
Le Wen sat quietly in front of a light and shadow screen, watching the ongoing annihilation operation. The room was filled with people from 10 other departments. They were all scientists responsible for this biochemical mechanical mutant project.

A smile appeared on many people's faces. Although no one knew what happened under the Blue Whale battleship before, the screen was switched to the battle of the Mythical Legion, and the Red Queen left for a while before joining the battle.

What he saw in front of him was shocking. More than 30 years ago, this technology was only in its infancy, but 30 years later, this technology has reached what it is now.

What he saw made Le Wen feel scared. No one was involved in this annihilation operation, which was independently directed by AI. It was far more efficient and accurate than humans.

Looking at the string of values ​​uploaded from the battlefield, compared with the initial experimental values, the actual combat values ​​were much higher than the experimental values.

Initially, Bincai Company only started researching body connectors for medical reasons. These alienated creatures that were being slaughtered gave them inspiration, and the specimens of alienated creatures were also provided to them by Section 10.

In the end, they succeeded in creating this kind of biological substance that intervenes between living and inanimate things, and successfully completed the docking work between machinery and living things.

A sky-high fire flashed on the screen. A cardinal who was attacked by an alien creature that suddenly emerged from the ground successfully avoided the attack with a reaction value of 0.004 seconds and then counterattacked. This meant that The biological substances they have studied have reached a transmission rate faster than human nerve signal transmission.

"How about it, Dr. Lewen, your research results back then have now come to fruition."

A young scientist asked with a smile, and Le Wen just smiled slightly awkwardly.

In his mind, he kept thinking of his friends who worked day and night with him in the research laboratory. Most of his friends died in the unexplained accident, but he was the only one who survived.

One month after using the AI, one day the cyborgs used for experiments suddenly moved and began to attack people in the laboratory indiscriminately. Lewen clearly remembered that day, it was his daughter's birthday rescue. Killed himself.

"Dad, what gift do you want to give me? When will you come home?"

He originally informed his wife Su Xin that he was going to conduct an extremely important experiment in the laboratory and would not go home for the time being. However, Su Xin handed the phone to her daughter.

Lewen was stunned at the time, because everything had been set up and only needed to be started before the functions of these semi-mechanical biochemically modified humans could be tested.

In the end, when Le Wen was hesitating, he left the company to buy a gift for his daughter. However, just as he was about to go back to the laboratory to tell everyone that he had to go home early today, an accident occurred. If Le Wen had been in the laboratory at that time, Otherwise, he would die on the spot.

The battle will be over soon. Le Wen quietly stared at a series of actual battle values. The most important value among them is that the normal human nerve conduction speed is 150M/s, and a normal operation can be completed between 0.006 and 0.007 seconds. signal transmission, the body can move.

The mutants are about 0.005, but the signal transmission speed of these mechanical and biochemical mutants in front of them has jumped to 0.004 seconds. Among them, what Lewen finds most incredible is the kinetic energy variable of the AI.

This AI1, which controls these mechanical biochemical mutants, can continuously mobilize the body values ​​of these soldiers, so that these values ​​can reach the optimal state when flying, attacking, defending and dodging.

In addition to combat values, this test also tests physical abilities. When he came here, Le Wen had seen the complete structural design drawings. At this time, a quantum signal tracker had been installed on his body by Section 10.

What makes Le Wen feel most incredible is the anti-gravity particle accelerated variable lift technology. In the magnetic field caused by the photomagnetic storm just now, this technology can make these soldiers feel like a fish in water. Although the effectiveness of the formed magnetic field is attenuating, it is completely attenuated at least. It takes 3 days.

The instantaneous acceleration has exceeded 10,000M/s, and one can only see the alienated creature being killed instantly, and then a red or blue light band flows past.

Lewen had never thought about using such technology in war, because every scene made Lewen feel uneasy.

A long time ago, when this concept began, Lewen and his friends planned to focus on the medical market, especially prosthetic technology. The earliest prosthetic technology was to amputate the physically disabled hands and feet, and then in a short period of time, the cross-section A neural signal receiver is installed on the body.

However, such a receiver prosthesis cannot achieve the dexterity of a person's original hands and feet, so Lewen and his friends began to conduct research, hoping to develop a replacement for the sensor that can more efficiently transmit the energy in the human body. Neural signals following electrochemical reactions.

It's a pity that the research is in trouble, and there are other products of the company that are selling well, which can keep them going.

Then came cooperation orders from 10 departments, and something that opened a new door for their research plan, a living alien creature.

The research on biological substances is going smoothly. This technology, which was originally supposed to be used in medical treatment, is used to semi-mechanically biochemically modify people. A brain-controlled chip that simulates brain signals is installed on the back of the dead person's head. manipulate.

Everything was supposed to go smoothly, but in the end such a serious accident occurred. When entering Section 10, Le Wen got an investigation report from that year.

At that time, some of them tampered with the variable signal of the brain control chip. This is the most critical point. Someone mixed an attack code into this variable signal. Therefore, when these semi-mechanical biochemically modified people are officially launched, as their body functions When the test reaches a certain level, the attack codes in these variable signals will be triggered, so these semi-mechanical biochemical modifications launch attacks uncontrollably.

Only a few researchers at the time were able to implant the code, so Le Wen became a criminal, but Le Wen knew very well that he was not the one who did it, and he should be the only one who survived at that time.

The reason for this has not yet been figured out. Looking at the smiling faces around them, this group of young scientists may not know what they are doing at all. They are only happy for their research results.

Lewen also knows what Section 10 wants. Lewen has realized the danger a long time ago, because it is not humans who control these things. AI is dangerous, and once such soldiers start to be produced in batches, if they are controlled, It will cause very great harm.

So after Lewen was rescued by Ran Zai, Ran Zai provided him with all the guarantees over the years, and he began to research methods that could decompose this biological material. In the end, he succeeded. People must do what they do for themselves. Taking responsibility for everything is what Lewen has been doing for so many years.

At the same time, it was also for his daughter Le Xiao that he continued to conduct research on biological substances.

"Dr. Levine, what would you like to eat tonight?"

"Can I go back?"

Lewen asked, and a director of Section 10 scratched his head.

"Can you wait? The section chief will be back soon. He has many things he wants to talk to you about."

After Lewen hesitated for a few seconds, he nodded.

It has not yet reached 6 pm, and the city is already brightly lit. The sun suddenly went out at noon today. The explanation given by the administrative department was due to electricity, but it will return to normal after the mutants advance to the exam.

On the streets of District 29, the flashing neon lights and the enchanting and sexy patterns appear from time to time. Everything is still the same, but except for the people from Section 3, there are no other male customers on the street. Many women are standing on the street bored, planning to have a meal. After that, wait for the final mutant promotion exam to end tonight.

"Xiao Leng, it's time to eat."

At 5:58, Leng Rui wiped the sweat from his forehead and used the equipment of Section 10 to invade the dedicated quantum network built by Section 10. What he saw shocked him, but one of the lines required a higher level. Only with the permission to view it, Ran Zai asked Leng Rui to stop.

The battle in the video is over, and the dead mechanical and biochemically modified people begin to return.

"What do you think!"

Ran Zai asked, Leng Rui shook his head.

"It's not a good thing anyway."

"What do you think about letting you live a longer life, but you need to be transformed and controlled?"

Leng Rui stood up immediately.

"I would rather live 20 years shorter."

"You'd better leave first. Someone should be here later. I've been discovered."

Leng Rui said, feeling hard to calm down for a while, but Ran Zai shook his head.

"It will be the same even if I leave, but at this juncture, they should just come and ask what you did, and they won't do anything to you."

Leng Rui was just confused, as if the scenes in movies and novels were really appearing in front of him, he just felt a little scared.

Ran Zai is different. He has seen a lot of things clearly. After originally wanting to help Jean do this, he asked Jean to tell Ran Zai something, but now it is no longer needed. Ran Zai smiled coldly. There was a sound of going upstairs.

"Let's eat."

The era of information controlling the world is finally coming. There is no way to stop this pace. The reach of human power has reached its limit. No one is willing to stop or step back because everyone is used to it. A life that keeps moving forward, a life that becomes more and more convenient.

6 o'clock sharp

In the conference room of the General Affairs Department, everyone looked a little solemn at this time, and the Avalon Project in front of them made many people look extremely solemn.

No one can refute, because in a piece of data about the continuous cooling of the earth's mantle, the future of the planet can be clearly seen, and after seeing the battle between the plant-like and alienated creatures just now, the conference room once again fell into a deathly atmosphere. In silence.

In the Avalon Plan, there cannot be any voice of resistance. Everyone will be assigned to a fixed working class based on their IQ at birth. The entire city needs to truly operate like a huge machine.

Among them, the Type 2 Lifespan Vaccine allows humans to live to over 200 years old while retaining only their brains. It only requires electricity and extremely low food consumption, and the physical condition will not be affected by the deteriorating environment.

"We only have 100 years to prepare, and in the first 30 years, which is the era you are in, we must pave the way for the mechanization era and become the cornerstone of the mechanization era. Our next stop is Mars. According to the detection data from two centuries ago , we have the ability to change the ecological situation of Mars."

Wu Qun raised a hand. He knew very well that this was correct.

"Lord Deguna, how many people will be able to go to Mars in the future?"

This question is what many people here want to ask, and it is also a question that everyone needs to face today. As the planet continues to deteriorate, if everything is not prepared, humankind will definitely perish.

But if you want to prepare everything, you must have enough time. Years of accumulation will allow human beings to completely evolve into the mechanized era. In this way, with the foundation stone in place, when any problems arise on this planet, human beings can directly leave and go to Mars, continue to multiply.

"It will not exceed 200,000 people at most."

After a long period of dullness, Deguna gave the answer, and Niya was speechless.

"We can't see it anyway, so that's it."

As time passed by, everyone was thinking about what else to do. If society continues to develop like this, no matter how technologically advanced the society is, it will only be a waste of resources in the end.

And if resources are used to build a mechanized society from now on, it is indeed a very good time. By then, the disputes in the city will be over, and there will be no class distinctions. Everyone will seem to be doing their own thing on a huge ship. There are dedicated seamen, and whether the ship can make it across the rough seas depends on the crew working together.

"Is there a way out?"

At this time Huashen asked, and Deguna shook her head.

"I'm really lucky that I can still know this in my old age."

Ye Chunwang laughed, and so did many people present. As bridgers and starters of the next era, they may be lucky to know all this thirty or forty years, or even half a century, ahead of everyone else, but Perhaps it is unfortunate because they bear the psychological burden for thirty or forty years longer than ordinary people.

"What's wrong, everyone!"

Following Jean's voice, he opened the window and climbed in. The smell of alcohol drifted in. Jean glanced at the announced Avalon plan, and then walked over with a smile.

"Hey, bastard Gene, these bastards want to put human heads into liquid tanks, turn their whole bodies into machines, and then directly use AI to control and manage them."

Nia said weakly, and Gene smiled and nodded.

"Isn't this great? This way there will be fewer little girls like you who like to cause trouble."

At this time, the secretaries couldn't help but look at Jean. After he sat down, he lit a cigarette.

"There are still opportunities. Work hard to do everything well. The Avalon plan is only temporary. What if we can find another way? I will continue to work hard. I will leave the city soon and finally decide whether to start the mechanization era. Construction depends on whether the chaos in the city can be cleaned up and whether the two giant bills can be completed. If all of this is achieved, the next step is to see whether I can find the core point, and when the Sky International Space Country comes to visit, can we Whether we can coexist peacefully with each other.”

After Gene finished speaking, he turned around and opened the door to the conference room.

"I've had a lot of drinks down there, and I've prepared meals for everyone! You are all lucky, because you are still young and still have time, so just go ahead and do it. Today's cities are no longer just rotating slowly. It’s an old gear. What you do in the end is up to you. This is the worst outcome, but what is the best outcome? It’s up to you to create it.”

In the hall of the General Affairs Department, many people were eating, but a long table had been placed in the middle of the entrance, and chefs were constantly bringing out some exquisite and delicious dishes.

"Lord Jean, I'm ready as you said."

The head chef said, and at this time, all the section staff stood up straight and bowed. After the elevator door opened, the section chief's secretaries walked out under the leadership of Locke Jiahui. Niya grabbed a seat directly and sat in her favorite place. Sitting down in front of the dish, Jean sat directly over.

The expressions on many people's faces became a little more relaxed. The group all sat down. Locke started eating directly. The secretaries sat quietly on the left with Michelle, while the section chiefs sat on the right, at the top. Michelle and Locke sat there.

The entire cafeteria hall was relatively silent. After the other section members finished eating, they hurriedly turned around and returned to the office.

What have we accomplished!

Such questions are plaguing the hearts of many people at this time. The city is right in front of everyone, and no one speaks. Niya just keeps clinking glasses with Jean, and Jean is always smiling.


The elevator door opened, and Le Xiao ran out happily.

"Starved to death. Starved to death."

On the way back, Jean informed Le Xiao to come here for dinner. As a result, Le Xiao naturally rushed over immediately. When he arrived at the conference room, Deguna informed him that all the section chiefs had gone down to eat.

"Jean, here I come."

As soon as Le Xiao came down, the section chief and secretaries looked over. She came over and found that there were no chairs. She looked around, Michelle waved, and Le Xiao ran over and sat next to Locke.

"Finally we can eat."

The dishes on the table were rotating slowly, and Le Xiao couldn't wait to look at some meat.

"What's going on, everyone?"

"Secretary Le Xiao, please explain to me why Leng Rui, a member of your department, hacked into the Congress network without authorization? And it was you who issued the authorization letter to him. I hope you can explain it."

Noah said and looked at Le Xiao, who was a little puzzled. Recalling that he was busy eating at noon today, he gave Leng Rui a letter of authorization.

What on earth did that boy do!

"He just said he wanted to investigate something. I don't think it's a big deal, just..."

Seeing Le Xiao hesitating, Locke smiled helplessly.

"Eat, let's talk about anything else after eating."

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