Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1539 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 22 (Part 1)

"start testing!"

Lolita was wearing a white coat and quietly looked at the clones sleeping in the culture chamber.

The values ​​of the items on the light and shadow screen next to it have tended to normal values. This is the 108th clone that has failed this year.

In the entire small laboratory, on a shelf nearby, there are thumb-sized cloned embryos with numbers on them.

The gods have all left the school. This underground laboratory is an isolation room made by Lolita using biological DNA walls. It took three months to secretly build it. The gods still don't know about it.

Lolita looked at her body on the white translucent dustproof suit. From her neck down, there were already a large number of seven-color markings, and these markings were becoming more and more numerous.

Today's life-span vaccines are not complete at all, but relying on the implantation of special cells in the bodies of gods can temporarily stabilize the larger genetic disease problems caused by the life-span vaccines. Nowadays, experiments must be carried out to improve the life-span vaccines. Vaccines The ingredients in it that can increase human lifespan have not yet been completely released. If released, humans can live to at least 150 years old, and mutants can live to 200 years old, or even longer.


The clone in the culture cabin woke up and slowly opened her eyes. For a moment, her eyes were filled with fear and anxiety. Lolita looked at her clone with a serious expression.

After a while, Lolita supported her clone and walked out of the culture chamber. She was trembling, and Lolita put a towel on her.

"You are my clone, Lolita No. 109."

Lolita No. 109 was trembling, with a trace of fear in her eyes.

"Your memory may be confused now, but you should know what I am going to do. I'm sorry, this may be painful, but this pain is for the future of mankind. I'm sorry!"

Lolita No. 109's eyes widened as she saw that a tube of lavender-colored liquid had been inserted into her arm. She widened her eyes and opened her mouth to speak, but her whole body began to convulse in an instant. stand up.

Lolita directly put her on the bed forcefully, and then began to collect Lolita's body number 109.

Gradually, Lolita No. 109 stabilized on the bed, but her breathing was a little short.

Lolita never looked at her, but was using the latest body measurement device and micro-vision equipment. With the beams of light penetrating Lolita No. 109, Lolita directly saw the genetic recombination. process.

Strings of genomes were directly photographed and recorded directly with images. Soon Lolita found the genome that controls lifespan, as well as the genome that may cause disease.

After a while, Lolita began to try to inject some homemade fusion genes into other embryos, but now her clones are still unstable.

However, the data of clone No. 109 has been much more accurate after the previous 108 failed clonings. Now her vital signs are relatively stable. As long as it lasts for a week, more changes should be seen.


As a mechanical beep sounded, Lolita hurriedly ran over. No. 109 struggled with foaming at the mouth and raised her hands in pain. Lolita held her cold hand, her heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure all dropped. Falling down.

In less than 60 seconds, the number 109 in front of her became a corpse. Lolita stared at the number 109 quietly. After a while, she sat on the ground slightly tired and took out a cigarette. She had reached her limit. The limit of endurance was exceeded. To study it alone, one had to endure great pressure. Only after reality began to set in did Lolita know what this kind of pain really meant.

What exactly is the corpse in front of her? Lolita has thought about it countless times. What exactly are clones? They have language and thinking, just like humans.

But soon Lolita got up. She would stay at the school today. She had already seen some students coming to the basement. Lolita quickly left the room and went directly to a laboratory next door and put on her clothes. , after calming down, I saw several students walking in arguing.

Lolita walked over with a smile on her face, and several students were a little surprised.

"Teacher Lolita, you don't look too good."

Lolita shook her head, smiled and quickly left the laboratory. She felt a little uncomfortable. Recently, she had been injecting herself with some complementary vaccines she developed again and again, and her body had a very strong rejection reaction.

"39.7 degrees."

Lolita swallowed a gulp and looked at her body values ​​on the light and shadow phone. She was almost fainting. Another failure just now made her feel mentally and physically exhausted. Her body also began to fluctuate with her emotions. Strange.

"I have to hold on no matter what."

Lolita held on to the wall and staggered away. At this time, several students behind her chased her out, and one of the women came over immediately.

"Teacher Lolita, you look very bad."

Soon several classmates helped Lolita, took her to the medical room, and began to treat her fever. Everything was done very carefully. Lolita smiled and said that she could take care of herself, but the students did not Didn't leave.

"You have to hold on, no matter what!"

At 8 o'clock in the morning, Alpha had just taken a shower, then came to the cafeteria and started making breakfast by himself.

Many students had already eaten, and soon Alpha had breakfast at 8:15, planning to go home with Mo Xiao when she came back.

Soon a helicopter landed, and many students gathered around it. Alpha also felt strange that it came back so quickly, so she ran over.

"what happened?"

Alpha asked, and Latis, who was standing aside, laughed.

"Perhaps I encountered something I have never seen before. It shouldn't be a trivial matter like investigating a murder scene. Maybe"

Alpha ran over without waiting for Latis to finish speaking, and hugged the unconscious Mo Xiao. In an instant, Mo Xiao began to sob and cry. The other students who came off the lift had very bad expressions, and several girls Starting to cry, C sighed.


It was just three short words. C didn't explain anything. The students who were leaving in stride asked what happened. The students didn't reveal anything. Mo Xiao just kept crying. Alpha comforted her. The other students He didn't ask any more questions and started to comfort him instead.

Some students seemed to have guessed something. Alpha held Mo Xiao quietly and could smell a smell of blood on Mo Xiao.

After a while, Mo Xiao was in the dormitory, taking a shower. In the steamy bathroom, Alpha was helping Mo Xiao knead his swollen ankle.

"Something bad must have happened."

Mo Xiao hummed, and Alpha smiled and slapped Mo Xiao on the butt.

"What are you doing Alpha?"

"Let me go with you next time."

At this time, with a slight noise, Alpha turned around, and C had appeared in front of Alpha.

"That's all right now. I have one more thing to do. If you want to go, you can follow me."

Mo Xiao's eyes widened and he grabbed Alpha, who had already stood up, but Alpha shook his head.

"Do you still remember the violence issue that everyone discussed in class? When we face violence, are violated by violence, or are a party to violence, we must have a clear and correct understanding. No matter what we are facing, the nature of violence It’s violence, but in many cases, someone has to clench their fists and hit them.”

C clapped her hands and looked at Alpha with admiration. Mo Xiao curled up in the shower and shook her head.

"Maybe we're doing it wrong."

C nodded.

"Whether it is right or wrong, this city needs us to shake our fists. It is enough to know this. Unfortunately, since I was very young, all I have seen is violence and crime. As for how to solve these problems, it is It needs to be solved by those of you who are not fully immersed. As for you Alpha, what do you really want to see, not just experience it?"

Alpha laughed playfully.

“No matter what it is, I always need to try it myself to find out.”

C nodded and walked slowly.

"You may be different from us Alpha, because what you see is what you see from the top of the mountain, while what we see is what we see from the bottom of the mountain."

"Xiao Lin, I will trouble you to look after the store today, and your salary will be increased a little bit."

Wu Qun was already dressed up very handsomely, and Xiaolin looked at it happily.

"Lao Wu, don't worry. I will take care of everything in the store and your classmates will have fun."

Wu Qun hummed and looked at the invitation letter sent by the school on his phone. Wu Qun thought with his buttocks that this guy Eddie asked the school to send it to them.

Wu Qun had a little chat with some of his past classmates. Although he didn't mention the class reunion, none of them had received invitations.

Originally, Wu Qun didn't want to go, but Freya called early in the morning, and other guys might have the same idea.

Wu Qun seemed to have guessed why everyone went and what they wanted to do.

Today's schools no longer let students hold dances in the school during the holidays as they did in the past few years. Instead, they send students home directly, because in recent years, in the school district, every year during the holidays, students will There was a lot of trouble, the biggest of which involved brawls for huge profits.

"It's really troublesome, but it's okay, let's take this opportunity to put an end to everything in the past."

In this year, Wu Qun transformed the second and third floors into a restaurant. After all, he bought this restaurant with his last little savings. Wu Qun goes home once a week to have dinner with his elderly parents. Now My life was pretty happy.

In the past year, Wu Qun has developed more than ten best-selling dishes, and has applied for recipe patents. The business of the store is also getting better and better. The ordinary girl Xiaolin in the store likes him very much, and Wu Qun also plans to When I come back this time, I will marry her.

"You really don't have any ambition at all."

Wu Qun walked out. He also planned to go to a nearby store to buy some meat cubes that had recently become popular. He would personally cook a meal for everyone tonight.

At this time, there was a commotion on the street. Wu Qun saw a group of students from the School of God wearing black uniforms from a distance, and Wu Qun immediately felt the slightly angry looks of many people.

A fat man with a big belly, followed by a bunch of unique and unique beauties, all of them tall, beautiful in appearance, and with curvy figures.

Soon Wu Qun recognized the girl he sent five years ago, Vivian, from the crowd. She became even more beautiful. More than 30 girls surrounded Locke and walked all the way.

Wu Qun stood aside and could feel the unhappy looks in the eyes of many people passing by. Wu Qun just watched them pass by quietly. On the street full of sunshine, a certain part of his heart began to feel vaguely restless again. He got up, but soon Wu Qun turned around and planned to leave.


With a clear voice, Vivian stopped Wu Qun. Only then did Locke notice that the guy on the street was a man named Wu Qun who had been to the college before.

"Long time no see Vivian, I am no longer a lawyer, now I am a chef."

Locke was interested when he heard it. He glanced at the time and it was almost 11 o'clock.

"Vivian, why don't we go to your friend's shop to eat."

Vivian stood in front of Wu Qun very happily, her height was almost the same as Wu Qun.

"Thank you very much for sending me there, Mr. Wu Qun. Thank you very much."

Vivian bowed seriously.

"You might as well marry someone else after graduation. It would be a way of repaying someone else's kindness."

Zijuan said something coldly, Vivian blushed, turned her head, and quickly grabbed Zijuan, and the two girls started playing around in the street.

Wu Qun rolled up his sleeves.

"You still have some time, do you want to taste the taste of my store?"

Locke smiled and nodded.

"Then I'll trouble you, Mr. Wu Qun."

Looking at this man, Locke had also heard about Wu Qun and several other guys from Jean and other gods. The gods valued these guys very much and spoke highly of Wu Qun.

"Old Wu, why are you back again?"

Xiao Lin was instructing the other clerks in the store to work while Wu Qun directly invited a group of people to the second floor and then took off their clothes.

"You can take your time to see what you want to eat. Just order the meal and I will cook it for you myself."

Vivian nodded with a smile.

"Mr. Wu Qun, do you want us to help you?"

Wu Qun shook his head.

"How can I ask guests to help me cook?"

Locke Jiahui still went into the kitchen and asked other female students to go upstairs and wait quietly. At this time, many diners poured into the shop, and Wu Qun directly asked Xiaolin to close the shop.

"Looking at your skill, my biggest dream is to open a restaurant."

Locke said and Wu Qun laughed.

"Simple dream, isn't it?"

Locke sighed.

"It's just because it's simple that it's more difficult. Did you encounter anything?"

Locke saw the dodge in Wu Qun's eyes, and Wu Qun smiled, accompanied by steaming flames.

"I've given up. Tonight we will go back to where we started and make peace with our past selves. It may be too childish to say that."

"As long as you are happy, I won't say anything big, but how can I put it, Mr. Jean told me about you, and I always feel that you may be more difficult than us. Anyway, let me have a good taste of your craftsmanship. "

Wu Qun laughed and nodded.

"Then next time, it's your turn, let me have a taste of your craftsmanship."

Eddie stood quietly in front of the mirror. A group of makeup artists were helping him dress up. Several housekeepers stood behind him, lowering their heads respectfully.

"Master, it has been arranged."

Eddie smiled and nodded.

"Tonight is the class reunion after seven years. Go to the wine cellar and bring up the bottle of wine that has been stored for 140 years. I want to take it with me."

One of the housekeepers nodded. Eddie looked at himself in front of the mirror. His mind was filled with everything from the past school. He didn't want to mock them, but planned to invite them again. They were all a bunch of powerful guys. , it is much better than most of the people in my family who are just eating and waiting to die.

"Go ahead and try not to cause any trouble this year, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

Eddie grinned. Now, only by controlling everything can his life have meaning. As long as those guys can help him, Eddie is confident that he can completely control everything in the city within 10 years.

"Have you delivered the flowers I asked you to order? I don't want anyone to come to school tonight to disturb my long-lost class reunion."

"Please get out of my place, bitches are not welcome here!"

Beckinsale held a cigarette in his mouth and stared angrily at Ada, who was leaning at the door of her studio. She giggled and shook her head.

"What I'm most disgusted with is a self-proclaimed guy like you. Once I see this kind of guy, I feel uncomfortable all over. Beckinsale, it's normal for Mr. Jiang Hao to be at the party tonight." It’s a party, we want to go together.”

"You just want to find a touchstone and shield at the banquet, get out!"

Beckinsale stood up directly and had packed everything. She planned to leave now and go directly to the school, considering that everyone had not seen each other since the incident with Chris.

"Can you please get out of here!"

Beckinsale grabbed Ada, and in an instant Ada held her belly and shrank.

"This is really the first time I've seen you, kid."

Before Ada could speak, Beckinsale stuffed a tissue into Xingyuan's nostrils, dragged him and started walking.

"Don't look back, just like you did just now."

Xingyuan became embarrassed and shook his head hurriedly.

"That's not the case, Miss Beckinsale. I just feel that even if society is more open, many girls don't even have the most basic self-love. They"

"Remember, you should never try to change a guy whose thinking has been solidified, because no matter what you say or what you want to tell him, there is a big mountain in the middle. Sometimes this big mountain is as high as It is unreachable. Even if you want to go around the mountain, the other party will only keep building high walls. You will never be able to overcome it. I will not celebrate the holiday with you tonight. I am going to attend the class reunion. "

The two of them soon came to the street, Beckinsale walked quickly, and Xingyuan bowed to Beckinsale.

"When can I write something that everyone is satisfied with?"

Xingyuan sighed with emotion. At this time, a car stopped on the side of the street, and Lanny lowered the window.

"Hurry up, or you won't be able to catch up."

Xingyuan nodded and got into the car.

"What's wrong, look at you!"

Lanni asked, and Xingyuan laughed.

"I was wondering, Mr. Laney, why did you and Miss Beckinsale help me so much? I'm obviously just a piece of scrap metal."

Lanny burst out laughing.

"It's not up to you to decide whether it's scrap metal or not. Well, it's a holiday today. Let's not get drunk together."

Walking on the streets of the still-hot film and television area, Beckinsale glanced at everything around him casually. It was still exactly the same as before, but it had nothing to do with him anymore. What is gratifying in recent years is that the problems caused by drugs have gradually disappeared. Things started to quiet down in the area.

Beckinsale now only wants to train Xingyuan wholeheartedly, and she is very aware of the young man's talent.

"I'm going to end everything tonight!"

"Let's sleep a little longer, Lin Xiao."

Lin Xiao just smiled and stood up before the two women hugged him. He started to change clothes. He picked up the wine on the table and drank a lot in one gulp, feeling much more sober.

There was still the old brown Beetle downstairs. Pullman smiled and looked at the two women lying at the window on the second floor, asking Lin Xiao to go back early.

"It's really unexpected."

Lin Xiao lit a cigarette and handed one over. Pullman shook his head.

"I've quit."

"Is there any progress in the case?"

Pullman shook his head and smiled bitterly, but there was still a glimmer of light in his eyes.

"Once you have such a bad temper, it's really..."

"I just don't want to lose to myself, Lin Xiao. There are some things that I have to face by myself. I just know that if I really give in, I will die."

Lin Xiao burst out laughing.

"As long as you like Pullman, I feel like I'm getting older and older recently. My body is being drained little by little under the dual effects of alcohol and women every day. It doesn't matter anymore."

Pullman nodded and said nothing further. The car slowly passed through the downtown area and then entered the highway outside the area.

The city is changing, although the change is slow and difficult to detect. Time often slips by quietly, and people are also changing quietly in this slow torrent.


Ran Zhi handed a car key to Chris, with a helpless expression on his face.

"Sorry Chris."

"This is not your problem, Mr. Ran Zhi, but my own problem."

Chris got into the car. Ran Zhi looked at Chris with some worry. After Chris completed the teaching point smoothly, big capital soon moved in. He lost everything, which was equivalent to helping the businessmen prepare their wedding clothes. , and he had nothing and was unwilling to listen to the businessmen who operated the teaching point for profit. Chris was kicked out and was left alone for a while. Ran Zhi wanted to help him and planned to fund Chris to continue, but The young man's mentality has completely collapsed.

Looking at the car that started and quickly disappeared at the end of the road, Ran Zhi sighed and glanced back at his eldest daughter, who was all dressed up, with heavy makeup and bleached hair. At this time, the eldest daughter was arguing with her mother. The quarrel between mother and daughter even made the surrounding neighbors come over.

"It's okay, mother and daughter just bicker out of habit."

Ran Zhi walked over to persuade his wife and daughter, but both of them looked at him angrily.

"Husband, look at what your daughter is like now. She is promiscuous, smokes, drinks and fights. This keeps up."

Ran Yu curled his lips.

"Dad, I told you that I was just celebrating the holiday with my classmates, not what you think."

Ran Zhi smiled and nodded. Ding Manman was so angry that she was about to explode. She grabbed her daughter Ran Yu, but Ran Zhi held her back.

"You will be very happy when you go out tonight and do such and such things with your friends that belong to you young people, but what happens after the happiness is over! Have you ever thought about the consequences?"

"Dad, how old are you? Don't be old-fashioned. As long as you take safety measures for this kind of thing, it will be good for your physical and mental health. And"

Ding Manman slapped her away angrily, and Ran Zhi held his wife's hand.

"Go ahead and come back early."

Ran Yu kissed Ran Zhi with a smile, reached into Ran Zhi's pocket, took out his wallet, took 1,000 yuan and left with satisfaction.

"Stop for me"

"It's okay, we still have a lot of time. Besides, I don't think our daughter is that casual. After all, she is our daughter."

At this time, Ran Zhi walked towards the house. His youngest son was wearing a gaming device and was completely immersed in the game world. He seemed to be having a great time. Ran Zhi took off Ran Qiu's virtual helmet.

"Dad, what are you doing!"

Seeing his son's impatient expression, Ran Zhi smiled and shook his head.

"Play less and exercise more."

"I know dad."

Ran Zhi raised his head helplessly, looking at the dazzling sunlight shining on the wall. His eyes were bloodshot, and an uneasy feeling filled his heart. His wife came over and started talking to him again. He talked about the two children.

"It's so noisy!"

Ran Zhi said something in a cold voice, and his expression became a little dazed for a moment. Ding Manman's eyes widened. She felt that Ran Zhi in front of her was somewhat familiar, but his voice, eyes, and expression seemed extremely unfamiliar.

"Did I just say something!"

Ran Zhi asked, Ding Manman shook her head in surprise, and her husband returned to his original appearance.

Ran Zhi smiled and walked towards the backyard with his wife in his arms. He glanced back at everything at home. It was still the same, unchanged. Then Ran Zhi raised a hand, and there was still nothing. The blood flowed through his hand. Things are passing through the fingers.

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