Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1572 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 33 (Part 1)

"It's so useless, what on earth are you doing!"

A man was lying flat on the ground, foaming at the mouth, his eyes were white, and he was not breathing. A woman in a tulle skirt was kicking the man. There were many objects that looked like torture instruments in the room, and there were other Three women stood aside a little helplessly. They were all wearing leather clothes and had collars around their necks.

"Miss Liuli, what should I do?"

The woman named Liuli flipped her hair.

"Report the crime, what else can I do? What are you looking for for me? It's so useless, and I'm going to die like this."

Liuli squatted down and rubbed the dead man a few times, then lit a cigarette and sat on his back.

"Get out of here and help me find someone stronger. I'm covered in fire right now."

After a while Liuli picked up the phone.

"Mr. Prometheus, I'm in some trouble here. I hope you can help me come up with an idea."

After a while, Liuli told Prometheus everything, and soon Prometheus came up with a solution.

Liu Li nodded with a smile.

"I understand. Then I will leave everything to you, Mr. Prometheus. Thank you very much. Liuli is very willing to repay you. You can do whatever you want. How about we meet?"

"Miss Liuli, if your words are known to the clan leader, he will die."

Liuli's eyes widened in horror.

"I was just joking with you."

After Liuli hung up the phone, she breathed a sigh of relief, stood up and walked to the door angrily.

"Have you found anyone?"

"Miss, on Qinglong Street, we can only go there."

Liuli raised her hands.

"Then why don't you help me change my clothes quickly? My fun tonight will be ruined by you three losers."

2:19 am

Outside a quiet mansion on the middle floor, Ran Zhi nodded and smiled, looking at a man in the car.

"Thank you very much for your cooperation, Mr. Ran Zhi. Soon your funeral company will receive a large amount of capital injection. Happy cooperation."

The man stretched out a leather-gloved hand, and Ran Zhi took it, smiling frightenedly.

"Don't worry, Mr. Ran Zhi, our Hillman family likes friends like you very much."

Ran Zhi nodded, turned around and walked away. He glanced back at the house behind him and sneered. The businessman inside was in trouble tonight. The guy who often mocked him because he was rich. Ran Zhi pushed him a little. He gave it a try, and he actually dared to take away a small piece of cake owned by the Hillman family.

"Mr. Pitt, I really don't dare anymore. Please let me go."

At this time, a man wearing black gloves and black ankle boots walked into the house. A man who had been tortured and bruised shook his head in pain, and Peter showed a sinister smile.

"Our Hillman family will never be merciful to those who dare to disobey our royal family."

The man on the ground wanted to scream, but his mouth was covered. Peter walked over and stabbed his heart bit by bit with the man's kitchen knife. Slowly, under the guidance of the person next to him, and an instrument Under the guidance of the doctor, the knife was inserted into the heart.

"Master Peter, how do you feel?"

A man in black next to him asked. Peter nodded and glanced at the man who was slowly dying.

"The rest is up to you. Remember to record the video of the woman upstairs. I really like this kind of video."

As Peter said that, he turned around and walked out of the house. A woman's voice stopped as soon as it sounded.

Ran Zhi walked blankly on the streets full of drunkards at night, his hands still shaking. Under the dim light, his eyeballs were covered with bloodshot eyes, and his feet began to feel weak.

The reason why Ran Zhi did this was because at a certain banquet, the businessman talked about his wife's past incident, and everyone in the venue laughed. At that moment, Ran Zhi's head was filled with blood, and he suddenly became confused. How to figure out the businessman's plan to take over his own funeral company, and how to kill him later, came to mind in an instant.

Afterwards, the guy said he was drunk that night and said he couldn't remember what happened. However, this incident made Ran Zhi a laughing stock in the entire circle, and many people mocked him for having changed his wife long ago.

Ran Zhi knew very well that it didn't matter what they said about him, but verbally insulting and mocking the woman he loved most was what made him angry.

The plan was a success, and that man would probably die without knowing how he died.

Ran Zhi showed a weird and slightly sad smile, stepping on other people's heads and climbing up. This is the most normal truth in this world. Ran Zhi wanted to try it many times, but was frustrated time and time again by his heart. Conscience stopped.

Soon Ran Zhi returned home. The lights in the living room were still on. His wife was lying on the sofa, sleeping, with an unknitted sweater in her hand.

Ran Zhi tiptoed and pulled a blanket over his wife, but her wife woke up with a start.

"Why did you come back so late?"

Ran Zhi showed a gentle smile and shook his head.

"I had a few drinks with Mr. Chen."

"Are you still hanging out with that guy?"

Ding Manman was a little dissatisfied, but sighed, stood up and hugged Ran Zhi.

"Xiaoqiu and Xiaoyu will be back tomorrow, and Xiaoyu will bring her boyfriend. It seems that we have finally settled. If you think it's appropriate, I think it would be better for him to get married, so that she can at least be a little more settled."

Ran Zhi hummed.

"Let's see how good that young man is first."

Ran Zhi smiled and suddenly hugged his wife, while Ding Manman blushed.

"What are you doing? It's all an old married couple."

Ran Zhi smiled and carried his wife upstairs. His wife was still talking about their children. Ran Zhi looked at the stairs at his feet, and an excited smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

4 o'clock in the morning

The cold temperature swept through most parts of the city. Several administrators carried the two drunk men into the car. In such a cold night, many people were unwilling to patrol, but there was no way, because in recent years, there have been people patrolling every year. Such a case of freezing to death due to drunkenness on a cold night.

Every Chinese New Year, the Congress will start to advise everyone to drink moderately, and if you see someone drunk on the street, please report it to the administrator to handle it. In addition, many administrators patrol the streets. After all, if someone dies in the area, the local management will Officials are responsible.


After exhaling a breath of hot breath, Ma Tao looked at his broken fingers with some confusion in his eyes. The blood flowing out had solidified on his forehead. He quietly looked at the 10 men in black around him. Having broken into his residence half an hour ago, Ma Tao wanted to fight them, but was easily overpowered.

There are already several people at the forgery scene, as if someone is looking for something, and his small vault has also been found and opened.

Ma Tao could no longer move his hands and feet. At this time, he was pulled up, pressed on a chair, and slapped several times. Ma Tao swallowed a mouthful, and blood foam flowed out along with the teeth that flew out. When he came out, his mouth was burning. Ma Tao saw one of his teeth being knocked out of the balcony, and he gave up hope in an instant.

He squinted at the situation in the room. The other party was already faking the scene, pretending to be a low-level violent gang's revenge because Ma Tao confessed some information about them in exchange for immunity from criminal law.

At this time, the man in front of him took a rope and smiled coldly.

"You choose, strangle to death, poison to death, fall from here, or drown."

The ten people looked at Ma Tao with excited eyes. Ma Tao knew very well that they had done this kind of thing more than once or twice. He smiled bitterly.

"How about I give you a minute to think about it?"

The leader of the men in black said, and the other two took out a display screen. Just as they were about to open it, there was a knock on the door.

In an instant, all the 10 people in the room looked at the door quietly, ran over immediately, and quickly called up the video system of Ma Tao's house. They soon saw a man wearing a coat and a hood at the door, looking down. Keeping his head down, he kept knocking on the door and ringing the doorbell.

A man in black stood at the door. The leader and others in black immediately winked. It could be judged from the uniform of the man that he should be a manager.

Ma Tao's mouth had been gagged. He was a little excited, but his neck was soon strangled. He wanted to struggle, but he was held down by telekinesis.


Following a strong kick, the man in black behind the door panel was kicked away with him and the door panel. In an instant, several other people on both sides began to use telekinesis, and red particles surrounded him instantly. , however, along with the dropped coat, a beautiful figure as fast as lightning had already moved to Ma Tao's side the moment he grabbed her with telekinesis.

Before the man who was strangling Ma Tao's neck could react, his hand was clamped by a pair of plier-like hands. He screamed, but the man immediately hit the ground with an elbow strike. On his pecs.


As the red scab shattered, the man in black who was strangling Ma Tao's neck was knocked away and smashed through the wall. Alpha stared blankly at the nine people in the room who instantly attacked him.

"You are under arrest for attempted murder!"

Ma Tao looked at Alpha in shock. She turned her head and held a tooth still stained with blood in her hand.


Ma Tao's eyes widened and he looked at the Alpha in front of him in disbelief. The nine people were instantly stranded in the air. Instead of hitting him with their outstretched fists, they were directly clamped in the air. At this time, the nine people's eyes were filled with fear. They had no idea what was happening, they only saw cyan particles floating in the air.

Alpha took out a cigarette, his left eye flashed with cyan particles, and his right eye flashed with purple particles.

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you."

There was a banging sound, and for a moment Ma Tao saw 9 people in the air as if they were being beaten by countless fists. In an instant, their bodies kept bending, and soon accompanied by waves of heavy landing sounds, the 9 people had lost their lives. consciousness.

Alpha took out the light and shadow phone and turned on the light and shadow screen.

"Jill, move quickly, we have caught the little tail of the Hillman family."

However, the moment Alpha spoke, she heard a series of slight noises, as if the small air bags on the plastic air mattress were being crushed. She turned around and immediately ran towards the nearest man in black and tore him off. After removing the veil, his body began to violently convulse, as did several other people. After a while, the men lying on the ground and in the room next to him all turned into corpses.

Red blood slowly flowed out from the backs of these men's heads. Alpha rolled over a man, and the explosion in the back of his head was the direct cause of their death.

At this time, there were sounds at the door, and Jill rushed in with a bunch of directors. In an instant, everyone looked at Alpha.

"President, this is too harsh."

Alpha stood up and walked to Ma Tao's side.


Alpha immediately called his boyfriend Noah's phone number. After explaining the situation, Noah, who was a little confused at first, said that he would come over with a lot of equipment soon. Then Alpha notified Akimi, the chief of Section 4, that he heard After arriving, he said he would arrive in five minutes at most and asked Alpha and the others not to damage the scene.

"Everyone, please pay attention."

As Gil said, people from Section 5 skipped the living room one by one, went directly to the balcony, and began to help the dying Ma Tao treat his wounds.

A student got a large number of chopsticks from the kitchen. With the sound of bones cracking, Ma Tao screamed in pain. His broken fingers were twisted back, and some parts were inspected by medical machinery. It was already cracked, and soon Ma Tao's hand was fixed with chopsticks, and the treatment was completed in just 15 minutes.

People from Section 4 and Section 10 had already come over. Noah watched quietly as Archimi took out a completely burnt mass from the back of a dead man's head, put it in a container and handed it to Noah at the door. , the outer areas have been blocked by the administrators who arrived.

"It should be a new type of technology that has never been seen before. I'm afraid there's no way of knowing where it came from. After all, their brains have been damaged by the explosion."

Noah is investigating all the data in an ordinary tablet computer. It is just a normal tablet computer. The purchase date cannot be found because it is stolen. Why they are holding the tablet computer is unknown to everyone for the time being. think.

Alpha sat next to Ma Tao.

"Master Alpha, thank you. You are really awesome, but I didn't expect you to arrive so soon."

Alpha blew out a puff of smoke, laughed, and then took out the phone.

"What are you going to do Alpha?"

Seeing Alpha press the number 0002, Noah became alert.

"Do I need to say more? Of course, we will lead people to break into Hillman's house and conduct a thorough search. Once anything is found, arrest him directly. Let Section 2 lead people to block First Avenue first, and then let Osman directly lead the team. I will never seal off the family territory and anyone related to the Hillman family."

"Hey, hey, president, this is no joke."

Immediately, students from several departments ran over and gathered around Alpha.

"According to Mo Xiaolan's analysis of the incident in the prison, more than 200 of the people who died were directly connected to the Hillman family, or were instigators of the Hillman family."

Noah turned around and jumped next to Noah instantly, winking at him.

Soon Noah came to a farther place. He knew very well that if Alpha really wanted to do it, the students in the 12 subjects would do it, but he couldn't do it now. He immediately dialed Gene's number. .

A bunch of people are still trying to persuade Alpha. There is no conclusive evidence on this matter. This approach will cause big problems for the entire management tomorrow.

Alpha stood up angrily.

"Are we just going to let them continue to be so rampant?"

At this time, the phone rang. Alpha glanced at the number and understood it instantly.

"Noah, you bastard."

Noah, who was standing at the door, was leaning against the wall. Noah, who was inspecting the black burnt substances next to him, smiled and waved his hands.


Alpha looked at Jean on the light and shadow screen and stood up straight. The other students also stood aside with their hands behind their backs.

"Don't do anything until there is conclusive and valid evidence."

Gene's voice was a little cold, and Alpha clenched his fists.

"Then at least call Mo Xiaolan over."

Gene smiled and nodded.

"Thank you all for your hard work. After the investigation of this matter is completed, I will handle it personally. You don't need to take care of it. Do you hear me clearly? This is an order!"

The moment the call ended, Alpha's fist hit the wall, and the entire wall collapsed instantly, but no gravel flew.

Several female students dragged Alpha out of the room and tried to persuade her. Noah did not dare to go there for the time being and could only smile awkwardly from a distance.

"You are really strong, Alpha-sama."

Ma Tao sighed with emotion, and Akimi, who was collecting blood on the balcony at this time, laughed.

"The president can easily deal with hundreds of mutants of this level without any problems."

4:29 am

Red knelt on the ground quietly. Eddie was wearing pajamas in front of him, holding a glass of wine in his hand, with a smile in his eyes.

"What's wrong, Red? Why do you do that? Are the women at home bad? Or do you think you have the ability to solve all problems?"

Red didn't dare to say a word, but just lowered his head. At this time, the door of Eddie's room was pushed open, and a white-haired old man ran in.

"Eddie, Red is still young, he is just ignorant, you"

"Did I let you in?"

Red looked at the old man pleadingly, but soon the old man could only retreat with sad eyes. There were many people standing outside the house, including Liuli. She was a little scared at this time and was holding her arms and shaking.

"Uncle, I know I was wrong, please."

"Every member of our Hillman family must have the consciousness to dedicate himself to everything in the family. Do you have this consciousness?"

Red watched in horror as Eddie walked over and begged for mercy.

Eddie scratched his hair and squatted in front of Red with a smile.

"Your matter has seriously affected the family's reputation. If it had not been exposed, there would be no problem at all. In addition, the planned action tonight failed. Do you understand what I mean?"

Red looked at Eddie with a pale face, moved over on his knees, and hugged Eddie's leg.

"Uncle, I really know I was wrong. I beg you, spare me, spare me. I can go to jail, I beg you."

Eddie took a sip of wine, then snapped his fingers, and soon two men in black came over and stopped Red.

"Prepare a suicide note for him and a written document of repentance and confession. I need to hold an urgent press conference tomorrow. Do you understand me?"

At this time, the door of the room was opened again, and the old man ran in, knelt on the ground, and prayed.

"Eddie, I am willing to take responsibility for everything about my son, I beg you."

"What responsibility do you need to take? It is your son who exposed the problem, not you. Sometimes death can solve some problems very well. You all also listen up. I don't care what you do, but don't cause trouble for me. , don’t bring trouble to the Hillman family, do you hear me clearly?”

Red was forcefully dragged out of the room. He kept crying. At this time, everyone in the long corridor lowered their heads. Liuli looked at her leaving cousin with a horrified expression, but soon She stuck out her tongue playfully.

When Eddie was the only one left in the room, X walked out of the wall.

"Really decisive, Prometheus, much like you Eddie."

Eddie smiled and nodded. The dead soldiers he sent out were all under the surveillance of Prometheus. Once it was determined that they had made a mistake, the brain control chips in their heads would be exploded and they would be killed directly.

"You have to be careful lately, Eddie. The younger generation in your family is a little too arrogant."

Eddie nodded.

"After tomorrow's press conference, I will explain it to them carefully. This time Red's incident can also serve as a reminder to them."

5:11 am

Akimi had just completed a DNA comparison. The 10 men in the room were related to a total of 39 cases, 21 of which were cases of assault on female homeowners that did not result in robbery or murder.

"Should I tell Frye! The murderer has been found."

Akimi said, and Marcus next to him shook his head.

"Forget it, don't mention this matter again."

Archimee sighed helplessly. At this time, Noah came over. Archimee naturally understood what he meant. Now Alpha was like a powder keg. He finally calmed down after Mo Xiaolan's persuasion and listened. Mo Xiaolan was analyzing.

The 10 mutants in this room are all undercover and have no identity information, and their appearance is unknown. Because they have undergone plastic surgery, they can only be identified through their DNA and the DNA collected from the bodies of female victims in past cases. and the DNA of dead alienated cells scattered at the scene for comparison.

There is no trace of them even in the surveillance. It is certain that they are mutants secretly trained by a certain guy. They have certain combat capabilities, but they cannot be compared with the students of their Academy of Gods.

Especially in the past tragedy of Nabe and Dr. Kuhl, according to the detailed investigation by Billy and Whit, Nabe was stabbed first and violated before she died. Mo Xiaolan later read the detailed investigation. After reports and documents, it was deduced that Nabe was forced to write something first, but after the murderer discovered that the thing might be fake, the murderer became so angry that he stabbed Nabe directly, but he had to forge it. Only then, the murderers could only violate Nabe immediately while she was still alive.

That's why Nabe's autopsy showed abnormality in the residue of genetic material. Later, Mo Xiaolan filled in the missing parts of the investigation. Nabe must have been forced to write down the synthetic chemical formula of the new drug before his death. This electricity was This was inferred from the fact that Kurnabe once talked to some doctors about new drugs.

Through autopsy, Akimi found trace amounts of drugs soaked into the surface of the skin from the hands of three of them, as well as obvious calluses on their claws, including the knuckles. It is certain that the three of them were experienced doctors and had done a lot of surgery. Surgery.

Nowadays, many NDAs from murder scenes that were not entered into the database have been compared.

"Then there's really nothing we can do about it, little lazy boy."

Alpha said angrily, and Mo Xiaolan waved his hand.

"There's nothing we can do about it, Alpha. Unless the principal allows us to rush directly into the Hillman family to conduct a search, otherwise, we won't be able to find any evidence now."

"There is no need to investigate anymore."

Jill smiled and held up the light and shadow screen. It was a nightly news. In front of a mansion, just after 5 o'clock, one of the members of the Hillman family, Red Hillman, hanged himself at home. Searches were found from the mansion. There were a large number of crime videos, as well as many criminal tools, including a confession, a letter of remorse, and a suicide note.

Everyone present fell silent. Alpha watched the news quietly. A large number of reporters were interviewing Red's father. He burst into tears and said that he had not educated his son well. He also blamed some of his son's friends for teaching him. Bad son.

Everything was a matter of course. The finger of the problem was pointed directly at Red, the criminal member of the family. Eddie, the patriarch of the Hillman family, also directly issued a statement saying that he felt very deeply about the criminal among the family members. Heartbroken, there will be a press conference tomorrow. The Hillman family will take full responsibility for the victims harmed by family member Red's crime.

"But there is a way that may be able to solve it."

Mo Xiaolan said with a cold expression.

"How to do it?"

But soon Mo Xiaolan shook her head again, and Alpha turned around and pulled her.


For a moment, Noah hurried over and pressed Alpha.

"Deliberately letting people find trouble with the Hillman family, and then setting a trap. Didn't Noah just say that this special synthetic crystal implanted in the body should be a signal transmitter, and this thing may even have reached the connection to the level of the optic nerve. Once the guy behind the scenes finds something is wrong, he will start the bullet program. The tiny but highly effective explosives in the crystal will blow up the head directly, so the arrest must be made in a place where there is absolutely no signal. Capture, but it’s too difficult to achieve with today’s technology, right Noah?”

Noah nodded.

"Indeed, there are too many signals such as optical signals, electrical signals, quantum signals, etc. Now that these crystals are destroyed, we cannot be sure what they rely on to send out signals, or whether it is self-judgment or plan. It will largely fail.”

"Then there's nothing you can do?"

Alpha asked, and Mo Xiaolan scratched his head.

"Yes, insiders. Since they have done so many cases, there will definitely be some insiders. All they need is to find witnesses."

As soon as Mo Xiaolan finished speaking, Jill started laughing.

"Tonight, a middle-class wealthy family was burglarized and robbed. According to the files, they have recently entered the mobile payment field. Through some lending methods, they took away most of the Hillman family's mobile payment customers."

Alpha's eyes widened.

"Check, starting from this matter, how did they get involved in virtual payment? Find everyone related to this merchant to inquire and investigate."

Mo Xiaolan looked awkwardly at the many classmates around him who were staring at him, and stuck out his tongue.

At this time, as a landing plane passed by, Frye soon ran over with a pale face, and Akimi glanced at Marcus.

"You're a bastard of your word."

Marcus shook his head.

"I think it's better to tell Fry. After all, this is a nightmare that has troubled him for many years!"

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