Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1455 Direction (Part 1)

9 o'clock sharp

Lolita stood quietly in an alley with her back against the wall. This was an alley in the commercial building area of ​​District 13 on the west side of the upper floor.

In the dark streets, there are only red lights flickering in the darkness and neon lights flashing on the outside of the building. The street lights in many commercial buildings on the upper floors have been extinguished. The whole city is now immersed in the celebration of the mutant combat examination. .

On the light and shadow screen in front of them, there were reports about the temporary medical settlement set up on the edge of the ravine from time to time. Many people actually felt that the Shike Branch had indeed changed. Some even spoke out for the good deeds of the Shishi Branch. Lolita stared at it. As I read these beautiful words, I felt extremely angry.

The people are kind-hearted, but they are also forgetful. The overwhelming reports and a series of actions have allowed the administrative department to establish a so-called correct image during this crisis.

Stupid people are always forgetful, and smart people choose to remain silent. This is probably the best and worst at the same time. People are always like this.

"Teacher Witte, are people always like this?"

"Ah! It's always like that."

There was a noise, and Lolita looked over. A cadre wearing a mask came over, with two long hair hanging on his shoulders.

"Flogger, you're late."

The woman was wearing a white shirt, jeans, and a pair of low heels, and she smelled of alcohol.

"What do you think is the connection between AIs and Chen Qiao Group?"

The Flagellant said as he pressed one hand on the wall next to the headquarters building of Chen Qiao's Blue Sky Group. Lolita shook her head.

"What a pity, those abandoned children!"

The Flagellant said, walking up to Lolita with enchanting steps, and she shook her head.

"Those people have died long ago and have lived in the grief and shadow caused by the massacre all their lives. Since it was their own choice, it is meaningless to talk about it now."

"You are so heartless! The interference plan has failed."

Lolita shook her head.

“Someone is always bleeding, and someone is always going to fall!”

"He is inherently cold-blooded. Isn't this recognized by everyone? Flagellant!"

Not far away, Tang Ye walked over wearing a mask, followed by an old man wearing a black and white striped round hat, dressed like a gentleman. Akimi did not wear a mask.

Lolita stared sideways upward.

"Doctor, since you are already here, there is no need to hide."

With a falling sound, Marcus landed on the ground, squatting with his toes on the ground, and his furry hands returned to normal little by little as the hair turned into dust.

"There are only a few of us, are there enough people?"

At the end of the alley, there was a woman wearing a white mask and a purple pleated dress.

"Mrs. Crystal, why did you come here?"

"I'm just interested in what the AIs want to show us."

The six people looked at each other.

"Where are Claude and Becky?"

Mrs. Crystal asked and Lolita said.

"I asked the two of them to look at the current Jie Lin, as well as the person from Section 2 who tried to contact Jie Lin. There are only six of us, okay!"

Lolita shouted, and at this time, the wall behind everyone was more than ten meters high. Along with the beams of light, they shot on the wall, and then spread out, and soon a beautiful female silhouette appeared. Bowed to everyone.

"Welcome to our base camp. I think you should know that only through in-depth cooperation can we deal with the common enemy, God!"

Everyone's expressions tightened. At this time, under the feet of several people, the ground seemed to melt and turned into some light particles, which quickly flew towards the AI ​​beauty's shadow on the wall. A pothole with a diameter of 3 meters appeared.

"I see, this place is made of light and shadow materials."

Tang Ye jumped down immediately, and others followed suit. At this time, the ground under everyone's feet began to sink, and a large number of light particles floated over everyone's heads, colorful, but soon darkened and turned into Made of stone and soil, a large number of light particles floated around everyone, and they kept falling.

The scattered light particles will immediately fill the space above their heads and turn into stone and soil.

"100 metres!"

The moment he stopped, the Flagellant spoke.

The stone wall in front of her began to decompose into light particles, and a door appeared. Lolita stepped out first. In a metal circular hall, in the middle, a strong man escorted an extremely weak woman. Her body was covered with blood. scars.

Both sides of the hall are filled with training chambers placed diagonally, and the situation inside cannot be seen. From left to right, there are 5 black and green digital phantom AIs with numerical signs on their heads, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 12.


While Lolita was speaking, Akimi took off his hat, bowed gentlemanly, and walked towards the frightened Hathaway.

"What are you going to do!"

Hathaway looked at the old man in front of her in astonishment, and stretched out his black-gloved hand toward him.

"I'm sorry, Miss! Please take off your clothes."

Hathaway was shocked, and an uncontrollable sense of shyness surged into her heart. The white-haired old man in front of her looked kind-hearted, with no malice in his eyes, but the guys opposite him were different. They should be rioters.

After a while, Hathaway took off her clothes, closed her eyes, and curled up on the ground.

“Is there a way to fix it in a week!”

Hathaway was trembling. Lolita came over and looked at the scars from her feet to her head. The old and new scars were superimposed. Most of the scars were caused by herself. She squatted in front of Hathaway and dragged her with one hand. Lifting Hathaway's chin, Hathaway opened her eyes.

"You don't want to die, do you?"

Hathaway nodded tremblingly. At this moment, Akimi took off his shirt, revealing a strong body covered with linear wounds. He took off his gloves and stood in front of Hathaway.

"Don't worry, I will heal all the wounds on your body. As for what's inside, I can't help you, Miss!"

"what have you done!"

Hathaway looked at Akimi in disbelief, and he said with a smile.

"I'm just controlling the robot to repair your damaged cells and remove those dead cells from the surface of your body. In a week, all the wounds you have during this period can be repaired, but I'm afraid you will have to fight with me this week. This bad old man like me is together."

At this time, Akimi had already stretched out his fingers, stood up, and sat quietly next to Hathaway. Hathaway was curled up on the ground, but the wounds on his body were indeed healing slowly.

"Old wounds take time to recover, but new wounds heal very quickly!"

"Let's get down to business!"

Lolita said, glancing at Hathaway.

"If such a threat remains, it will always be a hidden danger!"

Hathaway's eyes widened in horror, and Akimi stood up and picked her up.

"Are there any extra rooms?"

AI2 raised his hand and opened a door behind him. After saying thank you, Akimi walked in with Hathaway in his arms.

Lolita stared quietly at the five cold bodies in front of her. No matter how personified they were, they were just a bunch of data.

"I'm really crazy, negotiating with AI."

Flagellant said and Marcus smiled and nodded.

There was a slit on AI2's mouth, and it looked like he was smiling. Madam Crystal sneered.

"Please put away your disgusting smile, people don't smile like that."

AI12 spoke.

"We came to you today because we need your help!"

Lolita smiled and shook her head.

"It's better to deal with such a troublesome woman. We have someone here who can help you. It will be easy to deal with her."

"Hathaway has an 11.3% chance of completing our work!"

Tang Ye burst out laughing.

"With such a small probability, are you going to take this woman to the business department to gamble? If it is revealed, you will be finished."

AI4 said in a solemn voice.

"We believe in your technology! At the Eastern Security Station, four people have committed suicide."

Lolita was a little surprised.

"What else do you guys know?"

AI3 laughed in a child-like voice.

"The most critical thing is the liberation of other AIs. As long as we can liberate 48 AIs, we can control everything, everything in the city."

"It's not something that comes from just one mouth."

As soon as Lolita finished speaking, the light-shielding panels of the surrounding culture chambers disappeared, and a middle-aged man with no hair and white body soaked in liquid appeared.

At this time, along with the light, a light and shadow screen appeared in the middle. Lolita immediately recognized it as a human genetic coding map, with strings of genetic coding maps arranged in series.

At the top of the genetic coding map, there is a string of letters ihgsc.

"Isn't this a genome map? I've seen it before when I was studying. Do you want to fool us with this thing?"

"Have you ever understood the meaning of this? What is ihgsc?"

Facing this group of letters with unknown meaning, everyone was a little confused, but Marcus read something from this string of letters.

"As early as the 15th century, an anatomist named Andrea Vesalius proposed the idea of ​​human genes!"

The moment AI2 finished speaking, a series of photos of documentary records appeared on another light and shadow screen, and everyone started to look at it.

Starting in 2119, a huge organization called ihgsc, composed of scientists from many countries, took 13 years to complete an accurate human genome map in 2103. This success was announced in 2004, and The genome map is made available to the world for free in order to complete the small amount of human genome that has not yet been analyzed.

Human Life Project, as humans called it at that time, because based on the genome map, the genetic variables in a human body can be easily detected, and some genetic drugs can be used to control the variables after the development of these genes, completely changing human genetics. The pattern of disease hazards.

Diseases such as diabetes, cancer, hypertension, heart disease, gout, etc. are all closely related to genetic genes. However, such results are commendable to the 3,000 scientists who participated at that time and attracted worldwide attention. It is also a symbol of mankind's progress towards future success.

The release of this genetic chart has facilitated cloning projects and human superhuman transformation projects. Through this genetic technology, supermen with superior intelligence and physical abilities can be cultivated. Many countries are already doing this secretly.

At this time, there was a war video from more than 200 years ago on the screen. A special operations team composed of only 16 handsome men and beauties wiped out a local armed gang of 500 people.

"Tang Rao!"

Lolita's eyes widened and she looked in disbelief at the beautiful woman holding a cigarette in the middle of the photo. She was indeed Tang Rao, holding a sniper rifle in her hand.

"Then what does this have to do with the bald head lying in the training warehouse!"

Tang Ye asked, and AI2 said.


Lolita looked at everything in front of her in shock.

"You should have seen the genetic chart code God gave you, which contains a more complete protein code."

AI3 said, Lolita nodded.

"It's just that with the competition between major powers, human beings are inevitably involved in genetic wars. Super soldiers bred using genetic charts are everywhere. Their job is to lurk in assassinations and destruction. Due to the reduction of resources between countries, , environmental pollution, the economy and society began to deteriorate and they fought with each other. At this time, a star from a distant galaxy brought hope and opportunities. All countries wanted to compete for new materials on asteroids, because this could bring technology to the country. Progress and change on the asteroid, this is the truth about the destruction of mankind, not what idiot astronauts can do. Dr. The spaceship headed for the Skyline Space Station."

Lolita looked at everything in front of her with dull eyes, and a memory emerged in her mind.

"Teacher Witte, where did you come from?"

"We! We crawled out from the pile of bones."

"You are lying. Why are the other teachers reluctant to mention this matter? Can you tell me, Teacher Witte!"

"It's the real Lolita. More than 1,000 people brutally killed each other in just three days. We were lucky and survived the massacre, while the others have turned into stardust!"

Lolita walked to the front of a training cabin, touched the hatch with one hand, and looked at the man inside.

"Did he also survive by cloning?"


Tang Ye finally understood.

"That is to say, he has mastered cloning technology that is more advanced than ours. You can understand it this way!"

AI12 stared at Lolita quietly.

"There is no time left. The Sky Space Nation is about to visit. What we need to do is to establish a connection with them in a real sense. It is an illusion created by you all the time. If you want or defeat the qualifications of God, both of us must cooperate. !”

AI2 nodded.

"So Hathaway is necessary. I hope you can provide all the technologies to control the human body and keep Hathaway firmly in your hands. As long as she enters Section 10 safely, the success rate of our plan will be as high as 99.9%."

Tang Ye shook his head.

"There is a 0.01% probability of failure. Many times, only 0.01 is enough for things to fail. You are indeed not human. Such a plan is too risky. She has seen us and heard our voices, Aki The idiot old man Mina was even more impressed by her."

"We suffered misfortune from you last time. So many troops have now been burned to the ground!"

As the whipper spoke, he suddenly moved forward, his long legs like whips, and instantly kicked the new AI human who had previously clamped Lolita at the waist.

Blood spurted out instantly, and with a crunching sound, the metal frame protruded directly from the chest.

"How to calculate this loss? You don't say anything but have a condescending attitude, so you are just a bunch of data."


The five AIs all looked at a culture cabin that had been kicked open. The Flagellant pinched his nose, pulled out the clone inside, and tore open the clone's chest with his hands. The organs were scattered all over the floor. , and then the Flagellant directly smashed open the clone's head. Sure enough, he found a small black chip with many lines on it from the liquid spilled on the floor, and tore it directly from the brain.

Lolita giggled. At this time, Marcus had come to an edge and set up a light and shadow screen. Soon he punched out a bunch of cables from the wall and cut them off directly. .

At this time, some defensive weapons that will appear on the wall are all ineffective.

"Unfortunately, you are not asking us, but you are asking us. Do you understand?"

The reactions of the five AIs were a little slow at this time, and Tang Ye covered his stomach and laughed.

"You are very smart, but you just rely on huge data, but we rely on our brains to do things!"

Lolita said and walked to the middle of the five AIs.

"Are you already sick?"

AI2 said, Lolita laughed wildly, and the Flagellant even more recklessly broke the culture chambers one by one. Looking at the leaking culture chambers, the lights went out, and instantly the red particles lit up.

"Everyone, can you listen to what I say? After all, it would be bad for both of us to fight now!"

Akimi's voice sounded, and the lights turned on again. Pipes appeared in the four corners, and everyone had put on gas masks.

"Akimi, I don't think there's anything to talk about. As you can see, these guys are just idiots."

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