Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1555 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 27 (medium)

"Lao Hu, really, what is this?"

Duke rubbed the press release in his hand and looked at some money in his wallet. The program originally scheduled for 1:00 noon was suddenly cut off. Hu Youran next to him looked at the crumpled press release. He breathed a sigh of relief, as if relieved.

"Forget it, Old Hu, let's have a drink later in the evening and go buy groceries first."

Hu Youran hummed. For him, these few hours had been extremely painful. He was suffering from far greater pain than ordinary people. To do such a program against his conscience was worse than death for Hu Youran. Be uncomfortable.

Although the city's economic structure has been stable in recent years, it is also dangerous. The implementation of anti-monopoly laws has been very slow. Most of the core resources are still in the hands of the city. Business giants are constantly emerging. This is not a good phenomenon.

Coupled with what happened now, after observing the changes in the stock market in just 2 hours, Hu Youran was almost certain that the upper levels may have reached some kind of consensus. This consensus is fatal for the city's overall economy. Say, it's devastating.

A good urban economic structure should be diversified, open, and healthyly competitive. The city has gradually been controlled by capital. Once it is completely controlled by capital, the city that finally became active due to the opening up of technology will once again become active. It has been reduced to three distinct classes: upper, middle and lower.

Although the slight increase in the stock market seems ordinary, it is too strange to have such an increase only a few hours after the verdict. The only possibility is that a large amount of money has been injected into the stock market.

These changes seemed imperceptible, but at this point in time, Hu Youran felt something keenly.

"It will gradually become a pool of stagnant water."

Hu Youran said after a long time, Duke smiled and shook his head.

"No matter what, it's fine, Lao Hu, this city is like this, but I don't think you need to worry too much. Do your economic research well, and I will do my social research well. The gods are much smarter than us. More, they should have anticipated such a thing in advance and should have taken countermeasures long ago!"

"I said Uncle Ye, why can't you think straight?"

Clark held a glass of wine and sat comfortably in a large dome room surrounded by experimental potted plants. It was a place for researchers to rest and eat. The students in Section 12 had just completed some research. After lunch, they planned to Rest until tomorrow.

The only home that 60 people from 12 subjects can go back to is God's College.

"You brat, I've already told you, you can't rely on machines."

"It's artificial intelligence, Old Man Ye."

Natasha muttered, and the students in the class all laughed. Recently, they have cultivated a lot of crops with faster growth cycles, but they are not very stable yet. They must conduct experiments, but they have not yet tried it on the human body. experiment.

"Why don't we feed those serious criminals? Most of them will basically be imprisoned until they die anyway. Even if they die after being eaten, it will be fine."

Clark was a little drunk. At this time, many students criticized him. This approach was too inhumane. Clark stood up and yelled.

"Humanity? Are you talking to me about humanity? When they committed serious crimes, did they ever think about the word humanity? No matter how much we study, even if we can know that there are genes in these crops that may harm the human body, But if there is no experiment, how can we get the results? It would be great if they can live and have food to eat, what else do you want?"

Ye Chunwang grabbed Clark's wine bottle so fast that many students were stunned.

"Old man Ye, I didn't expect you to have two brushes."

Clark said with a smile.

"You are still a bit too young, so continue your research. When the research reaches a certain level and it basically doesn't cause much harm, you can feed it to the prisoners first. As long as you study it carefully, there will be no problem."

Clark took the bottle back from Ye Chunwang's hand and sighed helplessly.

"I'm telling you the truth. Although the production of food is stable now, we can only continue to increase the production. In this way, the price of food will be lowered, and people in the whole city can also eat normal food, liquid food and so on. , The taste was okay at the beginning, and although the taste has not changed now, are you sure that the texture is for human consumption?"

"It would be good to have some food, Clark. When I was a child, let alone liquid food, it would be good to have some water to drink."

For a while, many students also said that Clark was really ungrateful.

"We can't develop such a habit. I think it's enough to just fill my stomach. How about I go back and talk to the teachers?"

Ye Chunwang shook his head.

"You have to listen to me here and don't act without permission. Do you hear me?"

Looking at this group of young people, Ye Chunwang suddenly felt a little tired, and none of them were disobedient. He himself had a relatively good temper, and most of the time he was persuading rather than kicking or punching. In the past few years, these students have almost become I feel like I'm riding on him, but this feeling of being like a friend is actually not bad at all.

"You guys work hard and I will officially retire when the department is established. After all, who wants to stay in a place like this for so long."

"Old man Ye, how long have you been here?"

Natasha asked with interest, and many students came over.

"It's been almost 40 years."

"I don't want to stay that long."

Clark said immediately, and many students looked at each other. It is really not something ordinary people can do to stay in the farm for so long.

"Why don't you change jobs? Don't you have a good relationship with our principal?"

Clark asked, and Ye Chunwang just laughed helplessly.

"I started farming when I was 13 years old. I spent the 20 years before I officially worked here learning all kinds of knowledge. After that, I stayed here for more than 30 years. Not because I liked it, but because someone had to do it. It’s all about doing things. I just hope you can understand one thing. If one day most people in the city can’t eat, the city will be finished.”

Song Man and more than a dozen students were standing in the prison tower not far from the eastern military camp, looking at some prisoners' information idly. They came over after lunch. After all, some routine things needed to be done. In addition to the three guys who were imprisoned today, separate cells have been arranged for them, different from other prisoners.

The prison can accommodate 30,000 prisoners, but now there are more than 40,000 people in prison.

There are four prisons in total, divided into a field shape. Those with sentences of less than 20 years are at the bottom. Prison No. 4 on the left and Prison No. 3 on the right. Prisons with sentences of more than 20 years are at the top. Prison No. 1 on the left. In Prison No. 2 on the right, there is a huge gap in the number of prisoners on both sides. 70% are criminals with sentences of less than 20 years, and the other 30% are serious prisoners with sentences of more than 20 years.

Criminals are the main labor force on the farm. The daily job in the prison is to take the prisoners out to work and then bring them back.

"That guy Latis is too much."

Song Man muttered, raised his hands and rested his chin in dissatisfaction, looking at the prisoner's information in boredom. More than ten other students from 11 subjects were patrolling the divided city wall. At this time, many prisoners were in their respective rooms. There was activity in the square, and some prisoners who had finished their work in the morning had been escorted back.

Nowadays, the prison is overcrowded. The original 8-person room has now become a 12-person room, which is very narrow and crowded. The first time he saw the prisoners crowded in the cell, Song Man felt shocked, and the prisoners in the cell The taste is unbearable.

This is not a place for people to stay at all, and the food the prisoners eat every day has changed from some rice to liquid food, two cans a day. These foods are purchased from Sanlian Company at very low prices.

When Song Man learned that the raw materials of these foods were actually made from the leftovers of people in the city, she recalled that she had eaten liquid food before, and she felt uncomfortable all over.

In a few days, when someone comes to change shifts, Song Man can go home. When she thinks about Latis, who always asks her to come over for a few days every New Year's holiday, it would be better for her to spend the holidays with Alpha.

At this time, as an alarm sounded, Song Man hurriedly got up from the table and ran out quickly. Soon he saw the prisoners fighting in the venue on the walls of Prison No. 2 and Prison No. 1.

Dozens of people were mixed together, and thousands of people were watching around. The 100-meter-high and 50-meter-wide wall was the prison cell for the prisoners.

"Why don't you stop it?"

He looked at a bunch of prison administrators looking directly across the wall from where the fight was taking place, with a smile on his face.

"Sir Song Man, it's useless to stop them. After the prisoners are done venting, they will disperse. If they like to be beaten, just give them a beating."

Song Man turned around and ran to the elevator at the city wall with a solemn expression, planning to go down and stop it. Many prison administrators are like this. As long as there is no serious riot, they basically will not care about the prisoners fighting outside the door, even during the fight. Dead prisoner.

Latis took the elevator with special glass walls all the way down. In the prison cells on each floor, there was a metal mesh at the entrance of each cell. On the left side of Latis's elevator, there was an elevator that could carry 200 people. of large lifts.

Prisoners can move freely in the square every day from 12:00 to 2:00 noon and from 6:00 to 8:00 in the evening. At other times, they stay in the dormitory except for working outside. Only minor criminals can work outside. , as for those criminals who are assessed as having serious violent tendencies, they can only stay in prison, but mutant criminals are different and will not be released. Even the release is only for a separate period of time, and they need to wear heavy handcuffs and shackles.

The prison management manpower is already insufficient. The salary of this job is not high, and it is extremely hard and boring. There are only more than 1,000 administrators and 20 management officers in the entire prison, and the permanent population does not exceed 600.

Basically, the attitude towards prisoners is to let them fend for themselves. If you don't want to die, don't cause trouble and don't get involved in fights. Basically, the only place that can be managed is the prisoner cafeteria. As for the situation in the cell, what is it like? It does not matter.

In prison, if you dare to attack the administrator, you will basically be shot directly, and you will be punished for assaulting the administrator in the prison.

Song Man quietly watched the layers go down one by one. The other students had already started to take action. Soon Song Man arrived at the bottom. She rushed out, but an imperceptible black shadow passed by. Song Man's eyes widened.

In an instant, her left arm was raised, and there was a muffled sound. Song Man jumped up, spread her legs, and performed a side kick. In an instant, there was a wrench on both sides, and the other was about to send the prisoner hugging her from behind. He was kicked away instantly.

Song Man's eyes widened and she looked at several administrators not far away who had been beaten until their blood dripped with blood and their mouths were covered. They were all tied up.

"Don't have any good illusions about criminals. The probability of criminals committing crimes again after they are released from prison is very high."

Song Man's mind recalled what Li Chu had said in class.

Each gun was pointed at Song Man, and she smiled slightly.

"Please put down your weapons and release the hostages immediately. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

More and more prisoners came to the canteen. Song Man looked around and saw that the original nozzle for the sleeping spray had been blocked.

"What should I do?"

Song Man looked at the emergency call, and his expression turned serious for a moment.

"Don't be afraid, everyone, as long as we catch this guy, we can leave the prison."

More and more people were approaching, and Song Man probably understood what was going on. The fifty or sixty administrators who were originally in the canteen were all invisible now. They must have taken advantage of the prisoners who were working outside to come back to eat. , the prisoners were now fighting in the exercise room of Prison No. 2, attracting the attention of most of the administrators, and launched a surprise attack.

But when she thought of the situation in the monitoring room, Song Man became a little worried. In the monitoring room at this time, a dying management officer looked at several criminals and laughed. In front of the monitoring room, he held a female manager The female administrator's face was ashen and her eyes widened, and she could only endure the humiliation silently.

Along with the sirens sounding one after another, the alarms in four prisons sounded at the same time.

Song Man looked around at the prisoners who were smiling evilly and shouting. This was not a simple prison problem, but a premeditated riot.

"It's still too late if you put down your weapons now."

There was a beeping sound, and Song Man saw that the only elevator door for the prisoners to go up was closed, and the only passage for the prisoners to go out was locked.

"Girl, it's not you who has the final say now. You'd better be good. If you dare to resist, don't blame us for being rude."

A bald man with tattoos all over his body was carrying a trembling administrator. The male administrator looked at Song Man in pain.


Song Man's eyes widened for a moment, and the administrator's neck was directly broken.

At this time, accompanied by bursts of shrill screams, Song Man stared blankly as several female administrators who were already miserable were dragged to the table next to them again.

When Song Man lost consciousness, several prisoners who had been waiting for an opportunity rushed up. Song Man's eyes widened.

"Remember, you students in subject 11 will have to deal with the management of some vicious criminals in the future. Your future topic is how to manage criminals well."

"What a boring principal!"

Song Man yawned and lay on the table.

"Once people resort to inner dissatisfaction to violence or endanger the interests of others, they will become criminals. Once these people become criminals, it is useless to reason with them. For Please maintain a zero-tolerance attitude towards some vicious criminals. Before they return to society, you should overcome the difficulties. Of course, the premise of managing criminals is based on deterrence, especially when they encounter When there are some vicious incidents, don't try to reason with the criminals. Reasons are things that happen before they become criminals. Remember it. If you want to make them docile, it is best to maintain zero tolerance. method."

Song Man took action, and with the red particles flying, several criminals who wanted to catch her were instantly knocked away. In an instant, Song Man was ejected directly in front of the man who had just broken the neck of an administrator on the stage. He punched him in the face unceremoniously, and he flew straight out.

Gunfire rang out, but it was not directed at him, but several administrators were shot dead directly.

"Don't you care whether they live or die?"

A prisoner shouted loudly, and at this time, a large number of prisoners rushed over one after another, trying to suppress Song Man with their numerical advantage. Song Man, who was aware of everything, had used telekinesis to open a path and rushed directly to Going up to the square, however, Song Man discovered that the reinforcement signal that had just been sent had not been sent yet, and the network communication was cut off.


Along with the sound of mechanical rotation, Porter raised his hands, and several prisoners hurriedly opened his handcuffs. Most of the vicious mutant criminals on this floor were liberated.

"It's up to you, Boss Potter, we have to attack the upper level."

Potter smiled ferociously, nodded, and limped out of the cell door, but for a moment he thought of something, and then he laughed.

"This matter is not simple."

Several criminals who were also mutants approached. Many of them were once the leaders of some low-level gangs and thugs among the leaders. Everyone realized that the matter was definitely not that simple, and if they were angered and arrested them back then, guys, they will die.

Although some criminals stayed quietly in their cells, most criminals still rushed out of the cells and planned to activate the elevator to let some mutants go up. Only if they wanted them could they subdue the administrators above.

At this time, no criminals dared to stay outside in the entire open space. Some prisoners had been shot dead by administrators holding guns on the city wall.

Song Man gasped, and she stared blankly at the cafeteria opposite, which was full of crowded prisoners.

At this time, many prisoners rushed out again. As soon as Song Man raised his head, he saw some mutant prisoners appearing on a city wall. They easily broke through the firepower network of the administrators. The prison fell. At this time, the elevator also Movement began and a large number of prisoners were released.

At this time, in a cell, a man wearing glasses widened his eyes in horror. In front of him were two ordinary-looking men, staring at this man with ferocious glares.

"Mr. Eddie says hello."

"What do you want to do? It's obviously been agreed upon."

For a moment the man wanted to struggle, but immediately one of them held the rope, and the other held down the man wearing glasses on the ground. The rope was strangled around his neck in an instant. His eyes widened, but his body was suppressed and he couldn't help it at all. He tried to move, but after a while he stopped moving. The two men took the rope, opened the dormitory door and walked out.

"I won't say anything. I've already said it. Please let me go."

A man looked at the two men in front of him in horror. He kept shaking his head. This was in a bathroom, and there was a loud noise outside. Suddenly one of the men made a move. Suddenly he took a step forward. The man wanted to He ran but was blocked by another man, his mouth was covered, and a sharp long awl pierced the man's heart directly. Blood flowed out of his mouth, and he stopped moving after a while.

In a female cell, Crystal sat in the prison with a blank look on her face, watching a woman in front of her being pulled by her hair by another woman and pushed into a bucket. She was drowned after a while.

There was noise everywhere outside, and Crystal looked at everything tremblingly. The two women who came in were wearing masks, but their eyes looked extremely fierce.

Gradually, all parts of the prison have been breached. The vicious criminals have subdued a large number of administrators and, led by a large number of mutant prisoners, have completely occupied the prison.

Song Man gasped and looked at the 16 students from Section 11 next to him, 10 men and 6 women, all of whom looked exhausted. The gates of the four prisons had been opened. They relied on their strong strength to rush all the way to 1 They had been surrounded by the material management warehouse of Prison No. 1, but the prisoners outside did not dare to come in. They were already holding weapons taken out from the weapons warehouse and were guarding the outside. A large number of prisoners were lying at the door.

3:08 pm

Eddie quietly held a glass of wine and looked at the last person on the list in front of him. He had just received a call from the prison and had died.

Eddie marked the picture of the last person in the last line of the personnel list with a red marker. In front of him stood a bunch of S-class mutants, smiling slightly.

"Very well, thank you for your hard work, everyone. Inform the killers in the prison not to do anything, just wait in the cell. After they are released, they will be promoted soon."

As Eddie waved his hand, a mutant brought over an iron box. Eddie directly put the list of 219 people into the box, poured a pot of alcohol into it, and immediately threw in a lighter.

With the billowing smoke, everything was reduced to ashes. Eddie breathed a long sigh of relief. Eddie had been preparing the plan a few years ago. The 219 people on these lists were all replacements for the Hillman family. As the scapegoat, the Hillman family had promised everything before they were imprisoned, and had arranged everything for their family, and they were quite satisfied.

But Eddie knew very well that they had a lot of criminal evidence about his family. Over the past 10 years or so, they had tried their best to help the family deal with many things. However, after some things broke out, they were arrested and sentenced to jail as scapegoats. Eddie What I worry about is that when the gods settle old scores in the future, they will be in trouble if they catch their own family.

Prometheus successfully controlled the prison. Leng Shi and Hathaway have already said that it is absolutely foolproof and will leave no clues. The prison door can never be opened, but riots will ferment in the prison.

In order for the dead soldiers he personally trained to become his own, they all had surgery on their brain stems and inserted a bomb that could be activated as long as Eddie was willing. This kind of bomb was impossible. If you want to dismantle it, it will explode.

They helped them do things in secret, and Eddie gave them everything they wanted, whether it was money, women, or rights. The 100 people who went to perform tasks in the prison were carefully selected by Eddie. The targets that need to be killed are all with sentences of less than 20 years. They only need to commit some minor robbery or theft crimes to be imprisoned.

Eddie had been preparing for this plan for a long time. The family's lawyers had also reached an important agreement with the Lawyers Association. The whole city was helping him. Eddie laughed out loud and enjoyed the sunshine comfortably.

"Lord Eddie, what do you think the gods will do?"

Eddie scratched his head and laughed.

"What else can I do? By doing this, I can indirectly help Congress clean up some criminals who are difficult to control! Soon the prison will become a hell on earth."

Eddie stood up as he spoke and looked out the window at the lawn. Tonight was another grand banquet for the Hillman family. People from the eight associations would come over to celebrate the victory together. No one wanted to see it. The market share he occupies is gradually disappearing due to anti-monopoly laws. In order to balance the city's market, in Eddie's understanding, those guys are not even as good as deworming, so why should they be divided.

"Those guys at the bottom are only the cornerstone. If they want to come up, they are not qualified."

Everyone in the city is talking about the verdict this morning. Such a verdict is exciting. Most people are happy to see such a just verdict on such a festival.

In a LK candy shop located on Qinglong Street on the east side, Alpha and Latis were selecting candies. King Xue stood quietly at the door of the shop. Vivian and Keying were also there. The five of them planned to pick some candies. After the festival is over tonight, I will take it to school and distribute it as gifts to some students who are left behind in school.

This candy shop is very large, and all the candies on the shelves are neatly arranged according to type and color, giving people a very comfortable feeling.

Jean was standing at the counter, chatting with the boss Ye Lai.

"Mr. Jean, you can come to my house for a drink when you have time."

Gene nodded.

"Of course, Boss Ye."

Jean said with a smile. Jean, who had not been here for a long time, found that the candy store had changed owners, but Ye Lai also said that they joined LK Candy Company because their company’s candies are really good. Even Ye Lai All its factories have joined LK Candy Company. As a shareholder, he is making more money than before.

And the most important thing is that Ye Laixian is now married and wants to settle down and doesn't plan to continue fighting for anything.

"I want to ask you something, Mr. Jean."

In the lounge of the candy store, a beautiful and demure woman came out. Gene smiled and greeted the woman. The woman nodded with a reserved smile and started to greet Alpha and the others.

"The infertility problem should be solved soon, don't worry."

It's almost five o'clock.

"I tell you guys, hurry up. It's almost 5 o'clock."

As Jean walked out of the store, King Xue said with a smile.

"Isn't the punishment for the president too lenient, principal?"

"Have it!"

King Xue smiled helplessly and shook his head, took off his glasses and wiped them with a cloth.

"The principal has really failed miserably this time. The guys from the association, businessmen and families have realized that they have to unite. It will be more and more difficult to rectify in the future."

Gene lit a cigarette and looked at King Xue.

"What, are you afraid of this?"

King Xue shook his head.

"I still have confidence, but in the next ten years, the city should be even more difficult."

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