Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1559 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 28 (Part 2)

Every year on the morning of the festival, the scene repeats itself, except that there are fewer drunk people on the streets after partying all night long. In most areas of the middle and lower floors, the temperature will reach zero degrees at night, and sleeping outside is likely to be freeze to death.

On a middle-level street, a man seemed a little anxious waiting in the lobby on the first floor of a clinic.

The man kept smoking and looked eager. At this time, a lot of people came to the street of the clinic.

"Lao Li, are you pregnant?"

The man was surprised to see a lot of relatives and friends coming over, and he was a little surprised.

"Why are you here? My wife gave birth to the baby, not you."

At this time, many people took out red envelopes one after another and stuffed them into the man's hands. The man's name was Li Qin. He was a technician in this area. Last year, his wife finally got pregnant with a child. At 5 o'clock in the morning At that time, my wife had abdominal pain and was rushed to the clinic.

Many people in this district have the surname Li. Although many of them are not related by blood, gradually under the leadership of a person named Li in the past, everyone took root in District 58. The surname Li here is more like a united clan. Many people understand the importance of unity. The reason is because Li is a common surname and someone takes the lead. Everything in the district is relatively stable, and this district is also the only middle-level area without criminal gangs.

In recent years, a large number of people with the surname Li have been attracted here, and this place has gradually become more like a clan area. Because of the stable economy, everyone is living a good life, and prices are also the most stable in the middle class of the city.

"I informed the others."

A fat woman said, Li Qin smiled sheepishly, accepted everyone's red envelopes, and kept saying thank you. Although the money was not much, during the holidays or when some families encountered major changes, all people with the surname Li in the district , it will all pass, race for a red envelope, more than dozens or hundreds of dollars, less than a few dollars, the most important thing is your heart.

At this time, a man who looked like he had just climbed out of bed ran over, hurriedly took out 500 yuan from his pocket, and looked around.

"Li Yin, do you have any extra red envelopes?"

As the man spoke, a woman carrying a bag took out a red envelope from her pocket outside the crowd of people surrounding the clinic entrance.

"Li Ling, you are still so reckless. You will embarrass your son who is a high-ranking official in the future."

Li Ling walked over awkwardly and put the red envelope into Li Qin's hand.

"Li Ling, it's inappropriate to give so much, it's inappropriate."

Many people laughed for a while. Everyone knew that Li Ling's son was now the most promising person in the entire District 58. He was admitted to the Academy of God ten years ago and is now a special management officer. Not only does the family There is a monthly living allowance of 500 yuan, and my son's monthly salary is also very high.

"What's appropriate or inappropriate."

As Li Ling spoke, a burst of crying came from the delivery room, and everyone clapped.

Li Qin waited with a smile. After a while, a nurse took out a newly delivered baby.

"It's a boy."

Li Ling immediately held Li Qin's hand and kept saying congratulations. There was laughter all around. Neighbors named Li and some people with other surnames also came over. The whole street was full of people at this time. It was a celebration comparable to a festival, and the regional management officer also brought people over to congratulate.

He naturally knows that Li Qin and Li Ling have been playmates since childhood, and they have an unusual relationship. Li Ling's son Li Xin will also come over this year to review financial issues as always.

"I want to register my name. Have you chosen your name?"

Li Ling asked, and Li Qin felt a little embarrassed for a moment, and the neighbors and friends around him started talking about it.

Li Qin looked at the flag of District 58 flying across the street and thought for a moment.

"Just call me Li Ang."

"Why is it called Ang? It sounds weird."

Li Yin, the woman who just carried the bag, muttered something, and many people laughed.

"I just hope that my son can always stand up straight and be a good man."

People on the street applauded one after another, and the administrator came over with a congratulatory gift.

"Congratulations. Congratulations."

At this time, an old woman in the crowd was helped out and many people stepped out of the way. The old woman was wearing colorful clothes and had a ring with green gems on her head. Her surname was local Li The oldest elder in the clan is 88 years old. She knows some weird fortune-telling and divination.

"Grandma Li, please show this child."

The old man nodded. After walking over and knowing the child's birth date and name, he looked at the child who was breastfeeding in the delivery room with dull eyes. He walked over and took her little hand and said.

"This child will be extraordinary in the future. She will become a rich and powerful person, but one thing needs to be remembered. She should try to avoid a girl with a foreign surname in the first half of her life. She is a very beautiful girl. She will hinder the child's fortune. Once If he meets her, the child's fate will change, and it may even bring disaster to the entire people named Li."

For a moment, everyone present exclaimed. Grandma Li’s calculations were very accurate. She had guessed many people’s affairs, including Li Ling’s son Li Xin. Three members of Li Ling’s family arrived early in the morning. It was very poor here.

Grandma Li said at the time that as long as the time was right, their son Li Xin would bring wealth and power to their family. Now Grandma Li's words have come true.

People all around cheered. On such a joyful day, this was the second rich and powerful person named Li in Grandma Li's fable.

Although the birth rate in the city is very low now, it is not so low that no children are born. On January 1, hundreds of children were still born.

At 7:15 in the morning, with a burst of cheers, someone rushed to the street, and more and more people ran out of the house and ran towards the clinic and hospital.

At 7 o'clock sharp, everyone in the city received a message from Congress. The longevity vaccine has been successfully developed. You only need to go to a designated medical point nearby to get vaccinated. You need to keep an empty stomach. It will be administered in the next 3 months. Within the city, everyone in the city will be vaccinated.

There are more and more people on the street. At this time, some clinics serving as medical points are already blocked, and long lines have formed. Everyone wants to be vaccinated as soon as possible, which can prevent the next generation of deformed children. , blight, abnormal body defects during growth and other diseases. The most important thing is that life span can be extended to 150 years old. For most people, this is the best gift they receive at the beginning of this new year.

Many people showed happy smiles, and many businessmen and family members had already received the vaccine a few hours ago. After the vaccine is injected, the body will have a rejection reaction for several days, which may be accompanied by low fever and general discomfort. In response, Congress has also begun to publish some information on its website.

What many people did not expect is that the bosses of many companies have given paid leave for the first time. Anyone who has been vaccinated can take three days off, and these three days will be paid according to normal wages.

The city seems to be ready to welcome more people. After all, the city's 120 districts are very large. The population of many districts has dropped to less than 10,000, and they will become dead zones as soon as possible.

A new round of population growth means that the city's originally static economy, which has begun to solidify and scab, will experience very high growth in the days to come.

The maternity subsidies accumulated in various districts in the city over the years can fully satisfy the birth of a large number of newborns. No one in the local management officials dares to touch this money, because if they do, it will be immediately over.

Today is a day full of hope for most people, and the future is bright for most people. Congress has promised to gradually launch a medical and pension insurance system in the future.

For businessmen and family members, this means that a new round of business opportunities is coming. As early as two months ago, a large number of companies applied for the right to operate children-related products and submitted a large number of applications. However, so far, Congress failed to approve any of it.

At this time, there were more than a dozen lifts standing on the lawn of Angus' house. A large number of students from the school had already come over. Alpha held a syringe and looked at his scared mother with a smile.

"Mom is fine. It's just that there will be constant pain for about half an hour when the injection goes in."

Avano had already been vaccinated by his daughter. At this time, he was sitting in a shack, looking very painful.

"Be gentle, daughter."

Alpha said with a smile.

"It's okay. Just have a good rest today. I will take care of everything in this manor with my classmates in the next few days. You can have a good rest for a few days."

More than 100 students from the school came here early this morning and have begun to vaccinate more than 4,000 people in the Angus family and its affiliated families.

The news media have begun to report that the beginning of the new year is a very important event for the entire city. The streets are full of people, and some people who have reached the medical point and it seems that it is impossible to wait for vaccination have returned to the streets. I plan to continue preparing for tonight’s all-night party.

"Mom, don't be so nervous, relax."

Alpha smiled and looked at his mother, who was most afraid of injections. After a while, Violet finished the injection with a painful grin. Alpha smiled and looked at other people at home who were still lining up.

"Miss, how about we give the injection tomorrow and let you do the work."

"It's okay, we'll be fine. Just take a good rest for a few days."

At this time, Alpha took out the phone while taking advantage of the injection.

"Fat brother, are you coming today?"

"Come on, if you can come over and work for me, I'll come over, how about Alpha."

Alpha smiled awkwardly. She didn't like the upper class society that Locke mentioned. Locke would tell them about his experiences in the upper class every time he came back. Unlike King Xue who went to banquets from time to time but never revealed anything, Locke would Once I talk about it, I can’t stop talking about it.

At this time, Locke hung up the phone and looked angrily at the sun-diffused courtyard. Hawke was holding his wife Kailin and talking about something. Their faces were filled with happiness.

"Are you ready? Have you eaten enough?"

Kailin hurriedly pushed Hawke away. Locke squatted on the ground and poked the lawn with his fingers.

"Little Fatty, let's go."

Hawke said and jumped out of the courtyard wall. Locke and Kailin said hello and followed them.

"When did I say I could retire?"

Locke felt that things were getting more and more wrong. He seemed to have been roped in. Now Hawke often asked him to attend banquets alone. Locke had had enough of everything at the banquet. Money, power, and sex were three things that had to be dealt with extremely hard. It's a waste of time. If you accidentally let go of the truth or something else, you will be in trouble. Locke really wants to get out of this state as soon as possible.

"Hoke, you don't want to leave the mess to me, and then leave in style, eating, drinking and having fun every day with your beauty, right?"

Hawke stopped and immediately started laughing.

"What are you thinking about, little fat guy? Think about it carefully. Which of your classmates is not more capable than you?"

Locke thought so, just keep working for the gods to save money for a few years.

"By the way, Fatty, weren't there many beauties at the banquet who approached you and wanted to get along with you?"

Locke shook his head.

"Do I dare to ask for it? Asking for it means agreeing to the other party's conditions. I'm not an idiot, and I can't handle those women. Did you really not lie to me, Hawke?"

Hawk smiled and nodded.

"Don't worry, Fatty. When I retire, you can retire with me."

Today is another busy day. Locke went to the Congress for a meeting at 4 o'clock last night, preparing to give a detailed video conference explanation on the development of a life-span vaccine announced by Congress today.

"Really let me say it?"

Locke asked, and Hawke, who had already stepped into the landing gear, nodded.

"It's okay, you have to practice hard. After all, I am always the only one to say that the public is somewhat tired of aesthetics. You look very honest. Didn't the previous TV speeches work well!"

Locke patted his belly.

"You mean I'm fat, asshole."

8:10 am

The video conference has started for nearly 10 minutes, and many people who are still queuing up to get vaccinated are watching. However, to the surprise of many people, the televised speech this time is not Hawke, but Locke, the deputy leader of the inspection team. .

"This little fat guy talks very well."

Someone in the crowd started talking, and many people smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, I always think that guy Hawke is a bit too serious. This little fat guy has a nice smile."

"You look honest and honest."

People in the city are talking a lot, but many people in the upper echelons no longer pay attention to these things. Some big families in the upper echelons have their own private doctors and medical teams. Most people don't need to go to the hospital to line up for injections. They can go directly to the hospital for injections. Just at home, most people are still preparing for the formal dinner tonight.

"How's it going lately!"

Gene stood at the fence of a courtyard, holding a cigarette in his hand. Not far from Gene, Ji Yun was breastfeeding her child.

"Mr. Jean, why haven't you come over recently? You haven't been to my house for a long time. Do you want to have dinner at our house tonight?"

Gene smiled helplessly and shook his head.

"I'm sorry, Xiaoyun. I'm busy with many things now. This child has a nice smile."

Ji Yun sighed.

"I'm afraid that he has inherited his father's introverted character. Tell me, Mr. Jean, my husband has recently made a loss in business, and the family is already criticizing him."

"Just take your time. No one can do everything right at the beginning."

Gene smiled and looked at this family gathering place just below First Avenue. He would come here from time to time to visit. There were many friends Gene knew here.

"By the way, Mr. Jean, tonight the youngest son of the Clayman family is getting married to the daughter of the Chloe family. Will you come?"

Jean said after thinking for a while.

"Forget it, when Mr. Kleiman was still alive, I might have gone there often, but now I'm not very familiar with this generation in their family."

Ji Yun walked up to Gene with the child in her arms and handed the child to Gene. Gene held Ji Mo in his arms, smiling and making faces to tease the baby. The baby in his arms smiled. Come.

"When this child grows up, I hope Mr. Jean can take some time to teach him."

"Aren't you worried?"

Ji En said, Ji Yun shook her head.

"We feel more at ease teaching Mr. Jean. After all, Mr. Jean, the people you brought out are all better. This is obvious to all of us. That Locke guy is really good. He will participate in Clayman tonight." Wedding ceremony at home and at Chloe’s house.”

"Xiao Pang is indeed a nice guy. By the way, Ji Yun, do you have any suitable unmarried girls of the right age? Can you help introduce some to Xiao Pang?"

Ji Yun was a little surprised.

"Mr. Jean, Mr. Locke is very popular with the girls at the banquet. Don't you know, many girls in the family want to marry him."

Gene laughed.

"Then it seems that my worries are unnecessary. By the way, Xiaoyun, when you have time, go to Chen's house and see Wilsie. She seems to be... now."

Ji Yun sighed.

"I've been there a few times, but to be honest, although we were classmates before, my relationship with her was not very good. Freya and her may have a very good relationship, but Freya has hardly been around recently. Are you going home?"

Jean looked helplessly into the distance.

"Maybe I should have stopped her on the night of her wedding."

"I don't think so, Mr. Jean. Even if you stop it, it doesn't matter. Family marriage is inevitable. You should know this better than anyone. You don't look like a god at all, more like a qualified nanny." ,Ha ha!"

Gene held up the end of the season with a smile, and the child burst into laughter. Then Gene returned the end of the season to his mother, Ji Yun.

"Sorry Xiaoyun, I have to go to Jiang's house now."

With that said, Gene jumped out of the fence, with Ji Yun waving behind him.

Jean strolled through the elegant gathering place of small and medium-sized families, and greeted many people along the way. Soon Jean followed the path and went directly to the Jiang family at the end of First Avenue.

As soon as he entered the courtyard of Jiang's house, the alarm rang. Gene quickly walked towards the main mansion in the distance, where there were a large number of stars, directors, playwrights, painters from the film and television area, as well as news media company bosses from all walks of life. They all gathered on Jiang's lawn.

At this time, a woman in a black suit ran over and bowed.

"Lord Jean, Mr. Jiang Hao and Ms. Honghong are waiting for you."

Jean walked quickly to the gate of the mansion. For a while, many female stars noticed Jean and looked over in surprise. There was a commotion at the gate of the mansion. The crowd separated and stood up straight on both sides. After bowing, Jean smiled and nodded to both sides before entering the mansion.

Soon Jean came to a large living room on the second floor. Jiang Hao and Honghong stood in the living room. The couple held hands and bowed to Jean.

"Lord Jean, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Jiang Hao smiled and hurriedly took out a bottle of expensive-looking wine from the cabinet and poured a glass for Jean. After the door behind him closed, Jean sat on the sofa in the living room.

"I received a call from you, Sir Jean, last night. We were waiting here early this morning. What happened?"

Jiang Hao looked at Jean suspiciously, rolled his eyes, then smiled and walked over with the wine bottle.

"Is it a problem with the proliferation of drugs in the film and television area?"

Gene nodded.

"As long as you know it, I won't repeat it again. Honghong, you are the president of the Entertainment Association!"

Honghong smiled and nodded.

"I know Mr. Jean, I will handle it. That's good. How about we announce some iron rules. Once anyone is found to have taken illegal drugs in the film and television area, he will never be hired."

Gene nodded.

"One more thing! This is not Area 29, I hope you two can understand."

Jiang Hao smiled and nodded.

"But some things cannot be completely eliminated. As for drugs, it is not our own fault. What should the medical association say? Mr. Jean, you have to go over and talk about this problem."

Gene stood up, drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, then turned around, walked to the back window, and jumped onto the window sill.

“Delicious wine, thank you for the treat!”

After Jean left, the couple looked at each other and smiled. They walked hand in hand to the large balcony on the second floor near the main entrance of the mansion. Looking at the large number of happy people below, Jiang Hao felt helpless. Sighed.

"It's true. You've obviously warned me repeatedly. People are really creatures with no self-control."

Honghong held a glass of wine, took a sip and shook her head.

"Then the woman's next scene should be replaced by this woman's."

As she said this, Honghong took out her phone. After clicking it, Jiang Hao took a look. She saw an actress named Chense who had participated in many low-budget movies. She seemed to have average reviews and was not too pretty. .

"Then what should Ada do?"

"She doesn't fit into this circle. Drive her away. I don't want to see her doing pimp business at banquets in the future."

Jiang Hao nodded thoughtfully.

"But honey, this kind of thing is not good. Although that woman is a madam, she is still of some use."

Jiang Hao said very carefully, not daring to offend this woman at all, because the Jiang family can be so glorious now because of her contribution. However, because of her cheating on Honghong during her pregnancy, she suffered a mental breakdown and miscarried. His career also plummeted.

After that, Jiang Hao didn't dare to mess around anymore. She listened to Honghong on many things. She was now the absolute leader of the Jiang family, and she could only be regarded as the second child.

"Can't you hear what Mr. Jean means?"

Jiang Hao was puzzled for a long time.

"What's the meaning?"

"Mr. Jean drank the wine I poured, but not the wine you poured. Can you understand the difference?"

Jiang Hao blinked.

"It's just a glass of wine."

"He said at the beginning that I was the president of the Entertainment Association. Don't you understand? Why are you still talking about the medical association, you idiot?"

Honghong squeezed the wine glass and exploded it. Jiang Hao was startled, and then she rubbed her hand directly on Jiang Hao's clothes.

"If we don't do something, or make a little change, Mr. Jean will take action against the entertainment industry next. You idiot, do you really think you are the boss if you have money?"

Jiang Hao couldn't say a word for a long time, and he didn't dare to disobey his wife's wishes. He nodded and smiled and hurriedly took Honghong's hand.

"Let me see if there is anything broken! But wife, why would you use such an unknown actor?"

Honghong laughed.

"Beckinsale recommended it."

Suddenly Jiang Hao's eyes lit up.

"He must be the owner of the studio on East 6th Street in the film and television area."

"Thank you for remembering!"

Jiang Hao said with a chuckle.

"Of course, after all, she is a rare beauty."

"Idiot, she is indeed beautiful, but she is also a very scary woman. This actor named Chense has been recommended by her 1037 times in the past three years, as well as other more or less small actors, thousands more. Times, at least hundreds of times, including film directors, screenwriters, etc. I will also use a new director as the director this time, and the investment is tentatively set at 10 million."

As she said this, Honghong clicked on another page of information. It was a movie called "The Queen", and the script had been carefully selected and polished for a long time.

"Can this thing really be sold for money?"

Jiang Hao asked doubtfully.

"The market has the final say on whether you can sell it for money. What is the current market? The share of movies and TV series is gradually declining. Do you know why? What can be produced through shoddy production and power and sex transactions in the entertainment industry? Now there are many things on the market. A few short sitcoms, just pick them out at random, are better than the garbage produced by the film and television area. If we don’t do something, the entertainment industry will be finished.”

Jiang Hao said "Oh" and looked at it carefully. The director was a person named Lanni, and the script was adapted by a person named Xingyuan who didn't know anything about it.

"Ten million is already a big production. Isn't it too much? How about 5 million?"

Honghong grabbed Jiang Hao's ears.

"Do you want to listen to me?"

Jiang Hao nodded immediately.

"Listen, definitely listen."

Honghong smiled, looked at the planner, Beckinsale, and sneered.

"What a powerful woman."

"What's so great about it? I heard that she starred in movies when the film and television industry first started, but she was not well-known. Later, she seemed to stop acting in movies and established an entertainment company. But the recommended actors, oh yes , it seems that Ada was also recommended by her."

Honghong nodded.

"I discovered some interesting things recently. There are some powerful guys hidden in this city. Have you got the food show done?"

Jiang Hao said with an embarrassed smile.

"That Wu Qun is really a weirdo. He is really a fool if he doesn't go on TV even if he is given 1 million. He actually asked for 100 million. He may be really crazy."

Honghong stared at Jiang Hao with wide eyes.

"Just give him 100 million."

"Honghong, are you drunk? We have already taken action. He will never want to appear on TV in his life."

Honghong looked at Jiang Hao in surprise.

"So you are just a fool. There are some things I say now that are useless and there is nothing I can do to stop them. Among the guys who will stand at the top in the future, Wu Qun and Beckinsale will be two of the heavyweights!"

Jiang Hao swallowed and wanted to laugh, but he didn't dare. He turned around and walked away, planning to go downstairs to drink.

Honghong smiled and looked into the distance.

"There are too few people in this city who truly understand that helping others means helping themselves!"

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