mixed with the genes of seven gods in order to be well blended. Balanced vaccine, but these genes are not so much genes as high-efficiency active growth products.

"Go on, Fry. Finish today's work and take me there. We still need some time to prepare."

Frye nodded, and the two of them continued to look at the recent information of the prisoners. At this time, the patient on the table suddenly opened his eyes, and some fine black hairs appeared on his skin. Marcus stared in surprise. With his eyes wide open, he killed the patient in an instant, and then quickly put it into a body bag.

Fry looked at what Marcus was doing and then at his hands.

"What the hell am I doing!"

The sun's rays began to sweep across the entire city, and the city began to heat up. People were everywhere on the streets and alleys. Many people went straight to some nearby supermarkets and queued up to buy everything they needed for this year's New Year.

A car slowly stopped on a street. Accompanied by a burst of thundering cheers, a large number of people began to commotion and gathered around the car. A woman dressed in simple clothes and looked very sweet , entered the supermarket under the escort of a large number of supermarket security guards.


Someone shouted, and for a moment the woman smiled and nodded, raising her hands to greet the many enthusiastic fans around her.

The woman's real name is Stella, and she is the heroine of the tokusatsu TV series "Tokusatsu Zero" that was broadcast in August last year.

This tokusatsu drama looks very funny. The male protagonist Zero is a little guy with only one zeal. He always relies on his zeal to deal with some criminals, and every time he ends up being injured and hospitalized. It is a funny film. It was a low-cost special photo film that was full of flavour, but it set off a trend in the city.

The heroine Tracy is a news reporter. She met Zero in a certain case and was moved by Zero's belief. After that, she and Zero ran around the city and fought against some criminals.

Today, most of the movie fans came to this supermarket to meet Stella and get her autograph. For promotion, the supermarket invited Stella to the supermarket to do some activities.

Soon Stella entered the supermarket's workroom first. She sighed helplessly, and the agent next to her said with a smile.

"Stella, it seems that your popularity is very high now. The next step is that the investors want to make a movie called "Special Force Zero". We will soon be on the front line."

Stella sighed and lit a cigarette.

"I don't want to play this kind of heroine anymore. Can you find me some more serious TV series?"

The agent became a little embarrassed.

"Ms. Beckinsale's side."

"Just turn it down for me. To be honest, shooting a film with this theme would easily cut off my options. The film is too full of ridicule."

The agent also knows very well that this kind of entertainment film with a strong satirical flavor is indeed not a good thing for Stella's future development.

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