Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1551 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 26 (Part 1)

January 1, 2204

Just after the New Year's bell, accompanied by thunderous cheers that seemed to overturn everything, various fireworks bouquets flew into the sky. In a newly completed citizen square, a large number of people were celebrating the arrival of the New Year.

It’s just that the air is a bit cold tonight, and there is a sense of dampness in the air. The rain and snow that have not been seen for many years have begun to visit the city again. The explanation given by the Congress is that the instability of the climate circle has been around for a long time. At most, it only needs It will recover in two to three years.


There was a gunshot in the crowd that was celebrating. Many people didn't pay attention, and then another gunshot rang out.

The people on the periphery finally realized something. At this time, accompanied by a woman's scream, someone finally noticed that at the entrance of an alley next to the square, an administrator raised a gun and a man fell in front of him. In a pool of blood, red blood flowed out.

Gradually, riots began to occur. Someone realized that the shooting had occurred. Within 10 minutes, a local district management officer arrived with a large number of administrators. Although the scene was blocked, there were too many people in the square. Many people squeezed their heads to see what was going on.

At this time, someone discovered the clue. The person who fell to the ground was dead. A reporter tried his best to squeeze in. He lay on the ground and took some pictures from the feet of the administrators who formed the human wall. His face showed extreme excitement. With a smile on his face, he never thought that his luck would come. With such a big exclusive, he would be able to make a lot of money immediately.

"Don't get excited, Hydra, it's okay, give me the gun."

The administrator carefully raised his hands and squatted in front of the administrator whose face was covered with blood, trying to calm his emotions. Although the body had been covered with a white cloth, the criminal investigation team had identified it and found that the first shot hit the leg. But it was not fatal, but the fatal thing was the second shot, which directly hit the head.

The administrator named Hydera was pale and slightly childish. This was his first day at work after graduating from school. His hands were shaking, his eyes were wide open, and he was breathing heavily. , his finger was still tightly clasped on the trigger of the revolver, and sweat kept falling from his forehead.

"Hydra is okay, it's okay."

The management officer had been comforting him, and then a phone call came.

"Already caught?"

The administrator stood up, and suddenly the administrators on both sides quickly took advantage of Hydera's complete lack of attention. One person lifted his hand up, and the other quickly hugged him.


A crisp sound of gunfire rang out, and the people watching in the outer circle instantly panicked, and someone shouted.

"The murderer, I saw it. He was the murderer. The man had begged for mercy, but he still shot him in the head."

In an instant, the scene got out of control. Most of the people were already drunk on such a night. The management officer hurriedly turned around and rushed to the store. He immediately ordered everyone to enter the store. The angry crowd broke through the human wall. In an instant, the scene got out of control. Some administrators Before he could react, he was overwhelmed by the angry crowd.


The iron door of the store was closed. The management officer held the phone with a solemn expression. He had called the military for support. Only a dozen people ran in. There were knocks on the iron door of the store. The situation outside was under surveillance. ,It's a mess.

"I'm not, I really don't."

Hydera held her head and huddled in the corner. The manager stared at the young man sideways. He was finished. This whole life was ruined. The manager himself also knew that he was also finished. There was no management from the outside who had time to run in. Members, I'm afraid something will happen.

They did not carry firearms when they came here. Although Congress has explained that in the face of riots, weapons can be used in critical situations, but in recent years, some incidents of administrator negligence have often occurred, and criminals have been shot and injured on the streets. Even the criminals were killed, but the end of these administrators usually did not go well.

When this young administrator was on patrol tonight, he saw a few drunken men making things difficult for a woman and refusing to let her go. The administrator went up and asked them to stop harassing the woman. As a result, A group of drunk people beat the administrator in the street until his head was bleeding. After being taunted by words, he opened fire.

In principle, you must carry a gun when you go out on patrol to prevent the occurrence of some violent crimes. However, in recent years, social problems have arisen due to shootings by administrators. Some administrators have even colluded with gangs to shoot rival gangs.

Time passed by, and the rioting crowd outside had not calmed down. Some administrators had fallen to the ground and were still being beaten. They were in danger.

At this time, accompanied by bursts of rapid roars, more than a dozen takeoffs and landings appeared in the sky.

The management officer's eyes widened and he stood up. It was impossible for the army to arrive so quickly. At this time, the helicopter passed by at a low altitude. In an instant, the special management officers in black uniforms jumped out of the helicopter.

"Complete complete suppression within 10 minutes!"

The moment Alpha landed, several people who were beating up an administrator were instantly knocked unconscious by Alpha's fists. Red particles flashed all over Alpha's body, and they flashed across the ground. With the sound of falling to the ground, there was a sound in the air. Red fists can be seen.

The irritable people fell to the ground one by one, and soon more and more people fell to the ground. King Xue sighed, and used telekinesis to control those who wanted to escape around him, and killed them without mercy. Stunned, after receiving the news of the riot, 126 students from Sections 1 and 5, who were still conducting coordinated combat training, immediately dispatched and drove the lift directly over, arriving at the scene in less than 10 minutes. .

Figures flashing with red particles walked through the square. After 8 minutes, the riot subsided.

"Hurry up and get the surgical equipment. Someone here needs emergency surgery."

While Alpha was speaking, he picked up a female administrator. She fell into a severe coma and her head had been smashed. Soon a simple operating room was set up. Several students came directly and began to perform emergency treatment on the woman. During the surgery, Alpha put on light and shadow gloves. Under the machine's detection, it was certain that it was intracranial hemorrhage. They had done this kind of surgery frequently in the past few years.

"Move quickly and make sure you have vital signs."

Alpha said and immediately started to deal with the bleeding points. Several other students also got busy. Gil led a group of people to move some injured people to the edge, and directly performed surgery or medical treatment on some seriously injured people.

The iron gate opened, and the administrator swallowed. He was very surprised. There were only more than 100 people, and almost all of them were S-class mutants. They suppressed thousands of rioting people in an instant.

Only then did the administrators in the area arrive at the scene. Everyone was surprised by the speed and efficiency of these special management officers.

Ambulances had just arrived. Alpha walked out of the temporary operating room, lit a cigarette, quietly glanced at everything around him, and then walked straight towards the management officer.

"Please tell me what happened, I need to know everything and the surveillance video."

Soon Alpha and King Xue were sitting in the store, watching the scene in the surveillance video. Hydra was still holding his head and crying in the corner. After being beaten by a group of people, he chose to shoot and left. After the man closest to Hydera was shot in the leg and fell to the ground, several other people woke up and ran away.


Alpha said, and quickly zoomed in on the screen. In the screen, the interval between the second shots was less than 2 seconds. The man who fell to the ground showed a seemingly provocative smile, and then the gun went off.

Duan Kong walked in with several classmates. He glanced at Hydera in the corner and walked over.

"Did you pull the trigger unconsciously? Please answer me seriously, Administrator No. 125454, Hydra!"

Hydra shook her head.

"He said he could get away with it even if he beat me to death. Trampling me to death would be like crushing an ant. I didn't mean it. I don't remember much. You have to believe me. I really didn't mean it."

"The problems are going to be very serious tomorrow."

King Xue stared sideways at the people around him. At this time, several arrested co-beaters were also brought over, a total of 6 people, all with solemn expressions.

King Xue sighed.

"Things are already starting to spread."

King Xue took out his mobile phone, and it has started to go viral on the Internet. There are even people taking pictures with mobile phones. The comments are basically blaming Hydra. Someone has already dug out Hydra's information. Put it on the Internet.

Inciting words flooded the entire Internet, shouting justice, justice, and injustice, injustice!

Alpha stared at the surveillance video quietly, then stood up.

"It's really not possible for me to defend him personally."

King Xue looked solemn, took off his glasses and took out a hand towel to wipe them.

"Maybe you should leave it to me. It only takes one night. I have a way to turn these things into something positive."

King Xue squinted at the six people who were identifying the scene.

"How to do?"

King Xue stood up and soon gathered many students from subjects 1 and 5.

"The only way now is to create a truth that the people are willing to accept. They beat Hydra first, and the point where the second fatal shot was fatal will become a point of contention in the Hall of Law, creating some negative scandals for them. For example, he often stalks young women on the street under the influence of alcohol, is a habitual offender, and often beats others, etc."

Alpha frowned slightly and exhaled a puff of smoke.

Duan Kong looked at King Xue solemnly. At this time, many students looked at each other, and Gil shook his head.

"Can they possibly be obedient!"

King Xue put on his glasses.

"So leave it to me, I will do everything before tomorrow morning, and you just need to help me, and they will obediently do it, threatening them with first-degree murder, and their family members implementation"

King Xue noticed the looks in his classmates' eyes and did not continue for a while.

"This will only be counterproductive. No matter what means are used, the matter cannot be suppressed forever. The people are not fools, and the people of the Lawyers Association are not fools either. They will take this opportunity to make a big fuss."

Alpha said, looking at the situation in the store. The military had arrived and began to cordon off the scene and help arrest those who participated in the riot.

At this time, another batch of lifts came over here, and they were students from Section 8.

Heathcote and Li Xin came over with the whole class.

"How about leaving this matter to Heathcote. After all, his father is the president of the Bar Association and can only negotiate."

Duan Kong said, Heathcote said as soon as he came over.

"The principal wants you all to go back."

Everyone looked serious for a moment.

"Then you have to watch that guy reduced to..."

"The reason why there is endless debate is that the law is still being improved in recent years, and there are no clear rules to regulate everything, under what circumstances, how violent it is before shooting, and as an administrator, he , why was he beaten alone, and where were the other administrators who were patrolling with him? Why did he only come here half an hour after the incident."

For a moment, everyone understood that this involved too many problems.

Alpha sighed and glanced at many of the administrators in this area. They seemed to be in average physical condition.

"That's the root issue, what exactly is the principal planning to do."

At this time, with a roar, a helicopter flew across the night sky. As Hawke and Locke got off the helicopter, they looked very drunk.

"You all go back to school. Xiaopang and I will handle this matter, do you hear me?"

Hawke said that a group of students didn't really want to go back.

"This is the principal's order."

Locke's face was solemn. He knew that this matter would definitely cause an uproar in the city tomorrow morning, because it was the first night of the New Year. If something like this happened, the media would definitely catch it, as would the major associations.

Families and businessmen will also join in and use this incident to impeach Congress.

"Let's go. In the worst case scenario, I will defend the young administrator. It is not a not guilty plea, but a guilty plea."

Heathcote said as Alpha took out a cigarette.

"President, there is nothing we can do. I have already watched the video on the way here. I know very well what the situation is in the Law Hall. Being able to reduce his sentence is the most appropriate way to deal with it."

Alpha is still reserved and reluctant to leave.

Didi didi


Alpha said, standing up straight.

"Alpha, bring back the students from all subjects and give you 5 minutes."

The phone hung up and Alpha turned around and walked away.

"Go back to school with me."

1:54 am

The city that had started to quiet down was once again boiling. The development of the Internet allows people to receive the latest consultations anytime and anywhere. Once any problem arises, just half an hour is enough to make one thing the focus of the entire society.

A large number of TV media saw the business opportunities and planned late-night special programs in just half an hour.

Such a tragedy happened on the night of the New Year, which caught many people off guard, and more and more dissatisfied voices began to appear on the streets.

Many people who don't know the truth have already corrected themselves in the huge public opinion and pointed the finger at the managers with righteous words.

Corruption in the region, as well as the frequent occurrence of some social security cases, including criminal cases, were constantly superimposed, and finally broke out on the night of the new year.

Many administrators patrolling the streets were equipped with weapons. Looking at the hostile eyes of the people on the streets, they could only walk cautiously through the streets.

"Please don't make unreasonable suspicions before the truth is announced, and please stay calm. We will definitely handle this incident fairly and fairly."

On the radios on the street and on the news websites of major media, Locke reiterated again and again that this problem is not what most online comments describe, and that an incident report will be issued within an hour at the earliest.

However, Locke's words were no longer enough to calm everything down. At this time, on a CBV TV program, an independent reporter who had witnessed the scene was recounting the entire incident.

"I really can't believe that a highly trained administrator would do such an extremely immoral thing in front of everyone. He had already shot the attacker in the leg, and the other attackers had fled, but In just a few seconds, he shot the man in the head."

"Then let me ask Mr. Rhodes, what happened next!"

Soon, a reporter in the studio who looked a little serious but had a smile in his eyes immediately showed a picture of people being quickly suppressed.

"They treated ordinary citizens so cruelly, and some people suffered serious injuries. I was at the scene, and I felt I had an obligation to record it all."

At this time, opposite the studio, a large number of CBV shareholders were sitting together, holding up wine glasses and celebrating. Being able to broadcast such a blockbuster scene for the first time, now CBV's news TV station has exceeded the ratings 67%, and may continue to rise. Such a high ratings only gave the reporter 500,000, but it can create tens of millions of profits for the entire company.

The entire company has already started planning the next program, and they have also received some materials from the association, as well as certain things promised.

What the truth is is not important to them, but what the people like to see is what they show the people.

"Haha, now we are making a lot of money."

Pan Chen said with a smile, and one of the female shareholders nodded.

"The incident has been thoroughly fermented. We will add fuel to the fire in a few days. As long as we can ensure the popularity of this incident, there will be a lot of money to be made in the future."

Things have completely matured.

At this time, in a very simple room with only dim lights on, the news on a laptop on the table was turned off. A somewhat thick hand closed the laptop, and under the dim light was a Zhang smiled slightly bitterly.

There were also some recipe files on the table. At this time, the man tapped the recipe with his fingers. His hands became two little figures. The two fingers started to play rhythmically on the table. There was a beating.

"Old Wu, everyone invites you over for a dinner, why don't you go?"

Following a knock on the door, the man chose silence. After several consecutive knocks on the door, everything became quiet. The man looked at his two broad palms, then looked at the back of his hands, and sighed helplessly.


The lights went out and some loud TV sounds came from outside the house.

Zou Yun turned down the volume and looked at some things on the TV, looking a little helpless. He turned off the TV program and started to clear away the dishes on the table. His wife had already gone to bed. She just watched the first program and then Turned around and left and entered the bedroom.

Zou Yun also felt something was wrong. The one-sided comments and voices in front of him seemed a bit excessive. The truth of the matter was not as reported by major TV stations, because if you think about it carefully, you will find that many of them were inciting. Sexual things are mixed in.


In an old office, Xingyuan watched the live broadcast with a solemn expression and put down the cup in his hand. The woman lying on the sofa was completely drunk, and Lanny next to him was also a little confused.

"What's so interesting about this kind of report? Everything is a foregone conclusion."

Xingyuan hummed and turned off the news. He felt something was wrong in his heart. A huge consciousness was gathering together. Tomorrow would definitely be a storm in the city.

"Human beings are really very easily incited creatures."

Xingyuan muttered, Lanni laughed and glanced at the woman on the sofa.

"Morality may be used as a society's standard to measure the good and evil of individuals, but what about law? It is used to measure the fairness of a society, but what about public opinion? What is it?"

"Sometimes it is illusory, and sometimes it is powerful. This time, Mr. Laney will be very serious."


A phone call rang urgently. The call was from the Lawyers Association, but the man on the sofa covered his face with a hat. Some drunk men just glanced at it casually, turned off the phone, turned around and continued to sleep.

A lawyer's badge on the table glowed under the street lights outside the window.


The aroma of food filled the whole room. A lot of workers who were busy making clothes looked at the kitchen hungrily. Standing in the kitchen was a tall bald man. They were all discussing what happened this time. News While the broadcast was still going on, pieces of handmade school uniforms were piled in piles in the room.

"It's really too much. This kind of killing in the street."

"Yes, yes, these guys do nothing with our money. They only eat, drink and have fun all day long, and they also collude with gang members."

"No, that's not the case. A relative of ours once borrowed a loan at a high interest rate. After that, he was forced to have no other choice, so he went to the management office to report the case. Only then did he find out that the money was actually released by someone from the management office."

The sound of dishes came from the kitchen. Many people who were still busy stopped first and walked into the kitchen. Looking at the bald man who was still cooking, he remained silent and did not start. Even if someone asked him once, he would just smile.


The bathtub was bubbling, and a hand reached out of the water. Then with a burst of breathing, the man who got up from the bathtub lay down in the bathtub again.

In the room, several middle-aged people who were watching the news were eating melon seeds and talking about the events that happened tonight.

"It's so tragic. There's an old saying that says, be merciful and merciful."

One person said, and several others nodded.

"The crime is not punishable by death. The administrator relied on his power and fired one shot before firing a second time."

Bubbles were still rising on the surface of the bathtub, and a bunch of people looked over.

"I said to Lin Xiao, why are you still playing? Come over here and have a drink. It's exciting!"

With the splash of water, the door of the room was closed by telekinesis, and the raised man dived back into the water again.

Puff puff

The water in the pot rose, and steam kept rising.

"I told you to move faster, fat girl!"

A plump and plump woman was busy opening the lid of the pot. There was a pungent smell coming out of the pot. There was red fuel inside. This was a small workshop with a lot of fuel that would be entered tomorrow. Clothes in the supermarket, the boss is urging the fat woman in charge of fuel processing.

Several workers have finished their work, and they are watching the news reports, all looking very happy.

"It's not that I won't retaliate, the time has not yet come!"

The boss also nodded and said.

"If they do this, something will happen sooner or later. Now it's better. They have no excuse."

The video has been released, a processed video of the shooting. Less than 3 seconds passed after the first shot, and the administrator on the ground fired the second shot.

Woo woo

The whistle sounded, and Charles happily took the boiling water and brewed a pack of medicine, intending to let it cool before drinking. He squinted at his wife who was lying on the bed in the bedroom, turning sideways quietly without saying a word.

"Haha, Freya, it's great that they are finished this time. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You have to go to the banquet with me tomorrow. We must unite to impeach Congress. They will definitely be punished for their actions. They have to pay the price.”

Charles smiled excitedly, picked up the medicine on the table, took a sip, smiled contentedly, turned around, took off his bathrobe, and walked to the bedroom.

"I said, why don't you speak? Freya, don't you express your opinion on this kind of thing?"

Looking at Freya who still didn't reply, Charles walked into the bedroom and closed the door with a smile.

"Isn't the matter still unresolved?"

Su Xin looked at the clerks who were all gloating about her misfortune. She turned around angrily and walked towards the back door.

"I kept you waiting, Lewen."

As soon as Su Xin went out, she saw Le Wen sitting on the steps waiting for her. After opening his half-closed eyes, he moved to the guardrail with a smile. Su Xin held his chin with one hand and sat next to Le Wen.

"The matter has not been concluded yet, so it is really strange why everyone has already identified him as the murderer."

Lewen smiled and nodded.

"It is precisely because everyone is willing to watch the fire from the other side, because many people have suppressed it for too long, but this is not the reason or reason."

Su Xin hummed.

"The administrator who fired the gun was not a lunatic. Who would act like a lunatic and then take out a gun and shoot others on the street? Only a lunatic would do such a thing. He was still so young."

Lewen hummed.

"Let's go for a walk somewhere quieter and watch the sunrise together tomorrow morning."

Su Xin hummed, wiped her hands, took off her waistband, and started running first.

"hurry up."

Lewen hummed and followed.

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