Chapter 1472 Hollow (Part 2)


Frye heard this word from Nabe's mouth for the first time, and also saw what God is like. The man and woman who killed Monica was respected as God by people.

Nabe Stan's father is a doctor and is doing some medical work nearby. Nabe is also learning medical technology from his father's side.

Nabe would come over to chat with Fry every night. Nabe was very popular here, but she always came to Fry.

"You are so beautiful and smart, why do you always come to me?"

In just one month, the two became good friends and talked about everything. Nabe just told Frye because she always felt that talking to Frye was easy and she could say anything without having to hide or be humble at all.

Frye also saw the class gap here. People in the family are always superior to others, and others will obey the family's words.

Gradually, Nabe began to teach Frye something every night. Frye learned quickly. Nabe even told his father, Kuhl, about it.

However, Nabe did not come back the next day. A few days later, Fry went to find Nabe after work, but was stopped by Kull.

"Don't come near my daughter again."

Later, Frye learned that the news about his good relationship with Nabe spread, and many people thought that Nabe had something wrong in his heart and often went to find an ugly deformed person.

Frye did not continue to look for Nabe.

On a heavy rainy day, a collapse occurred at the construction site. Some people were injured and some died.

in the dark night

Frye was running wildly, and he knew from the mouths of people who survived the accident that Nabe was also involved.

When he came to the medical area, Frye saw Kuhl begging.

"I'm begging you, whoever it is, just provide a kidney, I'm begging you."

The heavy rain soon drowned out Kuhl's voice, and Fry broke into Nabe's ward. Among some instruments, Nabe looked very weak, and the metal pierced her body and damaged her kidneys.

Although many people donated some blood, many fell silent when Kuhl mentioned the need for a kidney.

"Use mine, Mr. Cool!"

The operation was successful and Nabe survived.

"Thank you. By the way, what is your name?"

Looking at Nabe lying next to him, Frye shook his head, because he had no name. Kull was very grateful to Frye. Under Nabei's persuasion, he agreed to let Frye follow them and become a doctor.

At that time, Kuhl had clearly told the people nearby that they just needed to wait. Now the gods were working on a cell regeneration and proliferation technology, so artificial organs would be available soon, but no one was willing to help.

During the days following Nabe and Kuhl, Frye gradually learned a lot of medical things. The three of them were running near the city wall. This was a task given to them by the Hillman family. Kuhl was Hillman. An old subordinate of the family, they were also employed by the Hillman family.

In the end, over the course of 10 years, Fry learned a lot of medical knowledge, and also helped Nabe and Kuhl research DNA medical technology.

Finally the wall was built, and Fry followed the father and daughter back to the light. They got the land and the house. This was what they deserved, in the place where the sun shines most dazzlingly in the east.

And Frye finally had a name. After some operations by Kuhl, his distorted face was opened, although he was still somewhat disabled.

Kuhl has been studying DNA medical technology all day long, because as they grow older, Nabe and Frye's bodies will begin to decline because they only have one kidney.

These days were Frye's happiest days, but the happy days came to an abrupt end one day. At this time, the gods opened an academy. Frye wanted to learn better medical technology, so he Went for a test.

When Nabe went there before, she failed the test. After she came back disheartened, although she was a little angry, she still suggested that Fry go.

One rainy night, Frye returned to the farm, but what he saw shocked him. Nabe and Kuhl were dead, and the entire farm was in a mess.

Finally, the administrators came over and caught a group of criminals who were fleeing to commit crimes. The prisoners also admitted to committing the robbery and killing the father and daughter.

At that moment, Frye's life was dark, and the happiness he had finally obtained was once again shattered by violence.

However, what Fry was thinking about at this time was cloning technology. After he suddenly woke up, he officially entered the academy founded by the gods and absorbed knowledge crazily every day.

"I said what are you here for? To become a qualified doctor?"

One day, a classmate named Hua Shen asked Frye this question.

"Perhaps he wants to resurrect his dead relatives."

Huashen was a little surprised, and then laughed.

"Even if the dead people come back to life, they are no longer the same people. Don't touch these things. This is my advice to you."

However, while Fry was studying hard, a certain DNA wall technology was announced, and Fry was instantly desperate. The announcer was a member of the Hillman family.

The memory flashed back to before Nabe and Kuhl were killed. Frye and Nabe lived happily every day.

"You are a man, you have to stand up. Fry, listen up, never compromise to any injustice. Once you compromise the first time, you will compromise the second time."

In order to help Nabe, Frye was beaten up by people sent by the Hillman family. Although she didn't know what they were talking about, listening to Nabe's fierce words, it seemed that she didn't want to compromise with this group of people.

On that rainy night, after inspecting the site, the prisoners also admitted that they wanted to burn the site in order not to attract attention, but it rained and many of the research results in the basement were burned.

One of the most important achievements is the DNA wall, which Frye also participated in. This is something Nabe accidentally developed during DNA medical research.

The supreme glory was reflected on the Hillman family. The DNA wall technology was returned to Congress, and their family even received praise from the gods.

But Fry knew very well that they were murderers. The Sherman family, which claims to have countless geniuses in the family, is not even qualified to enter the Academy of God. There are already countless researchers like Nabe and Kull. The results were taken away from them.

"Principal, those things were not researched by the Hillman family at all, they..."

"Fry! Don't ask about this matter now. I have to go out soon and will take care of it when I come back."

Frye didn't understand why Jean didn't take care of this matter. After Jean left, they were summoned by the six gods as medical students in the school, and everyone wanted to participate in a plan to clone the future.

"I quit!"

Among the medical students, the only one who left with his hands raised was Hua Shen. He turned around without hesitation. Frye began to hesitate and get entangled. He recalled what Hua Shen said to him when he entered the school more than ten years ago. .

"Quit even though you'll be fired?"

Deguna said threateningly, but Huashen laughed.

"The only person who has the right to decide to expel me is Principal Jean. As teachers, you, even the gods of the city, have no right to expel me."

Since then, Huashen has been an outlier in the medical field for a long time and has begun to be excluded.

Frye participated in the plan to clone the future without hesitation. During the plan, he heard that several gods were discussing to establish a department called the Executive Branch to manage the city, and also planned to gradually take back some of the family's authority.

Frye had not forgotten Nabe and Kull for a day. He decided to take revenge. To defeat such a large family that had taken root in the city, he needed power.

However, fate seemed to have once again made Frye think about what a person should do, or what is the lowest bottom line a person should abide by.

On another rainy night, the clones in the experiment launched a riot. Frye took out Lolita, who often chatted with him, and took her back to the underground facility where the deformed people lived.

"Don't hate Fry!"

In his memory, this was the most words Kuhl and Nabe had ever said to him, because Frye always felt that he had suffered a lot of unfair treatment at the hands of the Hillman family. The three of them spent ten years , the land and houses in exchange were gradually taken back by the Hillman family.

Perhaps that was the trigger, and eventually the Kuhl and Hillman families terminated their contract and a large portion of the land was taken away, but they were freed.

The plan to clone the future was successful, and Jean came back. It was the first time that Frye saw such an angry Jean. He desperately attacked the other six gods. Many students saw that battle.

After everything calmed down, Fry walked over and looked at Gene sitting on the ground.

"Principal, why are you so angry?"

"Because! Maybe we are always doing something irreversible, or maybe the path we took at the beginning was not quite right."

Although everything in the city is developing steadily, it is also breeding a lot of crime. At this juncture, the Business Department was born and the students finally graduated.

The 12 best students were selected as the section chiefs of the 12 departments, but Fry was not the best because he withdrew from the plan to clone the future midway.

"Why do you want to go to Section 3?"

At the graduation party, Frye asked Huashen a question.

"That's the front line. I always just want to live as a doctor, what about you!"

Frye did not answer Huashen's question, because after he realized all this, he discovered why he was living. It might be best to live simply, but everything in the past seemed like ghosts, always chasing after him. Hold yourself.

Every time in the dead of night, Frye would always burst into tears because of anger and sadness. He hated it so much and hated the city's system, but he couldn't change anything because he was not the best.

The heart that once wanted to get the power to rectify everything has completely gone cold. Looking at the ugly appearance of the Hillman family, Frye wants to kill everyone in their family every day.

This anger that was growing day by day gradually calmed down because of Lolita.

Every day after Frye finished working in Section 4, he would return to the underground facility and fall asleep hugging Lolita.

"Don't hate. Instead of hating, find a purpose that will allow you to live for a long time."

In the end, Frye found his purpose. He stood in front of an abandoned military facility. Countless things from the past were echoing in his mind. This was a place where some mentally ill patients were imprisoned. People from 4 departments would come there every day. The food was thrown in, and the patients were like mad dogs, grabbing it.

No one wants to care about everything here. Crazy people are constantly being sent here. Perhaps Fry made up his mind the first time he came here to feed.

At this time, Lolita's life has come to an end, and the clone's life of up to half a year is about to disappear.

"Let me live Fry."

This was Lolita's wish, and Frye nodded.

Every day of taking care of patients was unbearable, but at that time Gene would come over from time to time to help Fry. It was also Gene who brought tools and materials every day to help Fry open up the mental hospital little by little. established.

"Don't you think it's a waste? It's obviously in Section 4."

"I think it's very meaningful, thank you principal."

Gene just smiled and shook his head.

"That's fine, as long as it makes sense to you. I will deal with the Hillman family's issues. I was too busy before."

Gene's words once again filled Frye's heart with warmth, and he began to take root in this mental hospital, running it with Lolita year after year.

Once again, Frye was immersed in happiness, but in the seventh year after the establishment of the office, a major case shocked the entire city. The Hillman family was slaughtered by a violent criminal.

Frye was shocked at the time. He could not imagine that Alpha, the student council president who abided by the rules and shone like a gem, would do such a thing.

in the clouds

Frye Mental Hospital stood in the sky. At this time, Frye was sitting quietly on the ground with a smile on his face. He saw some light shining on the top floor of the hospital.

The brief review came to an abrupt end. Frye saw so many things that he had no time to think about them anymore. The images in front of him were disappearing little by little, like dust that was constantly disappearing.

One after another, people who had given Frye hope flew past him.

"My life is happy!"

Frye raised his head contentedly and bathed in the sunshine. He was much luckier than many others, because always in times of darkness and despair, a ray of sunshine could always shine into his life.

Everything in front of me has turned into colored dust. In the gradually dimming light, it emits the most dazzling color, and the world begins to turn black.

Frye floated quietly in the endless dark air, neither sinking nor rising, walking peacefully in the darkness.

In the distance, a flash of scarlet was gradually approaching. Gradually, a huge red eye appeared in front of Frye. He felt something strange and opened his eyes slightly.

"What on earth are you!"

Suddenly, Frye's eyes widened. In an instant, he saw the starry sky, the universe, the growth, transformation, evolution of all things, the birth and death of life, and the dazzling sun, but the back of the sun was as deep as mud. Bottomless darkness.

Everything in the past seemed to be played backwards, exploding in Frye's head. At this moment, he saw a crack, and streaks of light overflowed from the crack. Frye's eyes began to become hollow, and his eyes began to change little by little. It disappeared, leaving only a pair of dark holes.

Next to Frye, there was a slowly rotating vortex, dazzling. He didn't know where he was, but his consciousness was very strong and clear.

Everything was extremely clear in his mind. Fry knew that he had not died or been reborn, but he could see the starry sky, the sun, and the huge and slowly rotating space stations floating in the starry sky.

Suddenly, Frye's eyes widened. The big fire ball that was constantly fusion in front of him was the sun, and there was a black circle at the bottom of the sun.

"What's going on?"

Frye quietly looked down at the sun, which was getting further and further away from him, but what he cared about at this time was his own consciousness, as if countless different selves were gradually splitting apart, but he could Countless scenes can be seen.

Deserts under the starry sky, misty mountains and rivers, vast forests filled with a large number of strange green plants, the world is constantly changing, everything is changing, and all these changes are clearly presented in front of Frye.

At this time, a cry was floating in the breeze, and Frye instantly felt that it was Jielin. He landed at the cave and looked at Jielin, who was holding her arms and still crying in the cave. Frye returned The place of death.

Frye raised a hand, trying to brush away the tears from Jaylin's cheek, but found that he couldn't reach her.

A rustling

Frye turned his head and looked at the black-red plant that appeared on the ground. He slowly floated over and squatted in front of the plant.

These things can still feel their own thoughts, and Frye seems to understand something at this time.

"The essence of life! It is constant struggle!"

Frye saw the scarlet eye again, and he seemed to understand a little. The eye in front of him also started from a single cell, experienced a long life, and was constantly fighting, no matter the surrounding environment or Death, it has been fighting, and finally turned into this form, the form that life should take after the struggle.

At this time, everything in front of Frye's eyes began to change. He had naively thought that the current material world had been displayed in front of human beings. However, in fact, this was just the tip of the ice floe on the water.

Black and red plants covered Frye's body. He raised one hand and looked at these plants, as if he was communicating with himself. However, Frye could not understand or understand it now, but there was something It feels like it is trapped and wants to break free from all constraints. Life is locked in a dark cage. A strong consciousness of wanting to break free from everything is constantly steaming in Fry's heart.

At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, just as everyone was immersed in the mutant examination, the originally fiery sun suddenly turned red, and then began to extinguish, and the city once again fell into darkness for an instant.

A streak of dawn-colored light had already flowed outside the barrier the moment the sun went out. Ellie stood quietly on the ridge, looking at everything in front of her. A trace of scarlet could be seen in the distant night sky, and her expression looked extremely... serious.

"The worst result! The Devourer is born."

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