Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1573 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 33 (middle)

6 a.m.

As the red light swept across the city instantly, just a few seconds later, the city ushered in the gentle light of the artificial sun.


Accompanied by a violent knocking sound, the door of a room was kicked open. A man who had partyed all night last night got up angrily and wanted to curse. The moment the door of the room was pushed open, his eyes widened. Guns were pointed at him.

"Mr. Luo Zhi, you have been arrested on suspicion of a serious collective assault case. This is an arrest warrant. Now you have the right to remain silent, as every word you say will become evidence in court in the future!"

"I was wronged."

Luo Zhi held his head in his hands and knelt on the bed. He looked at the two administrators who came over in horror. He was immediately held down and handcuffed.

"Help me find a lawyer, I want to find a lawyer."

After a few minutes, Luo Zhi continued to struggle. He kept asking why he was not put on a black cloth hood. The street outside was already boiling. At this moment, Luo Zhi felt cold inside and would not be put on. The black hood covering the face means that the administrator has decisive evidence in his hands. He has been identified as a criminal, and he only needs to be tried according to the process.

A large number of reporters immediately gathered around and kept asking questions. Many people threw things around. The angry crowd of onlookers kept cursing. Luo Zhi was escorted by the administrator and quickly got on an escort vehicle. Car, he looked at everything outside in horror, at this time an administrator said with a smile.

"You are really brave. I think you will never get out of prison in your lifetime."

As the city began to heat up, the whole city began to boil.

The entire city's media people were in a state of excitement. Red Hillman, a young member of the fourth generation of the Hillman family, committed suicide at his home, and a large number of video photos of crimes against women were found in his home.

Based on clues, the arrests that started last night, and the confessions of the criminals, the arrests are still continuing, with nearly 200 people involved.

These people are all people who have a relatively good relationship with Red, and most of them come from wealthy families. This is an extremely vicious social case, and the leader of the culprit, Red Hillman, has committed suicide.

Area 36 on the middle floor was selected as the temporary detention center for these vicious criminals. A large number of reporters and people gathered outside the management center, and no matter how many criminals were escorted by escort vehicles, they were transported under the human wall formed by the military. Send it in.

The angry crowd threw things at the wall outside the management center and kept shouting for the death penalty.

The incident continued to escalate. At this time, a large number of women wearing masks arrived at the public security management office. Some reporters desperately wanted to take pictures. Soon these women who got off a bus entered the management office. .

In the end, a total of 69 female victims entered a conference room in the management office. Alpha sat quietly on the stage and looked at the criminals who were undergoing DNA collection and comparison on the light and shadow screens.

The criminal evidence recovered from Reid's house showed that not only the 69 victims in front of them, but also the people from Section 2 were comparing the evidence with women who had not reported the crime, and then summoned them by the local management office.

These victimized women were drugged when they went to some nightlife venues. Then when they got up early the next morning, they might be in a strange room in a hotel or at home, but many women After realizing that he had been violated, he chose to report the crime and the evidence was preserved.

Seeing the successful NDA comparisons one after another, the horrified criminals were taken out of the comparison room one after another, crying and asking for a lawyer.

But this case obviously involved too much. Gene had just left here. Except for the Hillman family's problem, which was handled by him personally, all other matters were left to Alpha to handle.

"Jill, you bastard, you're fishing again, move faster."

Alpha looked at a light and shadow screen angrily. Gil led people to a large nightclub. Soon the scene began to become chaotic. The administrators who broke in began to make large-scale arrests.

According to some women's memories, they lost consciousness after drinking a drink brought by the waiter in a nightclub. They did not remember what happened next, but they just felt uncomfortable and unusually tired after waking up. feel.

Someone started crying under the stage, and Alpha stood up and walked off.

"I guarantee that everyone involved in the case, no matter who they are, will not let them live freely for the rest of their lives."

Alpha has only one order for everyone, to arrest everyone involved. Such social cases are not just two cases at once. Many women have suffered such things to varying degrees, but most women chose to tolerate it and did not report the crime.

Once a crime is not reported, it is impossible to collect evidence immediately. Under normal circumstances, the DNA evidence remaining in a woman's body will disappear within 7 days at most, and many hotels are in places that cannot be reached by surveillance. Although there is personnel registration, some hotels will turn off in-store monitoring and passenger registration during certain periods of time in order to avoid taxes.

There are still a large number of imperfect blind spots in the city, and some nightclub operators are also involved in crimes. Many violations are even completed in nightclubs, so it is difficult to find conclusive evidence.

At this time, several management officers ran in and reported with solemn faces that some lawyers had come over one after another, asking for their clients to be released on bail.

Alpha stood up and walked out. She knew very well that this case would turn into a protracted war, but this case must be handled strictly. Alpha had already sent people to arrest those who sold anesthetics on the black market. The plan is to convict on a charge of endangering the city, which is the most serious charge within the city and starts with 50 years.

A burst of orange light lit up, and Alpha opened his phone.

"How is it going?"

"It's not Taimiao Alpha. This will turn into a protracted court debate. I'm ready to fight. I must uproot this series of things. I must give those criminals lurking in the dark a chance. warn!"

Alpha smiled and nodded.

"My opinion is the same, Heathcote, let everyone move. This is our first war! We must win it."

Alpha said and quickly came to the lobby of the management office. Hundreds of lawyers looked at Alpha, and one of them immediately stood up.

"Lord Alpha, we would like to meet our client. You may be suspected of unjust arrest."

"The evidence is conclusive. They are criminals. We will arrest them only if we have evidence. According to the law, we have the right to imprison them for 48 hours without bail. Please go back."

At this time, there was a noise, and a businessman in pajamas was brought in. He kept shouting that he wanted to sue the administrator who arrested him. At this time, several administrators looked very scared, because this man was from a large nightclub. The boss, there is a shadow of this boss in the photos collected from Reid's house.

At this time, several barristers came over immediately. The man laughed for a while, and the administrators who were escorting him hurriedly stood aside.

"They beat me. Look at my shoulders and my face."

"This is a very serious issue, Mr. Lyman. We will definitely make a detailed injury assessment for you and then prosecute them."

An administrator said in panic.

"He threw it when he was resisting arrest. We didn't beat him at all."

At this moment Lyman roared immediately.

"You are like a dog. If you dare to arrest me, I must let you know."

Lyman shut up for a moment, Alpha stood over with a cigarette in his mouth, and a barrister said with a smile.

"This thing"

"Bring him in and conduct NDA comparison testing."

Lyman immediately said angrily.

"I'm telling you, I had absolutely no involvement. I didn't know anything. This was an unfair arrest."

Alpha waved, and a director brought over some photos.

"Then please explain clearly. If you can't explain clearly, then we can find you guilty. Why are you in these photos? These are all female victims. Why do you appear in such a place."

"How did I know? I just went to greet the customers and saw them accidentally. As long as the customers don't kill people or set fire to my shop, what do they do is none of my business?"

Alpha smiled and blew out a puff of smoke.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lyman, please go in obediently, otherwise you are violently resisting arrest, and I have the right to subdue you directly."

Alpha said and clenched his fists. Just as several lawyers were about to say something, a director ran out.

"It has already been confessed. A manager of Lyman's store has given his testimony."

Alpha nodded.

"Very well, Mr. Lyman, you are now suspected of public safety crimes, coercion, providing criminal props, personal assault and urban endangerment."

For a moment, Lyman looked at Alpha with a livid face, and a lawyer said immediately.

"Sir Alpha, the danger to the city is probably over. My client may not be aware of it most of the time. After all, the customer is God, my client."

"This is a problem that has affected the entire city and the entire society. In the past three years, 365 such cases have been recorded. The nightclub itself should be a place for relaxation and entertainment for people who are tired from work during the day, but it has become It has become a place for crime. In this incident, every one of you who participated has violated the crime of endangering the city. Take it away!"

For a moment, Lyman was driven in expressionlessly, and Alpha glanced at all the lawyers.

"No matter how you defend it, the urban endangerment crime will not change."

Many lawyers laughed, and Alpha turned around. He knew very well that if he wanted the crime of urban harm to gain a foothold, he had to do something in the coming time, otherwise this point would have no foothold.

At this time, several management officers became a little scared. After all, this was no joke. Once the situation went any wrong, they would be doomed, and the public opinion of the society would drown them.

And they did involve the issue of unfair arrest. Although the items found from Reid's house can be used as evidence in the Hall of Law, they have not yet been confirmed by a third-party agency, and there is not even an appraisal report.

Although so many people have been arrested and more people have been arrested through some confessions, the witnesses are still blank. Through NDA comparison, there are currently only 31 people who can be characterized as criminals. This is still based on The 69 women who reported the case in time were successfully compared based on the evidence preserved.

Although the crime of endangering urban safety mentioned by Alpha is the biggest crime, the judgment will be a bit subtle. First, it depends on the impact of the entire incident on the entire society. This is consistent. Second, it depends on what impact the incident will have on the surrounding society. This is very difficult to prove. The third point is to look at the overall impact on the victims, as well as the extended impact, etc. The fourth point is to discuss how much damage this incident will cause to the city as a whole, and Finally, based on the results of the discussion, it is decided whether the city is the most harmful to the city.

These things are all relatively complicated. A lot of management officials thought that Congress would calm down the matter, but this time the incident was handed over to the eldest daughter of the Angus family, Alpha, who was only 21 years old, to handle it. Many The management officer was worried inside.

"Sir Alpha, why don't we contact Mr. Hawke or Mr. Locke, the deputy inspection team leader? After all, this is a matter like this."

"Can't you read the order documents? Or do you have no confidence in your abilities?"

Alpha said coldly. At this time, more than a dozen managers behind him looked at each other.

"Well, if you are afraid of taking responsibility, I will give you a chance to withdraw from this case unconditionally."

Alpha said with a smile, and several management officers immediately took action and immediately stated that they would withdraw from the case. Alpha immediately took out the light and shadow phone and directly deleted these withdrawing management officers from the list.

In the end, only two management officers were left. Although they were scared, they thought on second thought that if this matter was handled well, they would probably be promoted to the management of the Congress. Opportunities and risks coexisted, because the two I have also seen that in just one hour since the incident last night, a large number of strict and reasonable transfer orders have been issued, which is why they were able to arrest such a large number of criminals so quickly.

Alpha is not worried, because she knows very well that she has a group of extremely reliable classmates to help her. Everyone is running. This is their first battle in the business department. Everyone wants to win. After all, everyone has been there since a long time ago. This is the case in school. Under the guidance of the gods, everyone is both a classmate and a strong competitor. Not wanting to lose is the starting point that supports everyone from entering the school to graduating.

7:18 am

Locke walked out of a door, and a large number of reporters had gathered.

"First of all, regarding this vicious case, I will make an overall and comprehensive explanation on behalf of Congress later. Regarding this matter, our attitude is clear and we will not let anyone involved in such a case go unanswered. The perpetrators of vicious crimes will not wrongly accuse any innocent and kind-hearted citizen!"

As Locke spoke, reporters immediately asked questions.

"Lord Locke, please ask why Congress didn't appoint you or someone else who is more capable to handle this matter. Isn't it too hasty to hand it over to a girl who is less than 22 years old?"

Locke said with a smile.

"Please believe in the ability of Special Management Officer Alpha Angus. She has the ability to handle everything. Please rest assured."

Many reporters are still asking questions continuously. After all, everyone knows what Angus means. It is unknown whether the eldest daughter of the Angus family is really capable of handling this kind of problem.

Locke calmly dealt with various problems until 8 o'clock. He returned to the office with a tired look on his face. Hawke was looking at some reports with a relaxed expression and a smile.

"This is your first battle. How about it? Do you even feel uneasy? Let that girl handle it."

Locke shook his head.

"It's not that I'm worried, but I feel tired. I'm really tired. Hawke, can you retire later, I..."

"Little Fatty, aren't you already able to deal with all problems skillfully? So what do you have to worry about?"

Locke pointed to his head.

"Every day here is very tiring. There are many things to live and think about."

Hawke stood up, yawned and patted Locke's arm.

"That's right. This is what a general manager should think about. The problem is left to people from 12 departments to solve. The only question you have to think about is how to balance the points caused by these problems. Balance it well. point, smoothly decentralize the problem, reduce the impact of the problem on society, and balance the forces of all parties. This is a question you should think about. Xiaopang, the female student Xiang Lin under your command is a talent. You should cultivate it well. I am a good candidate to be your secretary. That’s all I have to say. I’m old and fat. If I were 20 years younger, I could work with you young people to improve the city passionately. But My mentality is no longer good. Right and wrong, merit and fault, good and evil, I no longer think about these things, because in the end I got the answer."

Hawke smiled and walked past Locke.

"There is no answer. These answers are left to you young people. Come on, little fat man. I will take my wife to Phoebes Manor for a good month of fun today, and then enjoy a passionate old age life."

Locke turned around and bowed. Hawke took off his uniform and placed it on a chair nearby, smiling and waving.

"You are not fighting alone now. There are 12 subjects and there are so many people smarter and more capable than me. You will definitely be able to solve all problems."

Looking at Hawke leaving, Locke sat back at his desk. He now only has more than 40 students left. These students were all selected by themselves and will become members of the General Affairs Department in the future.

Locke did not select the smartest students, but students with strong coordination, because the job of the General Affairs Department is to coordinate the relationship between managers and the general public, as well as to review the work of managers and to discuss matters in various subjects. Handover.

At this time, another new document was uploaded, which was a report submitted by Vivian. Section 7 had already started taking action.

A large four-story mansion located on a certain street in the middle. According to the confessions of the perpetrators, many parties had been held here. Among the recorded victims, 11 people were violated here.

"So, let me ask you what is this place used for? Where are all the items here purchased from, who buys them, and who sells them. Please answer clearly. If you can't answer, please show me where you bought them. Basic receipts for some things, these things can be found.”

Jin Mangan chattered at the sweating men in front of him. One of them was the owner of this place. This place belonged to a large luxury party company. Most of the people who would book parties were rich people. A large number of young men and women were there. There are parties here, and there are even a lot of crimes involved in the parties.

Vivian also led people to examine every object in the house, down to a screw, because this was obviously a place for money laundering.

"Sir, we have all explained what we need to explain."

"Because you are involved in major crimes, you must explain clearly. Now I suspect you of money laundering, so please provide your company's financial report quickly. I need to review it."

At this time, the boss immediately stood up with a smile and glanced at the few people in the room who were still taking pictures and comparing objects. He had never seen such a manager before. He was wearing a different uniform from other managers. It sounds very rigorous.

"Excuse me, sir."

As the boss said this, he immediately sat next to Jin Mian and opened his suit pocket. There was a large stack of money in it.

"How about 10 times this number, sir!"

Jin Mangan nodded, and at this time the classmate and director behind him started taking pictures.

"You're trying to bribe me!"

The boss immediately said with a smile.

"What is bribe or not? It's like this. We all have our own difficulties. Sir, please make it easier for us this time. Everyone will be fine. Sir, why do you have to work so hard? After all, if you have power, you will naturally have money, right? Bar!"

Jin Mian nodded and stood up. The boss quickly took out the money.

"Okay, sir, now I'll add one more charge to you, the crime of bribery. Please provide your company's account books quickly. I need to review them immediately."

For a moment, the boss's face became serious, and he looked at Jin Mn angrily.

"Sir, I never said a word about giving you money from beginning to end. Please don't slander me. I want to call a lawyer. I have the right to remain silent."

At this time Vivian walked in.

"Unfortunately gentlemen, you do not have the right to call a lawyer, we just found this in the mansion!"

Everyone's eyes widened for a moment, and they immediately said that this was definitely not theirs. Vivian held up a small bottle in her hand.

"This chemical is one of the raw materials for making anesthetics, but it is also a toxic substance that can be used to make explosives. It falls under the control of dangerous goods. You have violated the dangerous goods control law, so you must explain clearly now, We suspect that you may cause harm to the city, so we are temporarily charging you with the crime of harming the city. You have no rights. Please provide everything!"

Everyone was panicked for a moment, and Jin Mn turned around and walked away.

"I'll leave this to you, I'm going to the next place."

Vivian smiled and nodded.

"Don't worry, I'm much more useful than a long-winded guy like you."

Jin Mn sighed helplessly.

"I just want to say something about Vivian. Put away your playful attitude. This matter now will become more and more difficult in the future."

Jin Mn said, Vivian patted his back, put away her smile, and became serious.

"You don't need to say this, we all know it."

Jin Mian smiled and ran quickly. Vivian turned around and smiled again and walked into the room. Several businessmen looked solemn. Their phones had been confiscated. This matter involved too many areas. Well, many things will start to become more and more complicated with in-depth investigation.

Just after 7:30, many media have begun to broadcast the Hillman family's press conference live. Eddie bowed 90 degrees in front of the camera, looking apologetic and looking very serious.

"Dear friends, I am very sorry that such a person has appeared in the family. Everything Red has done is in fact a criminal. First of all, on behalf of the Hillman family, I would like to express my most sincere condolences to all the victims. Sorry!"

Eddie stared at the camera quietly, then quickly smiled, but there was a hint of sadness in the smile.

"For all the problems caused by Red, a member of the Hillman family, in terms of finance, our Hillman family will definitely give all victims more than twice the compensation for the results after the results come out, although money cannot compensate the victims. Their wounded hearts, but this is a warning and a punishment for our entire family. In the days to come, I will educate the next generation of the family well, and there will be no next time!"

Eddie spoke sincerely. Many people who were listening felt that the Hillman family was relatively responsible and did not shirk any responsibility. However, most people were reading reports from another family at this time. .

On the lawn of Angus' home, Angus and his wife were sitting in front of a makeshift venue, and a large number of reporters were asking questions.

"Mrs. Angus, most of the people in the city feel it is inappropriate for Miss Alpha to take over this issue. What do you think?"

Violet smiled and nodded.

"I saw on the news this morning. Many people thought that my daughter was too young and not suitable to deal with such a thing, but what I want to say is"

Violet looked at Avano, and after the two smiled at each other, Violet stood up.

"A long time ago, my daughter Alpha left us and started doing things independently. Now everyone is worried that she is too young, but I think there is nothing wrong with being young. The key is that my My daughter wants to solve this matter. It is enough for everyone to know this. As for other issues, I don’t think you need to worry too much, because this is designated by Congress and the gods. In many people’s impressions, Alpha may be a high-ranking young lady, but in fact? The incident has just begun, and there is no result yet. Everyone is worried and suspicious! Everything that has not happened or even appeared yet, really Is it necessary to rely on everyone’s assumptions to make guesses? We were all young, but please think carefully about what you were doing when you were young! I believe in my daughter, she can solve this problem well! "

Violet bowed in front of the camera and Avano nodded, but the reporters still wanted to ask something.

"I'm sorry everyone, because our family has some important things today, so this interview will end here! As my wife said, I believe in my daughter, she has the ability to handle everything, the key is that she She wants to deal with this matter and has already taken practical actions! Please wait and see what she does!"

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