Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1547 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 24 (Part 2)

January 1, 2203

Just after 0 o'clock, with the sound of bells ringing from squares across the city, the new year has arrived again.

A lift was parked at the training ground of God College. A large number of students were busy, constantly carrying boxes of equipment to the lift. The whole school, except for the students in the 4th subject, was busy. .

Alpha directed the students to put boxes of maintenance equipment into the lift in succession. Two months ago, the academy received the message from Jean. The carrier ship was currently damaged east of the barrier. 178 kilometers away.

More than 2 million tons of mimic substances are on the carrier ship. The entire academy is in great joy. Only Li Chu and Witte are responsible for leading the team and taking the students directly to the outside of the barrier. The carrier ship must be repaired, otherwise it will be so It is simply impossible to transport large quantities of materials back to the city relying on manpower.

The entire college prepared in full swing for two months before processing the remaining hundreds of tons of light and shadow materials into mimetic materials For the past few months, I have been sleeping less than 5 hours a day.

Fortunately, the college's education is comprehensive. Students from other subjects have a more or less comprehensive understanding of engineering machinery physics, and they have actually assembled a lift under the leadership of students from the 10th subject.

"I'll say it again, the biggest problem with this kind of special protective clothing is that its thermal conductivity is somewhat poor. You can't wear it for more than 4 hours. If it exceeds 4 hours, the internal temperature will rise to 40 degrees. It's best to wear it in 3 hours. Take a break and don’t show off. In the world outside the barrier, there are still many harmful particles in the air, as well as germs and viruses floating in the air. Please proceed according to the pre-rehearsed operations."

Noah was still standing on the lift and kept shouting to the students. This time leaving the city to go outside the barrier was a good experience for many students, although the gods had told them about it in class. I have also seen some real images of the world outside the barrier, but this time I want to set foot outside the barrier to repair the carrier ship.

"To ensure everyone's safety, please note that if you want to use telekinesis, alienated particles can only be transmitted to the outside through the respirator. Please remember this and keep your head clear."

Alpha smiled and looked at Noah shouting hard. He always felt that if he could be with him, any problem could be solved. At this time, Noah came closer.

"I said, can I not go? I still have work in the laboratory below, and my interest has grown recently, you see."

"Do you think you can stop going?"

Alpha said as Li Guoguo came closer.

"Sister Alpha, Noah is too much. We have been extremely busy these days, but he is doing well. He is in the laboratory and doesn't come to help at all. You have to punish him well."

Noah shook his head.

"I was really researching, not playing. After all, I discovered something new. If I couldn't research to the point where I hit a bottleneck, I wouldn't be able to eat."

"Hurry up Noah, the principal is carrying so many resources and has been guarding the outside of the barrier alone for two months."

Seeing Alpha's slightly angry expression, Noah smiled and turned around and started walking away. At this time, the students also began to take out the somewhat bulky protective clothing. The round-shaped one-piece suit can be put on directly and then put on the helmet.

According to the comprehensive analysis of the carrier ship by AI7, 8, 9, 10, and 11, the power core has been damaged, and many places inside the carrier ship have been burned through, and energy transmission has also been severely hindered.

The damage to the entire carrier ship reached 79%. The carrier ship's power core and energy conductor need to be repaired at the most basic level. The amount of work is very huge. There was a plan before that could completely transform the carrier ship into a mimic. X, a new carrier ship is generated through the already drawn carrier ship engineering drawings, but it is loaded with a large amount of mimic material, up to more than 2 million tons. If you want to load and unload it twice, even a student can carry 5 tons. The amount is extremely time-consuming to transport.

Many mimetic substances are directly picked up in one piece by the grabbing tools on the carrier ship. One piece weighs thousands of tons. If you want to cut it directly on site, the gain outweighs the gain and some materials will be lost. The most important thing is that today's mimetic substances The amount of material X is no longer enough to support the generation of a new carrier ship.

The students of Section 4 have reached a very critical stage in their research and need to use a large amount of Mimic X to build experimental equipment.

The 200 lifts have basically been equipped with everything they need, including a space for students to rest after taking off protective clothing, water and food, etc. Repairs will take a month at the fastest, and students must work every day Intermittent work and rest are something that students in the school are already accustomed to.

"Before setting off, please go through everything in your head and take action!"

Following Alpha's order, the students all started running towards the lift. At this time, a touch of white appeared around the black uniforms. Locke, wearing a white uniform, looked at the students getting up to the lift one by one, helplessly. After sighing, he spent most of his time following Hawke, eating, drinking and having fun, but it was very uncomfortable. In that kind of upper-class circle, he had to deal with many people and things every day, and even Hawke would treat people from some countries Leaving the matter to be handled by himself, Locke could only grit his teeth and continue working.

"Be careful when you go out, especially don't show off."

The students got on the lift one by one happily. There were a total of 570 people going, including 39 students from Section 4 and Locke Jiahui, who didn't need to go out.

Since the students have left, Locke will go to replace Hawke tomorrow morning to announce the postponement of the special management officer review.

It's just that Locke always felt that something was wrong. He planned to wait for Gene to come back and have a good talk with him. He didn't want to follow Hawke anymore. Now it would be better for Hawke to leave a lot of things to him and get bored with his wife at home all day long. .

Watching a helicopter leaving the college, Locke shot towards the sky to retrieve it, and then yawned and planned to go to sleep. After all, he would have to get up at 4 o'clock tomorrow morning.

"What's wrong, you want to go out now?"

Seeing Huashen carrying a complete set of medical equipment on his back, he hummed and walked past Locke, but was grabbed by Locke.

"If you have something on your mind, you can talk to me, it only takes a few minutes."

Hua Shen looked at Locke in confusion.

"We have done such a cruel thing. Although medicine is a science based on countless corpses, I still feel that what we have done through this method will make mankind face even more cruel disasters in the future. , we really did it”

"Don't have too much psychological burden. Your research has always supported the underground students. You use your methods to promote their research. It's okay. We can't discuss these things, Lolita. The teacher is really amazing. None of us can reach her level. She opened this breakthrough. In the past, the entire city was built on the basis of countless sacrifices. If you really feel that If you can't stand it, don't think about it, but think more about how you can help the students underground to complete this research to a greater extent."

Hua Shen hummed. He was very clear in his head. Nowadays, an aging society is approaching. The birth rate in recent years has reached a new low in the city's recorded history. Last year, less than 10,000 newborns were born. Thirty percent of them have various physical defects.

Blight syndrome is also spreading among people in their thirties and forties in the city. Many people can only watch their bodies decay day by day. They start with dizziness, then become unable to walk or move their fingers. Then before they die, they will hear There is no sound, you can't see clearly, and you will even be deprived of your language ability.

The number of deformed people in the deformed community, despite so many years of efforts in plastic surgery, has not decreased much. Instead, there is an influx of new deformed people every year.

The huge medical pressure has overwhelmed the entire city. If it continues, the city will begin to fall. The most obvious thing is that with the arrival of an aging society, the group of people who have not caught up with the life span of the vaccine have lost their labor force. .

Today, in the farms in the east, you can still see some workers in their fifties who are still working, and a large number of criminals are forced to perform heavy physical labor day and night.

Some people in society have proposed using machines to replace a large number of human jobs, which will only make the overall social environment worse.

"I don't know whether this is right or wrong. After all, we are human beings. I'm sorry. I can't help you in other ways. I can only chat with you."

Huashen smiled and shook his head.

"Recently, I have found some causes of blight disease, but if we don't hurry up, even if a life-span vaccine is developed, many people who already have the potential gene for blight disease will still be susceptible to the disease. We must do it as soon as possible. ."

Seeing Huashen stepping onto the lift alone, Locke glanced at the empty teaching building. After thinking for a long time, he stepped into the teaching building and planned to go to the underground laboratory to have a look.

Located in an underground laboratory 50 meters underground

Lolita sat quietly in a wheelchair, wearing a white dress, her cheeks were colorful, and there were traces of surgery in many places on her skin. She was still looking at the values ​​​​on a light and shadow panel.

The entire basement is very large, enough to accommodate 5,000 people. There are a large number of research desks in the middle, and on the periphery, there are rows of rooms, each of which holds a heavy criminal and their clones. body.

After two years of research, life-span vaccines have made certain progress. All life-span vaccines will be tested on clones first. After stable effects are obtained, they will be tested on the original body.

If there is a problem at any stage, new clones will be cloned, some wrong genome sequences in the past will be overturned, and the experiment will continue.

The amount injected into the body is relatively small, and then the changes in the longevity vaccine in the body are looked at. If it fails, the only way to perform gene repair surgery on the body is through light and shadow surgery, and the failed genome is directly discarded.

"No, Akimi, come here."

Lolita shouted, and after a while, from a distance, Akimi stepped on a moving disk and flew directly to Lolita's side.

"Teacher Lolita, what's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Lolita pointed to strings of genomes.

"Which idiot synthesized these genomes? I have already told you that the synthesis of genomes must be done with stable substances and then conduct specific cloning injection experiments. But this idiot broke the rules and called her over. ."

Akimi looked solemn.

"Zhou Li has just gone to bed now. She has been under a lot of pressure recently."

Lolita sighed, her body was out of balance, her hands and feet were out of control, and she could only rely on her facial expressions to control the light and shadow screen.

"Give me a cigarette."

Akimi bowed, hurriedly took out a cigarette from the shelf next to him, lit it and put it in Lolita's mouth. She was already very tired.

"I'm sorry, Teacher Lolita. I'm really sorry. I will be responsible for Zhou Li's failure."

As he spoke, Akimi turned around and walked away, with a dull expression on his face. The students here work the same way every day, conducting research on the original longevity vaccine. Although there are AI2 genetic engineering and AI4 medical engineering However, according to the calculation results of the AI, the genetic material of the life-span-extending vaccine developed failed without exception.

Because a lot of data is based on failed data, the entire research process is extremely difficult.

At this time, accompanied by a burst of guitar sound, Lolita breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on her face. She turned her head and looked at a group of students sitting around Werther with tired faces. Werther was holding a A guitar is playing a soft and beautiful music.

In a research room, in a cell with all facilities, a heavy-duty prisoner stared blankly at the colorful spots on his body. He looked desperately at a student opposite him, who was taking his own The clone was tied to the bed and he was then given the vaccine.

Tang Rao watched quietly. Marcus kept swallowing. This time he increased the dose of some genes. He was considered to have the best actual results among the 38 students. Tang Rao also came to follow him. Study together.

Suddenly, the clone lying on the bed opened his eyes and screamed in terror. His memory was very confused and he couldn't remember what happened at all. The memories of these clones still stayed in the prison.


As he spoke, Marcus was about to inject the genetic medicine, but hesitated for a moment.

"Do it."

Tang Rao said in a cold voice. Marcus injected the genetic medicine. For a moment, the clone on the bed widened his eyes and looked extremely painful. Veins popped up all over his body and he struggled violently.

Tang Rao immediately began to observe on the light and shadow panel on the side, the performance of this new life-span vaccine entering the clone's body. At this time, the main body in the cell covered his head and choked in his throat.

"Sorry, as long as you complete the research, you can leave, you can also receive high subsidies, and we will be responsible for erasing your memory."

Marcus said, and soon accompanied by some long sounds, he trembled and ran over, and the clone on the research table died.

"Prepare for the next experiment and adjust the dosage."

Tang Rao said as he walked directly to a nearby culture cabin and started debugging it. Marcus moved the clone down and put it on the cart.

As soon as Marcus went out, he saw Frye, who was also pushing a clone's body out next to him. The two looked at each other and smiled, with only sadness in their eyes and a bitter smile.

"It's really difficult."

Frye hummed. Marcus knew why Frye would participate in such a study. On the day of participation, he saw the helplessness and confusion on Frye's face. He probably didn't want to participate in such an inhumane research.

"If your research is successful, you can resurrect Nabe!"

Frye looked at Marcus with some horror, and he said with a smile.

"Didn't Billy already give Nabe's genetic material to you?"

Frye hummed, and Marcus patted Frye on the shoulder.

"Don't think there is anything wrong with such an idea. Resurrecting your loved ones is a matter of course. Keep working hard!"

The two came to a room in the corner and placed the body at the door. At this time, Deguna walked out of it and directly used telekinesis to move the body to a large pool in the room. This pool could kill the clone. The corpse was disintegrated and reduced into many microelements, which were later used as nourishment for the clones.

"Failed again. You two are really useless. It's a shame that I think so highly of you."

Deguna said, and the two of them bowed and pushed the cart to continue back to the research room.

Deguna quietly looked at the status of the students. Some students did have some mental problems, but Deguna had a way to clear their memories. After everything was over, Deguna would take action based on the students' opinions. Willingness to help them clear these memories.

At this time, another student came to get the nutrients needed for cloning, and Deguna took out boxes of nutrients that needed to be added to the culture chamber from the room.

Not far away, Rose came over with a cigarette in her mouth.

"No, there's still nothing we can do."

Looking at Rose with a wry smile on her face, Deguna moved closer.

"If you can't bear it, you can go out."

"Who do you think you are talking to? Some of the research I have conducted in the past is not as easy as this one. It was not with clones, but with real people!"

Deguna snorted coldly.

At this time, Gu Yi walked out of a research room.

"You guys just watch for a while. I have to go out to do some errands for the students in my group."

Gu Yi took off his white coat and put on a black uniform.

"Has it reached the point where no one is available?"

Rose said and Gu Yi nodded.

"Some things should have been done by the students in Section 2, but this time I can only do it myself. That bastard Jean is not here either. There is no other way. A company in the bottom gully area has started to pick up criminals and transport them again. I have to go over and deal with it. There should be thousands of criminals operating on the edge of the ravine in the barrier area, and it won’t work without regular cleaning.”

The experiment must continue. There is not much time left for them. If the problem cannot be solved in the next few years, serious faults will appear in the city.

Every year on the first night of the New Year, the city comes to life. Most people choose to party all night long in the streets, indulgently and indulgently.

A restaurant at night was already full of people. Many people couldn't wait to have a good meal and drink with their friends, and then start partying. The shop was already full.

The boss was smoking, looking at everything in front of him happily, holding the phone in his hand.

"Old Wu, are you really not coming over? Today I and several other bosses will have a dinner at my house. How can I miss you!"

The boss hummed slightly helplessly.

"Old Wu, thank you very much. How about I introduce you to a beautiful girl another day? Don't be polite to me, Old Wu. It's decided who will follow the other. I'll transfer it directly to you tomorrow. , It’s just a small thing, this is what we all want, if you don’t accept it, you won’t give us face.”

After hanging up the phone, the boss exhaled a sigh of relief and looked at the grand scene of the restaurant. His previous restaurant was about to close down. Fortunately, he went to talk to Wu Qun, who gave him 30 recipes. All he needs to do is give him a monthly recipe usage fee of 30 yuan.

The boss had heard before that there was a super delicious restaurant on the middle ring street. The boss was very good at cooking. After registering the recipe, he would give it to other restaurants at a low licensing fee. If you want it, you only need to go to him. Just talk.

The boss just went there with a skeptical attitude. After all, this kind of dish that can attract customers and make a lot of money must be just a promotion gimmick. After the boss actually went to talk to Wu Qun, he found out that he is really a very good person. great people.

At this time, on the other side of the phone, Xiaolin stood at the door of the room with some dissatisfaction and knocked on the door.

The room was very dark, with only a desk lamp on the desk. There was a person sitting there, but the light from the desk lamp only illuminated the slightly raised corners of his mouth.

"Old Wu, are you okay?"

Xiaolin shouted, but there was still no response, so she went downstairs. The restaurant was closed tonight. Xiaolin looked back at the stairs and smiled helplessly.

"If you don't want to go with me, I'll go by myself."

Soon Xiaolin walked out of the restaurant and came to the street. After looking around for a while, a car stopped in front of her.

"Cousin, why did you come here?"

The girl in the car looked around.

"Where's your boss?"

Xiaolin's cousin smiled mysteriously, and Xiaolin curled her lips.

"Old Wu can't say anything anymore."

The cousin looked at Xiaolin with a discouraged look.

"I said, how about you talk to Lao Wu? Maybe he can also like you?"

Xiaolin smiled and shook her head sadly.

"Old Wu is not interested in me, and I always feel that Old Wu is planning something big."

"What's the matter? Your boss is so kind. He can directly license the recipes he creates to others at such a cheap price."

Xiaolin angrily looked at a room on the fourth floor that was lit with dim yellow light. The yellowish light shone through the blinds, and a figure stood at the window. Only a slight smile could be seen in the gap between the blinds.

"Old Wu, remember to get yourself something to eat. Don't be hungry. I'm going out."

After Xiaolin waved her hand, she turned around and jumped into her cousin's car.

"Xiao Lin, I recently bought a house."

In an instant, Xiaolin looked at her cousin with wide eyes.

"Really, cousin, is your salary enough?"

"How about a 120-square-meter large apartment with 4 bedrooms and a living room, a large balcony, and a kitchen and bathroom."

Xiaolin held her hands.

"I don't believe it, it would cost at least hundreds of thousands."

The cousin said with a smile.

"From buying a house to decorating it, it only costs less than 130,000."

Xiaoling was so frightened that her jaw almost dropped.

"Tonight I will take you to see my new house. My monthly salary is 3,000, and I have saved 100,000. Now I have taken out a loan and bought it in full. I have made appointments with several of my best friends. We will be in my house tonight. Play all night at home.”

The car quickly drove to the highway outside the area, but when passing by a club with mutant bodyguards guarding the door, Xiaolin looked at it with some suspicion. This club was a membership-only club for both men and women. There was no specific information. I don't know what it is for, but it looks like it should be a legal casino.

"Sir, do you have a membership card?"

An S-class mutant security guard looked at a drunken man and several equally drunken people behind him. They were about to enter, but were blocked. Although in less than a minute, several drunken men were arrested. Throw it into the alley.

Inside the club is a somewhat deserted casino with very few people, most of them are staff. A couple took the masks from a waiter and put them on. Under the guidance of the waiter, they walked out from behind the casino bar. Entering through a small door, there is a cave inside, a cool-toned bar.

There was a lot of wine on the blue wine cabinet. A bartender was mixing drinks for the guests at the bar. The couple went over to exchange some chips. After a 500-yuan chip, they turned and entered a downward elevator. .

"Gentlemen and ladies! The highlight of tonight is about to begin, Big Guy VS Shadow Wind."

As soon as the couple got off the ground, they saw two mutants appearing on a big screen in the middle who were about to enter the center of the stage. One was a victorious general in the mutant death arena, and the other was a newcomer with a tall height. A giant mutant who is over 3 meters tall and always wears a linen hood.

The entire venue was full of people, but everyone was wearing different styles of bright masks. The couple quickly started placing bets, and the odds began to change constantly. At this time, two mutants finally appeared on the stage.

Accompanied by the exciting music, a giant mutant wearing a linen hood and a somewhat deformed body appeared at the entrance on the left, while on the right was a short mutant who looked very light and ran fast, in the iron. The moment the cage door opened, he jumped in lightly, like a star, kissing everyone around, and the whole venue began to boil.

The big guy got into the iron cage. At this time, the iron cage began to gradually disappear. Although this kind of iron cage with optical camouflage coating disappeared, it actually existed. The iron cage was electrified. If you are not careful, It will be miserable if touched.

Blood and violence are performed here every night. The reason why it is so hot here is because it is never fake, and someone may die at night.

Accompanied by the enthusiastic cheers of the audience, Shadow Wind approached the big man very quickly, and punched him directly and rapidly. The big man just curled up, blocking the wind's fist, and was already pressed towards him by the huge impact force. Back away.

"You idiot, you forgot what I taught you"

Before Shadow Wind could finish his words, the big man suddenly struck back, and suddenly a fist as big as a sandbag swept over him.

There was a loud boom, accompanied by flashes of electric light. In an instant, the shadow wind broke through the iron cage and directly dented the protective wall under the auditorium. Accompanied by bursts of cheers, Quasimodo scratched his head, his eyes a little confused. Looking at the unconscious Kage Feng in surprise, he felt that something was wrong with his current work and that he seemed to be in a strange place.

Looking at the extremely excited people and cheers around him, Quasimodo felt a little uncomfortable. Without waiting for the host to come over, he turned around and tore open the iron cage with one hand. In an instant, the audience was shocked by such a beast-like behavior. It was lit again, and overwhelming cheers sounded.

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