Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1553 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 26 (Part 2)

Gudu Gudu

There was a smell of incense in the room, and boiling water was poured into the cups. Duke smiled and brought two cups of coffee to the table. Hu Youran, who was looking at a pile of materials, said thank you.

This is the preparation room of CBV News. Duke is very excitedly arranging his clothes in front of the mirror. Today is their first time on such a large-scale media program. It is very crucial for the future of the two of them.

"I always feel that, how should I put it?"

"Don't always think so, Lao Hu, just try to say something that the people want to hear today. It's not like you don't know the current situation. We will do whatever others say. Everyone is keen on one thing. This is not Isn't it great? This is how society is. After all, we rely on this society for our livelihood, and what is the main body of society? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Lao Hu."

Duke said, turning around and walking up to Hu Youran, looking at him seriously.

"If you miss it, it will be gone. No one cares about the truth. All everyone cares about is the result that meets their righteous expectations. Now that the result has been achieved, the city's anger has subsided, no matter what happened to the poor scapegoat. , the people only want what they need, and morality and law have become one-sided this time."

Hu Youran hummed and was still reading the draft, but at this moment Hu Youran felt that his heart was filled with panic. In the past three years, the administrators used firearms to stop criminals while exercising their rights. A total of 319 cases, 38 people died in the incident.

Among them, violent crimes account for 74%, and the rest are other categories of cases. Congress will regularly update and publish these data, and all citizens can query it as long as they have a device connected to the network.

But another data is very shocking. In the next three years, there have been 1,456 attacks on administrators in 120 districts across the city. In the incidents, 717 administrators died and 103 perpetrators were killed.

The details of some of these cases have not been released because they involve some issues. Among them, the lower class, where crime is more frequent, accounts for 60% of the deaths, the middle class accounts for about 30%, and the upper class accounts for less than 10%.

These bloody figures made Hu Youran feel worried. Obviously these data can be found with hands-on experience, but now when it comes to this incident, most people choose to blindly follow and ignore it.

"Don't look at it, Old Hu. These things are issues that managers should really pay attention to, not us. There is only one thing we need to do."

Hu Youran hummed and put down the draft. Nowadays, there is only one voice in the city. If you stand on the opposite side, you will become the target of public criticism.

10:09 am

"Everyone, all the details of this matter have been explained in the speech at the Law Hall just now. Please do not repeat similar questions again. If you still have objections to some of the details that have been announced, you can go to Review the trial video.”

At the entrance of the Law Hall, as soon as the team of judges who had just performed this event that attracted the attention of the whole city came out, they were surrounded by many reporters. They were surrounded by cheers like a mountain roar and a tsunami. A large number of people from the middle and lower levels People cheered in the city's highest law hall located in District 55 to the west of the middle floor.

In the past 38 cases where administrators killed criminals with guns, the final verdict without exception was not guilty. In this case, the administrator was sentenced to 30 years in prison.

On the signs held one after another, eye-catching black words such as justice, justice, equality and so on are written.

"It's only 30 years. I think that kind of person should be sentenced to 100 years."

A reporter was conducting a street interview, and a passerby spoke to the camera with an angry look on his face.

"Yes, it's too light. They have handled so many stupid cases in the past."

Voices on the street were all unanimous in their opinion that the verdict issued by the Law Hall this time was not enough, because there was no death penalty in Brilliant City. Most of the criminals would be sent to prisons in the east and had to work and eat on the farms every day. Some Those who are dissatisfied with their sentences end up with no labor force and can only die of old age in prison.

But most people are satisfied with the verdict this time. In the past few years, many such things have been covered up by Congress, but this time things are different. The case happened in the first few minutes of the new year. .

At this time, in the huge conference room at the top of the Supreme Law Hall, Lyons was sitting in a wheelchair with a smile on his face. He was surrounded by people from the Bar Association, as well as congressional judges and prosecutors, as well as members of the National Commission, Hawke Sitting at the huge round table near the door, Locke sat aside.

There were people in the venue with relaxed and somewhat serious expressions. Lyons smiled and tapped the table with his cane. Soon, a lawyer next to him came to a huge screen and called up something.

Locke looked at the legal provisions above with some astonishment, which were the Market Goods Sales Law and the Anti-Monopoly Law.

"This is our request. These two laws must be modified to a certain extent. This is not the city constitution, so it can be modified."

For a moment Hawke laughed, and Locke kicked Hawke with his foot.

"You also don't want many of the past cases to be uncovered. After all, our Lawyers Association gave you too much help in those cases."

"That's good everyone, I'm afraid the law cannot be changed for the time being."

Lyons laughed.

"If you can't decide, you can notify Mr. Jean to come over, or several other gods."

"You don't want it."

Just as Locke was about to speak, he was immediately pushed back to his chair by Hawke next to him.

"The law will not be changed, but how about we sign an internal agreement?"

As soon as Hawk finished speaking, many people in the National Committee showed happy smiles.

"Then let's discuss it in detail. The first issue of this internal agreement is the deadline."

In an instant, Lyons made the core point.

"Until 2210 at most!"

As soon as Hawke finished speaking, Lyons clapped his fingers and said.

"Now in 2204, only 6 years is too cheap. The operation of the city, with the efforts of our major associations, is now beginning to stabilize. Only stability can bring prosperity, and only prosperity can be good. We are here to help the gods manage mankind, right? We are all masters and disciples given rights by God, and the relationship between us does not need to be so rigid."

Hawke lit a cigarette and said with a smile.

"How about 2212?"

Lyons tapped the table.

"This is not a vegetable market, Mr. Hawke. If you are not sure, you can give Mr. Jean a call. I believe Mr. Jean is a sensible adult and he should make a decision."

Locke couldn't bear it any longer.

"That's enough for you, what happened this time is what it is"

"Sit down, Deputy Team Leader Locke."

Hawke put away his smile, his expression became extremely serious, and he dialed Gene's phone number directly.

"That's how it is, Lord Jean."

After a while, everyone in the venue was waiting for Gene's answer.

"Tell them, until 2216 at most!"

Hawke held up the phone, and everyone understood clearly. Lyons immediately supported his body, and with the assistance of two lawyers, he stood up unsteadily. Everyone in the entire hall stood up and bowed deeply. Bowed.

"Lord Jean, on behalf of all the Bright City Association, thank you!"

Locke's eyes widened. He felt his back and scalp tingling. The associations wanted to get back some of the pricing power of goods and force Congress to stop the implementation of the antitrust law. Now Gene has given the answer. Without amending the law, According to the internal agreement carried out under the conditions of the law, the two laws will gradually take effect after 12 years.


With flying sawdust, the moment Locke was about to get up, the glass window was instantly smashed. A man had a rope hanging from his back, wearing a black diamond-shaped mask with a number 0 on it, wearing a black tights, and behind him was a man. Wearing a red cloak, he landed instantly and crossed his hands in front of him.

"Sorry to bother you, I am Zero!"

"Who arranged the special show!"

Lyons said with a smile. Everyone present also looked at the strangely dressed man who came in with a relaxed look, and did not feel any fear. There are the leader and deputy leader of the inspection team here. Even if this man takes out Even if a bomb comes, don't even think of hurting them at all.

Lyons once witnessed that in the past, Hawke used some kind of strange power directly at the moment of the explosion. The explosion disappeared instantly, but the guy holding the bomb exploded from the inside like an inflated balloon. .

Later, Lyons also understood a little bit. In an instant, Hawke was able to use the power of God to create a certain range of vacuum. The explosion released only shock waves, but the explosives were completely controlled in the vacuum.

Even the blast seemed to be stopped by an invisible wall of air.

"So Mr. Zero, what are you here for today?"

A lawyer asked with a smile. The man who called himself Zero turned around and faced everyone with his hands on his hips. On the red cloak on his back, there were two blue words, Justice.

For a time, a large number of people in the entire conference room laughed.

1 hour ago

"Are you really going to do this, Mr. Perrestan?"

Tamai kept swallowing and looked at a large man nearly 2 meters tall in front of him. He was preparing some devices on the roof of the building. The judgment in the Law Hall was still in progress.

"Don't you think it's strange that there's only one voice, Tamai."

Tamai lowered his head and didn't know what to say for a moment. He looked at the blue word justice on the red cloak placed aside and just smiled helplessly.

"Perceptual justice, procedural justice, substantive justice, and rational justice. These are the four forms of justice in my opinion. They have their own reasons and values ​​for existence. However, in this incident, the principles of Tao and law have lost their original meaning. The role of justice, the fifth kind of justice! The justice of the people is destroying everything in the city. Putting aside the past cases, everyone has obviously seen the situation of this case, but they still want to push the young man to the gallows. Fairness and justice have long lost their meaning in the face of the huge public opinion. I have to do something, can you help me Tamayi?"

For a moment, Tamai's face was full of hesitation, and he was still distressed, because what he was going to do later might make Peristan and himself experience life in prison for many years.

"If you are afraid, I can come alone. I have a plan to ensure your safety after the commotion occurs."

There was a trace of joy on Tamai's face, but after Peristan finished talking about the plan, Tamai was stunned.

"If you do this, Mr. Perrestein, you are not."

Perestan laughed.

"Someone has to do it, someone has to make a voice. If this incident becomes a shield for the powerful people to deal secretly, then the entire society will only continue to move towards the abyss of lies in the future. I don't want to see it. to such a future.”

Tamai looked at Peristan blankly, he hesitated for a while and then nodded.

"You are a talented person, Mr. Perestan. I will assist you. As for your threat to help me, don't mention it again. Maybe 10 years is not bad, working on the farm. I heard that on the farm now, For criminals, it’s actually pretty good.”

Peristan smiled and nodded.

"Okay, just follow what I said and go to that place and wait. I'll leave it to you later."

Tamai nodded, turned around and ran. Peristan smiled, put on a black mask, and held a remote control in his hand. Then he looked at a high-rise restaurant opposite the Law Hall and lowered his head seriously. Said the head.

"I'm really sorry, very sorry, for using such means."

Soon Tamai came to the back street. He quickly entered a restaurant and went straight to the top floor. Everything had been planned. Peristan would send a signal later. Tamai only needed to start the installation on the unmanned restaurant. The blaster on the top floor will do.

Tamai quickly found the fireworks and explosives placed on the top floor. After what happened last night, he and Perestan spent the whole night setting them up. Now they just waited for Perestan to enter the room. Tamai just starts the device directly.

The surveillance had captured Tamai's figure. He knew very well that he could not escape and would definitely be arrested.

Tamai was a little tired. He huddled in a corner of the rooftop and looked quietly at the Law Hall building opposite. Tamai was still preparing on the roof.

Last night, they used paint bombs to discredit the surveillance around the Law Hall after this incident, and successfully reached the top floor of the Law Hall through climbing equipment.

All he had to do was wait for Peristan's signal. Tamai clutched the remote control in his hand tightly. He didn't know what to do. If he really did this, once he was caught, the future would be waiting for him. It is more than ten years of prison life.

The eager feeling in his heart just now was replaced by coldness. Tamai became timid. He really wanted to leave from this rooftop. Once Peristan started doing this, the area would be surrounded and he would lose the chance to escape. .

Time passed minute by minute, and there was not much time left. The trial had lasted for nearly an hour. Tamai was not sure whether there was a result, but at this time Tamai saw a plane passing over his head. Passing lift.

In the large square behind the Law Hall, a lift landed. A large number of people in black uniforms got off the lift and quickly lined up. Tamai looked at these people with some curiosity.

I always feel that these special management officers who have appeared in news reports before seem to be different from ordinary managers. They have immature faces, but their whole bodies exude a sense of stability that belies their age. Even from their bodies, Gives Tamai a metallic feel.

"They are talented people."

Tamai stared quietly, but at this time Tamai saw the prisoners being taken out at the back door of the Law Hall. He panicked for a moment and immediately turned around and ran to the place where the fireworks were exploded.

In a panic, there was a sound of items falling to the ground, and the remote control in Tamai's hand fell to the ground. However, Tamai was stunned for a moment, but a trace of joy appeared on his dull expression, and his eyes also changed. Relaxed.

Tamai walked slowly to the ground, and his trembling hands reached for a remote control. He walked to a box placed in the center of the rooftop, swallowed and opened the box. There were only some clothes in it. It was Perry. Stan's clothing.

For a moment, Tamai thought of something. He looked at the remote control in his hand. Instead of the remote control, it was wood. His legs began to tremble uncontrollably, and then he knelt in front of the box with his legs spread apart.

"I don't have the courage, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Tamai glanced back at the Law Hall building behind him, and tears burst out of his eyes uncontrollably for a moment. He recalled everything last night, and he took a nap in the middle. Explosives had obviously been placed here.

"Remember, after receiving the signal, just take out the remote control and detonate it. Don't look at anything first. It will be bad if you are nervous and press the button in advance."

At the beginning of this morning, Perestan kept repeating that Tamaj should not look at the remote control and wait until a signal was received before starting.

Perhaps the man had already seen through it when he was helping Peristan last night, but Peristan alone was not enough to create an explosive that could blow through the ceiling.

Throughout the night, the two of them visited a large number of fireworks shops and used the most primitive glass bottles to fill them with something to create an effect bomb that could be operated by short-range remote control.

Perstein had previously worked as an explosion special effects artist in the upper-level film and television area for a period of time. Ever since he met Peristan two years ago, Tamai has been following Peristan to help him sell his own comic works " Special Operations Hero Zero".

Because Tamai always felt that Perestan had talent, and this talent could help others get out of the fog. He was confused, and met Perestan on a hungover night. That night he and Tamai chatted. a lot of.

"If you think I have talent, then follow me young man, because you want to see talented people shine, don't you?"

There was a violent sound of glass breaking from the room on the top floor of the Law Hall opposite. Tamai ran to the edge of the rooftop and looked at the escort vehicle that had gone away. At this time, a bunch of special management officers below had already moved. Get up and run to both sides very quickly.


“A very interesting topic for young people!”

Lyons sat down. Locke was already about to take action, but Hawke held him down and signaled him not to take action. Some members of the inspection team had already stood up, preparing to go directly to arrest Peristan.

"Please allow me a few minutes. My name is Perestan."

As he spoke, Perestan bowed, and then quietly took off his mask. Everyone present was surprised for a moment, and many people sneered. How could such a rioter take off his mask directly.

Peristan, who is nearly 2 meters tall, has a simple-looking expression, long cheeks, a round nose, and some beard around his mouth. He has a pair of blue eyes like blue waves.

"You came here to express your opinions?"

Perestan shook his head.

"That's not the case. I came here just because I heard the voice of justice. This trial has no judges, no lawyers, no criminals, and no original heights. It is only carried out with the promotion of empty public opinion and the promotion of you all. "

The smiles on the faces of many people in the conference room disappeared, and Lyons smiled and shook his head.

"Justice? Doing what you should do in the corresponding position is justice."

"It's very sad that Mr. Lyons, as the founder of the city's laws, the answer you finally found is too one-sided."

At this time Lyons waved his hand.

In an instant, the people from the supervision team were about to step forward, but Peristan took out a remote control and pressed it instantly.


With a loud noise, there was an explosion on the top floor of the restaurant opposite, and smoke and dust flew everywhere. Everyone present was instantly alert.

"Please don't move, gentlemen, I have set up more than 100 bombs around me. I think you all know what the consequences will be."

Fires soared into the sky, thick smoke billowed, and the streets instantly became chaotic. Locke's eyes widened.

"I don't care if you have any reasons or excuses. If you kidnap innocent people for the self-justice you want to achieve, you are a criminal and nothing else. No matter what reasons or excuses you have. ."

Peristan took a few steps back, sat by the window, and then said with a smile.

"Call the reporters. I need them to come to the venue within 10 minutes. I want to say something to the people in the entire city. I only give you 10 minutes."

There was determination in Peristan's eyes. Hawk nodded for a moment, but he had already immediately sent the information that there might be bombs hidden around to the 560 students of the Academy of God below.

"We only have 10 minutes, so act fast."

Alpha shouted, and in an instant, students from 11 subjects separated themselves and began to quickly lead the administrators present to evacuate the people.

Alpha led a large number of students from subjects 5 into one store after another, directly using telekinesis to continuously move things away. Schools often simulate such on-site courses, hazardous materials handling classes, and teachers usually hide bombs. In the teaching building, students need to work together to find bombs.

King Xue stood quietly at the door of the Law Hall, watching the video of the scene, and Billy next to him smiled coldly.

"There is a 50% probability that it is fake. Do you dare to bet!"

King Xue shook his head.

"This isn't gambling, Billy."

Whitt held a loudspeaker and shouted directly around, asking people not to panic and to evacuate in an orderly manner, at least 1 kilometer away.

"It will be too late."

Tamai had returned to the street, and he began to search around. At this time, a large number of people in the shops had come out and began to evacuate towards the periphery. Tamai was mixed in the crowd, and he saw these special management The officer's actions and the large amount of equipment he held made it immediately clear that Perestan would be arrested before the reporters arrived. I'm afraid he couldn't convey what he wanted to say to the city. He had to do something. Just fine.

If nothing is done, this opportunity will be wasted.

Tamai's mind was spinning in disbelief. Everything Peristan had given him in the past two years was hope, a glimmer of hope for a future that he could no longer see clearly.

Suddenly, Tamai saw a private house with a biogas sign. He ran over instantly. It was less than 200 meters away from the Law Hall. Because of the panic, the owner did not lock the door, and Tamai rushed in quickly. .

Many places in the city have their own biogas digesters. They buy some materials and fill them in the biogas digesters. They use excrement and waste to generate biogas and use the biogas to light fires.

Soon Tamai found the house, found the kitchen, and saw the biogas storage device at the entrance of the kitchen. He rummaged around, quickly found the tools, and started to dismantle the shell directly, doing everything very skillfully.

Although Tamai has never done this kind of work, Tamai’s previous company was a clean energy company. He had sold biogas generation equipment. He knew the structure of these things very well and knew under what circumstances the biogas would In the event of an explosion, you only need to tamper with the pressure indicator on the circuit board, so that the indicator of the biogas storage device under constant pressure will be increased. This electronic component is for testing. Many users do not know that regular biogas equipment maintenance personnel They will come over and make adjustments, so the pressure setting can theoretically exceed the energy storage limit.

After the pressure is increased, you only need to heat it directly next to the biogas energy storage box under the shell, which is enough to cause an explosion.

"Where exactly?"

Alpha walked quickly through the streets. It had been 7 minutes, and there were still 3 minutes left. She kept shuttling through the rooms upstairs. After entering the house, she directly used telekinesis to instantly pull up everything that could be moved in the room, and then swept across the room instantly. , check out all possibilities.

Suddenly, Alpha caught a glimpse of a biogas sign in the distance. If you want to plant a bomb, the best place must be that kind of place. If the biogas leaks after the explosion, it will cause a wider range of disasters.

"Why haven't the reporters come up yet?"

Peristan's expression became serious, and Hawke said with a smile.

"It'll be up soon."

Perry Stan held up the remote control and kept pressing it. At this time, most people in the room were looking at him with smiles. The lie had been exposed. At this time, Hawke walked towards Perry Stan step by step. .

"Mr. Peristan, if you have something to say, I can let you finish it, not in front of the whole city, but here. I only give you one chance!"

Peristan hesitated for a moment and looked at Hawke who was looking at his pocket watch.

"At 10 minutes, you still have 2 minutes, 36.35.34 seconds to think about it!"

As time passed, Tamai kept swallowing and placed a thermal energy panel next to the biogas storage device and began to heat it up. He stepped back step by step.

"What are you doing!"

A serious female voice sounded from behind, and Tamai turned her head instantly. There were footsteps at the door. A large number of students realized that private houses with biogas equipment were the most dangerous, and they had already rushed over.


Tamai shivered, and for a moment there was a buzzing sound, and in an instant Tamai shouted.

"Run quickly."

However, in front of Tamai was a beautiful woman with resolute eyes. A plier-like hand grabbed her collar. Instantly, accompanied by a roaring explosion behind her, the things in Tamai's eyes flew by. , his eyes widened.

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