Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1540 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 22 (middle)

The sunlight began to become weaker and weaker. Baozhen quietly arranged the clothes in the store. She habitually looked outside the store, but unfortunately she didn't see anything this year.

Soon Baozhen was about to close the door, but at this time there was a violent braking sound. Baozhen had a hint of joy in his eyes and hurriedly walked out of the store, but there was a small white car.

"Freya doesn't need to be in such a hurry. It doesn't matter even if you arrive a few minutes late. After all, there are only a few of us in the so-called class reunion."

Freya laughed and got out of the car, urging Baozhen to close the door quickly. After a while, Freya drove the car and took Baozhen towards the east street.

"Are you still doing social activities?"

Baozhen asked with evasive eyes. Freya nodded, but her expression was slightly bitter. For a moment, the two looked at each other and started laughing.

But soon Freya said seriously.

"It's a treasure that I will never give up, because I will never forget what happened that day, and the fact that the city seems calm now, but in fact there is an undercurrent. The only thing we can do is to change everything."

Baozhen looked a little embarrassed, but still said carefully.

"We're already 30 Freya."

"This has nothing to do with age, Baozhen. Now we can only continue to accumulate strength and wait for our own stage to come."

Baozhen shook her head and interrupted Freya.

"Freya, I'm very glad that I can know you and become your good friend, but as a friend, there are some things I want to tell you clearly. You may still have a chance. I really hope to see you one day. The scene where you can stand on a high platform and speak to the whole city, I think about it all the time. What we can't do, only you can do it. Come on Freya, if even you can't continue, I may never be able to see those things called dreams that we all woven together in the past. I am afraid that one day, I will never be able to see them again."


Freya stopped the car and looked at Baozhen quietly.

"Believe me, if there is still a seed that has been planted somewhere in our hearts, one day this seed will burst out of the ground in the sunshine and rain."

Baozhen wiped her tears quietly. She really wanted to do something, but there were always strange sounds all around her. The maliciousness of these sounds stung her heart all the time. This feeling came every day. Make her feel that life is worse than death.

Freya put her hand on Baozhen's shoulder.

"Let's go to the class reunion first. It'll be fine."

"Damn it, I just fixed my hair."

Wang Ying was so shy that she pushed away Zou Yun who was hugging her from behind, and started to tidy up again in front of the mirror. She was dressed very beautifully, wearing a black skirt with bright silver patterns, she looked stunning.

Zou Yun smiled and retreated to the bedside, just looking at Wang Ying quietly. They had received their marriage certificate and were officially married.

But Zou Yun didn't know why, but there was always something wrong in his heart.

"Wang Ying, is your makeup too thick?"

"Don't you like it?"

Wang Ying turned around, came over with a playful smile, and then sat on Zou Yun, kissing a lipstick mark on his cheek.

"Don't wipe it off until I get back."

Zou Yun nodded and looked at Wang Ying who continued to adjust her makeup in front of the mirror. Zou Yun felt a sense of uneasiness and guilt in his heart.

When Zou Yun saw Wang Ying for the first time in the past, now that he thought about it carefully, he was completely attracted by the extraordinary nature of this woman and the pride that always existed during the years of getting along with her. But now Wang Ying Ying can no longer see these things. She has begun to become ordinary. As her beautiful wife, she has already planned to have a child.

Zou Yun now feels very happy, but in the dead of night, the scary expression Wang Ying showed when her sister was drunk made Zou Yun feel uneasy. Everything Wang Ying wanted to pursue was shattered. This was a reflection of the past. For her, it might be more uncomfortable than death.

"What's the matter? You're unhappy. I'm just going to attend the class reunion."

Zou Yun shook his head.

"Would you like to continue your social activities?"

Wang Ying was a little surprised and shook her head.

"What is that? Who has never been young? I am 30 years old now and will be 40 in a few years. As long as we have money and a stable industry, we can have another child. That will be fine."

Zou Yun stood up and walked over, holding Wang Ying in his arms.

"As long as it makes sense to you, just do it and do it without worrying about me."

Wang Ying turned around and kissed Zou Yun before shaking her head.

"I'm very good now. Really, everything in the past is meaningless. For me now, people often say that those who are content are always happy, right?"

After watching Wang Ying drive away in the car, Zou Yun stood on the balcony and took out a cigarette to light.

He always felt that Wang Ying should not continue to stand here, but should move forward. She is the most attractive like this, but now Wang Ying has completely lost the motivation to move forward, or in other words, she has I gave up the idea of ​​moving forward.

"Is it really okay to continue like this for the rest of my life? I am the same, and so is she."

The last rays of the setting sun turned into blood-like light and began to spread across every corner of the city.

"I know, Mom, I'll be back soon, there's something else going on here!"

It is located at the entrance of a club on the middle floor. It is full of guests. It is a very ordinary food club. It specializes in exquisite food and many of the guests are VIPs.

C flicked the cigarette ashes, and handed the remaining half of the cigarette to Alpha's mouth. She took it and took a big puff, spitting out the smoke. The color of blood instantly enveloped everyone on the street. Alpha and C moved forward. Take a step towards this club.

The lights of the city turned on, and Gene stood quietly on the top of the building opposite the club. After receiving the call from C, he was a little surprised, so he came over. At this time, Gene's expression was a little serious, There was even some vague worry in my heart.

"You two ladies, you have."

C took out a senior management officer's ID card, and Alpha next to him also took out his ID card. The waiter did not dare to stop him, but after the two entered, he quickly held up the phone. However, before the waiter could make a call, C C grabbed his phone. When the waiter was still suspicious, C's fist hit him unceremoniously on the cheek. With a bang, the waiter smashed the glass door and fell to the street. superior.

Alpha was a little surprised, but did not look back, but shouted loudly.

"Please lie down on the ground immediately and hold your head with your hands. We are now arresting you for illegal gambling, hiding weapons, illegal human trafficking control, kidnapping and extortion."

Many people who were dining felt like they were waking up from a dream. In an instant, several waiters at the bar suddenly took out heavy fire weapons from under the bar and aimed them at C and Alpha. In an instant, the whole scene got out of control.

C did not move, but the moment she wanted to take action, Alpha had already jumped out. The moment the gun rang out, Alpha was already standing on the bar and kicked the automatic rifle out of a waiter's hand.

The gun sounded as if it had jammed within less than a second. The bullets spurted out from the muzzle, forming a straight line just a few centimeters away from the muzzle. They were directly controlled by telekinesis, and those fingers The waiter who was holding the trigger widened his eyes in fear, and his hand seemed to be clamped by iron pincers. Along with the red particles flying and the sound of fists hitting, in an instant, the firearms in the waiters' hands were directly hit. It crunched and twisted into scrap metal, and they also flew out in all directions.

C looked at Alpha in surprise. He couldn't control the power of telekinesis so accurately, let alone condense it into a fist to strike, but Alpha did it. She was just a 14-year-old girl.

"Not bad, student council president."

C clapped his hands, and with the sound of shattering, the drinks on the wine cabinet behind the bar were spilled on the floor. The waiters had passed out. Alpha quickly turned around and ran towards some people who were panicking and wanted to leave. In an instant, he was directly He used telekinesis to control them over a large area, and then directly knocked out some who wanted to escape.


Along with a violent sound of breaking through the air, a small rocket instantly flew out from a secret door opened in the corner of the restaurant.

Alpha raised one hand with a stern look on his face, and the missile that flew over instantly stopped in the air. Alpha quietly looked at the guy holding the RPG at the door, and instantly extinguished the flame at the tail of the rocket, with a crunching sound. The iron sheet on the surface of the rocket was directly pried open.

After a while, a rocket that had been dismantled into pieces and the explosives had been extracted directly fell on the ground. Alpha rushed over instantly and struck it sideways with his left elbow.

There was a loud boom, accompanied by a burst of screams. The guy who was directly knocked away by Alpha knocked seven or eight guys behind him who were trying to rush out with weapons raised. Alpha jumped in with no fear on his face. Like a red comet, wherever it passed, it was accompanied by wailing sounds that stopped abruptly as soon as it appeared, and criminals who wanted to resist fell to the ground one after another.

There are a lot of machinery in the house. This is a private weapons workshop in itself. If the person from the organization hadn't told me this morning, it would have been really difficult to find this place. This group of criminals did a good job of disguising themselves, using restaurants and VIP members come as cover, and each of these members looks like they are employees here.

They operate a single line from manufacturing, processing and sales. The weapons sold from here have flowed to countless districts. Last year, 1,028 people died from weapons, 193 of whom were managers.


Alpha stared blankly at the mutant in front of him with red particles floating in his eyes. He squeezed his sandbag-sized fist with one hand, and his whole body was rushed backwards by the huge impact. The moment he was forced to approach the wall, Alpha suddenly He jumped up high, smashed the wall with his feet, and rolled over the mutant's head.

The mutant looked extremely shocked. The moment he was about to turn around, the mutant hurriedly formed a large number of red scabs on his back. Alpha had already hooked his neck and hit him with a heavy knee. This mutant's back.


Along with a mouthful of blood, the scab on the mutant's back shattered, his eyes widened and he turned his head in disbelief. The little girl behind him had already rushed towards several other mutants, and he knelt on the ground. , I feel like my consciousness is getting blurry.

"So strong!"

C stood quietly at the door, watching Alpha shuttle between more than 10 mutants with S-level alienated genes, without flinching at all. Her fists kept colliding with each other, and her whole body carried an extremely fierce feeling. Awesome, with a smile on his face.

Bang bang

With two loud noises, Alpha flew towards C. She protected her body with both hands. The moment her legs landed, the ground was crushed in a large area. Her whole body squatted down like a spring and ejected instantly. go out.

There was a loud bang, and one of the two mutants was hit in the cheek, and the other was hit in the chest, and they flew out one after another. Alpha's face was also stained, but she charged forward and struck without any hesitation. He was holding his fist, and the speed of the fist was getting faster and faster, and many parts of his body had been cut and bruised.


After Alpha eliminated one mutant, another mutant's fists followed in an instant. The moment she turned around, she squatted down slightly. A red scab appeared on her forehead, and then she directly hit her head with her head. It hit.

The mutant obviously didn't expect that the attack that he thought would succeed was suddenly defused. Alpha immediately lunged forward sideways and hit the opponent's heart with his right elbow.

With a loud bang, the last mutant smashed into the wall and fell to the ground. Alpha gasped and breathed heavily. Sweat was steaming all over her body. She raised her head and couldn't move her whole body. She no longer even felt pain in her body. She wanted to move her fingers, but found that she couldn't move them at all.

C was still standing at the damaged door frame in a leaning position. The cigarette in his mouth had burned out, and the long ash could no longer bear the weight and fell to the ground.

The perimeter has been surrounded by troops. At this time, accompanied by a clicking sound, C tilted his head slightly.

"It's really strong, principal, is this the monster you cultivated!"

Jean smiled, walked in slowly, lit a cigarette, walked up to the motionless Alpha, put the cigarette in her mouth, and then hugged Alpha, she grinned slightly. .

"How about Uncle Gene!"

"Well done, I can only count you as passing!"

Jean smiled and walked out with Alpha in his arms. C raised her head and felt her hands trembling. She didn't expect that there were some mutants with some strength here, but there were just so few mutants. , although she did not have the confidence to knock them down directly, it was still easy to destroy them all, but this was the difference between killing them easily and being able to directly defeat them all without killing them. , fell to the ground, she couldn't do this.

The most terrifying thing is this girl's on-the-spot reaction and concentration during the battle. The injuries she suffered were all scratched in order to be able to effectively hit the opponent's vulnerable parts.

At the door, Hawke has personally brought the people from the inspection team. The five underground floors are like a heavy arsenal. They even have light-kill weapons. This technology is only relevant to certain people and the military. companies opened up, and how did this technology reach the private sector?

"how do you feel!"

Hawk looked at the mutants falling to the ground one by one in the secret room and smiled helplessly. C shook his head.

"I can still defeat her now, but maybe in five years at most, she will be so strong that I can't touch her. This kind of strength is not about strength, but more about the strength of the heart."

Hawke laughed loudly and pushed C away.

"Pure people are often stronger. You are also a pure person, but your purity is not as deep as that girl's. You have too many obsessions. Do you want me to teach you? I heard from Jean that you have already He has awakened the power of God, and he is the same as me."

Hawke said, holding up a finger, and the dust that was originally floating in the air gathered together, and then more and more, gathered into a ball made of dust, spinning in Hawke's hand, Then he placed the dust ball that had begun to condense on the ground. The ball became solid and rolled on the ground after making a muffled sound.

"Do you think it would be better for Lady Rose to guide me personally, or for you, a dabbler to guide me?"

Hawke shook his head.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to stand Lady Rose's guidance. It's too intense and has no reference value for you now."

"Hurry up, or you won't be able to attend the banquet in time."

Gene had already shouted, C curled his lips and ran out. Alpha had already fallen asleep, lying on Gene's back very comfortably.

"Please don't call my best disciple a monster, C."

C pouted and leaned over.

"I am also your disciple, principal."

Gene smiled and took off first, and C followed beside Gene.

"The things she holds are different from us, principal. I know this very well. She can do what we can do, but we may not be able to do what she can do."

"As long as you understand, I'm sorry C, the city still needs you. If one day you really can't bear this darkness, just live an ordinary life. You can resign at any time. This is the condition I can give you. , you can live the life you want at any time.”

Gene said and C shook his head.

"Don't fool me, principal. That Mr. Hawke is a lesson to you. I have learned your tricking skills since I was a child! This idiot girl who was fooled by you into this path may have been chosen by herself. What do you think, principal?" "

Soon after reaching the roof of a building, Gene stopped and handed Alpha to C.

"Aren't you going, principal?"

Gene lit a cigarette and looked into the distance.

"Sorry C, please tell the classmates that I have something to deal with."

Seeing a chill flash in Jean's eyes, C immediately understood that once Hawke obtained the specific weapons trading group, that's when Jean started to work, alone in the dark night, burying everything, regardless of No matter how many people and organizations the weapons have been sold to, these organizations will be destroyed early tomorrow morning.

"Aren't you tired, principal?"

Gene raised his head and blew out a puff of smoke.

"I just want to hand over a healthier and cleaner city to your hands as soon as possible. No matter who it is, those who cross the line will die. No matter what, order is necessary. Stop interfering in the Hillman family's affairs. The next one will be even bigger. Don't interfere until the end of our city construction plan. I will solve everything in the end, just bury it! That house of crime! The city cannot suffer a greater impact now, at this juncture."

C looked at Jean in bewilderment. She knew very well that the gods' plans had been implemented one after another over the years, maintaining the city's most basic stability, and the city's development was also moving forward steadily, even if there were so many obstacles in the dark night. The foundation of the city is getting stronger and stronger despite the squalor.

"Can I ask you a question, principal, when did you start to plunge into the darkness?"

Gene smiled, stepped out slowly, turned his head and tilted his body downward.

"From a long time ago, my friends, after being baptized by the cruel facts again and again, never wanted to witness these things again!"

Jean fell down, but soon there was an explosion, and a blue light quickly streaked into the distance. C bowed deeply and glanced at Alpha, who was sleeping soundly on his back.

"Do you want to surpass them? Or maybe you want to surpass the teacher who taught you everything, that's why you work so hard."

C chuckled and carried Alpha towards the upper level.

"Sorry, please send me here."

A helicopter stopped on the top floor of a school building, and Wu Qun looked at Locke next to him.

"We had a great time talking today. You didn't charge us for the meal, so I gave you a free trip. But do you really don't need it? Those girls are very cruel. One person ate at least three or four people's food."

Wu Qun burst out laughing.

"If you become a high-ranking official one day, just pay it back slowly. I will calculate the interest on this meal. When the time comes, you will have to pay me back the principal with interest."

Locke laughed heartily.

"Me becoming a high-ranking official? It's impossible. I'm not born with this material. I still know myself. But you, are you really going to give up?"

Wu Qun opened the door of the elevator and walked out, with a sad look on his face for a moment.

"What do you think? Mr. Locke."

"Who knows! It's up to you to decide everything. No matter what, just be happy!"

Watching the lift slowly take off, Wu Qun laughed.

"I just hope that one day we can respond to each other's promise that day!"

Looking at the empty campus, at this time, outside the original main teaching building, there were all kinds of flowers placed around, and a stream of fragrance was wafting in the air. On a stage with lights in the middle, a A large round table had been set up, a bottle of wine was placed on the round table, and Eddie was sitting at the table. Wu Qun laughed and quickly went downstairs.

As cars drove into the school one after another, Freya and Bao Chun walked to the stage arm in arm. Eddie held the wine with a bright smile on his face, and there was a fire in his eyes.

"Long time no see, everyone!"

While Eddie was talking, several servants came over and began to place the wine glasses. Soon the eight people across from him sat down. Eddie opened the red wine in the cellar and began to pour wine for everyone, and then emptied it directly. The wine bottle was thrown under the counter.

"Eddie, why are there only 9 of us in the class reunion? This is the first time I have participated in such a deserted class reunion."

Freya laughed playfully, holding up the wine glass and sniffing it.

"I'm sorry Freya, and everyone, please forgive me for being rash. I invited you privately. Thank you very much for coming here. Thank you!"

Eddie bowed deeply, and everyone looked a little surprised for a moment.

"You guys, don't you just want to show off in front of us? After all, you were always competing with us, thinking you were smarter than us, and saying that you would be superior to each of us in the future, but you We did it, and now we are just a bunch of ordinary people in society.”

Lin Xiao said as he picked up the wine glass and swallowed the red wine in one gulp, showing a look of contempt.

"It tastes terrible."

Eddie looked at the changes in the people in front of him with some surprise. Except for Freya, the other seven people in front of him were a little strange, especially Wu Qun, who looked like an ordinary grocery store in the crowd. The eyes of ordinary citizens no longer have the sharpness they used to have in the past.

Eddie took a sip of red wine and then smashed the glass on the table.

"What happened to you?"

Pullman laughed.

"What do you think Eddie, we are just ordinary people, or in your eyes now, we are just ordinary people."

Lin Xiao burst out laughing.

"It's rare that a classmate brings wine."

Eddie looked at the people in front of him quietly. The table seemed to be getting bigger and bigger in his eyes, and finally began to expand infinitely. He could hardly see the faces of several people clearly.


Freya took a sip and looked at Lin Xiao who had already picked up the wine and poured it down his throat. His eyes turned slightly red and he shook his head.

"I'm not this material. I'm sorry. I want to go back."

Wang Ying looked at Lin Xiao, who was almost unrecognizable, and stood up to hold him, but Lin Xiao staggered around and walked off the stage, carrying the bottle and drinking as he walked.


Eddie ran over and stood in front of Lin Xiao.

"You have already won. You are the king of the world. Now I am just a loser who indulges in wine and women every day. If you want to show off, can you do it now? Mr. Eddie, the richest man in the city, I lost. I have completely reduced myself to a lost dog, is that okay?”

Eddie looked at Lin Xiao blankly, and he laughed and passed by him.

"You bastard, where did your past ideals and those big words of your past go? You bastard, answer me."

Eddie dragged Lin Xiao angrily, but the man in front of him could see nothing in his eyes, and there was nothing left.

At this time, Wu Qun also stood up.

"I've had my drink. I think it's almost time for me to leave. The store will be very busy tonight and I have to go back to take care of the store."

Baozhen also stood up and walked off the stage with her head lowered.

"You fat pig, stop here. Where are you going, Old Wu?"

Eddie stared blankly at the classmates who were getting up one by one. He quickly rushed to the door of the school and wanted to block them. However, at this time, he could do nothing. In the end, he was still sitting on the stage. Freya, she was already crying, pressing her forehead, crying sadly.

"We are just settling everything in the past. No one can go back to the past, and no one can change the past. We just returned to normal. Sorry Eddie!"

Wu Qun said the last thing and walked out of the door. Pullman raised a glass of wine and drank it in front of Eddie.

"The only thing I can do in my life is to win that case. Goodbye Eddie!"

Eddie's eyes widened. After a while, he walked to the stage in despair. Freya put her hands on her forehead and kept shaking her head. Everything in front of her was not what she wanted to see.

"why why!"

Eddie squatted on the ground, pressing his forehead in pain. There was an unforgettable emotion in his heart that kept flooding into his heart.

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