Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1546 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 24 (medium)

On the balcony of a mid-rise high-end apartment building, a man in his 50s with gray hair was holding the phone angrily. The call was hung up by his niece Su Li.

The man's name is Su He. He was originally the second eldest son of the Su family. However, a few years ago, because he and his eldest brother were competing for the inheritance rights of the family, he always dealt with some issues of cooperation with his family. He felt that some of his methods were too cruel. , they opened up the Internet, which resulted in the Su family losing money.

Su He himself was not very smart and could not be cruel, but in the end, his brother's daughter Su Li perfectly dealt with the factories that owed the Su family money, and was even so cruel that one factory owner committed suicide on the day the factory was recycled. Su Li still didn't hesitate at all and took all those factories into the hands of the Su family.

It was at this point that Su He's eldest brother won, and then Su He was kicked out of the Su family. His father gave him a sum of money and allowed him to fend for himself.

"No call got through."

The glass door behind him was pushed open, and a woman in her 50s who was still well-dressed walked over angrily. Su He shook his head.

"You useless thing."

The woman took the phone from Su He and dialed again.

"Su Li, I'm your aunt. Can you help me with college matters? You know a lot of principals in the university district. Our Xinxin just graduated from high school this year. She is also your cousin after all. Can you?"

"I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do!"

The phone was hung up, and the woman was so anxious that she started crying. She looked at Su He.

"Look at you, you useless thing. Look at the life our family is living now, you."

"Mom, please stop making trouble, okay? I won't go to college. I plan to go out to work after the holidays in a few days."

The woman looked a little hysterical and turned around, looking at her slim daughter with a pretty face.

"Daughter, what is the purpose of going to college? You must at least marry a rich man. Mom doesn't want you to follow in my footsteps. Look at the life our family is living now."

Su He smiled, Su Xin hugged her mother, and then winked at her father.

"Honey, it's already this time, will your Women's Association activities be late?"

Su He muttered, and his wife immediately let go of her daughter and quickly packed up.

"Was our family really rich before?"

After their mother left, the father and daughter stood on the balcony and chatted. Su He shook his head.

"That's a thing of the past. When your mother and I moved to the middle floor, your mother had just become pregnant with you."

Su Xin playfully held her father's hand.

"Mom is always nagging and telling me these things all day long. I don't like it very much, and I'm stupid and have poor academic performance. Dad, I don't really like so-called rich people. I always feel that I need to find someone of my own. You have to marry the person you like. Dad, you often said that my mother’s family was in decline, and then my mother was forced to marry you. Is our family’s life really bad now?”

Su He smiled and shook his head.

"Compared with the past, it's very poor. How about going to an ordinary university?"

Su Xin shook her head.

"I'm not going to have sex with you. I'm born with a stupid brain. Like you, there are so many things. When I think about those numbers and symbols, my head hurts."

Su He laughed heartily.

"Daughter, dad has no requirements for you. You just need to spend every day happily. I was like this before. I think spending every day happily is enough. Instead of thinking about those complicated problems, just be simple and kind. It’s better, I have never felt that there was anything wrong with what I did back then.”

"Mom always said that it was your kindness that caused you so much misery."

Su He shook his head.

"By the way, Xinxin, dad has only one request for you. Your future partner must be a kind person."

Su Xin hummed. He knew that the life of his family was not as sad as his mother said. He still made hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, because although some of the companies his father had helped were in decline due to the times, they were still in decline due to the times. Some of them narrowly escaped death and survived in the end. My father had many friends. Although some of the people my father helped in the past did not even remember how good my father was, some of them still remembered that they had helped my father over the years. When I was young, my father invested in their stocks and could live a stable life every year. However, my mother seemed to come from the upper class and was used to spending money. She was always dissatisfied here and there.

“Where do you want to work?”

Su Xin pressed her chin with one hand and lay on the balcony.

"How about I go work in a restaurant and think about it later?"

Su He smiled and patted her daughter on the back.

"Why don't you take some money from home and start a business?"

Su Xin said with a silly smile.

"No, I have to do business at a loss. I'm not a businessman. I just think that it's enough to live happily every day. As long as I live my life, I have to eat, drink, have some hobbies, and find someone I love. If I live like this for the rest of my life, I will be satisfied.”

Su He nodded.

"Then why don't you go to a friend of mine's restaurant and work there for a while?"

Su Xin smiled and nodded.

"Dad, I'd better go to work in the university district. After all, there are more opportunities there. I'm already that old and I haven't had a boyfriend yet. There are many people around here who are many years older than me. I don't I like it so much, it would be better to find someone about the same age as me.”

Su He nodded.

"Remember that if you have a boyfriend, you must take safety measures. The important thing is to remember to bring it home and show it to dad."

Su Xin grinned, raised her head and opened her arms, facing the sun, and stretched out comfortably.

"Dad, where are we going to play today?"

"You just know how to play. It's your nature that hurts you. You don't want to please others or pretend to be yourself. People in school think you are a fool."

Su Xin pouted and smiled.

"Isn't this what you taught me, Dad, to treat everything sincerely? After all, the most beautiful things in the world are sincerity and kindness, right?"

In the middle-level school district in the east, there are many new faces after noon. Most of the students who graduated from nearby high schools will come here in advance to spend the holidays with friends, and then go to the university for interviews.

"Hurry up, Le Wen, you're walking so slowly, you're going to run out of room later."

A group of 18-year-old students were making noise in the street. They came from a high school in a nearby district. A young man with glasses, fair face, and short short hair had a red face and appeared to be a little under-athletic.

A beggar on the street was stretching out his hands to beg. There were only a few scattered coins in the bowl in front of him. The beggar was kneeling on the ground, raising his hands with difficulty. At this time, a strong wind blew by, and the beggar covered his head. The blanket on the lower body was lifted.

The beggar had a physical disability. He was very embarrassed and hurriedly crawled to retrieve the blanket. He held the blanket floating through the crowd with one hand and handed it back to the beggar's hand, along with a 10-yuan bill.

"Take it, buy some delicious food for the Chinese New Year today."

"Thank you sir, thank you!"

Lewen smiled and quickly caught up with his classmates.

"Why would you give money to a person like that? Lewen, if you have more money, lend me some."

"It's just easy, easy!"

A few young people were jostling all the way to the gate of a university that teaches engineering and medical machinery. Looking at everything on the campus, the group became excited and ran to the iron fence at the school gate to look at everything inside.

"The prosthetics on the market now are really too expensive and their performance is too poor. We just need to study hard and develop in the field of prosthetic medical treatment in the future."

Le Wen said with a bright smile. Several friends next to him also nodded. Everyone hugged each other and looked at everything in the university with high spirits. Their eyes were full of enthusiasm and hope. They were eager to enter the university and start studying right away. .

Lewen looked at the friends around him. They were all good friends with similar interests. They had founded a science and technology research club called Bincai together since high school.

"Let's go, let's find a place to live first, and then have a good time and get familiar with the streets here."

One of them suggested, Lewen was still watching everything in the school.

"Everything will be fine."

"Hurry up, Lewen, aren't you hungry? I'm starving to death."

Le Wen turned his head. While cheering, he seemed to see something. He followed the dazzling light in a daze and looked over.

Pieces of feathers were flying in the sky. Le Wen was a little surprised, but he still stretched out his hand to catch a feather. Unfortunately, these feathers could not be caught. Le Wen laughed and looked at the sun.

Since he was very young, Le Wen has seen feathers appearing in the light from time to time, but no one else can. Le Wen has never mentioned this to anyone, maybe it is just his own hallucination.

However, Le Wen would hear a woman's laughter coming from the light from time to time. The kind of laughter that could penetrate the heart and lungs was very pleasant, and a faint smile could often be seen in the light.

The hallucination in front of him disappeared, but this time Le Wen was surprised to find that there was really a feather full of light in his hand, but with a breeze, the feather disappeared.

"Lewen, what are you doing?"

Le Wen laughed and was about to leave, but a slightly naughty laugh came to his ears, and Le Wen did not look back.

Maybe it's an angel!

"very beautiful."

Hawke smiled and looked at his wife who had just put on a red and white dress standing in front of him. The quiet and beautiful wife was smiling at Hawke.


Hawke smiled and took his wife in his arms, holding her in front of him, rubbing his cheek on his wife's neck.

The wife laughed playfully.

"Stuck to death."

Hawke kissed his wife's neck, then let go, took the uniform of the inspection team leader, and put it on. Looking at the rows of dresses in the cabinet, Hawke gestured with his thumbs.

"You look really good in a dress, Caelynn."

Kailin walked up to Hawke with a smile and helped him straighten the shirt underneath and pull out the wrinkles.

"Sorry, I might not be able to come back for a few days."

Kailin pursed her lips and leaned quietly against Hawke's chest.

“You have to work hard too!”

Hawke looked at his wife who had escaped from his embrace with her hands behind her back. He took a step forward, grabbed his wife's hand, and then put a hand on his wife's lips. He turned around and walked out of the door, using the hand he just put on his wife's lips. His fingers crossed his lips and he kissed her.


Kailin pouted, and Hawke laughed loudly. Just as he was about to climb over the courtyard wall, his hand slipped and there was a banging sound, and Kailin hurriedly ran out.

But soon Hawke at the courtyard wall jumped up and made a face at his wife.

"I hate it so much. You keep doing this. How old are you? You can be my grandfather!"

Hawke smiled happily, looked at the people guarding the intersection on the way out, and then patted the two of them on the shoulders.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Soon Hawke got directly onto a lift. Through the glass window, he looked at his wife who had started to dry clothes on the lawn, and sighed with joy.

Meeting his wife was also by chance. After all, Hawke was in such a high position. No matter where he went, he was treated almost the same.

At a certain meeting with businessmen, Kailin, as an ordinary waiter, was afraid when she was carrying things, so she knocked over the things. At that time, Kailin turned pale with fright, but Hawke took the hot food. Tang used telekinesis to directly control it, and then he hugged the frightened girl and comforted her that she was okay.

Later, in an accident where mutants ran amok on the street, Hawke had no choice but to take action personally. He met Kailin on the destroyed street. She was injured at the time. After Hawke dealt with the rampaging mutant, he She was sent to the hospital, but she did not leave. This well-behaved and somewhat shy little girl seemed to have a magical power that attracted Hawke, and then he began to pursue her.

Kailin was very scared at first because she couldn't even imagine becoming the wife of such a high-ranking official.

The gods gave Hawke all the rights. Hawke's orders are equivalent to the orders of the gods. He is the spokesperson of the gods in the city and the bridge between the power community and the ordinary people.

Today, Hawke plans to go to District 1 to check out the General Affairs Department Building that is under construction. All the planning gods have already told Hawke, and Hawke has also called and made an appointment with Locke.

"Are you here? I'm starving."

The phone rang and Hawke laughed.

"It's coming, it's coming, don't worry, just wait for me for 3 minutes."

At this time, at the bottom of Street 1 in District 1, there was a rumbling sound of machinery on the stairs going up. Locke was standing on the top of the platform. He came alone. He was going to do something today, but King Xue said He was just causing trouble by following him, but Locke was so angry that he wanted to beat that boy up.

As a result, Hawke called and asked him to wait here, and invited him to eat at a very delicious restaurant. Locke was already hungry.

At this time, the sound of heavy machinery behind him also stopped, and the workers got off work. Locke looked back and saw that a large area had been dug out manually. Opposite there was a huge long building, which had reached the third floor. The construction progress is very slow, and the most important thing is that the design is very careful.

Locke, who has been a foreman on a construction site and participated in construction, naturally knows that this place is not simple. It should be the headquarters of which department it will serve as in the future. It is probably Department 1, but Locke is also convinced that it should be Department 1. When he thinks of it, The scene where that boy Xue Wang sat arrogantly made Locke's teeth itch.

I am not the kind of person who learns. I just swallowed up a lot of theoretical knowledge in school. Many classmates teased me from time to time, but they would still explain it to me patiently. However, Luo Jiahui had forgotten most of it after sleeping for one night. .

"Hahaha! Anyway, I don't study or practice, so naturally I don't know how to do it. Once I graduate, I will use my salary to open a restaurant."

"Fat man, I see you've been here for a long time, waiting for someone?"

A worker looked at Locke's black uniform with confusion, thinking it was the uniform of a management officer, but after careful inspection, it seemed that it was not. It was a little strange to see him laughing here.

"Yes, when will you finish?"

The worker laughed.

"It's best it never ends, hehe."

Locke was a little suspicious.

"This is the most difficult house I have ever built in my life. It requires strength and hardness. The hardness must at least be able to withstand the impact of explosions and so on. Anyway, many places are not suitable and will have to be rebuilt. But the salary is good."

Looking at many workers leaving with smiles on their faces, Locke yawned. He knew something about it, because students from 10 subjects had revealed to him the location of the headquarters of 12 subjects, as well as design and construction, etc. s things.

Finally, there was a buzzing sound in the sky, a helicopter landed, and Hawke came down and ran over quickly.

"I kept you waiting, little fat guy."

"What the hell, I'm starving to death. If the food in the restaurant later isn't delicious, I won't be able to spare you."

Hawke pointed directly to the opposite side. Locke was a little dumbfounded. This was not a fast-food restaurant that had been open for a long time. It was basically famous for its fast cooking, so the food it cooked should not taste very good.

After more than ten minutes, Locke looked at the meat roll in his hand. The taste was very subtle and complex, but it was not delicious.

"You made me wait so long just to eat this kind of food. I'm telling you, if you pick any girl in the school, their food will be better than this."

Hawke laughed loudly, and then called the boss over directly.

"You go and make what you want to eat. You can eat whatever you want. I'll treat you to it."

Locke took off his uniform and hat, rolled up his sleeves, and came to the kitchen. He chose his favorite food and picked some for Hawke, and then started cooking directly.

At 12:36, a table of dishes had been served. Locke took two forks, took a piece of meat on one side and took a bite on the other. Then he immediately lowered his head, took a sip of wine, and leaned back comfortably, with a very satisfied expression. .

"By the way, Fatty, this is what the principal told me before he left. Tomorrow you go back and change your uniform to white."

Locke looked at Hawke doubtfully.


"This is your ID. From now on, except when you go to school, you have to follow me."

Locke put down his fork and took a vicious bite of most of the meatloaf.

"That bastard Jean, he left me alone, it's true."

Locke looked at a deputy inspector general's certificate on the table.

"Anyway, Gene is not here, and several other gods are also in the basement, and no one cares about it. Hawke, I think you are good, I am good, and everyone is good."

"Well, it's indeed good, but I'm sorry this time, little fat. You have to follow me to handle the matter. I don't have enough manpower and I can't do anything. Some of the people below are really unbelievable. They often sell some information to businessmen. If you are in the family, you probably wouldn’t do such a thing.”

Locke shook his head.

"Whoever makes money will struggle with money. I don't bother to do this. If I want to do it, I will do something big. I will directly know the city's trends in advance, then directly raise funds, and then invest in a project that will be popular in the future. If I make money, I will Just quit and enjoy life from now on.”

Hawke laughed.

"How about giving you this chance?"

Locke curled his lips.

"Forget it, after all, the students in the school are the future managers. I can't do this. I always feel that those boys have been completely fooled by the gods, especially that bastard Gene, who indoctrinates them all day long, work, work, The distorted values ​​​​that only work has a future, cities, cities, and this sense of mission that we must do something for the city, hey, I can't stand it, I'm just an ordinary person."

Hawk laughed and held up his phone.

"What I just recorded was recorded."

Locke angrily grabbed Hawke's phone and found that he was lying to him.

"I can't be a great person. There used to be fortune tellers and fortune tellers in the city. My parents took me to see them when I was a child. The fortune tellers said that I would have many twists and turns in the future. I kind of believed it. Because now I just take the kids to have fun in school, organize some meaningful activities for them, or see who misbehaves, it’s always a bunch of things. I feel like I’m a lot older recently. , especially those little girls, they are really scary. I just want to see those gentle, beautiful, sympathetic, and well-behaved young ladies. Those wild girls in the school, one by one."

Hawke was a little surprised as he watched Locke keep talking about things in school.

"Where is the master who told your fortune before? I'll go find him too."

Locke shook his head.

"I think he has been dead for many years. He is a very old man. He read my fortune and told me that I will have many twists and turns in my future life. I may not be able to enjoy my old age until I am old. So I decided to change my destiny and change my life in advance. How do you feel about getting out of the initial twists and turns?"

Hawke laughed, and the fortune teller really got it right. The gods have already appointed Locke. From now on, as the head of the General Affairs Department, and the next scapegoat king of the city, Hawke himself, as the current king, will naturally want to Teach Gary Locke well how to take the blame tactfully, how to deal with it tactfully if anything happens, how to make up things that the people like to hear, how to crawl around in the power world, how to get along with people from business families, There are still many issues that need to be taught to Locke a little bit.

"By the way, Fatty, do you have any psychological burden?"

Locke scratched his head.

"It's just the restaurant's problem. I just want to live a leisurely life like this."

"Except for the restaurant problem!"

Locke thought for a moment.

"I'm over 30 years old, Hawke. I have to have a wife no matter what. Look at you getting married at such an old age. I don't want to get married at such an old age like you."

"How about choosing one in school? Aren't you quite popular in school? There are many little girls chasing you around."

Locke held up a finger and shook it.

"Absolutely not. I get a headache just thinking about those wild girls in school. They are all so beautiful and competitive all day long. They don't look like women. Is this okay? Can you bear it?"

Hawke nodded.

"Indeed, but it seems that Yu Wanrou is very nice to you. That girl is quite gentle."

Locke shook his head.

"You don't know that girl, underneath her gentle appearance, is hiding a sinister heart. Her incisions are all black, and she has a strong desire to control. In short, those guys in the school who are overly smart, I don’t consider any of it.”

Hawke took a notebook and wrote down restaurants and marriage seriously.

"I said, why are you so serious? What troubles can I have? Anyway, now I have a salary to get, and my daily life is quite easy. I occasionally practice with the students and keep fit, but I just don't want it. Just sparring with the teachers, look at my hands."

Locke said, lifting up the sleeve of his right hand. A long scar was still very obvious.

"That guy Werther didn't pay attention at all. He caused me to bleed heavily that day. Fortunately, the students from the 4th Department were nearby and helped me connect all the meridians, otherwise I would have become disabled."

Hawke laughed.

"Anyway, you have to follow me more often from now on. This is for your own good, you know!"


Hawk stood up.

"Let's go. I'm going to break the news about the whole city. You come with me. There are so many reasons. Little Fatty, if you come with me, you can go."

Locke was still a little dissatisfied, but he could only pick up his ID and follow Hawke out of the restaurant.

"You haven't paid yet!"

Locke grabbed Hawke, and Hawke remembered that he didn't bring his wallet. He looked at Locke for a moment, turned around and walked over, when a boss with an afro hurriedly came over.

"Oh, you two adults, there is no charge for such a thing. No, you two adults are welcome to come here to eat at any time. Sir Jean has come here often before."

Locke looked at the afro and said unhappily.

"Boss, the food in your store is really average, why don't you want to cook well!"

"Oh, fat brother, you don't know. The local food here used to be pretty good, but that was when my dad was still here. When my dad left, the previous chefs stopped working. I can't help it. Well, I can’t find anyone.”

Locke said and took out the money, but the man named Zhang Tuo still refused. He kept saying that if he accepted the money, he would not give himself face. Locke finally couldn't resist and could only say that he would invite Zhang Tuo to sing next time.

Soon Hawke took Locke to a circular square in the center of District 1. There was a circular white-roofed building in the middle. This is the seat of the Congress. People from the National Management Committee had already arrived, and many People were waiting anxiously, and a large number of news media reporters gathered around.

Locke felt uncomfortable following Hawke.

"Excuse me, Lord Hawke, who is this person next to you?"

When a reporter asked, Locke, who was still looking idle, was pushed by Hawke in front of a large number of media reporters.

"Everyone, please remember, this is the newly appointed deputy leader of the inspection team, Locke!"

Locke was startled and could only hurriedly wave with a smile. He always felt uncomfortable. At this time, Locke noticed a group of people from the National Management Committee not far away. They looked towards this side and cast hostile eyes. .

Locke immediately understood that these guys were spying on Hawke's position, and Hawke had said many times over the years that he was about to retire, and now that he was being taken by Hawke, they naturally thought that he was Hawke's successor, except that Locke wanted to laugh out loud, but held it back.

Hawke simply didn't believe them, and there was no one available for him. He had nothing to do, and he and Hawke were able to chat, so he came to help temporarily. The future is an era of coordinated management of 12 business departments, and the section chiefs , it had already been decided during the class division. Locke is now in Class 1, and the section chief of Section 1 is King Xue, and the secretary must be Duan Kong.

Locke also knew that he had no special talents. If he was allowed to manage the city, the city would be destroyed. With a relaxed and happy mood, Locke followed Hawke into the Congress after bragging with reporters for a while.

Hawke squinted at Locke, who looked calm, and sighed.

Sorry, Fatty, the next few decades will all depend on you!

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