Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1584 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 37 (Part 1)

On a scorching afternoon, as the temperature rises throughout the city, many people can smell the smell of fire smoke.

The matter continued to heat up. Under the leadership of CBV, a large number of media began to report this incident. The eight major associations also continued to speak out, accusing Congress of its mistakes and asking the gods to come forward to arbitrate this matter.

King Xue stood quietly in an alley, holding the phone in his hand, with a gentle smile still on his face, but this smile now seemed a little frozen.

"Things are really ever-changing, aren't they, Mr. Pan Chen! Can you please stop broadcasting such boring programs?"

"Oh, Your Excellency King Xue, at this point in time, the weather vane has begun to turn, and the people also want to hear the true voice, so I think it is better for us to discuss this matter carefully."

King Xue raised his head slightly and took off his square-framed glasses. His smile completely disappeared. The moment the phone was hung up, King Xue crushed the glasses in his hand.

"You rubbish! You need to pay a heavy price, I promise! I won't let you rubbish continue to create rubbish in the future."

Xue Ang put away the phone with a ferocious expression, took off his hat, combed the hair on both sides, and then took out a bottle of water and poured it on his head.

"What are you going to do, President!"

King Xue clenched his fists, and his anger made his whole body tremble uncontrollably.

At this time, outside the alley, Duan Kong silently watched everything in front of him. This was the first time he saw King Xue so angry, as if he had suffered a lot of damage. Duan Kong wanted to walk over, but he stopped. , until he watched King Xue disappear into the alley.

There is a rescue point nearby. Although I don’t know who King Xue just called, Duan Kong can guess it. Throughout last year, King Xue took people from their 1st department to participate in many entertainment industry events. Banquet, and CBV, as the third largest media in the city, almost all the reports last year were directed towards them, but today's sudden move made Duan Kong feel uneasy.

3:51 pm

The rescue work has ended. In an office in the management office of District 33, Alpha is lying quietly on the sofa, pressing his cheek with a hat. It has been nearly an hour, and Whit is still helping Alpha with some work. The things she picked up were just simple tasks. She quickly handed over to Locke, got up and walked over.

"Would you like to take a bath? I'll give you a good massage."

Whit said, Alpha shook his head slightly, Whit smiled and sat next to Alpha, put one hand on Alpha's hard abdominal muscles, and pressed gently.

"At least tell me something, young lady."

The hat fell to the ground. Alpha looked at Whit with red eyes. He had never shed a single tear and was still holding on stubbornly.

"Okay, okay, take a shower and I'll rub your back and knead it, come on!"

Whit looked at Alpha with red eyes. She was only 23 years old, and she was now 30. Whit had thought before she came that if she stood in Alpha's position, she would not be able to make such a decisive decision. large-scale crime investigation.

But Alpha did it, but in terms of methods, he was indeed a little too anxious, but this is understandable. Everyone can understand why Alpha did this.

The crime rate increased from over a thousand cases per year in the past to only 43 cases last year.

"Let's go!"

Whit picked up Alpha and carried her directly to the bathroom nearby. The two of them had just been busy at the rescue scene for a while, and their bodies were still covered in filth. Soon Whitt collected their clothes directly. Get up and start draining water.

In the steaming mist, Alpha sat quietly under the shower. After Whit wiped Alpha's body first, he quickly washed himself and began to massage Alpha.

"Your skin is getting more and more like rubber."

Alpha grinned slightly, but couldn't smile. He was thinking of his sister Nia.

"If you were just like your sister Niya, you wouldn't have to think so much on your own."

Alpha raised his head, and Whit leaned on Alpha's head.

"Xiao Lan has advised me before. She suggested that I divide the criminal investigation into layers, deal with the most dangerous ones first, and then go down layer by layer to sort out everything first. I was a little too anxious."

Whit shook his head.

"I don't know what the principal has instilled in you since childhood. I just think his education method is too rough, because he never educates you as a girl, but treats you as an iron plate to polish. You are getting sharper and sharper, and by the time you are 20 years old, no one in our academy can compare to you, no matter what aspect, do you still remember what happened when Fat Brother was beaten to the ground by you?"

Alpha nodded.

"You are also the only special being who can use the power of the cyan god and the power of the purple god."

Alpha lowered his head and looked at the water droplets and mist that kept sputtering around his feet.

"Just like Mr. Perrestein said, whose fault is it, who should be responsible for things, who should be resented, what exactly was done wrong, and what should be done! I can't find the answer Whit."

Alpha pressed his forehead in distress, and Whit raised the folding window of the bathroom. At this time, a ray of sunlight came in, and the water mist appeared as a faint rainbow in the sunlight.

Isn’t it me who should come to comfort her the most?

Whit raised a finger, light blue particles were floating in the bathroom, and she looked out the window.

What on earth are you doing principal!

The wind was howling continuously, and a large amount of plastic garbage was flying in the wind and sand. Gene quietly looked at the dilapidated town, the criminals kneeling around and begging for mercy. There were many corpses lying on the outside of the town. There was a strong smell of blood in the air.

"Tell me what you know."

Jean sat on some corpses and stared at the criminals around him with cold eyes. Many criminals confessed that some people provided funds to the bottom, used loan sharks to open casinos and illegal body trading shops.

This thing started many years ago, but no one knows who the people behind the scenes are. Those people only come to collect money regularly, once a year.

Gene listened quietly, stood up, took a look, and found that he could no longer ask anything. He turned around and walked away. There was hope on the faces of some criminals.

However, Jean stopped for a moment, and what came to his mind was the current tragic situation in the city.

"Sorry! One day in the future, you may return to the city and continue committing crimes!"

For a moment, many people's eyes widened in horror, and they picked up the weapons that had been put down and prepared to fight back. However, soon as the criminals fell to the ground one after another, Jean broke the neck of the last person and turned around to see He headed towards an obvious tire mark outside the town.

Jean walked slowly over, lit a cigarette, and stood quietly in the dilapidated town. Jean still remembered that he had been here before. After the war, this place served as a transfer station for supplies. It was once full of supplies. After hearing the laughter, I looked back at the dilapidated town again, but now there were nearly 300 criminals. They all committed different crimes, and most of them had long sentences, so they escaped here. .

Jean walked into the wind and sand, and soon his figure was submerged in the darkness.

5 o'clock

Traffic has been restored in many parts of the city, and the streets are full of soldiers carrying guns, checking pedestrians from time to time.

In most crowded places, a large number of people with testing equipment are constantly checking everything nearby.

After choosing what they wanted to buy, many people left the streets and returned home, because for many people, only home is safe now, because the madman who caused this serious accident is still in Congress. No specific explanation was given.

Peristan and Tamai have returned to the food exchange, waiting for the escort van to pick them up. All the prisoners who have been granted parole leave have been recalled.

Reporters were constantly interviewing some criminals nearby. Peristan stared blankly at everything in front of him. Tamai beside him looked solemn. He didn't know what to say. Such a serious accident happened in the city. This was the first time since Tamai. This is the first time I've seen it since I was born.

The explosion occurred in the densely populated south and west. Peristan sighed helplessly.

"The voices are starting to gather again, and that beautiful lady may become a victim this time."

Tamai's eyes widened.

"Mr. Perestan, I actually think that although Alpha Angus's approach is a bit extreme, I have heard some complaints from some of the prisoners who were sent in last year. Many of them have been engaged in criminal activities all year round. , there is a guy who makes money every year by selling some illegal drugs. Although he does not sell it frequently, he always makes a little extra money every year and then stops. He does not think there is anything wrong with what he does, and the reason why he came in It was because of the drugs he sold that a young man was paralyzed. I saw him talking and laughing that day. When talking about this, he just felt that he needed more money to live a good life, and drugs This is what young people buy voluntarily.”

Peristan nodded. At this time, the prison escort vehicle came over. The prisoners began to roll up their sleeves and kept returning to the escort vehicle, where they were put on collars again.

Soon the car started, and Peristan looked at the city under the dim sun. At this time, the people outside started to commotion.

The gods have accepted the joint arbitration initiated by the eight major associations and some chambers of commerce and families. They need to give an explanation to the people of the city. The arbitration will start at 6 o'clock.

Peristan's eyes widened and he put his hand on his forehead. Tamai smiled helplessly.

"What happened to such a beautiful young lady who is capable and willing to do things and more willing to bear the consequences!"

"Because many people have lost their loved ones and many people died in accidents. This is a bloody fact, and the bloody fact is the last thing people want to see!"

Time passed by, and in the street square at the beginning of District 1 Street 1, a large number of people surrounded the Congress building, quietly waiting for something.

At this time, in a conference room on the 5th floor of the Congress Building, most of the students from the School of God were quietly waiting for the arbitration to be held, and many others were dealing with the work at hand.

"Just let me do it alone!"

Alpha sat at the bottom of the conference room. Locke stood next to him with a solemn expression. At this time, everyone in the hall fell silent. Everyone's face showed unwillingness. There was still half an hour left for the arbitration, but they still couldn't do anything. I can't find even a shred of evidence, which can be a favorable counterattack in this matter.

King Xue has already proposed, and more than half of the people agreed, to find a scapegoat to take on this matter. There is still time, it only takes up to 20 minutes, and everyone present can make everything perfect.

"Please respect Alpha's choice!"

Noah stood up and said something. King Xue raised his head. Originally, relying on the prestige established by Alpha, the Business Department could gradually take over the city. They only needed another force and the rise of the parliamentarians, and they could completely take over the city. Seize absolute control of the city from merchants and families, thus forming a perfect check and balance.

But now this matter has been wiped out due to an explosion. I am afraid that such a good opportunity will never be found again. King Xue immediately thought of a solution, but Alpha did not agree.

"Death by holding on to the truth, or using lies and most of the people's current trust in us to complete a shocking counterattack. You still have 5 minutes to consider becoming the president!"

King Xue said, and many people looked at him.

"Alfa, stop being stubborn. I think King Xue is right."

Zijuan looked at Alpha with excitement, but Osman next to her grabbed her.

"Don't say anything!"

Heathcote raised his head. He, who usually did not smoke, lit up another cigarette. He soon started coughing and wheezing. Everyone in the room was waiting for Alpha to speak.

"Everyone! I am very grateful for everyone's help from last year to now, but what exactly are we going to do? Maybe some students think I am too idealistic, but in fact this is not idealism, or some so-called Justice! The people are like a mirror. If we really do this today, what is the difference between what we do and what those businessmen, association guys, and families do? A city needs different voices , do you remember what the principal said? If we really do this, one day we will become addicted and habitually cover up the truth with lies. I think you all still remember what Mr. Perrestein said!"

Alpha said, lighting a cigarette, turned around, picked up his uniform, put it on and put on his hat.

"Let's go, it's getting late. Let's get in early. I won't back down. If I have to choose, I have only one answer now. Everything I do is not to satisfy anyone, let alone the public. , let alone for self-satisfaction, as long as I can do what I can! This is my answer now."

Soon, the Congress Hall on the 6th floor was filled with a large number of people, and everyone was sitting under the stage. At this time, the six gods were already sitting on the stage, looking at everything in front of them expressionlessly.

Gradually, time passed by, the last ray of the sun disappeared, and the whole city was dyed red. The arbitration of this matter that was being discussed intensely by the whole city officially began.

The live broadcast screen quickly appeared, and the public only saw six virtual human figures of different colors sitting on the stage.

Alpha slowly walked to the left side of the stage. At this time, on the right side, people from the Lawyers Association walked up first.

"Special Administrative Officer Alpha Angus, first of all we don't want to argue about how this accident happened, but we want to ask you, when conducting large-scale crime investigations, do you consider these unusual crimes? Is it possible for a molecule to do such a horrific thing?"

"Thinked about it!"

Alpha replied, and everyone in the Bar Association smiled. At this time, the person on the right side of the stage suddenly asked.

"So has your management taken preventive measures in this regard? Or issued early warnings to the public, or conducted regular inspections of large-scale event facilities, and other issues. Have you considered them?"

Alpha hesitated for a while and then said.

"Some did it, and some did it because time did not allow it."

"Does that mean it wasn't done?"

King Xue stood up, turned around and walked away. He quickly left the hall. I don’t know how long these boring questions will continue. This is not arbitration at all. Someone must be found to be responsible for this matter, and it is obvious that Alpha This is the person.

One question after another, Alpha just answered silently, with no displeasure on his expression. As time passed, the restless sounds in the city began again.

Many people feel that it is the negligence of the management that has caused such a problem. It is not that criminal investigations are ineffective, but that the safety of ordinary people has not been taken into account at all.

As the time gradually approached seven o'clock, Alpha looked tired, but one question after another continued.

Alpha was still answering.


At this time, Tang Rao stood up, and the person who had planned to go up to the stage to ask questions sat down, followed by the sound of the door opening.

King Xue looked at Jean quietly and walked in slowly. With a smile in his eyes, he followed Jean helplessly and returned to the venue.

Jean walked to the stage, looked at the people below quietly, and then said.

"Starting today, Alpha Angus will be relieved of all management positions. Because of all the problems caused by her immaturity, Congress will explain it in detail later."

As Jean said, Alpha took off the hat on his head, turned around and walked away. He had no intention of continuing to listen to other people's nonsense. The other gods were still talking about something. Jean quietly looked at Alpha who left. He raised his head slightly.

Soon Alpha arrived at the top floor and looked quietly in the direction of his home.

"You shouldn't say anything unnecessary, right! Uncle Gene!"

Alpha looked a little depressed, and left the Congress building in an instant accompanied by red particles, constantly shuttling on the rooftops of the block. An indescribable feeling of sadness lingered in his heart, which lingered for a short time.

Time passed by, and the discussion about this incident in the city continued. Locke gave a speech on TV, talking about the specific pension situation of the victims and the current handling methods, including the damaged ones. A series of issues related to the payment of congressional subsidies to merchants are explained in detail.

Many people seemed to want to hear all this. Alpha Angus was immature. At this time, there were a lot of arguments on the street. Some women still stood on Alpha's side, but they were ridiculed mercilessly by some people. I feel that she is too young, and things should be handled by experienced people. If things are handled calmly, that kind of lunatic will not be given the opportunity to cause such a big problem.

No one cares who the murderer is. What most people care about is that the genius princess Alpha Angus of the Angus family has been dismissed from all her posts. This is the key point, but the voices of some people have been completely covered up. , are those victims who have finally seen the light of day during the handling of crimes, and their voices seem a little weak.

"You are so heartless, principal, even if you say a word of rebuttal!"

On the rooftop of the Capitol building, Whit quietly looked at Jean standing on the edge, smoking silently.

"Then you need me to go over later, hold the little girl, give her a warm hug, then pat her head to comfort her and say, it's okay, this is not your fault, this"

Whit throws a kick and Gene holds it with only one hand.

"Think carefully about where she stands and the breakthrough she opened with her own hands! She is not alone. You should know this better than me, Whit."

Whit retracted his foot.

"Are you really not going? That is your disciple, your best disciple, the principal."

Gene shook his head.

"I have already said that I will leave everything to them. Although there are some hiccups, if they cannot face it alone, everyone will lose!"

Whit looked at Jean with some discomfort. At this time, King Xue walked up, and Whit looked at him coldly.

"You are still as annoying as ever. What kind of agreement did you secretly make with the CBV people? You need to bear half of the responsibility for why Alpha fell so badly this time, bastard!"


Whit slapped King Xue on the cheek. He didn't catch it or fight back. After feeling the pain on his cheek, he pinched Whit's wrist with one hand.

"It was my mistake principal, I didn't control those rubbish!"

Whit's eyes widened, looking at the sadness in King Xue's eyes, and Gene shook his head.

Whit knows very well that throughout last year, since Alpha started taking action, CBV has been continuously reporting on the large-scale criminal investigation operations led by Alpha, constantly establishing Alpha's image, and she shines brighter than the hottest stars.

Most people in the city began to pursue Alpha, calling her the princess of the city and the most dazzling gem. Most women regarded her as their idol, and some men also liked Alpha.

Most of the reports pushed Alfa to the highest point. However, as soon as this incident came out, Alfa fell instantly. The consistency of the media behind this was an important driving force behind the seriousness of this problem. Whitt was wondering before, Why did those media suddenly change their nature and actually help Xingke and even constantly beautify everything they do?

Gradually, in the minds of most people, Alpha has gradually formed like a goddess. She can help the city solve a large number of problems, whether it is crime or corruption. As long as she is around, all problems can be solved. , the higher the expectations, once any serious problem occurs, this huge expectation will turn into deep despair in an instant.

"Why do you know Whit!"

"When my school was in trouble a while ago, Fat Brother told me when he came over. He just said that you and many people from Section 1 often attended some banquets in the entertainment industry. I am not an idiot. I can imagine that you are in During the criminal investigation last year, I got hold of them, and then used it to threaten them, put a chain on them, and then spoke for you. You are really a scumbag, King Xue, and now you are Alpha."

Whit did not continue. She looked at King Xue blankly and lowered her head. This was the first time that he lowered his head to her.

"Sorry Whit! Sorry."

8pm sharp

The entire Angus family was silent, and the security guards in the surrounding areas were on full alert. At this time, a figure jumped in, and the security guards immediately came over.


Alpha smiled and waved.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Soon Alpha returned to the mansion. No one from the family came over tonight. Violet stood quietly in the living room and was a little worried when she saw Alpha coming back.

"Are you okay Alpha."

Alpha waved his hand, and at this time his father Avano came out with Niya.

"Sister, you are back."

Niya smiled and hugged her.

"It's better Niya, you were poisoned by alcohol just this morning."

Nia looked at Alpha with a smile, but at this time Nia seemed to be aware of the displeasure on Alpha's face, and Violet pulled Nia over.

"Your sister is very tired from work, don't bother her."

"I'm tired Niya, I'll go up and rest for a while, and you'll bring me some food later in the evening."

Looking at their daughter going upstairs, Mr. and Mrs. Angus wanted to say something, but they both knew that no matter what they said, it was useless. Their daughter was only 23 years old. Her life had just begun, but she encountered such a situation at such a time. A major blow would not be a good thing for her future life.

The Angus family has released a news through the news that the Angus family will establish a foundation for the victims and will use 1 billion to provide follow-up treatment and life donations to some victims.

The couple had already taken action before the arbitration was announced.

At this time, Niya broke away from Violet's hand and ran up with a smile. Violet was about to say something, but was stopped by Avano.

"Having a child at this time is far better than us adults being present."

After a while, Niya quietly opened the door of her sister Alpha.


Alpha sat quietly on the window edge, smoking silently.

"What's wrong, Niya, it's better to go and have a good rest."

"Sister, why are you crying!"

For a moment, Alpha's eyes widened, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, and she pursed her lips and smiled.

"How could I."

Before Alpha finished speaking, tears fell from his eyes. Niya walked over with a smile and lay on Alpha's lap.

"Sister, why are you crying?"

Alpha sucked the tip of his nose and wiped away the tears, but the tears still kept flowing out.

"Because I can't do it, I failed!"

Niya put a little hand on it.

"How about you leave it to me to be your sister?"

Nia raised her hand with a smile. Alpha was a little surprised, but he still held his sister's hand.

"Ah, leave it to you! You little rubber."

Nia laughed heartily and pointed to the empty place above Alpha's head.

"Hat, I want Miss Hat!"

"It's temporarily lost."

Niya blinked in confusion.

"Where is it? Sister, let's go find it. I can help you by putting on my hat."

Alpha fell on his knees, tears finally bursting out.


Nia looked at Alpha with some worry, and she pressed her hand on Nia's forehead.

"If you want to help me, you have to get it yourself later. This hat represents the hat of the 5th Public Security Management Section!"

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