Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1574 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 33 (Part 2)

"I'm really going to die, can you let me have a good sleep?"

Mo Xiaolan was lying on the top of a house in pain. C next to him smiled and shook his head.

"This is a very important thing nowadays. We have to wait until at least tomorrow to sleep. There are still many things for us to do, but you are really good at thinking about it. You thought of it in a flash, and the fish took the bait!"

C smiled. Mo Xiaolan next to him had closed his eyes and fell asleep.

"I'll just let you sleep for ten minutes first."

C said and looked at the light and shadow screen on one side. At around 5 o'clock this morning, after Gene said that Alpha would be fully responsible for this matter, Mo Xiaolan immediately thought that those victims who did not report the crime must be found. People are following and pretending to be surveillance. After all, their testimony will largely determine the direction of this matter.

All members of Section 2 were dispatched, along with some outstanding students from Section 2, and began to search the evidence from the basement of Reid's house. Once the victims in the video photos were found, they would immediately go there and enter their homes directly. Install monitoring.

Now, due to the pressure of public opinion, some people who have no problems with NDA comparison can already meet with lawyers.

A woman lowered her head and looked at some money on the table with a solemn expression.

"Miss, I sympathize with what happened to you, but this incident has affected a lot of people, and if you testify in the Law Hall, your personal identity information is very likely to be exposed, which is very important for your It will be very detrimental in the future.”

The woman hesitated for a moment, and the lawyer said with a smile.

"This is only a part of the amount. My client also said later that I will definitely give you satisfactory compensation, so when you testify in the Hall of Law, you can remain silent! Just stay silent, or say I It’s okay if you don’t remember! Please don’t say a word more than necessary.”

The woman swallowed a mouthful, and her consciousness fell into a trance for a moment, and the lawyer continued.

"Besides, miss, you knew this was a possibility. Otherwise, why would you go to that place? And you went alone."

"I'm not, I just wanted to sing that night, I"

The lawyer raised his hands.

"According to the surveillance that night, you were carefully dressed when you went there, so I hope you can understand, Miss, why you went there on such an occasion."

The woman swallowed, nodded, and lowered her head silently. The lawyer stood up and bowed.

"Finally, please remember this, miss. We can sue you for fraud!"

The woman looked at the leaving lawyers with angry eyes, and for a moment she burst into tears with sadness.

C laughed as he watched everything, and the fish in his place were also hooked. Although the evidence collected in this way is illegal, King Xue has already said that evidence collected accidentally can be used as evidence in court. of.

The chiefs of the 12 departments held a brief meeting before 6 o'clock. Alpha also expressed Mo Xiaolan's concerns. After that, King Xue directly told everyone that the installation of surveillance was for the purpose of preventing witnesses in order to protect witnesses. If further crimes occur, the behind-the-scenes transactions inadvertently photographed can be used as evidence.

Sure enough, in less than 20 minutes after being allowed to see lawyers, as many as 13 victims who had not reported the crime had lawyers come into their homes and conduct transactions.

"Get up and go to the next place."

C patted Mo Xiaolan and she turned around. In desperation, C could only carry Mo Xiaolan on his back, then turned and left.

8:35 am

At the entrance of a hotel, King Xue looked at the owner of the hotel quietly and slowly pulled up the hotel's account books from the computer.

"I've already said that I really don't know. How do I know when that girl came in? She may have come here to meet her boyfriend or lover. Do I have to ask her one by one?"

Duan Kong was a little angry, and several people from Section 7 and Section 9 were quickly reviewing the hotel's accounts.

"Sir, please tell us where you used the money for your several large-amount transactions in the stock market this year. Please answer us clearly."

Duan Kong said quickly. The boss was speechless for a moment, seeming to be thinking of some way to deal with it. King Xue walked over and said with a smile.

"Let's not mention your tax evasion for now. After all, life is not easy for everyone. We just want a VIP list of your hotel. You should have it, right?"

There was hesitation on the boss's face, and Duan Kong turned around helplessly and pulled King Xue out.

"Now I am the section chief, King Xue, this approach is just..."

"The principal has already said that I will be responsible for handling this matter in Section 1. You can do whatever you want with the follow-up. The key now is to collect evidence and turn the matter to our absolute benefit. Just click on it.”

King Xue said and walked into the hotel.

"Boss, please think about it carefully. We just hope that you can provide a list. Even if this list is incomplete or even a list that you are willing to provide, your hotel can operate as usual and we do not need to check your Consumption records, check your financial statements, otherwise your hotel will be disqualified from business today. You should be the one who understands what is more important, boss."

The boss nodded.

"I see."

King Xue smiled and watched the boss enter the room on one side. He knew very well that most of the time in this kind of hotel, they would turn off the surveillance and pay cash to check in to avoid taxes. Only when the local management officer raided During the inspection, the guest information will be logged in normally and the surveillance will be turned on. However, three cases have occurred in this hotel, and street surveillance has confirmed that the three victims who reported the crime have left this hotel.

So King Xue can be sure that there is a VIP list in this hotel. The cost of their room is probably several times that of a normal room. As long as there is money to be made, it has nothing to do with him as to what happened in the room.

But at this time the boss came out again, holding a handwritten account book. After reading it casually for a while, King Xue looked at the boss with a smile on his face.

"Arrest him for being an accessory to a crime."

The boss panicked for a moment.

"Sir, I really don't know anything."

Duan Kong looked at King Xue in confusion and took the account book from his boss. After looking through it for a while, he immediately found something fishy. There were some discrepancies with the account book on the computer, but it could only be evidence of tax evasion. , at most he would be punished with farm work and three times the tax, but if he got involved in this matter, he might go to jail. The boss didn't look like he was in jail. He seemed to have made up his mind and didn't mention anything.

"Perhaps he unintentionally coerced the crime."

Duan Kong said that King Xue shook his head.

"There is absolutely no such possibility, Duan Kong, let's go to the next one. If they refuse to cooperate, their business qualifications will be revoked and they will be arrested."

"I always feel that this approach is inappropriate, Mr. Xue. If they really make up their mind not to say anything, in the end they can only be released for the crime of unintentional coercion. At most, they can only be prosecuted for tax evasion. "

King Xue smiled, took off his glasses and wiped them.

"Humans are such incredible creatures. There will always be someone willing to speak out. As long as someone speaks out and is given a moderate reduction in sentence, if a breakthrough is opened, countless breakthroughs will emerge. If there is no evidence, we will fabricate one. Just one piece of evidence will do!”

Duan Kong's eyes widened, and King Xue said with a smile.

"No matter what method is used, this matter is the president, or our first stage. If we stick to the rules, it will easily drag us into danger. We only need to investigate everything about this hotel in recent years. , we can naturally infer some key figures.”

King Xue said and put the handwritten account book in Duan Kong's hand.

"No matter who it is, find an employee in the hotel, read his notes, make up a night's notes, and show it to the boss at a certain time. He will tell you. Your ability to imitate is very strong. This is I’ll leave the matter to you, Duan Kong.”

As King Xue took out his phone, Duan Kong was hesitating. After all, although he could indeed find something using this method, was it really right to do so?

"Stop worrying about right and wrong. It means nothing to us now. We have to win. That's the point."

King Xue said and dialed the phone.

"Billy, how's it going?"

"The target is being tracked, but it should be confirmed. Should we arrest him directly or wait?"

King Xue thought for a moment.

"Arrest them directly while they handle their things."

Billy put down the phone and stood quietly on the street. He was just wearing ordinary casual clothes. On the somewhat noisy street, a man was sneaking around, looking around, and then walked into a drugstore and bought something. After taking some medicine, he turned around and left.

Billy quickly recorded the situation in this pharmacy, and then continued to follow the sneaky man. According to a criminal's confession, he bought the medicine from this man.

The people from Section 2 had already entered the man's home when he left home, conducted an investigation, and found a lot of chemical drugs. The process of selling this anesthetic has not yet been clarified. The only thing they know is this Man, it should have been sold many times. This drug was originally used for medical anesthesia, but it was leaked by someone unknown. Then someone improved it and the effect was longer. This drug was even used for robbery. People who have been eroded by drugs will experience temporary amnesia after waking up and cannot remember what happened for a while.

Just like drunkenness, the short-term memory fragments that appear are actually a type of brain injury. By the time some specific fragments are recalled, a long time must have passed. Most victims will not report the crime immediately. This kind of hidden Sexual sin is extremely horrific.

Soon Billy saw the man entering a tavern, and immediately walked in casually, sat down next to a table of people, ordered something, and listened to them chatting. The chatting process was normal and nothing happened. Regarding the specific things, Billy quickly captured the videos of several people through invisible shooting equipment, and could only continue to wait for the moment when the subsequent men made the transaction to arrest him.

Time passed by, and the man quickly stood up, and Billy followed him out in time.

Soon the man in front of him was standing at the entrance of an alley on a street, smoking a cigarette as if waiting for someone. Billy was mixed in the crowd, his eyes looked a little excited, and he already had a gun in his pocket.

Sure enough, after a while, a man wearing a red hat walked through the crowd. He looked out of place with many people around him. The man walked towards the man waiting at the entrance of the alley. Billy probably understood what they were talking about just now, although They were talking about eating and drinking, which should be some kind of coded code, and the people at that table should be the ones helping the men to sell.

This kind of anesthetic is not cheap. It only takes 5 ml to make a person sleep for more than ten hours. 100 ml costs 1,000 yuan. It is a guaranteed profit and a huge profit business.

The man in the red hat walked over, and Billy saw the man in the red hat reach out and take something from the man's hand, and dropped a bag of things. The man smiled and leaned over to pick it up. Everything was Billy filmed it.


Following a burst of gunfire, people on the street instantly looked over in horror. Billy was holding his ID in one hand and holding a gun in the other.

"Two gentlemen, please immediately kneel on the ground with your hands on your head. We are arresting you now for dealing in dangerous goods and possibly using dangerous goods to commit crimes."

For a moment, the man in the red hat widened his eyes in horror, while the man smoking turned around and tried to run away.


The second shot rang out, and the man was shot directly through the leg. He fell to the ground. The other man in the red hat was already running. Billy fired twice without any hesitation.

"Don't worry, my marksmanship is very accurate and I won't shoot through your arteries."

Soon Billy found a 100 ml tube of transparent liquid from the man in the red hat. He smiled, the siren sounded, and a large number of administrators arrived quickly, including the ambulance.

Billy knows very well that once a crime starts, it cannot be stopped. The man who sells drugs and the man who buys drugs are the same. Even if the limelight is now at its peak, for them, they still will not stop. Because during the Chinese New Year, there were a lot of people on the streets, and no matter what they did, they had a certain degree of concealment. But what they didn't expect was that the investigation would come so quickly.

9 a.m.

Heathcote quietly walked into the lobby of the Lawyers Association, and many lawyers around him looked at him solemnly.

Heathcote smiled and quickly walked up the steps, and soon arrived at the office of the president of the Lawyers Association on the top floor.


Looking at his old father Lyons in a wheelchair, Heathcote walked over with a smile and sat in front of Lyons.

"The impact of this case is quite big. Heathcote. You are the prosecutor in the Law Hall. It really surprises me. But I think we need to calm down the situation."

Heathcote smiled and nodded.

"Just understand. In a few days, you can notify us of some evidence. Do you understand?"

Soon the smile on Scott's face disappeared.

"Please allow me to refuse, Father."

Lyons was a little surprised for a moment and looked at his son.

"Son, what on earth are you talking about?"

"It's very possible that we are opponents this time, father!"

Lyons laughed loudly and tapped the cane on the table.

"Who are you talking to, Heathcote."

"Father, there are some things that I can't tell you, and you don't need to say anything to me. After all, this is a vicious case. If it is not dealt with, it will be a huge harm to the entire city."

Lyons laughed.

"Are your wings hard? Don't you even listen to me?"

"I came here today just to tell you this, father."

Heathcote stood up, bowed, turned and walked away. Lyons' angry voice came from behind him, and he felt a dull pain somewhere in his heart.

There are too many people involved in this matter, not only businessmen, but also young people from the Hillman family and other families.

It can be seen from the actions of the Lawyers Association this morning that they want to suppress this matter quickly, deal with everything quickly, and let the situation completely calm down. But now that Alpha has arrested so many people, it has essentially The whole city was shaken. There were too many people involved in the case, from the bottom to the top.

Because the cases caused by this anesthetic are no longer a one-time problem. In the past five years, this drug has been detected in the bodies of people who were violated, robbed, and even killed to varying degrees.

This is no longer a small problem, but the Bar Association still wants to help a large number of clients cover up this incident and put the blame on those who have been identified as criminals in DNA comparisons.

At this time, there were a lot of hostile eyes around. Heathcote walked out of the lobby of the Bar Association with a smile. From a distance, Heathcote saw an old brown Beetle parked near the Bar Association. Walked over slowly.

"What a coincidence, Attorney Pullman."

A heavy document bag was handed out from the car. After Heathcote took it, he bowed slightly. A thumb was stretched out from the car, and the slight smile on the corner of the mouth of the person in the car made Heathcote feel To the surprise, the car quickly started and left. Heathcote opened the document bag, which contained many investigation documents from old to new, very detailed.

"Thank you very much, Attorney Pullman."

9:23 am

In the management office of District 38, many people came, all of them were waiters in the restaurant.

Most of them came to provide evidence. One of the waiters nodded immediately after entering a confession room and seeing some people in the photos.

"In mid-May last year, I did see this lady and these men eating in our restaurant. They were sitting at different tables. The lady was alone, but the men I got drunk and started harassing this young lady. I tried to stop her and was scolded. There is a video to prove it."

The waiter said while holding his mobile phone and quickly provided the video. Because they work in the restaurant, they will have customer service evaluations. If something is not done well, the customer may complain after they leave. Once they are complained, they will I had my money deducted, I encountered some annoying customers, I complained intentionally and many waiters couldn't explain clearly.

Later, Wu Qun helped the waiters with an idea, which benefited many waiters. He put a pinhole camera on his chest and carried it with him when taking off and landing at work. After all, some bosses deliberately deduct employees' wages in order to justify it. , they hired some helpers to deliberately cause problems, and the waiters were often complained about.

The waiters who came over also responded to Wu Qun's call. Some waiters still remembered some things in the restaurant. Although they were vague, they recalled them completely after watching the video.

Most of these restaurants are night restaurants, and some waiters even saw women being taken away from the back door of the restaurant as if they were drunk.

More and more evidence was submitted in the dictation of the waiters and the videos provided. Alpha quickly arranged for the interrogator to directly bring out the evidence and ask the prisoner to confess.

But most of the prisoners who met the lawyer refused to explain, said nothing, and just remained silent. Even in the face of the evidence, they still did nothing but kindly sent the drunken lady to the hotel.

Alpha smiled. In just a few hours, this matter was already full of holes, and the number of people involved in the case continued to rise.

She really didn't know what these administrators were doing on weekdays. At this time, a video call came over. After turning on the light and shadow screen, it was Noah.

"What's wrong? What did you find?"

Noah said with a smile.

"We found an independent network with a game called Hunting for Beauty, something very scary!"

Alpha immediately laughed.

"It's so fast."

"Of course, if one point collapses, you can discover a lot of things just by using your brain. The architect of this network is a man named Leng Shi. There are many other contents on it, but Leng Shi Now he is missing. According to the testimony of the Hillman family, he did not come to work one morning and then reported the case to the police and the couple were missing."

Alpha became alert and Noah continued.

"Remember the app that was used to expose illegal body trading in District 29? It could only be used in District 29. At that time, people from the inspection team acted as a protective umbrella for a club in that area."

Alpha nodded. Hawke talked about this case in the school course.

"That mobile APP is a sub-network from the black market trading network established by Lengshi. Now we have found it, but we cannot know the true identities of the people active on this network because they all use a virtual currency to trade. Yes, it’s called Bright Coin, haha, it’s really an interesting name.”

Alpha nodded.

"The specific things still need to be investigated. The servers of this network currently have as many as 1 billion valid nodes. We may not be able to distinguish the authenticity in a short time. But there is a way. Since this kind of virtual currency can be traded, If it is, it should be able to be exchanged for money, and the place where money is exchanged is the breakthrough point. I have already told K, and he and R have already started investigating where the virtual currency exchange place is."

Alpha thought quietly for a few seconds.

"Go to the casino to investigate. That kind of place is the most likely. What I am referring to is not the casino on the surface, but some underground casinos hidden deeper. Didn't C say before that some mutants were investigated? Arena."

Noah pushed his head and shook his head.

"In short, this is a relatively large and complex problem, involving too many things, and it must be handled properly. Alpha, we must not mess around, before we have the absolute initiative."

Alpha nodded.

"I see."

After the call ended, Alpha looked into another room, where 69 victims were waiting, but there were only 50 real victims, and the other 19 were pretended to be women from Section 2.

This is also part of Mo Xiaolan's plan. If these victims step out of here today, the situation like last night will very likely happen at night, or lawyers will go directly to their homes. Mo Xiaolan said What was expected has actually happened.

So far, 37 of the hidden victims found in the video and photos at Rede's home have accepted money from the lawyers.

Alpha lit a cigarette and scratched her head irritably. She couldn't help but recall what Peristan said in the Law Hall building a few years ago. Many people lie, even in the face of factual evidence. He is lying. Alpha knows very well that this time he must not cover up the past with lies. Once he covers up the past, it will only get worse.

Just one case last night actually triggered so many shady cases. Alpha can imagine how corrupt the management of the 120 districts is now.

Unlike the cities under the sun that we see every day, crimes in the dark continue to increase. Although the crimes under the sun actually decrease in the annual data summary, most of the crimes have been transferred to the dark side. The coolest culprit, responsible for a large part of this viciousness, is the Hillman family, that family of crime.

Alpha felt unhappy all over when she thought of this. Every time she passed Hillman's house, she always wanted to rush in and pull everything out.

10 o'clock in the morning

Locke was sitting in the conference room, surrounded by voices of opposition. Members of Congress were talking about some letters of protest received from various places. Basically, they were unfair arrests, random placement of charges, etc. More and more The protest was submitted.

It's just that Locke has always remained silent. He knows very well that he must withstand the pressure now and solve all this.

"We can no longer allow those students from the Academy of God to run amok. We must calm things down as soon as possible."

Locke smiled and looked at the eyes looking at him.

"I can't help it. This is an order from the gods. Let Alpha handle it. I have no right to interfere. If you want to say it, you should go to the gods and tell me that I really can't make the decision."

Locke smiled, and everyone fell silent at this time. The only god who could be contacted now was Gene, but Gene made it clear that he would let Alpha handle it, and then hung up the phone. No one dared to ask more questions. What.

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