Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1561 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 29 (medium)


Xiong Dabiao wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked at the gang members lying on the ground, including a low-level mutant.

With a stagger, Xiong Dabiao took a step forward, shook his head, and wiped away the blood from his eyes. He looked at his two fists with bones exposed and laughed.

"I haven't lost a fight since I was a kid, bah!"

Xiong Dabiao spit out a mouthful of blood foam. Although he is not a mutant, he has been very strong and courageous since he was a child. He has just turned 18 and is a coolie worker in this middle-level area in the west. He has been running errands for others since he was a child. born.

"If the bleeding doesn't stop, someone will die!"

Xiong Dabiao staggered a few steps, and then sat down on the ground, his whole body went limp. A total of 12 people surrounded and beat them. Finally, Xiong Dabiao knocked them all down, including a mutant.

Following the sound, Xiong Dabiao saw a short, handsome, pretty and neutral woman with golden eyes. She had a cigarette in her mouth and was wearing a gray vest and a loose black t-shirt. Pants, Doc Martens boots.

A small bottle of something was thrown in the middle, and Xiong Dabiao reached out to catch it.

"Spray it on the affected area and it will stop the bleeding quickly."

After a while, Xiong Dabiao used this stuff and sprayed it on his head and hands, and he felt much better instantly.

"Thanks, friend!"

Xiong Dabiao stood up, but then sat down on the ground. He looked at the package of building materials in the distance and had to send it to his employer as soon as possible.

Rose quietly looked at this young, strong, muscular boy, and walked over with a smile.


Xiong Dabiao shook his head.

"Sister, you don't seem to be from here, but your tattoo is quite beautiful."

Rose smiled and put her left hand in front of her, holding her right elbow.

"You seem to be quite capable of fighting."


Rose said with a smile.

"You knocked them down today, and more people may come to surround you tomorrow. That kid just now did spread information about some clinics in this district. What those administrators said is true, but you knocked them down. , is it to realize the justice in your heart or something like that!”

Xiong Dabiao smiled and climbed up with his hands on his knees.

"It's not that illusory thing. I just saw that the child was scared. He needed help. That's all. Thank you, sister. I have never seen this kind of spray."

Xiong Dabiao walked over and picked up the material package and walked slowly. Rose said with a smile.

"I plan to walk around here recently. If you are free, show me around."

Xiong Dabiao raised his fist and waved it.

"You can find me at the tavern on North 4th Street."

Rose smiled and was about to turn around when a hand grabbed her ankle.

"Damn it, you damn man bitch, you must be in the same group with him, don't leave!"

At this time, several people on the ground also got up and looked at Rose with sinister smiles on their faces.

Rose sighed and took a drag on her cigarette.

"I have a much better temper now. Compared to before, you are lucky."

After a while, Rose walked out of this deserted back street. At this time, a bunch of people on the back street, their clothes turned into ropes, tied up everyone, and hung them directly on the street lamp.

Rose came here today because she had an extremely important job. The selection of locations for the 12 offices has already begun, and the gods themselves selected the locations.

Nowadays, in the middle class of the northwest, there are many empty houses with no one in this area and the area next door. Back then, because the climate in the northwest was suitable and there were a lot of factories in the west, most people chose to live here. settled down, but now the average population in the 15 western districts is less than 1.2 million.

This area in the northwest is close to the Black Mountains and is also very close to the upper mountains. You can go directly to the north and south by detouring from both sides. The addresses of Sections 3 and 5 have been basically determined, just in the middle level of the northwest.

It is also very close to the community of deformed people. In the future, the number of people in the 3rd and 5th departments will be the largest among the administrative departments. According to calculations, after the population gradually increases in the future, the 3rd department will need to reach at least 90,000 people, while the 5th department will have the largest number of people. The department needs at least 40,000 department members to fully cover every corner of the city.

The most direct purpose of Rose's visit this time was to test the soil condition of the two selected sites and the underground soil so that after bringing back the detailed information, Witte and Li Chu would start drawing out the design drawings.

The headquarters of the 12 departments and the General Affairs Department will start construction in a period of time. This project is very large, but it needs to be carried out slowly, which can completely alleviate the employment problem of part of the urban population.

The headquarters of the 12 branches need to cooperate with the Angus family's huge city construction plan. They must be implemented simultaneously. The current population of the city is not enough to support such a huge construction plan, and the economy and food do not allow it. The eastern part is being transformed. The fertile fields also need to be turned into food bases as soon as possible.

Since a large number of technologies were opened more than ten years ago, the opening of most science and technology has been almost stopped. This is just to drag the city into the next era of materialization of light and shadow.

Although the city has had various problems over the years, all walks of life in the city have become mature and stable, and they have enough ability to take over the technologies of the next era, because the open technologies of this era are all the same as the technologies of the next era. closely related.

On this point, the seven gods had reached a unified consensus when the city was first established. It was like putting together a machine. Whether it was software or hardware, they had to be matched.

The next era is extremely brilliant. Various technologies will enter diversified application fields, and urban science and technology will make a qualitative leap.

Rose was walking on the street, and many people who had been vaccinated began to party even though they were feeling unwell.

Rejection of vaccines and autoantibody genes will not cause any problems, but the body will feel uncomfortable, because these vaccines have been tested millions of times in experiments on cloning the future, and only clones are basically the same as humans. Only humans can develop such a perfect vaccine.

But what worries Rose is that the problem of mutants going berserk still cannot be solved, and vaccines will start to move towards this in the next step.

After taking a look at the time, Rose planned to go to a small shop on the street for a while. The air was already starting to get hot.


On the lawn of Angus' house, a large number of students are preparing for tonight's dinner. All members of the Angus family have completed their vaccinations.

"Alpha, where is that boy Noah?"

Latis asked and Alpha shook his head.

"It should be in the underground laboratory of our house, really."

Accompanied by a subtle and somewhat harsh sound of deflation, Avano swallowed and watched as a one-ton iron block in front of him was pushed by the high-pressure airflow instantly released from the four walls.

But soon the iron block stopped moving, and Noah sighed.

"As long as the parameters of this thing are slightly incorrect, it will fail. Element 357 is damaged and the air pressure value is too high."

Avano smiled. The entire underground laboratory was filled with students from Section 10. Many people were on both sides of the 10-meter-long pipe, looking at the values ​​​​on the light and shadow panels.

The square pipe, which is more than 1 meter long and 1 meter wide, has begun to deform. A large number of fine holes in the wall of the pipe will instantly eject high-pressure airflow, which will generate a strong driving force when the object passes by, causing the object to directly move under the high pressure. Move in airflow.

This is prepared for the future construction of urban underground logistics pipelines. 1-ton objects can currently move at a high speed of 400m/s, but they are still unstable.

In the future, after the materialization of light and shadow ends and is connected to the city, the only logistics items are basically food, which only needs to be packed in strong boxes made of Titanium Alloy II. Most daily necessities only need to be made directly in the factory. At the underground factory's own light and shadow entrance, after the user purchases it, it can directly enter the user's home through a special underground conduit of light and shadow materials.

The mimetic object Knowing it, one can even put a special quantum code on every manufactured item.

Originally, underground logistics could use electromagnetic effects to directly carry out the traction effect of a single magnetic pole like an underground train, but the consumption of electric energy is not generally large. In terms of current urban electric energy, it is too wasteful of resources.

Therefore, by directly using air kinetic energy, an inexhaustible energy source, the loss of electrical energy can be reduced by two-thirds.

But now there are problems in all aspects, including the problem of the subway. The arrangement of the access pipes for light and shadow materials, the installation of the access ports, and the current underground logistics pipelines. These things need to cover 120 districts as much as possible.

A district must have at least 2 tram stops, a light and shadow material storage pool, 200 logistics pipeline entrances and exits, and sewage outlets. These complex designs were difficult to understand when Avano was young. , but with the development of superfluid rock stabilizer technology, it is now possible to achieve all this.

"It is simply impossible to accurately measure every component manually, and components require extremely fine correction values ​​during the air compression and discharge process."

Avano said and Noah nodded.

"Don't worry, Mr. Avano, AI can solve all problems, including underground transportation problems. Now we have AI7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Construction, chemistry, mathematics, physics, and power can perfectly solve this problem. All things considered, I think it’s better for you to go get some rest first, otherwise you may be late for tonight’s dinner.”

Avano smiled and patted Noah on the shoulder. He liked this straightforward and serious young man very much, and he was also very good at dealing with people. Avano felt relieved to leave his daughter to such a young man.

"Hey, Noah, why don't you do any scientific research in the future? After marrying Alpha, it would be great to inherit the Angus family."

As one student joked, many students laughed, and Noah seemed a little embarrassed.

"It's indeed good. If our Angus family is left to you two, my wife and I can retire."

Avano said, and Noah became even more embarrassed.

"I never thought about that, Mr. Avano."

Seeing Noah stuttering a little when he spoke, Avano smiled and invited the students to come up together and prepare for lunch.

"Wind pressure recording completed!"

Li Chu yawned, pinched his nose, and looked at the deep excavated southern edge in front of him. A ravine had been formed. It looked at least 2 kilometers deep. Mining had stopped here, and the supply of stone in the city was still in short supply. But it can only be mined directly in a circular manner along other unexploited areas.

“I originally wanted to bring the sewage pipes to the barrier area, but it was too costly and we would have to dig a big hole that could eventually hold hundreds of years of garbage.”

As Witte said, Li Chu continued to walk. The two planned to go around the edge of the city to conduct detailed climate measurements. Such a thing would take several times. After all, the process of creating a dark film requires specific information. parameters of the outer circle of the city, so that a climate circle with constant temperature can be well constructed.

At this time, there was a large dark cloud in the southern sky where the two of them were, and the rain began to fall again unconsciously. Many houses on the outer circle of the ground floor had already been eroded by the recent rain, causing disaster problems.

There are even lightning strikes. Recently, two people have died due to lightning strikes. When the dark clouds are closed, early warnings will be issued in some areas that may be struck by lightning.

After Li Chu walked for a while, he stopped, coughed several times, and coughed up some black stuff. Werther glanced at the western sky, where huge chimneys were still emitting waste gas.

Although they have been ordered to deal with it, most factories basically only make some efforts to deal with industrial waste emissions during inspections.

"Industrial pollution has already arrived before the next era."

Li Chu said and Werther laughed.

"Hasn't it been expected a long time ago? We already have countermeasures. Human beings are not that fragile."

Exhaust gas disease was a very common disease a few centuries ago when humans first entered the industrial age. Due to long-term inhalation of harmful gases, many people would suffer from severe lung pain and even death after working for several years. There are cases of lung disease, but this is no longer a problem in this era.

Today's light and shadow medicine can directly emit light into the lungs, forming a slender channel for particles to pass through, completely passing between cells, and directly removing harmful particles attached to the lungs.

Although today's lung removal medical technology has certain hazards, basically some people who work in factories for a long time can do it once every six months or a year, so that it will not cause serious harm to the body.

"To be honest, Li Chu, I'm not sure what we did!"

Witte stopped and sat on the edge of the gully. Li Chu looked back at the several areas that were already in the middle of a large rain cloud, and a large amount of rain fell.

"Didn't I already say that we shouldn't dwell on these issues anymore? We have tried to control the problems as much as possible. Even if there are many force majeure factors, we have already thought of a response plan. Move quickly. At most It’ll be done in three days, I don’t want to stay here for a week.”

Witte stood up and looked at the gully where a lot of garbage had accumulated. Nowadays, most of the garbage is transported directly from the city and dumped into the gully, or it is transported to the barrier area through the four military camps. Most of it In order to save time, garbage disposal companies in the area will secretly dump garbage into gullies late at night.

"Those three guys should have already started!"

Werther looked at the barrier area in the distance, and Li Chu nodded.

"They can finish everything in three months at most, so we don't have to worry."

At this time, the gate to the barrier area of ​​the southern military camp not far away opened, and trucks carrying garbage from the city passed through the road.

A few minutes later, there were already many people gathered around a steep slope. They all looked embarrassed, their eyes were sunken, and their whole bodies were wrapped tightly. Many of them were coughing and panting. At this time, a truck driver quickly drove the truck over. A group of people climbed onto the truck excitedly. Regardless of the stench, they quickly threw the garbage on the truck to the side. Soon they saw packages one by one. boxes, they began to move.

"Why only 100 boxes?"

At this time, a man with a fierce face and a bit shaken asked, and the truck driver smiled.

"Prices have risen in the city recently, and there's nothing we can do about it."

A knife was pressed against the truck driver's neck, but the truck driver calmly pushed the knife away with his fingertips.

"If I die, you won't survive."

The man took out a small bag of money from his pocket in frustration. The banknotes were neatly wrapped in a plastic envelope and were still very new. After the truck driver took a stack of banknotes, he waited for the more than 300 people here to carry the supplies. , got up and dumped the remaining garbage down the slope, then drove the truck back.

Some people started to eat and drink eagerly. The leader roared and asked everyone to save some food. However, no one listened to him. The leader knew very well that he didn't have much money in his hand and he would make two or three more transactions at most. , there will be no money, but now the risk of being caught when returning to the city is too high.

There are many criminals like them on the edge of the city. After committing crimes in the city, they are forced to escape to the barrier area through some channels to survive. Most of them plan to wait until the time is right before returning to the city.

At this time, the leader quickly called some of his confidants, a total of 5 people.

"We can't stay here any longer. Take some things and leave tonight."

"Boss, what should they do?"

The leader sneered and shook his head.

"None of my business."

The leader quickly announced the destination. This was the south. They needed to hike hundreds of kilometers to the north and climb through the Black Mountains to enter the city. The current situation in the north has many mines. As long as they get in, it may be painful. A little, but there is food to eat and you can still bask in the sun.

At this time, a fierce bright light appeared in the distance, and the group of people looked at it.

Deguna stood quietly on the barrier, looking at the place in the distance. When the strong light group fell, a large number of plant-like plants that gathered into groups began to turn red. After a while, a large area of ​​plant-like plants began to drift with the wind. disappear.

Next to him, Gu Yi smiled and nodded.

"Now we have to install the weapons on the barrier in all directions. Except for the west and north, which can be slowed down, the south and east must be installed."

"Those bugs are really disgusting and I've had enough."

Tang Rao said and sat helplessly on the ground. The wind here was so strong that he couldn't even smoke a cigarette.

Every time Jean goes out and comes back, a large number of followers will always come back. Plant-like and alienated creatures have definitely begun to move here.

Precaution is necessary. They must complete the deployment of light killing weapons, light bombs, and small light nuclear weapons in the east and south. If there are any problems, they will not be overwhelmed. A large number of light and shadow materials have been Once shipped, the trio will spend at least three months installing the weapons.

With Jean in the city, there shouldn't be any major problems for the time being. In addition, the life-span vaccine is being distributed again. The entire city should be immersed in a sea of ​​joy, and no one will want to continue to cause trouble.

"One more shot, over there"

Deguna pointed to a large area of ​​plant-like plants on the right that were as black as water, with dots of scarlet in them.

Tang Rao closed his eyes. In the control room behind them, a streak of cyan particles flashed across. In an instant, a luminous bullet flew out from the city wall. A small group of light spots appeared on the horizon in the distance, followed by a bright flash of light. Shoot, a large area of ​​plant-like plants has been cleared away again.

"Forget it, don't clean it up, let's go down below and continue to install small optical nuclear weapons."

The other two people nodded, and the three of them walked directly through the entrance behind them.

The rails on the barrier have been laid. The four observation stations, which are movable like bunkers, can move quickly on the barrier. If there is any problem, just enter the underground weapons control room and turn on the weapons for precise strikes.

Over the years, the city wall has gradually used rock stabilizers to increase its density and become stronger than before.

"You're really making a lot of money, Boss Ran."

On a sunny afternoon, Ran Zhi sat quietly in the pavilion of his home. There were many bosses sitting around him. Ran Zhi smiled.

“I just made a little bit of money.”

"Ran Zhi, you shouldn't have it all to yourself!"

Ran Zhi immediately laughed, looking smooth.

"Of course it's impossible. The reason why I came to you all today is to invest. Bosses, the funeral industry is so popular now, I have already obtained the business license in advance, hehe."

"You have a brain. It's so easy to make money. We must let us invest in you."

A bunch of people laughed. At this time, Ding Manman came over with refreshments. Several bosses glanced at Ding Manman, and she left with a polite smile.

"I said Ran Zhi, are you really not going to have fun with us tonight?"

Ran Zhi shook his head.

"I'm not going, just have fun."

After a while, after discussing the investment-related matters, Ran Zhi sent a bunch of bosses away. He returned home and angrily called his son Ran Qiu and daughter Ran Yu, but neither of them planned to come back for the New Year. .

"Two little brats."

Ran Zhi said something. In a daze, Ran Zhi looked at some withered plants behind the house, and was a little dazed for a moment. Over the years, Ran Zhi has successfully entered the circle of the upper class, and he looks like an upper class person. But Ran Zhi knew very well that he was rejecting these all the time, but everything he did was not in line with what he thought in his heart.

He is groveling, tactful, and adapts to the wind. No one can be offended by his well-rounded personality. He can endure everything. Every time Ran Zhi uses people to walk to higher places and water to flow to the ground to comfort himself. Several bosses who are familiar with Ran Zhi are all Called Ran Zhi Ren Jing.

Ran Zhi is prospering in the upper class society, relying on accumulated connections to get bigger and bigger, but he also knows that he is still inferior to others, because he always carries with him some of the hard times in the past. His habits at that time, because of these habits, he was embarrassed several times.

I will take some things from the banquet home in my bag, I will bargain with merchants because of the cost of treating guests to a party, and when chatting with others, I will unconsciously pop up some things that others have never seen before. At the bottom level, someone said behind his back that his whole body exuded a sour stench and a smell of copper.

Several bosses who came here today saw Ran Zhi silently making the funeral industry prosperous, so they came directly to want a share of the pie. Ran Zhi had to pretend to be his grandson, so he could only satisfy their needs. All conditions are met, because they have helped me in many aspects in the past, although these help were obtained by humiliating myself.

But what makes Ran Zhi most helpless now is that his son and daughter are disobedient and have no idea of ​​his suffering. The reason why his daughter and son don't go home is because Ran Zhi taught them a harsh lesson in the past, and as a result, they I had a quarrel with myself and didn't go home all year round.

His wife Ding Manman couldn't bear to see her two children having a hard time outside, and would secretly go out to give them money from time to time. Recently, her wife often said that Ran Zhi should go back to the middle level and run whatever business she wanted, as long as she could live a good life.

"We haven't been back for a long time recently, husband. I want to go to the middle level."

go back!

The two words were like flames beside a barrel of explosives, igniting the fire in Ran Zhi's heart.

"Go back? Go back to where? Why go back to a place like that? Do you still have to go begging for food like before? You still have to be forced to go when your legs are broken like before."

Ran Zhi suddenly woke up and hurriedly hugged his wife who was covering her mouth with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry. It's my fault. I'm sorry."

Along with a whimper, Ding Manman shook her head.

"How about we really go back? I know you feel uncomfortable. Why are those guys arrogantly bragging in front of you, but you can only act like a grandson to them, but you still have to endure their ridicule and insults? Husband, we Go back, okay, don’t stay on the upper level, this is not suitable for us.”

Ding Manman also has a lot of grievances. At the wives' gatherings of the businessmen's clubs in the area, she has always been treated as nothing more than air. Like her husband, she needs to be ridiculed by the rich ladies.

"Now is not the time. Xiaoqiu and Xiaoyu cannot be like us before. At least they have many friends here. They can receive a good education, a good life, and the latest things. This is for them That’s the most real thing, it’s okay, it’s okay!”

Ran Zhi quietly looked at the withered plants in the backyard. His eyes were bloodshot for a while, and his expression began to become strange.

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