Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1541 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 22 (Part 2)

The sound of rumbling machinery was heard in the ravine area in the south. Many workers who had just eaten returned to the quarry and began to prepare to load the quarried stone into trucks and transport it to the nearby stone processing factory. .

Although today is a holiday, the boss has increased wages, so many workers choose to stay on the quarrying site and continue working.

At this time, many fierce-looking guys, nearly a hundred people, ran into the factory in a panic.

After a while, the boss ran out. A leading man carried a bag of things and put it in the boss's hand.

"Hurry up, it's ready."

The boss shouted immediately as he spoke. At this time, a series of excavators had stopped at the edge of the ravine. The entire ravine was nearly 700 meters deep. This kind of quarrying truck that can climb a 90-degree slope can carry Let them leave the city.

As the leader shouted, more than 100 people carrying big bags behind them began to quickly climb onto the parked quarry trucks. The boss was counting the money in the bags. After confirming for a while, more than a dozen people The workers were summoned and some money was taken out and handed to the workers.

The workers immediately entered the quarry truck, but at this time, a flash of blue light fell on the top of a quarry truck.

"Please all of you put your heads in your hands and lie down on the ground. You are involved in many crimes, so I won't list them all!"

Gene sat on the top of a quarry truck in the middle and took out a cigarette from his pocket. Instantly, the leading man's eyes widened, followed by bursts of laughter, and everyone was lying on the quarry truck. The people took out their weapons and pointed them at Jean.

"Don't do anything, everyone lie down."

The leader shouted, but the gun had already fired. He knelt on the ground and lay down with his head in his hands.

In just 2 minutes, with the sound of metal crashing to the ground, the battle was over. No one who took out a weapon was standing. Blood was seeping out from the edge of the car. Jean held a cigarette in his mouth and picked up the weapon. The boss jumped off the stone car, and the boss, who was already lying on the ground shivering, buried his cheek directly on the ground.

"There's no need to kill them, you devil"

The leader clenched his fists, and the stone in his hand was broken. He looked at Jean walking over step by step. He was extremely angry in his heart. He wanted to get up but chose to continue lying down because of fear and rationality.

Jean squatted in front of the leader, exhaled a puff of smoke, and then looked at the quarry owner next to him.

"You are the last batch."

The leader's eyes were stunned and he stared at Jean with tears streaming down his face.

"This is your problem, we have to live in this city."

"You know how the city is like. I have seen many people like you who can't even survive. Everyone is patient, but you! The days ahead will be very long for you. Think about it in prison!”

Jean stood up. At this time, many workers were in commotion. The outer area was surrounded by the military who arrived. Jean had ordered that no one was allowed to leave until the investigation was clear.

This is what the so-called mobilization of the whole body is like. Through an organization that was wiped out this morning, I learned where the weapons were made, and then learned from the criminals who made the weapons. In recent years, many criminals have committed crimes from the margins. Those who fled from the quarry to the barrier area can return to the city after a few years of minor plastic surgery. Although they are gangsters, they can still live a carefree life in the sun relying on their criminal income. .

At this time, a street on the ground floor had been blocked by the military. The local management officer and his people were handling the scene. Many people were horrified by the tragic scene in front of them.

Throughout the factory, corpses were lying strewn about. Everyone was killed with one blow, and many died before even a shot was fired.

"Boss, is it the senior administrator Jean who did this?"

The manager nodded solemnly.

"Keep all the weapons, money, and medicines in a safe place. Don't fucking steal them, if you still want your head."

At this time, the manager was breaking out in a cold sweat. He was originally going to have a drink with the leader of the organization tonight, but he was pulled over by his lover, so he escaped. Nowadays, a large number of crimes have gone underground. , every management officer has a consensus, it doesn’t matter how the criminals fight, as long as they don’t cause big troubles in this area, just involve ordinary people, and a sum of money needs to be paid every month, most managers As long as these criminals are not too rampant, the officials will not interfere.

Most of the smarter criminals have begun to move into the three more stable, efficient and long-term industries of gambling, body trading, and loan sharking. Only some gangs that have just started to take off will deal with weapons, drugs, and kidnapping threats. For merchants in the area, these risks are relatively high.

This management officer has been working here for 9 years. It is very clear that after a period of time, these organizations that have caused great harm to society in the short term will end badly, and almost all of them will be slaughtered.

At this time, the leaders of several organizations in several areas came over. They were in an alley, and the management officer walked in.

"We have nothing to do with them. You have to find a way for us. I'll trouble you to deal with some things."

Several leaders immediately took out bags of money and handed them over. The management officer was about to take them, but instantly refused.

"I don't care if you have anything to do with them or not. You have fucking seen what happened this time. Why don't you go in and see for yourself what's going on inside? It's like a slaughterhouse. I don't want to die yet. Wait a while. Besides, you go back first and tell the people under your command not to cause any trouble to me for at least half a year."

The leaders also nodded, but still put the money on the ground before turning around and leaving. The management officer looked around, called two of his confidants, and asked them to put the money away.

At this time, on the periphery of the vegetable market, more than 10 military officials stood quietly in front of Jean, listening to Jean assigning tasks.

"Please handle it properly and cooperate with the local area management officer to conduct an investigation. I will read the investigation report tomorrow!"

"Yes, Master Jean!"

Seeing Jean lifting his coat and leaving slowly, a bunch of military officials looked at each other, and many of them had sweat on their foreheads.

At one time, more than 10 people quickly arrived at a secluded place.

"Do you want to die? I have already said that weapons cannot be sold. Although the profits are huge, we are afraid if the higher authorities investigate now."

A man laughed.

"What are you afraid of? I have prepared a way out from the beginning. If we find out, the scapegoat has been found and we will feel at ease. Besides, the people above don't want the city to be in chaos. As long as we are careful in the future, we will be fine. ."

Although a group of people were worried, they still laughed and turned around to enter the vegetable market.

At the top of a house in the distance, Gene sat cross-legged on the roof, with light blue particles floating around his eyes. He had just clearly seen the conversations of several people, and also read the lips of several people. He probably knew Condition.

"What to do!"

Jean exhaled a puff of smoke, and he quietly looked at the bright lights behind him from bottom to top. The 32 schools where students trained by Jean and the others served as teachers had completely stopped enrolling students, and there were still only a few students enrolled. In the last session, there were more than 4,000 people.

The managers in the city's current 120 districts all graduated from this school. In the past, those who used to be managers from the original families' forces have been gradually eliminated.

AI has collected a large number of problems in the past 10 years on a large scale, and these problems are also the topics that the students of God's College will continue to study. The problem plaguing the city now is the problem of fertility. The fertility rate has been increasing in recent years. low.

Gene stood up. He planned to go to the upper floor. Tonight was a certain lady's wedding, and he wanted to go and take a look.

"Maybe I should stop it, maybe!"

Gene is not sure, but he can't change anything. This is another marriage that bears everything about the family. The groom is Chen Liang, the second eldest son of the Chen family, and the bride is the youngest daughter of the Huosen family. Will Sy. Hossen.

For a marriage between two major families, Jean also received an invitation, but he planned to wait until the guests left before going there.

Just after 8 o'clock

A strange phone number opened and Gene answered it.

"Mr. Jean, I hope you can come over. I just want you to watch me get married. I'm ready. Can you come over to see me off, even if it's just..."

"Wait for me for 10 minutes, Miss Wilsey, I'm sorry!"

There was a burst of joyful laughter from the other side of the phone, followed by a gentle hum.

"Thank you Mr. Jean, thank you. I don't know what the future will be like and whether I will be happy, but I really want to thank you Mr. Jean. Thank you very much."

Gene hung up the phone, threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, and quickly jumped into the distance.


Field hurriedly opened the door to his sister's room, and the maids around him stood aside.

"Hurry up, people's cars are here, the whole street has been decorated, and many people are waiting. Can you hurry up!"

A very beautifully dressed woman who had put on a white wedding dress had a hint of joy on her face, but her eyes were full of sadness.

"Are you satisfied, brother?"

Field shook his head.

"Don't blame me for this, Wilsie. It was my father's decision. It's not like you don't know the current situation. We have to work closely with the Chen family. Besides, although that boy Chen Liang is a little unruly in his private life, The people are actually pretty good."

Field put his hands on his sister's shoulders. At this time, Wilsey caught a glimpse of a faint blue light in the dark night sky in the distance. She happily stood at the window holding her wedding dress, smiling with joy.

"Are you really not planning to come to school, Wilsie?"

On that morning 7 years ago, Wilsey had just turned 15. She passed the test, but she didn't pass. Gene came to see her in person.

"Mr. Jean, my fate has been decided. Why do you think people can't escape their fate?"

Gene didn't answer Wilsey, he just waited silently.

"I feel that if I can't face my fate, I can't break anything, so I don't plan to go to Mr. Jean. Maybe everything has been settled for a long time, but it's okay. Didn't Freya persevere? I think I can do it too. ."

"Hurry up sister."

Wilsey started walking slowly. At this time, fireworks were rising around the manor. On both sides of First Avenue, the lights were brightly lit. Along with bursts of fragrance, petals were floating in the breeze. They were all invited guests, including almost all the upper class people in the city. After all, it was a combination of two big families.

However, Eddie Hillman was missing among the guests. In a convertible, handsomely dressed Chen Liang was sitting quietly, yawning, while his younger brother Chen Qiao, who was the best man next to him, looked at him helplessly. elder brother.

"Brother, for the sake of the reputation of the family, I beg you to please take care of yourself and stop flirting with women for at least a year or two. It would be better to send your female companions out first. After all, they are the Huosen family."

Chen Liang shook his head.

"It doesn't matter. Is this my marriage or yours? Don't worry about me. You should be more careful. I'm telling you Chen Qiao, my eldest brother already knows that you secretly misappropriated 5 million of the company's funds."

Chen Qiao looked solemn and lowered his head. At this time, with a burst of cheers, Wilsie, who was wearing a wedding dress and accompanied by 16 maids, walked out of the Huosen family's manor and walked towards the car with a smile. Her eyes were searching everywhere, and at this time, a faint smell of tobacco floated in the originally fragrant air.

Wilsey followed the smell and looked over. At a ginkgo tree at the entrance of the manor, Wilsey slowly raised her head. For a moment, her eyes widened and her eyes were slightly moist.

Gene was sitting on the tree trunk with a cigarette in his mouth, one hand in front of him, bowed to Wilsie, and then showed a gentle smile.

Wilsey looked at the wedding car not far away and strode over. Gene sat down and watched the fireworks bouquets that kept appearing all around, intertwining in the sky above the wedding car, accompanied by the fireworks rising on the street. petals, the car slowly drove into the distance.

The crowd also cheered and moved over. Gradually, the noise faded away and the surrounding area became quiet. Gene came down from the tree with a smile and walked slowly.

"Mr. Jean!"

A sudden and slightly angry voice sounded, Jean turned his head sideways with a smile, and Violet stomped over dissatisfied.

"Alpha has multiple fractures all over his body. This is not like an injury sustained during combat training, after all."

"Sorry Violet!"

Jean bowed, and Violet sighed helplessly and looked into the distance.

"Why is it that everyone's fate is the same at the beginning, but then it becomes different? The next generation born from failed family marriages and unhappy marriages will also be unhappy!"

"how about you!"

Violet shook her head.

"That guy from Avano is so angry with me that he won't go to the banquet with me. Are you in need of a dance partner, Mr. Jean?"

Gene made an inviting gesture again, and then extended his hand.

"Then I'll have to worry about you tonight, Ms. Violet!"

Violet held Gene's arm with a smile, and the two strolled on First Avenue, heading towards the territory of the Hotson family not far away.

"You just said that the next generation may be unlucky. I don't think so. Wilsey is a very strong and beautiful lady. You are the same Violet. Thank you for giving Alpha to me. She will have many more in the future. There is a long way to go, and I will be more strict with her."

Violet sighed sadly.

"Actually, that child has a lot of weak parts in her heart. I just hope, Mr. Jean, you won't be too harsh on her on certain issues. She is just a girl!"

"Don't worry, we are now researching a life-span vaccine, which should solve the problem soon, especially for women!"

Violet glanced at Jean.

"It seems that I can only have one more child with Avano, otherwise no one will inherit everything in the Angus family."

"Maybe it's a boy this time!"

Violet glanced at Jean.

"Then let's make a bet. I bet it's a girl."

Gene nodded.

"I won't take the child away from you next time. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry about Violet. I was there at the time about Alpha, but I didn't stop her."

Violet shook her head.

"She has a very stubborn temper, much like us. If you stop her, you might hurt her."

Under the dim light, Freya looked at the wine in the glass drunkenly. The food on the table was already cold. Eddie across from him was a little drunk. The two didn't talk about anything, they just sat quietly. , drinking wine slowly.

The seven chairs around were still arranged as they were before, but they were empty.

"It doesn't matter if you don't go, right? Eddie, tonight is the wedding ceremony of the Huosen family and the Chen family."

"What did you see in Wilsie, Freya? She is just like you in the past. I remember seeing you two chatting happily at the banquet."

Eddie looked at Freya drunkenly, stood up and walked over.

"It doesn't matter what you can see or what the future holds."

Eddie stood quietly beside Freya and said with a bitter smile.

"If you want to do anything, I can help you Freya, I will help you become the whole city."

"No, Eddie."

Eddie smiled and nodded.

"I think so. It's impossible for you to accept my help. The same goes for several other guys. Do you remember, we were in the classroom above, and every time we met with student leaders, we always said, after we go out, we will We can change everything and rewrite everything in the city. At that time, we were full of enthusiasm and ideals. Where did those things go, or where did the road begin to diverge."

Freya shook her head, drank the wine in the glass, then stood up and walked slowly off the stage.

"Send her back."

Eddie said, and several of his men immediately drove the car over, but Freya refused.

"I'm driving Eddie, goodbye, if you still have a little bit of conscience in your heart."

Freya didn't finish her words, Eddie bowed to Freya who got in the car, his eyes were cold.

"Conscience! If I had that kind of thing, I wouldn't be able to stand here Freya, goodbye!"

On a noisy street, Wu Qun was carrying a bottle of wine and was walking among the celebrating crowd. He laughed loudly and greeted people on the roadside from time to time. This was the first time he was drunk, and his body was already exhausted. Drunk but not drunk yet, Wu Qun knew where he was going.

Soon Wu Qun could no longer walk. He stumbled into an alley, then lay down on the ground with his hands and feet on the ground. He moved to the corner of the wall and sat down.

Everything in his mind was intertwined, everything in front of him was spinning and colorful. He didn't know why he was still here instead of leaving. He should go home after he left school. Wu Qun planned to go home, maybe. You want to seek some comfort from your parents, or you just want to talk to your father who understands you.

But Wu Qun couldn't stand up. He just stayed quietly at the entrance of the alley, looking at the people passing by one after another with misty eyes.

"Fat pig, get out of the way!"

There was a commotion across the street. Several drunk guys looked at a chubby woman mockingly. Baozhen tried to get out of the way in a panic, but was still knocked to the ground roughly.

A bunch of people laughed and walked away. Baozhen got up from the ground. She looked at the people leaving in the distance quietly. At this time, Baozhen's eyes crossed the street and fixed on the drunk man lying in the alley. On Wu Qun.

"Old Wu, are you okay? Why are you drunk?"

Wu Qun grinned.

"Why don't you refute them and tell them that you are not a fat pig, you are just genetically obese. You are born with it and there is nothing you can do about it."

Baozhen shook her head.

"Get up, Old Wu, I'll take you to a nearby hotel."

Wu Qun blocked Baozhen's extended hand and shook his head.

"We have completely turned into cowards like this. Go away, Baozhen, and leave me alone!"

Baozhen stood up and bowed.

"Be careful, Old Wu, I'm going back."

Didi didi

At the exit of the school area, a parked car suddenly honked its horn. The swaying Lin Xiao turned his head, stopped and walked over slowly.

"Want me to give you a ride!"

Wang Ying pointed to the passenger seat next to her. Lin Xiao smiled bitterly and got into the back seat of the car without sitting in the passenger seat.

"What's going on with us? I obviously want to sit down and talk to everyone about why people always like to say things that go against their will."

"Who knows!"

The car slowly started, Wang Ying adjusted to automatic driving, and the rear seat began to move, and soon moved to the back row. The front seat was put down, and the windows on both sides began to gradually become transparent, and the field of vision became It was bigger, but at this time, on the regional highway outside, the surroundings were completely dark except for the bright street lights.

"Everyone fell down."

"No, everyone just wants to lie down, it's more comfortable. Now, apart from work, I only have wine and women every day."

Wang Ying said nothing more, but quietly looked at the street lights that kept passing by, and the car began to accelerate.

In a bar located in the school district, Chris and Beckinsale took a sip. Pullman opposite had just a glass of water in front of him. He looked at the wine and licked his lips. His liver was already drinking alcohol. Under the influence of the disease, he was severely damaged, and doctors have warned him that if he continues like this, he will most likely develop cirrhosis of the liver.

"Are you really not going to drink some?"

Beckinsale deliberately brought the wine glass in front of Pullman, and he shook his head.

"If I don't drink, I still have to keep my life. I won't have any problems with my health for at least ten years."

"You've been like this since school. You're obsessed with a small thing. That's not to say it's bad, but if you continue, there may be no results."

Chris nodded, drank a glass of wine, and then stood up.

"Destiny is really helpless sometimes. It won't leave you any mercy. We lost. We lost completely. We failed again and again. This is the case in this city. It won't leave any chance to losers. Yes, I’m tired, goodbye, maybe we’ll never meet again!”

Chris turned around, bowed slightly to the two of them, turned and walked out of the bar, and soon disappeared into the street.

Pullman took a sip of water and shook his head bitterly.

"Once you miss it, fate will not give you any more opportunities. Although it is cruel, there is nothing we can do. The only thing I can do now is to end this matter and use the remaining time I have. "

Seeing that Pullman was about to leave, Beckinsale did not stop him. She just watched him drink the water in the glass and, like Chris, disappear into the night streets.

After a while, Beckinsale became a little drunk. Several men came to talk to her, but she rejected them. After drinking the last sip of wine, she also left the bar.

Along the way, Beckinsale was preoccupied with his own affairs and was ruthlessly rejected again and again. He knew very well that he could not hold on any longer. Everything he had promised Xingyuan in the past was just a beautiful expectation. , the future is becoming more and more blurred, and those things that were once visible in the past are disappearing little by little.

The night began to get darker and darker. Freya was driving the car and had reached the upper level. She pressed her forehead with one hand. The car was operating very smoothly under the automatic driving system. Freya would be home soon. Yes, but there should be no one at home tonight except the servants. Charles has already gone to attend the wedding ceremony.

Watching more and more fireworks floating in the night sky and then gradually disappearing, Freya sat up straight.

"Where did all that fading light go?"

Freya smiled and watched the dazzling fireworks disappear in the night sky. The light that lit up the night sky for an instant disappeared somewhere. Maybe it was the dark night or the city under the lights.

Freya wanted to find someone to talk to, but Jean's figure flashed in her mind. She took out the phone, but did not press it after hesitation.

"I can't trouble Mr. Jean anymore, I'm no longer a child!"

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