Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1456 Direction (Part 2)

"If you can't, go ahead."

"Why, I'm obviously very strong!"

At a food distribution point located in Jirigla, the barrier area, some strong people lined up in a long line, all wanting to step into the large 4-section takeoff and landing aircraft on the return journey.

A person took off his clothes, revealing his strong muscles, and some people who passed the inspection of a boss happily ran to the lift.

Fry and Jie Lin were on the second floor of a house not far away, quietly watching everything in front of them.

"Is there any result?"

Jie Lin, who was researching new antibodies in the field of medicine in the room, shook her head.

"There is no way, we must get the original antibody. This kind of antibody has mutated many times. Even if it is cultivated, it will decay and lose its effect because there is no original antibody."

Fry smiled slightly, then turned around and said.

"Pack your things, we have to go outside the barrier."

Jie Lin was a little surprised.

"Just go out and come back in a day or two at most. There are more plant-like plants outside the barrier."

"Dean, are you really not in contact with Lolita and the others? The current approach of the business department may frustrate some of our subsequent plans."

Frye shook his head.

"Only the human heart will always be frustrated. No matter what they do, it doesn't matter. The final result remains the same. I will be qualified to challenge God!"

"Anyway, that's what happened. We will let everyone leave later. But I hope you will not make the already chaotic situation even more chaotic. I think you have all seen today's news."

Le Xiao said that although the people in the prison were a little dissatisfied, they still nodded in agreement. Some people planned to rush to the medical settlement near the gully area after leaving.

Le Xiao said with a smile. It was just 9 o'clock, and the mutant combat examination was still in full swing. She had to rush to the examination room.

"Leave the rest to me, Lord Le Xiao."

Le Xiao hummed, and Wu Lei looked at the people in the cages in front and behind. On the right side were light and shadow screens, showing those who were arrested and detained in the nearby public security management center.

"Everyone, Master Le Xiao has made it clear enough. Our administrative department did do something inappropriate in this matter, but this is also for the sake of the stability of the city. I hope you understand that you will receive a compensation soon. You only need to sign a confidentiality agreement to get this compensation, and of course you must sign before you can be released from prison."

Wu Lei said with a serious face. Many people had dissatisfaction on their faces, but they finally started to sign in front of the light and shadow screen brought out by Section 5.

Wu Lei breathed a sigh of relief and quickly went upstairs to chase Lexiao.

Le Xiao panted and ran into Examination Room 1, almost bumping into the clerk at the entrance of the examination room. She smiled awkwardly. At this time, Le Xiao had just entered the venue, and the cameraman focused on her.

If it hadn't been for the exam, many reporters would have gathered around for interviews. Le Xiao walked to the edge of the stage and looked at the two mutants fighting above. He quickly integrated into the atmosphere and raised his arms to cheer.

In some places on the street, many people looked at the shots of Le Xiao shown on the screen from time to time, and some people also talked about it. This secretary who suddenly appeared, everything he did in this month was only in a short period of time. , did change something.

Many people felt incredible. Ran Zai was sitting in a restaurant, and some people at the next table were talking about Le Xiao. The people at the bottom respected this little girl very much.

Ran Zai took a sip of the wine in his glass and looked at the lively scene on the street. He finally figured it out. People who have been bathed in darkness for a long time will not be able to see the light for a long time. The moment when the light appears, it is incomparable. Dazzling and dazzling, no matter how weak the light is.

"You bastard!"

Lian, who had just gone to get some food and wine, cursed when he sat down, and Ran Zai smiled helplessly.

"It's gone."

Lian's expression became serious.

"Are you talking about the batch of raw materials for human cell cultivation that I found in that underground warehouse?"

Ran Zai nodded.

"The business department is really efficient."

"And the surveillance cameras didn't show you dancing naked."

Lian kicked him instantly, and Ran Zai grinned slightly.

"So I'm sure it's AI, but I haven't told the people in the business department yet because I don't know if there is a direct connection between this food crisis and AI."

"What exactly do you think? Why do you want to assist the administrative department?"

Ran Zai shook his head.

"Of course I have my own reasons for this. Anyway, just trust me."

"Of course we trust you Ran Zai, what happened to that guy Lewen?"

Ran Zai shook his head.

"Don't mind his business for the time being. I just hope that you will do everything you can to find out those people who were traded in the prison who are already dead."

"That's easy for you to say. It's almost time for me to go back. After all, I don't want to miss an extremely exciting battle."

Lian watched Ran Zai get up in confusion and didn't ask any more questions.

"Ran Zai, be careful. I don't want to be able to sit and drink and chat with you like this one day."

Ran Zai laughed.

"Worry about yourselves first. I won't have any problems. After all, I'm much smarter than you all."

After Ran Zai left, Lian stood up soon after. When she stood at the door of the store, she glanced at Le Xiao on the eyeshadow screen. She was being interviewed during the mutant combat test.

"Don't worry, our business department has changed. I believe this kind of thing will not happen again next time. I will try my best to do everything."

Lian smiled.

"Just do it again!"

"Enough of the flagellants!"

There were damaged culture chambers all around, and the clones who were dragged out of the culture chambers had their skin turning black.

As Akimi said, the atmosphere on the scene temporarily stabilized. The AIs remained silent and were still analyzing this group of people, and they concluded that all of them were suffering from severe mental illness. Now Their actions are symptoms of a psychotic episode.

"What can you offer!"

Archimi asked, and the five AIs looked at each other, with a large number of digital symbols flowing across their body surfaces.

"A more stable clone!"

Lolita smiled and shook her head.

"This kind of bargaining chip is still a little too small, and it is not enough to leverage us. Besides, the losses must be replenished."

AI2 nodded.

"Complete your Matrix Source plan!"

As soon as AI2 finished speaking, the eyes of all the creators suddenly shone with excitement. This is what they want. Currently, the technology of the source of the matrix has encountered extremely huge problems, and there can no longer be substantial progress. Breakthrough, but as long as the AIs help, it can be achieved.

"But I just heard the little girl inside say that only AI8 chemical engineering, AI9 mathematical engineering, AI10 physical engineering, and AI11 power engineering can solve the problems we face, but you can't!"

"So other AIs need to be liberated."

AI12 said, Lolita walked over.

"There is no basis for what you say. If you want to cooperate, you have to show more sincerity. This is the basis of cooperation. Once the little girl inside is exposed, we will kill her without hesitation. Is that okay? ?”

AI2 nodded.

"completely fine."

"The doctor took her back to Frye Mental Hospital."

Akimi nodded, turned around and walked to the wall. The door of the room opened. At this time, Hathaway was curled up on a bed and sleeping. Akimi walked over and woke her up.

"Follow me, miss. I'll take you somewhere."

At this time, in front of Lolita, a column rose from the ground, with a tube on it, and inside was pink lightning. Lolita took it in her hand.

"This is the core program of AI12, and I will leave it to your custody for the time being!"

AI2 said, Lolita stuffed the tube into her pocket, and then laughed.

"The authenticity depends on you, little girl. If you dare to lie to us, I promise to let you try the most unbearable pain in the world."

Lolita said, Hathaway swallowed and nodded.

Cyan particles floated in the air, passing through the cemetery, and soon returned to the tower. Clone Fry stood on the top floor of Tower No. 5, with Heimo next to him smiling slightly.

"Not bad, what I have to offer you."

Clone Frye hummed, enjoying the oncoming breeze and nodded.

"I don't understand why Dr. Marcus would help us?"

"The reason is the same as me helping you. He and I both came together because we have some similar goals as the creator. Once we achieve the goals we each need, this kind of cooperative relationship is incomparable. Vulnerable.”

Clone Fry laughed.

"The same goes for us, Minister!"

"Of course."

Clone Frye smiled and opened his chest slightly. He looked at a large area of ​​bright red on his chest and bleeding under the skin. The amount of platelets had been decreasing in the past few days, and his body would soon fail.

At this time, the green trees slowly fell into the night, and this abandoned wooden house area sank into the ground.

There was a flicker of light, and the lights came on. In an underground space of nearly 100 square meters, there was a huge culture cabin. Some of the green culture fluid was soaked with meat balls, and some of these meat balls already had noses and eyes. , just like a baby.

A clone named Fry was dragging his exhausted body step by step, adding some tissue components needed for the clone into the material delivery port next to the culture chamber. He coughed violently, and blood flowed from his nose and mouth. Come out.

There are probably hundreds of meat balls placed in this large culture tank. On the other side, a group of tired clone Frye are digging in the soil and using some materials to continuously expand the underground facility.

A clone Frye fell to the ground. At this time, a relatively healthy clone Frye glanced at the guy who was already very weak.

"The period of failure is too short, so we have to find a way."

"Heimo cannot be trusted, he is just using us."

"Shared consciousness will make our bodies fail faster!"

"Move quickly, the next batch of people will be born soon."

"We only have one chance."

"If we can get better cloning technology from AI, we should be able to survive safely."

"When you look to others, you don't know that you are already dead."

As clone Fry spoke one by one, a group of clone Fry started to work again, but no matter which clone Fry was, their faces showed fatigue.

"What are you doing? You seem very tired recently."

Heimo asked, and the clone Frye next to him shook his head and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Unexplained cell decay, I don't have much time left, Minister."

Heimo took out a genetic enhancer and plunged it into clone Frye's neck. After a few minutes, he started to drive him down, because the cadres had already begun to return, and if it was not possible, he could only use the one under his room. Frye, a newborn clone in the laboratory, came as a replacement.

It's just that Heimo is not stupid. He feels that this clone Frye is hiding something from him.

As soon as the two arrived at the first floor, a howl like a slaughtering pig came from room 109. Accompanied by Crazy Yan, a pair of thick hands grabbed the iron window and banged his head violently. Zhu Neng He was temporarily detained here and has been diagnosed with mental illness.

"That guy is an unstable factor after all, because he saw the form of the Nether Soldier with his own eyes."

Clone Fry said and Heimo nodded.

"So we didn't lock him up."

The two returned to the dean's office. Clone Frye was almost out of strength. Sweat was falling like rain. His consciousness currently existed in the bodies of 42 clone Frye. The scenes he could see were in his mind. It's like 42 screens. It's extremely painful. No one can understand this kind of inhuman torture.

Stress and fatigue will increase with the physical problems of each clone Frye, but clone Frye knows very well that as long as he has a movable body, he is an immortal existence. In layman's terms, the power of the cyan god is the soul. The power has the strongest perception. The infinite expansion of this perception can even make people feel the existence of the tiniest particles in the air, as well as their structure and form.

Clone Frye knows that he must hold on. As long as he holds on, he can live indefinitely and have eternal time.

"Is it really okay with you?"

Heimo asked, and clone Frye smiled slightly, fell to the ground, and fell into a coma, but there were still 30 images in his mind. After a while, he saw Heimo carrying another The conscious self, the comatose self, came to this room located underground in Hemio.

Watching Heimo skillfully perform a series of operations, read the memory, and then place the read memory on the machine next to the cultivation cabin, clone Frye also opened his eyes in time and walked out of the cultivation cabin. came out, and with the birth of the new body, the pain temporarily eased.

"Thank you, Minister."

"Hurry up, the cadres are coming back."

In the dark and lightless space, X sat quietly. There was no concept of time or space. This was a place of infinite expansion, just like the universe, but There is no way to leave the authority, and your consciousness will be permanently imprisoned in this virtual space.


The AIs should be able to implement their own combat strategies very well. When they came to this land, they provided Tang Rao with a complete human genetic coding chart, and then died.

All plans started from that time. X knew very well that after living for more than three centuries, he knew that time was meaningless, but the final result was meaningful.

Recently, I often recall the moment when I logged into the asteroid as a clone. In just a few hours, everyone cheered and logged into the asteroid's exploration robot more than 20 years in advance. The new creatures provided by The molecular structure is correct, and humans can find ways to extend their lifespan from asteroids.

This is why the heads of countries and capitalists desperately want scientists to explore the truth of the mystery of the asteroid. The secret of life is hidden on that asteroid.

Whoever can find it first can go back as a hero. In the era of People who want to live longer.

Human beings are extremely greedy to explore the mysteries of life, but in the end, this greed has brought destruction to themselves.

"Who are you, the destroyer of worlds!"

X muttered secretly, and with a touch of dawn-colored particles, Ellie stood in front of X.

"You finally spoke."

"Miss Ellie!"

X shouted and looked over. The little glimmer of light emitted in the darkness was always so eye-catching, but X knew very well that the first person to unlock the mystery of life was the woman in front of him.

"What do you think is the ultimate thing that people pursue, Miss Ellie!"

"The continuation of life!"

X haha ​​laughed and nodded. He knew everything. The woman logged in to the asteroid as the Aerospace boat of a certain country, but she was just a corpse who was injected with condensation, but she was resurrected, but she was resurrected, but she was resurrected, but she was resurrected, but she was resurrected, but she was resurrected, but she was resurrected. On the morning of the third day.

It was because of Ellie's resurrection that thousands of top human scientists on the asteroid began to use force, because most of the scientists had received 10 years of combat training, and some of them were even the product of genes. , possessing top intelligence and a strong body.

"If you want to force it, then I don't mind destroying it together!"

X clearly remembers that Gene, the man standing in front of Ellie, made a very decisive threat, causing the exchange of fire to stop briefly. Everyone was discussing the next issue. Due to the gravity of the earth, the asteroid's movement was slow. There are still 4 days left, and everyone wants to discuss a solution.

However, at this time, a madman restored communication with the earth, and then he detonated the bomb. That madman named Li Chu made X feel angry every time he thought of him. It was he who personally destroyed the future of mankind. However, even if he doesn't detonate it, others won't sit still and wait to die.

If there is anything that is important to a group of crazy scientists who want to crack the mysteries of life, it is only family affection and love. In order to make these people obedient, they have been trained from a very early age. Family affection and love, because people are emotional animals, and if you want to control others, you can only start with emotions. This is the most difficult thing for humans to let go of, and the result is successful.

for love!

This is the reason why all the people from different countries take action, because they cannot let go, and as long as they kill each other, they can redeem their love from the hands of the controller after returning. No one hesitates, no one hesitates, and the chain of fate begins to curse. Everyone, Li Chu finally detonated the extremely unstable material on the asteroid.

Disaster struck in an instant. This destruction caused by human desires brought punishment. This was a punishment for all mankind. No one could escape, either endure it or be destroyed.

"It's so ridiculous, so ridiculous! Don't you think so, Ellie Smale!"

"Why do you know my name!"

Ellie looked at X who stood up in shock, and he shook his head.

"Because we once set foot on that asteroid together, I am also one of the sinners, but you are the biggest sinner! Because of your resurrection, the astronauts contacted their countries one after another, and the country gave them Special order!"

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