Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1548 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 25 (Part 1)

On a bustling street, in a bar, there were six girls sitting at a table. They were all waiting for something. Two of them were people who were fighting on the street during the day on January 1 last year. But the two have become good friends now.

"Will he come?"

One girl asked, and several other girls who were talking and laughing stopped talking.

"probably not."

"I think so too."

The girls are waiting for Lin Xiao, but he said that if there are too many things, he will not come. Everyone here knows that they and Lin Xiao are just looking for the tenderness that each can give to each other in the lonely night, what? No, it's just that a few girls couldn't help but fall in love with that man.

Many women who met Lin Xiao have changed. Lin Xiao will give them a lot of pertinent and practical advice, which has benefited many girls. These girls are more or less related to industry, and most of them are engaged in industry. Some related jobs range from car shopping guides to female workers in factories, or being the daughter of an electrical appliance store owner, etc.

Lin Xiao often told them that they only became friends because of industrial products, but in fact the rumors about Lin Xiao were more about his romantic affairs with the women around him, but few people knew that Lin Xiao would often meet Go to some factories and help some factories deal with certain problems.

And most of the old electrical appliances are recycled by Lin Xiao.

Many people in the entire industrial circle know Lin Xiao, but everyone only pays attention to his affairs with the women. As for other things, there is nothing to mention for many people.

In particular, some successful businessmen are not willing to mention Lin Xiao, because the reliable and effective market data Lin Xiao provided them has helped them a lot, and some of his product sales suggestions have indeed helped them. They, but most just claim the idea as their own.

Lin Xiao no longer works as a salesman for industrial products, but often travels to factories, industrial product stores, and industrial companies, charging them low money to help them build their businesses.

Field had just finished a meeting late at night, and he saw the senior executives of the company leaving one after another. Many of them looked solemn just a moment ago, but the next second they were smiling, and they wanted to have fun in groups.

The recovery of the industry is basically a joke. The overall situation of the industry is sluggish, and it can only maintain the minimum food and clothing. The stock market has been experiencing very sluggish growth for several consecutive years.

"Chen Hu, how could those old electrical appliances be disposed of so quickly?"

Butler Chen Hu said with a smile.

"They were all sold to Lin Xiao at a very low price, by the pound."

Field was a little surprised, and then he started to ask carefully, and found out that Lin Xiao had been traveling around, buying old electrical appliances. These old electrical appliances would be transported to an edge area on the lower floor for accumulation. There is now an electrical appliance mountain, and those old appliances are Even the people at the bottom are not willing to buy old and broken electrical appliances.

You can't buy old electrical appliances at all, and they are troublesome to dispose of, so no one will buy them. The mining resources in the Black Mountains are very rich, and the amount of mining on the edge of the ravine is absolutely sufficient.

Although Field has thought about the problem of resource depletion, I am afraid that it will not be seen in a short time. And why does Lin Xiao do such a thankless thing? Is it simply because he wants to help the entire industry, but no matter what Said, this thing is very strange, but Field does not intend to think about these things.

"Next time, just sell some of the old products that have been eliminated directly to Lin Xiao. He should probably want them."

Chen Hu nodded.

"That guy Lin Xiao helped solve the problem of poor shipments from some factories in our company."

Field became suspicious.

"Then did you give him any money?"

Chen Hu shook his head.

"He only needed 1,000 yuan, and he just bought 1 ton of used electrical appliances from our company's warehouse. I also gave him more than 300 kilograms."

Field laughed and shook his head helplessly.

"If you find him, tell him that I am willing to pay him a salary of 50,000 yuan a month and let him be our company's market research consultant."

Chen Hu nodded and then followed Field out of the office.

"Where on earth have you been Freya?"

Charles held the phone and stood downstairs in an apartment on the back street of District 1. Freya's room was empty. He wanted to take his wife home a few hours early, but she didn't know where she was.

In the past year, his wife was still working as a consultant in the medical industry. As before, Charles still sent people to keep an eye on his wife when she traveled to various places, but her wife did not behave in any unreasonable way.

"What are you doing in a place like that? Freya, how about I send someone to pick you up?"

Suddenly Charles' face became serious.

"Then it's okay for me to pick you up, just wait."

Charles' face became more and more solemn, and he hung up the phone. He sighed helplessly, but soon Charles returned to the car angrily. He was originally going to Eddie's house for a dinner tonight, such an important event. , but Charles still chose to pick up his wife, but his wife still didn't appreciate it and still did her own thing.

Sitting in the car, Charles looked back on everything over the years. Sometimes he felt that he might want to listen to his wife's opinion on running the family business.

However, Charles still chose the family's traditional conservative approach and would never touch it as long as there was a risk.

"Really, why don't I pick you up in person? I..."

Charles raised his fists. He felt more and more that this woman was unreasonable. She was already in her 30s and was doing these meaningless things. She didn't know what the point of doing these boring things all day long was.

The car soon entered First Avenue, and Charles began to look in the mirror inside the car and straighten his clothes.

For a moment, Charles's face showed an angry look again. He had no female companion tonight. Freya had not accompanied him to a banquet for a long time. Except for coming back for a week every year, the couple were basically strangers.

Charles once had the idea of ​​divorce, but he gave it up immediately. Within 3 seconds of the thought appearing, he came to his senses. The Freya family's property currently accounts for 40% of his family's property, and the management rights are in Once a divorce happens in his own hands, it will be a big shock to the entire Ai Bolun family.

So Charles is very discreet on weekdays. After all, he knows very well what kind of woman Freya is. She is much smarter than him. If he catches his indiscretions and sues him in the Hall of Law, he will be punished by then. Trouble.

Charles had always wanted a child, but had no choice but to be unable to conceive. No matter what methods he tried, he failed. It was necessary to continue the family legacy.

When the car passed by his family's territory, Charles glanced at the Angus family opposite. Only the two floors of the residence were lit up, and it was pitch black. It was completely different from the bright lights of other families in the entire family territory.

But immediately Charles burst out laughing. When he thought of Alpha, the daughter of the Angus family across the street, he felt that the Angus couple must also have a headache now.

Charles has met that girl several times. She is indeed very beautiful, capable and smart. She feels a little similar to Freya when she was young, but she lacks the slenderness and softness of Freya as a woman. She is obviously just a teenager. The little girl is only 2 years old, but she has a sense of perseverance that is difficult for ordinary people to achieve.

Charles sighed helplessly, and the car stopped outside the Hillman family. After Charles got out of the car, the Hillman family was still having a banquet.

"If you really want to achieve something, come to banquets more often. It's better than doing those boring things."

At this time, at the entrance of an orphanage on the lower floor, several children ran out of the door chasing a white figure.

"Thank you, Sister Freya."

Under the dim yellow street lights, the car windows slowly rose, and what the children saw was a shallow but extremely bright smile. Soon the car started and disappeared into the darkness in the distance.

The director walked out with emotion. The orphanage had income. Freya made a drug cultivation material herself, came to the orphanage to teach, and taught these children the simplest drug cultivation technology. These drugs will be supplied Nearby pharmacies and hospitals.

And it can effectively reduce the cost of medicines, making nearby medical care a lot cheaper.

After the director asked the children to go to bed, he left the orphanage alone, planning to get together with some old friends.

After passing through several streets, the dean quickly entered a bar.

"Lawyer Sun, yesterday's lawsuit was really exciting and we won beautifully."

As soon as I entered the dean, I met an acquaintance, and several young lawyers were singing loudly. They looked very happy, as if some of the dust that had accumulated in their hearts in the past had dissipated.

"Why isn't the lawyer who was coercing me here?"

The dean asked. Yesterday, in the law hall, there was a taciturn lawyer sitting at the end. He never said a word, but after the lawsuit was over, the lawyers present were grateful to him, but he was very Leaving soon.

"Lawyer Pullman has left."

The dean nodded. It turned out that the lawyer's name was Pullman, because in the past year, he often saw the lawyer coming to the law hall. He only had an impression of him, but did not know his name at all, because he looked inconspicuous, but After every lawsuit, the winning lawyers would excitedly say something to him, but he would always just smile slightly and leave.

The dean approached the group of young lawyers and asked about Pullman with great interest. Lawyer Sun started talking directly.

Pullman has helped many young lawyers and always travels around the city. There are other things about Pullman that some young lawyers are also talking about. The dean said with a smile. .

"Then this lawyer should be a person with great endurance. As the saying goes, those who can endure things that ordinary people cannot endure are not ordinary people."

A white car passed the door of the bar. The dean hurriedly ran out and wanted to say hello, but the car had already driven onto the regional highway.

Under the dim yellow street lights, the small white car passed through darkness and light, but at this time the car slowed down.

Next to the white car, a brown Beetle jumped out from the intersection and slowed down at this time. The two cars drove in opposite directions, but when they met each other, the two cars stopped with a creak. Come down.

The car windows slowly lowered, and the drivers of both cars had the same smile on their lips. A slender hand stretched out from the white car, holding a silver coin in the dim light. , as if to show off, he weighed it in his hand, and then quickly stretched it back into the car.

In the coffee-colored car, a somewhat rough hand stretched out and silently raised it as a thumbs up. Then the window slowly closed and the two cars started off at the same time, heading in different directions. go.

In a gorgeous banquet venue, many people were whispering to each other. A dance had just ended. Ran Zhi was sitting on the sofa drunkenly. His wife was still chatting and laughing with the wives of other businessmen.

Ran Zhi yawned. He planned to wait for the drunkenness to sober up, and then go back.

At this time, Ran Zhi felt helpless. A recent incident made Ran Zhi extremely uncomfortable. The seemingly well-behaved son actually made a female classmate in the same class pregnant.

The eldest daughter, on the other hand, gradually became more mature and obedient after she went to college and had a boyfriend.

Ran Zhi could hardly hold his head high in the entire circle because of his son's matter. This kind of problem was very serious. In the end, his son was dropped out of school. Although the matter was resolved, Ran Zhi was extremely upset.

At this time Ran Zhi saw three people walking over and hurriedly stood up to greet them. They were the three founders of Sanlian Company, Baochun, Qian Jiazhen and Lu De.

"The three of them are really powerful. They have recently won another market."

Ran Zhi said with a smile, Baochun glanced at the short man who nodded and bowed in a low voice, and shook his head.

"That's for sure, but your clothes fit you quite well."

There was a hint of sarcasm in Baochun's words. Although Ran Zhi heard it, he still smiled.

"Of course, many of our clothing stores recently have matching recommendations suitable for all kinds of people."

As soon as Ran Zhi finished speaking, Baochun's expression changed. Ran Zhi hurriedly changed the topic. He didn't know where he made the mistake, but looking at the three people walking away, Ran Zhi snorted coldly.

After sitting down, Ran Zhi always felt that he had become more and more tactful over the years, and had completely become a profit-seeking businessman. Being able to put aside his dignity, he finally became the person he hated most when he was young, but being groveling could make him Get huge benefits.

"So angry."

Bao Chun picked up a glass of wine angrily, unscrewed it and took two sips.

"That sister of yours is really weird. Even when Su Li approached her, she refused. Have you ever seriously talked to her?"

Baochun shook his head. He finally found his sister's whereabouts a few months ago, and then went directly to talk to her about using her creativity to make money, but was directly rejected by Baozhen. She was still the same, Clothing factories, clothing stores, and clothing companies go around and provide them with some almost free advice and strategies.

Baochun himself also asked his sister, hoping that her sister Baozhen could give him some advice. Although Sanlian Company still dominates the market, a new round of market cuts is coming again. They want to transform and get involved in other industries. , but there is nothing to do for the time being.

Therefore, Baochun wants to enter the clothing industry. As long as his sister serves as a consultant, he is absolutely confident that he can fully develop the industry. However, the answer he gets is rejection time and time again. Baochun no longer wants to hear anything about it. It’s about my sister Baozhen.

"Don't think about Baochun. Some people are born like this. They deserve to be poor all their lives."

Qian Jiazhen muttered, and then watched his female companion come out of the bathroom. He hurried over, hugged her and walked towards the room next door.

Lu De glanced at Qian Jiazhen, then at Baochun, and sighed helplessly.

"My daughter is about to enter school, but having said that, recently, many schools in lower-income areas have sent quite good students to the university jointly run by me and a few friends."

Baochun smiled.

"What kind of talents can be produced in those schools at the bottom?"

Ludd did not continue to say anything, but just tried to persuade him.

"Come on Lude, it's not your turn to talk to me. You'd better hide your little lover, otherwise your wife and daughter will find out."

Lu De's expression suddenly changed, and he hurriedly held down Baochun to tell her to stop talking.

"I'm not kidding you. Recently, there is a guy named Chris at the bottom. He is helping these bottom schools with advice. The effect is surprisingly good. There are several schools that were not good at first, but now they are able to produce some high-quality students. "

"Then isn't this the same as what my sister did?"

Baochun was a little surprised, Lu De seemed to be more awake.

"It's true what you said. There is also Wu Qun who does something similar to your sister. They are all a bunch of fools, right?"

The two burst out laughing. At this time, the wise man who was not far away looked around. A woman wearing a light black see-through dress passed in front of him. A faint fragrance hit his nose, and Ran Zhi was startled. .

"Isn't this Ms. Ada!"

Ran Zhi said with a smile. Ada who came over deliberately tilted her head, and Ran Zhi hurriedly supported her.

"Boss Ran Zhi, do you want us to play a game?"

Ran Zhi shuddered and glanced at his wife in the distance, feeling mixed emotions in his heart for a moment.

"Forget it, your game is not easy, Ms. Ada."

Ada quickly left Ran Zhi's side and continued to look for the next target. Sure enough, she found it soon. The man hurriedly took Ada and left the venue.

Ran Zhi smiled bitterly and said, that coquettish woman understands men's hearts so well. She is the number one madam in the entire upper-class social circle.

After a while, Ada arranged her somewhat messy hair and returned to the banquet hall. She walked slowly towards a little girl.

"Hurry over there, I've already discussed it tonight."

The girl was a little numb, with a mixed expression on her face for a moment.

"Don't you think about who brought you here?"

In an instant, the girl rushed to the bathroom, vomited, and Ada walked over.

"I won't go, I won't go, I can go on the show in a few days."

"Who gave you the courage?"

the girl cried.

"Ms. Beckinsale has already negotiated for me. I won't do such a self-destructive thing. I won't do it. Please let me go."

Ada grabbed the girl's hair angrily and clasped her neck with one vicious hand.

Suddenly, the originally weak girl resisted desperately, and the two women struggled together in the bathroom. The girl tore off Ada's clothes and pushed her away.

"You are just because you have been dyed with color for a long time, and you also want to dye others with your color. Ms. Ada, I am not your kind of person at all. I can't accept it. I am happy even if it is a little harder, Beijin Ms. Purcell said she would help me, so there was no way I was going.”

Ada stared blankly at the girl in front of her.

"Morning color, it's not easy for someone to like you. This is your only chance. If you miss it."

"Missed something?"

Chense glared at Beckinsale angrily.

"I won't miss anything, and I don't want to miss anything. I'm sorry."

Chen Se wiped away her tears, turned around and walked out of the room, quickly disappearing into the venue. She rushed to the street and broke down crying in an instant.

Pedestrians on the street just passed by silently, took one look and then left.

After a while, Chense, who was emotionally stable, took out the phone and called Beckinsale.

"Ms. Beckinsale, where are you? I have refused. I want to ask in a few days."

In an instant, Chen Se's expression completely changed.

"Well, I will continue to wait, I will continue to wait, thank you Ms. Beckinsale!"

Chense stared blankly back at the banquet hall at the end of the stairs behind her, then turned her head, wiped away her tears, and walked quickly.

Xiaolin's eyes widened, seeing that such a large high-rise apartment only cost 130,000 yuan. This was something she didn't dare to think about and couldn't imagine.

My cousin's five best friends also looked at this room in disbelief. They all asked how my cousin did it. After all, she didn't understand real estate, let alone decoration.

The layout of the entire house is very simple, and the furniture is also very simple and warm. A group of people are looking around the house, and a lot of things are placed on the table.

"Okay, okay, you are really making a fuss. Girls, hurry up and start making food. We must drink until dawn tonight."

Everyone cheered, and Xiaolin stood on the balcony, looking at the bright lights of the city.

"Gu Lin, come quickly and help."

Gu Qing stood at the floor-to-ceiling window of the balcony and watched Gu Lin take out the phone. He laughed helplessly, folded his hands and leaned against the door. She was a doctor in the hospital, and her cousin Gu Lin was in Wuhan. I worked as a head waiter in a group restaurant and worked diligently for several years.

Of course, Lu Qing knew, but Gu Qing didn't really want anything to happen between her cousin and that Wu Qun. Gu Qing knew very well that Wu Qun was very deep. She had seen him several times, and she always felt that he was so deep. He's a scary person, he's a rather sinister guy.

"Old Wu, why don't you accompany me?"

Gu Lin was lying on the guardrail of the balcony, the wind blowing her hair slightly. At this time, Gu Lin was about to cry.

"Old Wu, we have been together for so long, you big idiot, bastard, how are you going to pick up my broken girl's heart?"

The call ended after a while, and Gu Lin suddenly burst into tears. Gu Qing walked over and hugged his cousin.

"Cousin, Lao Wu is so exaggerated that he told me not to go to work tomorrow."

Gu Qing smiled and nodded.

"It's fair to say that he is a good man and didn't touch you. After all, there are a lot of dirty men in this city. He is also a man worthy of your liking. It's just that he doesn't like you, so he was decisive and cruel after you spoke. Push you away."

Looking at his crying cousin, Gu Qing laughed.

"Come to our hospital and become a nurse. I'll introduce you to a handsome guy. He's quite nice."

Gu Lin was still crying. At this time, Gu Qing's best friends came out one after another. After some consolation, the seven women returned to the room. In order to change the topic, Gu Qing took out his laptop and clicked on a website.

The entire website page is very neat and clean, and the lace design is also very beautiful. However, there is only one picture on the website, a beautiful woman named Wang Ying, who is a housing consultant.

Gu Qing explained to everyone that you only need to ask her for consultation, and she will customize some house purchase and decoration design styles for you in a short time, as well as reference comparison prices, future appreciation space, etc., of course according to you Customize according to your own purchasing power.

"Liar? It's only 100 yuan, I don't believe it."

Gu Lin said, and several of Gu Qing's best friends next to her also looked at it with suspicion. After all, there was no record on it, it was all based on one's mouth. They didn't think this kind of thing was reliable.

"So, do you think I can buy the house here for 130,000 yuan and it comes with decoration?"

Everyone shook their heads again and took note of this website to try when they go back.

"Cousin, what kind of person is that?"

Gu Lin asked.

"He is a serious person. He is quite nice. The most important thing is that he is very smart. He is about 15 years older than you. He is a doctor of medicine. He specializes in pharmacology. He now works at Sherman Pharmaceuticals. How about I take you to see him tomorrow? See you? He is my classmate."

"All right!"

Gu Lin agreed, but there were still some things lingering in her mind.

As the night got darker and darker, Zou Yun helped Wang Degui, who was already drunk, to the guest room. After putting his uncle Wang Degui on the bed, Zou Yun went to his wife Wang Ying's studio on the second floor.


Zou Yun shouted softly and pushed open a gap in the door. What he saw was his wife who was still doing various calculations on a panel. The corners of her mouth were slightly raised. The light in the whole room was a little dim. Only the panel where my wife works is bright.

Then Zou Yun closed the door, as long as he saw his wife happy, no matter what she did.

It's just that Zou Yun vaguely felt something. His wife did not give up those ideals in the past, but was walking step by step, just like building a house. If the wife's fierce criticism speeches in the streets in the past were castles in the air, then Today’s wife is laying the foundation.

What surprised Zou Yun even more was that seven other classmates who had a good relationship with his wife in the past were also doing similar things. Zou Yun was very sensitive to many things. She had been suspicious two years ago, but his wife had nothing to do with it. I just say that these interests of my own can help others and enrich myself at the same time.

Only now did Zou Yun realize that he was delighted. He had secretly investigated his wife's seven other classmates, and now he was even more convinced that the future belonged to these eight people.

There are 120 districts in the city. Although he doesn't know how many years and months they will spend, Zou Yun can be sure that extraordinary things are never achieved overnight, but through countless temperings.

No matter what it was, it was the same. Zou Yun looked at his wife's room where there was still a trace of light, and smiled happily.

"I also have to start doing something. I need to get familiar with the real estate industry. It would be great if I could help her more."

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