Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1552 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 26 (medium)

Jean stood quietly on the wall of the college and glanced at the time. It was just after 3 o'clock. In the teaching building behind him, except for the 4 subjects, the classrooms of the other 11 subjects were all on.

Looking at the students gathered in the classroom and having a heated debate, Gene smiled with some relief. At 4 o'clock in the morning, the college will hold a formal debate on this incident in the auditorium.

Each subject must produce its own corresponding results. This issue is also an issue that students need to carry out throughout this year.

Hawke has called many times. As many as 138 civil organizations have submitted protest documents to Congress. The presidents of eight major associations have also submitted documents demanding severe punishment of the murderer and management rectification.

A large number of families and businessmen also immediately posted messages, asking the entire management a barrage of questions.

The whole city will continue to boil tonight until early the next morning. Gene looked at the light and shadow screen in his hand, which was a video of the conversation. The administrator who shot and killed the citizen who beat him was facing the members of the National Committee. ask.

Looking at the young man named Hydra who was sitting in the room, helpless, with his head lowered and a look of fear on his face, Gene knew very well that there was nothing he could do about this matter.

From the time the incident occurred to the time it spread to the entire city, there were countless hands promoting the progress of the matter in less than an hour.

Even though Congress has announced the circumstances of the case, the causes and consequences, as well as issues related to relevant laws and management regulations, the voice is still directed towards Congress.

The people were like a mirror of the city. Jean sighed and sat on the edge of the wall, overlooking the brightly lit city in the distance. For a while, he felt mixed emotions.

The problems caused by one point instantly turned into anger, sweeping the entire city, and no one could hear the voice anymore.

Management problems have been accumulated over the past ten years because there is no complete management system and every district has its own problems. These problems are layered on top of each other and appear repeatedly, especially many problems. These are all common problems in human history.

Hydera, who was being interrogated at this time, started to cry, and he kept shaking his head.

"Whether you fired the second shot in retaliation, please answer this question, Hydra administrator."

Hydra wanted to argue, but the next question followed.

"Why do you want to carry a gun when most people in your area do not choose to carry a gun? Do you have serious violent tendencies in the past?"

"Why don't you even have the most basic ability to escape when facing thugs?"

"I am right!"

Hydera suddenly raised his head. For a moment, the faces of the more than ten National Committee people present looked a little angry, and Hydera kept shaking his head.

"I am also a human being, not just an administrator. I really didn't think about anything at the time. My eyes were stained with blood and I couldn't see clearly what was going on around me. I didn't mean to shoot him."

However, soon, the people on the committee got up and left, and Hydra was handcuffed and sent to a single confinement room.

"I really didn't mean to, I really didn't."

In a daze, Hydera saw that after the cell door was closed, the entire confinement room fell into darkness. He lowered his head quietly, and in the only glimmer of light, he kept beating his head in distress. He didn't know what was waiting for him. What it is, I don’t know what to do.

It was just the gleam of light shining through the small window of the room at this time that made Hydera feel that there might be a glimmer of hope.

However, what Hydera doesn't know is that the trial will begin early tomorrow morning, and the trial process will be broadcast live throughout the city.

"Are you kidding me Hawk?"

Locke looked at Hawke solemnly, and he nodded.

"This is the only way to handle this matter."

"Hydera would be very pitiful. He just stopped a possible dispute, but he was beaten up. He is just a 22-year-old young man. If we don't do anything."

Hawke shook his head.

"The opponent this time is too powerful. We haven't even made any preparations, and things have reached a point where we can't control it at all. The infinite expansion of public opinion is very scary. This time, morality and law have become tools. , countless pushers gave a push to the fermentation of this matter."

Locke had no choice but to take a sip of water and clenched his fists. It would be great if this kind of thing could be handled with fists. If the administrator could...

Locke did not continue to think about it and assumed that everything was unreasonable.

"Don't think about it, Fatty. Prepare materials for tomorrow's meeting. The situation will only get worse tomorrow."

Locke shook his head.

"Can I not participate? Hawke, I won't be able to stand it. Why can't we block this kind of thing?"

Hawke laughed bitterly.

"That must be before the incident has unfolded. This young man is indeed very pitiful. He just happened to hit a troublesome time. The huge social pressure has already overwhelmed everyone. It is useless to say more. Xiaopang, this matter ends here, we have no way to solve these problems, we can only leave them to the next managers."

Hawke patted Locke on the shoulder and walked out quickly. Locke swallowed, walked slowly to the elevator, and took the elevator directly to the underground cell.

But soon Locke stopped in front of Hydra's cell. He wanted to talk to the young administrator, but for a moment he didn't know what to say because he didn't want to lie to this young man and couldn't promise him anything. Once he is given hope, what awaits him tomorrow may be even more helpless and desperate facts.

As time passed, the hustle and bustle of the city began to quiet down. A helicopter landed quietly in the College of God. When Hua Shen got off the helicopter, he saw a large number of students with expressions on their faces. He walked solemnly towards the school auditorium.

After passing by, Huashen learned that this incident was going to become a topic of discussion within the school.

"Can I represent Section 4? President."

Huashen asked, and Alpha nodded. At this time, Alpha's eyes were a little scary, and Mo Xiao, who was following her, looked uncomfortable.

Gradually, the students came to the auditorium. Each class adjusted the seats in their own class area, as well as the light and shadow screen in front of their seats. There were also the latest developments of the incident screened by AI. Four words, shocking, were enough. Says it all.

No one spoke, they just looked quietly at the principal who was standing on the stage with his hands on the table.

"I believe everyone is aware of the general outline of the matter. This matter may have a certain impact on each of you. The reason why such a temporary topic is launched today is because of this issue and also in the future as a city manager. As readers, this is the biggest problem you need to face. This problem is even unsolvable. It cannot be measured by social morality or even by law. So today I want to hear your opinions. First of all, Start with the monitor of each subject, and if there are students who have different opinions, you can state them."

Gene said and sat down with a smile. At this time, an interrogation video appeared on the light and shadow screen on the right side of him. Although it was very brief, many students were watching it carefully.

Many students know that there is no way to solve this kind of thing. The poor administrator Hydra in the video is destined to take full responsibility for this incident.

"First come from our 1st department!"

King Xue stood up, walked slowly to the stage, stood up straight, and bowed to everyone in the audience.

"We have only one conclusion in Section 1. The non-standardization of various industries in the city is the root cause of this problem. Many industries cannot be effectively supervised. Once any industry is without effective supervision, will start to grow wildly, and industries that grow wildly like weeds are extremely unstable. This instability creates the employment rate of the industry, and the unemployment rate is extremely unstable. Therefore, there is relatively large negative sentiment in society, and because of management There are no standards at the top level, and eventually these negative emotions flow to the management, and eventually gather together to form a huge public opinion!"

King Xue said, bowed and got off the stage. At this time, Rmi walked up to the stage with a smile.

"The conclusion we have discussed may be slightly different from yours. Any problem can be effectively controlled. The management officer should take action as soon as the incident occurs, instead of continuing to investigate on site, which ultimately leads to Things have fermented into social incidents. Many problems can actually be controlled, but most of the problems are faced by people without any sense of worry in their minds, because for them, the work of managers is just a job. It’s just a late night job, I think all managers need to take responsibility for this incident, it’s precisely because they don’t have the sense of responsibility to take responsibility on their shoulders, which ultimately led to such a serious problem!”

Gene smiled slightly, and the tall Osman jumped directly onto the stage.

"Our department doesn't have much insight, but I will tell you one thing that our department has seen in the four military zones."

Osman continued.

"Everyone should still remember the weapons manufacturing technology that leaked out of the military a few years ago. At that time, criminals used these technologies to make a lot of money in just over a year. Although the people involved in the incident at that time were dealt with , but there is still a problem. I have been to the military zone countless times, but what I saw were mostly listless people. Most of the time, they may need to assist the farm in harvesting crops. In general, there is no clear goal. , what exactly they should do, or what they should do, the only thing they can do is exercise every day, and what to do is confused for many of them. With the development of the city so far, there are actually very few things that require them. Poor, squad leader R also said that they don’t have the slightest sense of worry. For them, this is just a job that can make a living, because that’s what the people above are like. I don’t want to criticize anything, I just feel that in terms of subjective initiative, it has already been A few years ago, the city's development slowed down and it has gradually begun to decline in all walks of life, even management, and in many places!"

After Osman stepped down, many people looked at Hua Shen, the only student from Section 4 present. He walked slowly to the stage.

"No matter what it is, whether it is as big as society or as small as an individual, in a closed and chaotic environment full of problems, there will be some psychological problems. In fact, this problem is caused by the accumulation of many small problems. I got up, but I searched all over the city and couldn't find a channel to vent. Personal pressure and social pressure are actually directly proportional in many cases. Countless pressures have gathered together on this issue. , what we need is a healthy and effective venting channel, no matter what it is, a channel that can allow the weak who are living in helplessness and depression to vent their inner dissatisfaction, because there are more weak people in this society! "

Gene lit a cigarette and looked at the students who had begun to whisper. Things seemed to have made new progress. Congress had announced to the whole city that the case would be tried tomorrow.

At this time, many people became quiet. As Alpha slowly walked onto the stage, everyone's eyes were focused on him.

"Is it really just a simple social issue? Is it guided by public opinion? I was just thinking about how our city was built step by step and how it became complete. One question is enough to explain everything today. The voice will There is only one reason why it is so intense. We are going on the wrong track now. Among so many voices, why can't we find a different voice? Because justice has lost its original definition. This may be something that everyone feels from time to time. A crossed question, because everyone is desperate for this word! One person’s despair may not mean anything, but the whole city is desperate!”

Keying smiled and stood up directly when Alpha was about to step down.

"I will continue what the president said and would like to make a little additional explanation. Victory is justice, and justice does not necessarily mean victory. Many times, for us humans, this is something that cannot be measured at all, because we are humans, and Not God!”

Keying said, looking back at Jean, he shook his head.

"For thousands of years, we have been looking for various things to measure and define everything. Good and evil are often beyond our control. Everyone has their own good side and evil side. According to statistics and probability In science, a person's life is spent in constant mistakes and constant corrections. Therefore, the conclusion of our science is that people themselves exist like repeaters. This is difficult to eradicate, because repeated occurrences problems play out in different ways in every era.”

After Keying finished speaking, she took Alpha's hand and said.

"But I think we have ways to deal with everything. It should be impossible to solve it. But as the president said, many people no longer believe in the word justice because it has been in the Lost in nothingness and mist, I never showed up, and I was late many times.”

After the two of them walked off the stage holding hands, Jin Mian hurriedly ran to the stage, brought up a light and shadow screen, and quickly took out an economic chart of Brilliant City.

The peak of the economy was in the short three years when new technologies were announced, and then began to decline.

"The conclusion of our 7th department is that everyone is crying about poverty, but where does the money go? The gap between rich and poor is tearing apart everything in the city, whether it is social class or people's hearts. We want to solve these frequent problems. Most of the problems can be solved only by a stable economic structure, an economy that is slow but allows people to see a glimmer of light."

Jin Mangan didn't say anything more, but continued to click on many icons and displayed them in front of everyone. These pictures showed the economic changes of various industries in the city, and without exception they were gradually declining.

After Heathcote formally took the stage, he first looked at Jean.

"Principal, can I defend that poor man?"

Gene was a little surprised.

"If you do this, it will be the same as having sex with your father."

"I don't want to stand against my father, but I have to establish something through this incident, and even advance the process of the law."

After Gene hesitated for a while, Alpha stood up again.

"I also hope to go to the defense together."

Gene shook his head.

"It's too late. Is it possible for you to qualify as a lawyer in one night?"

For a moment, the two of them looked at the door, turned around and ran away.

"It's up to you to figure this out, Heathcote."

Alpha said and Heathcote laughed.

"I will try my best to convince my father."

Seeing the two people leaving, many students felt a little indescribable in their hearts.

"It's my turn next."

Brandon stood on the stage with a smile. He usually gave people a submissive and leisurely look, which made many students smile.

"Actually, I think we should build an urban economic module, which is like a template for the materialization of light and shadow. It can directly determine the scale of urban industries, as well as the prospects of the industry, profit points, etc. through regulation. This can greatly curb the The wanton growth of capital is because capital is the primary driver of this problem. You must have seen that tomorrow’s city meeting will probably be very difficult. For the entire national committee, it is bound to have to compromise on some things. , came to trade with capital in order to calm the situation, and the people were tied up this time."

Many people nodded, and Brandon left the stage after bowing left and right.

Noah was still looking at Heathcote who was waiting to call his father outside the gate. At this time, Noah pushed, and he came back to his senses and hurriedly ran to the stage.

"We in Section 10 want to explain a problem to you. We have no way of knowing what consequences the announcement of an emerging technology will have in the future. But if new technologies are not announced, urban development will stagnate. Nowadays Everything, maybe we have to put more effort into announcing new technologies, because society is a huge unpredictable machine, and technology is like the hardware inside this machine, and updated hardware may Provide powerful kinetic energy to the machinery, and at the same time, the machinery may decay prematurely due to the powerful kinetic energy!"

Latis made a face at Noah who came off the stage, and then climbed onto the stage.

"What is the definition of crime? Have you ever thought about this question? We in Section 11 often deal with criminals. I have seen countless criminals in prison. No matter what kind of criminals they are, first of all, they are human beings, and if they commit crimes In the past, where the law of the jungle was the dominant force in nature, it was a natural relationship of survival of the fittest, but in human society, it became a crime. Human beings established a civilized society, but at the same time, they implanted the law of survival of the fittest into civilized society, and the final definition It is human beings who commit crimes, not society, so our department has no conclusion. We can only define criminals based on the conclusion of crimes. So I think that at the moment when the young administrator shot and killed others, , he has become a criminal!"

Finally, everyone saw Class 12, where Karaka, the monitor, was sleeping soundly, and Natasha, the class secretary, was putting on makeup in the mirror.

"We don't have any objections to our department. It's the problem of your 11 departments to deal with these matters. And our department will be farming in the future. We are only responsible for food. But I have one thing to say. In fact, we can adopt a smooth approach. You are all too rigid in terms of handling methods. Convicted or not, the administrator will definitely end up in prison, and our department can give him some privileges, just like plants, even in the most harsh environment, there is only a little Water and sunlight can both grow. It’s enough to realize this. It’s too serious to discuss these problems that humans have been going on for thousands of years and still can’t solve. I think you all should go back to sleep now.”

As soon as Clark finished speaking, many students from other subjects stood up, and the original discussion directly turned into a debate.

At this time, Heathcote and Alpha came back at the door, and everyone became a little quieter. Looking at their expressions, it seemed that nothing could be done about the matter.

Gradually, the students in the auditorium fell silent, because there was nothing they could do about this matter. No matter what they did, the incident would only become more ferocious tomorrow. The only way to stop all the noise was to close the case as soon as possible and let everything calm down. .

Gene didn't say anything from beginning to end. After a while, he stood up and looked at the time. It was already past 5 o'clock.

"I think everyone should go to bed. This issue has just begun. In the next year, I hope you will continue to work on this issue until everyone can unite their opinions."

The early morning sun was a bit dazzling, but at 9 o'clock, the streets were still sparsely populated. Although the streets should have been very lively on the first morning of the festival, many people were waiting in front of the TV.

9 o'clock sharp

Pairs of eyes with various emotions were staring straight at the vicious case last night that was broadcast live across the city on the TV screen.

The Ombudsman has already begun to make a statement. He released the same evidence and video as last night. Hydera looked at everything in front of him quietly. There was no one around him. He needed to defend himself because no one was willing to defend him.

"Yes, I saw that the administrator did stop them last night, but those people were a little drunk. So after the administrator failed to dissuade them, he sternly warned them that they would be arrested for harassment. She was guilty of being a woman and ended up having an altercation with the gang.”

"Actually, they just invited me to drink together, and I just refused. Although they pestered me, the situation may not be as serious as the administrator thought. I could have escaped, but the administrator got involved. , and things finally turned out like that. I think he might have wanted to do something because it was just his first day at work. He might have good intentions, but in other words, he might have gone a little too far."

"I saw it with my own eyes. The man fired, and immediately after the first shot he fired a second shot. It was clear that the other person had fallen to the ground, but he still fired."

As witnesses were called one after another, Hydera looked at everything in front of him expressionlessly. He felt that his consciousness was getting a little blurry, and the faces in front of him disappeared and became distorted. He just sneered.

The surroundings began to become dark, everything was changing, and he could neither hear nor see anything.

"Mr. Hydera, because as a manager, you have obviously received strict training, but you still committed such a crime. Because of the huge impact on society, and the second shot of revenge in your subconscious, Therefore, I sentence you to 30 years in prison for first-degree murder. Do you have anything else to say?"

Hydera raised his head slightly, showing a strange smile, and glanced around.

"No more, Mr. Judge!"

Like a monster! What did I do wrong? My first day at work has already ended my life.

Watching Hydera being taken away, bursts of warm applause erupted in the Law Hall. Various voices also emerged in the city. Most people felt that this was a just verdict. Thirty years of A term of imprisonment is also a very severe punishment for this criminal.

In the long passage, Hydera quietly stared at the light on the ground. In the past 22 years of his life, he had never felt cool under the light.

A seed called hatred began to quietly bury itself in Hydera's heart. There was no sound to guide him. He could only be moved to the prison silently. Hydera originally still had a trace of hope in his heart. , for a moment all he felt was great malice, which was like being stared at by a huge monster, and he was about to be swallowed up soon.

The moment he walked out of the back door of the Law Hall, the sun was a little dazzling. Hydera quietly looked at the special management officers in uniforms standing in front of him. He was a little surprised. At this time, a man with the numbers 5 and 8 on his shoulders The administrator came up.

"I'm sorry. I can't do anything for you, but please don't have any hatred. The matter will be resolved one day. I promise you that I won't let you stay in prison for 30 years."

Alpha said seriously, Heathcote nodded and patted his shoulder.

"Don't be discouraged, things will work out, they will!"

Hydera smiled, and for a moment he saw all the special management officers bowing to him. Hydera instantly felt a hint of warmth. He got into the escort car, and after the car started, he looked back behind him again. The special management officers are still bowing their bodies.

A certain part of his heart began to be exposed to the sun little by little, the darkness faded, and he showed a relaxed smile.

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