Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1554 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 27 (Part 1)

There was a loud rumble, and Hawk's eyes widened for a moment. He was less than 2 meters away from Peristan, and a violent impact sounded instantly. Along with the sound of shattering glass, Hawk quickly rushed out. After entering the conference room, he rushed directly into the opposite room and watched an explosion occur about 200 meters away from the Law Hall.

Under the light of the sky, there were the sounds of explosions one after another. The fire instantly began to spread towards the surroundings. The sounds of explosions were heard one after another. A smell instantly appeared in the air, which was the smell of methane.

Hawke's eyes widened, and he looked worriedly into the distance. A large number of students from the School of God were rushing towards the explosion site.

The scope of the explosion began to grow larger and larger, and thick smoke filled the air. However, at this time, a helicopter had already arrived over the explosion site in an instant.

"Please spread out."

Noah, who was already sitting on the lift, said with a smile, looking at the nearby red dots outside the explosion area. The students were still using telekinesis to stabilize the spread of the explosion.

Noah, who was at the back of the cabin, was holding a large jar and pressed the button on the jar. With a burst of cold air, he instantly threw the jar down.


There was a violent sound, a sizzling sound, and a large amount of black smoke rising from the fire spot. Noah coughed and drove the helicopter away.

A flash of white appeared in the smoke, and many students who were planning to use telekinesis to prevent explosive objects from flying quickly left.

Alpha glanced at his left arm that was burned by the flames. The entire sleeve had been burned away. A piece of skin was directly burned to black by the high temperature, and bright red blood seeped out. Alpha's face was solemn, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and his mouth was slightly grinning. , she calmly took out a cigarette, lit it and took a puff.


Behind him, Tamai, who was sitting on the ground with a gray face, trembled and uttered one word.

"High-density liquid nitrogen has a diffusion range of at least 500 meters."

While Alpha was speaking, the flames had been extinguished, and part of the entire 8-story residential building had collapsed.

"What a daredevil! Let me help you take a look, sister."

Latis ran over quickly, and Huashen who followed behind him took out a bottle of condensation spray with a solemn expression, and quickly sprayed it on Alpha's left arm.


Alpha asked with a grin, big beads of sweat left on his forehead, and Huashen sighed.

"You are the one in the most serious situation."

"You'd better tell everything you know, otherwise, I won't be polite."

Latis grabbed Tamai.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry!"

Hua Shen breathed a sigh of relief. The students in the school have practiced the course of dealing with explosions countless times. Rose and Jean will be around for such dangerous courses. The students face all kinds of things. In such an explosion situation, one of the two people can take the students away from the explosion before the explosion threatens the students, and the other person can directly control the explosion at the moment when the explosion spreads.

At this time, many students ran over. King Xue was already sitting on the ground, and Huashen and Vivian were helping Alpha deal with his wounds.

And the man who was being dragged by Latis, crying and saying he was sorry, should be the henchman.

"Okay Latis, let him calm down first."

Alpha said as students from other departments were still searching around the scene.

"There's no bomb at all! Right?"

Alpha asked, Tamai shook his head, and Latis let go of his hand.

"Please, let Mr. Perestan finish his sentence. It only takes a few minutes. We don't want to hurt anyone, we just..."

Tamai also saw that the girl who had just saved him was the leader of these special management officers.

"You decide, President!"

King Xue said, Alpha put out the cigarette butt, Latis lit a cigarette and put it in Alpha's mouth.

"Let him finish!"

King Xue took the phone and began to send a message to Hawke. There were many places at the scene where bombs were suspected to be placed, and he also sent a cover action order to all the students.

The system of God's Academy was established early in the morning when the classes were divided. Everything outside is subject to the orders of the student council president Alpha. Her orders are God's orders. No matter what the circumstances, no student is allowed to violate the order.

"Is this really okay, President?"

King Xue asked. Alpha smiled bitterly and stood up from the ground. Looking at the wound that had been bandaged, the pain gradually disappeared because of the medicine Vivian injected into herself.

"There is nothing good or bad. What we have to do is to change the situation where this problem occurs, not from the perspective of social criticism, but from a practical perspective. If we can do most of the things in the future, then the people will He won’t be our enemy!”

At this time, many reporters poured in outside the Law Hall, and under the leadership of some members of the inspection team, they walked towards the conference room on the top floor.

Peristan sat quietly by the window, his gaze extending across the conference room to the smoke and dust that could still be seen on the opposite side.

Although I don’t know what Tamai did, Tamai may have

Peristan did not dare to continue thinking about it. He knew very well that this opportunity might have been bought by Tamai with his life, and it must not be wasted like this.

Hawke was still suspicious, because the message King Xue sent to him used the word "suspicious". He was already asking Alpha, but Alpha had not responded yet. Hawke was not an idiot. He knew those gods very well. There are things that students in the college can do that today's administrators absolutely cannot do.

The explosion occurred less than 10 minutes ago, but the fire was under control 4 minutes ago, and the scene was immediately cordoned off. Everything was handled quickly and methodically.

If this man were to say something to the camera, Hawke couldn't imagine what he would say.

Gradually, several people from the inspection team who had gone down outside came back, and many reporters entered the hall. The expressions on the faces of a large number of reporters were excited at this time. They did not expect to be able to capture such a rare scene.

Perestan stood up straight and bowed to everyone.

More and more reporters came in. Lyons smiled and looked at Perestan in front of him. He knew very well that no matter what he said or did, he would only be treated as a lunatic and a rioter. This was such a reckless move. The man's final fate.

"Excuse me, sir, why did you do such a thing?"

A reporter asked the question first, and Perestan shook his head.

"I just want to say something to the people in the entire city. I just hope I can say everything I want to say."

Tamai's figure flashed in Peristan's mind, and he looked at the camera quietly.

Hawke smiled and glanced at Lyons opposite.

We cannot allow the situation to escalate any further!

Just now, Hawke had ordered to cut off the Internet. This seemingly live broadcast was actually only heard by the people in front of him. The supervision team had already blocked the scene after the reporters came up.

Alpha stared at the interrupted signal quietly. He stood up and looked back at the man who had been roasted by the handcuffs. His face was full of joy, as if he was still expecting something, but he was able to cut off the signal and had the right to do so. There are only gods.

"Everyone, don't you have any doubts about this case? Don't you have any thoughts about such a verdict?"

Perestan said quietly, and the reporters were also actively cooperating at this time. However, when they came up, the people from the supervision team directly said that they were not allowed to record any video footage, and they needed to cooperate with subduing the prisoners. And in terms of words, some reporters also understood that if they really did that, they would not have any qualifications to conduct interviews in a few days, and they might even be imprisoned for certain crimes.

"Mr. Perestan, it's because you were dissatisfied with this sentence that this incident was triggered. Can we understand it this way?"

Perestan shook his head.

"I don't have any dissatisfaction, I just want to say something! Each of us has the right to know the truth and the right to understand the truth, but many times, people tend to ignore the process of the truth, pursue the results of the truth, and even blindly follow , this is a terrible thing.”

As Peristan said, he took out something from his pocket. The reporters deliberately adjusted the camera, but in fact they couldn't see anything. The people present had already seen it. It was a printed document with something like The number of criminals killed by administrators in the past three years is 38.

The number of administrators who were attacked and killed because of their efforts to stop crimes was as high as 717, which is nearly 19 times the number of people who died.

"Have you ever thought about some of the rumors that have been circulating on the streets in recent years? It's all the managers' fault. It's them who have caused the misfortune in our lives. Because of their corruption and their inaction, we live a miserable life. So miserable.”

Hawke was stunned for a moment. He didn't know what this man wanted to do, but what he said touched his heart.

"Don't be kidding, everyone, if the city managers really don't act, the city will not be able to function. I don't want to explain who is right or who is wrong. Many people can easily learn from such information. It was downloaded on the Internet, but why did everyone choose to turn a blind eye? Just because of one incident, all the blame was pointed at a man who stopped the harassing behavior of a drunkard on the street. He was beaten in the end and was forced to exercise his rights for personal safety. This is an extremely irresponsible behavior on the part of a young administrator. Have you ever thought about it, although the public security in these years is still not very good, how is it compared to the past when violence was not uncommon?"

Hawke sat down and planned to continue listening to what this man had to say. He was very sober and clearly understood the aspects of many things.

"I'm not blaming the drunkard's behavior, nor am I covering up the second shot fired by the young administrator, because we are all human beings, and people will have their moments of anger. Emotions are important to us as human beings. Sometimes it is difficult to control, so what I want to say is that as human beings, we should stay awake at all times and not be influenced by a voice. The case has not even fully entered the process. A person was put on trial so quickly? Why on earth is this? If public opinion can really solve everything, I don’t think there is any need for all the lawyers, members of the National Committee, members of the inspection team, judges, and even administrators here. Because public opinion can solve everything, and can even replace the role of the law and influence the judgment of the law."

Peristan bowed deeply again.

"Law is a tool that we humans have found for thousands of years to solve social problems. Morality is a concept extended from the balance of good and evil in human society. But today, what I see is this Two tools that have played a very important role in our human society are out of balance! Justice? How can there be justice in such a verdict? What are we afraid of! Are we afraid of the 38 people who died in the past three years? People who were shot by managers, one day we may become one of them, or we are afraid, those managers who died in the hands of thugs for various reasons, because one day we may become them One of them? Whose fault is it? Who should be responsible for this? Who should we blame? What caused all this to happen and contributed to this hypocritical trial. Countless lies are superimposed on the city. , the managers are lying, and the people in the city are also lying. Everyone clearly understands everything, because everyone has a head that can think, eyes that can see everything, ears that can hear everything, and He has a beating heart! But why are everyone lying and following lies happily!"

With tears in his eyes, Parisan roared at the top of his lungs, and the scene became quiet. At this time, some reporters' hands and fingers unconsciously moved towards the shooting function, but they soon woke up.

Everyone present knew that such a sound was a bit harsh and would penetrate from the ears into the heart, but such a sound would soon disappear.

"What kind of resentment, dissatisfaction, and unwillingness do you have that leads to so many lies being piled up layer by layer! Public opinion cannot solve the problem, and the law cannot solve the problem. Morality cannot solve the problem! Only the truth can solve the problem. Even if the truth is bloody or even smelly, we can only choose to pursue the truth instead of using lies to construct one truth after another. There will always be One day when lies are everywhere in the city, what is the truth? Maybe no one will believe the truth anymore, because the truth is scary, annoying, and unacceptable. The whole city is only filled with hypocrisy. , Hypocrisy can indeed solve all problems, but it cannot solve all problems. These problems will one day be malicious, and what you choose will be what you have to endure in the end!"

After Peristan finished speaking, he looked back at the world under the sun outside in a trance, and slowly stepped back. Locke had already disappeared. Just as everyone was immersed in Peristan, When he asked the question, he leaned back and instantly fell out of the window dozens of meters high. The rope that was originally tied to his body had already been loosened.

With the exclamation of a female reporter, Perestan closed his glasses, but his eyes were red. He calmly opened his hands. Perhaps only by defending the dignity of justice in this way can he be allowed to die. It is enough for some people to be clearer and have slightly longer memories. For the 40 years of his life, Perestan has no regrets.

"You stupid!"

Suddenly, Peristan's eyes widened. A fat man in a white uniform hugged his body from behind, and the two of them fell rapidly in an instant.

There were bursts of exclamations, and Peristan stared blankly at the students in uniforms standing below.

There was a loud boom, and Locke's eyes widened in pain, but the impact was quickly enveloped by a large number of red particles, and a large number of students had already rushed over.

"Fat brother, are you okay?"

Yu Wanrou looked at Locke Jiahui with some worry.

"It's okay. I should have several broken ribs. Let Hua Shen come over and perform surgery on me."

Alpha breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, Peristan looked at Tamai who was handcuffed and was crying, crying very sadly.

With a boom, Hawke landed directly among the students.

"Your principal wants you to go back quickly. As the person in charge of this operation, Student Council President Alpha, Principal Gene hopes you can explain clearly."

Alpha hummed and looked at Peristan and Tamai. With the help of C, they could clearly see the video of the scene just now. Everyone could clearly hear every word Peristan said.

"We heard your voice, Mr. Perestan!"

Alpha said, turning around and raising his hands melancholy, looking at the sunlight passing through his fingers, which were slightly red.

"Cure the team! Go back to school."

"Maybe the fat guy will have a brain attack."

Looking at Locke being supported by Vivian and Keying, Hawke said with a smile.

"Even if the brain is broken, if one voice is allowed to disappear, the last trace of the so-called justice today will be stripped off!"

Looking at the students gradually leaving, Perestan was still in shock. Hawke squatted in front of Perestan who was lying on the ground, and then glanced at Tamai who was lying on the ground crying.

"Congratulations to you two, you will soon be in jail for crimes against the city, but there is one more crime, crime of justice!"

Hawke stood up as he spoke, and the inspection team members behind him came directly over and caught the two of them.

"Send them to jail and convict them of being mentally ill and committing acts that endanger the city."

Inside a takeoff and landing aircraft

"I'm really surprised that you would do something like this, Alpha."

King Xue smiled, and the monitors and class officers of the 12 subjects were all sitting in a helicopter.

"Alpha will definitely be scolded by the principal when he goes back. In fact, we all know it and understand everything that guy said. It's just that this is not our era. We are not very mature, or the city is not yet mature. We are not allowed to make drastic changes.”

Latis said, Alpha just let out a dull hum, not too heavy a burden, and always had a relaxed smile on his lips.

At this time, beams of light continued to shine through the windows of the takeoff and landing plane. Everyone in the cabin sighed in relief, and the school could already be seen.

As a crane landed, Locke was helped out. Gene stood quietly at the entrance of the corridor connecting the main teaching building directly opposite the school gate. More and more students gathered over, Hua Shen directly worked with several students to help Locke onto the makeshift operating table, intending to perform surgery on Locke while listening to the principal's instructions.

After a few minutes, the students all stood in a row under the leadership of their respective monitors and class officers.

Jean quietly lit a cigarette, took a drag, and looked at Alpha, who was standing in front of him, nearly 1.8 meters tall, a little shorter than him. She stood up straight with her hands behind her back.

"Answer me Alpha, why did you do that!"

The students were all nervous, because the principal was the strictest teacher in the school. Under his gentle and handsome face, there was a heart like a machine. He taught the students everything strictly and never dealt with students who made mistakes. I'll be polite.

This was the first time Alpha had made a mistake, and as Alpha was the leader, and someone that Principal Jean had taught since he was very young, everyone was a little worried.

"answer me!"

"Because I heard the voice of justice, Principal!"

Gene smiled, holding up the cigarette in his hand and clasping his belly with one hand.

"Then let me teach you a lesson now, justice has a price!"

Alpha's lips curled up slightly, but he quickly lowered his head and said.

"I'm willing to accept any punishment! Principal."

"Starting today, you will be responsible for cleaning all students' dormitories for three years. During these three years, you are not allowed to participate in any actions in the city."

Jean said, and many people breathed a sigh of relief for a while. Jean turned around and sighed.

"No one is allowed to help her. If I know any of you are helping her, there will be more severe punishment. Do you hear me clearly?"

"Listen clearly! Principal!"

Gene raised a hand and pressed it on Alpha's shoulder, patting it gently.

"Justice has a price. Remember Alpha. If one day you feel that you must pay something for justice, if you can bear the price, I have nothing to say, but please remember it. Please also All of you, remember what happened today. This may happen countless times in the future. Please think carefully about where you should be and what you should do. This is what you should do every day. The personal answer is also the answer that you need to search for in the next few decades or even a century! Disband!"

Gene walked slowly, and all the students behind him bowed. Guy Luo rested his head on his hands and sighed.

"Alpha, the principal hasn't left yet!"

Seeing many students gathered over, mostly girls, Noah breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the ground. Everyone had been beaten by the principal in the past few years, and Alpha was beaten the worst, indiscriminately. One against one was a battle that took place every month, until Alpha collapsed from exhaustion, she did not give in at all.

Alpha said with a naughty smile as he looked at many students.

"If any of you dare to deliberately make things difficult for me, don't blame me for being rude three years later!"

Alpha said with his fist raised, and many students laughed. A few students who were planning how to mess up the dormitory and asked the student council president to clean it up laughed mischievously.

"Are you too loose, Gene?"

Tang Rao asked. At this time, the two of them were in a biology research classroom on the fourth floor. Looking at the jubilant students in the courtyard, Gene shook his head.

"That's a good answer, isn't it?"

Tang Rao exhaled a puff of smoke and shook his head helplessly.

"Her character is really the most amazing little girl I have ever seen. I will leave the city to her to manage and improve the city in the future. In terms of public security, I am relieved, but she may be too strong."

"can you?"

Gene said, looking at Noah who left talking and laughing with Alpha. Alpha's face always maintained the youthful, lively and beautiful look of a little girl.

"I don't mean this aspect, but the heart. She is just a girl after all. Women sometimes have fragile hearts."

Tang Rao pressed his chest and Gene took a look.


Tang Rao frowned slightly, and Gene put away his joking expression.

"With these forces brought together, the future executive branch and the group of parliamentarians will be able to handle everything well, but now the plan has to be postponed again, but we have prepared an enhanced plan."

"There are still 16 years to go. After all, people have taken advantage of such a big loophole this time. Those guys are really pervasive."

Gene nodded and lay on the window sill.

"It doesn't matter. They are still too immature and young now, and they are still not stable enough when it comes to handling things. Okay, you can go back to the research laboratory. How is the situation with the vaccine?"

Tang Rao nodded and said.

"In eight months at most, there should be extremely significant results. Don't worry. Although it is a bit cruel, we try to deal with the following matters in the most humane way. The criminals basically agree. Signed an agreement to help complete the research and then return to society."

Jean hummed, and Tang Rao turned around and walked slowly away.

"When you have time, can you help me train that little naughty bitch of Jill, Gene?"

Gene raised his hands and clenched them into fists.

"That greasy little slipper should indeed be punished. After all, he will be the secretary of the 5th Public Security Management Section in the future. If this continues, he will not be able to lag behind others in terms of strength."

After a while, Gene heard footsteps and glanced back.

"What's wrong, student council president!"

"Can you come to my house for the festival today, Uncle Gene?"

Gene smiled and nodded.

"Is there anything else you want to say?"

Alpha came over and leaned sideways on the window edge.

"That's too much, Uncle Jean. This way, the man's voice should obviously be conveyed, but why do you want to cut off the Internet?"

Gene nodded and said.

"Things must calm down as soon as possible. There are still many things that need to be dealt with in the future. I hope you will consider Hawke's position. When facing those associations, businessmen, and family members, is it Hawke, or do you forget that he is Alone? It's just that he lived longer than you."

Alpha was a little surprised, but then he immediately remembered that the moment the network was cut off, C had quickly sneaked into the venue and played the scene in the conference room to all the students.

"You asked Sister C to do that, right?"

Jean turned his head and looked at Alpha.

"What do you think, student council president!"

"It's really annoying, Uncle Gene. He always does these things so silently. I'm sorry, I didn't consider Hawke's feelings. He should be involved in this matter, including the management officer, administrator, and People on the inspection team, as well as the National Committee, are also under considerable pressure.”

Gene stood on the windowsill and looked at the training ground below.

"Want to have a show?"

Gene squinted at Erfa's wrapped arms, and Alpha shook his head.

"Forget it today, it's the Chinese New Year after all, and I don't want to be told by my mother again when I go back."

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