"Have you found it?"

Mo Xiaolan shook his head. The battle was still going on. The floating spherical robots were repairing the damaged head of the Blue Whale battleship at a very fast speed.

"The repair degree remains at 57% and is expected to be completed at 2:33 minutes and 15 seconds."

Leona sat next to Mo Xiaolan, and behind her, Yincai and Lilian were also confirming in the database.

However, most people were still immersed in the inhuman battle just now and the roar of the guy with the ghost face. He represented the darkness of Brilliant City, the bottomless darkness.

The atmosphere was a bit solemn. The section chiefs and secretaries lowered their heads and were dealing with the matters at hand. No one was paying attention to the annihilation operation. The whole process was very fast, and basically there was no obstacle at all. These seemingly powerful alienated creatures, In front of the mythical army, it is as fragile as paper.

It is only a matter of time to eliminate these alienated creatures. The key lies in what is going on with that guy with the ghost face. The plants in the glass box in the house are sleeping quietly in the soft light.

Noah quietly looked at some of the values ​​uploaded from the Blue Whale battleship. At this time, he recalled some of the things he had just seen. He seemed to have thought of something in his head, but he could only wait until he returned to Section 10 before talking about it.

"The inquiry has been completed, Lord Deguna. There are still 501 living deformed people in the city. 398 of them have had facial reconstruction surgeries and prosthetic limbs during the advancement of medical technology in the past. They are no different from normal people. The remaining deformed people are on the ground floor, doing odd jobs in some marginal areas. The last deformed person who died was 35 years ago. Do you want to send someone over to check?"

Deguna shook her head, and Rose smiled helplessly.

"That child should have died long ago, after all, it's over there in the mine."

"I still have an impression."

At this time Locke spoke, everyone looked at him, and he stood up.

"Because he was very ugly, most of the children in the mining town were not willing to play with him. He just carried some ore and got a little food every day. I have been in contact with him a few times. He is a simple person. Guy, but he left after that, and I don’t know where he went.”

The wind was howling, and Jean sat quietly on the top of the ridge, looking at the ground that was already riddled with holes under the gray-black sky, still waiting.

In Gene's memory, there was only the deformed child that Monica brought up from an underground deformity facility and raised him. Gene had only seen him once.

In the past, when this land was still in disputes, the ratio of deformed children was very high. One out of three children was born with a deformed child. Those who came to this arena with difficulty in the doomsday virus radiation had genes. Most of them have undergone some degree of mutation.

What Jean is now worried about is whether anyone on the other side has mastered the technology of manipulating plants. This will have great harm to the city. After the fight, Jean's biggest feeling is that these things can divide without limit and reproduce at an unlimited speed.

The degree of differentiation can reach smaller than atoms, and that level cannot be seen at all. Fortunately, these things have a fatal weakness. Once exposed to light, they will spontaneously ignite without fire.

Gene planned to wait for the end of this test. The cool air stimulated his skin, and some black dust would float in the air from time to time. However, all of this was meaningless to Gene himself. He would not let this happen because of it. Any disease caused by toxic particles will not be frozen due to the cold temperature below 5 degrees Celsius.

“It’s been so long since I’ve seen a toddler!”

Jean muttered, and at this moment a flash of cyan particles floated in front of his eyes, and Jean caught it with his fingers.

"How about it?"

"No results. Have you ever asked the child's name?"

Jean shook his head with a wry smile. He left the child in Mining Town and left to do the next thing. During the days when the sun had just risen and the forces were integrated, Jean and the other six guys had nothing to do for half a year. I closed my eyes and ran around the city.

Everything today may be the result of seeds that have been planted long ago and took root and sprouted. The moment the guy in his mind died, there was still a fighting spirit in his eyes, not wanting to give in to death.

He is still human!

Gene smiled and lit a cigarette. The wind continued to pass through the ridge with thousands of holes, and kept making bursts of whine. At this time, there was a slight noise, and Gene turned his head. It was a hand with only A palm-sized alien bat, it flapped its wings and made an attack gesture. Gene did not continue to look at it, and soon it retracted into a small hole.

Gene raised his head and then leaned on a raised rock on the left, staring quietly at the gray-black sky.

Power or money are meaningless to him and the other six guys. These things no longer have any effect in their eyes, but they still can't let go of everything.

This may or may not be the eternal punishment that Ellie gives each of us!

Jean laughed out loud and looked at the black sky with sad eyes. Human beings have not been able to look up at the stars for more than 200 years.

Coming to this arena full of hope is actually just a way for everyone to deceive themselves. In the end, someone fell. As scientists, they know very well that if light cannot continue to shine on the earth, mankind will perish. Once The temperature of this planet has dropped to close to 0 degrees, and no matter how hard humans try to survive, it is all in vain.

Crops grown with fluorescent lamps will only yield less and less. Every force in this land once had its own fluorescent lamp farm. However, due to famine, everyone began to eliminate each other and rob each other of everything, just to survive one more day. .

Gene has seen the most cruel things in the world, and he has also seen the kindest things in the world. Everything he has seen over the past two hundred years is like hell.

"What's wrong Gene, what are you thinking!"

Green particles swirled around Jean's ears. Jean smiled and shook his head. Ever since Ellie made her choice, no one has ever talked about what the seven people have been doing for so many years. They just silently perform their duties and complete as much of the work in hand as possible.

"I'm thinking that we might know what it's for early on!"

"What do you say at this time! Come back quickly if nothing happens."

Gene shook his head.

"Perhaps it is also to find our own answers, and also to raise humanity, a species that is about to become extinct."

"I'm too lazy to discuss these things with you, just do your best, no matter right or wrong, just to keep mankind alive."

Gene nodded, straightened up, patted the dust on the back of his head, turned around, his body surface was covered with light blue particles, and he moved quickly.


The debris in the wind hit the dark armor. Jielin stood quietly in a cave under the ridge. She stared at everything in front of her. The black ball in her hand fell to the ground. After stumbling, Jie Lin fell to the ground.


Jie Lin pressed her forehead with one hand, feeling a chill on her neck, and a stream of heat pouring out of her eyes. She only knew that Frye was very angry at that time and rushed forward desperately.

The result in front of him was everything, Frye disappeared, nothing was left, even the last cry seemed pale and feeble.

There was a burst of sobs, and Jielin covered her mouth, losing a loved one again. Jielin never thought that there would be such a day, and Frye would disappear.

In my memory, the first time I saw Frye was when his father fell ill. At that time, Frye, a psychiatrist, rushed over. He struggled to stop his father and constantly comforted him.

Even though he was badly beaten, Frye never gave up on his father.

"It's okay, there won't be any problems. The same goes for you, Jaylin."

The light is getting darker and darker. Only between 12 o'clock and 2 o'clock in the afternoon can you see a glimmer of light emerging from the clouds outside the barrier. Jielin holds her arms and feels a suffocating feeling. The chill enveloped her.

Jie Lin didn't know what to say to everyone when she went back, so Frye left.

Life comes from nothing, and from something to nothing, going round and round, never ending. Death sometimes means rebirth, and rebirth sometimes means death.

In a bright white room, several people in white robes were delivering a baby to a pregnant woman. The pregnant woman had no eyes, and the eyes were just a mass of raised sarcoma.

Frye looked at everything in front of him quietly, smiling slightly. In his memory, he always dreamed of this scene before. This was when he was born.

Accompanied by a shrill roar, Frye looked at a female nurse in white robe holding a deformed baby with a distorted face and a small left foot and a large right foot at birth.

The woman lying on the bed moaned in pain, and the nurse held the child in front of the woman.

"Child! No matter how tragic your fate is in the future, none of this is destined by God. You must live no matter what. As long as you live, you will see the light one day!"

The mother who gave birth to him died. Frye floated in the air and looked at everything in front of him. After giving birth, he was handed over to a kind-looking old woman outside the ward.

The old woman held the baby in her arms and comforted her. She took out a bottle and fed the baby some liquid.

The entire underground facility for deformed people was established by an organization called the Church, and many of them believed in certain things devoutly.

Frye watched himself as a baby grow up day by day, running around in this underground facility. The world in front of him went from being full of freshness at the beginning to boring later.

"What's that sound outside!"


This was the first time Fry heard the word, but when he asked what war was.

"People kill people, you can't go out Fry, you will die."

Frye grew up day by day, and he didn't quite understand what happened to all the people underground. Food was scarce and diseases were rampant, but they didn't get out.

"We're just a bunch of monsters living underground."

This was the answer Frye got, that old people would walk out of underground facilities and never come back.

"When will they come back!"

Frye had a few old freaks with whom he had a good relationship at the time, but they had been gone for many days.

"They're not coming back."

"Then why don't we get out?"

The answer is still the same, you will die if you go out.

The number of people in the facility began to dwindle, as food became increasingly scarce, and some people tried to leave. Fry wanted to go out, but he stayed after being dissuaded by the gatekeeper.

The rain from the past few days began to invade the basement, and Frye could always hear strange cries. Some people had given up and had no food for several days.

The water had flooded the bottom room, and Frye could only huddle in the corner of the top floor.

Finally, someone ran out, and Frye could no longer walk. He was just imagining what the outside world would be like one day when he went out, what the war would be like, and what the noises coming from every day would be like. What.

However, the result was only colder days. The biting cold began to flow into the upper room with the water and began to invade Frye's body.


Frye smiled slightly and looked at Monica who was injured and walked into the underground facility. She was still as before, with a fierce look in her eyes, as if her injuries were nothing at all, like a wild beast looking for shelter. generally.

The sun rose, and Frye saw the outside world for the first time. The day Monica came brought hope. This was the first hope Frye received in his life.

Frye followed Monica for a long time.

"Why kill them Monica, obviously."

"No reason. There is no need for any reason to kill a group of weaklings. You don't need to think about such complicated things. Just eat and go to bed when you are full."

While following Monica, Frye saw countless killings, but he was not happy at all.

"Why do you bring me such a burden!"


Frye stared at everything in front of him quietly. This was the first time he had quarreled with Monica. Due to his own reasons, Monica was seriously injured, but she just smiled and slapped her hard. On Frye's forehead.

"It's up to me to decide whether you're a burden or not, not you yourself. After you've eaten enough, take a good sleep. I'll be fine. You'll be fine once you get up."

The war began to calm down, but Monica still led her men to fight guerrillas every day, with no intention of compromising with the several huge forces that had formed.

One night, which was also the night before Monica's death, Frye quietly looked at Monica in the laboratory.

"Monica, why don't you surrender? This will at least help you."

"By the way, let me ask you a question, kid. What do you think of me?"

Frye didn't understand why Monica asked.

"You're great Monica, the most wonderful person I've ever met."

"Okay, you can eat more tonight and go to bed. Thank you kid."

Frye didn't have a name at that time. Frye had realized something that night. He always felt that Monica was more gentle to him than usual.

The next day, Monica died.

Frye only remembered that in addition to sadness at that time, perhaps the biggest thing was relief, because he knew that this was the deepest wish in Monica's heart.

"I can't stop, kid. People like us can't control ourselves at all. This is no one's fault. Remember Fry, don't resent anyone."

Later, Frye gradually understood something. Monica and the others were just like the deformed people who had lived underground for a long time and were unable to get out. They had no way to escape and had been immersed in the darkness for too long.

When following Monica, apart from holding her to sleep every day, giving herself food, and sometimes telling herself stories, Monica never let herself get involved in killing, nor did she teach herself anything about fighting. related matters.

"Teach me Monica."

"Listen Fry, in an era of peace, knowledge is power. You don't need these things. God has closed one door for you, but opened another door for you. You are very smart, better than me." Anyone who lives must be smart.”

Frye quietly looked at everything that was still flowing and disappearing like dust. At this moment, he understood why Monica was so special to him.

Perhaps a long time ago, when Monica was still alive, Frye vaguely understood that in everyone's eyes, Monica was ferocious and cruel, just a crazy beast, but Monica clearly knew that she was people.

So in the last few years of her life, Monica desperately wanted to prove whether she was a human or a beast. In the end, Monica proved everything about herself as a human being. She possesses the most primitive goodwill of human beings, and... Raise yourself and give yourself the love that can only exist in humans.

"You are the most wonderful person I have ever met!"

The picture flowed, and Frye quietly looked at the mine in front of him. A large number of people were busy. This was when he was 10 years old. His body had become much stronger because of Monica's love. Frye was helping here every day. Carry ore out of the ground in exchange for some food.


Looking at the picture, people kept throwing stones at him, but Frye never fought back and was not angry because what they said was the truth.

As the city was gradually being built, more and more children were born. One day, Frye was ill and did not go to the mines. Naturally, he had no food and shivered in a hut made of wooden planks.

"Want to eat?"

A chubby little fat man came in and brought some food.

"I asked for this from Mr. Jean. I originally planned to save it for when I'm hungry."

This was the second time that Fry felt warm. Although the other party said a lot of things, he finally stuffed the food into Fry's mouth. It was the first time that he said thank you to someone other than Monica.

In the next few days, the little fat man would always come over, stuffing Fry with some food every day, and also brought medicine.

"My parents will go to the mountains and forests soon. Life is better there. Do you want to come with us?"

Fry wanted to go, but before he could finish speaking, the little fat man was called out.

After recovering, Frye found that many people in the mining town began to leave and went to work on a city wall under construction, and Frye also followed.

This section of the city wall is in charge of a large family, and you can eat well here. There are also other families, large and small, here.

"Are you injured?"

Frye's eyes widened and he looked at a beautiful little girl wearing a beautiful spotted scarf in front of him, who took the initiative to talk to him.


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