Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1560 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 29 (Part 1)

The sun's rays began to become stronger. At 10 o'clock in the morning, on the lawn of the Wang family.

Wang Degui had just finished the vaccination and had just recovered from the pain. The two brothers and two sisters in front of him had already begun an endless quarrel.

The four of them are all blaming each other. Regarding the real estate problems, the status of the entire Wang family is now much lower than before. The overall real estate market in the city has declined. Housing prices have only appreciated in some places, of which less than 30% of the appreciated areas are owned by the Wang family. , and the remaining 70% are not within the scope of the Wang family.

Wang Degui just watched from the sidelines as his two brothers and sisters quarreled. They were obviously elderly people, but they mercilessly cursed some curse words that only young people would use.

"Can you please stop arguing? Second brother, fourth brother, eldest sister, second sister."

Finally Wang Degui couldn't bear it anymore and said something.

The Wang family has a total of seven children, two of whom have died. Now the Wang family's property is in the hands of the four children. Wang Degui is only responsible for helping his brother and sister run some companies and hold some insignificant meetings. His status in the Wang family is basically Dispensable.

Nowadays, the Wang family's real estate business has begun to become chaotic. Most of the properties in the place are unpurchased and many ghost areas have appeared. Wang Degui's voice did not make the four brothers and sisters stop quarreling. Instead, they became more fierce. He seemed to be in the air. Generally, Wang Degui can only stay away afterwards.

"Xiaogui, come here."

Just when Wang Degui was about to leave, the eldest sister shouted and Wang Degui ran over.

"What's wrong, sister?"

"The location you told us three years ago has a lot of room for appreciation. Why don't we transfer you to the investment department and be directly responsible for investment? I feel like your vision is much more accurate than the other three."

Wang Degui was a little surprised and said hurriedly.

"Then the advice was given to me by Xiaoying?"

The four of them were confused for a moment. They didn't know who Wang Degui was talking about. Wang Degui was a little surprised.

"She is the third brother's daughter, Wang Ying."

For a while, the four of them seemed to have some impression.

"Then he is no longer a member of our Wang family."

Wang Degui looked at the four people with a solemn expression.

"I remember that when she left our Wang family, she was just a little girl in her early 20s. What advice can I give you?"

Wang Degui wanted to continue to say something, but after hearing his brother and sister mocking his late third brother, he turned and left. He could only sigh helplessly. He knew that Wang Ying had been giving advice to others about real estate. Those who invest in decoration, and these suggestions are often more suitable for others.

He gives very reasonable suggestions based on other people's family situation, income, and living conditions, and even considers future appreciation. As a result, under Wang Ying's recommendation, many people bought houses three years ago that have now appreciated in value. The most purchased home appreciated in value by 187%.

Wang Degui wanted to recommend Wang Ying and let her return to the Wang family, but the arrogance and ignorance of her four brothers and sisters made him give up such an idea instantly.

Now Wang Ying and her husband Zou Yun live happily, and Wang Degui often goes over to have a drink with them.

Soon Wang Degui came to the garden behind the mansion, sat quietly on a bench, and took out his phone.

"Uncle, Xiaoying is out."

After picking up the phone, Wang Degui laughed.

"It's the Women's Mutual Aid Association!"


Wang Degui nodded.

"I want to eat fish today, so prepare it early. We will grill the fish over charcoal fire and drink wine slowly all day long."

Zou Yun snorted.

"I'm going to buy it now, uncle. You can come here first. I've closed the store and put the key in the same place."

Wang Degui stood up directly, a smile appeared on his originally sad face. He walked quickly, and soon drove the car out of the Wang family's mansion. Just a few steps into the car, he saw several members of the Huosen family. Two young people were talking about something across the street.

"Wang Degui, where are you going?"

Looking at Field, the eldest son of the Huosen family who was slightly drunk, Wang Degui politely stopped the car, opened the door and walked over.

"Would you like to get together tonight?"

Field said, Wang Degui refused.

"Your family is quite powerful now."

Field laughed and nodded. After marrying the Chen family, the two families directly cooperated in various aspects. The industry that had already begun to decline will definitely rebound after more people are born in the future, and now the Huosen family is still In the food industry, with the help of the Chen family, good results have also been achieved.

"Wang Degui, are you really not coming? I will introduce you to a little girl tonight."

Field said with a smile.

"No, by the way, can I ask you something?"

As Wang Degui said, Field asked a few young people a generation younger than him to go home first. After the group left, Wang Degui swallowed.

"I still have a little money in my hand, can you take it with me?"

Field thought for a moment and shook his head.

"I can't do anything about this, Wang Degui. You know some things. Although I am the eldest son, how many people are watching? You don't know, right? It's all thanks to my sister that I am better now than before. Some, I hope you can understand."

Wang Degui sighed. He really wanted to leave the Wang family and do something with his niece Wang Ying and her husband Zou Yun. However, if there was no one to lead the way, the money in his hand would be wasted accidentally.

"That's right. I'm sorry for embarrassing you."

Field nodded.

"By the way, I'll recommend someone to you. Why don't you go find him yourself?"


Field took out his cell phone and quickly called up a series of phone numbers.

"It's a man named Lin Xiao who has some brains. You can find him in the industrial products area next to our company."

Wang Degui was a little confused.

"What exactly does it do?"

"How should I put it? He is a somewhat accomplished person. He often gives advice to some industrial products stores. In the past few years, he has allowed many people to avoid potential risks in the industry and is acquiring some useless metal waste. In short, he is a weirdo. , I used to think that he was quite far-sighted, but his style of doing things was a little different from mine. I think with the millions of funds you have now, you should be able to get better advice from him if you go to him."

Then Field turned around and waved and walked away, looking very happy. Wang Degui looked at the phone number and hesitated for a moment.

"Forget it, let's go to Xiaoying's house!"

Wang Degui got into the car again, and Field, who watched him leave, sighed helplessly.

"That's all I can say. If there is anyone who can help you, Lin Xiao is indeed your choice. It depends on whether you make a call or not."

At this time, near the exit of First Avenue, Wang Degui saw a white car passing quickly.

"It's really weird."

Wang Degui looked at the smiling beautiful woman in the car, stopped the car, and looked back specifically. Sure enough, the car drove into Ai Bolun's house after a while.

As for Charles' wife Freya, Wang Degui has met several times at banquets. She is also Wang Ying's classmate, but he always feels that Charles is too indulgent to this woman, a woman who does not come home all year round, but on second thought, after all, Nowadays, Freya's original family holds at least half of the shares in the Abron family.

Wang Degui looked at the phone uneasily, and then he dialed the number of the person named Lin Xiao.

"Who is it?"

A charming female voice came from the phone, and Wang Degui frowned slightly.

"Can Mr. Lin Xiao please answer the phone? My name is Wang Degui, and I want to talk to him about something."

"Xiao Xiao, a man named Wang Degui is looking for you. Get up quickly."

Wang Degui's face was a little solemn, and after a long time, the woman's voice sounded again.

"I'm sorry, Xiaoxiao can't talk. His head hurts. If you need anything, please call me tonight."

Wang Degui hung up the phone decisively, deleted the number, snorted coldly, and drove the car onto First Avenue.

11 o'clock in the morning

In the Taste of Food store located on the middle-level circular street, a large number of administrators are conducting inspections inside, because it is said that some customers have eaten here and have broken stomachs, and due to hygiene and other issues, the business license will be revoked, and the business license will be revoked. May be fined.

At this time, an administrator ran out with a bag of things.

"Sir, we have found out that unapproved food additives were used."

All of a sudden, the custodians ran out of the store one after another, and many media reporters were reporting on it. The custodian looked at the restaurant manager angrily.

"Sir, you must investigate clearly. We have never used this thing, and we don't know where it came from?"

The administrator said with a sneer.

"Call your boss Wu Qun to come out."

The manager shook his head.

"Our boss is out."

At this time, the live TV speech had just ended. Locke bowed to everyone again and stepped down. He breathed a sigh of relief, but at this time his phone rang.

"Wu Qun, why did you call me? I was surprised!"

After a while, Locke's expression became serious.

"Okay, okay, I understand. We owe you a lot of meals, and I will take care of it. But how many meals can we pay this time?"

After a while Locke laughed.

"Only 10 meals? At least 20 meals, okay?"

Then Locke quickly took out another light and shadow mobile phone, quickly found the number of the administrator of the ring management street, and dialed it directly.

At this time, the Taste of Food store had been sealed, and the manager arrogantly said that he would bring back many things here as evidence, and the phone rang.

"Deputy Supervision Team Leader, may I ask?"

After a while, the management officer turned pale and glanced at the store. The phone in his hand was covered in sweat.

"Fuck it, put it back exactly as it is, take it off and seal it."

Many administrators on site looked at the management officer in confusion, not knowing what the problem was.

But soon the store was able to open normally again. Although many reporters who were watching kept asking questions, the management officer just explained that because new evidence had been discovered, someone had falsely accused the store, and he was now going back to investigate.

Many people breathed a sigh of relief, and many people in the store said that it was because the boss Wu Qun had offended someone from the Entertainment Association, so he was suddenly investigated, and his business was the best at the beginning of the new year. point in time.

The first group of people who received vaccinations have returned to the streets, sat in some restaurants, ordered a table of delicious food, and planned to have a few drinks for something worth celebrating today.

In a primary school located on the ground floor, a large number of people were still watching at the entrance of the school. Many classrooms inside were temporarily used as vaccination points.

A used light and shadow needle is stored in the light and shadow storage, and when it is taken out, it is fresh, sterile and non-toxic.

Many citizens who have been vaccinated are wondering what the technical principle of this is. It always feels very new, and some doctors don't know. They only know that this is the latest medical technology of the gods, and they only received it a month ago. A certain level of guidance and training, no idea what this is, just following standard procedures.

The principal of the primary school and some teachers also volunteered to guide citizens in the area who came to get vaccinated, and a large number of administrators were also assisting.

"But I say that your school has really changed a lot, but in just three years, it has completely lost its original appearance."

"It's all thanks to Mr. Chris."

The principal said with a smile.

At this time, many people were observing everything in the school. Some people were already talking about sending their children to study here when they have children. Many people who had never paid attention to the school before felt that the atmosphere and environment of the school were very interesting. fine.

In the past, many people would not even take a glance at the school when they passed by it, because the school is unfamiliar to many people, and most families without children would not pay attention to it.

"But thanks to that guy named Chris, he can help you completely renovate the school, and I heard the price is very low."

The administrator said, and the principal hummed.

"Master Ma Tao, can I take advantage of this opportunity to treat you today?"

Ma Tao immediately raised his hands.

"We have to wait until the size of your school's students is raised before we discuss it. After all, if it weren't for the support of the quarrying industry in the surrounding area, many people in District 118 would not choose to live here. I will help you keep this money for the time being. Don’t worry, I won’t move at all.”

The principal smiled awkwardly.

"But Chris is indeed a talent. I heard that many private schools are looking for him, but he never seems to show up."

The principal hummed.

"Mr. Chris is the most trustworthy person I have ever met. When he first came to our school and talked about something with me, I thought he was a liar. But it turned out that he did exactly what he said. "

Ma Tao smiled.

"Of course I know. People have to keep their word. Don't doubt it. I won't touch the money. I don't need you to remind me. After all, in this season, there are still people who dare to point guns at me. , not seen much anymore.”

The principal breathed a sigh of relief. Ma Tao walked slowly. He took off his hat. He always felt that he might have to be here for the rest of his life. He had been transferred to the middle-level area, but he was arrested by the review team for some things. When someone found out, he was brought to the bottom.

"Hey, really, when can I go to the middle floor? I really can't stay in this crappy place anymore."

12 o'clock noon

Su Li rushed into the conference room angrily. A bunch of people looked at each other and stood up in a hurry, feeling that Su Li was really angry today.

"How do you do things? It's the end of the year? In the month of December last year, our company's clothing sales dropped by 21%. What exactly do you want to do? Now the Hillman family, the Chen family, and the Jiang family are all starting to move in. It’s the clothing market, you losers, what did I tell you?”

Su Li banged the table.

Hundreds of people in the conference room lowered their heads and said nothing. Su Li looked at a woman wearing glasses and asked directly.

"Marketing Minister, tell me what's going on?"

"Actually it is"

The woman in front of her didn't dare to say anything, so Su Li walked over angrily and slapped her twice.

"Get out, you don't have to do it from today on, get out."

For a moment, the woman picked up the glasses that fell on the ground, covered her mouth and ran out. At this time, many people looked at each other.

"Who can tell me the reason? Why, I just had a little peace of mind for two months. From the 14% drop in November, which was originally the promotion season, to 21% now, you idiots, don't any of you know the reason? ?”

“It’s a mix and match recommendation!”

Su Li looked at a man who looked scared and raised his hands in confusion.

"What bullshit mashup recommendation?"

Then the man started talking about Baozhen, a woman who used to work in clothing stores across the city and help clothing stores design close-fitting mixes. The company wanted to sign an independent contract with her, but she refused. After that, many stores rejected Baozhen. Jane enters the store.

Su Li's expression turned serious immediately.

"Then just invite her back and make up for her. What does your public relations department do?"

Su Li seemed to understand for a moment, but when she thought of Baozhen, she felt a little surprised. In recent years, she had indeed occasionally heard that she was running in the entire clothing market from design to sales, giving advice and advice. Recommended, many clothing companies that followed Baozhen’s advice have seen their business improve, especially some clothing stores, because Baozhen can really mix and match suitable clothes for people of different heights, shapes and appearances. Recommended, the results are very good. market feedback.

"We have called the boss, but no one answered the phone. We have sent people to look for her several times, but we still don't know where Ms. Baozhen has gone."

Su Li gritted her teeth and waved her hand, and a special agent hurriedly dialed the phone and brought it directly to Su Li.

"Hey! Baozhen?"

"Sorry, Teacher Baozhen is out."

Su Li asked with her eyes widened.

"When will she come back? Ask her to call me. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude. Tell her that I am Su Li."

After Su Li hung up the phone, she sat down angrily, but for a moment she thought of the past incident. From time to time, Su Li would wake up from nightmares. When she thought of Baozhen's stubbornness, she felt that what she had just said seemed a bit... inappropriate.

"Really, this is nothing."

Su Li dialed the phone again, but found that the call was ongoing. After the meeting lasted for more than ten minutes, Su Li made more than ten calls, and she realized that she should have been included in the blacklist.

"Let all members of the Costume Association ban her! Do you hear me?"

All of a sudden, everyone in the meeting place took out their phones and sent Su Li's orders.

The afternoon sun was a bit scary. It had just reached 1 noon, and many areas were starting to heat up.

An old coffee-colored Beetle parked at the entrance of a law hall. Several young lawyers walked out dejectedly. They gathered around the car, and after chatting with the men in the car for a few words, the car stopped. The startup left quickly.

"Hey, it's all our fault that we were too naive and didn't listen to Attorney Pullman."

One lawyer said, and several others criticized him.

"It's not you yet. You said you don't need to rely on that method to win. Now it's fine. The delicious food in your mouth is flying away."

At this time, the client of the legal team started yelling at a bunch of people angrily.

"The legal fees are 100 yuan per person. As promised, I won't pay a penny of the extra money. I already told Pullman lawyer to be responsible, but you said no, it's fine now, you bastards."

The client angrily took out 5 banknotes from his pocket and threw them to the group of disgraced lawyers. At this time, several lawyers on the other side came out of the law hall talking and laughing, and even pointed mockingly. Pointing to his lawyer badge, he walked away.

In recent years, there have been more and more lawsuits in the city. For everything from business problems to minor quarrels on the street, lawyers may be hired. The lawyer profession is booming throughout the city, especially those who have won a lot of lawsuits. The lawyer jumped up and went directly to the upper level.

After quickly completing their basic education, many people with aspirations will enter law universities at the age of sixteen or seventeen to study as lawyers.

It's just that many people realize after becoming lawyers that the world of lawyers is not that easy to get involved in. It is impossible to climb up without a background, and the background is the bar association. Most young lawyers can only hang out in it their whole life. At the bottom level, most small lawyers, in addition to providing legal consultation, will basically only take on some reliable cases.

At this time, several young lawyers at the door of the Law Hall could only look at the 100 yuan in their hands. Originally, if the lawsuit was won, they could eat and drink freely in the next few days until the festival was over, but now they only I can continue to watch boring entertainment programs at home.

"I wonder if Lawyer Pullman will help us next time, maybe we."

The group of people could only smile helplessly and leave.

At this time, in a relatively large clinic on the street not far from the Law Hall, the operator of the clinic looked angrily at the more than ten doctors employed in the clinic.

"I told you to use this medicine and take all the previous medicines."

"Boss, if you want to close down the clinic, I have no problem with it. The same goes for medical equipment. The medical equipment you let us use has certain defects. If the rated power is overloaded, there will be risks."

Many doctors also nodded. The boss looked very shameless. He looked at the many nurses around him. A truck at the door was loaded with medicines and medical equipment.

"Who told you it was defective?"

The boss looked at the doctors angrily, many of them looked at each other, the attending doctor said.

"It's Freya's medical consultant. We started to listen to her advice last year and used some reasonable drugs and equipment, and our business got better."

The boss looked solemn, then looked around.

"Except for the chief doctor, everyone else can do whatever they are supposed to do."

After a while, only the boss and director were left in the lounge.

"I don't care, you use these things for me. This is an order from the Medical Association. Do you want to embarrass me?"

The director hummed.

"I see."

The boss patted the director on the shoulder.

"You don't want to stay in a place like this. After a while, I recommend you go to a larger hospital. Do you understand? Do your best."

The director hummed.

A large number of drugs and some medical equipment were immediately transported by some mutant workers and quickly delivered to this large clinic. Some of the original old medical equipment and drugs had to be returned, and many doctors seemed extremely dissatisfied. .

The prices of many of these drugs are exaggeratedly high, and their effects are not very good. There are even drugs that were about to be eliminated from the market many years ago. They naturally know how profitable they are, but they can only use them.

At this time, a young boy of fifteen or sixteen years old on the street quietly looked at the situation in the clinic and hurriedly dialed the phone.

"Lady Freya, they really took action."

After a while the boy nodded.

"I know Lady Freya. I will tell the doctors and people in the neighborhood. Don't worry, it will be completed in a few days at most."

The boy smiled happily and ran quickly to the orphanage where he was, and soon called many children of all sizes to come out.

The boy then called some orphanages in other areas and directly told them Freya's order. A large number of children started to move. They would spread the word everywhere, telling citizens in the area which clinics not to go to. And hospital treatment will be much more expensive than usual.

The news spread quickly, and a large number of orphans ran into the streets, talking to people everywhere. Many people became angry as soon as they heard it, because many people had suffered losses in medical treatment, and medical care was completely neglected. The same goes for clinics and hospitals controlled by large enterprises. Many unscrupulous operators have completely monopolized the medical market. If you are sick or in pain, you can only choose expensive medical treatment. This is unbearable for many people, but now regional There are some children in the orphanage, and they will tell you where to go to get good medical treatment, and the medicines are cheap.

These news are spread by the children in the orphanage running around, and most of them no longer believe in the so-called curative effects of many experts and doctors.

At this time, when a child was talking to a few people, several administrators suddenly pulled the child over.

"You brat, what are you doing? What you just said constitutes defamation. You'd better tell the truth. Who instigated you?"

The child shook his head with fear in his eyes, and an administrator directly dragged him into the alley and lifted him in the air.

"What are you going to do to that child!"

There was a roar outside the cold alley, and several administrators hurriedly let go of the child who was less than 10 years old and was about to cry out of fear.

"Mind your own business, Xiong Dabiao, otherwise don't blame us for being rude."

The man directly put down the bag of things he was carrying to transport to the building materials site and patted the dust on his hands.

"Whatever you want."

Xiong Dabiao rushed in instantly. In less than 5 minutes, six administrators had fallen to the ground. One of them stared at Xiong Dabiao angrily and took out his gun. Xiong Dabiao stood directly over.

"If you have the fucking ability to shoot me in the head, what does it mean for you to bully a child? What's wrong with that child? How old are you? How old is that child? A bunch of scum."

There were more and more people at the entrance of the alley. At this time, several administrators supported each other, said some harsh words, and left in a hurry.

"Stop crying, there's nothing to cry about, just take it."

Xiong Dabiao walked over, took out a dusty candy from his pocket, handed it to the child, then picked up the things and left with a smile amidst the applause of the people around him.

However, at this time, a group of guys with fierce eyes were eyeing Xiong Dabiao. They followed Xiong Dabiao all the way, and Xiong Dabiao also discovered it.

"Damn it, come here and give it a try. I will let you know today that if the tiger doesn't show its power, you will think that I am a sick cat!"

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